08/19/1957227 August 19, 1957 The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, August 19, 1957 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: G. Eldon Holmquist, . President Joseph W. Brown Carl J. Jaeger Joseph W. Koss. Harold L. Peterson Maurice C. Petesch Arno D• Wehle Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at.the meeting. Complaints - Flooding Residents from Brierhill Road, Deerpath Drive, R.R. Whistles Rosemary Terrace, Crowe Avenue, and others, complained of flooded basements and lots during recent rains. Trustee Brown assured them the Village Board was studying the problem, and steps would be taken to make corrections where rossible. He urged people to disconnect downspouts from sanitary sewers where tests showed wrong connections. . Mr. Levitetz, Wood Avenue, complained of Milwaukee Road trains whistling for crossings and disturbing the rest of residents, especially small children. He stated it was held by the Illinois Commerce Commission to be unnecessary where crossings are protected by flasher lights or g;1tes. A letter will be written to the Milwaukee Railroad, requesting them to order engineers to cease blowing train - whistles through Deerfield. Mr. Heaney asked that the Board give him an O nsver on his proposed subdivision. Minutes of the regular meeting held July 8, 1957, and the adjourned meetings held July 22, 25, 29, 1957 were approved. Approve Bills the following bills were -resented for consideration: Arveno Antonini 140.00 A. Bernardi 33.44 H. Donald Peterson 389.37 Jay McGinnis 266.00 Tom Roller 140.00 L. Alexander 3.84 Warren Bahnsen 80.36 George Sticken 21.80 Roger Clifford 403.56 Julius Lencioni 58.86 American Public Works Association 20.00 Peter Baker & Son Co. 52.00 Bell & Gustus, Inc. 56.29 Baxter and Woodman 506.96 Badger Meter Manufacturing Co. 3.39 Burgess, Anderson & Tate, Inc. 57.73 Columbia Iron Works, Inc. 165.00 Cosmos Food Mart 21.80 Central Scientific Company 16.47 Chicago Tribune 10.50 228 Chic-go Construction Co. Chia-go, KilwZukcc, St. Paul R.R. D -k Sunrcy Oil Co. De orf i ld Oil Co, (July) Decrfiold 01.1 Co. (June) ncnrficld L. -,.,n t Grrdcn Spot Dcacrfi ?d Lumber L Fu -1 Co. DR,:rfi-ld Shell 5 -rvic De ?rfinid i`` , s :?E^ncy J- rfi ,ld 3cvicw- Deirficld. G^rngc Service Station A- rficld Hardw! rc L. 1- int Fc rdihnrri?a cy C. C. Fuller Co. Frost's Gr ^at Lckcs Firn Equirmcnt Co. Gl,nvicw Electric Co. Richard Gilmore Holmns I,iotor Co. Hi h1.nnd n,nrk Lincoln Korcury Illinois B,:11 Tclophon- Co, Glonn E. Kocts R. ... Kole 1:' -noni L. Fiocogni, Inc. Ilate;rial S- �rvicc Corp. i-iidE ^'s Su^ ^r Sorvicc Nat_onal Brick Co. N,:tional Hunicipnl Lcaguc C'Bricn Tianufacturing Co. Avblic Service Co. R,- ilc.nd ^nc- Bree, Inc. Reed -A: ndlo Tractors ,,col Hcrsc S -mice Stnticn G. S. Zobins 4 Cc. 3pi? Copy Sorvicc: Scicctcd F'lms, Inc. 9h- lly- 1ndrei-.,s Co. Tom Stirsn-an's S- rvic^° Station St,rton & Rockwell Frcd Seitz Soundscriber Sales Corp. Shore L.ne Blue Print Co. Trojan Tool Equipment Co. Vill go $ardw are, Inc. .. cst Disinfect'nE: Co. '.olf and Co. ''Elton -nd Ip.lton Jv ly I•ionthly Payroll t! 47.25 26.00 1,27. CO 57.03 53.0; 17.'t2 16. ri 8 10.98 3.35 54.06 2.55 52.44 2.15 61.10 9.02 2.75 6.50 903.41 ;2.47 46.00 240.41 13.70 62.85 1.25 37.16 15C.27 15.''19 28.50 5.00 18.00 421.45 128.14 137.94 4.5: 34.50 .26.53 8.58 3h.5C (.80 3C0.00 3')5.00 11.67 1E. 55 6.43 61.32 H. 1181.75 3CO.CC 10224..83 TrustRc moved, scccndcd by T,,ustcc Koss, th-t the 'Dills .:s listt*r3. K�n°e lac anrllovcd for paynont, as, if, -nC -,hcn funds ?re ^veil ^bl:). folloJr_n vote: .yrs: ;}Town, J,cr;c^r, Koss, a'ct -rson, Pctcsch, The roports of the Bui1_d'n,� Cc,- =i,s__on -r, Fire ilarshal <:nd H, :f lth Cffic ^r Th .:01 it r . o nt, 5i.o!lin; c6 crests anc fines of x;12. CC, r ;as I.; ; s•ovrld. Trustnc Brown 1cft t1 lo ryet,ting for s short period. _rprove 7,yrn( -nt - 4666 Trustee Fetorson moved, sccon, ?cd by Truo;;- 1'uch & W,Ason J, cg,:r, that poym rt or `Cc 6.00 b,- to Kuch & T.'atson, for construction of flow A -r! iris and Grceni-.,00d. Adorted by the folloazin; vote: ,fcs: JL,.cg: tr, lsoss, Peterson, PAosch, I..'chle (5) Y- -ys: None (0) 1 1 1 229 Approve Payment - $615 Trustee Brown re- entered the meeting. Trustee Fred Seitz -Elm Tree Sprayina Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that payment of $615 be approved to Fred Seitz for elm tree spraying. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Change Order #17 Trustee Brown moved, seconded. by Trustee Wbhle, 164.52- Deerfield Construction that Change Order , #17, an addition of 264.52 for labor and materials, to Deerfield Construction, be approved, and the President be authorized to sign s id order. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson. Petesch, 1-;ehlc (6) Noys: None (0) Approve Change Order #18 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee ohle, 6329.50 - Plonsker that Change Order ;`18, P olonsker Engineering, qn addition of 029.50 for piping for air con- ditioning, be approved, and the President be €iuthoio ized to sign said order. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment - $2.504.43 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Pe'-esch, Nu -Way Electric that the final payment of $2,504.43 to Nu -4j,y Electric be approved for electric work on the Village Hall. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment - $1,206.73 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, Plonsker Enaineering that the final payment of $1,206.73 to Plonsker Engineering be approved for Village Hall heating. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Authorize Bids - Police Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Patrol Car_- 8 OZ-5_7 Jaeger, that the i'anager be authorized to advertise for bids for a Police patrol cur, said bids to be returnable August 30, 1957, and that the rental of police cars be investigated. Carried unanimously. Autrorize Lease - Purchase Bids on a back hoe were received from P. & W., Back hoe - Reiland & Bree Reed- Randle, Roseman Tractor, and Reiland & _. Bree. Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that a back hoe be purchased on a lease - purchase basis from the low bidder, Reiland & Bree, at their bid price of 02,158, with immediate delivery. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehlo (6) Nays: None (0) Ayes: Brown, Koss, Jaeger, Peterson, Pet -sch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Change Order #16 Deduct X64.52- Plonsker Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that Change Order N16, a deduction of X64.52, for labor and materials, Plonskor Engineering, be approved, and the President be authorized to sign said order.' Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Change Order #17 Trustee Brown moved, seconded. by Trustee Wbhle, 164.52- Deerfield Construction that Change Order , #17, an addition of 264.52 for labor and materials, to Deerfield Construction, be approved, and the President be authorized to sign s id order. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson. Petesch, 1-;ehlc (6) Noys: None (0) Approve Change Order #18 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee ohle, 6329.50 - Plonsker that Change Order ;`18, P olonsker Engineering, qn addition of 029.50 for piping for air con- ditioning, be approved, and the President be €iuthoio ized to sign said order. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment - $2.504.43 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Pe'-esch, Nu -Way Electric that the final payment of $2,504.43 to Nu -4j,y Electric be approved for electric work on the Village Hall. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment - $1,206.73 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, Plonsker Enaineering that the final payment of $1,206.73 to Plonsker Engineering be approved for Village Hall heating. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (6) Nays: None (0) Authorize Bids - Police Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Patrol Car_- 8 OZ-5_7 Jaeger, that the i'anager be authorized to advertise for bids for a Police patrol cur, said bids to be returnable August 30, 1957, and that the rental of police cars be investigated. Carried unanimously. Autrorize Lease - Purchase Bids on a back hoe were received from P. & W., Back hoe - Reiland & Bree Reed- Randle, Roseman Tractor, and Reiland & _. Bree. Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that a back hoe be purchased on a lease - purchase basis from the low bidder, Reiland & Bree, at their bid price of 02,158, with immediate delivery. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehlo (6) Nays: None (0) F230 ..i t ^nrizc: Sr.T,cr Clc;.nin Trurt,cc Brown moved, scconC.cd by Tru-t —:: I o� ^r Roddir.. Co. .terson, that th.; 1 n cion nl Poi.r -r Aou.a` — Cor .rmy b; ,.uthoriz -,d to cicm tee st Niue s:, :cr from Dccrfi: lr'. *Cod south to the s7i.n—, -, lift st -.tion !A t' ,'.r oicl rice of X1.25 psr foot of pipe cicancd. i•do tcO by the folle Tint; Note.: y s: Brown, Jacgi_r, Koss, i ctcrson, Fotcsch, l'.chln (6) ;eonc (0) Approvr Ramsay Road Water Trustce Brown moved, seconded b-- `Iructe,, Extension :.7nterson, th it the: rccucst of Mr. 1�cbnrt :C. say for a 250 ft. wa to r:_uin e.:tc:r:.aior� on :.t, , :�y Road be granted, provi ;:.c: th Vill go is ma - benefici ^I in n. cusemcnt to be gront:;d, as agreed by Iir. Ramsay. Ct,rr'i -d uncxaiu.cusly. "cn-n�• - !,mdment -sad R" Trustee Koss moved, seconded by ^lruAee Dig trio (C-3-i-57) son, th?t a,n ordi n anc be ado; tau =nc-lin,_ ' lie Zoning Ordin nco by cstnb? is.hin� ::n "0 c" 3" :ffiee_ -.nd .I- search District, and sotting forth the use r- LulutionL fo:.• djI.rt_:'ict. . .-doX tcd bjT tho following vote: �.yr : Brown, J•_cg;.r, I {oss, Potcrson, ctcsch, '.,chle (6) w i�cnc 0 Co 1 n nsion J. I. Rodcs nd Son -s'c for -1 z : .;,nor North ..ve. rater Iyr.in of time for the con lotion and clecriup wcrk- cn the North Aver.u^ ter mein. Trn-te_w 3=,m sf ccnd--cl by Trustee Koss, that the Bo ^rd �.uthorize ^. 3C daffy ext(- - ;. en, to : ,.ta...'aer 29, 195` -, for th^ completion of th m2in and thy^ cicc.nup, w.l tl� th:: rt�ccm, i.-ndat ion that a second crew be put on th^ job. C;;rr:i.r.d unr.niir.ously. CrCin nc- - i'i^ ^t -nps TruAcc ' chlc mov ;'d, scoonded by Truotcr 'Ind ' eune gd ^ys (0- 38-57) lot ^sch, that an oreinc�racc; be adc teed sett.:..t: the second t-lednosday of ea,:ch nonth ac the regular r.:etii;;. date. Adopted by the following vote: . Yes: Broom, JLcgcr, Koss, 2ctcrson, Petcsch, l.chle (6) Y-yv: None (0) Trustee Broom left the sir- eting. "ccr ;-t `:rw,:r : xtension Trustee Fetc:rson move- d,scecnded by Trustee: estry::te ..o.d Kosr, th•)t the Lander sewer extension in ':.ostgate RoLd be -cccntcd for m intnn-nce by t'_ -- Vill. ge. C. -xc rind unanLuously. P, rk Shr_:lter House to The Park Bo..rd having requested elarif ica Lion Use Hszel ixe. Sewer of the sanitary sever use for ti^^ new r' Shelter House, Truo'urc Pct ^rson mm!e., secrnd', »d by Thu ^tee Ko;;s, that the Bark Bo---.rd be notified that connection shoule be m-.de to t -c- Hc.zel d yenue sanit -ry scwcr, as reco=,.cndcd by the VillaC': urr ;ir.�er r.cl Baxt-r rind. '. Goodman, Consulting; Ungin: ors. C- .r..r. icd uncnimously. Au hnrize I.cvicion of '.Tatar Throe r sidenccs on North bcin - c - --ved Service North Avn. by ono w• for mctcr, Yvith r�:-ultin{ d °_fficulti'�s, Trustee Peterson .r_ov(:d, seconded by iru tee. Pet ^s .h, th= t tl -e Board author•i z� the installation of inc'ivic:u .l wctr -:r :r, t: os '.t V- ^ :- xPenso of the prop::rty comers. C rri� :d unmimously. r� LJ I 231 Permanent Appointment Trustee Peterson moved, s ^conded by Trustee 'vim. Sullivan- PublicWorks Koss, that William Sullivan, having satis- Foreman factorily completed his probationary period, be given permanent appointment as Public Works Foreman, no car to be furnished for transreration from his home to. Deerfield. Carried unanimously. Confirm Temporary Appointment Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Paul Kaehler - Police Dept. Wehle, that the Bo-rd confirm the appointment of Paul Kaehler as a temporary patrolman on August 8, 1957. Carried unanimously. Approve 3 ST)ecial Police Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Deerfield Family Day Wehle, that the Board authorize-the employment of three special policemen for Deerfield Family Day, September 1, 1957. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) TreAsurer's Bond - Insurance Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that insurance and Treasurer s Bond in the following amounts be approved: Treasurer's Bond Blanket Bond for Employees Village Hall - Fire Insurance Village Hall - Contents - Fire Theft and Burglary Theft and Burglary - Money in Village Hall outtide Village Hall Village Garage, Fire Insurance Village Garage - Contents - Fire Sewage Treatment Plant - Fire Sewage Treatment Plant - Contents Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) 100,000.00 10,000.00 125,000.00 18,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 50,000.00 30,000.00 Authorize Payroll Deductions Trustee Wehle moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, Health Insurance that the Board authorize payroll deductions for Blue Cross and Blue Shield for such employes as desire the coverage. Carried unanimously. Authorize Temporary Signs The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that & Parkinj Lot - Harris Harris Construction Company be permitted to erect two temporary signs, one on lots 12 and 13, Deerfield, the second in Brookside Subdivision, and the use of the North 50 feet of Lots 12 and 13 for a temporary parking lot. Trustee Koss moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the Board concur in the recommendations of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and permits for the signs and parking lot be authorized. Carried unanimously. The Board of Trustees was in agreement that Mr. Perry Mehan's request for vacation of an alley be denied, since three owners of property abutting on said alley did not request such vacation. �3 2 Luthoriz^ - Ord.inanc- - CLuit Clc.ir,.s Trustee P oterson r_ov -d, c�,cond =d. by Trust-.:Re V :cation - !end of !'(alnut St. Pctesch, th ^t thr; Vil lag;^ httorncy uthor -• ,.t7,U ' Qcu-.rl Tr'_lc'.t iz ^d to pr­ pc.rc nn ordinance v :cr,.tir,! thy* Lest stub cnd of ..clnut Strcct, -nc' quit claims for th, vacated strcc t to be�, n vrn to School District M9 by tho abutting property ouncrs cf s;,.ic. vl c: ted strP- %t.' on zc:d to use . cou r: truck i,o Ad r ; J0 , 1�r oL t:.. d C -•ricd unanimously. kuthorizc Crr'inance - 1,11 cV I petit' on to vacrtc having been siL.nrd by V,c:,,ticn abutting property owncrs, Tru: teo d : trr cn mov(-d, seconded by Trustec '?-lehlc, th:,t t1-t, Vill .gc !Attorney be nutrorized to prepare an ordin- ncc v<.catinC th,-. ,e11 -y b A,..rf.c:n Sh: ridun and Forest - w - -nuc, cxtcndin South from yor_icrs: t :ivc:i � to the Worth lint, of the ^.11cy running; p:-rc,llcl to : nd 125 feet North o ; °eel ._venue. C�-.rric:d unanir,,ously. :;) oint Bo ^rd of Fire and Trustee letesch moved, seconded by Trust^ colic Corii_ssioners J obcr, trot Hubert I�. llcz, *, hunt -r cnd Hcrtcl be appcinted to t'1;, of T'irc and Policc Cormissioncrs. C•.rri d uncnihiously. Appoint Policy* Pension Bo�.rd Trustoo Potesch moved, socondcd by Tru,'-, -A ?Tchlo) that John _aoth ,nd C. F. Cl:.:z. itt bf .ppnir_t ^d to tho Felice 7cnsion Bo:.rd. C.rried uncni•ously. T -x Lev,r OrdL ncc Tructcc Jaogcr riov :d, soccnc:cd by Tru:"tr: `Ichlr�, that the T,-o. L;,vy t'rdin nc_. for the fiscal your 1'K,,-5Q` be ^dortr;d. roll c7_11 the folio ;jinL vote w,,__s rocordcdo Ly ss J" Ccr,, .)tcrsr`n, ?etcsch, ? chl� (4) 1 ;r;!s !Tone (C) Crd.inunce - St. L BrM!7c, L; vy Trustc- JacEcr rov,-.d, sn `chl,., that nn c: •dig, nc­ to ti-,c l;:vy of t2,-_s for .:.do_tcd by ti.,_c fo ?