O-96-43e v STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE''OF DEERFIELD ) 3942645 Filed for Record in: LAKE COUNTY IL NARY ELLEN GANDERVENTER - RECORDER On Nar 12 1997 At 11 :03aa Receipt #: 47263 Doc /Type : AND Deputy - Cashier #1 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance No. 0 -96 -43 entitled "Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to Special Use and a Special Use/Unique Use , Telecommunications Facility/AT &T Wireless Services, Inc. - Clavey Park" as appears in the records and files of the office of the Village Clerk. Dated this November 19, 1996 SSE A �•nRn,.,xii���: RO RT D. FRANZ, Village Clerk Submitted by: Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 a� ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDEMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY /AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES INC - CLAVEY PARR Published in pamphlet form this 18th day of November , 1996 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield 3942645 JKS 71248 . 3 October 30, 1996 I ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/ AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES. INC. - CLAVEY PARK WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application AT & T Wireless Services, Inc. and the Deerfield Park District (collectively the "Applicant ") to authorize the use and development of certain property (hereinafter the "Subject Property ") located within the Village in the P -1 Public Lands District legally described on Exhibit A hereto as a Special Use /Unique Use, under and pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.12 to permit the installation of a telecommunication facility as hereinafter more particularly described on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, made written findings of fact recommending denial of the Special Use /Unique Use as proposed by the Applicant; and WHEREAS, following consideration of the recommendations of the Plan Commission by the President and Board of Trustees, the President and Board of Trustees have considered and reviewed the proposal and supporting materials submitted and prepared by Applicant, including the Overall Site Plan prepared by PAL Wireless Development Group dated August 9, 1996; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of said Special.Use /Unique Use in accordance with plans submitted by Applicant attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: N 1KS 71248 .3 October 30, 1996 3942645 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/ AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. - CLAVEY PARK SECTION That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby ONE; affirmatively find that the Special Use /Unique Use as hereby authorized, fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 13.12 of the Village Zoning Ordinance, and the Special Use /Unique Use of the real estate, to permit the installation of a telecommunication facility as described in Applicant's submission and testimony, subject to certain conditions as more particularly set forth below, is hereby authorized and approved including the Overall Site Plan proposed by PAL Wireless Development Group dated August 9, 1996. SECTION That the