08/12/1957226 i-iyes: Brot.Tn, Jaeger, Koss, Peterson (4) Days: None (0) Authcrize Purchase - Transit Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee ^.nd Rods Koss, that the purchase of a transit and rods be authorized at a cost of approxi -�-tely `;i20.CO. Adopt( -d by the following vote: Ayos: Brown, Jaegc^r, Kcss, Peterson (4) N,,..ys: Ncne (0) Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Koss, th -:.t the next reg,l.r meeting of the President and Bc-rd of Trustees be held on the third I.:enday cf the month, •august 1;, 1957, instead of Aur°ust 12.. Carrie -d ununimcusly. There being no further business to come before thn m'.-e.ting, th- ri(,- .nL was , d j ourncd. fittest: Village Clcrk .'august 12, 1957 The rcgul:r m -eting of tho President and Board of Trustees of the Village- of Decrfiold was called to order in the Council Chc.mbers of ?.he Village full on Idond ^y, August 122 1957 at 8:00 F.ii. T17n Clerk call: ,(! t? e roll -n:' reported the following were Present: Harold L. Peterson Absent: G. Eldon Holmrauist, Pr:lsidcnt Josprr I-.'. Brown Carl J . Jaeger Joscph Koss Maurice C. Petcrsch Arno L. `'Jehlc i;,c cuo -aia being prcrent, the meeting was adjourned to R:cnday, august l;, 195'1 at 8:00 _ .fir. 1 r dent httcst: G Jillag- Olcrk 0 1