O-03-39ORDINANCE 0-03-39 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 2003, AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, 2004, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: SECTION 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 2003, and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 2004. BUDGETED TO BE I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND AMOUNT LEVIED A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -1001 thru 10 -1004 51111 Salaries $1,335,370 256,250 51130 Overtime 18,300 51141 Part Time 168,100 Benefits: 51151 Health and Hospitalization 215,200 51154 Miscellaneous 6,300 51160 Apparel 1,100 51211 Employer FICA /IMRF 210,187 52110 Repairs & Maintenance 46,450 5212 Travel, Training, Dues, Publications 71,200 52132 Printing & Legal Notices 6,200 5214 Communications 44,600 52166 Utility Services 4,160 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 8,300 5315 Insurance 72,500 Professional Services: 53161 Prosecution Services 55,000 53163 Engineering Services 20,000 53164 Appraisal 2,500 53165 Corporate Counsel 135,000 53168 Medical Exams 1,650 53169 Other 98,000 531733 Audit Fees 40,000 53173 Equipment Maintenance & Repair 24,000 53178 Computer Services 160,900 53179 Other 62,300 52170 Taxi Subsidy 30,000 531890 Assistance 12,000 ADMINISTRATIVE 531891 531893 54190 5424 54243 5431 5434 61110 7317 7991 DEPARTMENT (Cont.) Senior Assistance, Park District Family Days Petroleum Products Miscellaneous Animal Impound Small Tools & Equipment Supplies Equipment Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Transfer to Other Funds BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED 55,000 50,000 2,750 86,240 6,000 2,000 38,700 80,950 59,731 560,000 C. STREET AND BRIDGE Account Number 10 -2110 through 10 -2114 51111 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT $3,837,588 $256,250 Overtime B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Part Time 36,600 Account Number 10 -6040 through 10 -6047 92,220 5116 51111 Salaries $3,917,275 $ 730,000 51130 Overtime 222,000 51141 Part Time 70,500 5115 Benefits 664,280 51160 Apparel 50,250 511700 Police Pension Benefits 330,000 330,000 512110 Employer IMRF /FICA 143,880 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 38,000 521210 Travel, Training, Dues 60,100 52134 Printing, Publications 12,150 5214 Communications, Postage 51,300 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 40,800 5315 Liability Insurance 151,090. 5316 Professional Services 5,000 5317 Contractual Services 78,000 54190 Petroleum Products 43,700 5424 Miscellaneous 14,700 5434 Supplies 48,000 54344 Emergency Services 8,000 61110 Equipment 83,586 621200 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 213,673 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT $6,246,284 $. 1,060,000 C. STREET AND BRIDGE Account Number 10 -2110 through 10 -2114 51111 Salaries $ 485,920 $ -0- 51130 Overtime 67,980 51141 Part Time 36,600 5115 Benefits 92,220 5116 Apparel 4,300 512110 Employer FICA /IMRF 76,484 C. STREET AND BRIDGE (Cont.) 5210 Equipment Rental 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 5212 Travel, Training, Dues 5213 Printing, Advertising 5214 Communications 5216 Utility Services 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 5315 Insurance 5317 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 5317 Tree Services 5419 Petroleum Products 5424 Miscellaneous 5428 Salt & Materials 5429 Signs 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 5434 Supplies 6111 Equipment 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement TOTAL STREET AND BRIDGE D. WATER DEPARTMENT Account Number 30 -2224 through 30 -2227 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED 4,800 65,000 1,900 3,700 10,200 43,000 85,500 68,000 210,600 58,900 13,400 9,800 227,400 15,000 700 13,500 5,100 125,188 $1,735,592 $ _0_ 51111 Salaries $ 589,850 $ -0- 51130 Overtime 65,200 51141 Part Time 18,100 5115 Benefits 100,320 51160 Apparel 4,000 512110 Employer FICA /IMRF 92,976 5210 Equipment Rental 4,000 