approval and authorization of said TWO: Special Use /Unique Use is hereby granted subject to (i) the requirements that all use, construction and development shall be in accordance with, all documentary and exhibit filings made, the terms of this Ordinance,(ii)Applicant's Agreement that use of the facility will be terminated in the event that the FCC or appropriate regulatory agency having jurisdiction determines that adverse effects will result from continued operation of the facility, (iii) Applicant's Agreement to permit the location of another telecommunication facility at its facility upon approval of such telecommunication provider by the Village, (iv) all representations submitted and made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and President and Board of Trustees, and (v) is also subject to compliance by Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Village Zoning Ordinance. SECTION That the Special Use /Unique Use hereby authorized THREE: shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns and any violation of the conditions hereinabove set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the Special Use /Unique Use hereby authorized. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to FOUR: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record said Ordinance in the office of the recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. 3942645 1KS 71248 . 3 November 4, 1996 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/ AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. - CLAVEY PARK SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FIVE: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Seidman; Swanson, Swartz (5) NAYS: Rosenthal (1) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 18th day of November, A.D. 1996. APPROVED this 18th day of November, A.D. 1996. VtILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VIL GE CLERK 1KS 71248 .3 October 31, 1996 b 3942645 EXHIBIT A Parcel 1: That part of the south west quarter of the south east quarter of Section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying east of the east line of the Illinois Toll Road Parcel T- 11 -A -50 and north and east of the Toll Road Parcel T -11 -A -50.3, as condemned by proceeding had in the County Court of Lake County, Illinois as General No. 14194 on judgments of taxing entered July 12, 1957, in Lake County, Illinois. Also the west 4.50 acres of the south east quarter of the south east quarter of Section 30. Township 43 North, Range 12, east of the third principal meridian (except that part thereof, condemned by proceedings had in the County Court of Lake County, Illinois, as general no. 14089 and known as toll road parcel T -11 -A -51.3) in Lake County, Illinois. Also (except from the above described property, that part described as follows: Starting at the north west corner of toll parcel T -11 -A -50.3; thence proceeding north along the east line of toll road parcel T- 11 -A -50, 225 feet; thence at a right angle east, 75 feet to the point of beginning; thence 400 feet; thence north at a right angle, 550 feet; thence west at a right angle, 275 feet; thence south at a right angle,325 feet; thence west at a right angle,125 feet; thence south at a right