06/27/1955w June 27, 1.955 il iacctinn- of the ho., rd of Trustees of `U-he Vill:.ge of Deerfic]d w;�.s . I - to order i�i. the ',ouncil Chamber-a of the Villige H:,11 ^n 1•-ondaii, Jiin, C: 70 --on by Trustee retesch, �_,cconC.-_1-7 ;) T rue Lcc .3-c'. P I., Cn ITIot .1 "I'' -Lc- 1kc,_1 _,-cy wr.s appointee. - l_rc.-!_,..ent -r.ro tem. The Cier'c c,-1,IcCt the rc, o.ct271 that the followin.r i!cre arcsent: Joserh `.T. Prown E-arth,n `,I-Ite Zinnic Hubert K. Ha�pmond 1'. 1,,-,Y-r !•i ,qurice C* "etesch 1"bsent: John D. S,hncider, 1--recid-nt C-.rl J. �Pct-cr rL: C. -ucr-m;,, :.,as r.-,.­c.F.-nt and In -)ttenJ­nce at -,,,,e ,icc,-c. :_nrr �9 Tn).,.`3ee '.-:cycr -r.ovcC, ,,2cc_-6cd _,c2 n the at , 'alse Of the _Cti c i ec! ;-,nh.c 'or. Co. Uons"ruct i-n o-,--r,,-r,.Y, tea J -7ne el'--or:ct rel'ijsin, "Go rc.,fcz �i: C ;.O_' L Tin; 7.-11, t i_ 's contr-.ct ai.t, c V*-ll , Pc o" Decrf i elCL gc or -ewc ti-c-it, _G L P. "ory 1.1 Ll C-,:, r, 0 uh c r -,. o -,-:c oma �illu -i-.; , 1 Ol 1', nst !",l oh Con�,L.-! nn to in_iV,,.lte action f o- brc�.,..ch of contract c-r-L9. .0 T,­ -(I n('L noti the �ors—_rTctlon Com-:an-r -,n,'- t he Surety on i t _.c ...on. 1 1do-rtc(_1 by lollcwinr, vote: 11 Zlo­rl Cl rIx KclD-cv , r, ' - -sc'- (5) 1.2-rcr retc Trrustce ilcyer lioveC, :­conde6 loy 'Lrjstcc Cl that- an 2x-nendit-ure c_ ji C be -t- c -11 ing an� ,e-nc,6 '6c,-tcd. b,r T' 4- S ,'-I no to C-�—n I,Cfc-(',,-, t'-c C ti, C e -zlce-c:_r_� was ad -,irned. ,proveO: C, -lit .J