O-83-09ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -09 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR MAY 1, 1983 TO APRIL 30, 1984 Published in pamphlet form this 18th day of April , 1983, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -09 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR MAY 1, 1983 TO APRIL 30, 1984 WHEREAS, the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1983 and ending April 30,1984, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the.office of the Village Manager on April 1, 1983, for public inspection, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said Tentative Annual Budget on April 18, 1982, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said Tentative Annual Budget was reviewed by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said Tentative Annual Budget is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is before the President and Board of Trustees for consideration and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield ONE: beginning May 1, 1983 and ending April 30, 1984, as revised, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for said fiscal year. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and TWO: after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: Heisler, Marty, Swanson, York (4) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: Seidman (1) PASSED this 18th day of April A.D., 1983. APPROVED this 18th day of April A.D., 1983. ILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK` 4 A, VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1983 - 1984 BUDGET i TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE BUDGET MESSAGE - MAYOR BERNARD FORREST- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BUDGET SUMMARIES -- REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 BUDGET DOLLAR - -WHERE IT COMES FROM (Chart 1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 BUDGET DOLLAR - -WHERE IT GOES (Chart 2) - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - 3 TAX DOLLAR APPORTIONMENT (Chart 3) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 BUDGET SUMMARY -- Administration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - 5 BUDGET SUMMARY -- Police Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 BUDGET SUMMARY -- Public Works Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• 7 SECTION GENERAL FUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - 1 POLICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 YOUTHBOUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 PUBLIC WORKS - Street Division - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 PUBLICWORKS - SewerDivision - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 PUBLICWORKS - WaterDivision - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 6 SCAVENGER SERVICE - - - - - - --- - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 GARAGE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 MOTOR FUEL TAX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 PENSIONS - Police - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 PENSIONS- I.M.R.F- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 CAPITAL PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 DEBT SERVICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 PUBLIC BENEFIT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =- 14 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 PARKING LOTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 LIBRARY -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Administration- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appendix A EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Police Department - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appendix B EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works -- Street Division - - - - - - - - - Appendix C -1 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works- -Sewer Division- - - - - - - - - - Appendix C -2 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - -Water Division- - - - - - - - - - Appendix C -3 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works -- Garage Division - - - - - - - - - Appendix C -4 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE- - - - - - - - - - ., - - - - - - - - - Appendix D BOND RETIREMENT SCHEDULE° - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appendix E VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ELECTED OFFICIALS Bernard Forrest, Mayor Jerold L. Heisler, Trustee Vernon E. Swanson, Trustee Cynthia J. Marty, Trustee J. Robert York, Trustee Edwin B. Seidman, Trustee VILLAGE MANAGER Robert D. Franz VILLAGE CLERK Naomi S. Clampitt DEPARTMENT HEADS George J. Valentine, Treasurer and Finance Director Richard C. Brandt, Chief of Police Marjorie L. Emery, Assistant Village Manager Edmund B. Klasinski, Director of Public Works Charles J. Smalley, Director of Building and Zoning James E. Soyka., Village Engineer vILLAGE ORGANIZATIONAL CWART. PUBLIC BOARDS/ COMMISSION VILLAGE MAYOR, BOARD n CLERK � �� TRUSTEES'.. -� ---- -. q VILLAG E VILLAGE ATTOIRWF-Y MANAGER] -1 1 CE I POLICE FIN N AE PUBLIC V�O ul �, I NG ENGINEERING � I P'A'TROL IN. VF.STI- GA'riONS t YO U H COh4R/ UMI- CATIONS RECORDS CRIME P R E V E- NITION BUDGETING -IPERSOWNEI. PURCHASING AUDITING UTILITY BILLING DATA PROCESSING WATER PLAN. :] WO R KS D E S I G Pd SEvE VALE 1OLLECTION6 ZC3NP�PG" 51� 5DIVISIONS TREAT F-N �, � STREETS CODE EId�ORGE�A ti�T i�u$1_E tC ' 0A PaOVi+nEc� VF -Hiui BUILDING ia1Ct�� tA1� _ MAINTC• PLAN EVIEw P PLAW RFViEl � Ai� —D3 ST. ®R Pit PIAI IVl !TS ! 