O-12-36VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -12 -36 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF VARIOUS PERMIT, LICENSE AND USER FEES IN AN ANNUAL FEE RESOLUTION PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 1st day of October , 2012. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 1st day of October , 2012. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -12 -36 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF VARIOUS PERMIT, LICENSE AND USER FEES IN AN ANNUAL FEE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield sets forth the fees, rates and charges imposed for many different license, permit and user fees; and WHEREAS, it is time consuming and inefficient for the Village to periodically review and update the fees, rates and charges imposed for many different license, permit and user fees because they are incorporated in diffuse sections of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield and Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield have determined that it would be economically efficient and expedient to consolidate most regulatory permit, license and user fees, rates and charges in a single resolution to be known as the Annual Fee Resolution, and to periodically review and update the Annual Fee Resolution to ensure that such fees, rates and charges are adjusted as appropriate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That Section 3 -8A ( "Fees ") of Chapter 3 ( "Alcoholic Beverages ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield is hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by stFikethFeug markings): Sec. 3 -8A. Fees. The annual license fees for the various classes of liquor licenses shall be as- follows : set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Glass -A $2,509.00 Glass -B 1 ;900.00 R 1 ;250 -99 Mass G i,000.00 Class -B 11,500.99 Glasses 500.00 rla6s 1) 2 2,000.00 € 2,500.00 Gla66r F, peF-even 25 99 Wineta6tinn permit (nor enenial permit) net to 50 0 ppf year, Y46 t MQ� Glass H 760.00 b�la666 1 2,600. Qa66 i 750.00 SECTION 2: That Section 4 -3(b), Section 4 -5(b), Section 4 -14, Section 4 -16, Section 4 -19, Section 4 -25, Section 4- 29(b), Section 4 -30, Section 4 -40(a) and Section 4 -45 of Chapter 4 ( "Amusements ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by strilethr-euo markings): Sec. 4 -3. Application requirements, fees for menageries and exhibitions of inanimate objects. (b) The fellew44g- license fees for (1) Menageries and (2) Exhibitions of inanimate objects shall be as paid - Gi= set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (1) Menageries 1W-tin na �r'rO��UW-� P"� (2) Exhibitions of inanimate ohieGtc i 0.00 00 peFday Sec. 4 -5. Athletic exhibitions; license; gross receipts; fee exemptions. (b) The proprietor of such exhibition shall submit to the Clerk a statement verified under oath of the gross receipts of each game, contest or race, within one week after such exhibition. At the same time such proprietor or person exhibiting or operating such exhibition shall pay to the GleFk a suF19 equal to three peFGent ° . pay a sum as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities as an amusement tax. Sec. 4 -14. License fee. The fee for any license issued under this Article shall be ten - deJlaFS- . as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 4 -16. License fee. The annual fee for any license issued under this Article shall be Ten IDGI!aF6 ($10.00) for eaGh bowling lane in the liGensed . set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 4 -19. License fees. The fees for such carnivals shall be Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) per day eaGh day said GaFRoval is open to the pub set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Such fees are payable in advance. Sec. 4 -25. License fees. The annual fee for any license issued under this Article shall be Ten DollaFs set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 4 -29. License fee. (b) The annual fee for any such license shall be based en GRe DellaF ($1.90) peF A-e-at. set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 4 -30. Motion pictures and theatricals on unlicensed premises; license fee. -3- For motion pictures or theatricals, which are to be presented in premises which are not covered by such license fee, the fee to be paid shall be Ten DellaFs ($10.00) per day set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities.; provided, that no such motion picture or theatrical shall be presented in or on any premises or building which does not fully comply with the requirements of this Code and the ordinances for the construction or maintenance of buildings for this purpose. Sec. 4-40. License fees. (a) The fee for a license for a single dance shall be in aGGGFdanGe with the following ssheduas set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (b) The fee for a monthly license shall equal the total of the fees f9F each Fequested GOmputed OR aGGGFdaRGe with the above sGhedule. in the event the numbeF of peFSOns attending any daRGe 06 gFeateF than the numbeF estimated by- the linensee in his appliGatinn to the extent that the foe deferw+ined and pair) by the IiGeR6ee aGGGFdanGe with the above SGhedule would be iRGFeased, the . be as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 4-45. License fees. (a) The fee for an amusement license under this Article shall be Twe- HundFed DellaFs ($200.00) a year, oF for periods of less thaR one (1) yeaF, Fifteen .set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. SECTION 3: That Section 6 -6, Section 6 -7, Section 6- 10.1(c), Section 6- 19(f), Section 6- 19.1(b), Section 6- 19.1(d), Section 6- 19.3(b), Section 6 -32, Section 6- 33(a), Section 6 -51, Section 6- 55, Section 6 -71(c) and Section 6- 71.1(c) of Chapter 6 ( "Building ") of the Municipal Code