04/11/1955 + 04/18/19551 ffing April 11, 1955 No Trustee being present, the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield on Monday, April 11, 1955 was adjourned by the Clerk to Monday, April 18, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. Attest: Village Clerk April 18, 1955 The Adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, April 18, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: John D. Schneider, President L 3 Frederick 0. Dicus Hubert N. Kelley Joseph W. King Raymond T. Meyer Absent: Eugene F. Engelhard Harold W. Wynkoop and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting, Corrections were made in the minutes of the meeting held March 14, 1955, as follows: para. "Appoint Adm. Kelsey" corrected to read - "Admiral John D. Kelsey, Retired" and para. - "Resolution- Application for Permit - Water Main" corrected to read - "authorizing the making of an application to the State- -•Hi9h1ay-Department for a permit for the construction of a water main for Guy Viti." Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Approve Bills The following bills were presented for consideration: Mae Fautsch $ 210.75• Wm. Behnke 90.00 C. Horebberger 90.00 Harry Allsbrow 95.00 Ruth Hanich 90.00 J. T. DeWeese 60.00 F. Knackstadt 25.50 Dorothy Goodpasture 27.00 K. L. Paul 122.25 .American Evatype Corp. 3.10 Public Service Co. 222.12 Newspaper Circulating Service 1.60 Suburban Building Officials Conference 12.80 Dr. Russell Sugden 11.00 Hautau & Otto 6.90 M. F. Rupp 24.35 Harold Root 45.76 Uhiversity of Illinois 15.00 Vant & Selig 29.00 Petty Cash Reimbursement 74.22 Deerfield Auto Service 5.10 P. F. Pettibone & Co. 35.58 Ideal Pictures 2.95 Deerfield Garage 14.92 Point +Comfort Service Station .6.96 Midges Super Service 37.86 Midwest Conference of Building Officials 25.00 Illinois Bell Telephone Company 151.15 Burgess, Anderson & Tate 19:95 Mid - Continent Petroleum Corp. 330.70 Fnost's W0.75 Reiland & Bree 105.23 Deerfield Lumber & Fuel Co. 15.20 iBtA 44 Sherony Hardware & Appliances 10.73 Deerf eld Hardware 9.82 Village Hardware 1.08 H!:hland Park Fuel 62.05 Ziebell Supply Co. 5.50 City of Highland Park 6314.40 Harold 0. Tibbitts 20.00 Central Scientific Co. 27.80 American Society for Testing Materials 3.78 Central Tire Co. 12.75 Olson Printing Co. 36.40 Harvey Wahls 103.95 Bill Fassett 61.50 Rockwell Mdg. Co. 1079.00 Stirsman Service Station 18.52 Shoreline Blue Print Co. 50.61 Trustee "elley moved, seconded by Trustee King, that the said bills be aj_;proved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee King, that an additional bill from the North Shore Gas Company for $4.29 be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) ; pprove Repotts The Health report submitted by Health Officer L;ther Giss was approved and ordered placed on file. The Building Commiss'oner's report for March was approved. The Police report, showing 49 cases and fines of $116 was approved and ordered placed on file. Escrow :agreement Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus, that the Kenton Improvements escrow agreement with Valenti Builders and the North- west National Bank to cover the cost of Kenton Road improvements, as agreed on in the letter dated i,iarch 21, 1955, be approved, and a permit be issued for constructiom. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley , King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) Approve ?,arwick- Trustee i°1eyer moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus, that v.1incanton Improvements the Warwick- 'iincanton improvements and escrow agree - me,:t be approved, and permit be issued for construction when the following conditions are complied with; dedicction of Lot 11, dedication of Lot 3 for street purposes for a ten year period, and water main to be tied in with Westgate Road.main. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee King, that the Approve $15.24 claim of Mr. R. Wessling for damage to his car be settled Wessling Claim for $$15.25. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, i,eyer (4) Nays: None Communications The Village Manager reported that the Sewerage Revenue Bonds had been p rchased by the Allstate Insurance Company. A letter from Walsh Construction Company discussing; road work and sewage tratment plant construction was received, A letter from M. A. J. Norgaard, owner of Lots 5, 6,7,8, and 9, east of Carr's Subdivision was referred to the Village Manager. D 1 I- 0 MIL Action on Mr. John Warton's proposed res ubdivision of two lots on Stratford Road was deferred until the matter can be studied. The Village Manager was directed to negotiate with Mr. Albert J. Schmidt, owner of the vacant lot which is required for future extension of Stratford Road. The request for a permit to install water and sewer extensions in Park Avenue was referred to the Village Manager and Engineer for studyg The letter from Frances Christy requestinf permission to move a building to 150 Waukegan Road was regerred to the Village Manager. Trustee Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, that Statement of Policy" the following statment of policy regarding water meters Water Meters be adopted: Water meters installed in the Village of Deerfield shall conform to the following installation procedure and requirements: a,) Water meters in basements shall be installed with the dial within eight (8) inches of, and facing some window or glassed area in such a manner as to allow the meter to be read from the outside of the building; b) Water meters in basementless houses shall be installed in the utility room within eight (8) inches of, and facing some window or glassed area in such a manner as to allow the meter to be read from outside the building ci Water meters in pits shall be installed in line with existing meter pits, either in the parkway, or immediately inside the property line, as determined by the Superintendent of Public Works; d) Meters in commercial and industrial property shall be installed in pits; e) Meters shall be installed iri pits in every instance where the total run of the house service pipe exceeds'.100 "fe6t. Diagrams of typical installations are on file in the Village Offices. 