angle, 225 feet to the point of beginning), in Lake County, Illinois. PINff 16 -30 -400 -004. Parcel 2: The east 10 acres of the west 20 acres of the south half of the north half of the south east quarter of section 30, Township 43 North, Range 12, east of the third principal meridian (except that part condemned for tollway), in Lake County, Illinois. PIN ff 16 -30 -400 -001 3942645 I In Wireless Services PCS SITE 1241A DEERFIELD (CLAYEY PARK) PROPOSED 80' HIGH MONOPOLE TOWER WITH ANTENNA STRUCTURE AND PLAYING FIELD LIGHTS AND 20'W x 50'L CONCRETE MASONRY EQUIPMENT AND RESTROOM SHELTER i f � \ m I� I i G R O U P i I PENDING ENER: .o_V TURAL GINE ( ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: I . ®'u- LAKE COUNTY GROUP I GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: I jYRVETOR: j A -1 PENDING I PENDING CONSULTANT TEAM AREA MAP NO SCALE � I -�c I tEw rOG I /= °ITE G1� tl el !1 <!_ MOVTGOMERY I I I: 4 _�— DEERFIELD '[— pKHITECT; MECHANICAL LN IN R* I� I i G R O U P i I PENDING ENER: .o_V TURAL GINE ( ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: I -1 LAKE COUNTY GROUP I GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: I jYRVETOR: j A -1 PENDING I PENDING CONSULTANT TEAM SITE NAME : CLAVEY PARK SITE NUMBER 1241A SITE ADDRESS 1801 MONTGOMERY ROAD VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD -1 LAKE COUNTY —OVERALL C -2 ILLINOIS 60015 PROPERTY OWNER : DEERFIELD PARK DISTRICT A -1 836 JEWETT PARK DRIVE DEERFIELD. ILLINOIS 60015 APPLICANT AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 8420 WEST BRYN MAWR AVENUE SUITE 225 CIHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60631 OFFICE: (312)) 693 -3010 FAX: (312) 693 -3046 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES MR. BRIAN MEIER. AIA CONTACT PERSON: PROJECT MANAGER ASSESSOR'S 16 -30- 400 -001 PARCEL NUMBER 16 -30 -400 -004 CURRENT ZONING : SPECIAL USE 394 SHT. NO. DESCRIPTION T -1 TITLE SHEET -1 SITE PLAN —OVERALL C -2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 1 YIS OY AA L SI A -1 ELEVATIONS PLAT OF SOVEY — _/-1 SHEET INDEX DIRECTIONS TO SITE (FROM O'HARE AREA): TAKE 294 NORTH. EXIT DEERFIELD ROAD EAST TO CASTLEWOOD NORTH TO MONTGOMERY ROAD WEST TO CHARLES CARUSO JR. NIGH SCHOOL. TAKE ACCESS ROAD d \� THRU SCHOOL PARKING LOT CONTINUING WEST AROUND SCHOOL SITE TURNING NORTH ACROSS BASEBALL FIELDS / TO SCHOOL SITE ADJACENT THE SECOND 9ASEBAIL FIELD. 7 AM Wireless Se 8420 WEST BRYN MAWR SUITE 225 CHICAGO, Lt LAOIS 80831 OFFICE- 1312) 893.3010 FAX- (312) 893.3048 L iiaA(tC�o515 DC_[LppOP�Up[fFNd�lj� C +C.PC • p1.W. • Ctt •[�+at • CO -wN. • 0['. }t CHICAGO 880 WEST BRYN W WR CNCAO0. LLNOI.9 SIMI OFFICE• 4800 643-1296 ;3121 693 -5200 FAI• 9121 693.3241 PAL PROJECT NULIBER • bb: a DRAWN BY • <.< APPROVED BY 3 KK16 .w .