O-10-03VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -10 -03 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT RENOVATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THE DEERFIELD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY AND SHEPARD PARK PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 1st day of February , 2010. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 1st day of February , 2010. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -10 -03 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT RENOVATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THE DEERFIELD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY AND SHEPARD PARK WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield (the "Applicant "), being the owner of the property commonly known as the Deerfield Wastewater Reclamation Facility ( "WRF ") at 1045 Hackberry Road and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property "), has applied to the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield for approval of an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property to permit certain renovations and additions to the WRF facility as more fully described on Exhibit B attached hereto (collectively, the "WRF Additions "), to wit: (i) the addition of the following new structures: an administration building, an influent pumping station, a biosolids processing and storage building, an addition to the aeration tank, an addition to the existing blower building to allow the installation of new aeration blowers, and a final clarifier; (ii) the removal of the following structures: the influent grinder structure, the grit tank and grit building, the trickling filters, the primary clarifiers, the main control building and the sludge drying beds; (iii) the renovation and refurbishment of the following structures and facilities: the chlorine contact tank, the chlorine - chemical feed building, and the existing laboratory /office building for use as a maintenance building including the addition of a maintenance garage; (iv) the following additions and amenities for users of Shepard Park: public restrooms to be added at the north end of the renovated maintenance building, a storage area for Deerfield Park District's sports equipment and for users of Shepard Park to be added at the north end of the renovated maintenance building, new public drinking fountains and an asphalt walking path, and a new public parking area on the north and south sides of Hackberry Road consisting of seventeen (17) parking spaces; (v) the addition of site amenities including landscaping, interior roads, new decorative fences with gates at the north end of the Subject Property, a new retaining wall adjacent to the influent pumping station at the west side of the Subject Property and a 54 square foot masonry and cast stone ground sign at the entrance to the WRF facility; and (vi) such other and further accessory improvements, fixtures and facilities as may be necessary and convenient for the establishment, operation, maintenance and use of the renovated WRF plant; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield had a public hearing on December 10, 2009 to consider said application, said hearing being held pursuant to public notice duly given and published as required by statute and conforming in all respects, in both manner and form, with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence, testimony and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and recommendation that the WRF Additions be authorized as an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District pursuant to Article 7.02 -C, Paragraph 12, and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the proposed WRF Additions fully comply with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 13.11 and Article 7.02 -C, Paragraph 12, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, and that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization of the WRF Additions as an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property as provided herein and subject to and in accordance with the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby affirmatively find that the proposed amendment to the Special Use authorizing the WRF Additions fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 7.02 and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby approve and authorize an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District to permit the following additions, removals, renovations and site improvements, collectively described herein as the "WRF Additions," subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance: (i) the addition of the following new structures: an administration building, an influent pumping station, a biosolids processing and storage building, an addition to the aeration tank, an addition to the existing blower building to allow the installation of new aeration blowers, and a final clarifier; (ii) the removal of the following structures: the influent grinder structure, the grit tank and grit building, the trickling filters, the primary clarifiers, the main control building and the sludge drying beds; (iii) the renovation and refurbishment of the following structures and facilities: the chlorine contact tank, the chlorine - chemical feed building, and the existing laboratory /office building to serve as a maintenance building including the addition of a maintenance garage; (iv) the following additions and amenities for users of Shepard Park: public restrooms at the north end of the renovated maintenance building, a storage area for Deerfield Park District's sports equipment and for users of Shepard Park to be added at the north end of the renovated maintenance building, new public drinking fountains and an asphalt walking path, and a new public parking area on the north and south sides of Hackberry Road consisting of seventeen (17) parking spaces; (v) the addition of site amenities including landscaping, interior roads, new decorative fences with gates at the north end of the Subject Property, a new retaining wall adjacent to the influent pumping station at the west side of the Subject Property and a 54 square foot masonry and cast stone ground sign at the entrance to the WRF facility; and, (vi) such other and further accessory improvements, fixtures and facilities as may be necessary and convenient for the establishment, operation, maintenance and use of the renovated WRF plant; SECTION 3: That the approval and authorization of said amended Special Use is granted subject to the following conditions, regulations and restrictions: (i) the construction, development, maintenance and use of the Subject Property for the WRF Additions as authorized by this amended Special Use shall be in accordance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance as Exhibit B hereof, and with all representations made and submitted by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; (ii) compliance by the Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield SECTION 4: That the amendment to the Special Use as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant and Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns, and any violation of the conditions herein set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the amended Special Use as hereby authorized. SECTION 5: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. SECTION 6: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 1st day of February , 2010. AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Struthers (1) ABSTAIN: None (0) APPROVED this 1st day of February , 2010. Village President EXHIBIT A VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY THAT PART OF THE WEST ONE HALF (1/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINES, BEGINNING ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE WEST ONE HALF (1/2) OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4), 578.0 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF THENCE SOUTH ALONG A LINE MARKIN G AN ANGLE OF 102 DEGREES, 16 MINUTES, 45 SECONDS AS MEASURED FROM EAST TO SOUTH, WITH SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 423.14 FEET, THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 1,087.29 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST HALF (1/2) OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4),1277.48 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, ALL IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, RESERVING TO THE GRANTORS, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS, A RIGHT OF TRAVEL, INGRESS AND EGRESS ACROSS THE NORTHERLY THIRTY -THREE (33) FEET THEREOF. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PUBLIC WORKS STORAGE YARD LOT 10 IN FLODSTROM'S SUBDIVISION BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE PART OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 32 AND THE SOUTHWEST % OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS RECORDED OCTOBER 5, 1982 IN LAKE COUNT AS DOCUMENT #2179958. SHEPARD PARK PARCEL ONE: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER, QUARTER SECTION 793.90 FT. WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 450.00 FT.; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, 610.50.; THENCE EAST PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, 450.00 FT.; THENCE SOUTH OF PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, 610.50 FT. MORE OR LESS, TO TH E POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL THREE: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION 793.90 FT. WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION 610.5 FT.; THENCE EAST PARCEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION 1846.10 FT., MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 793.90 FT. WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (MEASURED ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 610.5 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING (EXCEPTING THEREFORM BOTH PARCEL ONE AFORSAID AND THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 610.5 FT. OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32 AFORESAID), IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL FIVE: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBES AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32, THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST, BEING AN ASSUMED BEARING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 793.47 FT., (793.90 FT. = RECORD), TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, 450.00 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 46 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, 610.50 FT. NORTH OF AND PARALLEL LINE, 34.00 FT.; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE 46 MINUTES 54 SECOND WEST, 610.54 FT. TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST ON SAID SOUTH LINE, 34.00 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. A � J i IIIIII�IIIIIIIIII�IIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIII i Image# 046412790059 Type: ORD 'Recorded: 07/22/2010-.at 09:09:45 AM STATE OF ILLINOIS A Receipt #: 2010 - 00035801 Total Amt: $56.00 Pape I of 59 IL Rental Housing Fund: $0.00 COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS Lake County IL Recorder Mary Ellen Vanderventer Recorder > ; File6624543 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Deputy Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance O -10 -03 of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, Authorizing an Amendment to a Special Use to Permit Renovations and Additions to the Deerfield Wastewater Reclamation Facility and Shepard Park Dated this June 24, 2010 r •rya ,:: ; «. ttr,�i,'!, U • o � *r• o y�o ( S'E X LS, �w 01, 10 �'V�}• ® 00 00 is 0p000000� qe�,.