O-84-57ORDINANCE NO. 0-84-57'- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE - INDUSTRIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Published in pamphlet form this 17th day of December , 1984, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -57 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE - INDUSTRIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of Harris Trust and Savings Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agree- ment dated August 22, 1980, known as Trust No. 40599, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agree- ment dated October 12, 1983, known as Trust No. 42460 and Carl G. Schmidt, as Trustee of the Carl G. Schmidt Trust under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated January 4, 1972, (collectively the Owners "), and Lake - Cook /Tollway Associates, an Illinois limited partnership (the "Developer ") (the Owners and Developer herein jointly referred to as "Applicant ") to authorize the development and use of certain real estate described on Exhibit A hereto for a Special Use - Planned Unit Development, under and pursuant to the provisions of Articles 6.1 -3, 5, 12.1, 12.8 and 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was, in all respects, held according to law; and WHEREAS, following consideration of the recommendations of the Plan Commission, and the Preliminary Development Plan by the President and Board of Trustees, the President and Board of Trustees have considered and reviewed the Final Site Plan and Final Landscap- ing Plan, each prepared by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Architects and Engineers, and each dated November 19, 1984 and the Final Signage Plan as to the hotel portion of the Subject Property prepared by Solomon, Cordwell, Buenz & Associates, dated July 26, 1984 and as to the office portion of the Subject Property, the Final Signage Plan prepared by Andre R. King, dated October 30, 1984 and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, dated November 19, 1984 (collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Final Development Plan "), submitted by Applicant reflecting all revisions from the original Preliminary Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of said Special Use - Industrial Planned Unit Development in accordance with all components of the Final Development Plan for the Subject Property marked Exhibit B and attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby ONE: affirmatively find that the Special Use, as hereby authorized, fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Articles 12.8 and 13.11 -4 of the Village Zoning Ordinance, and the Special Use of the Subject Property, as and for purposes of an Industrial Planned Unit Development as set forth on all components of Exhibit B, be and the same is, hereby authorized and approved subject to the conditions hereinfter set forth. SECTION That the approval and authorization of said Special Use TWO: of the Subject Property as and for office (including professional offices) and hotel uses as more specifi- cally described below and as hereby granted is subject to the following conditions: That all use, construction and development shall be in accordance with all components of the Final Site Plan and Final Landscaping Plan, each prepared by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Architects and Engineers, and each dated November 19, 1984 and the Final Signage Plan as to the hotel portion of the Subject Property prepared by Solomon, Cordwell, Buenz & Associates, dated July 26, 1984 and as to the office portion of the Subject Property, the Final Signage Plan prepared by Andre R. King, dated October 30, 1984 and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, dated November 19, 1984, a copy of each of which is included and marked as part of Exhibit B and attached hereto and made a part hereof, all other documentary and exhibit filings made pursuant to Planned Unit Development Procedures as set forth in Article 12.9 of the