10/22/1956156 October 22, 1956 The adjourned meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, October 22, 1956 at 8:00 P.M. the Clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: John D. Schneider, President Joseph W. Brown Martha White Clark Carl J. Jaeger Hubert N. Kelley Raymond T. Meyer Maurice C. Petesch Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Authorize Variance The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that a 1504 Crowe variance be granted Mr. Henry Basile, 1504 Crowe Avenue, to permit the construction of an attached garage within 7 feet 4 inches from the nobth lot line of Lot 7, Block 6, Woodland Manor Subdivision, Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the Board ooncur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the variance be granted and building permit issued. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Authorize'Variance The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that a 1405 Warrington variance be granted to Galewood Builders to permit the construction of a residence at 1405 Warrington Road, Lot 12, Forest Park Subdivision, with side yards of 10 feet on the south add 8 feet on the north. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals, add the variance be granted and building permit issued. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Authorize Variance The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that a 1419 Warrington Road variance be granted to Galewood Construction Co. to permit the construction of a residence at 1419 Warrington Woad, Lot 14, Forest Park Subdivision, with side yards of 10 feet on the south side and 8 feet on the north. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the Board ooncur in the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and the variance be granted and building permit issued. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (n) Kleinschmidt Rezoning A letter from Mr. Medd, Kleinschmidt Laboratories, Ordinance was read, in which he requested immediat6 favorable action by the Board of the rezoning petition, and agreed to inclusion in the restricted manufacturing district being considered, since Kleinsehmidt's operations conform to the requirements of the new classification. The Plan Commission recommended approval of the rezoning. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that an ordinance be adopted rezoning to M- Manufacturing the following described area: The North 111 feet of the South 1030 feet of the West 302 feet of the East 476.18 feet of the South 1/2 of the Southwest gnarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the 3rd KM. in the Village of Deerfield, 157 it being understood that the entire property owned by Kleinsbhmidt's will be included in the new restricted M- Manufacturing district. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clerk, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) The Board is agreed in princi le that some of this area may best be served by industrial zoning provided K) that the type of industry going here is consistent with the basic residential character of Deerfield; (b) that the Waukegan Road intrance to the Village can be kept residential in character, attractive and uncluttered; and (c) that suitable barriers can be erected, through zoning, to prevent the further spreading of industrial zoning. In view of the large unimproved residential area east of Waukegan noad, this is especially important. We believe it is safe to say that most of Deerfield agrees with this. Since our meeting in September, many people have realized, as did the Board, that we could not grant these petitions under our present zoning ordinance and we have received helpful suggestions about limiting our "M" zoning and creating a new restricted tgpe of industrial zoning. To provide the first safeguard (that the type of industry be consistent .with the residential character of the town) a new ordinance is being prepared to provide for a restrictive type of industrial zoning. This new ordinance like any other zoning change, will require a public hearing. At the same time, an amendment to the existing Section XXI of the Deerfield Ordinance is being submitted for public hearing so that a planned commercial or industrial development of not less than five acres can be submitted for approval in the same way as a residential development of the same size. Since not all the area between County Line and Central Ave. from the railroad tracks and Waukegan Road has been included in petitions on which hearings have already been held; and this Board cannot, therefore, legally act on the area as a whole, it is recommended that a hearing date be set concurrent with the hearing for the new claadfication for the rezoning of this land into "M ", the new classification, and R-5. For the second safeguard, (to keep Waukegan Road attractive and un- cluttered) it is the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Committee that a 100 ft. setback be required for all industrial plants which may be built on Waukegan or Deerfield Roads, our arterial entrances to the Village. For the third safeguard, that suitable barriers can be erected to prevent industrial zoning from spreading to the North and East, we have the natural contour of the land to help us. There is a ridge along the West side of Waukegan Road which partially shields our manufacturing zone next to the railroad. Along this ridge, the Village wants to require a park strip from 75 - 100 ft. wide. This strip dedicated to the Village, would be part of the 100 ft. setback along Waukegan Road and would serve as our third safeguard. The ridge presently forms a safeguard because of its R-5 zoning. The Zoning Committee has therefore to make the following proposals: Re: Industrial Zoning Trustee Clark read the following statement regarding industrial zoning: The Village Board has before it six petitions for rezoning from residential to industrial or business zoning. Some of these petitions have been pending for some time, others more recently. Two are in the