of the -4- Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscorin:? and deletions are indicated by strikethrough markings): Sec. 6 -6. Fees: No permit or amendment thereto shall be issued without the as pli fee therefor being paidhhe schedule shall he as provided for in section 6 -79 of this chapter- and in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 6 -7. Public Buildings; Permit Fees; Exemptions; Charges: No building, plumbing or miscellaneous permit fees shall be charged for the issuance of permits for the construction of any public or parochial school, or any building used by a township, county, library board, park district of any other taxing body, any church or building used for religious purposes or any governmentally assisted senior citizen housing project as that term is defined in the zoning ordinance. , any peFmit applicant of sixty five ye. r6 of age OF mnro 6hall nazi a foe of nno rinll.ar ($1.00) OR the event the pFojeGt GGst does not eXGeed ten thousand dellaFs IM 19P11 Oft the fee9J this; hapter fee 6nhedule 0 shall remain in forne and e#en+ he schedule of fees for any projects less than ten thousand dollars ($10.000.00) in cost by a permit applicant sixty five (65) years of age or more, and for construction of any building owned by a nonprofit corporation and used for a continuing care retirement community as that term is defined in the zoning ordinance. shall be as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 6 -10.1. Demolition Completion Bond; Amount; Replenishment: (c) The performance guarantee shall be in an amount equal to the d*FeGtOF of building and zoning, or ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), WhiGheveF +s- gFeateF.set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Such performance guarantee is in addition to all other application fees, costs and bonds required by the village. Sec. 6 -19. Building Permits; Time Limits: (f) Upon payment of the fee as provided for in section 6 -79 of this chapter and in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities, a building permit or permit for grading may be extended for a period not exceeding four (4) -5- months only upon the approval of the director of building and zoning and only in the event that the plans for construction comply with all aspects of this code and all other ordinances in effect at said time. Sec. 6 -19.1. Construction Site Performance Bond; Amount; Replenishment: (b) The performance guarantee for permits described in subsection (a) of this section shall be in an amount ° and zening, OF ten thousand dellaF6 . set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Such performance guarantee is in addition to all other application fees, costs and bonds required by the village. (d) The performance guarantee for permits described in subsection (c) of this section shall be in an amount , shaptef-.set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. In no event, however, shall an applicant for a permit described in subsection (c) of this section be required to provide a performance guarantee in an amount greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Such performance guarantee is in addition to all other application fees, costs and bonds required by the village. Sec. 6 -19.3. Appeal of Penalties: (b) An appeal of penalties imposed pursuant to section 6 -19.2 of this article must be filed in writing with the village clerk within fourteen (14) days from the date of construction completion accompanied by payment of a nonrefundable appeal fee ° 1 L4 L the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 6 -32. Fees For Removal of a Building or Structure: For a permit for the removal of a building or structure from one lot to another or for a permit for the removal of a building or structure to a new location within the same lot, the fees shall be as provided for in section 6 -79 of this chapter and in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 6 -33. Fee For Demolition of a Building or Structure: (a) For a permit for the demolition of a building or structure, the fee shall be as provided for in section 6 -79 of this chapter.. and in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. in Sec. 6 -51. Permit Fees: The fee for a permit for the erection or construction of a swimming pool shall be as provided in section 6 -79 of this chapter.. and in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 6 -55. Issuance of permit; fee. Based upon such report as provided for in Section 6 -54 or upon further hearings held directly before the Board, the President and Board of Trustees shall determine whether said permit shall be issued. If the Board authorizes the issue of a permit, then the Village Clerk shall issue the same upon the payment of One fee set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Construction Management Sec. 6 -71. Security Fencing: (c) The security fence shall be provided with an access gate, which shall be securely locked at the end of each workday day and at all times when work is not being done on the construction site. Applicant shall pay a ($190:00) locking service fee, in the amount as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities to the village for each occasion on which the gate is left unlocked and the village locks or otherwise secures the gate against Sec. 6 -71.1. Commercial Construction Site Security Fencing: (c) Security fencing required by this section shall: (1) Be erected to fully enclose the excavation site; (2) Be built to deter entry by unauthorized persons or vehicles; (3) Be provided with an access gate, which shall be securely locked at the end of each workday and at all times when work is not being done on the construction site. Applicant shall pay a locking service fee, in the mount as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities to the village for each