R-96-01RESOLUTION NO. R -96- 01 � A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF DRAFTING AN UNFUNDED MANDATES CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the State of Illinois has imposed state mandates on local governments; and WHEREAS, unfunded mandates place financial burdens on local governments and ultimately the taxpaying citizens; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly recognized the problem of unfunded mandates and sought the advice of the Citizens of Illinois 1992 by asking the following question: "Should the Illinois General Assembly, in order to stop increasing property taxes due to unfunded mandates on local government, approve a Resolution for a State Constitutional Amendment prohibiting the General Assembly and Governor from adopting new unfunded State mandates that impose additional costs on units of local government ? "; and WHEREAS, the Citizens of Illinois overwhelmingly supported the November 3, 1992, advisory referendum by a resounding vote of 80.6% (YES 3,001,417 NO 772,016) which called for the General Assembly to prepare a constitutional amendment for the voters; and WHEREAS, an amendment must be drafted and voted upon by the General Assembly before the question can be submitted to the Citizens of Illinois; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD as follows: SECTION The Village of Deerfield does hereby request the General ONE: Assembly to work toward drafting and passage of an Unfunded Mandates Constitutional Amendment. SECTION The Village of Deerfield respectfully requests that the TWO: General Assembly, in cooperation with local government associations, draft a constitutional amendment that reflects a responsible approach pertaining to unfunded mandates. That amendment should reflect a mutual respect and understanding for governance of citizens and the financing of services for those citizens. RESOLUTION NO. R -96- 01 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT' OF DRAFTING AN UNFUNDED MANDATES CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village of Deerfield will forward a copy of this Resolution to their State Senator and Representative seeking their support in drafting an Unfunded Mandates Constitutional Amendment. RESOLVED this 2nd day of January, A.D., 1996. AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (6) NAYS: None (0 ) ABSENT: None (0) i lage President '�Tiu4e Clerk