O-99-521 Office Of the County-Clerk David Orr, Cook .County Clerk o o k telephone 312.603.5656 o CO c fax 312.603.4707 a +•n Z elections fax 312.603.4702 W v s- TDD 312.603.6434 There were filed in my office on this date documents pertaining to the Tax Year 19-5a TAX LEVY for the following taxing district: Township of: ❑Town Fund IDGeneral Assistance ORoad and Bridge _ Municipality:' 1I c e LeD Park District: Library District: Fire Protection District: RECE'IVIrD By Sanitary District: CO I( rn. CLERKS OFFICE Elem. School Dist. No.: DEC 2 8 1999 High School Dist. No.: T- � DAVID 0j_-?R EK:FErq ION DIVISION Zommunity College No.: Miscellaneous District: DOCUMENTS FILED ON THIS DATE: - '--TAX LEVY DOCUMENT ,-+ r� LEVY ORDINANCE %RESOLUTION NO.: l [ n 7 /} - "7 2 OCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TRUTH IN TAXATION ACT SIGNED BY PRESIDING OFFICER? . 2 es 0No 13RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE FOR P.T.E.L.A. REDUCTION OF TAX LEVY AMOUNTS (No. ABATEMENTS / MISC. DOCUMENTS:_ o- gg X33 d -1R- 5!/ 0 55 David D. Orr Neck of Cook County, Illinois (Tax Extension Division) JA N -3 2000 118 N. Clark, Room 434, Chicago, IL 02. E -Mail: dorrracookctyclerk.co www.cockctyclerlc.com Prtnted on ­_.,ded A . Fdpei Qia9 - 1' ORDINANCE 0 -99 -52 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1999; AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, 2000, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES,. ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: SECTION.1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year.commencing on the first day of May, 1999, and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 2000. BUDGETED I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND AMOUNT A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10 -1001 thru 10 -1004 51111 Salaries $1,071,860 51130 Overtime 13,300 51141 Part Time 160,460 Benefits: 51151 Health and Hospitalization 180,160 51153 College Tuition Reimbursement 300 51154 Miscellaneous 3,600 51160 Apparel 1,000 52110 Repairs & Maintenance 81,950 Travel, Training, Dues: 5212 Travel, Training, Dues, Publications 46,390 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions: 52131 Detales 24,000 52132 Legal Notices 5,900 52134 Printing 5,250 52135 Other 6,000 Communications: 52141 Telephone 18,000 52142 Postage 18,500 52166 Utility Services 4,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 4,900 5315 Insurance 53,000 Professional Services: 53161 Prosecution Services 48,000 53162 Traffic Engineering 3,000 53163 Engineering Services 10,000 53164 Appraisal 2,500 53165 Corporate Counsel 125,000 53168 Medical Exams 1,400 53169 Other 31,500 Contractual: 531733 Audit Fees 18,000 53173 Equipment Maintenance & Repair 20,500 53178 Computer Services 34,000 53179 Other 82,000 531890 Housing Assistance 15,000 531891 Senior Assistance, Park District 22,000 531893 Contribution Family Days 10,000 TO BE LEVIED $ - 0 - B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Account Number 10 -6040 through 10 -6048 51111 Salaries BUDGETED TO BE 51130 Overtime AMOUNT LEVIED A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT (Cont.) Part Time 54190 Petroleum Products 2,750 5424 Miscellaneous 68,900 54243 Dog Pound 6,000 5428 Materials 1.,000 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 2,000 5434 Supplies 38,300 61110 Equipment: Travel, Training, Dues 37,250 Y2K Hardware 5,000 Personal Computers and Software 4,500 8,000 Printers 1,800 Office Furniture 2,500 29,300 Miscellaneous Equipment 3,400 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 41,000 8,000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT $2,298,620 $ - 0 - B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Account Number 10 -6040 through 10 -6048 51111 Salaries $3,153,570 $ - 0 - 51130 Overtime 167,160 51141 Part Time 66,330 Benefits: 5115 Health and Hospitalization 465,860 51153 College Tuition Reimbursements 18,000 51154 Miscellaneous 20,000 51160 Apparel 47,100 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 24,000 Travel, Training, Dues 37,250 Printing, Advertising: 52134 Printing 8,000 Communications: 52141 Telephone 29,300 52142 Postage 2,000 52143 Communication, Other 8,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 32,500 5315 Insurance 136,400 Professional: 5316 Legal and Other 4,900 5317 Contractual Services 80,608 54190 Petroleum Products 36,500 5424 Advisory Boards 5,100 5434 Supplies 44,700 61110 Equipment: 4 Computers 10,000 4 Hand Held Radar Units 8,000 Furniture 2,250 Miscellaneous 2,450 621200 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 210,000 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT $4,619,978 $ - 0 - 5 BUDGETED AMOUNT WATER DEPARTMENT Account Number 30 -2224 through 30 -2227 51111 Salaries $ 428,500 51130 Overtime 51,500 51141 Part Time 16,700 Benefits: 5115 Health and Hospitalization 64,960 Apparel: 51160 Uniforms 2,600 5210 Equipment Rental 1,000 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 30,500 Travel, Training and Dues 1,100 Printing and Advertising: 52134 Printing 2,100 Communications: 52141 Telephone 7,500 52142 Postage 2,500 52143 Other 400 5216 Utility Services 71,500 5221 Occupancy 20,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 23,900 5315 Insurance 53,500 Professional Services: 53163 Engineering Services 4,000 53168 Medical Exams 200 53169 Other 10,000 Contractual Services 531730 Equipment Maintenance: Water Main Replacement Program 250,000 Valve Exercising Program 20,000 Leak Survey 8,200 Repairing Valves 2,000 Replacing 3 Water Mains 221,000 Air Pump and Intake Fill Valve 2,200 Repair Broken Mains 5,000 Controls and Alarm Stations 4,500 Cathodic Protection 1,500 Miscellaneous 3,600 53178 Other 1,000 5419 Petroleum Products 5,900 5424 Miscellaneous 5,100 5426 Chlorine 1,000 5427 Aggregates 21,000 5428 Materials 76,500 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 400 5432 Purchase of Water 1,750,000 5434 Supplies 2,400 61110 Equipment: Water Meters 20,000 2 Alarms for Chlorine Leaks 7,000 Alarm Dialer 3,600 2 Computers 3,500 3" Pump 2,000 Hydrant Leveling Equipment 2,000 Miscellaneous 2,900 7116 Bond Principal 265,000 721700 Bond Interest 221,970 7317 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 23,000 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT TO BE LEVIED $3,724,730 $ - 0'- E. BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED SEWER DEPARTMENT Account Number 21 -2328 through 21 -2331 51111 Salaries $766,320 $ - 0 - 51130 Overtime 30,200 51141 Part Time 18,600 Benefits: 5115 Health and Hospitalization 123,880 Apparel: 51160 Uniforms 5,200 5210 Equipment Rental 8,000 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 142,500 Travel, Training and Dues 3,100 Printing and Advertising: 52134 Printing 200 5214 Communications 11,600 5216 Utility Services 192,000 5221 Occupancy 20,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 17,200 5315 Insurance 89,150 Professional Services: 53163 Engineering Services 20,000 53168 Medical Exams 200 5317 Contractual Services: Sewer Repairs 10,000 Sludge Removal 30,000 TV Sewers 14,000 Reline One Sewer 35,000 Computer Services 5,600 5419 Petroleum Products 13,100 5424 Miscellaneous 6,700 5426 Chlorine 7,000 5427 Aggregates 18,800 5428 Materials 48,500 5431 Small Tools and