occasion on which the gate is left unlocked and the village locks or otherwise secures the gate against unauthorized access. Sec. 6 -79. Schedule Of Fees, Charges And Rates: The fees, charges and rates for the following permits, licenses fees and services shall be as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities: -7- Amount as Set Forth in Annual Fee Section Description Resolution) of Code Board of building appeals fee Construction permit fee for new single - family and two- family residential construction, per square foot area: Veneer Ma6ewy Basement Crawlspace First floor Second floor Third floor Garage attached Garage detached Porch open Porch enclosed Construction permit fee for all types of construction other than new single - family and two- family residential construction Passenger, freight, hand elevators, power operated dumbwaiters, moving stairways or similar hoisting devices: Initial certification Temporary use permit Semiannual inspection, testing and certification Heating permit for new single - family and $40.00 peF 1,000 two- family residential construction of living spaGe Inspection /reinspection fee $69:00 Certificate of occupancy/ compliance 69.00 inspection Up to $5,000.00 20.00 $5,001.00 to $15,000.00 60.00 -8- 2 -140 .. M. 6 -6 6 -6 6 -6 6 -6 ■ .. .. rim 3 Heating permit for new single - family and $40.00 peF 1,000 two- family residential construction of living spaGe Inspection /reinspection fee $69:00 Certificate of occupancy/ compliance 69.00 inspection Up to $5,000.00 20.00 $5,001.00 to $15,000.00 60.00 -8- 2 -140 .. M. 6 -6 6 -6 6 -6 6 -6 $15,001.00 to $50,000.00 i 09-00 In excess of $50,000.00 450-00 Commercial construction plan review fees (note 1) based on estimated cost of construction: Up to $50,000.00 100:00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 200.00 $100,001.00 to 409.00 $500,000.00 In excess of $500,000.00 600.00 Extension of building permit based on 0.50 per $1.000.00 estimated construction cost per month of extension Permit to remove building or structure to 1.00 peF $1,000-00 a different lot based on the estimated value of the building or structure in its completed condition after removal to a new lot Relocation of a building or structure to a new location within the same lot based on the estimated cost of moving, including new foundations work necessary to put the building or structure in a usable condition in its new location Fee for demolition of a building or structure .. ..... .. 6 -19(d) 1-^]%X 6 -32 .... fGF earh 1,009 6quaFe. 6-33 aFea of the lot upon whirh the building OF 6tFUGtUFe i6 IGGated Swimming pool permit fees based on 6 -51 estimated cost of the erection or fist $1 0,000.00 construction of the swimming pool $17.20 peF $1,000.00 Electrical permits (note 2): 8 -4 Base electrical permit fee (Each device $25.00 plus $1.00 f9F eaGh used in an opening such as a switch, receptacle, light fixture, motors of less than 1/2 hp and heating or other units of less than 600 watts is considered an outlet) In Fixture installations $1.00 -geFf xtuFe Motor installations Base GhaFge $12.50 plus $0.50 per hp (MOtOF6 of V2 hp ae Heating and other installations (Heating O.I.A. P_P_ - $;Q and other units of 600 watts and larger only) Swimming pool installations n-haFge $25.00 plus peF fixture e Sign installations (overall dimensions of Y sign illumination) New service /upgrade 75.-00 Sewer tapping /inspection fee: Licensed plumbing inspector Consultant fee PIU6 15 pernen4 (independent contractor) Single- family /sanitary connection and $300.00 GOnneGtOOR inspection 50.00 O%pestien Single- family /storm connection and 200.00 GenneGtuGR inspection 540.09- in6pestiGn Commercial zoned property /sanita 1,000.09 ry connection and inspection fee 290.09 inspeGtieR fee Commercial zoned property /storm connection and inspection fee 200.00 in6peGWR fee Industrial, office and research zoned 1,200.00 property /sanitary connection fee Industrial, office and research zoned property /storm connection fee Special use zoned property sanitary 1,200.00 connection fee Multi- family zoned property /sanitary connection and inspection 20.00 peF 6iAitiRspeGtiGn fee 50.00 MoRemum Multi- family zoned property /storm 60.00 per URit GGAneGtiOR fee connection and inspection 20.00 peF unit inspeGtOGR fee -10- 16 -5 50.00 MiROMUM Residential driveway permit 50.00 19 -24(d) fra Commercial driveway permit 58-00 19 -24(c) Parkway and street excavation permits 39-90 19 -31(a) Parkway excavation deposit 580.00 19 -31(b) Opening a public street or alley and /or 1,000.00 19 -31(c) excavation or tunneling deposit Fence permit $50.08 19 -62 Tree preservation plan review: 21 -29(c) Demolition with no building permit 275.00 Lot improvement (no demolition): Decks and patios 440.90 Driveways 458-98 Fences, sheds and accessory structures 425.00 Irrigation systems 125.00 Pools and tennis courts 495-98 Room additions 275.08 Lot redevelopment, with demolition 525.00 Lot redevelopment, without demolition 450.00 Ad hoc tree removal: Permit application 75.00 21 -31(c) Permit 125.00 Permit for dead, hazardous and nuisance 0.00 trees Cash tree replacement fee 125.00 peF GalipeF 21 -34 Water permit, meter and connection fees: Meter 23 -5 -11- �� Roundway 15 percent "B" box " box (FQB) plus 15 perseRt Corporation 15 peFGePA Fittings perseet 1 inch tap, 3/4 inch meter $125.00 tap fee 89- 09 iRspestiee 1 inch tap, 3/4 inch ROM 125.00 tap fee 80.00 fut 68- 90 ins. estiee 1 inch tap, 1 inch meter tap foe 80.00 fut 69:09- +e6gestiee 1 inch tap, 1 inch ROM e 60.00- ie6pestiee Larger than 1 inch tap 125.00 tap fee 15.00inspestieA Industrial tap fee 23- 7(a)(2) OUS 400.00 peF ORGh of tap Air condition system permit: Permit to install new 1.09 peF tGR of refFigeFant, plus 23 -26(a) 20.00 Permit to alter /modify 1.00 nor +nn of refrigerant, plus 23 -26(b) 20.00 Notes: 1. Any plan review requiring use by the village of an outside agency shall be based upon cost plus handling charges. All plan review fees must be paid at the time of application for any permit that requires municipal code compliance review. -12- Plan review fees are nonrefundable. 