� /. be-4� IFE . DAVIS Deputy Village Clerk Submitted by: Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 k r� VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -10 -03 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT RENOVATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THE DEERFIELD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY AND SHEPARD PARK PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, this 1st day of February , 2010. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, this 1st day of February , 2010. r VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 0 -10 -03 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE TO PERMIT RENOVATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THE DEERFIELD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY AND SHEPARD PARK WHEREAS, the Village of Deerfield (the "Applicant "), being the owner of the property commonly known as the Deerfield Wastewater Reclamation Facility ( "WRF ") at 1045 Hackberry Road and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Subject Property "), has applied to the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield for approval of an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property to permit certain renovations and additions to the WRF facility as more fully described on Exhibit B attached hereto (collectively, the "WRF Additions "), to wit: (i) the addition of the following new structures: an administration building, an influent pumping station, a biosolids processing and storage building, an addition to the aeration tank, an addition to the existing blower building to allow the installation of new aeration blowers, and a final clarifier; (ii) the removal of the following structures: the influent grinder structure, the grit tank and grit building, the trickling filters, the primary clarifiers, the main control building and the sludge drying beds; (iii) the renovation and refurbishment of the following structures and facilities: the chlorine contact tank, the chlorine - chemical feed building, and the existing laboratory/office building for use as a maintenance building including the addition of a maintenance garage; (iv) the following additions and amenities for users of Shepard Park: public restrooms to be added at the north end of the renovated maintenance building, a storage area for Deerfield Park District's sports equipment and for users of Shepard Park to be added at the north end of the renovated maintenance 1 ' r building, new public drinking fountains and an asphalt walking path, and a new public parking area on the north and south sides of Hackberry Road consisting of seventeen (17) parking spaces; (v) the addition of site amenities including landscaping, interior roads, new decorative fences with gates at the north end of the Subject Property, a new retaining wall adjacent to the influent pumping station at the west side of the Subject Property and a 54 square foot masonry and cast stone ground sign at the entrance to the WRF facility; and (vi) such other and further accessory improvements, fixtures and facilities as may be necessary and convenient for the establishment, operation, maintenance and use of the renovated WRF plant; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield had a public hearing on December 10, 2009 to consider said application, said hearing being held pursuant to public notice duly given and published as required by statute and conforming in all respects, in both manner and form, with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence, testimony and supporting materials offered at said public hearing, filed its report with the President and Board of Trustees containing its written findings of fact and recommendation that the WRF Additions be authorized as an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property in the P -1 Public Lands District pursuant to Article 7.02 -C, Paragraph 12, and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the proposed WRF Additions fully comply with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 13.11 and Article 7.02 -C, Paragraph 12, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, and that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization of the WRF Additions as an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property as provided herein and subject to and in accordance with the plans and supporting materials submitted by the Applicant which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: SECTION 1: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby affirmatively find that the proposed amendment to the Special Use authorizing the WRF Additions fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 7.02 and Article 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 2: That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby approve and authorize an amendment to the Special Use for the Subject Property in the P- 1Public Lands District to permit the following additions, removals, renovations and site improvements, collectively described herein as the "WRF Additions," subject to the conditions, regulations and restrictions set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance: (i) the addition of the following new structures: an administration building, an influent pumping station, a biosolids processing and storage building, an addition to the aeration tank, an addition to the existing blower building to allow the installation of new aeration blowers, and a final clarifier; (ii) the removal of the following structures: the influent grinder structure, the grit tank and grit building, the trickling filters, the primary clarifiers, the main control building and the sludge drying beds; (iii) the renovation and refurbishment of the following structures and facilities: the chlorine contact tank, the chlorine - chemical feed building, and the existing laboratory /office building to serve as a maintenance building including the addition of a maintenance garage; (iv) the following additions and amenities for users of Shepard Park: public restrooms at the north end of the renovated maintenance building, a storage area for Deerfield Park District's sports equipment and for users of Shepard Park to be added at the north end of the renovated maintenance building, new public drinking fountains and an asphalt walking path, and a new public parking area on the north and south sides of Hackberry Road consisting of seventeen (17) parking spaces; (v) the addition of site amenities including landscaping, interior roads, new decorative fences with gates at the north end of the Subject Property, a new retaining wall adjacent to the influent pumping station at the west side of the Subject Property and a 54 square foot masonry and cast stone ground sign at the entrance to the WRF facility; and, (vi) such other and further accessory improvements, fixtures and facilities as may be necessary and convenient for the establishment, operation, maintenance and use of the renovated WRF plant; SECTION 3: That the approval and authorization of said amended Special Use is granted subject to the following conditions, regulations and restrictions: (i) the construction, development, maintenance and use of the Subject Property for the WRF Additions as authorized by this amended Special Use shall be in accordance with the plans and supporting materials attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance as Exhibit B hereof, and with all representations made and submitted by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; (ii) compliance by the Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield SECTION 4: That the amendment to the Special Use as hereby authorized shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Applicant and Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns, and any violation of the conditions herein set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the amended Special Use as hereby authorized. SECTION 5: That this Ordinance, and each of its terms, shall be the effective legislative act of a home rule municipality without regard to whether such Ordinance should: (a) contain terms contrary to the provisions of current or subsequent non - preemptive state law; or, (b) legislate in a manner or regarding a matter not delegated to municipalities by state law. It is the intent of the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield that to the extent that the terms of this Ordinance should be inconsistent with any non - preemptive state law, this Ordinance shall supersede state law in that regard within its jurisdiction. c SECTION 6: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 1st day of February , 2010. AYES: Benton, Faarkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Struthers (1) ABSTAIN: None (0) APPROVED this 1st day of February , 2010. ATTEST: Village Clerk Village President EXHIBIT A VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY THAT PART OF THE WEST ONE HALF (1/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINES, BEGINNING ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE WEST ONE HALF (1/2) OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4),578.0 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF THENCE SOUTH ALONG A LINE MARKIN G AN ANGLE OF 102 DEGREES, 16 MINUTES, 45 SECONDS AS MEASURED FROM EAST TO SOUTH, WITH SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 423.14 FEET, THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 1,087.29 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST HALF (1/2) OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (1/4),1277.48 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, ALL IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, RESERVING TO THE GRANTORS, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS, A RIGHT OF TRAVEL, INGRESS AND EGRESS ACROSS THE NORTHERLY THIRTY -THREE (33) FEET THEREOF. VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PUBLIC WORKS STORAGE YARD LOT 10 IN FLODSTROM'S SUBDIVISION BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE PART OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 32 AND THE SOUTHWEST % OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS RECORDED OCTOBER 5, 1982 IN LAKE COUNT AS DOCUMENT #2179958. SHEPARD PARK PARCEL ONE: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER, QUARTER SECTION 793.90 FT. WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 450.00 FT.; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, 610.50.; THENCE EAST PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, 450.00 FT.; THENCE SOUTH OF PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, 610.50 FT. MORE OR LESS, TO TH E POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL THREE: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION 793.90 FT. WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION 610.5 FT.; THENCE EAST PARCEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID HALF QUARTER SECTION 1846.10 FT., MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 793.90 FT. WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (MEASURED ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 610.5 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING (EXCEPTING THEREFORM BOTH PARCEL ONE AFORSAID AND THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 610.5 FT. OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32 AFORESAID), IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL FIVE: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBES AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32, THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST, BEING AN ASSUMED i BEARING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 793.47 FT., (793.90 FT. = RECORD), TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, 450.00 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 46 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, 610.50 FT. NORTH OF AND PARALLEL LINE, 34.00 FT.; THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE 46 MINUTES 54 SECOND WEST, 610.54 FT. TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST ON SAID SOUTH LINE, 34.00 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Exhibit B 1. Site Location Plan, Sheet 05-C1.