07/08/1959176 July 8, 1959 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Wednesday, July 8, 1959 at 8:15 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: John F. Aberson Joseph W. Koss Harold L. Peterson Maurice C. Petesch W,i,nston S. Porter Arno D. Wehle Absent: G. E. Holmquist, President and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the rm eting. Mr. Thomas Matthews, Village Attorney, and Mr. Royce Owens, Village'Manager, were also present. On motion by Trustee Petesch, seconded by Trustee Porter, Trustee Porter was appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that minutes of the regular meeting held June 10, 1959 and the adjourned meetings held June 17 and 24, 1959, be approved as submitted. Approve Bills The following bills were presented for consideraion: Acme Service $ 41.70 American Marietta Co. 102.37 Badger Meter Co. 1365.00 Peter Baker & Son Co. 155.20 Bernard Chevrolet 58.83 Board of Supervisors 45.00 B.A.T. 53 -2.63 Chandlers 14.76 Eric Christenson 90.00 J. B. Clow Inc. 260.81 Cosmas Food Mart 9.25 County Line Shell Service 4.00 Dahl's Auto Co. 2.00 Deerfield Animal Hospital 15.25 Deerfield Bike Shop 4.95 Deerfield Disoposal 14.00 Deerfield Lawn & Garden Spot 54.14 P Deerfield Lumber & Fuel 11.66 Deerfield News Agency 4.10 Deerfield Oil Co. 184.90 Di Pietro Plumbing 305.76 R.H. Donnelley Inc. 3.00 D -X Sunray Oil Co. 425.40 Elliott Co. 5.16 Ralph Elson, M.D. 10.00 G.H. Fredbeck 33.00 Frost's TV 47.00 Richard Gilmore 245.82 John Gourley & Co. 39.90 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 815.50 Cosmas Food Mart 9.25 Di Pietro Plumbing 6.65 D -X Sunray Oil Co. 110.87 Deerfield Hardware 4.44 Himelblau Byfield 9.72 0 "Leary's 270.00 Pacific Flush Tank Co. 42.00 Snap On Tomis 21.65 Sprakling Spring Co. 6.90 Village Hardware 8.90 1 1 L Q0 Ql� 1 1 Shell Oil Service Petty Cash City of Highland Park Police Pension Fund Petty Cash George Sticken I.B.M. C. H. Hanson Herring Hall Co. Deerfield Review City of Highland Park Holmes Motor Co. Phil Johnson Inc. Kay!s Animal Shelter Lake Car Wash Liem Chemical Co. Lindemann Pharmacy Material Service Corp. Menoni Macogni Meyer Wenthe, Inc. National Cash Register Co. O'Leary's Panama: Beaver Inc. David J. Petersen Pub l i c..Se ry i ce Reed R ndle Co. J. A. Renaldi Remington Rand Reiland & Bree M. Rosset Inc. Shore Line Blue Print Kenneth Shorts Snap On Tools Soundscriber Stanton it Rockwell Suburban Building Village Hardware James Weber H. Ziebell Co. 48.88 69.68 7690.80 46.30 26.53 74.00 12.86 177.00 15.50 21.00 12369.36 25.12 10.88 78.00 21.00 32.75 1.50 19.00 13.86 9.00 297.10 80.62 68.62 33.21 339.34 130.51 23.47 4.75 224.89 40.00 22.03 25.00 17.20 5.23 200.00 100.00 39.22 10.25 204.08 Trustee Peterson moved,seconded by Trustee Aberson, that.the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Reports The President pro tem stated that reports of the various Departments of the Village were posted in the lobby for inspection by interested persons, and therefore would not be read publicly. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that the reports be received and filed. Motion carried-unanimously. Approval Floral Park Sub. approved, as recommended by by the President and.Clerk. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson that the plat of Floral Park Subdivision be the Plan Commission, and the said plat be executed Ordinance - 7 Membbrs Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson Boardof Zoning Appeals that an ordinance be adopted koviding for seven (0-59-38) (7) members of the Board of Zoning Appeals, in accordance with the State Statutes. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson,. Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) .177 178 Contract - Stanton it Rockwell Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, 1 Year - $350 per Month that the contrdct with Stanton & Rockwell for planning consultant services be. renewed for a one year period, from July 16, 1959 through Huly 15, 1960, at.a salary of $350.00 per month. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) �I Approve Osterman Entrance Trustee Aberson moved, seconded byTrustee Koss, to Shopping Center! that the revised plans for the Osterman Avenue j entrance to the Deerfield Commons Shopping Center be approved, as recommended by the Superintendent of Inspections, and approved by the adjoining property owners. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Purchase_ Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Mosaic Map - $250 that the expenditure of $250.00 be approved for the purchase of a mosaic map from Highland Park High School. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Topo Map Trustee Koss recommended that a topographical National Brick Co. map of the National Brick Company be acquired to estimate accurately the number of cubic yards of fill needed to bring the excavation to.grade. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the expenditure of not to exceed $615.00 be authorized for a topographical map, and that Mr. Bernard Weber, owner of the property, be requested to pay one -half the cost of the said map. Adopted by the following vote: I Ayes: Aberson, Koss,. Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Sign - Ford Pharmacy Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the sign for the Ford Pharmacy be approved. and permit issued. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Billboard- Pedersen Apple Tree -Arbor Vitae at the Northeast corner.-Of moved, seconded by Trustee of the Board of Zoning App, by the following vote: The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended approval of Mr. Arnold Pedersen's. petition to erect a bill- board on Lot 20, West Deerfield Man or Subdivision, Apple Tree and Arbor Vitae Roads. Trustee Koss Petesch, that the Board concur in the recommendation sals, and the permit for said sign be issued. Adopted Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) - Approve Coons:-Sign The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended approval 623 Deerfield Road of the petition-of Mr. John Coons, Realtor, for a sign at 623 Deerfield Road, in the front yard; area. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and the permit for said sign be issued. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss,'Petersoq, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: Porter (1) Motion carried by majority vote: 179 Approve Variation The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended approval 942 Alden Court of Mr. Robert Davis' petition for a variation from the side yard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance at the premises known as 942 Alden Court. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and an ordinance be prepared granting such variation. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Proclamation - Water Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, Restrictions that the Proclamation be published setting forth the restrictions on use of water from Village mains for sprinkling purposes. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Authorize Plans & Specs. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Water Improvements that Baxter and Woodman, Engineers, be directed to prepare plans and specifications for water improve- ments to be submitted to the Sanitary Water Board for approval, for the issuance of Water Revenue Bonds to cover the cost of construction of said improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Variation The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended approval 706 Deerpath Drive of the petition of Mr. H. R. Gleason for a variation from the side yard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance at the premises known as 706 Deerpath Drive. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and an ordinance be prepared granting such variation. Adopted by the following vote: cA .v Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: . None (0) Deed to County for Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, Road Purposes that theVillage convey by Deed to Lake County the area described as follows for Road purpose, being 0.004 acres: That part of the south east quarter of the south east quarter of Section 28 in Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian in County of Lake, and _State .of,.l. pl i not s, lying vii-thin a distance of 40 feet of the following descr.i•bed;.eenfeI ' U ne .mf State Aid Route 11 Extended: Beginning at a point on the west line of the east half of the south east quarter of the-'south east quarter of said Section 28. 3.43 feet north of the south west corner of said east half of said quarter quarter section; thence easterly 12.2 feet along.a line parallel to a line forming an an §le of Oo - 05' - 30" (measured from east to north) with the souht line of said east half of said quarter quarter -section, thence northeasterly 517.6 feet along a curved line to the left, concave .,northwesterly, having a radius of 818.57 feet, and tangent to the last described course, thence northeasterly 204.6 feet, along a line tangent to the last described course to a point on the east line of said Section 28, lying 283.53 feet north of the southeast corner of said Section 28, except that part as now exists and constitutes a part of the existing public highway. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Proclamation - Water Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, Restrictions that the Proclamation be published setting forth the restrictions on use of water from Village mains for sprinkling purposes. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Authorize Plans & Specs. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Water Improvements that Baxter and Woodman, Engineers, be directed to prepare plans and specifications for water improve- ments to be submitted to the Sanitary Water Board for approval, for the issuance of Water Revenue Bonds to cover the cost of construction of said improvements. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) 180 Ordinance - Roof Drains Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee (0-59-39) Petesch, that an ordinance be adopted amending the Sewer Use Ordinance (No. 172) prohibiting the future connection of roof drains to the sanitary or storm sewer, and pro- viding tha t water from roof drains shall not be permitted to flow onto or across any private property other than the premises on which the building is located. Adopted by theFfollowing vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Pfeparation - Plans, Trustee Aberson ineported he had .discussed Specs, Sewage Plant Enlargement enlargement of the Sewage Treatment PI, nt with several engineering firms. After a brief discussion, Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, that a contract be entered into with Baxter and Woodman, Engineers, covering the preparation of plans and specifications for the enlargement of the Sewage Treatment Plant, and the Engineers be directed to notify the State Sanitary Water Board of this action. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) N;rys: None (0) Request was made by Mr. Gilbert that the letter from the State Sanitary Water Board, notifying the Village that no permits for sanitary sewer extensions would be granted, be placed on the agenda for the next Board meeting for-;reading and discussion. Approve Payment to E.&.M. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, County Line Sr-wer - Withhold that the Board approve payment of all but $10,000 $10,000 to E. &. M. Sewer Contractors for construction of the County Line Road sewer; the $10,000 being sufficient to cover final work to be completed, and that Change Order #5 be stricken. ADopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss,'Peterson, Petesch, Portibr, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Food Peddling Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, Failed to Pass that an ordinance be adopted prohibiting the peddling of food for human consumption on any public way in the Village. U pon_roll call, the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Petesch, Porter, Wehle (3) Nays: Aberson, Peterson, Koss (3) The Ordinance failed to pass for lack of a majority. Trustee Petesch requested the ordinance be reconsidered at a future meeting. Approve Peddler's License Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Mrs. R. W. Deimler Peterson, that a Peddler's license be issued to Mrs. R. W. Deimler, Waukegan. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Porter, Wehle (5)" Nays: Petesch (1) The President pro tem announced that the Ordinance Regulating Traffic has been published, copies being avilable at the Village Hall, and the new- ordinance would now be enforced. Resolution Opposing Cook County Zoning ship, Cook County, to Business lution be sent to the Zoning B, Adopted by the following vote: Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that a resolution be adopted opposing the rezoning of property in Northfield Town - and Industrial Uses, and copies of said Reso- :)ard of Cook County and the Cook County Board. i Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) In answer to questions from the floor, it was stated that a Village Manager ordinance was being considered by a Committee, but the Budget and adoption of the Appropriation Ordinance were of primary importance and had required meetings of the Committee. On motion by Trustee Wehle, seconded by Trustee Peterson, and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned to July 29, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. APPROVED:.:: President ATTEST: c, — PAe�c Village Clerk 1 1 181