O-86-39ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -39 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF DEERFIELD ROAD AND CHESTNUT STREET Published in pamphlet form this 18th day of August , 1986, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -39 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF DEERFIELD ROAD AND CHESTNUT STREET WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DEERFIELD, as Trustee under Trust No. LT -62, dated August 1, 1980 and G.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (collectively, the "Owner ") for the approval of a Special Use - Multi- Family residential Planned Development of certain real estate hereinafter described consisting of 20 attached townhomes and classified in the R -5 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects helding according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said Special Use - Planned Development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed Special Use - Multi- Family Planned ONE: Development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and as set forth and described on the attached Site Plan and Final Plan of Development, which Site Plan and Final Plan of Development are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the Special Use - Multi- Family TWO: Planned Development is conditioned upon the Owner limiting the maximum amount of encroachment in the permitted seback for the purpose of protecting existing trees to two (2) feet. SECTION That the approval of the Special Use - Planned Development THREE: hereby given is subject to the further condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance the Owner comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said Final Plan of Development. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish FOUR: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -39 SECTION That a true and correct copy of this Ordinance and all FIVE: Exhibits thereto be recorded in the Office of the Lake County Recorder of Deeds at Owner's expense. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect SIX: from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES:. Marty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Marovitz (1) PASSED this 18th day of August A.D. , 1986. APPROVED this 18th day of August A.D., 1986. VI AGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLYXK v • L. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 24 564 SS The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -39 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF DEERFIELD ROAD AND CHESTNUT STRET" passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on AUGUST 18, 1986 and.now in full force and effect, all as appears in the records and files of the office of the Village . Clerk,.,- > Dated this,:, AUGUST 19, 1986 Naomi S. Clampitt i,:. • /;��>: =,.q .d` ,moo.. Village Clerk SEAL...y .f ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -39 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF DEERFIELD ROAD AND CHESTNUT STREET WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DEERFIELD, as Trustee under Trust No. LT -62., dated August 1, 1980 and G.M. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (collectively, the "Owner ").for the approval of a Special Use - Multi- Family residential Planned Development of certain real estate hereinafter described consisting of 20 attached townhomes and classified in the R -5 District under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly authorized notice thereof and was in all respects helding according to law; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said Special Use - Planned Development be approved subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed Special Use - Multi- Family Planned ONE: Development of the real estate legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and as set forth and described on the attached Site Plan and Final Plan of Development, which Site Plan and Final Plan of Development are made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of the Special Use - Multi- Family TWO: Planned Development is conditioned upon the Owner limiting the maximum amount of encroachment in the permitted seback for the purpose of protecting existing trees to two (2) feet. SECTION That the approval of the Special Use - Planned Development THREE: hereby given is subject to the further condition that except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance the Owner comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said Final Plan of Development. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish FOUR: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. 24'78564 cl— l r EXHIBIT A 24'78564 1 LOTS 1, 2, and 10 in Block 1 in Truesdells' Addition to Deerfield, being a subdivision in the South West Quarter of-Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof, recorded September 11, 1874, in Book "A" of Plats, Page 19, together with the 24.0 Ft. . vacated alley lying between aforesaid Lots 2 and 10, in Lake County, Illinois; 3 r s 1 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -86 -39 SECTION That a true and correct copy of this Ordinance and all FIVE: Exhibits thereto be recorded in the Office of the Lake County Recorder of Deeds at Owner's expense. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect SIX: from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES:. Marty, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Marovitz (1) PASSED this 18th day of August A.D. , 1986. APPROVED this 18th day of August A.D. , 1986. VI AGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CL K v r rry m X ;< C= Pi r C'� O C? O crn 32K-90W OVER SIZE DOCUMENT (PULLED FROM THIS LOCATION) � { STATE OF IILIIKH6 B S ' ,; 4' - 4 Fi am Ell= Y CER1Y 8 C MW/ AS AGREEP BRfVBYBD PORT � i BBRFS • ' L - - > _ _AU9Q1 a i ' AS SIKAN 011 1�7 OPAYN Ali! is mm or A• FREE Ati1 � .V0lDA'ID) dune` Y� IId. � r:.:. B'i1NA (IF DEEAFIELD Y r r A grsyiq TIM BS 4i 0! TIB3 VZI D�3 ma ILi,I1Gffi AT nw { ... T1iI91� OF A.D., 39 A ATTEST �ASS'T VICE PRES_IEdi `kU:i'" tI - T VICE PRESIDENT - (T, I'HYi STATE OF ILLIIGIS ,,7 Lars 1, lr laid 10 in B 1 in_ lla' �dditlon tc Owfieldr being a .. _ caA+cr s.s. - eubdivieiaiin uie sea iweeL a1 8ectian z9, {3 ATIBHT: C1�� +, 12 Pmt of the Triird PFlncipAl accafElnO to tlr' t reoondW M / '� • .swta�b.t 11, 1874, Se Book "A" Plater Pa9r 19, b n�l/LtA -, R {.0 Pt. I, 1A NOTARY q�[.IC IN AtO.POR T10 p]OIR'Y III vacated alley lying bettse IMa 7 aM 10. Lab I110 i.. STATE OF I73.DAI3 { THE STATE APII�6AID ? I CTXAR 7AKE i .. d u OF � � .. CH ISTO I. OF PER L. AO ➢1tiSCta OP D - BANK, PERSDIVIELY TO NE BE ' +tF i n W9J8E AR8 SOB8CRI8® FUREWEG IN9=14W AS SUCH AS 'T $�SIOENT +1170 A.V.P. S9I0�E BY THB PRESIDENT AND THE HOARD OF TR(51� OP TFR i.OY D7®,F18IDr IESr ,1I7.DiDIS NB`ITIIG HeLD YBF$ DAY Q APPHIIII6D B001� Ns ffiS DAY IN "IX'I El slfP� imp �i CIA �/�j.. A16"l SAID 1 As TIum cm MM AND Y' ' Acr me AS's: PB�..�am YT or ) � �. -/}= � ' `�Mlo HARRR FOR THE r� AMR PWIPo666 THM SET' FcAD.'H AND 'tom SAID :SIR PRESIDENT DID ALSO TIOdI AFG 14B7tE ACDOI EDGE HE, tot ME) AS 161: DIAN . • - SIAi. � �1'� —'i OF SAID BANK 0ID AFFIX THE SAID COEPT 'BI SEAL or SAID BANE T] Tm BUD AS laB ' ICE IER) OFN FEES AND VOIINFARY ACT AND AS THE FREE M8) VOFI9F1'ARY ACT'. OF SI1fO'C PI7R ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK THE USES AND PURPOSES TI rN SET FORTH. GIVI21 LWDEER NY HMG MID NDTARIAL SEAL. THIS - IJ.JLUY OF J /- A.D r 19yt. O. . 26- tl x c 296.o�}i 6U OBD Fi+J.Gt.. -_._ - �R_ LAp.IIITIQNiU6 j _ �}hitff t0 -6r ?_ ptiwgp Z D7ALiA7( �- 6FZ{r'Tralf. t'I P. .. ' N 12 -0, 'N _ kp AIL up" IN m m a Cove. -mo,rw , ry - - - - -- - -- - -- - N ID Z IZo$QFF• F — — — — — — — — — — — PM eMlur NOTR:INOWmF ? INV 0000, - 132 I- SA2 7 A I �A2 5R1 4A1 3051 A I C T _ uulrs MAy E4TKHP ze Q -� INTO r4 '9 YAwb ■ � O 0 1 c o ° o t.4LOii I _ o o _ • j (' - - tut. Cou9rneNS A,Ib o I MOVED AMAY, uaw ° A� 29 =0" _ 24=d' - -- Zq�o" 24'-o" -- 24'•0" 29�0� -- 23!0" 2µ o" - -- 2�1 =0" 2Fr. ±Zg!Z" y. ♦// O Op i I I I ooj I j I O' O I o AS i� I' O I AII J ® 4v aWCi Q N I 1 /lit 4Dt - -- L77--, ED 1 caxerre -) Q� ' j to )� o O - lD FAvKRS Ir V O ° I 2'2 P LAc-1 -P"N ,j � N ® N W _ � � I2 A11 �aRr PmK POLE ucnrJ � n Io4, Z!�I IN%z DAsT�1___ 6'v 1114H - -�- � (3/.1tM NE(S 11HIT`: -�v��7 96NAP � -• " ,1 SpRUA4. VSIE. IB" mcf. ;F I LaT W IDTTI 2Rb.04' DbFro t44' LO d[ (314 1 B I LdT A RLA -_ s8 �`�z - r• I ) FI , I 0 TIL -231-s" 1� 2 0„ % 2A1 4d i 25 -2 MW. 38r S — ° of 14 A2 1 �a2 00 NOT A wr5R 5 -a` alvM- 16� ®zd'm Fi"R _ 0 24 F R 14) CERTIFICATION i HBL9Y CBtTIFY THAT THESE F4 EAITRAAI(,E H 2'G' Gn.