04/30/195847 April 30, 1958 The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Wednesday, April 30, 1958 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: G. Eldon Holmquist, President Joseph W. Brown Carl J. Jaeger Joseph W. Koss Harold L. Peterson Maurtce:C. Petesch Arno D. Weh1e Absent: None and that a'quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Royce Owens, CD Village Manager, was also present. $ 356.52 .�zf., 20.00 J. Anderson Co., Inc. Signs were displayed by members of the Chamber of Commerce, such as C. R. Anderson Agency, Inc. "Vote today - Indecision Stops Growth ", "Vie want Action - Do not Procrastinate" 2,150.00 Bond and other.s. Antes Sign Co. 4.00 Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the residing of Wm.'Barrett the minutes of the regular meeting held April 9, 1958 and the special meeting 42.40 held April 22, 1958 be dispensed with, and the minutes be approved as submitted. 77.80 Cattied unanimoutly. Approve Bills The following bills were presented for consideration: American Contract Sales $ 356.52 20.00 J. Anderson Co., Inc. 401.75 C. R. Anderson Agency, Inc. 25.00 American National Bank 2,150.00 Bond Antes Sign Co. 4.00 Board of Supervisors 25.00 Wm.'Barrett 22.00 Peter Baker 42.40 Bivens & White 15.00 Burgees, Anderson Tate 77.80 Chandler's 2.34 C. M. & St. P. & Pacific R.R. 3.00 Cosmas Food Mart' 10.38 Deerfield Auto Serivice 14:10 Deerfield Disposal Service 3.00 Deerfield Garage & Service Station 26.63 Deerfield Hardware C. Paint Co. 4.28 Deerfield Lawn ti Garden Spot, Inc. 8.90 Deerfield Oil Co. 277.01 Deerfield Shell Service 14.67 D -X Sunray Oil Co. 497.01 DiPietro Plumbing 87.70 Elliott 9.83 C. C. Fuller Co. 16.21 Fredrick Post Co. 220.11 Fragas*;i TV..App'liantes 20.00 Frost's TV Appliances 23.40 General Electric Supply Co. 17.64 Ri §hTland ParkrLincoln Mercury 10.23 City of Highland Park 12,662.70 Highland Park Auto Parts 45.67 Holmes Motor Co. 976.98 Highland Park News 74.00 48 Highland Park News 159.60 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 809.14 Phcl.,'Jobfisod Cnc, 40.48 Municipal Finance Officers Assn. 3.00 R. A. Kole 1.4.31 Liberty Petroleum Co. 30.00 Lakeshore Sewer Construction Co. 15.00 Lbtkesi de Glass & Paint Co. 1.16 LeFebure, 103.75 A. G. Meier & Co. 13.50 Material Service Corporation 6$.51 Miller Bros. 138.83 Motor Parts and Machine Co. 6.88 Pavlik Bros. 6.12 Paymaster Checkwriter 54.50 Chas. E. Piper 37.50 Panama- Beaver, Inc. 130.94 Peterson Trucks :ng 20.00 Point Comfort Service Station 2.40 Public Service Co. 497.59 Reiland & Bree 1,105.39 Ryan Bros. Cinder Co. 56.00 Rock Road Construction Co. 36.55 Rainbow Electric Co. 16.50 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 38.43 Suburban Building Officials Conference 38.50 Shore Line Blue Print 21.56 Sargent - Sowell Inc. 22.15 Thomas 25.51 Tropical Paint Co. 14.06 Traffic House, Inc. 21.40 University of Texas 1.25 Village Hardware, Inc. 37.21 Waukegan Truck Sales 25.25 U. Wanzenberg & Co. 74.13 Don Wente 715.00 1•1a 1 ton & Walton 500.00 Herman Ziebell Supply Co. 113.91 Harold Dahl 16.72 George Sticken 24.64 L. Alexander 5.88 J. Ruby 14.00 H. Pottenger 327.55 J. Lencione 38.08 R. Charlier 32.16 W. Bahnsen 50.14 P. McMaster 43.99 P. Fautsch 12.05 A. Olesak 29.14 D. Cleary 5.19 P. Bradford 23.84 R. Deimler 61.12 A. Crumpler 4.30 G. Ott 90.00 H. Allsbrow 120.00 W. Behnke 120.00 F. Boone 126.00 C. Fehr 120.00 R. Hanich 120.00 V. Holsman 120.00 ?aytoll for March 12,199.93 Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the bills as listed above be approved for payment as, if and when funds are available. Adopted by the following vote" Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) iI ,I Approve Shell Permit Plans and application for Building Permit for the Waukegan & CoBnty Line Shell Service Station at Waukegan and County Line Roads B.P. #2903 Roads were presented by the Village Manager, with the Building Commissioner's recommendation that the permit be issued. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the Building 6e dAk -ected to issue the said permit. Carried unanimously. Carried unanimously. Ordinance - Building Code Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Amendment (0- 58 -17) that an ordinance be adopted amending the Sub- urban Building R @gulations by deleting from Section 305 - F. Paragraph 2, the sub paragraph entitled "b Base flashings." Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Elmwood Vacation The Plan Commission recommended approval of part (O-58-j8) of Elmwood Avenue, as requested by the Deerfield Park District. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that an ordinance be adopted vacating that part of Elmwood Avenue lying west of Crabtree Lane to the rear lot line of Lot J, Thornhill Ranch Estates Subdbvision. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Scatterwood Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Zoning (0- 58 -19) that an ordinance be adopted amending the zoning ordinance by classifying as an R -1 -A One Family District the East part ofthe proposed Scatterwood Subdivision, in accordance with the recommendation of the Plan Commissi.on.: Adopted by the following vote' Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Nays: Non a (0) Southeast Quadrant Zoning the Village be approved as such rezoning. Motion fai Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Trustee Koss ;read-:4 r.