Village Zoning Ordinance, the terms of this Ordinance, and all representations made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and President and Board of Trustees, specifically including but not limited to the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns or the owners, grantees, transferees or assigns of any phase or subdivided portion of the Subject Property.complying with and succeeding to the obligations of "Owners" as set.forth in a certain Annexation Agreement governing the Subject Property dated July 2, 1984. SECTION That any violation of any of the conditions THREE: hereinabove set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the Special Use hereby authorized. SECTION As part of this Ordinance granting the Special Use and FOUR: approving the Final Development Plan, the following modifications of the regulations established in the I -1 Office, Research, Restricted Industry District are hereby authorized, all in accordance with the Final Development Plan and the representations of the Applicant: 1. The number of parking spaces required for the office uses upon the Subject Property shall be reduced to 3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of. gross building area, measured from outside glass line to outside glass line excluding atrium areas above grade or first floor level and excluding the areas defined in Article 8, Section 8.2 -4(1) (a) through (c) of the Village Zoning Ordinance, with the condition that (i) an additional .7 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross building area, as so defined, will be provided, in the location indicated on the Final Site Plan ( "Land Bank Area ") if required to meet future parking demands as determined by the Village; and (ii) until such time as said additional parking is constructed, said Land Bank Area shall remain landscaped as shown on the Final Site Plan. The hotel use shall be provided with 1.4 parking spaces per guest room. 2. The size property by 18 fe4 curb and shown on allowing shall be of the parking stalls required upon the shall be reduced to 8 -1/2 feet in width ?t in length and the maintenance of a grass area (rather than pavement), as the Final Site Plan, for the purpose of an overhang for parked automobiles, permitted. 3. Parking shall be permitted on the Subject Property within the setbacks along the southern and western frontages of the Subject Property and along the Lake -Cook Road frontage of the Subject Property. 4. All requirements for roping the parking areas and providing wheel stops upon the Subject Property shall be waived. 5. The landscape screening requirements shall be modified in accordance with the Final Landscaping Plan from those requirements which would otherwise apply to parking along the southern and western frontages of the Subject Property. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish FIVE: this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record said Ordinance and that portion of Exhibit B known as the "Final Site Plan" in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. 9 1 11 SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect SIX: from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (4) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Jackson, Marovitz (2) PASSED this 17th day of December APPROVED thisi7th day of December ATTEST: A.D., 1984. A.D., 1984. LLAGE PRESIDENT i 1 I t %)+ri. .LU Y 0 5 0 6 J 1 I I � �I r J� .STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) M I 'fies that she is 'M The undersigned hereby certi the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of ORDINAr1CL r;0. 