2. a. The permit issued on this application will authorize only work here applied for. If other work is done, it must be covered by additional permits. b. Fees to be charged for electrical installations other than as indicated in the above sGhedule annual fee resolution shall be determined by the department on the basis of estimated inspection costs. c. The fee for reinspection of electrical installations and equipment or extra inspections due to inaccurate or incorrect information or failure to make necessary repairs of faulty construction shall be $25-00. set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. SECTION 4: That Section 7 -4, Section 7 -21, Section 7 -31, Section 7 -38, Section 7 -43(c) and (e), Section 7- 49(a), Section 7- 60(c), Section 7 -65, Section 7 -69 and Section 7- 77.10(c) of Chapter 7 ( "Businesses ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by s+r-ikethreug markings): Sec. 7 -4. License fee. The fee for a license shall be . the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 7 -21. License Fees: A license fee in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities shall be payable by each peddler or commercial solicitor. . Sec. 7 -31. License Fees: The annual fee fGF under this aFtiGIe °hall -be-license fee for building -and trade contractors shall be the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities for such contractors. -13- 25.09 Drain layers 25 .00 V0 VO- f veRtilatiR9 ''CC 7�d fit) -� 25.00 0 VV providing that any person having a general building contractor's license shall not be required to secure an additional license for the performance of carpentry, masonry, or cement work. Sec. 7 -38. Registration fee. The annual fee for registering as an electrical contractor shall be twenty e dellaF6 ($25.00); provided, that OR app"Gation M-ad-e -after the expiFation of the firms++ sox (6) menthe of +heregister v r a ner+ifina +e r•hall he issued upon the . T„ -��,�. �,�ea,�o payment of one -half (1/2) +hi° fee. The amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. The register year shall correspond to the license year. Sec. 7-43. License and permit; fees. (c) The fee for suGh a permit to install an automatic dry cleaning machine shall be . the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (e) The annual license fee for operating and maintaining an automatic dry cleaning machine SUGh licnse shall be Twenty Five Dellarc. ($25.00) plus DellaM ($5.90) f4gr eaGh unit On addition te- five, FnaiRtaiRed in aRy eRe- e6+ahliehFn the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 7-49. License fee; posting of license. (a) The annual fee for a dry cleaner's license shall be the amount set forth -14- in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 7 -60. License required; application; fee. (c) The annual license fee for the operation and maintenance of a self service laundry shall be , payable upon the the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Each license year after the initial application shall begin on January 1. Sec. 7 -65. License Required; Fees. It shall be unlawful to maintain or operate a coin - operated vending machine within the Village without having obtained a license therefor as hereinafter provided. Application for said vending machine licenses shall be made in writing to the Village Manager. The annual fee for 6UG1i vendinq_machine license shall be fifteer; dollar-, eaGh vending maGhine dispensing the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 7 -69. License or permit fees. The fee for a license or permit under this Article shall be Twenty Five DellaF6 ($25.00) per year per .the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 7- 77.10. Alarm user permits. (c) Alarm user permit fee. There shall be a permit fee in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. SECTION 5: That Section 8 -4 of Chapter 8 ( "Electricity ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield is hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by StFikethrough markings): -15- Sec. 8 -4. Fees: Electrical permit fees are set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. SECTION 6: That Section 1 1 -3, Section 1 1- 14(b), Section 1 1 -20, Section 1 1 -29 and Section 1 1 -41(b) of Chapter 1 I ( "Food and Food Establishments ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by StFi!�OUgR markings): Sec. 11 -3. License fee. The fee for a license under this Chapter shall be fifteen dellam ($16.00) peF Gash the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 11 -14. Applications; license fee. (b) The annual fee for licenses under this Article shall be T,,, eRty Five used. the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 11 -20. License fee. The annual fee for a license under this Article shall be Fifteen Della% ($15-00). the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 11 -29. License fee. The annual fee for licenses under this Article shall be . the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 11 -41. License required; application, license fee (b) The fee for sus# restaurant licenses shall be the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 11 -42. Temporary Permits; Permit fee (b) The fee for such permit shall be the amount set forth in the annual . resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 14 -23. Raffles; License fees (b) The fee for each raffle license shall be the amount set forth in the annual resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. H-1 SECTION 7: That Section 16 -5, Section 16- 18(b), (c),(d) and (e), Section 16 -19(c) and (e), Section 16 -20 and Section 16 -23 of Chapter 16 ( "Plumbing and Sewers ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by stFi eugh markings): Sec. 16 -5. Fees For Permits And Inspections: Fees under this Article shall be as provided in section 6 -79 of this code.. and as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 16 -18. Rates: (b) The charges for the use and service of the village's sewerage system to any lot, parcel of land, building or premises situated within the corporate limits of the village afe shall be the amounts herFeby fixed and established- in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities.. but On no ev (c) The charges for the use and service of the village's sewerage system to any lot, parcel of land, building or premises situated outside the corporate limits of the village are shall be the amounts fixed and established in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. as fnllnWm but in no event less than the minim- me set fnr4h in rbubt-sen-tien (e) Of this 6eGtien: 04 Sewer user nhaFge k24 EqualizatieR GhaFge (to equalize plant Gapital "30 reF 100- evneneee hefiueen -Deem inside and outside G.ub�,ii.G, feet of the GGFPGFate limits of the village) 11VtTteF (d) The minimum monthly sewer user charge to be paid for any lot, parcel of land, building or premises within the village having any connection to the sanitary sewerage system shall be . the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities.. -17- (e) The minimum monthly sewer user charge to be paid for any lot, parcel of land, building or premises outside the corporate limits of the village having any connection to the sanitary sewerage system shall be ems. the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities.. Sec. 16 -19. Bills; Sewer User Charges: (c) In all cases in which users of the sanitary sewer system are not supplied with metered water from the village water supply system or other waterworks system, the monthly sewer user charge is the amount or amounts befeby-fixed and established as#ellews in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (1) Twenty 6-Ox dellaFs sixty five Gent6 ($26.65) peF re6identi-al '-'n*t- W;thin the GGFPGFate liFnits of the village. (2) Ninety one dollars seventy fGUF Gents ($91.74) per Fesidential unit outside the GOFpeFate limits- of the village. (3) Fifty two dellaF6 fifty thFee Gents ($52.53) peF GGFnFneFriaI unit within the GgFperate 10 ... its; of the village. nit outside the nnrnnrate lirv*6 of the village. (e) Between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon daily, the village shall make available a manhole at the village treatment plant for use by recreational vehicles (RVs) in disposing of domestic sanitary water only. RVs with a village sticker may be permitted to use this service without charge. RVs without a village sticker shall pay a fee in ^,ssh -t the in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. The operation of this facility may be discontinued at any time at the discretion of the chief plant operator of the village treatment plant. Sec. 16 -20. Deposit; Schedule: A deposit in accordance with the feAewiegschedule set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities shall be made with each application for sewer service, this sum to be retained by the village to ensure the payment of all bills. When service to the applicant is discontinued permanently, this deposit, less any amount still due to the village for services relating to the use of the municipal sanitary sewer system, shall be refunded without interest. Provided that where an applicant for sanitary sewer service is the owner of the premises to be served, no such deposit shall be required. -18- Sec. 16 -23. Sewer Use And Industrial Cost Recovery Program: There is hereby adopted by the President and Board of Trustees for the purpose of regulating the sewage system of the Village, establishing the sewer user charge system and providing for the industrial cost recovery program within the Village, that certain enactment known as the Village of Deerfield Sewer Use and Industrial Cost Recovery Code, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and are now filed in the office of the Village Engineer, and that the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the effective date hereof, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the Village. The rate schedule included as part of section 408 of said Village Sewer User and Industrial Cost Recovery Code heFeinafteF adopted is hereby deleted and shall be replaced with the rate schedule established from time to time #ellewir�g substituted in lie„ thereof in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities Equalization GGst appliGable to us outside GGFporate limits expenditu between useFs inside and outside of the GGFPGFate r eXGept where owner oF of the Muninipal system /Coo ee�ti n ^ n -19- 4a -- .. BOD F PGI-IRd- $nom SS pe6M 9a-9- SECTION 8: That Section 17 -11 of Chapter 17 ( "Pollution ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield is hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscorine and deletions are indicated by StFikethrough markings): Sec. 17 -11. Fees: {a) The fees to be charged for the periodic inspections shall be as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (1) Initial lR6peGt;GR Fee- Ten d-e-liaFs (slo.00). (2) Sub6equent In6peGtienrs� Ten dollars, ($10.9%. SECTION 9: That Section 18 -26 of Chapter 18 ( "Public Transportation ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield is hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by stri1ethrough. markings): Sec. 18 -26. License fees. (a) There shall be no fee for a certificate of public convenience and necessity. (b) The annual fee for a public passenger vehicle license issued under this Chapter shall be as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (c) The