O-94-15ORDINANCE NO. 0 -94 -15 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 312 AND 320 BIRCHWOOD DRIVE Published in pamphlet form this 16th day of May , 1994 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield JKS \5690.1 5/4/94 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -94 -15 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 312 AND 320 BIRCHWOOD DRIVE WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village'of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of MARILYN ENSTROM ( "Owner ") for the approval of a Special Use - Single - Family Residential Planned Development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned residential development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed Special Use - Single - Family ONE: Planned Residential Development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Subject Property ") and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, including the lot width variation depicted thereon which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the said planned residential TWO: development hereby given is subject to the condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance the Owner comply with all requirements of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat of resubdivision. JKS \5690.1 5/4/94 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -94 -15 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 312 AND 320 BIRCHWOOD DRIVE SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to THREE: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: F�l.er_:s,- .:Neuberger, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Rosenthal (1) PASSED this 16th day of May A.D., 1994. APPROVED this 16th day of May A.D., 1994,: F gap !,tL—G'-O P -�RES I fD1 E M ATTEST: VIJMAGE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) ) VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) 35669 LAKl: COIJI1TY, 'ILLINOIS 94 JUL 10 AM 10: 51 SS . The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance No. 0 -94 -15 entitled "An Ordinance Approving a Planned Development of 312 and 320 Birchwood Drive" as appears in the records and files of the office of the Village Clerk. Dated this May 19, 1994 I �5rA 10 fA ORDINANCE NO. 0 -94 -15 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 312 AND 320 BIRCHWOOD DRIVE Published in pamphlet form this 16th day of May , 1994 by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield JKS \5690.1 5/4/94 35669-91 O ORDINANCE NO. 0 -94 -15 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 312 AND 320 BIRCHWOOD DRIVE WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of MARILYN ENSTROM ( "Owner ") for the approval of a Special Use - Single - Family Residential Planned Development of certain real estate hereinafter described and classified in the R -1 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects held according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned residential development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed Special Use - Single - Family ONE: Planned Residential Development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Subject Property ") and as set forth and described on the attached plan of development and final plat of resubdivision, including the lot width variation depicted thereon which plan and plat of resubdivision are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the said planned residential TWO: development hereby given is subject to the condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance the Owner comply with all requirements of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat of resubdivision. JKS \5690.1 5/4/94 3566991 3 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -94 -15 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF 312 AND 320 BIRCHWOOD DRIVE SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to THREE: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Ehl.ers, Heuberger, NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Rosenthal (1) PASSED this 16th day of APPROVED this 16th day ATTEST: Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5) May A.D., 1994. of May A.D., 1994.: 3566991 4 EXHIBIT A LOT 84 IN SUBDIVISION OF J.S. HOVLAND'S FIRST ADDITION TO DEERFIELD, A SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 (EXCEPT THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 THEREOF) IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE 3RD P.M. IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 3566991 OVER SIZE DOCUMENT (PULLED FROM THIS LOCATION) ENSTROM SUBDIVISION BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOT 84 IN J. S. HOVLAND'S, FIRST ADDITION TO DEERFIELD, SOUTHWEST 1/0 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN LAKE COUINTY, ILLINOIS. PREPARED By- PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATED PROPERTY - CONDO . MoRTGAGF SURVEYS ic�10 Old Deerfield Road, Su ate 232 HIGHLAND PARK, IL 60035 Tel,(708) 831 12OC ORDER NO, 94-07845—D V, 'A "Cj FICA NOTI OF 1Aq I * Lo 7 2 S H OWN HERFON, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE Ht jLpjNu PERMITS FUN THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE(MA, MUST 6NS OF TME VILLACY Or DEERFIELD'S "Bol"S"N Es' T NOr EIM100 TO, rmu sr%mITTAL OF A ST"KM WATF�< Vkh PAREP By A 11CINSID pR,W1AqIoNAI YNOINFIR. rt MA% w III 1NOIN t.OjAwyw FOR THIr VILLANk (;F DEPRVIELD. iAKI tNSfAi.IJIKNI`N Of In HEX& CATIPY AAT I VINO NO 01VERRI&D COVN ASsFSSMENTS AGAINSF 1HI IAND IN(JODED IN THE ABOVE PLA1k W! STAND! NU CNFA 1 0 tot V I L il= OF ILLINOLS COVNTY OF LAKE I COUNTY CLERK FOR LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, Do HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT GENER TAXES, NO UNPAID CURRENT GENERAL TAXES, NO UNPAID FORFEITED TAXES, AND NO REDEEMABLE TAX SALE AGAINST ANY OF THE LAND INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE PLAT. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT I HAVE RECEfVED ALL STATUTORY FEES IN CONNECTION WITH THII'' ABOVE PLAT, MY HAND AND - OF H COUNTY OF LAKE AT WAUjKgk-GAN, ILLINOIS I V E, N Al 1,911A THIS DAY CIF -K.RK- 0 COUNTY c, K U Da MERERY (ENTIFY THAI 1 AM THE QNKR OF 70 PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON AND THAT I HAVE CArsw THE SALD PROPERTY TO BE SURVETD AND SUM01- VIDED AS SHOWN HEREON, DATED Q 1 S j j ...... .. — - -------- NNER STATE OF !LLINDiS TNTY A NOTARY PULL 11C IN AND FOR SA10 CUANTY IN THE srArE AFORESAID. DO HEREBY CERTIFY TH FOREGOING PiRSONALLY KNOWN TO MEN BE THE SAME PF;TM�N WHOSE NAME 19 SUBSCRIBED TO THE ,NSTRrMENT, AND APPEARED BEFORE ME THIS DAY & PERSON, ACKNOWLEDGE THAI HE SIGNED AND nCL,VERFD FHF ANNEXED PLAT AS III OWN FREE AND VOLUNTAAY ACT FOY THE USES AND PURPOSES 010IN S& FURTH. A.D. 19 GIVEN UNDER MY ND HAND A SOTARIAL SRAL THIS DAY OF jj I A L NOTARY PUBLIC 0 F F I C E A NICCX-E N INCt��E NOTARY PURVC, STAI—!�,QDWF SIATE OF ILLINOIS SLS. COUNTY OF LAKE 1, HYLTON E. DONALDSON, A PROFESSIONAL ILLINOIS LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE SURVEYED AND SUBDIVIDED THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THAT THE PLAT HEREON DRAWN A A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY, IRON PIPE IDENTIFY ALL LOT CORNERS AND ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE IN FEET AND DECIMAL PARTS THEREOF. IAI 1, FURTHER CERTIFY THAT TNT" PARCEL LNGLUDED IN THIS RECORD IS NOT KOCATEDIN THE SPEC ILLINOtS. BY THE FEDERAL EMF '�N(A: FLOOD HAZARD AREA 16ENTIFIED FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFtELD, , , RG MANAGEMENT AGENCY ON THE FLOOD iNSVRAN& RATE MAP. PANEL NO. 1 C, DATED AUGUST 4, 1988. SAID SUBDIVISIYN IS 10 HE KNOWN AS ENSTROM SUBDIVISION, VILLAGE OF 1JEERFIFI-D. ;AXE CnIINTY. ILLINOIS. &V 1994. Dun THIS, q DAY QF A INO! S !AND SURVEYOR NO. 1819 a