10/24/1955i' ' October 24, 1955 The s 2cial meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Vill:.ge of �� e �f' o1c4 . c s called to order in the Council Chambers of the Vil n-r L:.. a -i on CI .?rd IT Ccto: er 24, 1955 at g:CO x'.i ., pursuant to -the fo_l.Jo, -!ing notice cnt Ito e -.ch ! ruo tees: "You Lre hereby notified thLt a special meetin of the Board of 'i.-u,itc::s of the Village of Deerf. -eld will. be 'held in the Council . hPmbcrF of t_le Nall_ on 1,1ionday, October 24, 1955 at 8:00 P.i�i. for the purpose o1' ccneio.erino cert.in bills and to transact such other business as ii_Hy be `3_onnc L-v tcd at said meeting. 2 er of Trustees Brown, Clark, Jaeg -r, Meyer, 'rete-sch .: -tcci `:.'t is 20th day of October, 1955. Isl Catherine B. Price Village Clerk Cn. -mo-ti on by Tru=stee Kelley, seconded r;, Trustee Jaeger, `Trustee i'-eyer z:3 s :--r or -inted P •eci dent pro tem. The Clerk called the roll and rerortec:. the 011 0': ink were Present: Carl J. Jaeger ymond T. :-ieYer l u',,ert N. Kelley Eaurice C. Petesch .ibsent: John D. Schneider, '.residen t Joseph ". Brown 1f,artha ::7hite Clark and `u-'_(1:.t a gv.orum :?as nres.-nt and in attendance at the :m sting. _':gip ^ove -'rent I•ir. H. E. Baxtcr, Engineer for the V _l7 c r c, ;much c 1.:atson_ -i:127 7 reported that wcrk amounting to " "226,2 ; ;'.C2 been cor•_rlcted to Cate byKuch e..nd `. atscn., 1.7:> S4-'C ha.d been pai ., :34.,01 ;. &5 was being retained, cr.d ,.:12,73Q.37 a.r� now Ciie on the sc,:,er construction rc§ect. '! r,ustec Cl: -r'.c entered the meeting, and -as present thereafter. i. .zstee Jaeger moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that pairment of µ12,7'c;. �7 to xuch and '.:r�i.son be aprrcved. ..dopted by the follo?in vote: ,c s : Cla.rk, J;: tiger, Kelley, Meyer, fetes h (5 ) ucnc (C) yuthor _ze Ar :na.tures Trustee - 'etesch moved, seconded by 'Tru -tee iia.c� ;cr, Tre- t ,ent d'l ant Gottract that the ! resident be authorized to dgn t1,e con ,rac t with Eercury Luilddrs for const:mzction of t',e s: ?age treatment plant. ildopted by the followinC; vote: «res Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, Iielrcr, Petesch (5) mays: Ncne (0) .authorize :attorney Lrustse Kelley mov ^d, ceconucd L� `1'ructco G1• . -k aon -_n_ F; fuse that the Village :ittorne j, 1.:r. 1• .-a.tthe� -s, tie _ aut: or. ized to proceed i n the zer.. i n ::ui.t en'�c� cad ..r. `.a.rold i,ynkoop. Adopted y tl e followl -ng vote: e: :a_­- k, Jaeger, ltelley, ivieye_r, Petesch (5) : "'cne (C) tiu t :.o. iize Committee Pl. ns for a Village Hall construction iofcivn 7.-u Villa e_ II_:J�1 were discussed at length. ` Crustee KeliclY e :,_ re:-s on oi' citizen c•etcsc , :':,.at comps cosc=icic.) ildo7ted by opi ttee ti'.e sug; -csted that a str_,W vote be held to i;ct ..r �i cn. `r'i^ustee Jaeger mcved, seconded by Trus,,,cc be aut : ;crized to conduct a strati? vote as scon e, followinf~ vote: li /cs: Clark, Jaeger, Kelley, i.iejer, Petesch (5) Mr. Baxter stated that an incorrect bill for serivices had been approved at the last meeting, and reouested that approval of the correct bill be held over to the next meeting. Trustee Kelley reported that he approved the Special Assessment Foreclosure resolutions adopted at the last meeting, and the institution of proceedings be allowed. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: ' � i Village President Attest: Village Clerk 1 roxi ANN