�.4Yfi01V.1 9KpI l� q.t44.brWD 1 1 - - -- --_._-- -- -- =- -- 3 ;6.a.9E ...C' C '= 'ilEA9E E...,e.e- - i4-4 -°."e ' •SSfC K`R LEE E.n+'G�' _ PCS SITE 1241A DEERFIELD (CLAYEY PARK) 1801 MONTGOMERY ROAD DEERFIELD LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS, 80015 i SHM TITLE TITLE SHEET OHM MlA6ER T -1 CONCRETE FO►OATIOW WTI/ FOOTNICA I BUILDING AND MONOPOLE SOUTH ELEVATION " '' "° SCHEME D TOP OF TOTER a OF DNERIQiAI AlfiEl'IHA O V 6 V O m O Z 3942645 PROPOSED OgWCT10NAL ANTENNAS. TOTAL OF NNE (9/, IOOLMTEO ON ANTENNA 51DEAAM5 PROPOSED AT/T SC -0' HAGN MONOPOLE TOWER AND ANTENNA 6TRICnRE INTERIOR FINISH 9CHEdJLE 1) FILLEDPRN'ED. AND PANTED CMU INTERIOR WALLS 21 SEALED COICFETE FLOORS 3) FLOOR AND WALL MOLL TED STANLES6 STEEL TOILET PARTT10N0 UY HEAD ORACNG_ SELECTED OT CLAYEY PARK STAR A) STANIESS STEEL TOILET ACCESSORIES. SELECTED DT CLAYEY` PARK STAR 5) PAINTED EXPOSED Mix. METALS. FEUD PLATING FIELD LIGNTNRG FIONTED ON . MXONOPOLE AT HEIGHT TO MATCH EXOSTF G Lr6HTW, ?< E_• _• -SALT SLLVi 136f+10ED TD . D h PREF"SWEO 1" STAL ROOF OPOLA6. PREFMISI-EO METAL RIDGE FLASNNG. FIDEIVAA66 ASPHALT 014Pr LES OVER 30 LD FELT LNDERLAYMENT. COLOR TO OE SELECTED DT CLAVEY PARK STAR PRE- EXAi1•EERED ROGP FRAMNG SYSTEM WTH STRUCTURAL PANELS 0 1 . E. 5'�R 'S¢ - =E EXCTERIOR WALL MQNTED DRNKNY FONIAIN PAINTED HALLOO METAL EXTERIOR DOORS AND FRAMES (TIP) PAINTED EXrEROR GRADE PLYWOOD FASCIA. ITYP) REDWOOD TRIM EAVE. (TYP) FACE ORIOK TO MATCH EXISTNG SCHOOL OUN.DMG TO DE SELECTED DY CLAVEY PARK STAR C1P. CONC. RD. AND FTG -6 F700POSF.D TOTER CAISSON FO.ATION EI.S "'nG ELSE °_ -_v "'cL� FEVCE s �A1GT Nfreless Services 9120 WEST BRYN MAWR SUITE 225 CHICAGO. LLNO10 80831 OFFICE- (30) 093-3010 FAX- 13121893-3048 W/IRElLSS OEVC LO►Y2 TUG P Aw ONRTSOTYw[ Fw0 /[CT YAw Aa[Y[wT i OON•TwYO TIOM CMC /OO . tlSTOw . ClM4.R . O]uMIS . flRgl C/OCA00 SEW WEST ORYN MAWR c1aGL ,M 401010 00001 OFFM 000101ttM IUD 903A 0 FAX- ISm on-3241 PAL PRO.ECT NUMBER • 96K7 A ORAWR 9Y • ABA APPROVED eY NTP h 0. . v Tat 3 0.9.96 $EASED FOR LEAN EXMIVT 2 5.S.Sb IEN6ED FOR LEASE EXXWOIT 1 3.71.56 IS&ED FOR LEASE Ew T PCS SITE 1241A DEERFIELD (CLAVEY PARK) 1901 MONTOOMMY ROAD DEERFELD LAKE COUNTY ILUNOIS. 80015 01' 1 ELEVATIONS LE BUILDING AND MONOPOLE EAST ELEVATION �p 0� (( S ' 1.• . 1•-O 1 SCHEME aNST 1...01 0 --A 0 �LL loninn VO I] I 1CF IPNIEwaw rm eANTTARr Al0 Iee AcE laourm ro CS6T1ti P RAN T70 6TTeT AITp1 No PMT 110ROM OF HOW .w"m EuL0640, IOPOIm ATOT LEASE AIM A rr n" en PTJ pQ {T!G LIR •_._E,*1n a 50OCE¢60n 5...P POLE r-. P. l I G -\ 1�•.p \, �.._. _ .. _ -___ _�:D -�! C1L 6:ELD •EMG�NG [T-e. i SPEC -,r SEA•!NG :AD ROAJ T!E ¢ETit. `G '1YL tt Ei1s'"+G C.::LC E_� �tA+GSC•>o!`.G •O SCREE\ L:IL.T- c.^-'P•:E\" i�• l -. 1 ._._ _ / ._— .. _. _.. Ei�S':Ks LxCL = =°E3 CEO'I P_aN•K• ' 1 PIEDPpCEp A61-IALT PAVED W -O• UDE ATR ACCE" EAAEPIEW. • I w : r' _i:l -1.G •E\CE =:PG ¢ESc ' E .: MZ \r.t_ _. . . �;f j NDTE• {. ALL E"TN6 DISPLACED f� BY C 06TIfICTIDN TREE6 TO OC RELOCATED. v%RPY •h't-. : e EXACT LOCATION :F PRIOR TO REMOVAL. t. Lil 394 3942645 f I I 1 I 1 •� y � I I. PRPOSED ALT P ATR ACCES S SS EA MT OVER E xIST ,d#t VMIC E ACCESS PATU FESECD ANY DIST EISM d RLA36 AREAS I • • j PROPOSED ATR ACCE66 FA6B4r RLBT4D ARLVC ESTW. A 1P"ALT MG ' OLNOED INTO ExUTPAi, ISI'13ALT PAVEFEHT. MUM� (9EE x �iT G 2 `OL �TUCR Loc '< x` 1 I PROP406M 16•-0• WIDE ATV ACCE66 EASEMW T.WM EXIST ASPYALT PAVCp b0. PA$V -NM LOT. 1 I I i t l i I I I I I IT r i �tl10li0GiG>?L r -` G OOnM700galERV ROAD \ I'lilil Him j S [.111i1.i1.i_1l.lJ }I`1 ------------- - - - - -~ - -- --- =-------- - - - -�— 1 1 1I DItlVE4N"Y /\ I . COVERALL. SITE PLA j O•I 0CM.E. P • 6I.01 . diI' A II �a�y AW ftelm SWAM 8120 WEST BRYN MAWR SUITE 228 CHCAGO. LUDIM 80831 OFFICE 00 883 -3010 FAX- (3tb 803 -3018 �Pn 1-Hwss- O(V[lA ►Y[IIY�[�iI Q R ® u r w wONI I O TYwf ■ M O I N f f R I N 0 •w0/ICt rw ww 6lrlri OORf iwYOT10N OwC.CO . 