O-10-40ORDINANCE 0 -10 -40 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 2010, AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, 2011, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: SECTION 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 2010, and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 2011. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT (Org. 101111, 101210, 101330, 102110) Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay Transfers Out ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay Transfers Out POLICE DEPARTMENT TOTAL STREET DIVISION - PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay Transfers Out STREET DIVISION TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE FUND WATER PTTNn WATER DIVISION - PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay BUDGETED AMOUNT LEVY AMOUNT $2,949,378 28,000 2,930,325 104,150 66,250 466,324 6,544,427 0 8,011,130 $2,140,000 73,950 720,500 171,500 27,500 137,916 9,142,496 2,140,000 1,134,185 1,400 708,800 578,200 68,000 142,823 2,633,408 18,320,331 1,074,123 2,800 330,273 2,455,500 737,183 0 2,140,000 TOTAL WATER FUND 4,599,879 0 SEWER FUND SEWER DIVISION - PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL SEWER FUND GARAGE FUND GARAGE DIVISION - PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL GARAGE FUND ENHANCED 911 FUND Other Services Contractual Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL ENHANCED 911 FUND VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Capital Outlay TOTAL VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND Contractual Services Capital Outlay TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND PROJECT 29 FUND Commodities TOTAL PROJECT 29 FUND BUDGETED AMOUNT LEVY AMOUNT 1,707,120 8,300 547,400 480,450 77,456 2,820,726 0 247,450 1,000 32,600 117,400 7,525 405,975 0 0 102,545 58,000 100,398 260,943 0 261,800 261,800 0 1,361,000 16,769,000 45,000 18,130,000 45,000 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE FUND GO Refunding Series 2003 GO Series 2008 GO Series 2010 Fiscal Agent Fees TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND POLICE PENSION FUND Personnel Services (Benefit Payments) Contractual Services TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Contractual Services Capital Outlay TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND REFUSE FUND Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL REFUSE FUND COMMUTER PARKING LOTS FUND Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL COMMUTER PARKING LOTS FUND VILLAGE CENTER TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT (TIF #2) Contractual Services Capital Outlay Transfers Out TOTAL VILLAGE CENTER TIF DISTRICT 3 BUDGETED AMOUNT LEVY AMOUNT 0 481,125 366,613 366,613 0 1,005,728 2,000 0 368,613 1,853,466 1,751,350 0 28,250 0 1,779,600 0 0 490,000 490,000 0 68,750 0 0 0 1,667,105 883,428 12,000 0 9,177 0 1,757,032 883,428 31,330 200,000 89,732 13,800 2,500 337,362 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND Personnel Services Other Services Contractual Services Commodities Capital Outlay TOTAL DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 2010 SUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES GENERAL CORPORATE FUND WATER FUND SEWER FUND GARAGE FUND ENHANCED 911 FUND VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND PROJECT 29 FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND POLICE PENSION FUND MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND REFUSE FUND COMMUTER PARKING LOTS FUND VILLAGE CENTER TIF DISTRICT (TIF #2) SUBTOTAL VILLAGE FUNDS DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY TOTAL ALL FUNDS 4 BUDGETED AMOUNT 2,012,616 30,000 824,214 382,500 295,000 3,544,330 BUDGETED AMOUNT 18,320,331 4,599,879 2,820,726 405,975 260,943 261,800 18,130,000 0 368,613 1,779,600 490,000 1,757,032 337,362 0 LEVY AMOUNT 2,000,000 30,000 800,000 220,000 3,050,000 LEVY AMOUNT 2,140,000 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 0 1,853,466 0 0 883,428 0 0 49,532,261 4,921,894 3,544,330 3,050,000 53,076,591 7,971,894 SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the last Tuesday in December, A.D. 2010, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: December 20, 2010 AYES: Fouib'(4) NAYS: None (0) Benton, Jester, Oppenheim, Struthers ATTEST: illage Clerk 5 ABSENT: (1) ABSTAIN: (1) Farkas Seiden APPROVED: Mayor