R-97-04FRB CNGO2.41 (REV 11/30/84) NS RESOLUTION NO. R-97-04 SUGGESTED RESOLUTION FOR ENACTMENT RESOLVED, that the First National Bank of Chicago utilize the services of (Name of Financial Institution) Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for the custody of securities pledged to the Village of Deerfield (Nome of Public Body (pledgee)) or to any of its agencies or departments, upon terms and conditions prescribed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. RESOLVED, that such securities deposited for custody with Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago may be released from custody to First National Bank of Chicago upon the signature of: (Norne of Financial Institution) any two: Mayor, Village Manager, Finance Director /Treasurer, Asst. to the Finance (Show how many signatures are required: e.g., "any two of the following, Treasurer, Director Clerk, President." List only titles of those authorized: e.g., Treasurer, Clerk, President. Do not insert names of persons.) RESOLVED, that the Village of Deerfield Clerk forward a certified copy of this (Name of Pledgee) resolution to Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago together with a certificate attesting to the names and signatures of the present incumbents of the offices described above; and that the Village of Deerfield '(Name of Pledgee) Gerk further certify to the bank from time to time the signatures of any successors in office of any of the present incumbents. RESOLVED, that Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago shall be fully discharged from all liabilities or responsibility for any action tarred out in accordance with this resolution and it shall be entitled to rely on this resolution until it receives express written notice to the contrary In the form of a certified copy of a" subsequently enacted resolution. RESOLVED, that this resolution shall supersede and cancel all previous resolutions relating to the custody of securities at Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. herebv certify that the foregoing is a true and correct coav of a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield adopted at a meeting of said Board (Name of Pledgee) duly called and held on the 7th (Nome of Governing Board) of Trustees (Name of Governing Board) day of_ April 19 97 _, a quorum being present, as said Resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and it is now in full force and effect. Dated the 7th day of April 19--UL. +t Clerk LD (Corporate Seal) (The clerk's signature on the certification of the resolution and his signature and the signatures of those authorized to act for the pledgee containedin the signature certifica- tion should be guaranteed by a financial institution that maintains an account with the Federal Reserve Bank.) Pledge Account SIGNATURE GUARNATEED (Name of Depository Institution) By: Title: (Depository Institution Seal) .1`�'i Y V� !'. 3' e� Y ��6a "'�cw��� FRS CMGO 2-42 (REV t? /= NS CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO: I/We certify that the names of the incumbents of the offices authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Trustees - Village of Deerfield adopted the 7th (nanx of governing body and nan.e of public body (piedget) day of Apr -i 1 19 '17 to direct the release from custody, securities pledged to the Village of Deerfield and held in safekeeping by Federal (name of pledger) Reserve Bank of Chicago, and their signatures are as follows: Name Bernard Forrest Robert D. Franz George Valentine Sheila Stillman Title Mayor Village Manager Finance Director /Treasurer Signature � M Asst. to the Finance Direc or - I ./ , i Dated the 7th day of April I9 37 (Corpora.e Soso Clerk LD SIGNATURES GUARANic.cD (Name of depository his -tt- ion) by Title (The clerk's slpnaturr on 11712 csrrlflcate and the slgnaturtis of tho" authored to act tar the pledgee appearfnq above shouldbo puaranfeed by ffnancialInsfltutlon that maintains an account with the Federal Reserye Bank) (D+Do:frory Inatffutlon Sea!) F:aderal Rejarva E3ank of Chicago P.O. Box 834 ailcago, Illinois 60640.0834 Gentlemen: CUSTODY AGREEMENT 4/14/97 a.l. You are hereby authorized to - accept and hold In custody for our account securities by First Chicago Bank rledgor One First National Plaza Chicago, IL 60670 Address (City and Stale) ' We agree flint such securities are held subject to the terms and conditions of your Operating Circular No. 13-A and hereby signify our knowledge and acceptance of the terms and conditions of said circular. We further agree flint at your convenience you may accept securities from the pledgor as replacement, or In substitution for those securities presently held, provided that such leplacement or substitution does not reduce (lie aggregate par amount of securities held for our account, 11iis authorization Is limited to the following designated securities: (Indicate YES or NO on lines provided. Leave no blanks.) A. Obligations of the United Stales Govemmenl: Treasury Bliis, Certificates of Indebtedness, Notes and Bonds. D. Obligations of United Slates Government Agencies. C. Obllgollont of the State of D. Obligations of the various States. E Obligations of municipalities and public bodies located In (indicole name o/ Slole(41 F. Obligations of any municipality or public body locoted in the fifty States, or territories or Insular possessions of the United Stow. G. Other (Specify) (Corporate Sent) SiGNATURE(S) GUARANTEED (Nome of vtposllory inslitullon) Dy: . Mile: N/A N/A N/A N /A. .Ili ,/ A Village of Deerfield (No r o pu boJy (pledg l [3 Title: Finance Director /Treasurer Address :850 Waukegan Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015 (Donostlory InstitUrlon Sentl