Equipment 1,500 5434 Supplies 43,900 6111 Equipment: 4" Pump 2,300 Root Cutter 2,000 Pallet Rack 1,500 Vacuum Hose 1,200 6212 Motor Vehicles -0- 7316 Depreciation 130,000 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 33,000 TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT $1,852,250 $ _ 0 _ VILLAGE GARAGE Account Number 23 -2732 51111 Salaries $ 118,800 $ - 0 - 51130 Overtime 8,200 Benefits: 5115 Health and Hospitalization 20,940 51160 Apparel 800 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 6,000 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED E. VILLAGE GARAGE:(cont.) 5212 Travel, Training, Dues 500 5213 Printing and Advertising 400 5214 Communications 800 5315 Insurance 7,350 5216 Utility Services 1,600 5419 Petroleum Products 300 5424 Miscellaneous 400 5428 Materials 200 5431 Small Tools and Equipment 2,500 5434 Supplies 55,100 6111 Equipment: Portable Welder 2,500 Two Floor Jacks 700 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 2,000 TOTAL GARAGE $ 229,090 $ _ 0 _ F. ENHANCED 911 FUND Account Number 17 -1439 52112 Repairs and Maintenance $ 4,000 $ - 0 - 52124 Training 2,000 52141 Communication Telephone 10,000 531781 Contractual 39,000 531784 Service Contract 60,200 6126 Equipment: 5 Computers 10,000 2 Monitors 3,000 1 Bridge Router 3,800 2 DSU Synchronous Modems 1,200 TOTAL ENHANCED 911 FUND $ 133,200 $ _ 0 _ G. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Account Number 75 -7565 5211 Repairs and Maintenance $ 10,000 $ - 0 - 6111 Equipment: Administration 25,000 Police 5,000 Computer A5400 65,000 Copier 8,000 612612 1 1/2 Ton Roller 32,000 612613 Salt Spreader 12,200 612615 Sign Machine 28,000 6212 Motor Vehicles: Police 307,500 1 -Ton GMC 25,500 3/4 Ton Pick Up 21,000 621201 5 Ton Dump 55,000 621205 1/2 Ton Blazer 25,500 $ - 0 - TOTAL REPLACEMENT FUND $ 619,700 $ - 0 - BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED H. INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT Account Number 36 -3679 5316 Professional $ 147,000 $ - 0 - 5317 Contractual 815,000 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT $ 962,000 $ - 0 - II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. STREET AND BRIDGE Account Number 20 -2110 through 20 -2123 51111 Salaries $ 391,120 $ 200,000 51130 Overtime 62,700 20,000 51141 Part Time 29,700 10,000 Benefits: 5115 Health and Hospitalization 63,550 20,000 Apparel: 5116 Uniforms 2,700 5210 Equipment Rental 3,000 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 58,500 5212 Travel, Training, Dues. 1,800 5213 Printing, Advertising 2,900 Communications: 5214 Postage and Other 7,200 52141 Telephone 900 5216 Utility Services 32,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 42,300 5315 Insurance 65,010 40,000 5317 Contractual Services: Street Lights and Signals 45,000 Thermal Plastic Marking 18,000 Tree Removal 52,900 Tree Planting 6,000 Dumping Fees 1,200 Computer Service 2,600 Railroad Station Maintenance 9,000 Weather Services 1,000 Snow Removal 8,000 Weed Control 3,000 Bridge and Fence Repair 3,000 5419 Petroleum Products 10,400 5424 Miscellaneous 9,200 5425 Salt 75,000 . 5427 Aggregates 55,700 5428 Materials 57,600 40,000 5429 Street Signs 4,00.0 5431 Small Tools & Equipment 900 5434 Supplies 13,400 6111 Equipment: Chain Saw 300 Lawn Mower 500 7317 Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 100,000 TOTAL STREET AND BRIDGE $1,240,080 $ 330,000 C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Account Number 12 -1707 Pension Expenditures - Village $ 400,000 $ 400;000 Pension Expenditures- Library 100,000 100,000 TOTAL I.M.R.F. $ 500,000 $ 500,000 D. F.I.C.A. FUND Account Number 12 -1707 F.I.C.A. Employer Expenditures - Village $ 330,000 $ 330,000 F.I.C.A. Employer Expenditures- Library 70,000 70,000 TOTAL F.I.C.A. $ 400,000 $ 400,000 E. DEBT SERVICE (Bond & Interest Fund) Account Number 79 -7968 Refunding Corporate Purpose- Series 1993 $1,368,825 $1,368,825 Series 1997 Bond Issue 485,441 485,441 Series 1998 Bond Issue 2,196,750 2,196,750 Miscellaneous Bond Fees . 