07/08/19571 1 July 8, 1957 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of- Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, July 8, 1957 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: G. Eldon Holmquist, President Joseph W. Brown Carl J. Jaeger Harold L. Peterson Maurice C. Petesch Arno D. Wehle Absent: Joseph W. Koss and that a quorum was present at the meeting. Minutes of the regular meeting held June 10, 1957 and the adjourned meeting held July 1, 1957 were approved on motion by Trustee Petesch, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, and carried unanimously. Approve Bills The following bills were presented for consideration: Antes Sign Co. Abrams Aerial Survey Corp. C. R. Anderson Agency Badger Meter Manufacturing Co. Bell & Gustus, Inc. Bieh6p Heating Supply Co. Baxter and Woodman Baxter and Woodman Burgess, Anderson & Tate, Inc. Central'Tire Co. Deerfield Hardware & Paint Co. Deerfield Hardware & Paint Co. Deerfield Lumber & Fuel Co. Deerfield Lumber & Fuel Co. DiPietro Plumbing Deerfield - Highland Park Transit, Desks, Inc. D -X Sunray Oil Co. Deerfield Reveiw Deerfield Oil Co. Deerfield Garage and Service Deerfield Auto Service Gustaf H. Fredbeck, Recorder Elliott Addressing Machine Co. General-Industrial Co. Glidden °Company Illinois Municipal League Holmes Motor Co. John Hooper Homelite Highland Park Lincoln- Mercury I.B.M. Illinois Bell Telephone Compnay R. A. Kole County of Lake Midwest'Distributore Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Material Service Corp. Manoni & Mocogni, Inc. National Cash Register Co. National Municipal League National Sefety Council O'Brien Manufacturing Co. Inc. Co. 2.50 100.00 25.00 _89.25 44.00 2.20 ,480.00 3,056.86 '154.99 4.50 22.28 18.72 6.89- 2.97 89.15 14.00 355.03 837.52 108.83 231.39 21.40 19.41 7.00 4.00 13.92 130.00 2.00 19.28 96.00 37.25 21.09 30.62 435.47 14.22 1.05 29.85 26.12 100.79 49.36 200.60 1.50 3.89 128.00 219 220 Charles E. Piper 37.50 Public Service Co. 458.11 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 74.40 Perfection Legal Blank Co. 2.73 Aksel Petersen 25.00 Right -Way Distributors 4.52 Red Horse Service Station 2.95 Reiland & Bree, Inc. 57.63 Skokie Valley Asphalt, Inc. 50.00 Shore Line Blue Frint Co. 29.44 Stanton and Rockwell 400.00 Tropical Paint Co. 135.40 Village Hardware, Inc. 53.44 Village Hardware, Inc. 9.80 Walton and Walton 24.37 Harry Allsbrow 30.00 William Broege 30.00 Avis Cantagallo 30.00 Clayton Fehr 30.00 Ruth Hanich 31.50 Henry Halterman 30.00 Frank Langenberger 30.00 George Sticken 17.44 Warren Bahnsen 58.80 L. Alexander 15.36 J. McGinnis 280.00 David J. Petersen 5.00 Burgess, Anderson & Tate, Inc. 55.67 Central Scientific Co. 70.19 Chicago Decalcomania Co. 57.64 Deerfield Auto Service 8.19 Desks, Inc. 112.50 D-X Sunray Oil Co. 210.40 Deerfield Hardware 2.34 Deerfield Review 42.50 A. C. Davenport & Sons 107.95 Deerfield Lawn & Garden Spot, Inc. 9.00 Ralph Elson, M.D. 10.00 Elliott Addressing Machine 6.59 Charles B. Foelsch, Jr., M.D. 10.00 Frost's 74.95 City of Highland Park 12,830.55 Melvin Harrett 60.00 Edward Hines Lumber Co. 288.51 Highland Bump Shop 59.58 General Industrial Co. 7.08 Holmes Motor Co. 32.54 Highland Park Lincoln - Mercury 129.35 Illinois Bell Telephone Co, 264.78 Maier - Lavaty Co. 22.15 Material Service Corp. 70.40 Kinnesota °Mining & Manufacturing Co. 58.92 National Safety Council 8.78 Public Administration Service 10.16 Public Service Co. 471.38 Stanton and Rockwell 300.00 Rock Road Construction Co. 50.53 iced Horse Service Station 6.00 Shore Line Blue Print 9.82 Selected Films, Inc. 2.86 West Disinfecting Co. 31.88 Village Hardware, Inc. 13.79 Wolf's 10.24 June Monthly Payroll 92680.89 Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the bills as listed above be approvddfor payment, as, if and when funds are available. adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Peterson,Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) 1 1 221 Approve Reports. The mports of the Building Commissioner, the Fire Marshal and the Health Officer were read. The Police report submitted by Chief of Police Petersen, showed 72 arrests and fines of 6624.00. Trustee leterson moved, seconded by Trustee Wehle, that the reports be approved. Carried unanimously. Trustee Brown reported that an inspection of fire hydrants had been made, and the Village Manager had been instructed to have the necessary re;airs and corrections made as soon as possible. Approve Payment - $20.051.29 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Mercury Builders Jaeger, that the final payment of $20,051.29 be approved to Mercury Builders for sewage treat- ment plant construction, subject to filing waivers of lien for materials and labor, and an inspection of the plant by President Holmquist and Trustees Brown Fnd Peterson. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Peterson, Petesch, Vehle (5) Nays: None (0) Resolution - Abandon Park, Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Warrington, Westgate. Woodland Jaeger, that a resolution be adopted abandoning M.' F. T. Maintenance Park Avenue, Warrington Road, Westgate Road and Woodland Drive as arterial streets maintained from Motor Fuel Tax Funds. Carried unanimously. Resolution - M.F.T. Maintenance Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Wilmot and Chestnut Jaeger, that a resolution be adopted designating Wilmot Road, and Chestnut Street from Green- wood to Telegraph Road as arterial streets, and providing for their maintenance from Motor Fuel Tax Funds. Carried unanimously. Trustee Peterson moved, seconded by Trustee Jae -er, that the President be authorized to sign an affidavit relating to arterial street mileage and requirements. Carried unanimously. Approve Payments - J. H. Rhodes Trustee Brown moved, ;seconded by Trustee Peterson, 923.850.59 &$9946.84 that the Board approve payment of 423,850.59 to North Avenue Water Main J.H. Rhodes & Sons for work completed on the North Avenue water main, and also, payment of $9,946.84, subject to outcome of the first pressure test. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) Change Order #15 - X115 Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee We}-.lo, Plonsker Engineering that the Board approve and the President be authorized to sign Change Order #15, Plonskor Engineering, in the amount of $115.BA for radiator changes. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Jaeger, Peterson, Petesch, Wehle (5) Nays: None (0) Approve $3.527.75. Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, Plonsker Engineering that the pre -final payment of 0,527.75 to Plonsker Engineering be approved, subject to installation of a new control on the air conditioning unit. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. Brown, Jaeger, Peterson, Petesch, t:ehlo (5) Nays: None (0) 222 :-uc- T-., - - 1. Dond to Tru.-tc- JacL,,r -i.r-vocl, rLc-�Y!.C-O. lyy t" _--,u 'L!-, i,----Iucti(-,Il of "'J". j(.nC, frnm ip25CPGC0 t-C ;W.IGG.,COO bn -d pa-i-11-nt of ty-, 1-n-.,duia:s ,-o-,-,rcvcd. '-Y tl,- :"!;11 ct, LOOW"! 0 rl 2t,,.,sch ..01 -1! 11 Drmm -,,--c' n .cC. C;,., U J" U Zv "'I J.- Dj,,-,c-'L-, "G 1-�- L. r U- 114 jj - frcllcwin, V r Ic 7 1-C V— C,,-,t cf Vn-- -J 3.1"jot C--Cl 1' 1-1 prcvl�lc t ciciclit :,r :.':'C'a. Dr. ( U.IC. CLU Ui- 'Ui "ns Tf that :,jC�'j T':'r�Uj­t­.l­ c-'- in, _ _ -- : na -L U' L L;-iL' proclam--tion to b-) in V--, C, �,Ut' C:.".Oo j,"ll Tl-.�� -nu-cc.'naso cf 3 cc-'U--, .'cr t' iCCS on ttr s co c Orc'.inaLce -'-,l--cc, 7-moicn Trustco -(.-t-sch n Ccn,'c". B c rd (C-33-5' 'Arrsonp tr7t -stcblishinL a Pclic- ',)nE:icn 3c.. r1, k7t rnd -,crcviO.in_,; 'cr Vill,-)Ee rewcIrlos to bc, ic, nc'-cil kund. too 'LYY t.',,ic lollcwin" vct--=: L jacac�r, -rson, (5) (0) Bo!:Td Of 'ire LM6 Tmistee 7otesch s(:,ccnC,.,--c7. � nisqicn,)rs (0-34- ) -57 " 'c .tc.cson uha t c x�n'.ace b r,rcvidinE for tYo cv,,---ticn ol' L, 'A.')c, x�7. �-'L irm --nd :'slice Cc=iosi-,-Li(-r,-., &,.SininE their duti,--s., rcEuln'GicnIn pc -, —, I f the -nt of C;' -.'L,f oJf . A -li I end ccc -'oljce-, Dc)parti,,imt. i:da, ted by t'--, fcllo-tdn-. votc: eyes Jac)-or, '--'ctr.,.rscn 7-t.�sch,, I.Tohl c (5) p ,L, L: ys n (0) Cn"in"'nee - Salaries Trustee JL:cgvr meved, soccncll-e 'O.v 7ruAi- .-Otc3ch that an be .9 :CO; -,Y,icnd: n,' Crdinunc- 00 -. -*.,., 1- ff2 cstLblisli. , -,-csitinno :nc' -s to b�� p-icl. 4 1 s,! laric Adoptod by th,) followinL; vote: "Y' S.- 'rownp JaoEcr, :'etorson,, 2(.tosch, ',(,hlc (5) l:--ys: �.r-ne (0)