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 2. New and Existing Site Overlay, Sheet 05 -C1.02 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 3. Site Grading Plan, Sheet 05 -C1.03 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 4. Fence Elevation, Sheet 05 -C1.04 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 5. Site Retaining Wall, Sheet 05 -C1.05 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 6. Influent Pumping Station Site Line, Sheet 05 -C2.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 7. Site Lighting Plan, Sheet 05- CE1.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 8. Site Photometrics -1, Sheet 05- CE1.02 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 9. Site Photometrics - 2, Sheet 05- CE1.03 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 10. Site Photometrics - 3, Sheet 05-CE 1.04 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 11. Landscaping Plan, Sheet 05- CL1.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 12. Landscape Demolition Plan, Sheet 05- CL1.02 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 13. Landscaping Plant Data Chart, Sheet 05- CL5.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 14. Influent Pumping Station Elevations, Sheet 10- ASM2.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 15. Blower Building Elevations, Sheet 25ASM2.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 16. Building Elevations Biosolids Processing Building, Sheet 50- ASM2.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 17. Floor Plan Maintenance and Storage Building, Sheet 80- ASM1.03 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 18. Building Elevations Maintenance and Storage Building, Sheet 80- ASM2.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 19. Floor Plan Administration Building, Sheet 90- ASM1.04 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 20. Building Elevations Administration Building, Sheet 90- ASM2.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Dec 21, 2009. 21. Site Renderings Site Locations Key Plan, Sheet 05 -C1.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Nov 30, 2009. 22. Site Renderings Hackberry Road Street View, Sheet 05- CL5.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Nov 30, 2009. 23. Site Renderings Hackberry Road Street View, Sheet 05- CL5.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Nov 30, 2009. 24. Site Renderings West Second Floor View, Sheet 05- CL5.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Nov 30, 2009. 25. Site Renderings West Second Floor View, Sheet 05- CL5.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Nov 30, 2009. 26. Site Renderings Southeast Second Floor View, Sheet 05- CL5.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Nov 30, 2009. 27. Site Renderings Southeast Second Floor View, Sheet 05- CL5.01 by Strand Associates, Inc., dated Nov 30, 2009. 28. Exterior Lighting consisting of Exterior Lighting Schedule and Lighting Fixture Cut Sheets and finish samples (14 pages). 29. Fencing and Facility Sign showing photos of polyurethane painted tubular steel fencing, 6 foot height; similar masonry pillars with brick to match structures; similar sign concept (4 pages). 30. Roofing Material consisting of Fabral Standard Architectural Colors, with Almond and Surrey Beige indicated (2 pages). Additional exhibits not attached: 1. Wastewater Reclamation Facility Modifications Project Summary (10 pages); Design Parameters (5 pages); and Structures To Be Removed (3 pages), by Village of Deerfield, dated December 10, 2009. i, NEW NEW FENCE NEW GATE' FACILITY SIGN , 1 NEY� NEW RESTROOMS a 0 m Y iiiiiiiiiiii EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXISTING SIDEWALK /CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING GRAVEL ® NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT NEW SIDEWALK /CONCRETE PAVEMENT AERATION TANK ADDITION U' • r AERATION TANKS NEW BUILDING INFORMATION BUILDING NAME AREA OF BUILDING NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 4,225 SF 13 BIOSOLDS BUILDING 13,470 SF 2 MAINTENANCE GARAGE 2,812 SF -.0 INFLUENT PUMPING BUILDING 4,788 SF ' 4 GENERATOR ROOM ADDITION 388 SF 1 •• BLOWER t EXCESS FLOW EMERGENCY IjI GENERATOR NEW BUILDING Vi IL 0 00 EXISTING C g FENCE Q V IL ` CO EXCESS FLOW r � SETTLING TANKS � <g 7. _a pjj SLUDGE �•� STATION BKOSOLIDS CONTROL AND STORAGE BUILDING EXtsnNG 4 �e. o_ � O I .\ — nnunxn aunn w 1 i niuui '- m i w nnni �numinumi, m nnl t 11 !wumuwxxolilr 1111111!.^. Ipll!!11!IIIIIIIIIIII!I,Oilllll .Irb Wllllllillllrlll !IIIIt11x111U111t1!!111111 1 tlllxl!Itx1111,1:IIU1111111x 11111x111, IIll( IIII! 1! Illlilllllllllltlllllllrltlllll, ll,! xxllllllxxxll: 1......II II ,IIIi,IIIIIItIIxIxt111111I111(/ 1111: IIr1, 111111,!Ixllllllxl,lllllllllr,l 111111 IIli, 1,! 1lxllt! I111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !IIxI11,lII1I111,1141x11 llllllxllllllllllllllr111II1I !1111:III:lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllx 111111111! IIt, L' lIII, Ilx, I1111111x1111111111I !f11xI111111,u111� w,, . ........... .. ...1111,,,,, ,............l.....L........... • . ,..,.•3:,..:�a,l,r.,,..,r.1.�,, .......... .. ........................., ..l -' � I / I I / ,i / / t* ¢iinuunuiiwililiunm:un linxiifixlilin,ini lulu iiuiiiuixix,i xutunli mixluuluuu!,rin!nninnul:iwnx6� '�' 'O�� / "µ II "P8 {Gi.E'.. {;l,iii �1i! "•11";P` {.I {viU { {�.C. °l ;'� " {i ;1 {IY{SY {;�; ;i {;i;I;t� � �I "{ � ";� {1n � {iRBRIL'� �� {'� / � f �(: IIP9111UOIII1111 :IIxux {IIIInIgllllnlllpulxil Kul: xx, xxllWlltlly- �yllllll!{, xgxll ,x,!glylll!111!Illxlllxtxl,!III �j // / EXCESS FLOW 7 IjI • ^- ONTROL BLVG�- i Vi IL 0 00 Q :' C g i EXtsnNG 4 �e. o_ � O I .\ — nnunxn aunn w 1 i niuui '- m i w nnni �numinumi, m nnl t 11 !wumuwxxolilr 1111111!.^. Ipll!!11!IIIIIIIIIIII!I,Oilllll .Irb Wllllllillllrlll !IIIIt11x111U111t1!!111111 1 tlllxl!Itx1111,1:IIU1111111x 11111x111, IIll( IIII! 1! Illlilllllllllltlllllllrltlllll, ll,! xxllllllxxxll: 1......II II ,IIIi,IIIIIItIIxIxt111111I111(/ 1111: IIr1, 111111,!Ixllllllxl,lllllllllr,l 111111 IIli, 1,! 1lxllt! I111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !IIxI11,lII1I111,1141x11 llllllxllllllllllllllr111II1I !1111:III:lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllx 111111111! IIt, L' lIII, Ilx, I1111111x1111111111I !f11xI111111,u111� w,, . ........... .. ...1111,,,,, ,............l.....L........... • . ,..,.•3:,..:�a,l,r.,,..,r.1.�,, .......... .. ........................., ..l -' � I / I I / ,i / / t* ¢iinuunuiiwililiunm:un linxiifixlilin,ini lulu iiuiiiuixix,i xutunli mixluuluuu!,rin!nninnul:iwnx6� '�' 'O�� / "µ II "P8 {Gi.E'.. {;l,iii �1i! "•11";P` {.I {viU { {�.C. °l ;'� " {i ;1 {IY{SY {;�; ;i {;i;I;t� � �I "{ � ";� {1n � {iRBRIL'� �� {'� / � f �(: IIP9111UOIII1111 :IIxux {IIIInIgllllnlllpulxil Kul: xx, xxllWlltlly- �yllllll!{, xgxll ,x,!glylll!111!Illxlllxtxl,!III �j // / File: S:\ MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Pion Commission Drawings \PC- O5- C1.OI.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 9:19am LOCATION PLAN o 25' 5C I oo' / f, / .'ate M PROPERTY LINE \ (ESTIMATED FROM PREVIOUS PROJECT DRAWINGS AND GS AMPS) U ALL CURB SHALL 18• NLESS NOTED OTH E f ZZ /i i/ 52 EXCESS FLOW F7$ X STORAGE POND ^- ONTROL BLVG�- i Vi IL 0 00 Q :' C g i Q V IL ` CO EXCESS FLOW r � SETTLING TANKS � <g NO. 2 File: S:\ MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Pion Commission Drawings \PC- O5- C1.OI.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 9:19am LOCATION PLAN o 25' 5C I oo' / f, / .'ate M PROPERTY LINE \ (ESTIMATED FROM PREVIOUS PROJECT DRAWINGS AND GS AMPS) U ALL CURB SHALL 18• NLESS NOTED OTH E f ZZ /i i/ 52 F7$ X ta•, e� Vi IL 0 U m � U 6 O m O J U ta•, O N IL 0 F C g w -_ Q V IL ` CO V R W V C> � <g U) 3 � T N ) 0 Ell I ASSOCIATES, IS® C\ ENGINEERS 05 -C1.01 up JOB NO. 1- 545 -002 s e-m i. j1 j% / i/ I SECONDARY AERATION I CLARIFIER TANKS NO. 1 r LN i _ ` — 1 ff ®r 0 1 LABORATORY 1 OFTICE I MA1NTUANG'E I..... BUILDING 1 11 Jl E. � _ J GARAGE BIOSOLIDS CONTROL AND STORAGE BUILDING... IiAl I, (J �: EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXISTING SIDEWMX /CONCRETE PAVEMENT =EXISTING GRAVEL ®NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT NEW SIDEWALX /CONCRETE PAM \I DIGESTER J NO. S J I IItlI� U 1rtlil Uilill ill 1m11 111 �I1111111111pq,t lm. nr1--- � - -` - -" , I , ,I„lill,l ll,�lijli:ll„itIm 111i�, I IIi%I „IIl,iM IIIIl1�111IIIIIII11111I III „III,II,IIIIII,IIIIIII II1,11I,II1, 11111], Ii 11l,lll,l,j, RtlLlblUlryp,111111,,q,iptl,l MI...O1gO..H”, 11N,Ip111i1 g1111111N1�111�0�!II V111:�11�- - - - -.� -- _._._..._._. F---- ------ - - - --1 I I i i I o EXCESS FLOW STORAGE POND / %' DIGESTER NO. 1 I i I 1 f/ • ��;° j� E� Ogg ( N I m 1 I Z � 1 I , Z rtu ln i nunn11. u.1 uu:iul�iililT � rt'� / uum:unupn / uunuuuuu, nnnnnll r ununlluwuiuw:m ul llyil�l!lul!II�.JY� �•�r r r, fr 3, /r �C NTftOL I i / ` 4, DIGESTER NO. Ld+ ` J SECONDARY O / I O 3 Tdl a -C J J EXCESS A-OW SETTLING TANNKS W p O Q aQa V J t- � � 3 • jiFall W --- --- ---- ...................... \I DIGESTER J NO. S J I IItlI� U 1rtlil Uilill ill 1m11 111 �I1111111111pq,t lm. nr1--- � - -` - -" , I , ,I„lill,l ll,�lijli:ll„itIm 111i�, I IIi%I „IIl,iM IIIIl1�111IIIIIII11111I III „III,II,IIIIII,IIIIIII II1,11I,II1, 11111], Ii 11l,lll,l,j, RtlLlblUlryp,111111,,q,iptl,l MI...O1gO..H”, 11N,Ip111i1 g1111111N1�111�0�!II V111:�11�- - - - -.� -- _._._..._._. F---- ------ - - - --1 I I i i I o EXCESS FLOW STORAGE POND / %' DIGESTER NO. 1 I i I 1 f/ • ��;° j� E� Ogg ( N I m 1 I Z � 1 I , Z rtu ln i nunn11. u.1 uu:iul�iililT � rt'� / uum:unupn / uunuuuuu, nnnnnll r ununlluwuiuw:m ul llyil�l!lul!II�.JY� �•�r r r, fr 3, /r �C NTftOL I i / ` 4, DIGESTER NO. Ld+ ` 1 `_l -- �•`�..�1� -_ - �- -.___y �z -cam /' 0 IV 2V File: S:\ MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Plan Commission 0 rowing s \PC- 05— C1.02— OVERLAY.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 9:21om M r to r K s V J � v C " LLI J N NO O W Z Tdl a -C J J EXCESS A-OW SETTLING TANNKS W p O Q aQa V J O � � 3 W 1 `_l -- �•`�..�1� -_ - �- -.___y �z -cam /' 0 IV 2V File: S:\ MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Plan Commission 0 rowing s \PC- 05— C1.02— OVERLAY.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 9:21om M r to r K s V U /_ / PROPERTY LINE (ESTIMATED FROM PREVIOUS PROJECT ' DRAWINGS AND CIS MAPS) �' Al. 1 f ABBOC ATEB. WIS'0 E N O 1 N E E R B Q SHEET _ 05 —C1.02 --'�.._.�- -- •\ _ JOB NO. 1-545-002 J � v C " LLI J N O W Z Tdl a -C J J W p O Q aQa V J O � � 3 W U /_ / PROPERTY LINE (ESTIMATED FROM PREVIOUS PROJECT ' DRAWINGS AND CIS MAPS) �' Al. 1 f ABBOC ATEB. WIS'0 E N O 1 N E E R B Q SHEET _ 05 —C1.02 --'�.._.�- -- •\ _ JOB NO. 1-545-002 1 -,,S rT •i BLOWER AND EMERGENCY GENERATOR BUILDING — AERATION TANKS IFLITUR ON/TANK AD11INtS -M/ T BUILDING I / l EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT T c = mw7 DaSnNG SIDEWALK /CONCRETE PAVEMENT DOSi1N13 GRAVE]_ (��s ! =NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT � NEW SIDEWALK /CONCRETE PAVEMENT Rpg �. ! - r _ ®ER051ON CONTROL MAT �� / — — ! f _ �c o� r 1 — - l ®STONE MULCH "y . 7"' - "� f _ ®N0�8 HFl�D' /,,JDRNEWAY SECDON) IV Emu 1 .m 1 1 ,il '^" units In laililupnlm Inum •••/ -- �..�_ — - -- - -- '��,— • ' � � �� ' ,11111111„ 11 ! 