0- 84-57 entitled "AN ORTDNANCE AUTHORIZIP:G A SPECIAL USE- INDUST IAI, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT" • passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular tt sheeting thereof held on December 17, 1984 , and now in full force and effect, all as appears in the records and files of the office of the r .V'lage Clerk. Dated this December 40, 1984 Naomi S. la Village Clerk SEAL. C ORDINANCE NO. 0 -84 -57 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE - INDUSTRIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of Harris Trust and Savings Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agree- ment dated August 22, 1980,.known as Trust No. 40599, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agree- ment dated October 12, 1983, known as Trust No. 42460 and Carl G. Schmidt, as Trustee of the Carl G. Schmidt Trust under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated January 4, 1972, (collectively the Owners "), and Lake - Cook /Tollway Associates, an Illinois limited partnership (the "Developer ") (the Owners and Developer herein jointly referred to as "Applicant ") to authorize the development and use of certain real estate described on Exhibit A hereto for a Special Use - Planned Unit Development, under and pursuant to the provisions of Articles 6.1 -3, 51 12.1, 12.8 and 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was, in all respects, held according to law; and WHEREAS, following consideration of the recommendations of the Plan Commission, and the Preliminary Development Plan by the President and Board of Trustees, the President and Board of Trustees have considered and reviewed the Final Site Plan and Final Landscap- ing Plan, each prepared by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Architects and Engineers, and each dated November 19, 1984 and the Final Signaqe Plan as to the hotel portion of the Subject Property prepared by Solomon, Cordwell, Buenz & Associates, dated July 26, 1,984 and as to the office portion of the Subject Property, the Final Signage'Plan prepared by Andre R. King, dated October 30, 1984 and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, dated November 19, 1984 (collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Final Development Plan "), submitted by Applicant reflecting all revisions from the original, Preliminary Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of said Special Use - Industrial Planned Unit Development in accordance with all components of the Final Development Plan for the Subject Property marked Exhibit B and attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD.OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby ONE: affirmatively find that the.Special Use, as hereby authorized, fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Articles 12.8 and 13.11 -4 of the Village Zoning Ordinance, and the Special Use of the Subject Property, as and for purposes of an Industrial Planned Unit Development as set forth on all components of Exhibit B, be and the same Ls, hereby authorized and approved subject to the conditions hereinfter set forth. SECTION That the approval and authorization of said Special Use TWO:. of the Subject Property as and for office (including professional offices) and hotel uses as more specifi- cally described below and as hereby granted is subject to the following conditions: That all use, construction and development shall be in accordance with all components of the Final Site Plan and Final Landscaping Plan, each prepared by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Architects and Engineers; and each dated'November 19, 1984 and the Final Signage Plan as to the hotel portion of the Subject Property prepared by Solomon, Cordwell, Buenz &-Associates, dated July 26, 1984 and as to -the office portion of the Subject Property, the Final Signage Plan prepared by Andre R. King, dated October 30, 1984 and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, dated November 19, 1984, a copy of each of which is included and marked as part of Exhibit B and attached hereto and made a part hereof, all other documentary and exhibit filings made pursuant to Planned Unit Development Procedures as set forth in Article 12.9 of the Village Zoning Ordinance, the terms of this Ordinance, and all representations made by the Applicant to the Plan Commission and President and Board of