135.0. • Q[H410 • O]YYY[ . Mpn ClQCAGO GM WEFT IM M PARR CT.CAGM LLIM MC SOSMI OF:10E. MM 643-CH cm SMI-a 0 FAX IE41 003-ft41 PAL PROACT NLMA R • •6162 A DRAWN BY • AJA APPROVED BY • NTP � e -1 -e6 ReyroEp rae LE/•S! elontllT � 6 -S•S6 R[vIIED POR LEASE Cx1[dT I l•]I•Y UMJCD Pd[ LlASC DOeDIT PCS SITE 1241AI D■IRIRIELD (CUVEY PAP =I MONTGOM MY ROAD DEERFELD LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS. 80018 0 UI OVERALL SITE PLAN OHM rANn C -1 (E)= EXISTING (N) =NEW (E)= EXISTING ' (N) =NEW e.lTANY QO MA76A�LE O .I Immxxt .. V MATM MAN �w— O FLEA . ' M"AT101Y ® vALV! N Box . 'STOW N1YC71Ef edvAXICN& . �� WINE IRTpRAIRT i 1 - - PRDIIMP[rr L M. EA6C0R LINK — — — . OJWACE DINliAOa - �• -R~- -� - 0. LawrwAiaAlp y -- .:/vr -- nruRLrtr ayE/11r - -' I o —�.. IRa± won ' �• 0 YTLRY POTS 2Y I ... . 631 RMOT REYATIILM .'=•� -a 01•HfQAD YTLITY LIM aoNToIE[ f DuLDm '., -_�, -- I 1CF IPNIEwaw rm eANTTARr Al0 Iee AcE laourm ro CS6T1ti P RAN T70 6TTeT AITp1 No PMT 110ROM OF HOW .w"m EuL0640, IOPOIm ATOT LEASE AIM A rr n" en PTJ pQ {T!G LIR •_._E,*1n a 50OCE¢60n 5...P POLE r-. P. l I G -\ 1�•.p \, �.._. _ .. _ -___ _�:D -�! C1L 6:ELD •EMG�NG [T-e. i SPEC -,r SEA•!NG :AD ROAJ T!E ¢ETit. `G '1YL tt Ei1s'"+G C.::LC E_� �tA+GSC•>o!`.G •O SCREE\ L:IL.T- c.^-'P•:E\" i�• l -. 1 ._._ _ / ._— .. _. _.. Ei�S':Ks LxCL = =°E3 CEO'I P_aN•K• ' 1 PIEDPpCEp A61-IALT PAVED W -O• UDE ATR ACCE" EAAEPIEW. • I w : r' _i:l -1.G •E\CE =:PG ¢ESc ' E .: MZ \r.t_ _. . . �;f j NDTE• {. ALL E"TN6 DISPLACED f� BY C 06TIfICTIDN TREE6 TO OC RELOCATED. v%RPY •h't-. : e EXACT LOCATION :F PRIOR TO REMOVAL. t. Lil 394 3942645 f I I 1 I 1 •� y � I I. PRPOSED ALT P ATR ACCES S SS EA MT OVER E xIST ,d#t VMIC E ACCESS PATU FESECD ANY DIST EISM d RLA36 AREAS I • • j PROPOSED ATR ACCE66 FA6B4r RLBT4D ARLVC ESTW. A 1P"ALT MG ' OLNOED INTO ExUTPAi, ISI'13ALT PAVEFEHT. MUM� (9EE x �iT G 2 `OL �TUCR Loc '< x` 1 I PROP406M 16•-0• WIDE ATV ACCE66 EASEMW T.WM EXIST ASPYALT PAVCp b0. PA$V -NM LOT. 1 I I i t l i I I I I I IT r i �tl10li0GiG>?L r -` G OOnM700galERV ROAD \ I'lilil Him j S [.111i1.i1.i_1l.lJ }I`1 ------------- - - - - -~ - -- --- =-------- - - - -�— 1 1 1I DItlVE4N"Y /\ I . COVERALL. SITE PLA j O•I 0CM.E. P • 6I.01 . diI' A II �a�y AW ftelm SWAM 8120 WEST BRYN MAWR SUITE 228 CHCAGO. LUDIM 80831 OFFICE 00 883 -3010 FAX- (3tb 803 -3018 �Pn 1-Hwss- O(V[lA ►Y[IIY�[�iI Q R ® u r w wONI I O TYwf ■ M O I N f f R I N 0 •w0/ICt rw ww 6lrlri OORf iwYOT10N OwC.CO . 135.0. • Q[H410 • O]YYY[ . Mpn ClQCAGO GM WEFT IM M PARR CT.CAGM LLIM MC SOSMI OF:10E. MM 643-CH cm SMI-a 0 FAX IE41 003-ft41 PAL PROACT NLMA R • •6162 A DRAWN BY • AJA APPROVED BY • NTP � e -1 -e6 ReyroEp rae LE/•S! elontllT � 6 -S•S6 R[vIIED POR LEASE Cx1[dT I l•]I•Y UMJCD Pd[ LlASC DOeDIT PCS SITE 1241AI D■IRIRIELD (CUVEY PAP =I MONTGOM MY ROAD DEERFELD LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS. 80018 0 UI OVERALL SITE PLAN OHM rANn C -1 LEGEND (E) AXISTING (N) =NEW (E)= EXISTING (N) =NEW —°�S— eel 6AKffAMY —SAS— O MMNOLE O —STS— ° SOTS— O BRN CATON A • —e— WAITER —.I— PAN a INLET ■ 60aTANY MANLOLB ® VALVE N BOX (D ELEVATKNE STOR1 TI" t E- 5' -, -._E FIFE w mmAxr ELEVATp•p tad T 1i� j FROPERTT L 9 EASEMENT LOS — ORANAOE O LISIR STANDARD 0 --AEM -- eftmumf" LINE O-- -o ST7�7 Law 61'- -• 0 UTILTrY POLE 0 641 WVf a.vAT?I .