11�I C� PRAINAGE 1 - +. FORESTRY ' BUDGET MESSAGE. tThe annual budget .review process provides the Village Board with the oppor -. tunity to evaluate both the quantity and the quality of services offered to ' Deerfield residents and businesses. There are very few private firms that are engaged in enterprises which vary as widely in nature and .scope as those._ of municipal government. The demand.for increased services continues while, at the same time, there are growing constraints on the revenue sources needed to provide them. As your elected representatives, we must closely scrutinize all expenditure proposals.to assure that the services requested and approved tare provided within acceptable levels of cost. The combined total budget for 1983 -84 is $8,006,233. Revenues projected for ' the next year must keep pace with increasing expenditures, resulting in an increase in real estate taxes of approximately 5.2 %. Deerfield, which is a home rule municipality, currently receives 8.8% of the total property tax bill. ' With the exception of the Library tax rate (which, -5y law, must levy through the Village), all rates of the Village are below the rate limits established by the State of Illinois - even for-non -home rule communities: Sales- tax-re- ceipts are estimated to be $1,420,000. This sizeable and very important re- venue source reflects our continued efforts over the years to broaden the tax base while still maintaining the residential character of the community. ' Again this year, -there will be no increase in the number of full-time personnel. ' However, in order to remain competitive in the municipal market, there will be a 5.5% increase in base wages for -all employees. During -the flooding disasters of 1982, we observed (under the worst of circumstances) just how dedicated and t hard- working are our employees. They are the Village's greatest resource and -. must be compensated fairly -for their efforts. This year, the 50/50 sidewalk and curb program will be expanded to encourage more participation by.residents. This is a unique opportunity both toy. share and to reduce costs of improvements that benefit both the Village -and the in- ' dividual property owner. The Village will continue the Senior Subsidy Program with a $15,000 allocation for that purpose. Even though senior housing is now a reality in Deerfield, there are a number of elderly who still. need.financial. ' assistance. This program provides a means of retaining as residents those who have made significant contributions to Deerfield in the past.and now need our help to remain residents of the community. ' Due to a reduction in funding from West Deerfield Township, the Village must allocate an additional $15,O00 to retain the -Youth Social Worker employed in . the Police Department. We are very proud in Deerfield of our Youth Services and ' will continue to give a high priority to youth-related programs. It should be noted, however, that considerable help is provided by volunteers such as the ' Drug Awareness Group that has not only helped Deerfield in youth related activi- ties but has also given our programs national attention. t As provided by contract with the City of Highland Park, the Village will receive. an automatic increase in water rates this year, which must be passed along to the residents. The average quarterly water bill - should. increase by approximately :.12% as a result of this rate change - the first. rate increase: in three years. Also budgeted in the Water Fund is a study to determine possible sources of water supply. Scavenger rates must also be increased ,next fiscal year. The contract with Theta Systems, Inc., calls rate increase based on a percentage of the Consumer Price Index. alternative during the ' for an annual We co►t,nue-to experience severe funding problems in our Motor-Fuel Tax budget. The 1983 -84 budget projects monthly State allotments of approximately $19,000.. Unfortunately, we are moving toward significant future deficits in this fund. Smaller cars and other fuel conservation measures, along with the decrease in our population, have resulted in declining MFT revenues in recent years. It is possible, however, that the State will increase the gasoline tax within the near future, thereby increasing municipalities' monthly allotments. In addition to the regular ma- intenance program, two major street projects are being funded in this budget. By leveraging local MFT funds, the Village will receive 70% Federal funding for: 1) the reconstruction of Wilmot Road between Deerfield and Lake -Cook Roads and., 2) the resurfacing of Deerfield Road between Park Avenue and Wilmot Road. More than any other item in the budget, capital .improvement projects require extensive-planning and discussion. This dialogue is needed in order to priori- tize our long -range plans and to determine how they might be financed.. Last year, in a separate budget message, I called attention to the need for the Vil- lage to finance a Street Improvement Program estimated to cost over $2 million. However, even before the funding issue could be resolved, the Village experienced the July, 1982, flood.that cost homeowners in excess of $6 million in private property damage. Again in December, serious flooding occurred in the Village, clearly showing the need-for extensive improvements to our local storm and sani- tary sewer systems. Since then, the Village has retained an engineering consult- ant to study the entire system and to provide pre- design engineering recommenda- tions for improvements. The.overbank flooding problems in the Village are.beyond the jurisdiction and resources of Deerfield. This is a multi- jurisdictional