annual fee for a chauffeur license issued under this Chapter shall be .as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. -20- SECTION 10: That Section 19 -8, Section 19 -24, Section 19- 31(a), (b) and (c) and Section 19 -62 of Chapter 19 ( "Streets and Sidewalks ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscorine and deletions are indicated by strilethreag# markings): Sec. 19 -8. Obstruction; fee. (a) No person shall cause, create or maintain any obstruction of any fire hydrant, street, alley, sidewalk or other public way, except as may be specifically authorized by this Code or by ordinance or by the Director of Public Works and Engineering. An `obstruction" shall include, by way of example and not limitation, irrigation systems, paver brick driveway approaches, sculptures, decorative log terraces, landscaping and similar items or materials. (b) All fire hydrants shall be accessible and visible from any street, alley, sidewalk or other public way surrounding a fire hydrant. (c) Subsection (a) hereof shall be deemed to preclude placement of real estate signs in the public way contrary to the provisions of Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village. The Director of Building and Zoning shall confiscate any such signs illegally placed and retain them for a period of thirty (30) days during which the owner may effect the return of the sign upon payment as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. After passage of a thirty (30) day period any sign not so returned may be disposed of by the Director of Building and Zoning. Sec. 19 -24. Permit Required; Fees: (a) Permit Required: No person shall construct a driveway for vehicles or animals across any parkway, curb or sidewalk in the village without having obtained a permit therefor. (b) Applications: Applications for such permits shall be made to the village manager and shall be accompanied by the fee required. (c) Commercial: No person for the construction of a driveway for commercial use or for the regular use of any other than the owner or occupant of the premises served, shall be issued except upon the order of the board of trustees. The fees for all commercial driveway permits required to be issued by the board of trustees are as 6hall be rovided in section 6 -79 of this code and set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. -21- Further, in order to ensure the public safety, prior to the issuance of a building permit to establish any permitted use, the specifics for pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress shall be reviewed and approved by the board of trustees. (d) Residential: Residential fees are as provided for in section 6 -79 of this code -and set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 19 -31. Permit Fees And Restoration Deposit: (a) The fee for parkway and street excavation permits shall be as provided for in section 6 -79 of this code- and set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (b) A minimum deposit as provided for in section 6 -79 of this code and set forth in the annual fee resolution is required per parkway excavation to ensure proper completion of such excavation and restoration of the parkway upon completion of the work. (c) A minimum deposit as provided for in 6eGtiGn 6 79 Of thiS GO the annual fee resolution is required per opening in a public street or alley and for any excavation or tunneling in or under any public street, alley or other public place to ensure proper completion of such excavation and restoration of the street, alley or public place upon completion of the work. Sec. 19 -62. Fee: The fee for the issuance of a fence permit shall his is provided for in section 6- 79 of this code- and set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. In the event that the on site inspection necessitates the expenditure of additional sums by the village, then such additional expenditures shall be borne by applicant as an additional fee. SECTION 11: That the definition of "Village Fee Ordinance" in Section 21 -22 of Article 4 ( "Tree Preservation ") of Chapter 21 ( "Trees and Vegetation ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by strikethFough markings): Sec. 21 -22. Definitions Village Fee Ordinance: GhapteF a aFtinle 12 "GempFehee6,,,° Building Fee SGhedwle", of Ws n-ed-e Shall mean and refer to the annual fee resolution adopted -22- by the corporate authorities establishing, among other things, fees under this Article 4 for applications, permits and plan reviews. SECTION 12: That Section 22 -96A (b), Section 22- 117(b), Section 22- 129A(a), Section 22 -140 and Section 22- 143(d) of Chapter 22 ( "Vehicles and Traffic ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by stFilEOthF@Ugh- markings): Sec. 22 -96A. Permits For Overweight And /Or Overdimensioned Vehicles (b) The applicant shall submit an application fee of twenty five dollaF6 as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Permits are valid only for the date(s) specified on the permit and for the specific vehicle, load and routing as established by the Chief of Police or his /her designee. No substitution of vehicle, load or routing is permitted without prior written permission by the Chief of Police or his /her designee and carried in the vehicle to which the permit applies. Sec. 22 -117. Registration Required (b) Application for registration of a bicycle shall be made to the Chief of Police of the Village on forms provided by the Village and shall be accompanied by a registration fee of $1.00 as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Such application forms shall state the full name, address and telephone number of the bicycle owner; the make and serial number of the bicycle (if any); the color, wheel size and type of frame of such bike (whether a boy's or girl's type); and the approximate date