•eport..on;,the work of the Zoning Committee, and moved that the map showing the proposed rezoning of the Southeast quadrant of presented, and an ordinance be prepared to effectuate led for lack of a second. Approve Revised Map Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, .West of Waukegan Road that the proposed rezoning map for the area West of 4JAukegan Road be approved, except that the R -2 strip along the West side of Waukegan Road be decreased to 150 feet from the edge of the road dedication, of 190 feet from the center line of the road; and preparation of an ordinance be authorized to effectuate such rezoning. Trustee Koss asked that the record show that he had been advised by the Village Attorney that the R -2 strip only one lot in depth along Waukegan Road would be difficult to defend in Court, which was contrary to advise previously given by both the Village Planner and Attorney; and that he would vote "Aye" on the rest of the pooposal, but he could not vote for anything less than the 300 foot strip of R -2 zoning he had proposed. Mrs. Barbara Abrahamson, Hermitage Drive, requested that 10 minutes be allotted to read the results of a telephone survey on zoning made by the Deerfield Study Group. Peesident Holmquist stated only 3 minutes could be given any person. Mrs. John Cole, 613 Central Avenue, requested that her proptct:tj be included in Approve Tanelian Permit Mr. Owens, Village Manager, reportd he had 825 Deerfield Road authorized the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a new front on the Azad Tanelian �Wr.ld'rng at 825 Deerfield Road, as provided by ordinance. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the actionoof the Village Manager be ratified. Carried unanimously. Ordinance - Building Code Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Amendment (0- 58 -17) that an ordinance be adopted amending the Sub- urban Building R @gulations by deleting from Section 305 - F. Paragraph 2, the sub paragraph entitled "b Base flashings." Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Elmwood Vacation The Plan Commission recommended approval of part (O-58-j8) of Elmwood Avenue, as requested by the Deerfield Park District. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that an ordinance be adopted vacating that part of Elmwood Avenue lying west of Crabtree Lane to the rear lot line of Lot J, Thornhill Ranch Estates Subdbvision. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Scatterwood Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Zoning (0- 58 -19) that an ordinance be adopted amending the zoning ordinance by classifying as an R -1 -A One Family District the East part ofthe proposed Scatterwood Subdivision, in accordance with the recommendation of the Plan Commissi.on.: Adopted by the following vote' Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Nays: Non a (0) Southeast Quadrant Zoning the Village be approved as such rezoning. Motion fai Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Trustee Koss ;read-:4 r.•eport..on;,the work of the Zoning Committee, and moved that the map showing the proposed rezoning of the Southeast quadrant of presented, and an ordinance be prepared to effectuate led for lack of a second. Approve Revised Map Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, .West of Waukegan Road that the proposed rezoning map for the area West of 4JAukegan Road be approved, except that the R -2 strip along the West side of Waukegan Road be decreased to 150 feet from the edge of the road dedication, of 190 feet from the center line of the road; and preparation of an ordinance be authorized to effectuate such rezoning. Trustee Koss asked that the record show that he had been advised by the Village Attorney that the R -2 strip only one lot in depth along Waukegan Road would be difficult to defend in Court, which was contrary to advise previously given by both the Village Planner and Attorney; and that he would vote "Aye" on the rest of the pooposal, but he could not vote for anything less than the 300 foot strip of R -2 zoning he had proposed. Mrs. Barbara Abrahamson, Hermitage Drive, requested that 10 minutes be allotted to read the results of a telephone survey on zoning made by the Deerfield Study Group. Peesident Holmquist stated only 3 minutes could be given any person. Mrs. John Cole, 613 Central Avenue, requested that her proptct:tj be included in 50 the 0 & R or M District. firs. !•!i llard Loarie, Oxford Road, gave a summary of the information received in a telephone survey made under approved sampling techniques, which showed that residents were.-opposed to expansion of industrial zoning in Deer - field, and particularly any expansion which might extend to the East of °.:aukegan Road. She was unable to complete the report due to expiration of the three minute period allotted. (Statements of opinion were given also.) Trustee Koss read a letter from Messrs. B1ietz and NiAon, in which they stated they had no interest in zoning other than residential for the Capital Company tract. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: /dyes: Brown, Jaeger, Peterson, ?etesch, 6lehle (�) Nays: Koss (1) Motion carried. Approve Zoning SE Quadrant Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, East of !:aukegan that the map showing the proposed rezoning of the Southeast Quadrant East of Wukegan Rodd be approved, and the preparation of an ordinance be authorized to effectuate such rezoning. Trustee 11ehle stated his reasons for opposing the proposed rezoning, it being his opinion that the present zoning would be upheld by the Illinois Supreme Court, and if the Court did find the present zoning unreasonable, it could then be changed. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson (L�) Nays: Petesch, !-Jehle (2) tmtion carried. Ordinance Prchi bi tti nh Unnecessary Noise (0- 58 -20) stated additional study would be presented to the Board for Committee to work on these or� Trustee !Coss moved, seconded by Trustee Potorson, that an ordinance be adopted prohibitting un- necessary noise in the Village of D-cerfield. 11e be given to "Nuisance" ordinances, and would adoption. He asked for volunteers to serve, on a :li nances. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: done (0) Plan Commission Report The Plan Commission report on recommended set - Setbacks G Sideyards backs and side yard requirements was referred to the Zoning Committee for study and report. Planner's Report - The report from Mr. Rockwell, Planning Consultant, Open STorane ib f1 Districts regarding open storage in ht- Manufacturing Districts was referred to the Plan Commission for public hearing and report. Secondary Street Pattern Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Petorson, that the matter of amending the Village Pan to reflect a new secondary street pattern be referred to Fir. Rockwell, Manning Consultant, and the Plan Commission for study and recommendation. Carried unanimously. Uses in M District Mr. Rockwell, Planning Consul:tant's report on a revision of permitted uses in the M- flanufact- uring District.was referred to the Plan Commission and Zoning Committee for joint study. 1 C 1 C-0 C °.7 1 5.1 ,Flood Plain Study The matter of Flood Plain zoning was referred to the Planning Consultant for study and recommendation, using datum established by the United States Geodetical Survey. Authorize Extension of Mr. Owens, Village Manager, recommended that Sewer Cleaning Contract the contract with American Pipe Cleaning Company be extended to include addiitional sewers on Greenwood, Stratford and North Avenue, this work to be done when wet weather might prevent such work on the sewer along the East drainage ditch, where no roadway exists: Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that the additional work be authorized as stated. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peter.son, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Autbvbze Manager's Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, Signature - Rifle Range that the Village Manager be auth orized to sign Contract the contract with ARnold Pedersen for the construction of the rifle range. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Petersog, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Resolution - Manager to Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger; Sign Contracts that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Village Manager and agreements on behalf of the Village, unless otherwise provided. Adopted by the following vote: be authorized to sign all contracts when approved by.the Board of Trustees, Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Reters6n, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: Koss (1) Motion carried. Resolution Opposing Sherman Trustee (Coss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, Rezoning that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Honorable Judge Block of the Circuit Court at Waukegan, Illinois, is hearing the case of the Village of Bannockburn, et al, vs. County of Lake, et al, regard ing the zoning of the following described property: That part of the North 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the South 1/2 of Section 30, Township re North, Range 12, Eatt of the 3rd P.M., lying East of Saunders Road (except the East 1480 feet thereof):; and that part of the South 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/2 of Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M. lying East of Saunders Road; and the East 550 feet of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 30; Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., all in Lake County, Illinois WHEREAS, the above described property immedilately adjoins the Village of Deerfield and lies wi thi n ohe and end ba:l:f;imi lesi of the corporate limits of sa ild Village NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that objection be filed with the Honorable Judge Block to any change in zoning for the above described property. Motion carried unanimously. 52 Trustee Koss expressed h'ns thanks to members of the Plan Commission, "Zoning Committee, Manager and Clerk for help given during preparation of the zoning plan for the Southweatt quadrant. President Holmquist, on behalf of the Board, amended his statement to include T rustee Koss, who had given so much time to the plan. Hazel Ave. Storm Sewer The Village Manager reported the Chicago eons - Extension Approved truction Company had agreed to put up $6,000 for the extension of the Hazel Avenue storm sewer running East from Wilmot Road. He recommended that the Engineer's proposal B, at a cost of $7,200 be approved, which provides for the construc- tion of 358 feet of pi:pe for storm water, with a temporary open ditch the remaining distance to the l -lest side ditch. Repayment will be made to Chicago Construction Company from Sewer tapping fees. Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that Engineer's proposal B be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, llehle (6) Nays: None (0) (appointments - Police Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trusv:c Commission & Plan Commission Jaeger, that Mr. Uilliam Hertel be appointed to the Board of Police Commissioners for a three year term. Carried unanimously. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Peterson, that Mrs. Naomi Clampitt be appointed to the Plan Commission for a three year term. Carried unanimously. Approve Yellow Cab Licenses Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that taxicab licenses be issued to Mr. Michael Lattanzio, Highland Park Yellow Cab upon payment of fees and posting bond and certificates of insurance. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Peterson,-,Petesch, Uehle (5) Nays: Koss (1) Trustee !•lehle stated the location of cab stands would be referred to the Safety Council for study, and an ordinance regulating taxicabs would ba passed as soon as possible. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. APPR ttest: Village Clerk 1