prob- lem involving the Federal Government, State of Illinois, Lake County, three Drain- age Districts, and several municipalities. Deerfield alone is spending considerable time and money in addressing our local flooding problems while, at the same time, vigorously pursuing implementation of the North Branch Floodwater Management Plan. Earlier this year, the Village. Board loaned $200,000 to the Union Drainage District to clean the West Fork ditch. The Board has made the resolution of the storm and - sanitary sewer problems its number one priority, and intends to determine in fiscal. year. 1983 -84 a means of financing the projects to meet this.objective. However, the flooding of 1982 in no way lessens the need for the Village to address its street problems. As in most communities the age and size of Deerfield, our public facilities (particularly streets, sidewalks and curbs) continue to deteriorate at an alarming rate. At the same time, the Village has deferred the "Access Avenue" improvement that has been studied and recommended by the Village Center Development Commission. This project is essential.in resolving some of the severe traffic prob- lems and parking deficiencies in the downtown area. It is hoped that a portion of this expenditure can be funded with Federal money under the Federal Aid Urban System Program. Nevertheless, this project has had sufficient study. It is critical that the improvement begin this fiscal year, using a combination of both public and pri- vate financing. i i I.n 1983, we must decide a means of financing the street, flood control and sewer ' inadequacy problems. We can ill afford to defer these improvements any longer if we intend to maintain the reputation of Deerfield as a desirable plac-a both to ' live and work. Because of our excellent bond rating and extremely low general obligation debt, the Village has several financing options available to it. We will also explore the possibility of making loans to residents for flood control ' improvements on private property. This has been suggested by the.Flot:d Advisory Committee and will be considered along with other projects recom„trd�d by that group and by our engineering consultant. ' A major bond issue could be sold and /or a utility tax imposed. The proposed improvements and the methods for financing them wil'. b :explored in various public meetings prior to our. deciding on a course of ction. Each year, the Village must allocate money for the principal and interest on ' outstanding debts. In relation to our annual. budget, and compared to other taxing bodies, the allocation for this purpose in the 1983 -84 budget, in the amount of $588,113, is a rather small.:percentage of our annual expenditures. ' Deerfield's total General Obligation debt is 1.2% of our assessed valuation. When considering that non -home rule communities are allowed a ratio of 8.6%, the Village - as a home rule community - can take pride in its very low debt ' service obligations. In summary, the budget is the work of many people, both elected and appointed ' to'serve you, the residents of Deerfield. I commend the Village.Trustees and.. Staff for their concerted efforts to budget within our financial resources.; We in Deerfield are indeed fortunate..to be in a sound financial position. Our ' objective will be to maintain that position while continuing.to provide the high quality services our residents have come to enjoy and expect. BERNARD FORREST Mayor April 18, 1983 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1353 - 1984 BUDGET SUMMARIES TOTAL VILLAGE FUNDS $8,222,066 DEERFIELD'PUBLIC LIBRARY 837,188 $8,006,233 837,188 TOTAL ALL FUNDS* $9,059,254 $8,843,421 *The total -figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. a PAGE 1 ESTIMATED PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION REVENUES EXPENDITURES General $2,680,500 $2,675,113 Scavenger 773,000 760,000 Street and Bridge 558,000 569,400 Sewer 751,000 760,100 Water 982,500 1,050,610 Debt. Service 618,113 591,113 Youthbound 18,930 18,030 TOTAL $6,382,043 $6,424,366 REVENUES AND FUNDS ESTIMATED CLASSIFICATION ON HAND IN TREASURY* EXPENDITURES Municipal Audit Fund $ 11,000 $ 11,000 IMRF 352,000 340,000 Emergency Services 5,000 5,000 Public Benefit 83,875 12,000 Special Tax 0 3,279 Parking Lots- Village Constructed .24,000 19,260 Parking Lots - Combined Funding 28,000 24,910 Motor Fuel Tax 528,663 560,000 Federal Revenue Sharing 243,885 .46,788 Police Pension Fund 442,000 442,000 Village Garage 119,600 115,630 Transportation Program 2,000 2,000 TOTAL $1,840,023 $1,581,867 TOTAL VILLAGE FUNDS $8,222,066 DEERFIELD'PUBLIC LIBRARY 837,188 $8,006,233 837,188 TOTAL ALL FUNDS* $9,059,254 $8,843,421 *The total -figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. a PAGE 1 Chart 1 Budget Dollar 1983 84 whe re ;t �17c mes om PAGE 2 lk Chart 2 Bud et- ollar where 9 it r -1988 .84 does :Water 13. 1 o General Scavenger Government 11.0% 1 General Obligation Debt. 7.4% Sewer 9.5 a Police 27.9 % ..• ......•,......•.••.....•. (Including Pensions) Street 7.1$: - o Misc. 6.9% Revenue Sharing 0.6% 1 . o Public Works 46.2b ' .PAGE 3 CHART AR 3 PROPERTY TAX DOLLAR APPORTIO ME-NT "'. 1981 TAX LEVY COLLECTED IN .1,982 (1).... THE VILLAGE IS IN SEVERAL TAXING DISTRICTS. THE ILLUSTRATED APPORTIONMENT 1S GENERALLY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE VILLAGE AS A. WHOLE. _ PAGE 4 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1983 - 1984 ACCOUNT 1983 -84 1982 -83 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5111 Salaries $550,200 $510,800 39,400 7.7' 5113 _$ 5114 5115 Benefits 36,000 32,000 4,000 12.5 5116 Apparel 300 300 0 0.0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 12,000 11,000 1,000 9.1 5213. Printing & Advertising 9,500 8,500 1,000 11.8 5214 Communications 16,000 15,.000 1,000 6.7 5215 Insurance 16,000 20,000 •..