11111 1 1 1 11111111111111 1 1 1,II 1� I1I*I I 1 11I1I1�11I11II111 I1 i1,i1i 1 ,1,1 111111,'111111111111111111,11i1X11 i l 1 ImmlRR1lI1l777 1 i1I1I:i1Ii1+T1.1M 1:1 Il1ti 1 u1u11I1l1rtif1HR11if1l1!1n1 l 1 iI1il i1i1i1l1u1�1 1 i1ill1nl 1 i 11l111n1 llnllnl1l1 nt111i11w111111i11i11i1!l1111n11i1yyiy �1' {n] � iul!u!MuMn1n1u1'i. fn'IT.lTnIpIfnR}mI1l��������}u�,,1�I4l11�lIlyMllui1A1111111l{1:n 1{1 i14111 11,�1 ..1111 1,11:1?Im 1ullnwn iiu�1m11 it 1 111111 111!1...... ......11 1rt1M111s11�1111111f1l �f11 i �1y 1yI1p111yI!11 y1y1,�1}u 1I 1 11111 —_ u11111111 —� —� FINAL FINAL FINAL ' CLARIFIER CLARIFIER CLARIFIER • Y N0. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3 T _ . o SE _ SL .� % ' — 0 I ! FINAL CL}1RIFlER NO / I I T T 111 II III Ii 11111 i111111i I11,Iii11111111)illlllllllll�l 1111111 II IIIIIIIII III:l I:IIIIIIII�ilI11111111111111� 11111t11111111ti�i1�11 �1111111111111111111111111f1111 1111111�IIIItil lil li 11111 111111 !1111 .• 1111111 111111111111111 ......11111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 ,1111 i1n1111l111111111, 11111111111 1111111IIIt111111111111111i11 11111111111111II111111111111111� ,111111111 ,111111111111111111111111 / 1 1! IIIIIIIU1libii111111111111111111111i1111111t1111lB1111111111111 ,IIIP111! 11111! 1nnt1111111111111111111111illilltl Ilan,, - X11' ll��l! 1, 11IIIInlnulilillilnllmi1111;{ I1111111ililll�l��lillllll�lll !l_. -.. 1 1 lTl t I � / �nmiq nmulnlluunnumnulnlnmununnnnnuminununnnunclnmuunwuuuwuwllunml SIOSOUDS x PROCESSING AND STORAGE —BUILDING--- PLAIN ✓ ri �_ / SLUDGE BED = LL. _ — a �ji� STORAGE PO b / /r / % / / ? ,DIGESTER I NO. FLOOD PLAIN LABORATORY OFFICE MAINTENANCE 0 BUILDING x" °t4 f \ BLOWER nj 1! � ` . ��� - - INFLUENT 1 \, / BI.UG. (r EXCESS FLOW PUMPING f ;� SETTLING TANKS NO. 2 tyy~ Its J L , � ' �`� —.� �= = � � _�� � •— � /�1�'• ; .� ..� Z7 !. -»-�= .'r -� - ��- �ra;��'= -• � -_- - -- ' �� Filo• C•\ uen\ 1 ann -_� aeo\ � a�a\ nnn\ n__e\ ol.._ n_-- e__r__ n__...v___� nn no ... n-, �_ �. .. .." ____ _ _- -- - - _.... ... __._.. _. _..... �-I• _..........1, .. c1. c.,.,a - a:ccarn 1� /� % �hA i f I i ! C7CJ s � X Z J d o 16 °a J D g � IN J O s u °v Ldl � g F 3 � F Q 3 sm svph%cdo A880C1ATTB, iNCt,9 ENOINEERB 05—C1.03 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 --- .-.-- /GRADING PLAN I % �hA i f I i ! C7CJ s � X Z J d o 16 °a J D g � IN J O s u °v Ldl � g F 3 � F Q 3 sm svph%cdo A880C1ATTB, iNCt,9 ENOINEERB 05—C1.03 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 --- .-.-- CAST SR BASE ON STONE CAP MARIGOLD BLEND MATT A BY BIIDE11 EIWCIC -CW STONE PLAOM Nl1A0E LOGO . NTED IN FOREST GREEN r------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - --� T 1 ENLARGED MIN ENTRANCE ELEVATION 1 L- ------------------------------------------------------------- rt-------------------- J EEO tom A c � 1 Y g U m a or J_ BEVELED INSET 3 1/2- z 0 la C y o TOP WIOTN AND 1 1/2- = O a = SIDE AND BOTTOM - W �o� STONE SNXN W/ J Ull GARAMMOND LETIFRI G STYLE - .� VIUAGE OP DEERFDRIM SAND BLASTED AND PAINTED 0 O v :i 1015 HAO3®l6Y AD IGOLD BLEND L4ATr A W BY BELDEN BRICK — FACILITY SIGN ( _ 0 NO SCALE CAST SR BASE ON STONE CAP MARIGOLD BLEND MATT A BY BIIDE11 EIWCIC -CW STONE PLAOM Nl1A0E LOGO . NTED IN FOREST GREEN r------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - --� T 1 ENLARGED MIN ENTRANCE ELEVATION 1 L- ------------------------------------------------------------- rt-------------------- J EEO tom A c � 1 Y g U m a or File: S:\ MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acod \Pion Commission Drowings \PC- 05 —C1.04 —FENCE ELEVATION.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:250m b 31TRA MED ABBOL7ATEEk DJL' CD ENOINEERB 05 —C1.04 JOB NO.1- 545 -002 4 c� V O J_ z 0 la C y o = O a = - W �o� J Ull O Z 0 O v :i tu W Q L J I- on Q 3 File: S:\ MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acod \Pion Commission Drowings \PC- 05 —C1.04 —FENCE ELEVATION.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:250m b 31TRA MED ABBOL7ATEEk DJL' CD ENOINEERB 05 —C1.04 JOB NO.1- 545 -002 4 c� V O 1 AS CAP UNIT — NODULAR BLACK WALL GRANULAR BACKFILL WITHIN m 10 FEET OF WALL UNIT FILL INSIDE CELLS BEHIND WALL (3/8- TO 3/4' CRUSHED STONE AS SPEC'D) LEVE1JNG PAD UNDER WALL �o (3/8' TO 3/4- CRUSHED STONE AS SPECIFIED) BLOCK RETAINING WALL NO SCALE PARTIAL SITE PLAN �Za PARTIAL SITE SECTION NW L1% File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acod \Pion Commission Drawing s \PC- 05— C1.05— RETAINING WALL.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:25om N Y M pSm g _` 10 SITE KEY PLAN NO SCALE C% J V 3 ` =- j Q :?/ J �— _ a � W P cc a a oz ASOCKNATEB, 91HWD LL z a o E- a W 0 SHEET Ir W > � F H H SITE KEY PLAN NO SCALE C% J V 3 ` =- j Q :?/ Q ®4GW�ll,v7® ASOCKNATEB, 91HWD NEFAB NOI : O SHEET 05 -C1.05 Q JOB NO. 1-545-002 rile: a: \MALI \15UU -- 1599 \1545 \OUZ \ACad \Plon Commission Drawings \PC- 05— C2.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:25am I - 4Galf543 O �J 0 o a� 0/ G' c_} FUTURE AERATII ADMINISTRATION BULDING LABORATORY OFFICE 61-AI1,1 TENANCE Bull-DING X or M j w - I AERATION TANK 4 ADDITION % CLARIFIER ASSCXNATES, TNO-d Ry29 RyT�29 j j NO. 1 AERATION x TANKS Rj'�29 Ry29 FUTURE AERATII ADMINISTRATION BULDING LABORATORY OFFICE 61-AI1,1 TENANCE Bull-DING X or M j w - Q FINAL t UIGESTE_ CLARIFIER ASSCXNATES, TNO-d BLOWER I` BLDG. NO. 1 4� i I r SETTLING TANKS JOB NO. 1-545-002 ANK I __J S_'B (r} Y BIOSOLIDS PROCESSING AND STORAGE BUILDING x FINAL FINAL CLARIFIER CLARIFIER NO. 2 NO. 3 O ( FINAL 11 CLARIFIER NO. 4 __ j 11 ) DIGESTERi O_sPl� NO. 1 1 MAINTEENNANCE I �� II j DN0�3R INFLUENT PUMPING STATION NO. 2 4 e File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acod \Plan Commission Drowings \PC- 05- CE1.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 9:24am co EM pi U am 9L m . o N Y SLUDGE U DRYING , BEDS �� z ------ - ---------- EY.CESS FLOW % STORAGE POND O 1 ;= ; I ,. 0 / x. Z CL a Z F x J W H H 8 i t V W J N O L _ a � D W W O W a � 0 3 >5 Q 3 O V Q -- t UIGESTE_ — ASSCXNATES, TNO-d BLOWER I` BLDG. EY.CESS FLaY 4� i I r SETTLING TANKS JOB NO. 1-545-002 xlR N0. 2 14 SWITCHED UGHT ON 10' POLE File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acod \Plan Commission Drowings \PC- 05- CE1.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 9:24am co EM pi U am 9L m . o N Y SLUDGE U DRYING , BEDS �� z ------ - ---------- EY.CESS FLOW % STORAGE POND O 1 ;= ; I ,. 0 / x. Z CL a Z F x J W H H 8 i t V W J N O L _ a � D W W O W a � 0 3 >5 Q 3 O V Q C� t ASSCXNATES, TNO-d ENGINEERS 0 SHEET 05- CE1.01 JOB NO. 1-545-002 I 4(vt2af 5 File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acod \Plan Commission Drawings \PC- 05— CE1.02.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:26om SITE LIGHTING PLAN o s• i » Elm k� '�L• N m II Y m d a a8 r V H LL p vi 0 a W z cc 0 J W W J g o 0 egi o 0 ¢ V V IL g � a 3 O N SHEET 05— CE1.02 JOB N0.1 -545 -002 D 1 \ ASSOGATES, VW-9D 1 EN OIN 6ER8 0 SHEET 05— CE1.02 JOB N0.1 -545 -002 r1 46;ti say aj +, . ...3;333;•....;;::,....,,.;: - -' .....� : : :'- ::•es::::1 :: : x � � x • ;3 ; i :a� 1;: •esa; a :' es1::. + 3a ;Y;9av g • : • a a' a d3' : :' ;4P:e« a1': +f(• av« +av� e''• : + a : 1 + r•; ; ' ' ': : �::• , �11;*esw : . ,��es ;1 • t�:+P ;�' .+ 11:�:�• ,;; 1 •3 •+ b •.•.1♦ 1�': esava 311::+ eyy•1/ 3 :!:; esii .++ ' : •+:1,wt1,1! ,� es. ..•.r,; e; 31 } a:: • 1' :_ �;♦.1av: � :"1� ..a esav1w•'3: II +.: •. 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E N O 1 N E E R B KEY PLAN -- -- --� - - _ 1/ " ✓�': .. - SHEET �• "+ " SITE LIGHTING PLAN_ Z� a s to xo 05- CE1.O3 JOB NO. 1 -545 -002 1r 2009 - 8:26am V M -' V No 0 0 r oo. �.\mmu\iovu-- iOaa\iz)4o \uut \nc0a\riOn commission urowings \rL._vo- utj.Uo.owg lime: Dec 2 G(0 }y 50,14 0 SITE LIGHTING PLAN Z� O 3. 10' Fie: S:\MAD\1500 -- 1599 \1545002 \Acod\Plon Commission Drawing s\PC_05— CE1.04.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:26om I c Y �lJC1Y�i® ABBOCLKTEH, A v '� a "- p W 2 05— CE1.04 O 45 JOB NO. 1-50-002 W 7 l O a u CL W Q 5 J • "J I � 1 ii I i CIA *. KEY PLAN Y Ii IIo 61 K a Ra8 V Y �lJC1Y�i® ABBOCLKTEH, A v '� a "- p W 2 05— CE1.04 O 45 JOB NO. 1-50-002 W 7 l O a u CL W Q 5 J • "J W F J .7 FA U) 3 V Y �lJC1Y�i® ABBOCLKTEH, A ENOINEER8 + Q SHEET 05— CE1.04 O 45 JOB NO. 1-50-002 G4Z�15u3 I -RL } AERATION j r` I TANKS i ►ir ill F_ `t RL \ NA7I� ZGRASS J� � I MIX ._ 7- ADMINI r. \ '� `• � � T j� -mac \` `` l WN Sf RATIO�d E MULC BUILDING IE�\ J 2 - 1 -RLi SfOE MULCH ^• .7 OVER WEED t I G LABORATORY I OFFICE - 1 -RL 1 h �'-- S- .-1..L1 �L -l�-f �. I IAQIA(WF WJr.F I MAINTE!",gE - LEGEND. MESIC RESMRA71ON IIX RAIN GARDEN PLANn G r — — .% -' IDOT LOW Ma MIX z UM LOW �/ I ® NATIVE GRASS MIX / ✓ MAINTENANCE > MULCIi— 15 DL 15 L e� NAL CLARIFIER CLAR FlI ER _ . 3�ris- - - - _ _ - - _ _. i 7. _ .SLUDGE- _ 7. 1- 77 7. ON i`L _ _ _ / SLUDGE "ILL TD 2e - Afro - STATION ` — /f / - - - $ ® -� *�C ftESTORATICIN�IIXD� _ -U0.?? 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ENOINEERB O A ~ 1 �' SHEET �'� 05- CL1.01 - -- JOB N0.1 -545 -002 File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Arad \Plan Commission Drawings \PC_05- CL1.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 8:26am I G 4.71'I 5 4 3 LEGEND: �EXISnNG ASPHALT PAVEMENT =EXIsnNG SIDEWALK /CONCRETE PAVEMENT = DOSTING cRAvEL �ill!'�����iliPiii,'ii}nIN,I ...... Iifilylr• "'...... EXISTING FENCE (ISnNC fENCE IIIII {{ {411 .f { {11 { {n,lil, {iluldr unnl1,1'1111 Illi j1'.1111u mu' LXIj (INN rFugcE 11 mR �u 111 {11 1 lyyiltu "i' TO BE REMOVED TO BE REMOVED 11111111 {11 i111111i111111i1111i111 luijll_!1!;fllyv • • . � • 11 1 11111 1 1 11111Y 11 {II1111111 1 {1111 1 XX-X-X iCam- X- X- X- X- X- X- X-X -XX x1X -X -X -X X X X X �--- ;--.- 'X -x(x -X X X % % • 7( 1111111 {1111 ii 111'11m �11Rf1.1 11111'11111 III111111 JI1111111111111 1111,1,1 II11111111111I11 II1111111IIII11111111111I111I1i II III......IIIII r �1 IIII III Iiill111111114 1!11111111 111 III IIiI II IIIIIIII�1111 }1' . 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I I s LXCE S FLOW Y SETTLING TANKS NO. 2 IXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED - .,•�nvw �,.'vv- -I.�aa �Ir- r..rwvc \HCVU \rlurl IUITITFII5bIVn UFUWIng5 \ru— U,— uLI.UL.OWg lime: Uec Z1, ZUU`J' — 8:260m y U EXCESS FLOW t I I STORAGE POND wr 0111, Innr: • PROPERTY LINE (ESTIMATED i FROM PREVIOUS PROJECT DRAWINGS AND GIS MAPS) i ,- LANDSCAPE DEMOLITION PLAN g i q Y 3 1 m / z i fFJmCF_ / Z IL = v J H o ON J Q W J cO $ W Lu u o z ul 4 a 5 H O a ZQ 3 J i i� /J Ij •\ ASSCI=QSp INIC-0 ENGINEERS A � •., SHEET JOB NO. 1-545-002 MMV '-J v V O 1 Q Q 4 lip 0 0 D tile: S:\ MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acrd \Plan Commission Drowings \PC- 05— CL5.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:27am I 4G�9Sy EL 690.83 % -PRECAST � MDOW 0 HANDRAIL SILL, TYP I W 1 OB STANDINO SEAM METAL - - - - - - - ROOF AND SIDING - - _ _ _ - - _ _ VARIES EL 673.2E 2ru- TO 873.50 L-CONCRETE WALL I I I L- - I -,, - EL 663.58 I I I I -� - - -1 �-- -- I I I I WOOF L -EL BSJLS ---- L-- - - - --1 II j I I Jrl- - - - - -- --------- ---I-t El- pp T I - - - -I EL 858.58 L- I---------------------- - - - - -- 1 I. I I I I I - I I I L--- � - - - -D I I I , I , 119IE: STAY -IN -PLACE SHEET PILING I I I RETAINING SYSTEM NOT SHOWN IN THESE VIEWS. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rJ---- 11---- ----------- - - - -1-I EL 628.00 L--- -I---- -------- ---- - - - - -J WEST ELEVATION I I I I I I I I 1 I i I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I EL. 628.00 I I r'-------------------- - - - -I, L------------------------ _1 SOUTH ELEVATION 0 2' 4' e to' I I I I I I I I I I I I JJ______LL__1 EL 848.00 w rrs 1"At.5WM 0 N nr Q ILI I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I EL 828.00 rl ------------------------ 11 L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _1 R_LW4R& EL 690.83 I 660.00 1 t _L EL. 653.50 E__j ©LIGHT RXTURE _- - -_- -- i i in o I I FL 657.50 EL 657.75 EL 658.58 -- - - - -- -tires - - -- I I I------ - - - - -�� 00------ - - - --1 , t II I------ - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- I I I I I I L r_ ` - , == = I 1 I I I I _ I .I I I EL 848.00 L- L -- J I I I I I 1 File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Plan Commission Drawings \PC_10- ASM2.