Trustees, specifically including but not limited to the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns or the owners, grantees, transferees or assigns of any phase or subdivided portion of the Subject Property complying with and succeeding to the obligations of "Owners" as set forth in a certain Annexation Agreement governing the Subject Property dated July 2, 1984. SECTION That any violation of any of the conditions THREE: hereinabove set forth by the Applicant or its successors, grantees, transferees or assigns shall authorize the revocation of the Special Use hereby authorized. SECTION As part of this Ordinance granting the Special Use and FOUR: approving the Final..Development Plan, the following modifications of the regulations established in the I -1 Office, Research, Restricted Industry District are hereby authorized, all-in accordance with the Final Development Plan and the representations of the Applicant: 1. The number of parking spaces required for the office uses upon the Subject Property shall be reduced to 3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross building area, measured from outside glass line to outside glass line excluding atrium areas above grade or first floor level and excluding the areas defined in Article 8, Section 8.2 -4(1) (a) through (c) of the Village Zoning Ordinance, with the condition that (i) an.additional .7 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross building area, as so defined, will be provided, in the location indicated on the Final Site Plan ( "Land Bank Area ") if required to meet future parking demands as determined by the Village; and (ii) until such time as said additional parking is constructed, said Land Bank Area shall remain landscaped as shown on the Final Site Plan. The hotel use shall be provided with 1.4 parking spaces per guest room. 2. The size property by 18 fei curb and shown:on allowing shall be of the parking stalls required upon the shall be reduced to 8 -1/2 feet in width st in length and the maintenance of a grass area (rather than pavement), as the Final Site Plan, for the purpose of an overhang for parked automobiles, permitted. 3. Parking shall be permitted on the Subject Property within the setbacks along the southern and western frontages of the Subject Property and along the Lake -Cook Road frontage of the Subject Property. 4. All requirements for roping the parking areas and providing wheel stops upon the Subject Property shall be waived. 5. The landscape screening requirements shall be modified in accordance with the Final Landscaping Plan from those requirements which would otherwise apply to parking along the southern and western frontages of the Subject Property. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish FIVE: this Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record said Ordinance and that portion of Exhibit B known as the "Final Site Plan" in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. • 3 SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect SIX: from and after its passage, approval and-publication as provided by law. AYES: Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (4) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT:. Jackson, Marovitz (2) PASSED this 17th day of December A.D., 1984. APPROVED this Toth day of December A.D., 1984. ATTEST: V VILLAGE CLER i F VILLAGE PRESIDENT i F - ikAY1PART "OF LOT 2 IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, R,Al,,IGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AS SAID LOT iS REPRESENTED ON MAP OF GOVERNMENT SURVEY TOGETHER WITH THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE WEST HALF'OF LOT 2 IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE FLAT THEREOF RECORDED ON GOVERNMENT SURVEY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LiNE OF SAID SECTION 6, 268.65 FEET. EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF SAiD LOT 2 IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6: THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE OF 820.54 FEET, ALONG A LINE FORMING AN ,ANGLE OF 109' 52' 05" FROM EAST TO SOUTH WiTH SAiD NORTH LINE OF SECTION 6: THENCE iN A.SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 543,84 FEET ALONG A LINE FORMING AN ANGLE TO THE LEFT OF 78° 58' 06" WITH THE PRECEDING LINE EXTFNIDED: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY A DISTANCE OF-499,34 FEET ALONG A LiNE FORMING AN ANGLE TO THE LEFT OF 260 0' 23" WITH THE PRECEDING LiNE EXTENDED, THENCE EAST A DISTANCE OF 351.08 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE EAST LiNE OF SAID SECTION 6, 254.11 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 iN .THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAiD SECTION 6;.THENCE CONTINUING EAST ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 1330.65 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT .ON THE EAST LiNE OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 2 iN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION .5 253.66 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF SAiD LOT ,2: THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST HALF OF SAiD LOT *2 TO THE' NORTH LINE4OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 2 iN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 5 AFORESAiD.AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE .EAST 5 ACRES OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 2 iN THE NORTHEAST 00ARTFR OF SECTION 6 TO THE WEST LiNE OF SAID EAST 5 ACRES OF THE NORTH HALF IF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 2 IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6; THENCE NORTH /LONG SAID WEST LiNE OF THE EAST 5 ACRES TO THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 6: .THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 6, 127.56 FEET MORE OR-LESS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, (EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PREMISES THAT PART.LYiNG WEST OF THE EAST L:NE EXTENDED SOUTH OF THE WEST 1F2 FEET OF THE EAST 5 ACRES OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 2 IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6 AFORESAID), IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. AL50 THAT PAkf OF LOT 2 IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 60 TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AS SAID LOT IS REPRESENTED ON MAP OF GOVERNMENT SURVEY TOGETHER WITH THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 2 IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THiRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED ON GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BECINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LiNE OF :SAID SECTION 6, 268.65 FEET EAST OF THE NOPTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF SAID LOT 2 iN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTfOkl 6: THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE OF 820.54 FEET ALONG A LiNE FORMING AN ANGLE OF 1090 52' 05" FROM EAST TO SOUTH WITH SAID NORTH LiNE OF SECTION 6: THENCE iN A SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 543.94 FEET ALONG A LIPF FORMING AN ANGLE TO THE LEFT OF-780 58' 06" WiTH THE PPE.CEDiNG LINE EXTENDED; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY A DISTANCE OF 499.34 FEET ALONG A LiNE FORMiNG' AN ANGLE. TO THE LEFT OF 260 0' 23" WiTH THE PRECEDING LiNE EXTENDFD: THENCE EAST A DISTANCE OF 351.08 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT ON THE EAST LiNE OF SAID SECTION 6, 254.11 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAiD LOT 2 iN THE NORTHEAST QUARTEP OF SAiD SECTION 6; THENCE CONTINUING EAST ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 1330.65.FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POiNT ON THE EAST LiNE OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 2 iN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 5, 253.66 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF SAiD LOT 2; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LiNE