(41000) (20.0) 5216 Professional .88;000 82,500 5;500 6.7 5217 Contractual 26,500 63,500 . (.37,000) (58.3.) 5218 Utility Services 4,000 5,000 (1,000) (20.0) 5219 Petroleum Products 2,000 2,500 (500) (20.0) 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 33,000 18,000 15,000 83.3 5222 Equipment Rental 500 500 0 0.0 5224 Miscellaneous 24,000 24,000 0 0.0 5224 Housing Assistance 15,000 15,000 0 0.0 5231 MV Maintenance 4,000 3,500 500 14.3 5324 Supplies 21,500 20,000 1,500 7.5 5411 Equipment 12,000 7,000 5,000 71.4 5412 Motor Vehicles 5,000 5,000 0 0.0 5413 Land Acquisition 8,500 76,500 (68,000) (88.9) TOTAL (Except Salaries) $333,800 $409,800 $(76,000) (18.5) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $884,000 $920,600 $(36,600) (4.0) Per Capita Cost $ 49.11 $51.14 PAGE 5 e VILLAGE OF DEERFIE!D POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1983 - 1984 ACCOUNT 1983 -84 1982 -83 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE 5111 Salaries $1,370,717 $1,294,200 $76,517 5.9 5113 5114 5115 Benefits 84,354 74,600 9,754 13.1 5116 Apparel 15,900 16,500 (600) (3.,6) 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 23,460 30,500 (7,040) (23.1) 5213 Printing & Advertising 10,825 10,000 825 8.3 52.14 Communications 16;472 15,500 972 6.3 5215 Insurance 40,000 55,000 (15,000) (27.3) 5216 Professional 3,450 3,500 . (50) (1.4) 5217 Contractual 47,915 55,000 (7,085) (12.9) 5219 Petroleum Products 34,500 35,000 (500) (1.4) 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 6,850 4,500 2,350 52.2 5224 Miscellaneous 5,500 5,500 0 0.0 5231 MV Maintenance 23,500 25,000 (11500) (6.0) 5324 Supplies 20,350 17,500 2,850 16.3 5411 Equipment 27,120 24,500 2,620 10.7 5412 Motor Vehicles 60,200 26,500 33,700 127.2 TOTAL (Except Salaries) $ 420,396 $ 399,100 $21,296 5.3 TOTAL POLICE $1,791,113 $1,693,300 $97,813 5.8 Per Capita Cost $99.51 $94.07 PAGE .6 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER 5111 5113 5114 5115" 5116 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5221 5222 5223 5224 5231 5324 5325 5326 5327 532.8 5329 5331 5332 5411 5412 5415 5416 5516 5517 DESCRIPTION Salaries VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1983 - 1984 1983 -84 1982 -?33 INCREASE PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) $ 745,960 $ .708,530 $ 37,430 Benefits x52.200 Apparel 4,630 Travel, Training, etc. 2,700 Printing & Advertising 7,550 Communications 10,850 Insurance 53,000 Professional 5,950 Contractual 194,100 Utility Services 208,200 Petroleum Products 26,350 Repairs'& Maintenance 87.,700 Equipment Rental 11,500 Occupancy 24,000 Miscellaneous .10,700 MV Maintenance 46,950 Supplies 63,300 Salt ' 25,000 Chlorine 4,400 Aggregates 49,300 Materials 84,800 Street Signs 6,800 Small Tools & Equipment 3,200 Purchase of Water 600,000 Equipment 33,600 Motor Vehicles 36,000 Improvements - -Not Bldgs. 0 Depreciation 54,000 Bond Principal 30,000 Bond Interest 13,000 TOTAL-(Except Salaries) $1,749,780 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $2,495,740 Per Capita Cost .$138.65 4 PERCENT CNANG,E 5.3 45,880 6,320 13.8 4,630 0 0.0 2,700 0 0.0 7,450 100 1.3 8,750 2,100 24 _ 70,500 (17,500) (24.80) 5,950 0 0.0 96,600 97,500 ;010.9 167,880 40,320 24.0 25,750 600 2.3 91,800 (4,100) (4.5) 11,500 0 0.0 24,000 0 0.0 10,700 0 0.0 44,750 2,200, 4.9 63,300 0 0.0 25,000 0 0.0 51900 (1,500) 5.4) 51,3.00 (2-,000) (3.9) 92,500 (7,700) (8.3) 6,800 0 0.0 3,200 0 0.0 500,000 100,000- 20.0 56,850 (23,250) (40.9) 50,500 (14,500) '(28.7) 254,000 (254,000) (100.0) 54,000 0 0.0 30,000 0 0.0 139000 0 0.0 $1,825,190 $ (75,410) (4.1) $2,53:,720 $ (37,980) (1.5) $140.76 " PAGE 7 GENERAL COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED REVENUES OVER EXPENSES (DEFICIT) $ 235,032 $. (66,400) $ 284,028 USE OF RESERVES - 0 - 60,000* - 0 - ADDITION (DEFICIT) TO FUND BALANCE INCLUDING USE OF RESERVES $ 236,032 $ (6,400) $ 284,028 *Purchase of Ward Property $ 5,387 $ 26,130 $ 3,700 - 0 - -0- -0- $ 5,387 $ 26,130 $ 3,700 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED (ESTIMATED) TOTAL REVENUE $2,469,058 $2,547,500 $2,632,500 $2,680,500. $2,844,500 $3,003,500 EXPENDITURES Administration $ 776,015 $ 920,600 $ 856,900 $ 884,000 $ 920,000 $ 970,000 Police 1,457,011 1,693,300 1,491,572 1,791,113 1,898,370 2,029,800 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,233,026 $2,613,900 $2,348,472 $2,675,113 $2,818,370 $2,999,800 REVENUES OVER EXPENSES (DEFICIT) $ 235,032 $. (66,400) $ 284,028 USE OF RESERVES - 0 - 60,000* - 0 - ADDITION (DEFICIT) TO FUND BALANCE INCLUDING USE OF RESERVES $ 236,032 $ (6,400) $ 284,028 *Purchase of Ward Property $ 5,387 $ 26,130 $ 3,700 - 0 - -0- -0- $ 5,387 $ 26,130 $ 3,700 r N GENERAL FUND SOURCE OF 'FUNDS Animal Licenses Vehicle Stickers Non- Business Licenses & Permits Building Permits Special Police Services Sales of Materials Engineering Charges Ordinance Violations Interest Earnings Rental Income Miscellaneous Bicycle Grant State Grants Transfer Charges Transfer to Dial -A -Ride Transfer to Youthbound TOTAL REVENUE 6,929 ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 198.3 =84 1984, -85 1985 -86 15,457 ACTUAL PROJECTED ANTICIPATED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED 35,000 REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE' 38,000 40,000 BUDGET 45,000 510 1,000 3,000 Property Tax $ 432,268 $ 420,000 $ 420,000 $ 420,000 $ 420,,000 $ 420,000 Municipal