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 8:27om I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I , EAST ELEVATION r' ------------------- 1r - - -� EL 628.00 o a' e' e' W o r � ao Qr a8 Z M 10 - INFLUENT PUMPING STATION MATERIAL LEGEND 0 ;NATK)NI DESCRIPTION M4NUFACTURER iWTEflIAL COLOR S(ZE A Wtal Coping Peterson Aluminum Company Steel =Dark Bronze :6' "gh B Cast Stone Ban Edwards Cast Slone :Cast Stone :Gray, match °8' lighl5' M6c a W and Widow Sills d W 0 13 C> epsling J Z W C WW Roofing an .Fabral Steel Almond -As Shown Siding, Msc lvietals Z 3 D .slick Belden Brick :Brick Marigold Blend Ivbdular Size E Concrete - Cast in Place Concrete ;Standard As Shawn F Translucent Winow Kalwall Al urtinum and Fiber AlmondBe:ge -As Shown Reinforced Resin G Man Door Comm !Fiberglass Beige -As Shown H Overhead Door _ Overhead Door Company Aluminum Clear Anodzed 'As Shown J Guardrail an - Aluminum Clear Anodized As Shown Handrail K Louver Greenheck Aluminum Almond/Beige As Shown L Light Fixture Lumark Aluminum Dark Bronze As Shown File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Plan Commission Drawings \PC_10- ASM2.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 8:27om I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I , EAST ELEVATION r' ------------------- 1r - - -� EL 628.00 o a' e' e' W o r � ao Qr a8 Z M 0 F J N Z 0 U) oZ W 8 Z 0 W J a W 'v d W 0 13 C> J Z W cc a > W Z 3 V SHEET 10- ASM2.01 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 M Q AB80dATE)8, "_- (D E N O I N E E R B 0 SHEET 10- ASM2.01 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 l,G14 �°l3 AREA OF BRICK REPLACEMENT AND 14' SS A q EL 673.25 AREA OF BRICK I �l T.O. WALL REPLACEMENT D f} !I--� -� _- LL 862 -58 TUCKPOINTING �- - - -- L - L---F-- -- - - -� 1 1.23 --------..1-------- WEST EL�TI�ON 2 4 O Q' TO MASONRY EL 67957 {-EXHAUST FANG T.O. WALL EL 862 -90 DDO0OOR� I E- 65623 L:0-10) 20' SS A q EL 673. TO MASONRY TOP OF WALKWAY NEW AERATIO►1 TiWK� WALL SEE STF61C1URE 20 T.O. WALL COPING STONE BAND QB 14' SS A q EL 673281 LOUVER (TV.) `- EXISTiIIG AERATION: TANK WALL----_ O 4 0 BLOWER INTAKE FILTER CM. OF 4) -1 PIPEOH SCUPPER TO MASONRY EL 579.57 T.O. WALKWAY EL 665.00 EL 858.23 I I I - - - - - -- \ -, EL 656.50 I I \ L EL 654.50 I I -, L EL- 65250 I \ -� 50 IEL 648.50 WT ELEVATION ` - -- ".. -. \r u \IODU-- IJyy \IJ4J \UUL \AGOG \rion Lommisslon urawings \rc- La- AaNIL.UI.awg Iime: Uec 21, 2UU9 - 8:27am z I = 9L flat n J V Z 9� Q U) p W Z O W J � Q G m J 4 W ' ¢ tg u W C J S i0 3 q7e r� M ABSIOOATES, tNr-4D ENGINEERS 25- ASM2.01 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 0 nn m c(1 l Q 25 - BLOWER BUILDING MATERLAL LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION I MANUFACTURER I MATERIAL I COLOR I SIZE TEXTURE A Metal Coping 'Peterson Alumi Compaq/ Steel 'Dark Brome .6'Kgh Smooth B Cast Slone Band :Edwards Cast Stone Cast Slone ;Gray. match 8' F6gh'5- Kgh -- . .existing C Brick Belden Brick -Brick ;h4wigold Blend ;Nodular Size Men A D Man Dow Cwrim Fiberglass .Beige._ 'As Sham - E Louver Greenheck _ _ _- 'Aluminum - 'AlmondrBe -ge As Shown - F .Exhaust Fan G ✓eenheck Aluminum .Atmwd/8eige As Shown -- G :Exhaust Fan Greenheck Aluminum :Almwrd/8ege As Sh. -- M Process: ping -- Stainless Steel - 'Sneer 'As Shovm Smooth J hl Fie Lumark Aluminum Dark Bronze 'As Shown ".. -. \r u \IODU-- IJyy \IJ4J \UUL \AGOG \rion Lommisslon urawings \rc- La- AaNIL.UI.awg Iime: Uec 21, 2UU9 - 8:27am z I = 9L flat n J V Z 9� Q U) p W Z O W J � Q G m J 4 W ' ¢ tg u W C J S i0 3 q7e r� M ABSIOOATES, tNr-4D ENGINEERS 25- ASM2.01 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 0 nn m c(1 l Q do' Sit sties WALL PANELS -1II it 1j �LL1L - - - - -- - - - -J -- METAL BUILDING CONCRETE WALL W STRUCTURE © FORM LINER NCCO STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY FACE BRICK O MCJ-1 (TYP.) TOP OF MASONRY H - - - -- u u n F] W�,TM%ED FLOOR .10 I 11 II II II 1 it II L -- - - - -I u u - - - -u I _ 11 ___ 1II ____ 111 1L I - - - -- - - - -�— -- -- - - -- - - -- -------- -Z - - -- --------- -Z - - -- ---------- =T1 = - - - -7� 11 I I I I SOUTH ELEVATION i i i i I EL 6466 of'°°R - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- FACE BRICK (D I L - -J �II 11 I III ------ - - - - -- EF- - 7=-- - - -- --- - I I I I I I 1z © METAL WALL PANELS---,,_ 1 2 12 TOP OF OPENING/BOTTOM OF CANOPY EL 671.10 (TYP.) rC TOP OF WALL EL 665.10 (TYP.) 1 I I I METAL BUILDING OGONCRETE WALL W1 STRUCTURE FORM LINER ACCENT. 12 -�2 I 1 ---------------------- - - -L1j WEST ELEVATION e' 1e- •..- .+. V•..+v \-1 - --- \1111 \— \—U- u1uwrnya \-- ov- rvM4.UI.uW9 lime: Uec zl, zvuv - S:2 /Om NORTH ELEVATION SCUPPER FACE BRICK ANICAL ROOM T OF MASONRY 74.43 i 12 21 -�' I 1 I 1 I I I I L11 1 G BUILDING MATERIAL LEGEND 50 - BIOSOLIDS PROCE! NATION DESCRPTION MANUFACTURER A Ww Cop'kg :Peterson Aluminum Company B :Cast Slone Band 'Edwards Cast Stone C 'Metal Roofing and - Fabral . •- Siding. MSC. Ne121S 'edswv D Brick :Belden Brick E Concrete . -- F Man Door 7Corrim G '0vwbead Door Overhead Door Company H Lower Greenhwk J Light Faiure Lumark •..- .+. V•..+v \-1 - --- \1111 \— \—U- u1uwrnya \-- ov- rvM4.UI.uW9 lime: Uec zl, zvuv - S:2 /Om NORTH ELEVATION SCUPPER FACE BRICK ANICAL ROOM T OF MASONRY 74.43 i 12 21 -�' I 1 I 1 I I I I L11 1 G BUILDING MATERIAL LEGEND Y STANDING SEAM MATERIAL. I COLOR S(ZE TEXTURE Steel ;Dark Bronze 6• Hgh Smooth Cast Stone Gray. match 8• HW5• Hgh •- 'edswv TOP OF WALL Steel 'Admond As Shown Brick ;Marigold Blend kbdutar Size Matt A 'Cast in Peace Cortcrele 'Standard As Shown Smu-th and ;, CANOPY r Formliner as shown :Fbergtass .. .. :Beige AS Shown -' `Aluminum 'Clear Anodized As Shown -- .Aluminum AlmondtBeige As Shown •• Aluminum Dark Bronze As Slwwn . L L_ Fm Ems CA Z LA • CONCRETE WALL W/ METAL BUILDING FORM LINER ACCENTS ® STRUCTURE MCJ -1 (TYP.) 12 12 Y STANDING SEAM V METAL ROOF C O METAL WALL PANELS � o TOP OF Ililll OPENING /BOTTOM 'IiI�i�IiIIII�II'ilil�lll_ OF CANOPY EL 671.10 (TYP.) TOP OF WALL EL 665.10 (TTP.) OPENING/BOTTOM LA • CONCRETE WALL W/ METAL BUILDING FORM LINER ACCENTS ® STRUCTURE MCJ -1 (TYP.) 12 12 1° I I I I I I r �---- --1-1� r-ji EAST ELEVATION o r a• B' te a Z G Z Om W fn J UM) W cc Z d 0 J C m o N O m &a J_ V LL D W Z W Z O IZ6 Q W J o O It g W W � >5 F N ABBOCIATEB,QVL.W ENGINEERS 50- ASM2.01 JOB NO. 1-545-002 4 ' •J m Q 4 Q, OF Ililll 'IiI�i�IiIIII�II'ilil�lll_ OPENING/BOTTOM ;, CANOPY r ��� = =� �������IIIIIIIIIIIIiII� IIIIIIIIIIIII�lllllll - �Ilimunnn � 1° I I I I I I r �---- --1-1� r-ji EAST ELEVATION o r a• B' te a Z G Z Om W fn J UM) W cc Z d 0 J C m o N O m &a J_ V LL D W Z W Z O IZ6 Q W J o O It g W W � >5 F N ABBOCIATEB,QVL.W ENGINEERS 50- ASM2.01 JOB NO. 1-545-002 4 ' •J m Q 4 Q, 4419'S49 LIM GENERAI NOES: 1. UNLESS SHOWN OR NOTED OTHERWISE, DIMENSIONS TO MASONRY WALLS ARE FROM SURFACE. z. PROVIDE LINTELS OVER ALL MASONRY OPENINGS. WHERE UNTEL DETAIL 15 NOT INDICATED, LINTEL SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL PROVIDED BY ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION. SEE HVAC PLANS FOR LOCATION OF OPENINGS FOR DUCTWORK, PROVIDE UNTEIS FOR ALL OPENINGS GREATER THAN 15' MADE COST TO BE INCLUDED IN THE LUMP SUM BID. 3. ALL INTERIOR DOORS TO OCCUPIED ROOMS AND EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 1'-5' CLEARANCE FROM LATCH END OF DOOR TO ANY OBSTRUCTION ON THE DOOR SWING SIDE THE SIDE OPPOSITE THE DOOR SWING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 1'-0' CLEARANCE TO ANY OBSTRUCTION FROM LATCH END OF DOOR. 4. SEE ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATION FOR TREATMENTS OF WALLS. FLOORS AND CEILINGS NOT CALLED OUT ON DRAWINGS. 1 I 5. SEE SHEET NO. Am FOR WALL TYPES DElNEATED WITH _ A SYMBOL KEY NOTES: O1 FIRE EMINGUtSHER IN CABINET AND BRACKETS, SEE SPECIFICAT10N5 FOR QUANTITY. O2 WINDOW TYPE BOC ABOVE SEE ELEVATION AND WINDOW SCHEDULE FOR DIMENSIONS AND SELL HEIGHT. O3 WASHER AND DRYER, BY OWNER .. I.. .., N .... \ ..,. ...........J, -.,..- ..ire...,. —v nn.a. uec 41. cvulf - O:Z /01T1 z eo- 3.0 s t<s� z go g H Y a o a Z J m Z N no IL o. 0 Z a 1116 W v Z a 'j. W h- a a 2 �a ly L. _J V 4 O N p W Z J Q QQ W J O = R V 3 � g W F N 3 M3 _"V �.T o AEN30C ATLQ RYQ® ENGINEERS O SHEET 80— ASM1.03 0 JOB NO.1- 545 -002 c� it rq OA METAL COPING. OCASTMNE,I Q MAN DGMIST FAN a INiERSECno0 ElAL COPING, OA T ETAL COPING OVER / FUISFYNG AT / E).MG WALL. TYP AREA OF BRICK \ REPLACEMENT AND nickpOI NG. TYP WINDOW IN t4 -0 E7OSTING OPENING DOOROH I "- OVERHEAD DOOR OH I - ------ --- - - - -- --- ---- --- - - -i WEST ELEVATION tr e• TO BLOCK E ADDITION, [,%�,, � IN BACKGROUND -- "'WERO FINE t OVERHEAD DOOR JO ONRY OPENING W/WATER FOUNTAINS -- - -- ------------------------- IN BACKGROUND NORTH ELEVATION 7 4' oa - EAST ELEVATION File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Plan Commission Drawing s \PC- 80- ASM2.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 8:27am To BLOCK %IN. SELL EI 875-85 FIN FLOOR Qom-557.55 YANDOW, TYP 80 - MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE BUILDING MATERIAL LEGEND DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MATERIAL COLOR S12E TEXTURE A : Metal. Coping ;Peterson Akrmirprm Company .Steel Dark Bronze .6 -High _Smooth B 'Cast Stone Band :Edwards Cast Stone CasI Stone Gray, match .6- High/5- High :' - - H m Z W O (� andWindowSRs a w+ 'erdsting A C Brick ;Bolden Brick :Brick Markiad Blend kbdular Size 'Matt A D _ Translucent Window :Kalwall 'Aluminum and Fiber 'XmondlBeige As Shown a W a Q Reinforced Resin _ E WuWow - Kawneer Aluminum ''.NmondlBeige BAs Shown _ F . Men Door, Ceco :Steel Painted qp;W As Shown -- G Man Door !.Kawneer 'Aluminum :lmortd/Beige 'As Stgwn H .Overhead Door Overhead Door Company Steel :Brown :As Shown J .Overhead Dow Overhead Door Company Steel ._Painted Beige As Shown -- K :Louver Greenheck Aluminum AlmondrBeige As Shown - L 'E#ta_uslFan Greenheck 'Miminum As Shown M Light Fbdure Lumark Aluminum '.Dark Bronze As Shown File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Plan Commission Drawing s \PC- 80- ASM2.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 - 8:27am To BLOCK %IN. SELL EI 875-85 FIN FLOOR Qom-557.55 YANDOW, TYP 0�; �01 g� Y m a Q SOUTH Q ELEVATION o 2' 4' W 1 a' 0�; �01 g� Y m a Q Z Q O V ENGINEERS J_ H m Z W O (� _ v L a w+ a0 A W = Ism >O W JN go a W a Q Z a m ZZ y�y QQ W Z 3 V 80- ASM2.01 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 Q Q A8801CLATEE1. QJQ® V ENGINEERS 80- ASM2.01 JOB NO.1 -545 -002 O M 6X, 0 0 NMI File: S: \MAD \1500 -- 1599 \1545 \002 \Acod \Plan Commission Drawings \PC- 90— ASM1.04.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:27cm 4 (to }45ti3 81; lmg : \ - -L --- z — — — — = -'---- -- --- - --- SOUTH ELEVATION STET L TW. STEEL TYPO lO I I I I I -- _j WEST ELEVATION a, — -- — — — - -- — EAST ELEVATION DESIGNATION DESCRPTION I MANUFACTURER MATERIAL COLOR SIZE TEXTURE A ;Cast Stone Band ;Edwards Cast Slone ;Cast Slone ICay, match 8' Hghl5' "gh — _... .and Window Sins . ...... ........... i... lerdstirg B i MkW Roofing and Fabral _ _. . _ . Steel _.. (Almond . ;As Shown Msc Matak € ' ;Brick Belden Brick ::Brick Blend _Mbdutar Size 'Wl A D .WirKlow .Kawneer Akunim" _ AlmondBege _ 'As Shown. . _E_ Ivtanggx Kawneer... --._. ... -Akmerum ;AlmordlBetge .As Shown -- F .Louver Greenheck ... `Akxninum ':AlmordlBeige iAs Shown -- G Light Future Lumark -AUumi um ;Dark Bronze As Shown ile: 5: \MAD \1500 - -1599 \1545 \002 \Acad \Plan Commission Drawings \PC- 90— ASM2.01.dwg Time: Dec 21, 2009 — 8:27cm ,n? BO t� z » z IM ¢N¢ Y W V m a i H Z Z C 5 o-+ . 9`" r- C N = og Q W J .32 zcc cc W8 g a Lo a J z m ul Q 3 STRAND ASSOCIATES. 24AMM ENGINEERS 90— ASM2.01 _j JOB NO.1 -545 -002 !,,�44 OWE 0 11"6 'V O O 1 GG Re: S: \MAD \1500- 1599 \1545 \002\Acod\Pion Commbsion Drawings \PC_05- CL5.01_dwg Mr,re: Nov 30. 