O-83-39ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -39 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE BOCA BASIC BUILDING CODE /1981, BOCA BASIC MECHANICAL CODE /1981, BOCA BASIC PLUMBING CODE /1981, BOCA BASIC ONE - AND TWO- FAMILY DWELLING CODE /1979, BOCA BASIC FIRE PROTECTION CODE /1981 AND THE BOCA BASIC HOUSING AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE /1981 /f Published in pamphlet form this 17th day of October , 1983, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -39 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE BOCA BASIC BUILDING CODE /1981., BOCA BASIC MECHANICAL CODE /1981, BOCA BASIC PLUMBING CODE /1981, BOCA BASIC ONE - AND TWO - FAMILY DWELLING CODE /1979, BOCA BASIC FIRE PROTECTION CODE /1981 AND THE BOCA BASIC HOUSING AND PROPERTY.MAINTENANCE CODE /1981 WHEREAS, the Board of Building Appeals has recommended that because of the discontinuance of the updating and publication of the National Building Code, that the BOCA Basic Building Code /1981, BOCA Basic Mechanical Code /1981, BOCA Basic Plumbing Code /1981, BOCA Basic One- and Two - Family Dwelling Code /1979, BOCA Basic Fire Protection Code /1981 and the BOCA Basic Housing and Property Maintenance Code /1981 be adopted to govern construction and related matters in the Village; and WHEREAS, three (3) copies of each of said Codes have been filed in the Office of the Village Clerk of this Village and have remained on file with the Village Clerk and available for public use, inspection, and examination fora continuous period of thirty (30) days prior to the date hereof; and WHEREAS, a notice regarding the filing of said copies of the Codes'in the Office of the Village Clerk has been.duly published in the News - Advertiser to advise the public that said Codes were available for public use, inspection and examination in the Office of the Village Clerk during a period of thirty (30) days following the date of publication of such notice; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of this Village that the said Codes as modified in the manner hereinafter described be- adopted and the Municipal Code of the Village be amended in ` certain respects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the BOCA Basic Building Code /1981, BOCA Basic ONE: Mechanical Code /1981, BOCA Basic Plumbing Code /1981, BOCA Basic One- and Two - Family Dwelling Code /1979, BOCA Basic Fire Protection Code /1981 and the BOCA Basic Property Housing and Property Maintenance Code /1981 with the following modifications are hereby adopted by reference and that the modifications set forth below to the Municipal Code of the Village be hereby adopted. Modifications: BOCA Basic Building Code /1981 /Sections 109.0 -109.9 1. Delete Article I "Administration and Enforcement" and the material on page VII "Adoption Information" in their entireties. 2. Amend Section 6 -2('a) and 6 -3 by deleting references to prior Codes and insert references to the adoption of each of the BOCA Codes adopted hereby. 3. Delete Sections 6 -9 "Garages; construction requirements ", 6 -10 "Prefabricated chimneys; compliance; construction" and 6 -13 "Height of buildings" of the Municipal Code in their entirety. 4. Add the words "or excavation" after,the word "building" in each of Sections 6- 23(a), 6- 23(a)l, 6- 23(a)2, 6- 23(a)3, 6- 23(a)4 and 6 -23(b) of the Municipal Code. BOCA Basic Plumbing Code /1981 1. Delete Article 1 "Administration and Enforcement" and- Items 1 -7, page VI- "Adoption Information" in their entireties. 2. Amend Sections 16 -1 and 16 -16 of the Municipal Code by deleting reference to the State Plumbing code and by substituting references to BOCA Basic Plumbing Code /1981. 3. Add the words "or within 200 feet of property" after the words "right -of -way" in the second line of Section 16 -7 of the Municipal Code. BOCA Basic Mechanical Code /1981 1. Delete material on page V. "Adoption Information" in its entirety. BOCA Basic Fire Prevention Code /1981. 1. Amend Section 10 -1 "Adoption of Fire Prevention Code; exceptions" of the-Municipal Code by deleting subsections (b) and (c) thereof in their entireties and by deleting references to the Fire Prevention Code of the American Insurance Association and by substituting in lieu thereof references to the BOCA Basic Fire Prevention Code /1981 . BOCA Basic Housing and Property Maintenance Code /1981 1. Amend Section 13 -1 of the Municipal Code by deleting reference to 111978 Edition" and substituting "1981 Edition" in lieu thereof. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to TWO: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in THREE: conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: Jackson, Marovitz, Marty, Seidman, York (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Swanson (1) PASSED this 17th day of October A.D. , 1983. APPROVED this 17th day of October A.D. , 1983. ATTEST: ILLAGE PRESIDENT 04# T .4gW rA