� —MM— IJtY.ftT —oUST- --47,� ccw*m T2 mmm/,nn ew.DFIG -e-� GAGMAN -A —.ems . PIC. 3 J • , L b' Ir D'•0' i 11 1 ;t 1351 / ` 1 Of IIIt11t01Ep TO fEr01ED New VDETCACd - . AT •T ETTwuL : •' .: Aitl Ail 1iumD is IEOIINEQ 10 A1Y011001Tf SE IC Rw tllnoiI MUM _. .. ___ E- 5' -, -._E 0 ACCESS EAS@lNT. I�il' 1i� j 9 . I 1� , • �I i JO'•°' B•-al K 2 5 1 55 ! I ; III I 1 iI NEW &J-Pow w CULXDOOC. i • _, 5• •1, Goa -'cam i I •� . I i; I I � Q ;I 1 • 1 i� • I I I 1 y� ;1 I ;1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN (SCHEME D) . C_g ecxE. r.Ia.e• 1 1 -- - - - - -- ------ WTR - -- PIC. 3 J O Eol y I I 1 1 c I 0 t I I 1 I I 1 1 t I 394 MM VC49WPDAD oARR 6ANITART. AND AT IT rzLo%cm OMv10a R=w TO axw?m UTILITIES IT PER MME OTWM AP OMMATELT 520 FEET NORTH OF •EIN esroRr 66W.DN1 NEW 0'-0' SmE OLLAFIED UTILITIES EASEPOKT 140MM TO PEAR TRE° STREET. O MRM BY AT•T, SANITATION DEPT. AND UTATOR DEPT. EAMMMT TO BE SOOT= OVER - POLE® CONCRETE PAD AT TOILET ROOT aNTRRS RATTED 1a• AT I N 20 MAX TO BUIL.DNG FLOOR LEVEL. - NEW Ad'•MLT PAVED AT•T ACCESS EAOErENT -NEW VDEM-WIL00 ATO COAXIAL CABLES , I -LEASE PARCEL TO BE SET LEVEL TO GRADE WRw A M00-LM s' DEEP BASE O 6/4• GRAVEL SET ON STABILRL77_� FABRIC (MWAFI 060X1 I . FMI-- TO GRADE AND RESEED OR SOD WTTw CAUM - NEW OO' wKT , PIOL OLE PAINTED MONOPOLE A WTI NEW RATING FIELD 6T , LI O 7 r1pVND O• MENTORS! 1T BATE IEIC IFi AS EXIOTNO F PiCTNG YD NNE POLE WILL BE PLACED AT TOP 0 riCAL RL! MONOPOLE A YN WILL RINcl FL AND FIELD RACED N rL.E DENTICJL LOCATION N TbE E)(ISTPIG PL'ATSG FELD LICAR POLL. I NEW N C/OOLOD NOSE BIB TO BE FLUB/ WTI OMO1D (7 TMIO RFO WO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WRN CLAYEY PARC OTAFP) _ .., - - - - - - — 4i`.3.•I �••L�� El* Y 5 "_:K! �_ _i..... .. )) El 15 5E- v' I TO SECCND PLAYING FIELD I i DL e 15:L GhC- NEW ABOVE GRO+D NOSE 510 COORDINATE LOCATION AND TYPE WTN CLAYEY PARK STAFF • , L b' Ir D'•0' / ` 1 Of IIIt11t01Ep TO fEr01ED New VDETCACd - . AT •T ETTwuL : •' .: Aitl Ail 1iumD is IEOIINEQ 10 A1Y011001Tf SE IC Rw tllnoiI MUM _. .. ___ E- 5' -, -._E 0 ACCESS EAS@lNT. I�il' 1i� j 9 . I O Eol y I I 1 1 c I 0 t I I 1 I I 1 1 t I 394 MM VC49WPDAD oARR 6ANITART. AND AT IT rzLo%cm OMv10a R=w TO axw?m UTILITIES IT PER MME OTWM AP OMMATELT 520 FEET NORTH OF •EIN esroRr 66W.DN1 NEW 0'-0' SmE OLLAFIED UTILITIES EASEPOKT 140MM TO PEAR TRE° STREET. O MRM BY AT•T, SANITATION DEPT. AND UTATOR DEPT. EAMMMT TO BE SOOT= OVER - POLE® CONCRETE PAD AT TOILET ROOT aNTRRS RATTED 1a• AT I N 20 MAX TO BUIL.DNG FLOOR LEVEL. - NEW Ad'•MLT PAVED AT•T ACCESS EAOErENT -NEW VDEM-WIL00 ATO COAXIAL CABLES , I -LEASE PARCEL TO BE SET LEVEL TO GRADE WRw A M00-LM s' DEEP BASE O 6/4• GRAVEL SET ON STABILRL77_� FABRIC (MWAFI 060X1 I . FMI-- TO GRADE AND RESEED OR SOD WTTw CAUM - NEW OO' wKT , PIOL OLE PAINTED MONOPOLE A WTI NEW RATING FIELD 6T , LI O 7 r1pVND O• MENTORS! 1T BATE IEIC IFi AS EXIOTNO F PiCTNG YD NNE POLE WILL BE PLACED AT TOP 0 riCAL RL! MONOPOLE A YN WILL RINcl FL AND FIELD RACED N rL.E DENTICJL LOCATION N TbE E)(ISTPIG PL'ATSG FELD LICAR POLL. I NEW N C/OOLOD NOSE BIB TO BE FLUB/ WTI OMO1D (7 TMIO RFO WO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WRN CLAYEY PARC OTAFP) _ .., - - - - - - — 4i`.3.