2009 - 4:37pm Ric .1 z w 2 g aA a 4 en,m,weewe day �L3ySy� s. 0 +t uf7 9 a• 'h. =Oz <,E , r , J 4' r ..??--��,, r 2 r eo r � ^Z° -. f.. Al A y' E n k r� i� C, s;s. sne f•° f � � 2 e n ; e. 1 l , C 4 ^fir hx e� �3 e n .- g�.�€� i L 1', •N p a i !c. Fn^ i L 1', •N p SO • ... , ". ...,.. �:,3 ^.p.. „ac�. . ; p..y,.. y r+r.J+.. a` > , :^"2..z °,b`. 4 Ic s ;�. >..,,, .. yS. ✓., �. -. !� -„- .. ,... _ .. ... R° w.. n:. , x '. .. - ,.o_,' ...., .1. '3 }' - 411. " " ... :� ,. ,_., - .. ._ ,.. fs_> ,,.. ,r ._„ ,. .. _ .. .... �, ".. �. _. .. .... =•� - �t .pit a •- .. .. • - "a. >. y ...._ -.. ..._... s'.�.,5.... ._ -, rta.,. ,- .s; ,., . fir. .xd^- :., jr � ... n ,. a ,.. • ^.i.. ,. ...>, ., .,. . ^'..; .,,.. ": $. ,... ... �. , ',;r ^� fit,».,: �`e Z 1 f 3 - ... r , , p qVVq B Z O5— C15.01 .oe Mm 1- 640 --cm �m rile: 7, �wau�17Ut7- 1Syy�7J+i.7 \WLV:GOO \Yio» tAmm�3s+on Urotir�nQB \rti- Y7- crL7.ul.Org time: Nov. 3U. ZW8 - 4:37pm bG all Sti3 F71e: S: \WA0\ 1500-- 1599\1545\002\Aco> \Pion Comml=s Dm*;nqv\PC_05—CL5.01_dwq Mrm Nov 30. 2009 4Mprn d V V 1 a O 1 O _.. ,.r _v. �" a ;<.: ,' .:.. �- _..<..: +.,. : ✓, >.. f- .,, e.. >. ."s e ... , >_R ..,.,,... :w1 ,i"° . .. _ '.. '... 4' ... is .. - .«, _ �; .. '�.r z -.,:. •.�: ,,. ;8, F. f,. , , ,.< . +,. ' w E„' 36. -.... ,. r b.. ,: .... !At. _. -' -4 <- , # a r. a✓ . . , 1, .. ,-_ v/ . ..m „ Y/ .,. , ,i e 't. -, e:.° .' ' f ,,. r.,, ..E. o 1. �. >, 1. . :. t 9 _ n. .. .. ry ... ., o , ✓�>.: ... I. .:3. %.., '_ ,. r:,. r .. .r."i'° -.P� # F;, . . r?� ,. .o t`• n. f. G::= , tTy i" . ,r. —: ,.A. .,, s.3 ' , ".. _, ,._.., & All .: `� r -�. .. a - .. - ,:.. .' < ,°v r ... ,. - tir, .. / _ .. .: .a. . .Y . . _ .. el < ..``,sa' `r' ,;; '•' ,;.r - i- : ,Y `i -.aw 4r•>;.3, ,. r -/- ...,. ,.k. .L. .,r..,, r. .,n:aNh -:` ^e� <Y :: F r r." y i. ra :. . >. y.�. > , ... v w r - .,r..r-•F_ . _, ! 'xs<.. ., ! . ., .. ,.. ... � , .. u .... _. i x :. cT.:_.. r, „ ... f >. .. *k ..r ,, n: <. .. .. fir» _ S. ,_„-..A r. M/i�%.'v,°✓- ,: ... .ev;. �:.... rw -r :, -'r<x %'• .... � r. > ,',ss ". - r. _y -.-,• ..ne �v .. C'?s;.. .,. g.. -... -__ �..r.. ..,,. N- .. � : 5>.,, r. st o 3 �.,. .., ,,�' <. ,. e.. .✓. -, ni .a. r' ,., x. ._y,, ayY>.p.> ' «,D'£A. ,�• >- ..,,«N i H � "< „w •.' -.,- b>>,l3"�':. ,stem. , _ :, > ," _ u. e..' , o�? -->_ .oe ,:. ., _ t. .<.. ,. .a:+./a•. u � ,�-., adA ",_ r „_ ,o si• .. .,: .�.. � v r f'¢ ,,': .� :3 y ..,(�.: -e , „-€. - k sJ. `'.!' Ti 4C ,.M _. > .. x � .� t:.. r;, ,:.i'�, r fa , ,Y" 1p ,y.. KY-• #a�w< 3 ,�.. ,.,,,+�' ,.., w y.,. , ,: .< „" at-f, _ X�.. a+.., : <; � s; ar ,. -.r . ........... 7• < ,. } _, .+,..«. < :.,'r_ ,+, - r m ,, .,.r< .> mot• rr -.. � _r>rr ;� ,.ra s , - " _ t3, <,. .,,_ jr ... ......, .. _- ,.,. `k' � y� r9� R - •.. � '<.., . +* ..<«, ._ ,.: ; „' « ,s .y,'+ ., �> x T,': :., r. .., .»f.'M.r ., is K: , ': .v ':.. LA'S r• "-- k:�:;r 5 < hry v,, ,:,,¢ , .z. ,.. r ... .. ., -2. ,nr .ro : „ , .. as - r ,_ .. . ,z r` -7 y �./i� CYf ,...,, _'.,. h < >',: <.';fi` a... :.. vy�a. ,,. Y" .,_��.�y ,. «.. ,. Y r %< � L . , '. " ., .: .. x.: •, .... t, ,-. Iy. « .,.. -r � .. - .. , r>•t. i., r. 6. 9v ,.., �t.'.'. z S .. >}�, S, ,n v" .. ... n •_: 3 ��y a w �V 0 Cho S3 1 me an a O5 -CLS.o 1 JOB "CL , F71e: S: \WA0\ 1500-- 1599\1545\002\Aco> \Pion Comml=s Dm*;nqv\PC_05—CL5.01_dwq Mrm Nov 30. 2009 4Mprn d V V 1 a O 1 O GGati �ti-� File: S:\MAD \1500 - -1599 \1545 \002\Aeod\Pion Cornnnixtion Droringe \PC_05,— CL5Ai.drq Time: Wow 3D. 2009 — 4a8pm M4 V IRMI, M 0 O W - �tl Fosl zs < �t. ,.: _ � 6 .. � ,.. -.. u ,.,;.. .iY. ,.. frvt , . <., YC-�,, .- n �.. .. »r ,. u s a. r i .: . ..., m. -- r., "h h?'. .. _ r,. ,.. -t. -. . - ,., -. �, ,.✓ . > .:..:... , ,.. < Y , < -. w«. w. rm , ... �1, s _... / ,. � . :.,, r , .... ,. .:. : Y ,., .<..�. ,.. m �a<•- .. � r. - ,. � :...Y' .. ., „ <.„ zf% r a.., >.. > a. _ - i'r r: •� ,a:2 y' , :,, � -: ., ,_t: r -, ., , - -..-. ,.,. .. EP , A _, a'l. ... .s.. .,.. <. 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'v t r 0 r ri • r llil• s 8 - r �woraeeae SHMr OS— Cl,5.D 1 .U9 MM 1 -645-oo: File: S:\MAD \1500 - -1599 \1545 \002\Aeod\Pion Cornnnixtion Droringe \PC_05,— CL5Ai.drq Time: Wow 3D. 2009 — 4a8pm M4 V IRMI, M 0 O W 6� }ysy 10 i71e: s:\MAD \1500--1589 \1505 \OO2\1cod\Pton commiasi Dro »myv \PC 05- a.5.0l.d.g Mmw. row 30. 2009 a:34vm 2 5 Mr- 10 �61 05 —CtSA 1 Jae On 1- 3Sa-4= ou Q0 c� 10 �61 05 —CtSA 1 Jae On 1- 3Sa-4= G434S File: S:\MAD\150D-1599\1545\002\Ac*d\Ptan ComrNwOon Dr*w;nqz\PC-05,—CL5.ol.dwg mrm: Nov 30, 2009 --4:39prn 00 (91 2= Izz 0 Qawmrroaelae 05 "M a-51-- . 01 —1 CO im :0z _J EXTERIOR LIGHTING a$.. r6 30 Village of Deerfield Wastewater Reclamation Facility Exterior Lighting Schedule Fixture Type Manufacturer(s) Model Number Lamp Type Finish Mounting C F I P- T- 84- 120V -F 1- D Lumark PL -LL 2 -42W CFL Bronze Wall MPTR -SL- 150 -MT- 10 -foot Round R Lumark LL 1 -150W MH Bronze Pole 15 -foot Round S Streetworks OVH- 15PWN3D 1-150W MH Bronze Pole Concrete/ T US Architectural Lighting BSA- CL- 50HMMT -8 1--50W MH Dark Bronze Bollard ,D,cj. o -to- o3 4.6 a0. a v6 30 TYPED FIXTURE COOPER LIGHTING _ LUMARKO DESCRIPTION The IMPACT Trapezoid cutoff wall luminaire makes an ideal complement to site design. U.L. and CUL Listed for wet locations in down mount applications and damp locations in up mounted applications. Rugged construction and full cutoff classified optics provide facade and security lighting for light restricted zones surrounding schools, office complexes, apartments, and recreational facilities. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A ... Housing The housing is a two -piece design of die -cast aluminum for precise control of tolerances and repeatability. B ... Mounting Gasketed and zinc plated rigid steel mounting attachment fits directly to 4" J -Box or wall with "Hook -N -Lock" mechanism for quick installation. Secured with two (2) captive corrosion resistant black oxide coated alien head set screws concealed but accessible from bottom. C ... Optical Modules All optical modules utilize high performance 95% reflective sheet. Type II optical module is standard. D ... Ballast HID luminaires supplied with high power factor ballast with Class H insulation. Minimum starting temperatures are -40aC ( -40aF) for HPS and -30 °C ( -22 °F) for MP. Compact Fluorescent luminaires feature electronic universal 120 -277V high efficient 50/60Hz ballast with -18 °C (0 °F) minimum starting. E ... Door Die -cast door features, 1/8" heat - and impact- resistant clear tempered glass lens mounted with internal plated steel clips and sealed with EPDM gasketing. Hinged door secured in place via two (2) captive fasteners. F ... Finish Durable polyester powder coat finish. Standard color is Bronze. Optional premium colors include: White, Black, Grey, Graphite Metallic, and Dark Platinum. Other finish colors available. Consult your Cooper Lighting Representative concerning special color requirements. + 16 1/2' [419mml 1-� 9' 1229mml HOOK- N-LOCK MOUNTING (Mounting attachment included. J -Box not included.) 00 COOPER Lighting www.cooped ighting.com 0� 0 0 00 0 0 0 gy: 0 6 0 0 IMP ACT . FCO COMPLIA 1-1--1 In downlight applications only. Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. Consult your representative for additional options and finishes. IP IMPACT TRAPEZOID 50 - 175W High Pressure Sodium Pulse Start Metal Halide Metal Halide 26 - 84W Compact Fluorescent FULL CUTOFF WALL MOUNT LUMINAIRE TECHNICAL DATA UL1598 Listed, CUL Listed 25 "C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90 "C Minimum Down Mounted —Wet Location Up Mounted —Damp Location ENERGY DATA High Reactance Ballast Input Watts SOW HPS HPF (66 Watts) SOW MP HPF (72 Watts) 70W HPS HPF (91 Watts) 70W MP HPF (90 Watts) 10OW HPS HPF (130 Watts) 100W MP HPF (129 Watts) 1 SOW HPS HPF (190 Watts) ,SOW MP HPF (185 Watts) Electronic Ballast Input Watts 26W CF HPF (29 Watts) 32W CF HPF (36 Watts) 42W CF HPF (46 Watts) 52W CF HPF (55 Watts) SHIPPING DATA Approximate Net Weight: 18 lbs. IS kgs.) ADHO82300 03106/2009 2:17:14 PM oa- o -i0 -03 ex a g a$. 5 r6 3 o Catalog # Type Pcoj'ect Comments Date Preparediby , E ... Door Die -cast door features, 1/8" heat - and impact- resistant clear tempered glass lens mounted with internal plated steel clips and sealed with EPDM gasketing. Hinged door secured in place via two (2) captive fasteners. F ... Finish Durable polyester powder coat finish. Standard color is Bronze. Optional premium colors include: White, Black, Grey, Graphite Metallic, and Dark Platinum. Other finish colors available. Consult your Cooper Lighting Representative concerning special color requirements. + 16 1/2' [419mml 1-� 9' 1229mml HOOK- N-LOCK MOUNTING (Mounting attachment included. J -Box not included.) 00 COOPER Lighting www.cooped ighting.com 0� 0 0 00 0 0 0 gy: 0 6 0 0 IMP ACT . FCO COMPLIA 1-1--1 In downlight applications only. Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. Consult your representative for additional options and finishes. IP IMPACT TRAPEZOID 50 - 175W High Pressure Sodium Pulse Start Metal Halide Metal Halide 26 - 84W Compact Fluorescent FULL CUTOFF WALL MOUNT LUMINAIRE TECHNICAL DATA UL1598 Listed, CUL Listed 25 "C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90 "C Minimum Down Mounted —Wet Location Up Mounted —Damp Location ENERGY DATA High Reactance Ballast Input Watts SOW HPS HPF (66 Watts) SOW MP HPF (72 Watts) 70W HPS HPF (91 Watts) 70W MP HPF (90 Watts) 10OW HPS HPF (130 Watts) 100W MP HPF (129 Watts) 1 SOW HPS HPF (190 Watts) ,SOW MP HPF (185 Watts) Electronic Ballast Input Watts 26W CF HPF (29 Watts) 32W CF HPF (36 Watts) 42W CF HPF (46 Watts) 52W CF HPF (55 Watts) SHIPPING DATA Approximate Net Weight: 18 lbs. IS kgs.) ADHO82300 03106/2009 2:17:14 PM oa- o -i0 -03 ex a g a$. 5 r6 3 o ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number: MPIP- T- 150 -MT-LL WATTAGE DISTRIBUTION PUlse Start Metal Halide IMP) 50, 70, 100, 150W TYPE II Metal Halide (MH) 175W TYPE II High Pressure Sodium (HP) 50, 70, 100,15OW TYPE II Lamp Type Future Type Future Shape IIP=Impact IT=Trapezoid Lamp Wattage' Voltage' MP =Pulse Start Metal ME 120V =120V Halide 50 =50W 208V =208V MH =Metal Halide' 70 =70W 240V =240V HP =High Pressure Sodium 100 =IOOW 277V =277V CF= Compact Fluorescent 150 =150W 347V =347V MH 480V =480V 175 =175W' DT =Dual -Tap MT =Muhi -Tap, 50 =50W wired 277V 70 =70W TT= Triple -Tap, 100 =100W wired 347V 150 =1SOW E= Electronic3 (120 -277V) compact Fluor.sc.nt 26= (1)26W 32= 11)32W 42 =(1) 42W 52 = (2) 26W 64 =(2) 32W 84 =(2) 42W Notes: 1 Lamp type not available in all wattages - see wattage table. HID lamps are medium base. 480V not available in SOW or 70W.175W MH is available for non -U.S. markets only. 2 Products also available in non-US voltages and 50HZ for imemational markets. Consult your Cooper Representative for availabihiy and ordering information. 3 Available with CF Option only. In cold temperatures, compact, fluorescent lamps produce lower illumination levels. 4 PE not available with 480V. 5 Not available with CF lamps. 6 Down lighting position only. 7 (1) 120V Lamp, 100W maximum quartz lamp. Utility power may need to cycle to allow HID lamp to cool in warm climates. Not available with CF Option. Lamp supplied by others. 8 Leads out of the back of the unit for auxiliary 120V. 9 (1) or (2) 120V Lamps. GU10 base, SOW maximum each. Lamps supplied by others. 10 Not Available with 52, 64, 84 CF wattages. 11 (1) or (2) 12V bi-pin lamp, socket GU5.3 base, 35W maximum. Power supplied by low voltage DC source (supplied by others). Lamps supplied by others. 12 Specify 120 or 277V, 1-18•Cl minimum temperature. Not available with UP10. 