06/10/1959June 10, 1959 The regular meetingof the President and Village of Deerfield was called to order by the of the Village Hall on Wednesday, June 10, 1959 the roll and reported the following were 16 Q15 Board of Trustee of the President in the Council Chambers at 8 :10 P.M. The Clerk called Present: G. E. Holmquist, President John F. Aberson Joseph W. Koss Harold L. Peterson Winston S. Porter Arno D. Wehle Absent: Maurice C. Petesch and that a quorum.was present and in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Thomas Matthews, Village Attorney, and Mr. Royce Owens, Mangger, were also present. Flo qt- Reading of minutes of the adjourned meeting held May 20, 1959 was dispensed with, and minutes approved as submitted. Trustee Petesch entered'the.:meeti ng and was present thereafter. Certification of Bills Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that hereafter the Village Manager certify each list of bills as to their accuracy, and the Village Attorney work with the Manager to prepare an acceptable form for such certification. • Motion carried unanimously. Bills The following bills were presented for consideration: Aberdeen Cartage Company $ 37.69 American Marietta Co. 135.38 Peter Baker &*Co. 79.20 Bernard Ctev -Olds Inc. 50.36 E. W. Boehm Co. 461.09 B.A.T. 639.72 Central Tire Co. 2.00 Chicago Door Corp. 15.00 J.B.Clow & Sons 96.:75' Craftwood Lumber Co. -9.95 Crown Temp. Engineering Co. 31.20 Arthur Crumpler '.2.09 Dee rf i e 1•d Animal Hospital 22.25 Deerfield Hardware & Paint 5.80 Deerfield Lawn Spot 62.91 Deerfield Lumber & Fuel 1.36 Deerfield News Agency 2.05 Deerfield Oil Co. 56.47 Deerfield Review 69.75 DX Sunray Oil Co. 210.00 DX Sunray Oil Co. 320.76 Elliott Addressing Co. 5.27 Ralph E1son, M.D. 10.00 Field & Schiller 75.00 Harriet J. Flugum 25:00 Chas. B. Foelsch, M.D. 7.50 Bruno Fontana °'25..00 Frost's TV "21.90 Richard Gilmore 21,6.47 GReat Lakes Equip. Co. 162.00 City of Highland Park 2.00 Holmes Motor Co. 33.49 G. Eldon Holmquist 7.75 Illinois Municipal League 2.00 166 Jacobs Business Machine Hunter Johnson Phil Johnson, Inc. Kline Plumbing Co. Lake Car Wash Lakeside Glass Co. Arnold Liebling Lien Chemical Co. Joe Link Dick Longtin's Lumalite Products Co. McMaster Carr Co. Meyers Bros. Meyer & Wenthe Inc. Mars Signal Light Co. Motor Parts. Co. National Cash Register Co. Neptune Meter Co. North Suburban Copy Service Panama Beaver Inc. Arnold Pedersen David Petersen Aksel Petersen Chas. Piper Public Service Co. Reiland & Bree Inc. Remington Rand Thomas Rogge Shore Line Blue Print Co. Kenneth Shorts Singer Printing Co. Soundscriber Sales Corp. Stanton & Rockwell Frank Stone Supt. of-Documents Village Hardware Walton & Walton Waukegan Steel Sales Verako Products Inc. West Disinfecting Co. Herman Ziebell Co. Di Pietro Plumbing American Pipe Cleaning Central Tire Co. Central Scientific Dahl's Auto Reconstruction Deerfield-Oil Co. DX Sunray,0il Co. Great Lakes Fire Equipment Frost's TV McMaster Carr Co. Pacific Flush Tank Co. Precision Equipment Co. Public Service Co. E. H. Sargent Co. Village Hardware Petty Cash City of Highland Park Thomas Rogge UnitedSTates Post Office Lake Shore Travel A. Anthony Gillis Lee's Construction Co. R 1.50 20.00 4.64 231.00 9.80 3.00 575.00 32.75 45.00 125.00 9.50 57.60 25.24 42.75 2.40 7.87 25.73 686.66 40.00 183.60 128.56 ::5.00 25.00 27.00 321.81 139.86 321.73 40.30 14.40 215.00 258.00 2:.00 200.00 20.00 5.00 79.24 345:80 3.48 125.00 13.15 202.44 15.70 2046.20 3.50 13.33 4.00 17.25 20.50 5.04 46.55 12.25 42.00 39.95 317.88 28.29 10.44 78.18 8073.60 28.00 75.00 31.20 135.00 1669.75 Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) 1 1 1 167 No Rpports to be Read Mr. Owens, Village Manager, recommenddd that time be saved by dispensing with the reading of reports, since copies of all reports are sent to Trustees, and copies posted in the lobby for public inspection. Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, that the Manager's recommendation be approved by the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Pass OrdinanceRe: Committees The Village Manager read the letter dated June 9, 1959 Over President's Veto from the Village President vetoing the ordinance passed May 13, 1959, providing for the appointment of Committees of the Board by the Board. The ordinance was read by Trustee Wehle, and after a lengthy discussion, Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the Ordinance passed May 13, 1959, providing for the method of'naming Committees by the members of the Board, and vetoed by the President, be passed over said veto. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Aberson, Petesch, Porter.., Wehle (4) C0 Nays: Koss, Peterson (2) The ordinance was declared passed by the vote of two - thirds of the Board of Trustees. Q11) Resolution Naming Committees Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that a.resolution be adopted naming the following Committee Chairmen and Committee members: COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBERS Building, Zoning & Planning Koss. Aberson, Porter Administration & Personnel Wehle Petesch, Porter Finance & Audit Potter Aberson, Peterson Judicial, License & Health Peterson Petesch, Wehle Police & Fire Petesch Koss, Wehle Public Works Aberson Koss, Peterson Public Relations Holmquist Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (5) Nays: Peterson (1) Whereupon the President declared the resolution duly passed, and stated that under the circumstances, he declined the Chairmanship of the Public Relations assignment, but would continue tow rite a column from time to time. Briarwoods Parking A letter from Mr. David Fisher, President of Briarwoods Golf Club, was received, Mr. Fisher being present, in which the Board was requested to approve the original plan for parking area near the swimming pool, with parking permitted within three feet of the North lot line, instead of the twenty -five feet setback required by the Building Commissioner. After a lengthy discussion, Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the petition be denied. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Petition Re: Briarwoods A petition was filed by Mrs. James Sayre, 433 Swimming Pool Hermitage Avenue, signed by 111 residents of the Village, requesting the Board to refer the Briar - woods swimming pool to the Plan Commission for a public hearing. The petition was received and ordered placed on file; Mr. Matthews advising the Board that they had no legal right to re -open the matter, since a public hearing had been held by the Plan Commission in due order. Cook County Zoning Trustee Koss reported that Cook County had submitted a plan for zoning land in Cook County within the Deerfield jurisdictional area, in a light Manufacturing classification, as opposed to the jurisdictional map filed with both Lake and Cook County offices, 168 showing R -2 and R -1 -A classifications. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that an objection be filed by the Village Mare ger, working in conjunction with the Village Attorney, with reference made to the juris- dictional map adopted by this Village. ,Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Resolution Opposing Trustee Koss reported that House Bill 1.499 had H.B.1499 - Garbage been introduced in the Illinois legislature, which would permit the dumping of garbage originating elsewhere within a mile -of a municipality, provided the dumping is done by the Sanitary Land Fill method in accordance with recommendations by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that a resolution be adopted opposing passage of House Bill 1499, and the Village Manager be directed to send copies of the Resolution to j district representatives, and Senator and the Chairman of the Committee to which the bill was referred. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution Opposing Lake,- A notice of hearing on June 29, 1959 was received County REzoning from the Lake County Zoning Board on the petition of Park Ridge Sand and Gravel Company to rezone property near Milwaukee Avenue and Deerfield Road from F- Farming to 1 -I. in- dustrial classification. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the Board adopt a resolution opposing the propoeed rezoning, although the property in question lies beyond the one and one -half mile jurisdictional area, and the Manager be instructedi to send copies of the resolution to the River- woods As.sociation, the Deer Park Association and the Village of Wheeling. M tion carried unanimously. 0 The Village Manager reported that Highland Park had requested that , sprinklong restrictions be put in effect, and that publication of the proclamation would appear in the Deerfield Review. Reappoint M. Mullins Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, Temporary Policeman that the Village Manager be directed to s::nd a letter to the Board of Police Commissioners, requesting re- appointment of Melvin Mullins as a Police Officer for an additional 60 days, at a salary of $380 per month. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (6) Nays: None (6) Approve Purchase 500.Meters Mr. Owens, Village Manager, reported it was the Badger Meter Co. recommendation of theCommittee that 500 water meters be purchased from Badger Meter Company, 100 of* said meters to be used to replace meters 20 or more years old, with Read - omatic dials. Trustee Aberson moved, Seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the meters be purchased as recommended. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Porter, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) Bids - Petroleum Products Blds were received for petroleum products on June 4, 1959 as follows: All bids are at the established posted tank wagon price at time of delivery. Bidder Price this date Discount STANDARD OIL CO. Premium-Gasoline Rggular Gasoline 23.41 per gal. 19.41 per gal. ( 2C discount if annual ( purchase exceed 12,000 gal. No. i Fuel l O i l No. 2 Fuel Oil SINCLAIR OIL CO. Premium Gasoline Regular Gasoline 15.91 per gal. 14.91 per gal. 21.40 per gal. 17.41 per gal. No. 1 Fuel Oil 14.31 per gal. No. 2 Fuel Oil 13.31 per gal Also submitted prices on, motor oils and greases D -X SUNRAY 01 L CO. Premium Gasoline Regular Gasoline 19.91 per gal. 15.91 per gal. 169 ( 18t c!i•scount if annual purchase ( exceeds 10,000 gals. 2t (included in price this date 2t (included in price this date 1.3t (included in price this dat 1.3t (included in prise this dat 3.5C ( Incldded in price this 3.5t (Included in price date Fubl O:i)l - l.lt discount off established posted tank wagon price at time of delivery. Trustee Porter questioned awarding the contract to the low bidder, D--X Sunray Oil Company, since Trustee reterson was listed as owner of the local bulk plant by a financial reporting firm. Trustee Peterson stated he was the local agent for the company, and would receive no personal profet from the contract. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that consideration of the contract be postponed, and the Village Manager be instructed to check with the attorney and Trustee Peterson to clarify Trustee Peterson's position with the company. Motion carried-unanimously. Defer. Action A majority of the members of the Board of Zoning TAnelian Variation Appeals recommended denial of Mr. Edward TAnelian's petition for a variation to permit the construction of a multiple family dwelling on a fifty ft. lot. Trustee Koss moved,seconded by Trustee Porter, that the petition be denied. Mr. Anthony Mercurio', attorney for Mr. TAnelian, requested the Board to defer action until they had read a recent decision of the Supreme Count. Motion and second were withdrawn, Trustee Porter stati.ng.-the Board would take up the matter at the next meeting. On motion by Trustee Petesch, seconded by Trustee Koss, the meetingwas adjourned to Wednesday, June 17, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. APPROVED:, Village Presi ent ATTEST: . - Village Clerk No. 1 Fuel Oil 13.61 per gal. 2.5t (included in price this No. 2. Fuel Oil 12.61 per gal. 2.5t (included in price'-.date .t. M Motor Oils Discount - 9t per gal. < Greases Discount - 1.5t per lb. Prices with hoist and air compressor furnished: Gasoline - 2t discount off established posted :tank wagon price at time of delivery. Fubl O:i)l - l.lt discount off established posted tank wagon price at time of delivery. Trustee Porter questioned awarding the contract to the low bidder, D--X Sunray Oil Company, since Trustee reterson was listed as owner of the local bulk plant by a financial reporting firm. Trustee Peterson stated he was the local agent for the company, and would receive no personal profet from the contract. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that consideration of the contract be postponed, and the Village Manager be instructed to check with the attorney and Trustee Peterson to clarify Trustee Peterson's position with the company. Motion carried-unanimously. Defer. Action A majority of the members of the Board of Zoning TAnelian Variation Appeals recommended denial of Mr. Edward TAnelian's petition for a variation to permit the construction of a multiple family dwelling on a fifty ft. lot. Trustee Koss moved,seconded by Trustee Porter, that the petition be denied. Mr. Anthony Mercurio', attorney for Mr. TAnelian, requested the Board to defer action until they had read a recent decision of the Supreme Count. Motion and second were withdrawn, Trustee Porter stati.ng.-the Board would take up the matter at the next meeting. On motion by Trustee Petesch, seconded by Trustee Koss, the meetingwas adjourned to Wednesday, June 17, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. APPROVED:, Village Presi ent ATTEST: . - Village Clerk