_1o,.!i1,L votco : (5) 8: i "L " i', , iaOSS, tCr ^01�, ^.tCsCh, -on dc-,,d bar Trll :j-,,,, Orfi izce iJ­ltinF; P,- u,licir ^l Trustec J�,c;gr�r mow ^d, s ccndcd by Tr- _i�.t.. Bix�_1r'_ ,�: Bo1c. Ln�L�'l-57) i o "l: , that ,:,n o_ n.__r. r;c^ -( rtcO. o. thr 1-vy of tram tax fof p_y►ncnt of �1 3u lc ?in Brnc:s -i cl int ^r�c'�, th_rc bind suffici,.nt funr`s o,i h . d fr;-, 1_g Vv nvv-s for suet_- r_.yr., : to _rlo -t-d by the follovi;,.- vot(.. - f`'•r, Xos.S'9 sc� .i7 ._cnc l0) ,.t7,U ' Qcu-.rl Tr'_lc'.t Trrist ^c ''etcsch roved, s con,,'--C D- rfi 1d I :r�il_�r Dj _ 11, that tl -c L`�,rfi;ld F,-ily D� y Co;.t;att� >n be cut. on zc:d to use . cou r: truck i,o Ad r ; J0 , 1�r oL t:.. d ' nc' S t tl• . do -nic. d !1 1 1 I L-_ 1 L7 Resolution - Use of Village Trustee L•jehlc moved, seconded by Trustee Jaogcr, Hall that the following, resolution be adopted: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, many organizations have indic;^tcd their desire to meet in the Village Hall; and 11HEREAS, it is deemed necessary to establish regulations and chLrges for the use of the Village Hall by such organizations; NOya, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees that: 2.3 3 1. The Board Room of the Deerfield Village Hall may be used only by civic organizations and -other taxing bodies at times when it is not needed for official Village activities. 2. The organization-Shsll register with the Village Manager stating the date and time of the proposed meeting c minimum of five days before such meeting. 3. No refreshments 'shall be- served. 4. A charge of $2.50 per hour shall be made with a minimum charge of $7.50 for each meeting. 5. Permission may be granted by the Village Manager to use the Villagc Hall in accordance with this resolution. Carried unanimously. Approve Payment: - Kottrasch Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Q97.50 Petesch, that payment of 0397.50 be approved to Kottrasch Bros. for replantinE plants and shrubs required by sewer work, as agreed by the Village. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment - Arbor Vitae Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Sewer - $3919.37 -Kuck & Watson Koss, that the final payment of $$3,919.37 to Kuch & Watson be approved, for work on the Arbor Vitae sewer, waivers having been filed and certification by the Engineers. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Jaeger, Koss, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) Apnrovo Payment - $'180.63 Trustee F Oerson moved, seconded by Trustee Baxter and !�codman Jaeg ^r, that payment of $180.63 be (proved to Baxter and Woodman for engineering services on the Arbor Vitae sewer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Jaeger, Koss, Peterson , Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) Personnel Rules were referred to the Village Board for study. Approve DBA Water from Glcd- Trustee Peterson movcd,ssconded by Trustee Brook Countryside Water Koss, that the Board grant permission to Service D.B.A. Products to get water from the Glen - brook Countryside ,later Service until such time as the Village has a main in the area, when connection must be made to pp- 234 the VillZu rs,3in, and wlu-cr suc_)ly from Glcnbrook Countryside discontinucd. unanimously. Vil7_ ^;, :e Ian_ �cr's Rcsim --ion The Vill ^go Han,.,-,cr's lott-r of l C,Av: d to be cffoctive Gctober 31, 1947, uL, s received. 1,Lr. Bruce Brogan, :3ric,rhill Load, stated the black sp'r 1t curb pl..-:c -d on sh:,rp curvo on Bricrhill Ro�.A cr ^rated a hazardous condition, -, tid roconm�,ndcd that shrubbery on the Goodpasture property b- cut back to -Ti ; inAc ^ is 7 cast pert of th- d,,-.nrSr. On motion b,T irustoe, Koss, seconded by Trust-co i etorson, ind unCni oasly, the mcctin[; eras adjourned to ":odnesday, S;ptombor 4, 1957 . :t 3:00 1.I':* Attest: Vills:ge Clerk L 1