'he Village of Deerfield will maintain the Hater mains throughout the Village and the individual house corporation stop. The individual user shall be responsible for the house service from the tap to his home. Only the Village shall make meter repairs, and the cost of the labor and parts of such repairs shall be paid by the water customer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, King, Meyer, Schneider (4) Nays: Kelley (1) Trustee Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, Approve $275 Fee that payment of $275 to Mr. Thomas Matthews, Village Liebling Suit Attorney, be approved, for legal services in connection with the suit filed by Mr. Arnold Liebling. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) the Village Manager was requested to continue to negotiate with John and Dorothy Forke for the purchase of thee vacant property adjoining the Village Hall site. Trustee.Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, that Approve $15,720.96 Estimate No. 3, Kuch & Watson, amounting to Kuch & Watson $15,720.96, be approved for payment, waivers of lien having been received. Adopted by the following vote:. Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee i►eyer, Approve 560.71 that the statement of Baxter & Woodman for $560.71 Baxter & Woodman for services in connection with the sewer work, be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Dicus moved, seconded by Trustee King, C.M.A. Mebting that permission be given Mr. Rupp, Village Approved - Rupp N,anrger, to attend the City Managers' Association meeting at Monticello, Illinois, the fee being $18.00. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus, Approve ' Westgate that the sanitary sewer extension in Westgate Road Sewer E >tension be accepted and approved, as recommended by D.J.L. bJAlther, Engineer, the contra ^tor having accepted responsibility for any backfilling required. Carried unanimously. Trustee King moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus, that Resolutions- Special resolutions be adopted authorizing f6reclosures of Assessment Foreclosures special assessment liens on Lot 51, E.P. Osterman's Lots 51 & 69, Osterman's Subdivision, and Lot 69, E.P. Osterman's Subdivision, Subdivision with a guaranteed bid of 50 %. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee King moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus, Resolution - Special that a resolution be adopted authorizing fore - Assessment Foreclosure closure of special assessment liens on the Plagge Farm following described property, at a guaranteed bid of 50% on vacant property consisting of approx- imately 26 acres, and 100% on the Plagge Homestead, consisting of approx- imately 2.31 acres: "That part of the South half of the North east quarter of Section 32, all of the North 43 rods hest of Grand A,enue (except beginning on West line of Grand tivenue 229 feet West and 709.5 Seet South of North East corner South lest quarter, North East quarter; thence blest 217.P feet; thence North 150 feet; thence East 217.8 feet; thence South :150 feetcto the place of -be- ginning and except the South 255 feet of the North 255 feet of Guest 622.2 feet and except William Plagges Second Subdivision in Deerfield, North East quarter Section 322 Township 43 North, Range 12; and the North 43 rods, East three - quarters, South half, North East quarter Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, all East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois." Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer W Nays: None (0) Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus, Ordinance - Park & that an ordinance be enacted vacating Park Lane, and Street 7acation blest 2 of Broadmoor Place between the :Jest Fork of the Borth Branch of the Chicago "fiver, and the South Line of Hazel Avenl:e and the small park in West Deerfield Manor Subdivision. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dicus, Kelley, King, Meyer (4) Nays: None (0) 1 1 1 The escrow agreement for improvements in West Deerfield Manor Sub - Division was referred to the Village Attorney for study. Mrs. Warren Smetters' resignation from the'Plan Commission was accepted with regret. Permission was given Mr. Nick Locanti to continue to sell plants as a non - conforming use on the Antes property until June 1, 1955. Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Dicus, that the meeting be adjourned to Saturday, April 23, 1955 at 4:00 P.M. Approved: President Attest: /Lug Village Clerk April 23, 1955 The adjourned meeting of the Bca rd of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order in the Council :Chambers of the Village Hall on Saturday, April 23, 1955 at 4:00 P.M., Trustees Kelley and Meyer, and the Clerk being present. Upon canvassing the returns of the election held Canvass Election April 19, 1955, it was found that ballots were cast as follows: For Trustee Precinct 1 Precinet 2 Total Joseph W. Brown 295 168 463 Carl J. Jaeger 289 168 457 Maurice C. Petesch 284 172 456 Bing Crosby 1 1 Bob Hope 1 1 For Trustee (2 yr. Term) Martha White Clark 297 174 471 For Police Magistrate Earl F. Paul 261 161 422 Ralph J. Baches 71 36 107 Trustee Meyer moved,-seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the results of the canvass be accepted and approved, and that Joseph W. Brown, Carl J. Jaeger,and Maurice C. Petesch be declared elected Trustees for four year terms, Martha White Clark elected Trustee for a two year term to fill vacancy, and Earl F. Paul elected Police Magistrate for a four year term. Carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: WLA_age Clerk Approved: Pres dent 47