OF THE WEST HALF OF SAiD LOT 2 TO THE NORTH LiNE OF THE.SOUTH HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 2 iN THE NORTHWEST QUARTFP,OF cFrTinN 5 AFORESAID AND ALONG THE SOUTH LiNE OF THE,EAST 5 ACRES OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 2 IN THE NORTHEAST' QUARTER OF.SAID SECTION 6 TO A POINT 162 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAiD EAST 5 ACRES THENCE. NORTH -ALONG A STRAIGHT LiNE; TO A 'POINT ON THE NORTH LiNE OF SECTION 6 WHICH 14; 162 FEET EAST OF THE, WEST LINE OF SAID EAST 5 ACRES; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LAID SECTION 6, 889.56 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING (EXCEPTING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PREMISES THAT PART LYING EAST OF THE EAST LINE, EXTENDED SOUTM, OF THE WEST 162 FEET OF THE EAST 5 ACRES OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF LOT 2 iN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SEETi()N 6 AFMRESAif)) ,. ALSO EXCEPTING. THEREFROM THE PART OF THE S. 17 FT of the N. 50 FT OF THE E. '162 FT THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF COOK BY W.D. RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. 24363175.IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Associated J20-P ,M e x 12 �1a OVER SIZE DOCUMENT (PULLED FROM THIS LOCATION) 4 L AAKE A cVUK KU u _Mot b n- (TO BE DEDICATED) *,..OWW ..... N 1556 -QQ _QD V 2 SPA ---7- 1 _�ES dD 8.5 178 It w 12,22 VILD L W I 4=5 c%j 1 A." QD x. gn csi N 1433.00 u EL. 683' LDING _ry OFFICE BUS b PHASE THREE ui 9 k-Y 0) N 1365,67 W 13-4 3-00 E 2226.8 -NI,338-37 cli, • OD rV) N --- INSW W, P 0 N D cVJ aD 7 L tn IW +-4 711 . ......... w co _j > Ln N 1183.00 T 2,TY _z_ U S co 4D 8j� 76.5 2g_ 24 TYP cD 8.5' 255.0' tat, 0 - r 30 SPACES Q') N N 1148.00 lyp Typ _j UJ CL 5' 4 24! U) / SPACES� cD 204.0 0 t L 6 N I 7 ANCE PLAZA, GAEUMM A" E14TR own, FM _j 11 W > ert ul W a" �� SEE L4Nf 'NG DOCS, cx` A X E R Ail 31 6 Q_ o cli 1 13 13 8.5, 110.5 CO.. : i 9 (n 12 cD 8.5* 102d Ld Ar LLJ' 24 T L) < N CL 4 () a) N 995.00 UJI UJI E 1133.90 -Z cli T -4i - N 983.00 - -- ------ N 983.00 I • - ,` ���� lk '.e a� Rrky, ,ww� a 1 ➢y w� 1 i , ,• a _ �_� ^• LAKE COOK ROAD .......... T'r4 ,r N __ .. N 1600 ;;,�_s BART OF LOT IN THE NORTHEAST QUAR t E ; j i )) 2 R ( .., 4 i 4 i x ei { L, i, 3 v. J i `t L I v 4,' '�� �' a 1+ E '' t�,1v` 1, EAST OF THE THIRD PR I NC I PAL MER I _:% �i F AS SAID LOT I S REPRESENTED QN II II e I s`. OF C VER "'m" E"!T SURVEY TOGETHER WITH THAT TART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF a l.,tE WEST HALF OF LOT 2 IN THE NO THWEST QUA.. T �' OF SECT I ON 5, TOWNSl II P z 2, - PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PI:fT ZN0)RTH, RANGE 12, `EAST OF THE THIRD PR >� , ,. �.- f C% _ (1 ! ('`. ,.... �" ,. ..._ ,,.r.._._. ., �. ' nnexs See -+00 . ,.:. - � Y DES..�,I�?._D A�; r .:L��,.:, -,. BEG A� T!-{r�62Et5F RECORDED C}N C�1VERhtMENT $Ll VE � , _ FEET ' :� � ° ; ..�- ..........,._. � � i� mcm �mr .sw�a' �^ .� snrs � r� me maa soma �+a -- r�x �aac f� s�.xa mr ase �# at' S�.. �� >� z r t T �T OF THE ilC?RiI ?�E5T 1 A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 6, 263.65 ° EE L S THE NORTHEAST �- I , ,�` '`%� REMOVE EXISTING CURB �'"'� - DART _R OF SECTIC7N 6. I I R Nm 1 M EXISTING PAVEMENT ROAD CORNER OF THE EAST HALF' OF SA.I,D LOT 2 IN THE � a MATCH E tST NG ` THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE iS TARCE OF 820.54 FEET ALONG A _ ._ LIM E FO R MING AN A N , LE THE E UNDERSIGNED ERSIGNE D AS TRUSTEE k UN - R T_— RU S T AGREEMENT N o. OF 1090 52' 05" FROM EAST TO SOUTH WITH SAIL NORTH LINE OF S- C t IOC 6, THE 'CE T�{ A SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE CF 5 �� 9- TF rT a _( , !�G A L I NE =ORMING l f a.D BEARING DATE AND VppJLR DEED IN' TsaST P pp EA.. C..� .- fi,- ,k..._r.. THE UNDERSIGNED N � P MORTGAGEE T � 7V _ i J L � g 3 , i <. � Y gJ I [ � � d 4 C � '.T �s .,. -.-�- � i R TL . ( DATE AN RECORDED l i "HE S " C I y D EdS OFFICE t d . - , NrL- TO THE LEFT O F 5 8 k I6 sr WITH THE .