02/13/19561 1 1 February 13, 1956 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, February 13, 1956 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Joseph W. Brown Martha White Clark Carl J. Jaeger Raymond T. Meyer Maurice C. Petesch Absent: John D. Schneider, President Hubert N. "elley and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. On motion by Trustee Jaeger, seconded by Trustee Clark, and carried unanimously, Trustee Meyer was appointed President pro tem. Minutes of the regular meeting held January 9, 1956, a.nd the adjourned meeting held January 23, 1956 were approved. Approve Bills The following bills were presented for consideration: David J. retersen 10.00 North Shore Motor Express 6.28 Kuch.and Watson 95.86 _ City of Lake Forest 163.39 DiPietro Plumbing 693.00 Deerfield Park Builders 13.00 Village of Deerfield 126.75 J.T. DeWeese 67.50 J.T. DeWeese 48.00 Tomas Felgen 87.41 Jacqueline Frost 30.66 Frank Langenburger 25.00 Wm. Behnke 25.00 Harry Allsbrow 25.00 Albert Bernardi 159.84 Thomas Felgen 69.10 Ruth,Hanich 60.00 Harry Allsbrow 60.00 Wm. Behnke 60.00 Dorothy Goodpasture 66.60 Frank Langenburger 60.00 Michael Melchiorre 33.30 Thomas Felgen 23.31 Albert Bernardi 153.18 Rose Cahil� "T0:00 Ida Hazel lifford 10.00 J. K. Vetter 10.00 D. Maree Silence __10100 Harriet B. King :.10.00 Katherine L. Paul 10.00 William A. Haggis 10.00 Pauline L. Rundell 10.00 Florence Jacobs 10.00 Dorothy Goodpasture 10.00 Grace Ward 10.00 Hattie P. Wessling 10.00 99 100 Acme Service 7.37,, Brand Brothers 6.93 Frank Brooks, M.D. 40.00 Burgess, Anderson & Tate 189.37' Chandler's 8.94 Deerfield Auto Service 12.25 Deerfield Oil Co. 31.75 Deerfield Garage & Service 29.01,. Deerfield Hardware & Paint 27.78 Deerfield Shell Servieo 3.00 D-X Sunray Oil Co. 250.45 Deerfield Lumber & Fuel 91.33 Deerfield Review 130.05 Everett Garage 9.90 Fairchild Aerial Service 25.75 Frost's 1.02 Gibbs Photo - Supply 56.70 Richard J. Gilmore 208.20 John Hooper 40.00 Highland Park Fuel Co. 9.68 Highland Park Lincbin Mercury 31.87 The Hunt Co. 20.30 Ideal Pictures 2.26 International Salt Co. 55.60 Illinois State Penitentiary 5.20 Kroch's and Brentano's 12.00 Midwest Conference 25.00 Thomas A. Matthews 175.00 Maier- Lavaty Co. 18.00 Mer -Jas; Photos 4.00 National Safety Council 1.70 Newspaper Circulating Service 1.60 North Shore Gas Co. 1.00 Public Service Co. 271.45 Charles E. Piper 62.50 Jens Petersen 20.00 Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. 83.00 Pure Service 3.75 P. F. Pettibone & Co. 25.71 Reiland & Bree 68.44 M. F. Rupp 21.75 Red Horse Service Station 11.40 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 497.30 Suburban Survey Service 28.00 Singer Printing and Publishing Co. 49.50 Shore Line Blue Print Co, 70.36 University of Illinois 2.00 Village Hardware, Inc. 25.00 D.J.L. Walther 209.80 Herman Ziebell Supply Co. 337.60, January Monthly Payroll 5873.41 Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the said bills be approved for payment. Adopted by the following votes Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Approve Reports -, The Police report submitted by Chief of Police Petersen, showing 147 cases and fines of $1,193.00 for the month of January, 1956 was approved and ordered placed on file. The Building Commssioner s report for the month of January was approved and orderd placed on file. The Health report submitted by Health Officer Esther Giss was approved. r1 U 1 101 Christy Rezoning The Plan Commission, after public hearing on Denied December 15, 1955, recommended denial of Mrs. Frances Christyrs petition to rezone her property on..South Waukegan Road from R-2 to B-1. Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that the Board concur in the recommendation::off the 1&n Commission, and the petition be denied. Carried unanimously. Authorize Chicago Motor In connection with Safety Council recommendations _Club Crossing Survey regarding school crossing guards, Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Clark, that the Chicago Motor Club be authorized to make a survey of crossings in the Village. Carried unanimously. Contract - Highland Park Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, Land Fill that the President be authorized to sign a contract with the City og Highland Park for use of the Sanitary Land Fill operated by the City of Highland Park, subject to approval by the Village Attorney. Carried unanimously. ARprove $22.077.94 - Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Jaeger, Mercury Builders that the estimate of Mercury Builders in the amount of $22,077.94 be approved for payment, waivers of lien having been filed and approval given by Baxter and Woodman, Engineers. Adopted by the following vote: Diambri Subdivision Approved Claf•k moved, seconded mendation of, the Plan subject to the extens: Carried unanimously. The Plan Commission recommended approval of Diambri's Class I Subdivision of two lots on Deerfield Road and Cedar Terrace. Trustee by Trustee brown, that the Board concur in the recom- Commission,-and the said subdivi sion be approved Lon of sanitary and storm sewers. Approve K.P. Petersen's The Plan Commission recommended approval of Subdivision K. P. Petersen's Subdivision of four lots off Woodruff Avenue. Tru stee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and the said subdivision be approved subject to payment of the review fee, acreage fees, incasement of sewers, incasement of the sewers in concrete, postinoond to cover the cost of improvements, and formal approval of improvement plans and specifications by the Village Engineer. Carried unanimously. Ayes: ' Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Approve $1,038.47 - Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Jagger, Baxter and Woodman that payment of $1,038.47 to Baxter and Woodman be approved for engineering services and super- vision in connection with the construction of the sewage treatment plant. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Diambri Subdivision Approved Claf•k moved, seconded mendation of, the Plan subject to the extens: Carried unanimously. The Plan Commission recommended approval of Diambri's Class I Subdivision of two lots on Deerfield Road and Cedar Terrace. Trustee by Trustee brown, that the Board concur in the recom- Commission,-and the said subdivi sion be approved Lon of sanitary and storm sewers. Approve K.P. Petersen's The Plan Commission recommended approval of Subdivision K. P. Petersen's Subdivision of four lots off Woodruff Avenue. Tru stee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Plan Commission, and the said subdivision be approved subject to payment of the review fee, acreage fees, incasement of sewers, incasement of the sewers in concrete, postinoond to cover the cost of improvements, and formal approval of improvement plans and specifications by the Village Engineer. Carried unanimously. 102 Approve Greenwood Park Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, Unit #3 that Greenwood Park Subdivision Unit #3 be approved, subject to payment of the review fee, acreage fees, posting bond to cover the cost of improvements, a temporary storm sewer outlet to the railroad tracks, posting an additional bond to cover the proportionate share of providing a permanent storm sewer outlet by special assessment procedure or any other method. Carried unanimously. Agreement - Walton & Walton Trustee Brown moved, seconded by Trustee Architectural Services Petesch, that an agreement be entered into with Walton and Walton for architectural services for the construction of the Village Hall. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brown, Clark, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (5) Nays: None (0) Appoint J. Howard Wolf Trustee Jaeger reported that Mr. Leslie Acox Treasurer had expressed the desire to resign as Village Treasurer, and moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, that J. Howard Wolf be appointed Village Treasurer, effective March 1, 1956. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: grown, Clark, Jaeger, Meyer, Petesch (S!) Nays: None (0) Resolution- Depositories Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that a resolution be adopted designating the Deerfield State Bank, Deerfield, the Northern Trust Company, Chicago, - and the First National Bank of Chicago as depositories for Village of Deer- field funds. Carried unanimously. Resolution - Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Collectors Funds Petesch, that a resolution be adopted authorizing the Collector to deposit monies in the Deerfield S +ate Bank, and to transfer said monies to the Treasurer twice a month within fifteen days after the receipt of said monies. Carried unAnimously. Trustee Clark moved, seconded'by Trustee Brown, that the proposed subdivisions at 700 Osterman Avenue, and the 40 acre tract south of Deerfield Park Subdivision be referred to the Plan Commission, filing fees having been paid. Carried unanimously. Decision was made to reject the one bid received on a new police car, and to re- advertise, bids to be returnable February 29, 1956. Mr. Rupp, Village Manager, stated February 16, 1956 was Student Government Day, and outlined the program prepared for the students elected to serve as Village officials. The Illinois Bell Telephone Company invited representatives of the Village to attend the ground breaking ceremonies for the new telephone building on Deerfield Road on Wednesday, February 15, 1956. Appoint Robert McGuire Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee Brown, Board of Building Appeals that Robert McGuire, 822 Warrington Road, be appointed to fill the vacancy for the one year term on the Board of Building Appeals. Carried unanimously. 103 Mr. Lewis Walton, Sr. requested a hearing before the Board of Building Appeals to consider amending the Building Code exit requirements for multiple family units. Canvass Votes On motion duly made and seconded, the Clerk was Special Election directed to open the Poll Books and Tally Sheets of the Special Election held February 4, 1956. After canvassing the Poll Books and Tally Sheets, Trustee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch that the Board of Trustees approve-'the report of the elction officials, who reported that on the proposition "Shall bonds in the amount of $175,000.00 be issued by the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of tWing the cost of constructing a new municipal building in and for said Village, maturing $5,000.00 on the first day of January, 1958 and $10,000.00 on the first day of January of each of the years 1959 to'1975 inclusive, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed three and three — fourths percent (3 -3A%) per annum; provided, however, that of said bonds those maturing on January 1 of each of the years 1969 through 1975, in the aggreg4te principal amount of $70,000 shall be redeemable in the inverse order in which they are numbered on January 1, 1962, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption ? ", 914 votes were cast in favor of said proposition, and 169 votes were cast against said proposition. The Board of Trustees determined and thereby found that the said proposition passed, and the Village of Deerfield is authorized to issue said bonds. Carried unanimously. The Board expressed its appreciation for the cooperation received from the press in the approval of the bond issue, and a Wising vote of thanks wbS given Mrs. Robert Pettis, Editor of the Deerfield Review. Tentative Approval Trustee Clark moved, seconded by Trustee brown, Forest Park Subdivision that the President be authorized to sign the plat of Forest Park Subdivision, providing the Village Manager certifies that the following conditions are coiplied with: Payment of review and acreage fees, posting bond to covercomplete improvements, revision of plans by February 20 with regard to outfall section, additional water main valves; minimum of three feet of-cover for sewers with incasement in concrete at driveways and street intersections. Adopted by the.following vote: Ayes: Four (4) Nays: ' One (1) The meeting was adjourned to Monday, February 27, 1956 at 8:00 P.M. in the Village Hall. Att9st: Village Clerk Approved: / i President