when the owner obtained title thereto, and if not new, then the name and address of the person from whom the bicycle was purchased or otherwise obtained in a used condition. The application shall be signed by the applicant or his parent or guardian. Sec. 22 -129A. Parking Fees (a) No vehicle may be parked in any of the village parking lots without paying the parking fees established therefor, nor may any vehicle be parked in any restricted portions of said lots in contravention of any posted limitations relating to types of permitted vehicles. Effective July 1, 2004, the parking fee for village parking lots or portions thereof designated for "daily fee" parking shall be period. one dell-;;r fifty Gents, ($1.50) for eaGh hveRty fGUF (24) hour as set forth in -23- the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. The parking fee for village parking lots or portions thereof designated for permit parking shall be fifteen dellam ($215.00) feF newe6ident6, payable in advance, for a six (6) month period, as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 22- 140.Fees (a) The annual fee to be paid for motor vehicle licenses shall be aa- fellews: as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities for the followina vehicles. Antique vehicle License transfer Motor driven cycle Motorcycle Motorized pedalcycle Passenger cars Recreational vehicle /trailer: School buses operated by a not for profit corporation, or a public or parochial school or buses operated by a company on a certificate of convenience and necessity from the Illinois commerce commission Trucks or buses: -24- 3,000 pounds or less 3,001 to 8,000 pounds 8,001 pounds and over 8,000 pounds or less 8,001 to 12,000 pounds 12,001 to 24,000 pounds IeM9�9 24,001 to 950 32,000 pounds 11200 32,001 to 50,000 pounds 50,001 to 64,000 pounds 64,001 pounds and over Vehicles titled to the state, any political subdivision of the state or any unit of local government (b) The annual fee for a noncommercial vehicle license for a vehicle owned or leased by a resident of age sixty five (65) or over (as of the due date of the license) shall be Fegi6teFed to�v -the 1sam a addFevc shall be linenvca at 4�a zhe rates set A-it above the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (c) The annual fee for a noncommercial vehicle license for a vehicle registered to a person with disabilities as defined in 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1- 159.1, and where said vehicle has been issued handicapped registration plates as provided for in 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3- 616(a), shall be .the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (d) Any person failing to purchase and properly display the vehicle license described herein shall be fined forty dollars ($40.00) therefor. (e) The annual fee for a noncommercial vehicle license for a vehicle owned or leased by a resident on active duty in one of the U.S. military services shall be waWed.the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (f) The annual fee for a noncommercial vehicle license for a charitable vehicle owned or leased by a church or religious organization for the use of a clergyman, minister or practitioner of any religious denomination accredited by the religious body or organization to which he or she belongs shall be waived -fie amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the cor orate authorities. Sec. 22 -143. Time Of Payment; License Year; Delinquency; Exemptions: (d) The license fee for motor vehicle licenses issued after January 1 shall -25- be one -half (1/2) of the annual fee payable under 6e6tOR2149 Of thi6 aFtcGio e annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities, subject to the delinquent fees provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section. SECTION 13: That Section 23 -3, Section 23 -5, Section 23 -7, Section 23 -18, Section 23 -21 and Section 23 -26 of Chapter 23 ( "Water ") of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscorine and deletions are indicated by str -ilk markings): -26- Sec. 23 -3. Deposit A deposit in accordance with the fellewr ngschedule of meter sizes and amounts set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities shall be made with each such application, this sum to be retained by the village to ensure the payment of all bills. When service to the applicant is discontinued permanently, this deposit, less any amount still due to the village for services relating to the use of municipal water supply, shall be refunded without interest. Provided that where the applicant for water service is the owner of the premises to be served, no such deposit shall be required. Sec. 23 -5. Connection With Water Main; Permit; Fees; Charges: No connection with a water main shall be made without a permit being issued and twenty four (24) hours notice having been given to the director of public works. All such connections shall be made by the village. (a) Connection Fee And Charges: Connection fee and charges shall be as provided for in section 6 -79 of this code in the amounts set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities (b) Fixture Fee : A per fixture fee in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities shall be paid for each new plumbing fixture, installation or replacement in any new or existing buildings, including fixtures roughed in for fixture use. An inspection fee in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities shall be charged for inspection of plumbing. (c) Water Usage During Construction Period: There shall be a minimum charge in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities for water used during any construction of single - family and two- family residences, buildings or structures in -27- which the service is not metered. All other construction shall be metered and a temporary