� _ Cr5 I �.3 _Z,s,i' � CxTEN r ED , { ; a � V � `*\ ✓ � - T rEN CE ' , , r _ � f J I CUR VE 6 AS DOCUMENT N0 . DOSS AND RECORD" .. I N THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF Pv SOUTHEASTERLY A DISTANCE O F 93.� � FEET �, _: f . A LIN - ,- . P I hG A. t a N G L E T) COUNTY, ILLINOIS D ATE.D CERTIFY THAT I T ,S A3 SUCH TR l . _ _E r THE OWNER 0 THE P ? OPE R Y DESCRIBED I NO I ON ` O - nH .- _ LEFT OF 2 a Ct 23" T T Tf THE PRECEDING _ I P f . F �Tw n D THENCE EAST L DISTANCE ArCE r G�Ui IL L A . D, SEE NOTE 6 r�'LCN �N� THAT IT HAS CASED SAID P, , E�TY TO BE DEDICATCD FOR PUBLIC OF :51.0 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT O N _ �i_ EAST LIaT_ OF SAID SECTION AS �O UPYT �� � � , E ,_ 3Y CONSENTS TO AND APPROVES THE D DICA: IOl } - SOUTHEAST - rl S TRI ET AS SHOWN HEREON. AND FLAT HEREON DRAWN: 254.11 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER C:' 'SAID LOT 1 IN THE NIORTHEAST �#ARTE., _ - EN T N ING EAST r► 'l.!G °THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE =A CURVE 4 Oil SAID SECTION 5, TN�._SiCE CON I 1 t • i M, C^5,0Taa'? ,� °TAB. ,wjJ1 ..y r „' ' N. "' ! CURVE 7 DI'JTANCE OF 1330.65 FEET.MORE OR LESS TO A PC INT (Dil T.iE EAST LINE OF THE NEST ;, ; ^ 7,,a; _ T F 1 E NORTHWEST QUARTER '- F _,,-,i.) SECTI 253.66 I-EE NORl`H O u A. � I IA F �?F LOT ? Iltil THE OR Q a , u , I _ „- :° , _ __j ,_ �_ � _, < MORTGAGEE i � SOLID 4" PAINTED ;� SOUTHEAST F ST HALF 0; !: LOT 2 : , HENCE_ NON t 1 < ALONG TI-9,t e \ T; .I� JUJT!•EAST CORNER O THE WEST —._ _ - - - AS TRUSTEE A5 A :'t I':F ,�',ND NO ' PERSONALLY F I- T TRIPE F.A`.�T LINE- (-,l- �'!-lE WEST N;At:F OF SAID LOT ? TO THE t:C?l��r, I_I?�.E� �3F irtE S(�IJTi-i Hi>�I a WHITE S r ao ,' c ;R n "P T{ NE OF €-4F c ' r T}� / � � I � CU 5 F THE k-,' EST r-ALF Or- SAID LOT Z THENCE ,.: aLONG I i LI T. ._ 1 0 _ S a / ♦ I-; ,a E- {`�r THE VJtST HALF OF LOT 2 IN THE [[`` Q CURVE EAST .-. a C f� . [ ._ .., i_' t- ( THE EAST C B i ' ,�.cp� .�- ....,,,a - --.._W ...._. FI s AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE O{ THE EAST 5 :�,t_�: J r THI I:V": � f' THE EA >, ._ C RV N 1444 {' a ,'; - �DEh;T- 4 SOLID ,YELLOW F, , !._ OF LOT 2 I d THE E N 0 R T! i E A T QUARTER A R T E R C F r SECT ? F} T O A POINT 1 Its 2 FEET _ .�..___.._ _ Y ��� ___. __ . __.__.____.__ _ _____ 1 _ N r T• 0 TlfE�i� ST LIi'3E Or SAID EAST 5 ? CP' 'HENCE :.r: ALtC A STT',itidT �'' .��TDE1T I _ _ STRIPES LIf'ETO A POINT ON THc NORTH LIME OF SrIl:: S CTTUN� il�.:f' IS 162 FEET EAST, OF ' t • "T T:n t . r -ilfl. , '; EST LINIE OF SAID EAST 5 ACRES; THENCE ° ,, C ST ALOx . f.� _ } OriH LIRE OF SA10 h J Y T T TliE PLACE OF - T SIG 'T! (I. R ERa TH TTT S T . I, { 8 01, 7 889.56 FEE C? r_ t. I I NCr ( i i - a f d T THE r- H_ �F TH r , ,EFET O Ti EAST T 6 #2 FEET THEPE {.1 RE � Y PART OF Tt#E SOUTH 17 FEET O� THE OR ' I CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF COOK Y WARRA "41-Y EE:D Ri CC` AS i OCuP;ENT NO. 24363115) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, 1 � I + STATE OF ILLINOIS) t STA,T'E,�OF ILLINOIS) S `•', € E OF ILLINOIS) 'COUNTY OF )SS COUNTY OF COOK )SS I COUNTIES OF LAKE & COOK)SS „ . A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR HE SAID ` � !� 1" f'k r' `,' PUBLIC , IN AND FOR THE SAID COUNT I , � �" f �" t� ,,._, t , �w O q � € I .,c .' ' - l�t� Y T Y THAT ' � •�.r._f4" 1 IN THE STATE AFORESAID, DO HERE -,° r, I t Y THAT � � �� tr a #. ,�. �.. { fltJ, <TY I �1 { !- 1 i E, t E AFC ,� CAI D C7 � r„ E CER I �� � THE .._ �_ ,, r , {W . t - ,.w x . ., ..S„ ,.. ,. r.` .. AND- 14E.- �._ cs a.•n t~ VILLAGE t° .�, '_:,t .�L.D C....,, ,•f:v COt.l. COLNTIE F .,�:�r_... ,,,; .,f�D ,. �a�;� _ a4.. � s ,.# PRESIDENT OF „«��- a 1 s �� s:, a.,,'� � i� A F J r� ., �.. �. �' T r: D C3 Y T I� E V T L L t C , � R E S I ,_; t_ I� T C} 4 ,, �- t °;FETING !?ELD THIS DAB r r .D.1 PERSONALLY KNOWN t O ME TO BE T Y F D { t. t�� C,. I S >i . € , � .,� ���. S E G R E T A R Y C.� F _ _._ -__ __ _ .._ _._.