05/03/196145 May 3, 1961 The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village 4all at 8. :00 P.M., Wednesday, May 3, 1961. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: Joseph W. Koes, President John F. Aberson ;iarold L. Peterson Maurice C. Petesch Winston S. Porter Arno D. Wehle Absent: None and-that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Thomas Matthews, Attorney, and Norris Stilphen, Manager. Moved by Trustee Porter, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that minutos of the regular meeti n,7 held Apri 1 12, 1961 and t.ie adjourned meeting held Apri 1 24, 1961 IT- be approved as submitted, and posted in the lobby for public inspection. kotion I,- carried unanimously. Approve Payroll & Bills Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Wehlc;, that the payroll for the month of Aspr, ii Il in the amount of $17,631.90 be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) , The following bills were presented for consideration: Baxter & Woodman $ 146.03 Wigert Construction Co. 11,062.75 Baxter & Woodman 46.53 Des Plaines Engineering 4,610.19 Dupons Construction Co. 1, 191.00 Municipal Finance Officers Assn. 10.00 Lucile Untulis 15.00 'lattie Wessling 15.00 B. M. Nickelsen 15.00 Margaret Yous 15.00 William laggie 15.00 Katherine Paul 15.00 Virginia Kloote 15.00 Jane Rudolph 15.00 Patricia Gustie 15.00 Miriam Rodell 15.00 Adel] Nordhous 15.00 Naomi Clampitt 15.00 Ruth Mitchell 15.00 Mary Fosdick 15.00 Nadine Evans 15.00 Ruth - reenslade 15.00 Olive Christy 15..00 Mary Sayre 15.00 Margaret Bagge 15.00 Mabel ;dolt 15.00 James Galloway 7.00 National Fire Protection 5.40 Advance Contractors Supply 32.25 Antes Sign Co. 8.50 Berry Bearing Co. 6.31 B -I -F Industries 4.25 B.A.T, Inc. 202.96 Roy Chaffin 10.00 J. B. Clow h Co. 233.75 Deerfield Review 67.62 DesPlaines Engineering 180.00 D -X Sunray Oil Co. 998.35 E & li Uti 1 i ty Sales 56.59 Fragassi TV 3.50 Franken Bros. 1:184.50 I Q I Generl Tire Co. Grimm- ;iiansen- Treland '-Iautau & Otto Village of Deerfield S. W. :lawkes :1olmes Motor Co. Robert Hyi nk Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Illinois Municipal League N. J. Johnson D. D. Kenney, Inc. Ed Klasi nski J. W. Koss Lakeland Redigas Lindemann Pharmacy Madison Chemical T. A. Matthews R. D. McFarland W.C. McCrone Meyer & Wenthe National Safety Council National Safety Council F. J. Henning & Son Ann S. Olesak P.F. Pettibone & Co. Chas. E. Piper Public Service Co. Recorder of Deeds Reiland & Bree Charles Rogers Wm. Ruehl $ Co. Sinclair Mineral & Chemical Co. Kenneth Shorts Singer Printing Sparking Spring Water Norris W. Stilphen Tropical Paint Co. Waukegan Typewriter. Wilmette Tire Co. Zep Mfg. Corp. 141.42 14.75 61.54 .3.30 21.70 6.08 20.00 324.61 12.00 1,788.00 83.42 11.86 76.05 1.60 2.20 25.00 850.00 20.00 125.00 3.75 50.00 10.80 35.00 5.25 9.32 75.06 1,729.37 2.50. 23.48 423.39 18.36 20,10 340.00 49.00 5.40 5.45 3.47 1.24 35.08 18.00 Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (5) Ngys: None (0) The meeting was recessed for a,meeting of the Board of Local Improvements and was reconvened at 8 :25 P.M. Gifts were presented to the retiring Trustees and President. This concluded the actions of the retiring Board, and after taking the Oath of Office, the newly elected officers, President David C. Whitne, Trustees Ira K. Hearn, Jr., John A. S. Lindemann, and James E. Mandler, and Villaige Clerk Catherine B. Price were seated. Upon roll call the following were Present: David C. Whitney, President John F. Aberson Ira K. Hearn, Jr. John A. S. Lindemann James E. Mandler Maurice C. Petesch Winston S. Prter Absent: None. Discussion was hdd regarding days and frequence of ,regular Board meetings. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Hearn, that regular meetings be held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 8 :00 P.M., and the required ordinance be prepared. Motion carried unanimously. 1 1 47 _ Resolution - Manpower Commission A resolution was-presented and read establishing a Manpower Commission, and appointing five members. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the resolution be adopted. After discussion, Trustee Aberson moved,that the resolution be amdnded,to provide that the Manpower Commission shall conduct its studies at the request of the President, that terms of members shall be for three years after initial appointments, and that one or more qualified persons shall be recommended to fill vacancies on Boards and Commissions. Seconded by Trustee Hearn. Upon roll call, the amendment was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Hearn, Lindemang, Mandler, Petesch, Porter (6) Nays: None (0) 01:4M 11T1 nni WHEREAS, it has been determined that it would be to the advantage of the Village of Deerfield that a Committee of five members, known as the Manpower Commission, be established to make a study of the personnel needs of the various committees of the Village, and, at the request of the President, to make recommendations of qualified persons for the consideration of the Board of Trustees' a�° NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: i� The Board of Trustees establish such a Committee and appoint the following individuals to serve as indicated: For three years - Mr. Joseph Powell - Mr. Howard Kane The resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Hearn, Lindemann, Handler, Petesch (5) Nays: Porter (1) Ordinance For two years - Mrs. Jules Beskin the President and Board of Trustees on the first and - Mrs. Locke Rogers o'clock P.H. For one year - Mr. Clifford Johnson that the The successor of each member so appointed shall serve for a,term of three yea s. BE IT FURT,IER RESOLVED that the above established Manpower Commission be requested to conduct a study and recommend to the Board of Trustees at their meeting in June one'. or more qualified individuals to fill the vacancies existing on the Boards and Commissions of the Village. The resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Hearn, Lindemann, Handler, Petesch (5) Nays: Porter (1) Ordinance - 1st & 3rd An ordinance was presented for .regular meetings of Monday Regular Meetings the President and Board of Trustees on the first and third Monday of each month at eight o'clock P.H. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded'by Teustoe Lindemann, that the rules be waived to permit passage of the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Petesch then,.moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the said crein- ance be adopted. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded and the ordinance declared passed: Ayes: Aberson, ;learn, Lindemann, handler, Petesch, Porter (6) Nays: None (0) Resolution - Sara Lee & M Trustee Petesch moved, seconded_ by Trustee Handler, Regulations to Plan Corp. that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is evident that benefit would accrue to the Village bf Deerfield by a re -study of the Plan Commission proposals relative to Sara Lee proposed Zoning and a redraft of the M- Manufacturing District classification as prepared by them, and 48 WHEREAS, in light of the various criticisms which have been raised, it would be well to consider these proposals as a whole: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: The proposed Sara Lee re- zoning of the Mercurio tract and the proposed Zoning Amendment recently submitted by.the Plan Commission to the Board of Trustees be referred back to them for further study to be returned, with what- ever recommendations and modifications they feel are necessary, to the Board of Trustees at the first regular meeting in June, 1961. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance - Somerset S/A Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, 0- 61 -12) that the ordinance be adopted providing for the improvement of Somerset Avenue between Forest Avenue and Oakley Avenue, by special assessments. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Mandler, Petesch, Porter, Hearn (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Wilmot Sidewalk Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, S/A (0- 61 -13) that the ordinance be adopted providing for the construction of sidewalks on Wilmot Road by spec1al assessments. Adopted by the following -vote: Ayes: Aberson, Hearn, Lindemann, Mandler, Petesch, Porter (6) Nays: None (0) Discussion was had regarding the provision of the Statutes which permits sidewalks to be constructed by the owner within forty days after the passage of the ordinance and the assessment rolls decreased by the engineer's estimated - cost of construction of the sidewalk so installed. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that each person listed on the assessment roll be notified that permits must be taken out by June 1, 1961 if the sidewalk is to be constructed by the owner or owner's contractor, and later be notified of the final date for completion of the work in order to be excluded from the assessment, in order that adequate dime be allowed for owners to comply after the grading for curb and gutters iry completed. ` Motion carried unanimously. An ordinance was presented providing for the installation of sewer and water mains on Wilmot, Birchwood and Rosewood Avenue by special assessments. The Manager stated that the Board of Local Improvements at the meting held April 12, 1961, had authorized proceeding with only the construction of the sanitary sewer. Trustee Petesch pointed out that the sanitary sewer was required as an emergency health measure, and construction of additional facilities should be carefully studied in relation to the overall plan for the entire Hovland Subdivision. Moved by Trustee Porter, seconded by Trustee Mandler, that the Board adjourn for a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Hearn, Lindemann, Mandler, Porter (5) Nays: Petesch :) (1) The meeting of the Board of Trustees was reconvened by the President at 9:50 P.M. Resolution - Hovland Plan Trustee Mandler moved,.seconded by Trustee to Plan Commission Petesch, that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION UiEREAS, the Citizens' Advisory Committee of School District #110 has submitted a report to the Board of Trustees regarding the rezoning of the Hovland Subdivision; and WHEREAS, it would appear in the best :. I rterests of the community to have further hearings and d -iscussions by the Plan Commission in connection with the proposals of this report: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: The Board of Trustees refer this report of the Citizens' Advisory Committee of School District #110 to the Plan Commission for a new public hearing with the request that the recommendations of the Plan Commission be prepared and returned for action by the Board of Trustees at their first regular meeting in July. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance - Rosewood - Birchwood S/A Sewer Water (0- 61 -14) Trustee Aberson moved, seconded permit passage of the ordinance following vote: IN- AFUI The ordinance was presented providing for the installation of sewer and water mains on Wilmot, <.osewood and Birchwood Avenue by special assessments. by Trustee Mandler, that the rules be waived to at its first presentation. Adopted by the IT- Ayes: Aberson, Hearn, Lindemann, Mandler, Porter (5) 00 Nays: Petesch (1) Trustee Aberson moved, seoonded by Trustee Mandler, that the said ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded and the ordinance declared passed: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Mandler, -learn, Porter (5) Nays: Petesch (1) The Manager was directed to notify property owners affected by the Roseviood- Birchwood improvements of the Board's action. Ordinance- Recapture Agree- The ordinance was presented providing for the mentSchool District #108 collection by the Village of a connection charge 0 -61 -15 from the developer, to reimburse School District #108 for 70 of the cost ($3,710) of the installation of sanitary sewer and water mains on Carriage Way Road and Smoke Tree Road, with maps showing locations of said mains attached to and made a part of the ordinance. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the said ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded, and the ordinance declared passed: Ayes: Aberson, Hearn, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter (5) Nays: Mandler (1) Approve Fund Transfers In accordance with the recommendations of the Auditor for the Village, Mr. Harry Temple, Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee:Aberson, that $4,258.79 be transferred from the Old Water Fund to the New Water Fund, and the balance of approximately $53,000 remaining in the Old Water Fund be transferred to the General Corporate Fund, both transfers to be retroactive.to the fiscal year 1960 -61. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that $50,000 be transferred from the General Fund to the Sewer Revenue Fund, in repayment of the loan authorf.zed November 11, 1959, said transfer to be retroactive to the fiscal year 1960 -61. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that $68,000 be transferred from the Sewer Revenue Fund Ao the General Corporate Fund retroactive to the fiscal year 1960 -61. Motion ca,r. r i ed unanimously. Objection was made by a member of the audience to the use of payments made for sewer service charges for general operations of the Village. The Manager stated operating costs of the sewerage system would be increased with completion of the plant enlargement. 50 Discussion was had regarding the use of bond funds replafed by the Federal Grant for sewage treatment plant construction. Trustee Porter moved that the Board authorize the abatement of the tax levy for the 1960 Sewer Bond issue using excess bond funds to meet payments. Motion failed for lack of a second. Sales Tax Funds The use of Sales Tax income was discussed at Resolution length. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Hearn, that the following resolution be'adopted: RESOLVED that Sales Tax Funds in excess of the amounts nequired for Municipal Building Bond payments and commitments for the Frost and Breitling parking lots be and are hereby made available for General Corporate purposes; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Resolution passed March ;9, 1960 which provided that $2,000 per month be set aside from Sales Tax receipts for parking lot acquisition and improvements be rescinded. Motion carried unanimously. Budget The Budget for the fiscal year 1961 -62 was reviewed. Decision was made to charge the operating costs ofthe Village Hall to the Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Street and Bridge Fund and General Corporate Purposes Fund, each paying one - quarter of the total cost. The operation of the Village Garage shall be paid by the Water Fund, Sewer Fund and Street and Bridge Fund, each paying one -third of the total cost. It was further decided that no funds shall be budgeted for contingencies, although funds will be appropriated in the annual appropriation ordinance and shown in the tax levy ordinance. Resol,ution - Authorized Trustee Petesch moved , seconded by Trustee Signatures Lindemann, that the following resolution be a dopted: RESOLVED that following officials be and are hereby authorized to sign checks on behalf of the Village of Deerfield: David C. Whitney, President, or Trustee Winston S. Porter, or Trustee Ira K. Hearn, Jr:; Ann S. Olesak, Treasurer; and Catherine B. Price, Village Clerk; three signatures required. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Petesch, seconded by Trustee Hearn, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED- C/QLAJ-'`CY T/ President ATTEST: Village Clerk 1