•I �••L�� El* Y 5 "_:K! �_ _i..... .. )) El 15 5E- v' I TO SECCND PLAYING FIELD I i DL e 15:L GhC- NEW ABOVE GRO+D NOSE 510 COORDINATE LOCATION AND TYPE WTN CLAYEY PARK STAFF w- Wirele86 $6T' 8420 WEST BRYN MAWR SUITE 226 CHICAGO. ILUNOIS 50631 OFFICE• 13121603 -3010 FAX- (312) 093 -3046 PK\P7, ■IALLE61 OEVELOPN[ C R 0 U P • M o N f I T■ o T .. 4 ■ o r... INo •AOF■oT •.raXT 00■ATAYOTIO■ OYCa00 . gSidl • CIlYTIM■ . K'JYMN .0[111011 CHICAGO SSO TEST BRYN MA RL CHICAGO. LLMM BOOM OFFICE, om "l-a" IST21 M-6200 FAX- MW 006-0241 PAL PROJECT NUH61 • 56161A DRAWN SY • A.IA APPROVED BY NTP 0 ow FN. PRO 0■IRARrt ■ITV. LA FOR LEASE FOR LEASE 7R LaASE E PCS SITE 1241 DEERFIELD (CLAVEY PARK) 7601 MOHTGOStiAY ROAD DEEWIELD LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS. 60016 OHM TIME EISL AN SITE LAN AILS VV I�L- j t1 OHM L.EiIIIIIIIEL 3� C -2 • , L b' Ir D'•0' / ` 1 NEW AT IT m WIDE ASP.MLT PA ACCESS EAS@lNT. I�il' 1i� j . I 1� • _i 5 "�G 5°E_ - =•G I I I ! I ; III I = =_ i • _, 5• •1, Goa -'cam i I . ENLARGED SITE PLAN (SCHEME D) . C_g ecxE. r.Ia.e• IIOITIM w- Wirele86 $6T' 8420 WEST BRYN MAWR SUITE 226 CHICAGO. ILUNOIS 50631 OFFICE• 13121603 -3010 FAX- (312) 093 -3046 PK\P7, ■IALLE61 OEVELOPN[ C R 0 U P • M o N f I T■ o T .. 4 ■ o r... INo •AOF■oT •.raXT 00■ATAYOTIO■ OYCa00 . gSidl • CIlYTIM■ . K'JYMN .0[111011 CHICAGO SSO TEST BRYN MA RL CHICAGO. LLMM BOOM OFFICE, om "l-a" IST21 M-6200 FAX- MW 006-0241 PAL PROJECT NUH61 • 56161A DRAWN SY • A.IA APPROVED BY NTP 0 ow FN. PRO 0■IRARrt ■ITV. LA FOR LEASE FOR LEASE 7R LaASE E PCS SITE 1241 DEERFIELD (CLAVEY PARK) 7601 MOHTGOStiAY ROAD DEEWIELD LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS. 60016 OHM TIME EISL AN SITE LAN AILS VV I�L- j t1 OHM L.EiIIIIIIIEL 3� C -2 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDEMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY /AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. - CLAVEY PARR Published in pamphlet form this 18th day of November , 1996 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield 1KS 71248 .3 October 30, 1996 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/ AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. - CLAVEY PARK WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application AT & T Wireless Services, Inc. and the Deerfield Park District (collectively the "Applicant ") to authorize the use and development of certain property (hereinafter the "Subject Property ") located within the Village in the P -1 Public Lands District legally described on Exhibit A hereto as a Special Use /Unique Use, under and pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.12 to permit the installation of a telecommunication facility as hereinafter more particularly described on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, made written findings of fact recommending denial of the Special Use /Unique Use as proposed by the Applicant; and WHEREAS, following consideration of the recommendations of the Plan Commission by the President and Board of Trustees, the President and Board of Trustees have considered and reviewed the proposal and supporting materials submitted and prepared by Applicant, including the Overall Site Plan prepared by PAL Wireless Development Group dated August 9, 1996; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of said Special Use /Unique Use in accordance with plans submitted by Applicant attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: JKS 71248 . 