Sales Tax 1,185,829 1,300,000 1,325,000 1,420,000 1,490,000 1,575,000 State Income Tax 342,934 350,000 330,000 350,000 400,000 440,000 Beer - Liquor Licenses 24,350 25,000 27,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Food Licenses 2,968 2,500 3,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 Other Business Licenses 8,452 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Animal Licenses Vehicle Stickers Non- Business Licenses & Permits Building Permits Special Police Services Sales of Materials Engineering Charges Ordinance Violations Interest Earnings Rental Income Miscellaneous Bicycle Grant State Grants Transfer Charges Transfer to Dial -A -Ride Transfer to Youthbound TOTAL REVENUE 6,929 7,000' 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 15,457 25,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 24,238 35,000 50,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 32,283 42,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 45,000 510 1,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,179 8,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 127,746 115,000 118,000 120,000 125,000 130,000 150,972 100,000 160,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 7,521 8,000 _7,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 25,782 30,000 32,000 45,000 70,000 80,000 16,080 0 0 0 0 0 8,716 10,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 45,000 (8,156) (5,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000 ) (4,000) $2,469,058 $2,547,500 $2,632,500 $2,680,500. $2,844,500 $3,003,500 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION VILLAGE CLERK .The Vittage Ctak iz nupou ibte Jon the maintenance o6 the o j .ic ae neeonds of the Vittage as %equited by statute and by <,,--he Ma.yot a ;;.d 8p. dtd of Tutees . The Ct ah acts as custodian o � the ViZeag e z peat which .is nequiAe.d on many documents, pubtishes .2egat notices, ovetsees Vittage etec%iows, and penjo, ms other duties as stated in statute on ordinance. MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES The .eegi6tat;ve bta.neh of the Vittage .us tuponsibte-.4on .intenptceting t!ie wishes ofi the community and detenm.in,ing the poti.c<i-P;5 under which the Vittage operates . The people eteet the Mayon and Twstees . BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COUNCILS There are sixteen .independent commizz iows, councitz, and boast &s autho,tized by the Mayon and Tnurtees on 1--equiv ed by State Zoto that ate appointed to advise and a6,6ist the Board o.6 Duotees in its poti.ey decisions. These councitu also conduct heaAi.ngs that pertain to theft 6un^tion. Att pos.i tionz on these eouneiZ6 are non -saean i.ed. 1. Board ob Loewe Impitovements-- Con,6i.,sts o6 seven membeAs (the Payok and the To-an-(T-o T1urtees) . Makes %eeomme2da- ti,ons to the Tnu�stees r�egattd.ing those things that it 6eelz sh:outd be done to .improve the Vittage. by speci.ae assess- ment, speciat taxation, on othetw.use. The V.i.�'..eage UeAk .cis secAetany to the Board. 2. P.ea.n Commi6sion-- Cons.u6ts o � seven membetus ptus the Mayo.t ex -o ticc.o , seAv.ing three -yeah staggered teams, except the Mayon who seiLva a 6oun -yeah tam. Membeu are appoint- ed by the Mayo& with the advice and caws etit o6 the Boattd of Tnwstees and the ehavtman .us designated jon a one - yeah teem in the same mannetc. Responz.ibte to the Board . of Trustees jop hotding pubti.e hea ings and making tecommen.- dat.iows negand.ing the Compnehens.ive Pears; annexation, sub- division, and zoning (land u.6e, ratio of buitd.ing to tand area, and building height) . 3. Board of Zoning Appeaiz- -Has seven membeAus who serve 6.ive- yean sUag -jo .e terms . Appointed by the Ma yon with advice and consent o� the Board. a, Trustees. Responsibte to the Board o6 TnOtees to hear and make tecommendati.onz on appticati.ons t'o:t vatri.ati.ons to the pnovi,6ions ob the zoning ond.inance- -and heart and Aute on appeals -jaom otduus on de- c ivsions made by the adm.inivstAv ti,ve o �6icen .en6oncing zoning ordinances. _ -3 4. Board of Potiee Commbse.ioneu- 4onsiAt6 o6 three membetus, sae e e1rvkng ee- ye.at e aggeked teJrme . No mote than two membe&s. may be btom the same poUtieat patty. Appoint- ed by the Mayon with the advice and consent o{ the Board j . of %atees. Reepons.ibte jot a?t appointments, ptomotionz, u f�, and dibmi sea z in the o.P,ice otee; conducts enttanee and p&omotionat examinations. � 5. A Poti.ee Pejvs.ion Board - -Has Give membetus, who seAve two -year _.; e&w , .c n ctuding e i.vit ianb appointed b y . the Ma yon, two members eteeted 4tom the pot ice 4otee, and one member etect= ed 6xom the bene6ic,iaAiee o6 the pension fund. Detetm.i:nes etig.ib.cWty o6 appticants, d.iust ibutee funds, manage &, .invest&, and contAots the ponce pension fund. 5. Safety Councit-- Cons.vsts of seven membets, . appointed, by to MayoA w the advice and cans ent o4 the Board o j TA"tees, sercving three -yeaA staggered tetme. Reepon- e.ibte to the Board ob TA"teee to study and make teeom- mendations &egateding Vittage eabety ptobtems . 7. Board o{j Bu.i,?d.ing AppeatPz-- Cons.uste of seven membetus appoint- ted by tJie Mayox wA e advice and consent ob the Board of Ttwsteee, seAv.ing 6.ive -_yea& staggered teAms. Respon- e.ib.te to the Board o� Ttustees to heat appeaEA- to deciziom made by the Buitdi,ng Commissioner enjote ing the building o&dinances and to recommend action to the Board of TAu�steee tegaAd.irg etch appea.U; hotds heat Inge and makes ,Lecommenda- tio" to the Board o f Ttuetees tegaAding change& in the bu itding code&; . maku tecommendati.ons AegaAd.ing issuance o6 buieding penmit.6 jot non- &ee.ident.iat st uctuAm. 