__ _ - DASH LINE � ,AID , � �_ AR O SA.I WHO ARE PERSCNALL KNOWN .. _ o-, +. � _ � - ---- --~-� I 4 YELLOW SKIP D S Y r x s F c. ,� r r.. G G S RUM__NT ? lit A ,� 5 "_. ? .t._, O THI FORE?IIG IIISTUMISNT ASt 1tE PERSONS �#IICISIn ��E� r� SUBCRIBI I� TO THE FCrRE i�IN IN T t HE Sri, ,E PEPSO�,.. %HOSE NA _S TO E� THE 5 ��'te �ry�*#�` ON � OF ROAD y { d is . f %,.: i '" <.,- , ,: _ . ,^ U . F \ ? R 1_. t 1 S tCH PRESIDENT AND C_ "KETA Y RESPECTIVELY APPEARED BEFORE �,f._JCH 1�'� P`RESIDENT AN ��u�.� S�C"RT_i�,RYt RESPECTIVELY APPEARED E _ ,. , _ , , k • r. , ..__,, T" AT - �, : (9.Q STRIPE 8 15.0 SPACE} - _ DG _ _ry ,.h, ,, e..:; t -I: .,• ,._ . � G AND DELIVERED THE. SL THIS DAY I !�! PCrt.S(, i! AND ��L.IF.r,C,,, Lt. _. L7._„ � , _� � � . ,EY SIGNED AND DELIVERED THE �, CIE Tr f 15 OAY I N PERSON AND ACKNOWLEDGED e_D THAT THEY SIGNED NEb A ( f .... � _ ;�, FREE AND V ^i_U�lTARY � BY: Si",, I €� INSTRUMENT AS THEIR OWN i �',�{- �+N{.' � �_ v +�'. , . :,Y ACT AI�Jt� AS TI�fF FREE A,11� VC?Lt� 5�4I E? INST'RC,III4i1�'NT AS THEIR R {�1�f1~�! FREE �,�� �1L�LtJNTAI2Y ACT AND A5 THE PRESID f .._. q r •. ,.: i ` I 1 (') r� C a SET i n: "1 t SAID F^ • R €i ;. C ? S E T l c +RY ACT 0r SAID FCI T USES �„ f POSES THEREIN Su.T AND � .________.__— riGT Vf ,�•� �.._ AA MORTGAGEE, r Gr` THE U_,I.J AN PURPOSES TliEF'.:_ I i1 SET r. „ryF,_�,•�n n " '_, _.. r. . 7 V' , �� 1n �`, C-' ,, f a ; • _ . ,._ ; - ., , a. , + _ _ I - n • J _ n. a 'r : C _ _ _._- " "-�-� a''+ :` E. •.r DID ALSO T ,...t - ( AND : D H _ , . i O t., F D G `- T !�,', h -- -� -^ - -- -- - — � ._._... -- � N `f 2 VO .. Si"kID SECRETAR GI€_' ALS+. tf-4 1'a AN0 TI ERE_ ACK ClIkL;..LCtE_ TI =t € t:L t,,'J F _ SAID_ ._�� " -'�.� _ >�fOfZfTAkk SID :LSO 1iiF(ti �?t THERE AC L Cuc �T - — - r_ , f; ,;, , p_ - '!E: _ S - r.. T ()DIAN OF HE` 4E_, r C:, ,x 1 E_ SEAL t_,, AID DID Ar f IX T SAID ESE: COO SHE) #�`.�" C.US TODIAN OF °HC CCR?ORF TE SEAL OF Sl:ID � �,�,. i iD A x I � � a r .. f e x� € I „ °i'" -I=ST` � ,: f..t.�{��'�aRATr SEAL 0t- SAI�a '� i ;� ;,_. f�- ,.�t,�:�t ; -a,, rf�7 ��,�. ,-i�_ „,� LJt,,. Sig; �.,.�R�CIRAT� SEA1,. OF �AIi��:. t iu .�,�ID �S�S,<.U�IEk1T AS !- IS ��.. HIE N'. — -,— I _ , A+ Y•, kt ;r; i ` Tl4F_ .E_;_ AND V(7LUNTARY ACT OF SAID 1 AS VILLAGE CLERK FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND AS TIE ,,,YES �.UNTARY ACT Or SAID � F`REi_ AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND AS 1 FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN SIT FOR T"C -! . OR TGAGEEJ. AS AFORESAID, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THERE SET FORTH. ( � �, . t , -- �, , 'SEAL ., � : ?: ate,, e ._ , , . •� n c /Y � �'�` -- I n t_ 7I.. THIS S DAY OF y � 5 DER MY HAND AND NO { "R I AL SEAL THIS SAY Of G I VEl� UNDER Y HAND AND Nt� L ' m '1 C D I 9 f ST,A.TF OF ILLINOIS) f f ' r O !NTT` S OF LAKE COOOSS ` ' + r ' ..z I i ,_ I, € -l. F _:,k E' D IiOIS A A vO €,�aRY T'UBLI tArY PiISLIC•: c,,Pt ROBED 8Y T!-#� I�LA> GC�[Il��ISSIi�N F NF VILLAGE O DE1 I I._ LL , MEETING D HIS r�-DAY OF A.D,19 € L T �! M 4 i.i.. , , t w CHAIRMAN �� � � I t I € I ( I I„ i { , I ; °� N 1000,00 rl — ATTEST: I 4” PAINTED WHITE STRIPE - _._ CRETARY' ON + OF ROAD (TYP) 5 E4305<i l 6 in ; N1000 N 983.00 .__ ®_.. + _--t-, --,-- _ - - -- -,-T -- - - _� _ -- _ - -- ___ , ____ _ _. ._ _.__ N 9 83 . QQ c\j F-' 00 c— � �'- TA, I + 55 C`d _ - - E 43 98 tt - - R= 10'T)i -- =151 R_I =IQ` r+� R =10` 1 [ { € , R 15` v _ - 3 = f 8 R _... € # I t ti) if3 i ` YP I iQ s 1 ! ` i E ( ! f co i .... 4 t I - -.� ' 1 t , t ; , { I 3 ( I,. , V iV V f, { , 16(5 — j _ OD 999, 1 � { ��- ; , € ____.4 I _ C`~ P9 SPACES a)- 8 246 5` #1 I, i i 1 -- - - -' _ 6 ' X00' — _ 60 �0 € � = 4 PAINTED WHITE 5� �� r -- s,s ,5 19 SPA C CaS a + 8.,1= I f, l T H SPAC LS cv ! a 8 4 2C w 30 w w w Ie STRIPE. (TYP) p 1 8 24' f j f t 7 L i i t t � 4 1 1 i -I-- f CL I , R - 13 (TYP) o j _ - - -- r r � __ __ _ _ ' W I to I cn to W I - I 844 L COURTS Le - - 1- -- - -. -_ - - - - - - -- - - LANDBANKED PARKING 419 SPACES 19 SPACES CD 8.5 = 161.5 (TYP) Z 1 _ Tl ' 1 r