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 30,100 5212 Travel, Training and Dues 1,600 52134 Printing 6,300 52141 Communication 15,300 5216 Utility Services 82,200 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 33,500 5315 Insurance 57,000 53163 Engineering Services 55,000 5316 Other 10,700 531730 Equipment Maintenance 761,700 531777 Water System Improvements 390,000 53178 Other 2,000 5419 Petroleum Products 8,700 5424 Miscellaneous 7,000 5426 Chlorine 500 5427 Aggregates /Materials 127,500 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 900 5432 Purchase of Water 1,950,000 D. WATER DEPARTMENT (Cont.) BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED 5434 Supplies 1,800 61110 Equipment 70,400 7116 Bond Principal 375,000 721700 Bond Interest 101,890 7317 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 37,105 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT 1 $5,000,641 $ _0_ E. SEWER DEPARTMENT Account Number 21 -2328 through 21 -2331 51111 Salaries 938,230 $ -0- 51130 Overtime 40,600 51141 Part Time 22,360 5115 Benefits 189,360 51160 Apparel 7,700 512110 Employer FICA /IMRF 147,677 5210 Equipment Rental 18,500 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 869,000 5212 Travel, Training and Dues 6,600 52134 Printing and Advertising 4,200 5214 Communications 19,100 5216 Utility Services 225,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 36,000 5315 Insurance 92,200 5316 Professional Services 100,200 5317 Contractual Services 167,400 5419 Petroleum Products 18,500 5424 Miscellaneous 8,500 5426 Chlorine 4,000 5427 Aggregates /Materials 109,900 5431 Small Tools and Equipment 1,800 5434 Supplies. 103,200 6111 Equipment 13,600 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 44,155 TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT $3,187,782 $ -0- F. VILLAGE GARAGE Account Number 23 -2732 51111 Salaries $ 161,100 51130 Overtime 9,200 5115 Benefits 29,760 51160 Apparel 1,000 512110 Employer FICA /IMRF 25,357 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 5,000 5212 Travel, Training, Dues 600 5213 Printing and Advertising 400 5214 Communications 2,400 5216 Utility Services 1,900 $ -0- F. VILLAGE GARAGE (Cont.) TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT $1,583,700 $ -0- BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED 5315 Insurance $ 6,900 5419 Petroleum Products 700 5424 Miscellaneous 900 5428 Materials 200 5431 Small Tools and Equipment 2,500 5434 Supplies 65,400 6111 Miscellaneous Equipment 0 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 2,375 TOTAL GARAGE $ 315,692 $ -0- G. ENHANCED 911 FUND Account Number 17 -1439 52112 Repairs and Maintenance $ 10,000 $ -0- 52141 Communication - Telephone 8,500 531781 Contractual 43,000 531784 Equipment Service Contract 75,000 6126 Equipment 398,225 731700 Veh. & Equipment Replacement 24,333' TOTAL ENHANCED 911 FUND $ 559,058 $ -0- H. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Account Number 75 -7565 5211 Repairs and Maintenance $ 10,000 $ -0- 6111 Equipment 503,000 6126 Public Works Equipment 13,500 6212 Motor Vehicles 208,300 TOTAL REPLACEMENT FUND 734,800 $ -0- I. INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT Account Number 36 -3679 5316 Professional $ 387,700 $ -0- 5317 Contractual 1,196,000 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT $1,583,700 $ -0- BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED J. INSURANCE FUND 5115 Health Insurance Expense $1,747,118 TOTAL INSURANCE FUND $1,747,118 $ -0- K. PROJECT "29" FUND Miscellaneous $ 500 TOTAL PROJECT '29' FUND $ 500 $ -0- II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. DEBT SERVICE (Bond & Interest Fund) Account Number 79 -7968 Refunding Corporate Purpose- Series 2003 $135,156 135,158 Refunding Corporate Purpose- Series 2002 $1,339,400 1,024,400 Series 1997 Bond Issue 488,432 488,432 Series 1998 Bond Issue 2,006,250 1,941,750 Miscellaneous Bond Fees 51000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $3,974,238 3,589,740 B. POLICE PENSION FUND Account Number 42 -6851 Pension Expenditures $ 1,146,750 0 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND $ 1,146,750 0 C. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account Number 60 -9090 5111 Salaries, Professional $ 499,205 $ 499,000 5114 Salaries, Non - Professional 632,750 630,000 5115 Benefits 142,500 142,500 5121 Employer FICA /IMRF 160,000 160,000 5212 Education, Travel, Dues, etc. 13,500 5213 Printing 16,000 5214 Communication 14,200 5315 Insurance 28,500 28,500 5316 Professional Services 3,500 5317 Contractual 105,000 105,000 5216 Utilities 1,500 5211 Repairs, Maintenance of Buildings and Equipment 27,500 5221 Binding 4,500 4,500 5320 Special Programs 22,800 5424 Miscellaneous 1,000 C. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND(Cont.) BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED 5434 Supplies (Library and Office) 32,000 32,000 52246 Periodicals 45,000 45,000 522470 Books 175,000 62,455 522480 Audio - Visual 30,000 6111 New Equipment 10,000 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldgs.: 6416 Equipment Replacement 50,000 Sub Total $2,014,455 $1,708,955 Remodeling Project 150,000 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND $2,164,455 $1,708,955 D. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS Account Number 40 -4050 Street Resurfacing & Renovation Program $ 273,000 $ -0- Street Maintenance Program 280,000 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $ 553,000 $ -0_ E. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account Number 26 -28 51 Personnel Services $ 94,850 52 Other Services 46,100 53 Contractual Services 1,410,300 755,000 54 Commodities 6,900 73 Other Charges 27,250 TOTAL SCAVENGER SERVICE $1,585,400 $ 755,000 F. PARKING LOTS -BOTH Account Number 28 -25 51 Personnel Services $ 32,456 $ -0- 52 Other Services 24,500 53 Contractual 37,100 54 Commodities 9,300 61 Capital Outlay 3,000 73 Transfer 125,000 TOTAL PARKING LOTS $ 231,356 $ -0- J. TIF DISTRICT 2 FUND Account 68 -8888 5211 Maintenance $ 50,000 $ -0- 5316 Professional Services 142,000 5317 Contractual 1,560,000 6513 Land Acquisition 1,725,000 7390 Debt Service Payment 2,006,250 TOTAL TIF DISTRICT 2 FUND $5,483,250 $ -0 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED G. TIF DISTRICT 1 Account 72 -7262 5474 Rebates to other Taxing Districts $7,350,000 $ -0- 5316 Professional Services 5,000 5424 Miscellaneous Expense 5,000 6314 Buildings and Improvements 1,480,000 7390 Transfer to other Funds 500,000 TOTAL TIF DISTRICT 1 FUND $9,340,000 $ -0- J. TIF DISTRICT 2 FUND Account 68 -8888 5211 Maintenance $ 50,000 $ -0- 5316 Professional Services 142,000 5317 Contractual 1,560,000 6513 Land Acquisition 1,725,000 7390 Debt Service Payment 2,006,250 TOTAL TIF DISTRICT 2 FUND $5,483,250 $ -0 2003 SUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES BUDGETED AMOUNT I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. Administration Department $3,837,588 B. Police Department 6,246,284 C. Street and Bridge 1,735,592 D. Water Department 5,000,641 E. Sewer Department 3,187,782 F. Village Garage 315,692 G. Enhanced 911 Fund 559,058 H. Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund 734,800 I. Infrastructure Replacement 1,583,700 J. Insurance Fund 1,747,118 K. Project '29' Fund 500 SUBTOTAL II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS TO BE $ 256,250 1,060,000 $24,948,755 $ 1,316,250 A. Debt Service Fund 3,974,238 3,589,740 B. Police Pension Fund 1,146,750 -0- C. Library Fund 2,164,455 1,708,955 D. Motor Fuel Tax Fund 553,000 -0- E. Scavenger Service 1,585,400 755,000 F. Parking Lots, Both 231,356 -0- G. TIF District 1 9,340,000 -0- H. TIF District 2 5,483,250 -0- SUBTOTAL 24,478,449 ,053,695 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED $49,427,204 $7,369,945 SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the last Tuesday in December, A.D. 2003, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: December 1, 2003 AYES: Benton, KayngAys : None ( 0 ) Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie ATTEST: C;7'-'�7iliage ' ABSENT : None e President