8. Youth Councit - -Con i6t6 of twetve membeu appointed by the ayox witF7ke advice and consent o6 the Board ob Txwsteee jot three -year etaggexed terms. Studies and investigates activities which might involve o& conttc i.bute to the det in- quency o f juvenitee; makes tecommendat.ions to the Vittage Mayo& and Board o4 Txcustees tegaAd.ing tegistation of action to protest the youth o6 the Vittage. 9. Human Reeati.ons' 'eommiss.ion-- Cons-ust6 of seven membeu ap- pointed by The Mayon, with the advice . and co ne ent o6 the Board o6 T&ustees jot three -year staggeted teems. Studim and tecommen6 means o6 devetop.ing better relations between peopft; cooperates with ih the State and Fedenae agenciu; and izzuee such pubticationz and teponts. as it and the Board of TAwstees cou idetc in the pubti.c .inte&est. 10. FnviAbnmentat Comrrwss.ion- -Has seven member& appointed by the a yon. with the advice and consent o� the Board o s T&ustees jot three- year staggered tetume . Recommends amendment& of additions to the code deati,ng with envitonmentat matteu and eonA- idejus env Aonmentat ptobteme tejetrt ed to them by the Board o5 TA"tees and make3 &eeommendat.ions on these p&obtems 1 -4 11, Manpoweh Commiz6ion-- Com6ists ov 4.ive membetrs . appo.i.nted by the.Mayoa uscin the. advice and consent o4 the Uoa,7d a Ttuvstees- Jot three -yeah staggered tetoris. Reviews poss:ibte appointees to the Vi.Uage boards, eommus.ionz, and coup,-- tis and makes tr.ecommendationa to the Mayor and Boa n.d o6 Ttus.tees . 12. Eteet4icat Commi- 6s.i.on-- Cons-r6ts of 6.ive meanbetts apr o ins °ed by 7he Mayo& with e advice and consent o f the B.Oattd 06 Ttuistees Jot 6ouh -year eotenm,inous tehms on urr i+ t.heit success ors ate appointed. 2es po ns.ibt e to the-' 6oand o6 Trustees to recommend standaAcs, speci6icelio -P s, and t:u es and neg utat.io ns g o v enn.ing the .ins tat? at i.o n; a;t° tenat.io n, and use o6 etect&i cat equipment in the': V i,i ti age. 13. Emehgeney Sehvices and Disaster Ages - icy - -Co{v izts o6 a ZOEe-ctot and such a onat m2m efts as the d.ittector seeects. Respons.ibte 6or the admi.nustration, tAaini.ng, and operation o6 the Agency.'' : 14. V.ciUage Center Diztxict Devetoprnent and Redevetopment Com- nuAA .on-- Con,S"; s o� rune membet<s, appo,�.rted by the Mayor with -Tie advice and co► ^✓6 etit o6 the Board o4 Trustees. This Commission advi -ses, makes ptans ar .initiates on mattehs which diteetey olL .ind.itectty a66eet the devetorment or ne- devetopment o6 the ,Vittage Center D.usttt-iet. ' 15. Eneagy Advisaty Council-- Cons.csts of Jive membefts, appointed by the Mayot muh tie advice and consent o' the Board o4 Ttuustees, Jot three -year staggered teams. To ne�seateh and devetop a eompnehens.ive energy ptan Jot the Vittage and advise the eonporate authot,ities in this tegattd. lb. Cabte Advi,zoty Boated-- Ccns.usts o6 seven members, appointed by the May—oTTZUt the advice and consent o6 the Board o6 Ttuutees, Jot 6.ive -year staggered teams. To serve as a setteen.ing body Jon atp issues .invetv.ing cable teeev%s.ion, .inctuding hates changed Jon speci6ic seAv.ices: ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT The Adm.iniztttat.iv e Department p us stab n ed by the Vi Uag e Manag eh, Assistant Vittage Manager, and a seehetatty. The Depahtment's objectives are to: I.. . Assure that the Boated o6 Trustees is suppt.i;ed with retevant data needed to make policy decisions and to be .inbotuned; atso makes necessary 4ottow -up to catty out Board poticies. 2. Ptov.ide diheetion to the opeAAt,,ng depatttments so that the.OL act ivit i.es ate in hahmo n y with the expec eat i.o ns _ o J the Board and ViUa.ge nes.cdents . 3. Encourage innovative approaches in management o6 depatct =. mentat activities. 1 -5 4. Respond- to inputs , 6tom .ind.iv.idua z and grcoups in such a manneA a6 to de v e eo p and maintain. co o peta t i.v e teZa do n- ships between the V.iteage otgan.izati.ons and the community Jot the bene' t. ob: the entitce Vi, Cage. FINANCE DEPARTMENT The pc-s i ti:onz o6 Vitec tot of Finance and Tteaautet ate ttadUiona�.ey heed by one po -.i6on who cootd.inatez att of the Jinanc.i.at a66ailus of the ViZ- tage. He edtab.ei shes and maintains necessaty contAotz and .supetvises the emptoyeez and ac t iv.c is o6 'the Finance Department. The Junctions o6 this department ate to: 1. Coteec t, and upon authot.ization, d,i,6 butus e att 6un6 . 2. E.s-tab.P,iah puAchaz ing ptocedutez to obtain the best pozz bZe va.eue Jot edeh doZ&ft spent on equipment and .6upp.e ie,6 . 3. E .6tab.P.i,ah. and operate accounting systems in con6on.manee with good accounting ptactice and ztatutoty tequdtcements. 4. Abd-Ust the Vittage- Managet in budget ptepatation and budg etaxy co ntAot . 5. Assist the Vittage Managet .in pensonneZ adminvsttiation. 6. P Locune and adm.inizteA an adequate .insutcanee ptogtam, .i,neeud.ing jite, :ea-suaLty, wo,%keu' compensation, and group health and .tiJe .imutance. 7. Attang e Jot J.inanc i.ng o b cap c tae impto v em ents . 8. Invest tempoutay .idee Junda. 9. A,6 si6t in other pto ject6 as assigned by the Vit age 'Manager. BUILDING, PLANNING, AND ZONING DEPARTMENT This Depatutment i.6 headed ,b y the D.vicee toA o f Bu.i ed.ing, Zoning, and P.ea.nni ng . The epattment'.6 ma j oA Jun ct i.onz ate to: l.- En6otee the building code. 2. .En6otce zoning otdinances. 3. FuAni 6h .in6otmation to assist the Pta.n Commizz ion and Village Board on, matteJus be6ote them. 4. Review ptats Got theit teeafii.onsh.ip to the Comptehenz ive Ptan, Zoning Ond.inances , Subdivision OAd.inaneez, the o66.ie iaf. map and good design ptinc i.ptez. , 1 -6 i 5 . Ma.inta.in the o j j.ie i,at, map and compnehena.ive plan. 6. Pupate nezeaneh .6tudiez and upoxt -6 on �,u.tuhe ptan.5. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Eng.ineen i.ng Department .vs headed by the Vittage Eng.ineetc.. The junc- t.ionz of thin Department arse to: 1. Oveuee att eng.ireexing acti.v.c ii.ez within the _VitZage. 2. Conduct eng.ineeA ing ztud.im . 3. Ezt.i.mate eo4t6 and hem 4. Review zubd.ivizion pta" and �sipec:i6icati.onz. ,5. Supenviz e Vittage pro j ec ts . 6. Supenvize conztta.c;t,,..on activities. 7. Act as techn.i cat adviz on to the Mayon and . Board o6 Duateea . .1 -7 .r i ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT WORK STATISTICS *Included in Miscellaneous in 1979 1982 FUNCTION 1979 1980 1981 Building Permits: Residences 9 14 7 7 Additions and Alterations 44 53 78 78 Garages 21 23 22 18 Garage Sale Permits* 0 250 226 265 Miscellaneous 393 268 .284 294 TOTAL BUILDING PERMITS 467 608 617 662 Checks Written 9,331 8,215 7,605 7,803 Water, Sewer, and Garbage Bills Issued 21,664 21,851 21,904 22,028 Animal Licenses Sold 1,711 1,860 1,409 1,259 Vehicle Licenses Sold and Transferred 11,227 14,649 11,033 10,913 Investment Transactions 109 92 114 139 Repurchase Agreement 0 1,796 :1,514 1,456 Journal Postings (Based on a one -month sample) 12,960 13,040 14,400 14,600 Ordinances Passed 83 48 81 .63 Resolutions 17 18 13 12 Plan Commission*Hearings 30 23 28 30 Zoning Appeals Cases 10 16 15 13 Board of Building.Appeals.Cases 3 5 4 3 VCDC Meetings 0 18 16 12 Resident Engineering and Inspections (Hours) 200 320 265 175 *Included in Miscellaneous in 1979 M M ■YWUII ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY.OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1983 -84 1981 -82 1982 =83 1982 -83 1983 -84 BUDGET 1984 -85 1985 -86 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1982 -83 BUDGET Personal Services 5111, 5113, 5114 Other Services 5214, 5218, 5221, 5222, 5,231 . Contractual 51.15, 5215, 5216, 5217, 5224 Commodities 5116, 5212, 5213, 5219, 5224, 5324 Capital Outlay 5411, 5412, 5413 TOTALS i �o $435,626 $510,800 29,647 157,379 42,000 213,000 $495,000 $550,200 $ 39,400 35,500 57,500 15,500 180,500 181,500 (31,500) 58,925 66,300 . 56,800 69,300 3,000 94,438 88,500 89,100 25,500 (63,000) $776,015 $920,600 $856,900 $884,000 $(36,600) $585,000 $610,000 60,000 70,000 180,000 180,000 70;000 75,000 25,000 35,000 $920,000 $970,000 ADMINISTRATION BUDGET A`VALYSIS 1983 1984 PROPOSED BUDGET $884,000 1982 - 1983 BUDGET 920,600 DECREASE $(36,600) PERSONAL SERVICES: .(5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114- -Part -Time) Annual Salary Adjustments $269200 Increase in-Part-Time Custodian for Build- ing- Maintenance - Transfer from Contractual 12,000 Increase in Miscellaneous °Adjustments 1,200 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5214 -- Communications; 5218 -- Utility Services; 5221 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5222 -- Equipment Rental; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Increase in Repairs & Maintenance - Repair and Replace Roof (Annex) 10,000 Village Hall 5,000 Miscellaneous Changes (500) Increase in Cost of D -Tales 1,000 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL - SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5215- - Insurance; 5216--Profession- al.; 5217 -- Contractual; 5224- - Hous-ing Assistance) Increase in Health and Dental Insurance 4,000 Decrease in Contractual - 1. Traffic Signs - Commons Drive (25,000) 2. Building Maintenance (12,000) Miscellaneous Changes 1,500 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 -10 $39,400 15,500 (31,500) COMMODITIES: (51.16 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel; Train - ing., etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advert•is- ing._; 5219 7- Petroleum Products; 5224-- Miscellaneous; 5224 - -Dog Pound; 5324 -- Sup,pl i es ) Increase in Travel, Training, etc. 4000 Decrease in Petroleum Products °(500) Increase in Printing & Advertising 1,000 Increase in Supplies- Holiday Decorations 1,500 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES 3,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412- -Motor Vehicles; 5413 - -L�nd Acquisition) Increase in Equipment. 5,000 Decrease in Land Acquisition - Ward Property- (59,000) Stryker Resubdivision (8,300) Miscei�aneous'iChanges (700) CHANGES'.I'N CAPITAL OUTLAY (63,000) TOTAL DECREASE $(36,600) I -11 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTa {f;7 ION Eim GENERAL 10 -1111 ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1981 -82 BUDGET 1982 -83 ESTIMATE 1982 -83 PROPOSED 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $406,538 $462,100 $456,000 $494,000 5113 Overtime 2,017 4,200 .4,000 4,200 5114 Part Time 27,071 44,500 35,000 52,000 5115.Benefits 20,688 .32,000 29,000 36,000 5116 Apparel 226 300 300 300 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 9,847. 11;000 11,000 12,000 5213 Printing &.Advertising 5,822 8,500 7,500 9,500 5214 Communications 11,785 15,000 11,000 16,000 5215 Insurance 13,453 20,000 13,000 16,000 5216 Professional 55,826 82,500 75,000 88,000 5217 Contractual 41,040 63,500 48,500 26,500 5218 Utility Services 1,623 5,000 2,500 4,000 5219 Petroleum Products 1,518 2,500 2,000 2,000 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 14,068 18,000 18,000 33,000 5222 Equipment Rental 0 500 .500 500 5224 Miscellaneous 19,554 24,000 16,000 24,000 5224 Housing Assistance 26,372 15,000 15,000 15,000 5231 MV Maintenance 2,171 3,500 3,500 4,000 5324 Supplies 21,958 20,000 20,000 21,500 5411 Equipment 13,655 7,000 9,000 12,000 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 5,000 4,100 5,000 5413 Land Acquisition 80,783 .76,500. . 