08/26/1959193 August 26, 1959 The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Wednesday, August 26, 1959 at 8 :30 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: G. E. Holmquist, President John F. Aberson Joseph W. Koss Harold L. Peterson Maurice C. Petesch Arno D. Wehle Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Thomas Matthews, Village Attorney, and Mr. Royce Owens, Village Manager, were also C0 present. Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that reading of < minutes of the regular meeting held August 12, 1959 be dispensed with, and E approved as submitted. ulj Motion carried unanimously. Motion Failed - Improvement Trustee Koss discussed the desirability of 20' Easement - Deerfield Rd.. providing immediate access to the Deerfield to Shopping Center Commons Shopping Center from Deerfield Road, and moved that the Board approve the improve- ment of the 20 ft. easement along the Eastsi :de of Lot 7, Bleimehl's Subdivision, and attempt to induce Messrs. Gastfield and Eragassi to dedicate their:] -0 ft. easement$, which, WI th an additional triangular swath of the Gastfield property, would permit three traffic lanes with sidewalk at the rear portion of the road- way, with a narrowing to two lanes at Deerfield Road. Trustee Peterson seconded the motion. Mr. Lawrence Dondanville, Westgate Road,stated studies by the Safety Council and Parking Committee clearly showed the need for a street meeting Village standards, and recommended acquisition of Lot 7 for reasons of traffic flow and safety. Trustee Porter presented a written statement listing 16 reasons why the improvement of the twenty foot easement should not,be approved, which statement was made a part of the record. ' Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Koss, Peterson (2) Nays: Aberson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (4) Motion fai :led'to carry. Condemnation - Lot 7 Trustee Petesch requested the Village Manager Bleimehl's Subdivision to secure an answer from Mr. Bruce Frost on the Village's offer to purchase;,:Lot 7, Bleimehl's Subdivision. He then moved, that if the Village's offer is not accepted, the Village Attorney be instructed to proceed with condemnation. Seconded by Trustee Wehle. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (4) Nays: Peterson, Koss (2) Budget Adopted - 1959-60 Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the budget for the Village's fiscal year May 1, 1959 - April 30, 1960,. be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) 194 Refer R -6 & R -7 Zoning to Plan Commission R -7 !)!i stri cts be referred to the Motion.carried unanimously. Authorize Attorney Re: Tanelian Law Suit suit filed by Edward and Julia Adopted by thefollowing vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Petesch, Nays: Peterson (1) Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the question of amendment to the Zoning Ordinance with respect to R -6 and Plan Commission to hold public hearings. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the Village Attorney be authorized to defend the Village in the Tanelian against the Village of Deerfield. Porter, Wehle (5) Approve R -2 Zoning The Plan Commission recommended that the Rix Tratt- Rix tract at the Northwest corner of Green- wood Avenue and Waukegan Road be rezoned to the R -2 One - family, District classification, in accordance with the letter of agreement from Mr. Rix. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Porter, that the Boar.'d concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and an ordinance be prepared to effectuate the change in zoning. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehrle (6) Nays: None (0) B.A.R.E. Petition The Plan Commission recommended denial of Report Tabled the petition of the Benevolent Association of Railroad Employees to amend the zoning Ordiinance to provide automatic classification ag an R- 1- A.One- family District upon annexation of their 18 acre tract lying West of Wilmot Road. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the Board not concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and an ordinance be,-prepared to amend the zoning ordinance to provide R -1 -A zoning of the tract when annexed. After a brief discussion, Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the matter be tabled for further study. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) The Village Manager was instructed to discuss the above matter with the Board of Education of School District ##110. Resolution - Reimbursement to-County Line Sewer Contributors ments to be made to each project, such reimbursem the said sewer. Adopted Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that a resolution be adopted setting forth the percentage of reimburse - contributor to the County Line Road Sewer construction ants to be made from funds paid for connections to by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Special Charges Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee County Line Road Sewer Petesch, that an ordinance be adopted 0' =59-48 setting forth special connection charges to be paid for connections to the County Line Road sanitary sewer, in accordance with the schedule and map attached to and made a part of the ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Request for Referendum Mr. William Marshall, Jr.,attorney for Re: Brickyard the petitioners requesting a referendum on the acquisition of the National Brick Co. property for a sanitary land fill operation, addressed the Board, urging that a special election be held and no action be taken by the Board until the wishes of the residents of the Village are made known by a referendum. President Holmquist assured Mr. Marshall that he would notify both Mr. Marshall and Mr. Donald Dickens of any action to be taken by the Board.in this matter. Trustee Petesah left the meeting at 10 :30 P.M. Deny Deerfield Savings & The request of Deerfield Savings and Loan for Loan Storm WAter Connection a permit to connect Storm water drainage to to Combined Sewer the combined sewer in Deerfield Road was dis- cussed at length. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Porter, that the request of Deerfield Savings and Loan for a permit for connection of storm water drainage to the combined sewer be denied, in accordance with the established policy of the Village. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Porter, Wehle (4) Nays: Koss (1) Motion Failed - Deerfield Rd. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Storm SEwer by S/A Peterson, that the question of installing a storm sewer in Deerfield Road by special assessments be referred to the Board of Local Improvements for consideration. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Koss, Peterson (2) Nays: Aberson, Porter, Wehle (3) Pass: Holmquist (1) Motion failed for lack of a majority. Ordinance - Civi:l Defense Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee (0-59-49) Koss, that an ordinance be adopted relating to Civil Defense. Adopted by the following vote: a Ayes: Aberson, Peterson, Koss, Holmquist (4) Nays: Porter,-Wehle (2) There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by Trustee Wehle, seconded by Trustee Peterson, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Village Clerk 1 APPROVED: Village Pre ident 19 Gr ] 196 lled nas also LJ L 1