O-98-06u'r G °OK i C W � � �[[ 0�5 Office of the County Clerk David Orr, Cook County Clerk telephone fax elections fax TDD There were filed in my office on this date documents pertaining to the Tax Year 19_ TAX LEVY for the following taxing district. Township of: OTown Fund DGeneral Assistance ❑Road and Bridge Municipality: V/1/AV 01 Pee4e Park District: Library District: Fire Protection District: Sanitary District: Elem. School Dist. No.: High School Dist. No.: Community College No.: Miscellaneous District: 312.443.5656 312.443.4707 312.443.4720 312.443.6434 DOCUMENTS FILED ON THIS DATE: EITAX LEVY DOCUMENT LEVY ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION NO.: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TRUTH IN TAXATION ACT SIGNED BY PRESIDING OFFICER? 13Yes CNo ❑RESOLUTION /ORDINANCE FOR P.T.E.L.A. REDUCTION OF TAX LEVY A UNTS (No. ) ABATEMENTS / MISC. DOCUMENTS: David D. Orr leek of'Cook County, Illinois EZ- 83� AFF (Tax Extension Division) 118 N. Clark, 188 kj ;4 :, , . }3 No -xli' 00 N,000 Room 434, Chicago, IL 60602 Printed on recycled paper. `' date stamp �( 0 /yy ire ji ORDINANCE 0 -98 -06 ABATEMENT OF TAX FOR 1997 LEVY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the County Clerk of Lake County and the ONE: County Clerk of Cook County are hereby authorized and directed to abate the amounts set forth below of the tax heretofore provided for and levied in Ordinance No. 0 -97 -55 passed December 15, 1997, a copy of which is filed with the respective County Clerks, providing for a levy for the following accounts of the Debt Service Fund of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois. Bonds to be Abated For the Year Amount of Abatement 1997 Series 1997 $221,968.75 SECTION That the Village of Deerfield has on hand TWO: sufficient funds from tax proceeds to pay the total tax levied by the above - described Ordinance for said purpose for the fiscal year commencing May 1, 1997; therefore, a reduced levy is appropriate. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file THREE: certified copies of this Ordinance with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from its passage and approval, as provided by law. AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Rosenthal (1) PASSED this 2nd day of February , A.D., 1998 APPROVED this 2nd day of F.h a ry., A.D., 1998 VILLAGE PRESIDENT