13 Specify 120 or 277V, (0-C) minimum temperature. Not available with UP10. STOCK SAMPLE NUMBER (Lamp Included) SAMPLE NUMBER: MPIT15 IT Lamp F1RUre Lamp Type Type Wattage' MP =Pulse Start IT= IMPACT 10 =1DOW Metal Halide Trapezoid 15 =15OW Hip =High Pressure Sodium NOTES: Standard muhi -tap and bronze. Refer to In -Stock Guide for availability. Options not available with stock products. Refer to standard order information to add options. Ip IMPACTTRAPEZOID = Single Fuse, Specify Voltage 1120, 277, or 347V) = Double Fuse, Specify Voltage (208 or 24OV) =Button Photocontrol (Specify Voltage) 4 A= Graphite Metallic =Dark Platinum =Lamp Included (Must Specify Wattage on CF) = Tamper Resistant Hardware (2 Door Screws) -10 =10% Uptight ',= House -side Shield Glass = Potycarbonate Lens *•a :Quartz Restrike (1)74 Lamp? 1= Emergency Quartz Restrike (1) T4 Lamp with Time? Delay Relay I /SC= Emergency Separate Circuit (1) T4 Lamp7- a 4R =Quartz Restrike (1) MR76 Lamps -* MR =Quartz Restrike (2) MR16 Lamps'-* MR/SC = Quartz Restrike (1) MR16 Lamp and (1)5•k* Emergency Separate Circuit MR16 Lamp IMR = Emergency Quartz Restrike (1) MR16 Lamp withs• a Time Delay Relay MMR = Emergency Quartz Restrike (2) MR16 Lampss.s with Time Delay Relay 1 /SC /MR= Emergency Separate Circuit (1) MR160•9. 1s Lamp M /SC /MR= Emergency Separate Circuit (2) MR166•9. Is Lamps MMR /SC = Emergency Quartz Restrike with Time 5.8,$ Delay Relay (1) MR16 and (1) MR16 Emergency Separate Circuit Lamp 1 /SC /12V = Emergency Separate Circuit 12V Low-. 11 Voltage (1) MR16 Lamp M /SC /12V = Emergency Separate Circuit 12V Low a• 11 Voltage (2) MR16 Lamps 1140 = Emergency Cold Temperature (UL924 Listed)12 Power Pack -18 degrees C/O degrees F, (1) CF Lamp, Specify Voltage -EM = Emergency CF Power Pack (UL924 Listed) (t ) CF 13 Lamp. 0 degrees C/32 degrees F. Specify Voltage. LAMP TYPE WATTAGE DISTRIBUTION PUlse Start Metal Halide IMP) 50, 70, 100, 150W TYPE II Metal Halide (MH) 175W TYPE II High Pressure Sodium (HP) 50, 70, 100,15OW TYPE II Compact Fluorescent (CF) 11) 26,(1) 32,(1) 42,(2) 26,(2) 32,12) 42W TYPE II VOLTAGE CHART DT--Dual-Tap 120/277 (wired 277V) MT =Muhi -Tap 120/208240277 (wired 277V) TT =Tripfe -Tap 1201277/347 11+'ired 347V) E--Electronic Ballast (CF only) 120 -277V (wired 277V) (50/60 HZ) 0 COORM Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. ADH082300 www.coopedighting.com Lumark a Customer First Carder a 1121 Highway 74 South a Peachtree City, OA 30269 a TEL 770.486.4800 a FAX 770.486.4801 03106/2009 2:17:14 PM DA41e0 —/0 -03 r .g a$.4 4 30 ' r PHOTOMETRICS (Complete IES files available at www.cooperlighting.com) ■■■■■ ■ \ ■■■ ■■\■■ MPIP.T.1 510 150—Wan 14,000—Lumen 00 COOPER Lighting www.coopedighti ng.tom ■■■■■ r 414114 ■■ \■■ P�� „ ■■ r ONE ME■■■ ■■■■■ . 150 —Wan HP 16,000—Lumen ■■■■■ 42—Watt CF 3,200—Lumen Lamp Footcandle Table Select mounting height and read across for Footcandle values of each isofuolcandle line. Distance in units of mounting height. Mounting Footcandle Values for Height Isofootwndle Lines A B C D E MPIP -T -150 / HPIP -T -150 10' 7.20 2.88 1.44 0.72 0.29 12' 5.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 020 t4' 3.65 1.46 0.73 0.37 0.07 CRP -T -42 -E 18' 2.46 1.23 0.62 0.25 0.12 20' 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.20 0.10 25' 1.28 0.64 0.32 0.13 0.06 Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. ADHO82300 Lumark • Customer First Center • 1121 Highway 74 South • Peachtree City, GA 30269 • TEL 770.466.4600 • FAX 770.486.4801 0310877 2:17:14 PM OAJ. o -io -o3 SK. 13 aB. S e6 3o LUMARK= ype R Fixture _ r w l i X . �IML_ Q fiy } e -�•,f .:._m-�sm'a..*:f 'o'er"".." - �"s� �,,,j -t'": .. , <•.r;,:�.Y, ,� _m p .y t N, tom, z yr ■ 8',. f g. z ,_ "urtb I WE LI s �c.._���1 � v !� % �5 « y" (i;r Y Y�,�� ��..,�,...3;� �'�'•,�`�J � >,'e' f's" F � "�� "yam ' v _w,ia` <_. =�'" .. .sn<...- ......ee,,.:... Muir:: �_ .a:...�..i•� >s�_..:s;.,:a.,�. -, -. COOPER Lighting p,caQ . 0-10'03 Ex.6 a$,ev6 3 v PHOTOMETRICS [Complete IES files available at www.cooperlighting.com) 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 MHTR -3S -400 400 -Watt MH 40,000 -Lumen Clear Lamp Type III Segmented 4 3 2 t A 0 t 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 MHTR -3F -400 400 -Watt MH 40,000 -Lumen Clear Lamp Type III Formed n MEN M ■RRI UME , MEN MWEE OMEN■■■■■■ . 400-Watt 50,000-Lumen Clear L amp Type III Formed ENNENEENEE ■■ iIMMEo /WEE Orr■■ ■v■■NE E[([ENEOffin �l■ MENESEEN i1 400-Watt MH 40,000-Lumen Type III Segmented w/ House Side Shield 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 MHTR -4S -400 400 -Watt MH 40,000 -Lumen Clear Lamp Type IV Segmented ■■■■■■■■■■ MOM , ,, 400-Watt MH 40,000-Lumen Type V Formed NEEPAPS MEN ■MIIIIItI EI��I�SI ■■ , ■■\`' \■%%%■■ •11 50,000-Lumen Type IV Formed ■ ■r /. PER ■ aIM00 ■Er 1,19 -0 1��11■ i 1 2 c 1i 400-Watt MH 40,000-Lumen Clear SLE-Spill Light Eliminator FOOTCANDLE TABLE Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. Distance in units of mounting height Mounting Footcandle Values for Height Isofootcandle Lines A B C D E MHTR- 3S-400 / MHTR -4S -400 20' 3.00 1.50 0.75 0.30 0.15 25' 2.00 1.00 0.50 020 0.10 W. 1.38 0.69 0.34 0.13 0.06 FOOTCANDLE TABLE Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. Distance in units of mounting height Mounting Footcandle Values for Height Isofootcandle Lines A B C D E MHTR- 3F-400 / MHTR -5F -400 20' 3.00 1.50 0.75 0.30 0.15 25' 2.00 1.00. 0.50 0.20 0.10 30' 1.38 0.69 0.34 0.13 0.06 FOOTCANDLE TABLE Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. Distance in units of mounting heighL Mounting Footcandle Values for Height Isofootcandle Lines A B C D E HPTR- 3F-400 / HPTR -4F -000 20' 3.00 1.50 0.75 0.30 0.15 25' 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.20 0.10 30' 1.38 0.69 0.34 0.13 0.06 FOOTCANDLE TABLE Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. Distance in units of mounting heighL Mounting Footcandle Values for Height Isofootcandle Lines A B C D E MHTR -3S- 400 -HS / MHTR -SL-400 20' 3.00 1.50 0.75 0.30 0.15 25' 2.00 1.00 O.SO 0.20 0.10 30' 1.38 0.69 0.34 0.13 0.06 64.0-60-0 3 Etc. 6 c9%.-7 t6 3o TR TRIBUTE AREA LLIMINAIRE LUMARK IPS5 RATING CONSTRUCTION Rugged oro-Piece die -a31 alumuxnm hm ang and dog hams Om-ivace sticme gasket protects the oMW Chamber from pedwmance degm6 -9 caRami cords one (1) staudess spmg latch and two (2) Stacdeas steel hinges allow WDUM opemq arid removal of doorframe REFLECTOR Choice of num (9) nigh et citeXy optical distdb tm inctud'np Frye (5) Sag "mad opacw systems camtrutted d pm 95% re0eatire arootzed renuu aluminum sheet Optical segments are ngdy msrrded inside a thick gauge abmuom Musing for supeder protect- Ad segm m tarns are clean of rivet heads, tabs or I. roam o1 allact —m which may cause Sdazbg in the fight d6tridAim Optical modudes am field rotatable in 90• ircre-rds and ohered standard with mogul -Mx IampMMes tar 150-40OW assemblies or medum- base tamp holders for 100N arid below ELECTRICAL Ballast and related electrical corrponen ry are hard mounted to die-cast Musing to opgmal Mal trarster am operating efficiency Optimal svring-dm G*a uzed stew bower hay with Ole" twede and prick dscanects wows toy b be co,roetwy removed tom ho sug pro idug ample mom for future butallalun and mamber- MOUNTING Extruded 8' ak,—. arm features edemat bon guides for easy po.dicni a tishre snug bwa0atipn to P.O. a wan smace standard single carton pac agug of Musing, sp¢re pole am and =no pal Wald" e apter allow fit coded product WNW to site opborat Ynerrlal M. sl am mourd accepts a 1 1/4• to 2 are" 0 O h.U.W term, while 4-b ft OamDmg mac ism securn fodure C.14. lavefrg guides Pmvida :5° wsEtw leveling adiusbned FINISH Ilwsi%aril arm noshed in a 5 stage Varreum TLiC Mom polyester Mwder met lam Optimal alas include btad, grey, white, dark patirsnm ao gmplde meaNc R4L and custom odor matclxi EPA Effect). Prolermed Area (s4 Rk SHIPPING DATA Appmndrrate Net Weight 39 1bs n7731x93) ORDERING INFORMATION COMPLIANIFIC01 Fell CuteH SAMPLE NUMBER: MHTR -SL- 400 -MT -LL 70 -40OW MH /MP /HPS [559mml 1203mml 61/2- [165mmi I L15 1/2' (394mm) LAMP TYPE SERIES' DISTRIBUTION LAMP WATTAGE 2 VOLTAGES OPTIONS+ MH =Metal Halide TR= Tribute 2F =Type ll Formed 70 =70W 120V ACCESSORIES MP=Pulse Start Metal Halide (Arm Included) 2S =Type II Segmented 100 =10OW 208V (See Below) HPdiigh Pressure Sodium 3F =Type III Formed 150 =150W 240V MA1045 -XX =4 ® 90° Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon 3S =Type III Segmented 175 =175W 277V MAtD49 -XX =3 ® 90° Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon 4F =Type IV Formed 250 =25OW 347V 4S =Type IV Segmented 320 =320W3 48UV 5F =Type V Formed 400 =40OW4 DT =Dual -Tap Wired 277V" SS =Type V Segmented MT =Mufti -Tap Wired 277VO SL =Spill Light Eliminator TT =Triple -Tap Wired 347VO 5T =5 -Tap Wired 48OV/ OPTIONS + ACCESSORIES [Must be listed in the order shown and separated by a dash] OPTIONS (add as suffix) 7 F1 =Single Fuse (120, 277 or 347V)e F2--Double Fuse (208, 240 or 48OV)e 0= Ouartz Restrike (Hot Strike Only) e EM= Ouartz Restrike with Time Delay° EM /SC= Emergency Separate Circuit' LL=Lamp Included S =1 1/4 " -2 3/8" Internal Mast Arm Mourn TM= Trunnion Mount PT =Electrical Power Tray PER =NEMA Twistlock Photocontrol Receptacle PC =Button Type Photocontrol HS =House Side Shield to LA =Less Arm (Order Mounting Separately) WH =White BK =Black AP—Grey DP =Dads Platinum GM= Graphite Metallic ACCESSORIES (order separatety/replace XX with color designation) MA12D1- XX= Direct Wall Mount Kit' MA1013 -XX =4 @ 90° Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA1216 -XX =8" Tribute Arm [EPA = 0.43] 1 MA1 D14 -XX =2 ® 90° Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon (Includes Round Pole Adapter) MA1015 -)X =2 ®120° Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA1218 -XX= Direct Mount for Pole' MAtD16 -XX =3 ® 90° Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA7219 -XX =Wall Bracket with 8" Arm MA1017 -XX= Single Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon OA1090 -XX= Adjustable Slipfitter Arm for Tenon Mount MA1018 -XX =2 @ 180° Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon 2 3/8" O.D.' MAtD19 -XX =3 @ 120° Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon TRNS =Field Installed Vandal Shield" MA1045 -XX =4 ® 90° Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon MA1221 -XX= External House Side Shield Kit [EPA =0.38] MA1048 -XX =2 ® 90° Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon MA1222= Internal House Side Shield Kit for 2S /3S MAtD49 -XX =3 ® 90° Tenon Adapter for 2 3/8" O.D. Tenon MA1223= lntemal House Side Shield Kit for 4S MA1224= Internal House Side Shield Kit for 2F /3F MA1225= Internal House Side Shield Kit for 4F OA/RA1016= Photoele&c Control 105 -285V NEMA Type OA1RA1027= Photoelectric Control 480V NEMA Type OA/RA1 201 =Photoelectric Control 347V NEMA Type OA1RA1013= Shorting Cap MA101G -XX= Single Tenon Adapter for 31/2" O.D. Tenon MA1011 -)0(=2 @ 180° Tenon Adapter for 3 1/2" O.D. Tenon MA1012 -XX =3 ® 120° Tenon Adapter for 3 112 O.D. Tenon LAMP TYPE WATTAGE Metal Halide 70, 100, 175, 250, 400'N KO Presage Sodium 70, Rise Stan Metal Halide 250,329W NOTM 18- arm and round pole adapter kriud with rod re Speoy Less Am 'LA* option what mourdog accesmmy is ordered saparattly 2 Staoard with mood -base cadet for 150-40OW ao medium -base socket IDOW and below 3 32DN Pate Star) Metal Halide tsrps ady 4 Reamers reduces emetupe WV 5 Products also VaRable m non -US vottzges for enaratiavf markets Consult fMttry for avaawa6q and omem g udamalim 6 Dual-Tap rs 120277V wired 277V M ltrTap is I2020&1240R7N weed 27N Tripe -Tap is 1202771347V weed 347V 5 -Tap is 12D208240277/46IN wired 48W 7 CLStam am HAL sob maid rg available upon request Camd1 Cooper LgMig Repesentative la hrMer edorrredon a Must syecity vpmage 9 Onartr cpbons rat available wnh SL optic 1011oue side shield nc1 averlade m SS 5F or SL optics 11 Not aragable wiN SLE a Ibuse Side SNeIJ 12 Speafications and dimerlsiom subject to charge wdoot ro8ce STOCK SAMPLE NUMBER [Lamp Included] SAMPLE NUMBER: MHTR2340 LAMP TYPE SERIES' DISTRIBUTION LAMP WATTAGE MH=Metal Halide TR= Trbute 23 =Type INII Formed 15 =15OW HP =hftgh Pressure Sodium 17 =175W 25 =25OW 40 =40OW MOM 1 Short bgk f dunes indite m lb -tap ballast, Lamp. ao arm & dW.V rand pole adage+) Dow apdrts not available Rorer to Standard adffl%bgic C),t400 - O /O- O 3 CA X • & c2 %. S d6 3o TYPE S FIXTURE DESCRIPTION The OVH Flat Glass roadway luminaire is ideal for roadways where cutoff is preferred or light trespass is an issue. Suitable for 3G vibration conditions. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A ... Housing Die -cast aluminum housing and latch. Standard grey polyester powder coat finish. Other finish colors available. Consult your Streetworks Representative. Optional NEMA twistlock photocontrol receptacle also available. B ... Socket Adjustable mogul -base porcelain socket. C ... Door Die -cast aluminum door frame with integral hinges for toolless relamping and maintenance. ANSI wattage /source label. D ... Lens Removable tempered flat glass for use with High Pressure Sodium, Metal Halide and Pulse Start Metal Halide lamp sources. E ... Reflector The optical system is a hydroformed anodized aluminum reflector with a Dacron polyester filter. STREETWORKS 'D 4>,.r,, F ... Ballast Assembly Hard mounted ballast with encapsulated starter for protection from environmental abuse. Standard two position tunnel type compression terminal block. Three position available. Consult your Streetworks Representative. G... Mounting Two- bolt/one bracket slipfitter with cast -in pipe stop and leveling steps. Fixed -in -place birdguard seals around 1 1/4" or 2" mounting arms. DIMENSIONS 7/32 - imml s OVH FLAT GLASS 50 - 250W Pulse Start Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium Metal Halide ar•� ROADWAY LUMINAIRE FCO COMPLIANT I F.11 C'uraff EPA. Effective Projective Area: .80 SHIPPING DATA Approximate Net Weight: 28 lbs. i 1 kgs.S It 00 1 COOPER Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. ADWO82625 — exooperlighting.com Consuh your representative for additional options and finishes. o — �o - 0 3 09282009 2:31:09 PM A'.9 JS 30 PHOTOMETRICS (Complete IES files available at www.cooperlighting.com) 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 OVHI5SWW2D 150 -Watt HPS 16,000 -Lumen Clear Lamp Type II- Medium Cutoff PHOTOMETRIC DISTRIBUTION (Curve Number) 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 OVH FLAT GLASS 4 FOOTCANDLE TABLE 3 Select mounting height and read across for footcandle values of each isofootcandle line. 2 Distance in units of mounting height. Mounting Footcandle Values for Lens 1 Height Isofootcandle Lines Source' Type 0 A B C D E OVHI5SWW2D 4= 240V Glass (150W) 050W) 1 20' 3.12 1.56 0.78 0.39 0.16 25' 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.10 2 30' 1.30 0.65 0.33 0.16 0.07 35' 1.02 0.51 0.26 0.13 0.05 3 ar Bronze W= Multi-Tap wired 120V 4 OVHI5SWW3D V= Multi -Tap wired 240V E- 150 /100V HPS Ballast 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 20' 3.12 1.56 0.78 0.39 0.16 25' 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.10 OVHI5SWW3D 30' 1.30 0.65 0.33 0.16 0.07 150 -Watt HPS 35' 1.02 0.51 0.26 0.13 0.05 16,000 -Lumen Clear Lamp Type III - Medium Cutoff ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number: OVHSOSR22D4 I [;]E: Product Family OVH= Flat_Glass_Luminaire Lamp Wattage Pules start Metal Halide 70= 70W 10- 100W 15-15M' 17= 175W 25= 25OW Htah Press- Soar.um 50= SOW 70= 70W 10= 100W 15= 150W. 20= 20OW 25= 25OW M (Probe Start! s 17= 175W 2s= 25OW mp Type Pulse Start Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium Metal Halide [last Type CWI Reac. /HPF 10KV CWA* Hi.Reac. /NPF Hi. Reac./HPF Hi.Reac./NPF CWA Mag. Reg. 2 =120V Light Lens 1= Single Fuse (120, 277 Or 347V) oA/IlA101&NEMAPhctooxttrd- _Wattage Source' Type II MCO III MCO 50 -150 HPS Flat OVH15S2D OVH15S3D 4= 240V Glass (150W) 050W) 175 M Flat OVH17M2D OVH17M3D Package Glass (175W) (175W) 200 -250 HPS Flat N/A OV H 25S3D 9=347V Glass BK= Black (250W) NOTE:' All light sources are clear unless noted otherwise. ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number: OVHSOSR22D4 I [;]E: Product Family OVH= Flat_Glass_Luminaire Lamp Wattage Pules start Metal Halide 70= 70W 10- 100W 15-15M' 17= 175W 25= 25OW Htah Press- Soar.um 50= SOW 70= 70W 10= 100W 15= 150W. 20= 20OW 25= 25OW M (Probe Start! s 17= 175W 2s= 25OW mp Type Pulse Start Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium Metal Halide [last Type CWI Reac. /HPF 10KV CWA* Hi.Reac. /NPF Hi. Reac./HPF Hi.Reac./NPF CWA Mag. Reg. 2 =120V =Type11 1= Single Fuse (120, 277 Or 347V) oA/IlA101&NEMAPhctooxttrd- 0=208V 3=Type III I2 2= Double Fuse, (208, 240, or MWd -Tap 48OV) oAmAto2r- N4W� Pfatrxvrmd 4= 240V 7= 277V Optical 4= Internal NEMA Photocontml 0A41A1012 Photocunad Shorting Package Receptacle cap s= 480V D= MCO WH= white oAmAtol4= 120V Phwomnnd 9=347V BK= Black OA1213- T- fGuard vandal Shield F= 120/240 wired 120V ar Bronze W= Multi-Tap wired 120V V= Multi -Tap wired 240V E- 150 /100V HPS Ballast H= Plug in Starter Receptacle N= Multi -Tap wired 277V L= Lamp Included K= Level Indicator M= MOV Lightning Surge* Protectors U- U.L /CSA Listed 3= Three Position Temtinal Block A= Raw Aluminum Unfinished Nero: 1 1SOW and below Pulse Sun Metal Halide are medium -bees. All other lamp* are mogul-bass. Lamp not included. 2 15OW Unin ere for S55 Lamp& 3 Probe Sun Metal Halide available for non -US markets only (175-750W). 4Refer to the technical section for lamplbelbst vduge compatibility. 5 Available 50 -150W. 120/240 or single voltage only. 6 MOV option not ev*il*ble for any system requiring a three position terminal block (example - 240V with PCR wired 12DV). In order for MOV option to function comer terminal of three posit- terminal block must be connected to 'Earth* ground. 00 C00146t Lighting Specifications and Dimensions subject to change without notice. wwwtooperlighting.com Streetworks a Customer First Center • 1121 Highway 74 South • Peachtree City, OA 30269 • TEL 770.486.4800 • FAX 770.486.4801 1) m, D'/0 -03 40A- 6 03 . Flo r6 3b ADWO82825 09/28/21109 2:31:09 PM Color options for Type D, R, and S exterior fixtures a- DP Dark Platinum WH White GPI Graphite Metallic CADocuments and Settings \vernonw \Desktop \Lumark colors.docx x.13 X8.11 v630 s �� t � � � f'D±•K't"Xv�s ,,. w� v'e'er � BK AP Black Grey a- DP Dark Platinum WH White GPI Graphite Metallic CADocuments and Settings \vernonw \Desktop \Lumark colors.docx x.13 X8.11 v630 YPE T FIXTURE [100 WATT MAX.] 12" SQ. �e D' -�➢ O Posy. 42" •D •e 16" SQ.—I SPEEMEATIONS HOUSING: NATURAL PRECAST CONCRETE. LIGHT SANDBLAST FINISH. TOP CAP: DURABLE. CORROSION RESISTANT CAST ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION. OPTICAL TRAIN: DURABLE. CORROSION RESISTANT CAST ALUMINUM LOUVER SYSTEM PROVIDES 30' CUT -OFF FOR BRIGHTNESS CONTROL, INTERNAL CLEAR ACRYLIC LENS SURROUNDS CUD wet location LAMP. GASKETING: CLOSED CELL SILICONE. LAMP HOLDER: MEDIUM BASE PORCELAIN. LAMP: [BY OTHERS] BALLAST: H.P.F. /C.W.A. AUTOTRANSFORMER. -20' STARTING TEMPERATURE. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ARE MOUNTED TO A REMOVABLE BALLAST TRAY. BALLAST IS EQUIPPED WITH FACTORY INSTALLED QUICK DISCONNECT PLUG. BASE PLATE: STEEL PLATE SUPPLIED WITH [4] 1" X 1 112" SLOTS FOR ANCHORAGE. ANCHOR PLATE IS MECHANICALLY FASTENED TO HOUSING. ANCHORAGE: [41 3/4'X113" FULLY GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS EACH SUPPLIED WITH TWO NUTS AND TWO WASHER. FINISH: HOUSING -LIGHT SANDBLAST FINISH. CAP AND OPTICAL SECTION - POLYESTER POWDER COAT -STATE OF THE ART 20 PSI PRESSURE POWER WASH AT 140° TEMPERATURE INCORPORATES FOUR STEP IRON PHOSPHATE PROCESS TO CLEANSE AND PRETREAT THE METAL SURFACE FOR MAXIMUM PAINT ADHESION. ELECTROSTATICALLY APPLIED TEXTURED POLYESTER POWDER TOPCOAT IS BAKED AT 400' TEMPERATURE FOR MAXIMUM HARDNESS AND EXTERIOR DURABILITY. _/0 -03 1=X. 0 X6. !A J6 3b L CUD wet location U.S. �ICCH'�TECTURAL 78G0 ELtX80UP,t7 AVENUE, SUW VP.LLEY, Ca. 51352 1216) 167 -3037 {323) 875 -1136 LIG'F- li'1(�IG Fa�c No: is1s1767 -x637 C4 -7 www. usal�tg.com _/0 -03 1=X. 0 X6. !A J6 3b Finish Selection 11 ,a Outdoor Ming l#.rds d :he U.S. ARCHITECTURAL " SUN VALLEY %0 We3t Atenue 0 Patmw{e, cx MFI US Pole Company - Inc. =M77" �� a ` �i *pk l= Ptrone; t 2s •2Wg Fax: E6t 2w 20 ?0 % • • O • - & s FIN -ISH SELECTION. US Architectural Lighting /Sun Valley Lighting uses electrostatically applied powder coating for painting our extensive product offering, Powder coating has outstanding outdoor exposure durability, great scratch resistance and maintains its attractive exterior look over time. Powder coating is recognized as being environmentally friendlier than other conventional finishes producing virtually zero volatile organic compounds (VOC). Due to its many advantages, electrostatically applied powder coating is the right choice for your outdoor project. R ' IS�TAtaiil�c}Eia��i��E�S F �s y BLACK - WHITE - GREY SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTH RAL- RAL- RAL - 9005 9003 7004 'x u BLACK- WHITE- GREY - TEXTURED TEXTURED TEXTURED RAL- RAL- RAL - 9005-T 9003 -T 7004 -T ME DARK GREEN BRONZE SMOOTH SMOOTH RAL - DARK GREEN - BRONZE- TEXTURED TEXTURED RAL - RAL- 6005 -T All selections provided with a semi- gRVAish. The colors shown here may not be exact due to color differences from monitor brands and monitor calibrations. For exact color match please request a color chip. Due to its world wide acceptance and recognition, we have adopted the RAL color matching system. Every leading paint manufacturer has adopted the RAL color system, making it easier for the entire lighting industry to have better color matching when using different component suppliers to create a lighting assembly. http:// www .usaltg.com/Finish-Sdemon.htmi (1 of 2) [12/U2009 8:91:33 AM] c . � a$ • 14 � 3° FENCING AND FACILITY SIGN 0 -10 -03 . aq. r � 30 Polyurethane painted tubular steel fencing, 6 foot height. S:\MAD \1500 - 1599 \1545 \002 \Wrd\Plan Commission \Public Hearing \SummaryVencing.docx 0,4.0-/0'0.3 f, (.,. 6 , P-q,a e6 3 v Similar masonry pillars with brick to match structures (Marigold Blend), cast stone pier cap and base. Village logo will be cast and painted in forest green. Pillars will anchors both gate openings in north fence. SAMAD \1500- 1599 \1545 \002 \Wrd\Plan Commission\Public Hearing \SummaryVencing.docx p,A.0 -jo -o3 a. 6 x. :5 r6 3o Similar sign concept, approximately half the size of the sign shown above. SAMAD \1500- 1599\15451002\Wrd\Plan Commission \Public Hearing \SummaryVencing.docx o -io -03 • g W. `1 � 3a ROOFING MATERIAL 04.0-10-0,5 a.8 -:30.16 3� > P FLUROBONDTM HIGH DEFINITION COATINGS i L_. Regal White* Bone White* Stone White* IR =.68 IR =.65 IR =.62 IE =.89 IE =30 IE =.90 Surrey Beige* IR =.41 IE =.90 Mansard Brown IR =.08 IE =.93 Teal IR =.13 IE =.88 Slate Blue IR =.22 IE =.89 Terra Cotta* IR =38 IE =.89 Sierra Tan* IR =.38 IE =.90 Dark Bronze IR =.07 IE =.90 Classic Green IR = .14 IE =.90 Regal Blue IR = .I6 IE =.88 Banner Red *P IR =.48 IE =.89 Slate Gray IR =.22 IE =.91 Old Town Gray* IR =.25 IE =.90 Hartford Green IR =.09 IE =.90 Apothecary Blue *P IR =.26 IE =.85 ■ Almond* IR =.57 IE =.90 Musket Gray IR =.15 IE =.90 Hemlock Green IR =.21 IE =.90 Charcoal Gray IR =.10 IE =.90 Burgundy* IR =.25 IE =.90 s' Sandstone* IR =.51 IE =.89 Medium Bronze IR = .10 IE =30 Patina Green* IR =.26 IE =.89 Matte Black IR =.07 IE =.89 Colonial Red IR =.23 IE =.92 PewterP Bright Silver*P Bright Copper*p IR =.23 IR =.57 IR =.45 IE =.87 IE =.77 IE =.86 * = Energy Star Approved for steep slope applications IR = Initial Reflectivity '1 IE = Initial Emissivity UAJ -0'10-06 " P = Subject to premium pricing O 3 Colors shown are as close to actual colors as allowed by the printing process. Actual metal samples are available. Due to product impmvemeriu, changes and other factors, we reserve the right to change or delete information herein without prior notice.