form of intention only while still others have been considered prior to this series of requests. In requests for rezoning, the law requires comprehensive con- sideration of the area in which the rezoning is desired. Acting on the recommendation of the Plan Commission, the Board employed a professional planner to help study the overall development of the Village since the acceptance of the Village Plan in 1953. It has been to determine what will in the Future be the best planning for °Deerfield that the Village Board has spent many hours of debate and discussion. The Board is agreed in princi le that some of this area may best be served by industrial zoning provided K) that the type of industry going here is consistent with the basic residential character of Deerfield; (b) that the Waukegan Road intrance to the Village can be kept residential in character, attractive and uncluttered; and (c) that suitable barriers can be erected, through zoning, to prevent the further spreading of industrial zoning. In view of the large unimproved residential area east of Waukegan noad, this is especially important. We believe it is safe to say that most of Deerfield agrees with this. Since our meeting in September, many people have realized, as did the Board, that we could not grant these petitions under our present zoning ordinance and we have received helpful suggestions about limiting our "M" zoning and creating a new restricted tgpe of industrial zoning. To provide the first safeguard (that the type of industry be consistent .with the residential character of the town) a new ordinance is being prepared to provide for a restrictive type of industrial zoning. This new ordinance like any other zoning change, will require a public hearing. At the same time, an amendment to the existing Section XXI of the Deerfield Ordinance is being submitted for public hearing so that a planned commercial or industrial development of not less than five acres can be submitted for approval in the same way as a residential development of the same size. Since not all the area between County Line and Central Ave. from the railroad tracks and Waukegan Road has been included in petitions on which hearings have already been held; and this Board cannot, therefore, legally act on the area as a whole, it is recommended that a hearing date be set concurrent with the hearing for the new claadfication for the rezoning of this land into "M ", the new classification, and R-5. For the second safeguard, (to keep Waukegan Road attractive and un- cluttered) it is the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Committee that a 100 ft. setback be required for all industrial plants which may be built on Waukegan or Deerfield Roads, our arterial entrances to the Village. For the third safeguard, that suitable barriers can be erected to prevent industrial zoning from spreading to the North and East, we have the natural contour of the land to help us. There is a ridge along the West side of Waukegan Road which partially shields our manufacturing zone next to the railroad. Along this ridge, the Village wants to require a park strip from 75 - 100 ft. wide. This strip dedicated to the Village, would be part of the 100 ft. setback along Waukegan Road and would serve as our third safeguard. The ridge presently forms a safeguard because of its R-5 zoning. The Zoning Committee has therefore to make the following proposals: 158 1. The Plan Commission hold a hearing on the earliest legal date to consider the new Restrictive B-3 zoning. 2. The proposed amendment to Section XXI of our existing zoning ordinance. 3. The rezoning of the area between County Line and Central Avenue from the tracks to Waukegan Road in accordance with the attached map. The "M" manufacturing to be revised and the area marked, "Proposed B-3" to be a more rebtricted industrial area, with setbacks on Waukegan Road of 100 ft. which includes 75 ft. dedicated park strip. 4. The manufacturers already Deerfield residents have proved good good neighbors and should be allowed to expand. We recommend that the Plan Commission's favorable report be concurred with hbw and- that- & - limited "rezoning be granted to Kleinschmidt so that they can start their new building with the understanding that they will be included in the new industrial zone as soon as it is approved. An Attorney present asked if the statement included the word "dedicate ", the answer being affirmative. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the question of re- zoning and zoning amendments be referred to the Plan Commission for public hearing. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger,Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) AR,prove Wells - Supple The Plan Commission recommended approval of Rezoning - R-2 the petition to rezone the Well- Oupple property from R-3 to R-2. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and an ordinance be prepared to effectuate such rezoning. Carried unanimously. Approve Payment - $429.60 Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Fred Clavey Jaeger, that payment of x$429.60 to Fred Clavey for parkway work be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Ordinance - Sale of Lien Mr. Matthews, Village Attorney, presented and read an ordinance providing for the sale and assignment of judgment liens for certain overdue and unpaid installments of certain special assessments held by the Village of Deerfield, to Kenneth R. Shobts, in connection with the ac uisition of the site for the sewage treat- ment plant, the sale price being E09-48. Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, that the ordinance be adopted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment - $509.48 Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Kenneth R. Shorts Meyer, that a check in the amount of $509.48 be issued to Kenneth R. Shorts as attorney for Ralph Wells, to complete the payment of the purchase price of the site for the sewage treatment plant. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Meyer, Petesch (6) Nays: None (0)