O-83-37ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -37 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION FROM THE,GENERAL FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, on June 7, 1982, the Village of Deerfield adopted Ordinance No. 0- 82 -32, approving a Tax Increment Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project within certain sections of the Village of Deerfield (the "Redevelopment Area "); and WHEREAS, on June 7, 1982, the Village of Deerfield adopted Ordinance No. 0 -82 -33 adopting. Tax Increment Allocation Financing in the Village of Deerfield and established a fund known as the 111982 Special Tax Allocation Fund "; and WHEREAS, a primary purpose of the Tax Increment Redevelopment Plan is to encourage private investment within the Redevelopment Area to provide financial assistance to redevelopment proposals which are deemed consistent with the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan and which are also in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan for the development of the Village as a whole; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has conducted a public hearing and forwarded its recommendation to the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Deerfield with respect to a proposed industrial planned development for the area legally described on Exhibit A hereto and made a part hereof and commonly referred to as the SCM- Kleinschmidt Property (the "Subject Property "): and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered the recommendation of the Plan Commission with respect to the proposed industrial planned development of the Subject Property and have voted preliminary approval thereof; and WHEREAS, the developers of the aforementioned industrial planned development for the Subject Property have requested the Village of Deerfield to assist in the financing of certain aspects of the industrial planned development in an amount not to exceed $150,000; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Deerfield have deemed that the development of the Subject Property in the manner proposed in the aforementioned industrial planned development is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Tax Increment Development Plan as set forth in Ordinance No. 0- 82 -32. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the sum of $150,000 (the "Funds ") is hereby ONE: appropriated from the General Fund of the Village of Deerfield and transferred to the 1982 Special Tax Allocation Fund to be thereafter applied to assist in the development of the Subject Property in a manner consistent with the preliminary plan of the industrial planned development. SECTION That the Funds are to be used towards (a) planning TWO: of roadway and site improvements and (b) installation of storm, sewer and water service and required paving and curb work, all to be performed in a manner conforming to the applicable codes of the ordinances of the - Village of Deerfield. SECTION That disbursements of the Funds from time to time THREE: are to be made only upon receipt of a written request from the developer identifying the specific purpose for the application of the Funds. The written request shall be reviewed by the Village Engineer of the Village of Deerfield who shall thereafter indicate whether such application is consistent with the terms and conditions contained herein and if so shall notify the Finance Director of the Village of Deerfield who is hereby empowered to disburse the Funds. SECTION That the Funds advanced pursuant hereunder shall FOUR: be repaid to the Village, of Deerfield " " - i withan_terest at the-rate. of 9; %_ per. . i annum in accordance with the- foliowingy ^repayment and amortization schedule: Principal Interest Total December 1, 1984 $50,000.00 $13,500.00 $63,500.00 December 1, 1985 50,000.00 91000.00 59,000.00 December 1, 1986 50,000.00 4,500.00 54,500.00 The repayment to the General be made from funds available Tax Allocation Fund. At the prepayments of principal and to time as funds are availab Fund. Fund of the .Village of Deerfield shall from time to time in the 1982 Special discretion of the Corporate Authorities accrued interest may be made from time le in the 1982 Special Tax Allocation SECTION The Village of Deerfield may rescind this FIVE: ordinance at any time without prior notice to the developer and any unexpended Funds shall be re- stored to the General Fund. -2- SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and SIX: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law. SECTION That any Ordinance or parts thereof in conflict SEVEN: herewith shall be hereby repealed. AYES: JACKSON, MAROVITZ, MARTY, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK • (6) NAYS : NONE (0) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this . 3rd day of October A.D.. 1983. APPROVED this 3rd day of October A.D. , 1983. ATTEST: RLw' VILLAG LERK VILLAGE PRESIDENT -3-