4,000 - 0 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $4,055,016 $4,051,016 F. POLICE PENSION FUND Account Number 42 -6851 Pension Expenditures $ 547,610 $ 320,000 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND $ 547,610 $ 320,000 G. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND BUDGETED TO BE Account AMOUNT LEVIED B. EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY Account Number 13 -5108 $ 440,000 5212 Travel, Training and Dues $ 250 5214 Communications 1,800 5216 Utility Services 800 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 5315 Insurance 600 5317 Contractual 2,000 5434 Supplies 500 6111 Equipment - 0 - TOTAL EMERGENCY SERVICES & $ 6,950 $ - 0 - DISASTER AGENCY C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Account Number 12 -1707 Pension Expenditures - Village $ 400,000 $ 400;000 Pension Expenditures- Library 100,000 100,000 TOTAL I.M.R.F. $ 500,000 $ 500,000 D. F.I.C.A. FUND Account Number 12 -1707 F.I.C.A. Employer Expenditures - Village $ 330,000 $ 330,000 F.I.C.A. Employer Expenditures- Library 70,000 70,000 TOTAL F.I.C.A. $ 400,000 $ 400,000 E. DEBT SERVICE (Bond & Interest Fund) Account Number 79 -7968 Refunding Corporate Purpose- Series 1993 $1,368,825 $1,368,825 Series 1997 Bond Issue 485,441 485,441 Series 1998 Bond Issue 2,196,750 2,196,750 Miscellaneous Bond Fees . 4,000 - 0 - TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $4,055,016 $4,051,016 F. POLICE PENSION FUND Account Number 42 -6851 Pension Expenditures $ 547,610 $ 320,000 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND $ 547,610 $ 320,000 G. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account Number 60 -9090 5111 Salaries, Professional $ 440,000 $ 430,000 5114 Salaries, Non - Professional 468,000 460,000 5115 Benefits 70,000 60,000 5212 Education, Travel, Dues, etc. 10,500 - 0 - 5213 Printing 10,000 - 0 - 5214 Communication 10,200 - 0 - H. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS Account Number 40 -4050 MFT Street Maintenance Program $ 250,000 $ - 0 Street Resurfacing & Renovation Program 164,000 Traffic Signals 173,700 Rehabilitation- Bridges 11,000 - 0 - TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $ 598,700 $ - 0 I. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account Number 26 -2837 5111 Salaries BUDGETED TO BE Overtime 14,000 AMOUNT LEVIED 5215 Insurance 25,600 15,000 5216 Professional Services 8,500 - 0 - 5217 Contractual 5315 Insurance 2,010 Equipment Rental, Maintenance & Xerox 20,600 20,000 5412 Special Library Programs 12,000 - 0 - Petroleum Products Data Base 3,000 - 0 - 17,000 Cataloging Service 6,300 - 0 - 5218 Utilities 1,500 - 0 - 5221 Repairs, Maintenance of Buildings and Equipment 50,000 50,000 5221 Binding 3,300 - 0 - 5224 Miscellaneous 2,000 - 0 - 5324 Supplies (Library and Office) 26,000 25,000 5324 Periodicals 42,500 40,000 5324 Books 150,000 150,000 5224 Audio - Visual 35,000 35,000 6111 New Equipment 19.,000 15,000 6415 Improvements -Other Than Bldgs. - 0 - - 0 - 7316 Equipment Replacement 50,000 - 0 - Sub Total $1,464,000 $1,300,000 Automation Project 120,000 120,000 Remodeling Project 305,000 - 0 - TOTAL LIBRARY FUND $1,889,000 $1,420,000 H. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS Account Number 40 -4050 MFT Street Maintenance Program $ 250,000 $ - 0 Street Resurfacing & Renovation Program 164,000 Traffic Signals 173,700 Rehabilitation- Bridges 11,000 - 0 - TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $ 598,700 $ - 0 I. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account Number 26 -2837 5111 Salaries $ 46,100 $ 5113 Overtime 14,000 5115 Benefits 7,070 5211 Repairs and Maintenance 20,000 5221 Occupancy 20,000 5231 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 5,000 5315 Insurance 2,010 5317 Contractual Services 1,023,000 755,000 5412 Supplies 200 5419 Petroleum Products 1,800 7232 Miscellaneous 17,000 7317 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 13,000 TOTAL SCAVENGER SERVICE $1,169,180 $ 755,000 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED J. PARKING LOTS -OPEN Account Number 28 -2534 51111 Salaries $ 9,500 $ - 0 - 5115 Benefits 1,420 5215 Insurance 530 5218 Utilities 3,000 5221 Repairs and Maintenance 2,000 5222 Property Rental 7,500 $ - 0 - 5317 Contractual 11,000 5324 Supplies 400 5327 Aggregates 200 5328 Materials 2,000 5424 Miscellaneous 200 6111 Equipment 2,000 Railroad Station Maintenance 60,000 TOTAL PARKING LOTS OPEN $ 99,750 - 0 - K. COMMUTER PARKING LOTS - RESIDENT Account Number 28 -2533 51111 Salaries $ 9,100. $ - 0 - 5115 Benefits 1,360 5.215 Insurance 470 5218 Utilities 5,000 5221 Repairs and Maintenance 500 53178 Contractual 11,000 5324 Supplies 400 5327 Aggregates 100 5328 Materials 2,000 5411 Equipment 1,000 Railroad Station Maintenance 60,000 TOTAL .COMMUTER PARKING LOTS - RESIDENT $ 90,930 $ - 0 - SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to,file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on -or before the last Tuesday in December, A.D. 1999, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said village Clerk. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 20th day of December, A.D., 1999 AYES: Harris, HeubergepAyS: None (0) Ragona, Rosenthal Seiden, Swanson.(6) ATTEST: Village Clerk ABSENT: None (0) APP D: Village President 1999 SUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES = •- BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED I. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. Administration Department $2,298,620 $ B. Police Department 4,619,978 C. Water Department 3,724,730 D. Sewer Department 1,852,250 E. Village Garage 229,090 F. Enhanced 911 Fund 133,200 G. Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund 619,700 H. Infrastructure Replacement 962,000 SUBTOTAL $14,439,568 II. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Street and Bridge $ 1,240,080 $ 330,000 B. Emergency Services & Disaster Agency 6,950 - 0 - C. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 500,000 500,000 D. F.I.C.A. Fund 400,000 400,000 E. Bond and Interest Fund 4,055,016 4,051,016 F. Police Pension Fund 547,610 320,000 G. Village Library Fund 1,889,000 1,420,000 H. Motor Fuel Tax Fund 598,700 - 0 - I. Scavenger Service 1,169,180 755,000 J. Parking Lots -Open 99,750 - 0 - K. Commuter Parking Lots - Resident 90,930 - 0 - SUBTOTAL $10,597,216 $ 7,776,016 TOTAL $25,036,784 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED $ 7,776,016 SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to,file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on -or before the last Tuesday in December, A.D. 1999, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said village Clerk. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 20th day of December, A.D., 1999 AYES: Harris, HeubergepAyS: None (0) Ragona, Rosenthal Seiden, Swanson.(6) ATTEST: Village Clerk ABSENT: None (0) APP D: Village President