[. wMx DRAWRVG6 WERE PREPARED UNDER W Lh'1r16 011t•L( MY BEST SUPERVISION AND O I.B,i, I.dT.0 COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING T ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF jy COUNTY OF .. . - STATE OF 4UNOW 295.6! . \ - REG S76M ARCHrIECT No. 01.5835 .. / 111 I � scat. j "c 10'6 Dreen '.M.I.6. y lcA c LSi MUT SITE p F_ i {F TA �a ��J78SG SAee, laG';,QiL� 1 - I D O A• O, g Snaah I 5.O o uulrs- zo :awn � " q 1 I -47A#-944 a 48 eA,&C O 143' -8" D7 I$ &I I�IAI lZDA2 ole"11 U 5 -a` alvM- 16� ®zd'm Fi"R _ 0 24 F R 14) CERTIFICATION i HBL9Y CBtTIFY THAT THESE F4 EAITRAAI(,E H 2'G' Gn.[. wMx DRAWRVG6 WERE PREPARED UNDER W Lh'1r16 011t•L( MY BEST SUPERVISION AND O I.B,i, I.dT.0 COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING T ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF jy COUNTY OF .. . - STATE OF 4UNOW 295.6! . \ - REG S76M ARCHrIECT No. 01.5835 .. / 111 I � scat. j "c 10'6 Dreen '.M.I.6. y lcA c LSi MUT SITE p F_ i {F TA �a ��J78SG SAee, laG';,QiL� 1 - I D O A• O, g Snaah STATE OF ILLINOIS k , S . S . G� S CF,RTIF'ICATE e; a REVISIONS BY AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE TERMS OF CERTAIN TRUST' AGRF NT DATED SAND f� 1 AS TRUST w . DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT As HOLDER OF TITLE OF THE LAW MUM DESCRIBED, IT �II . HAS CAUSED TIM SAME TO BE SURVEYED FOR THE PURPOSES AS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN HEREON DRAWN AND FURTHER THAT THE SAID t, IS ITS STATE OF ILLINOIS z FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT. DATED „ i9 ,A.D. ,19 f{ COUNTIES OF LAKE! AND COOK S . S APPROVED �3Y THE P COMMISSION OF THE VILLA D AS- PERSONALLY _v -._ �_._ ........_ _.......... _ _.M,.._ . __ . .. _ r ,. F E.QE EERFIELD, ILLINOIS, AT A MEETING iiELD ti f _ THIS ,. ,: DAY OF . i i A.D., 19 ,} JI 1.f. ATTEST. '4 , e ? . x , 1.. -_ . , : ],F�AIJ $ Fr� DESCRIPTION CE PRES I D-1 CiIAIRMAN, f I)TS 1, 2,. and 10 in Block 1 in Truesdells' Addition to Deerfield, being a STATE OF ILLINOIS �. subdivision the Sough West ATTEST; s., S.S. Quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range COUNTY OF �' 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof, recorded r /Y _. September 11, 1874, in Book "A" of Plats, Page 19, together with the 24.0 Ft. A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE COUNTY IN vacated alley lying between aforesaid Lots 2 and 10 in Lake County, Illinois. Mq R ,`\N v FiFiI , IItU a STATE: OF ILLINOIS THE STATE AFORESAID !JO HEREE3Y CERTIFY THAT °� I�ii� *' h r•,,77�� r � ri �' Q I c ;! -��� }-, r ,. w 7 f r , 5>, �:1 tt --,- S'i'll L" u P� . R�.i i , t : y ID _ .. S S OF r. G,3e.. . ��2�K nF 7i.F_.�� I — S OF SAID _ _ -...., ... _. _ ._._ .. w.._. , BANK PERSONALLY RCM TOME TO BE THE SAM PERSONS WEE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE COUNTIES OF LAKE & COOKj FOREGOING ITRUMENT AS SUCH j-\.SS �[ V I:LRESIDENT +TD _:, V P SECRETARY RESPIDCTIAMEY APPROVED BY Ttl-t #PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES O BEFORE ME THIS DAY IN P� AM ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED A VERED THE � ti EE F THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE 'AN APPEARED COOK CO IE,S, ..IS.rLINOIS, -AT A ME'TTING HELD THIS 'z DAY OF A.D., 19" :'. SAID INSTRUMENT INSTR7MEE�1T AS THEIR OWN FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AS THE FREE AMID Vt',CIARY ACT OF - --' ' D K FOR THE LASES AND. PURPOSES THE"IN SET AND THE SAID . ``, ;_ SAID BAN U BY .r . ., , PRES I DENT DID ALSO THEN AND THERE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HE (or SHE) AS CUSTODIAN OF THE CORPORATE SEAT. C}F SAID BANK DID AFFIX THE SAID CORPORATE SEAL OF SAID BANK TO THE SAID INSTRUMEMT AS HIS ATTEST: (OR HER) OWN FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND AS THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SAID BANK FOR , VILLAGE CLERK THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN SET FORTH. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL THIS a DAY OF :;_?,ism A.D., 19 N(3'I'ARY IC ` 1 a