water meter hookup fee shall be paid in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. Sec. 23 -7. Special Connection Fees: (a) No connection shall be permitted to be made to the water system of the village of any property except property which has been assessed for a share of the cost of the main serving it, property where the owner has paid a part of the cost of the adjacent water main through a special connection charge, and property in a subdivision where the subdivider has installed water mains to serve said property under the requirements of the subdivision regulations of the village, unless a special connection fee is paid in addition to all other fees and charges required by ordinance. The amount of such special connection fee shall be determined in -;;nGrG-o-rd-aRGe with the tollewing SGhedule set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (1) Commercial zoned properties (C -1, C -2, C -3) shall be charged the sewer tapping and inspection fees as- provided for in section 6 -79 of this code in the amounts set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (2) Industrial zoned properties (1 -1, 1 -2) shall be charged the sewer tapping - and inspection fees as provided for in section 6 -79 of this code in the amounts set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (QFd. Sec. 23 -18. Water Rates: /a_EffeGtiye with the Dine 70 sysle; tThe charge for water furnished to each lot, parcel of land, building or premises situated within the corporate limits of the village having any connection with the municipal water supply shall be the following rates for the volume of water furnished for the billing period, but in no event less than the minimum monthly charge set forth in subsection (b) of this section. aWater rate: A rate per one hundred (100) cubic feet as set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities (b) Minimum charge: The A minimum monthly charge to-shall be paid for any lot, parcel of land, building or premises within the village having any -28- connection to the municipal water supply as fellows:based on the schedule of meter sizes and amounts set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. nn s4e GhaF9e - 51g inGh $-6-00 314 fast} 6-40 4 +as# X60 412 +ash X00 3 fas#� 30:00 3 +aGfi 70.00 4 ias# 1 20.00 6 +as#i 175.00 6 +asks eF 225.00 FA9Fe (c) Where the building or premises served contains more than one family dwelling unit or business establishment, the minimum rate for the premises shall be the minimum prescribed in subsection (b) of this section for each family unit or business establishment, even though the premises are served by one meter. (d) The charges to premises outside the corporate limits served by the municipal water system shall be one and ene half (I V2) times the ahaFge far similar 6eFyine to pFemi6es inside the aarPnrate limits. set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities (e) Where water is purchased for resale the rate shall be as determined by the board of trustees. Sec. 23 -21. Delinquent Bills; Water Shut Off; Resumed Water Service Charges: (a) The water supply may be shut off from any premises for which the water bill remains unpaid thirty (30) days after the bill is presented or mailed. (b) Whenever water services have been discontinued from the -29- municipal water supply system to any lot, building or premises, the following reconnection charge for resumed water service shames shall be the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities which shall be paid before service leis resumed: Aft -N .. • , , M311 rMN, Sec. 23 -26. Fees: (a) The fee for a permit to install or construct an air conditioning system shall -be as provided for in section 6 -79 of this code shall be the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. (b) The fee for a permit to alter, or modify an air conditioning system shall - be—as provided for in section 6 -79 of this code shall be the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. SECTION 14: That Article 13.14 -13 ( "Amount of Fee ") of Article 13 ( "Administration and Enforcement ") of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by stfilethr-ough markings): 13.14 -B Amount of Fee The amount of each fee shall be as established by r-e6olufiem ef the Village 60aF4 the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities. SECTION 15: That Article 11.03 -D ( "Home and Garage Sales ") of Article 11( "Temporary Uses and Structures ") of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield be and the same is hereby -30- amended to read as follows (additions are indicated by underscoring and deletions are indicated by trikethrouo markings): 11.03 -D Home and Garage Sales In any residential district, a temporary use permit shall be required for a home or garage sale. The sale must be incidental to the use of the property for residential purposes and must be conducted in such a manner as to be compatible with the residential character of the neighborhood. Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than four (4) days. Not more than two (2) permits for a home or garage sale shall be issued for the same zoning lot in one calendar year, January 1 to December 31. A fee in the amount set forth in the annual fee resolution adopted by the corporate authorities- Gf$5 -80 shall be required. both peffnitS-. SECTION 16: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Article is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 17: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 18: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and approval and shall be subsequently published in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 1st - day of October , 2012. -31- AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0) APPROVED this ist day of October , 2012. ATTEST: ff M1,21 r-111A -32- Village President