3 October 30, 1996 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/ AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. - CLAVEY PARK SECTION That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby ONE: affirmatively find that the Special Use /Unique Use as hereby authorized, fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Article 13.12 of the Village Zoning Ordinance, and the Special Use /Unique Use of the real estate, to permit the installation of a telecommunication facility as described in Applicant's submission and testimony, subject to certain conditions as more particularly set forth below, is hereby authorized and approved including the Overall Site Plan proposed by PAL Wireless Development Group dated August 9, 1996. SECTION That the approval and authorization of said TWO: Special Use /Unique Use is hereby granted subject to (i) the requirements that all use, construction and development shall be in accordance with, all documentary and exhibit filings made, the terms of this Ordinance,(ii)Applicant's Agreement that use of the facility will be terminated in the event that the FCC or appropriate regulatory agency having jurisdiction determines that adverse effects will result from continued operation of the facility, (iii) Applicant's Agreement to permit the location of another telecommunication facility at its facility upon approval of such telecommunication provider by the Village,(iv) all representations submitted and made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and President and Board of Trustees, and (v) is also subject to compliance by Applicant with all other applicable provisions of the Village Zoning Ordinance. SECTION That the Special Use /Unique Use hereby authorized THREE: shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Applicant's successors, grantees, transferees and assigns and any violation of the conditions hereinabove set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the Special Use /Unique Use hereby authorized. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to FOUR: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record said Ordinance in the office of the recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. JKS 71248 .3 November 4, 1996 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -96 -43 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE AND A SPECIAL USE /UNIQUE USE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY/ AT & T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. - CLAVEY PARR SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FIVE: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5) NAYS: Rosenthal (1) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 18th day of November, A.D. 1996. APPROVED this 18th day of November, A.D. 1996. LLAGE PRESIDENT a 771 VILtAGE WS 71248 . 3 October 31, 1996