76,000. 8,500 TOTAL $776,015 $920,600 $856,900 $884,000 Per Capita Cost $51.14 $49.11 1 -12 POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF POLICE RULE The mizzion og the Poti.ce Depa&tmenx ;A to protect .Q,i.a(e. and .ptop.nty, pte- Qetve the peace, and ptov.ide zetvice to the community. Tltiz . is accomptizhed th,%ough the: Pteventi.on o6 etuime Uetmenee o j ct me Apptehemion of oj�endetvs ReeoveAy and tetutn o j ptopetr ty Movement o j tta.j 6.ic Ptovd.6.ion o s z etv.iee6 not no vqa t y avaitabte jtom other pxi.vate and pubU.e sociao, ave. ate agencies Education o4 1uvenite6 to .their %upons.ibiLitiez be�ote the Za.w a Education o� the gene,Lae pubtic in the ztep6 it can take to teduee the ptababi i;ti.e.6 ob becoming the victim o6 cAim.ina.2 attach. To SutJ-iU .th.us mi,66.ion, these mafot goaU have been zet: 1. To %a pond to emergency ca,P.P�., in no mote than three minute.6, to provide eonti.nuou6 deteAAent pte6enee in att pa4t6 o6 the Vittage, and eonfiinuou6 avaitab c,e i ty Got zeAviee taponze. 2. To contact each grade zchooZ child at teut once dutuing each .term and i:o ptov.ide tka{6,ic ,satiety tAlin.i.ng, b.i.cycte negistuti.on, and pteventc:on education. 3. To reduce youth cA me 1-1- 1vLough .intetventii.on teehn.ique6 utitiz.ing diveu.ion, youth o66icet- eoun6etotus, youth - bound, outteaeh, and .intet- agency cootdi;nat.ion. 4. Prompt ptet-imi.nGAy investigation o6 att event6 repoAted to the pot ice and thorough 6otiow -up .inve6tigat,ion. 2 -1 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT Em POLICE SUMMARY GENERAL ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1981 -82 BUDGET 1982 -83 ESTIMATE 1982 -83 PROPOSED 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $1,043,409 $1,103,400 $1,056,046 $1,208,500 5113 Overtime 88,093 108,200 90,250 107,100 51.14 Part Time 52,376 82,600 55;529 55,117 5115 Benefits 44,103 74,600 61,307 84,354. 5116 Apparel 14,925 16,500 14;948 15,900 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 23,202 30,,500 19,938 23,460 5213-Printing & Advertising 8,174_ 10,000 5,400 10,825 5214 Communications 13,770 15,500 12,712 16,472 5215 Insurance 35,334 55,000 36,023 40,000 5216 Professional 687 3,500 1,835. 3,450 5217 Contractual 16,575 55,000 .28,541 .47,915 5219 Petroleum-Products 28,496 35,000 24,829 34,500 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 3,843 4'500 5,854 6,850 5224 Miscellaneous -61 5,500 3;840 5,500 5231 MV Maintenance 20,606 25,000 13,200 23,500 5324 Supplies 16,018 17,500 15,592' 20,350 5411 Equipment 11,272 249500 22,180 27,120 5412 Motor Vehicles 36,067 26,500 23,548 60,200 TOTAL $1,4579011 $1,693,300 . $1;491;572 $1,791,113 Per Capita Cost, $94.07 $99.51 2 -2 Adm in.i sttcat ion POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 Pen Capita $24.42 $24.81 The Adm.ini.btn.ati,on D.ivizion o6 the Poti'ce Depa tment .i.6 &uponsib.Pe $323,622 $439,600 $362,198 $446,508 6otc sta66 supetw.is.ion o6 att po.Pi.ee 6unctions in the Vittage, ptan- n.ing and diAect i,ng pot ice operations and puvid.ing and maintaining suppott s env.iees 6otc .Pine 6unctions . Inctuded in the vatui.cu s 6unc- t.ion6 are tcecmds, eteet.on.ic data pnocessing, eommun.icationz, pay - noU, putcehasting, etume and ttca.66.i.e statistical nepo&ti.ng Gott tocat, state and 6ede4ae needs, peuonnet and ,poti.cy procedure, and )Lute and tcegueati,on development and imptementatron. Othetc seh.v.ices pv- 6mmed oAe satiety eouncit tiaizon, 0. S. H. A. sa6ezy committee u- ptcesentati.on, tiai,sbn with the Boated o6 Putice CommizzionetUs and the Emet<geney OpeAat.ions D.viceetotc.. Inve.6ti.gat i.onz Peti Capita '$7.42 $7.28 The Investigations Viv.usion o6 the Pot ice Depatctment is %espon-- $112,358 $133,500 $126,224 $131,005 s.ible bon the 6o.Peow - -up investigation o6 a.0 6e touts cA mes te- ponted in the Vc,?tage which ate not e.Ceaked dut.ing pAet m-i.naty investigation oh a e so eomptex in natutce that the success6u.2 conc2wj.ion o6 the investigation cannot be dete- ,.m.ined by ;the uni- 6otcmed o6j.ieen. who conducts the ptcetiminaty investigation and pnepates the -initiat &epott. Pki.ot itie�s ate ass.i.gned to ctass.i- 6.ieati.o" o6 .te.ponte_d incident6 with the most setc.. %ou6 nime6 teeeiv.ing the highest ptLi.otc,i ty. The Investi.gati.o" D-ivils i.on atzo conducts att background .invesfii,gati.onz 6o)t ticense and emp.Coyee app.Pica.nts . w �N I PatAot POLICE DEPARTMENT Per Capita The Pathot Division of the Poti.ee Department " pnimatity redpon- a.tbte Jot the dviceet provi6 ion of 6ervice.6 to the community. It is the bah ie pot ice 6unction and operates around the ctock, 168 hou,us pen week, 52 weeka o6 the year.. Itb taponz ibititiez can generaUy be categon,i.zed into patrot, tnaj6.ie taw en6oreement, tna6jic accident investigation, pneL&ninany .inve6ti.gati.on o6 c i,minat, qu." i -cA m.inat, and non- cAim.inat .ine i.dent6, the en- 6oncement o6 ord.inance6 and 4tatute5, and rapoae to a t re- questis bon seAv.ices. The PatuZ Div.vs.ion at6o prov.idu eseont zenv.ieez, tna�6 is .6Utvey .6, cnozz ing guard bupetvizion, tra66 is diAect i.on, s evete weather watch, and a van,iety o6 other z env.ice b . Community Setv.icm Pen Capita The Community SeAv.ica Diviz ion .ins 'apon6 ibte Jot cAime pre - ventio*n, and pot ice community teta#.i.ona. The ej6ort6 of the d.ivizion to aetve the community are jocused upon the engendet- .ing o6 bet6 -help ptcevention programming, and to setv.ing the community'6 needs. The divizion wo&U to .incAeaze cooperation and coondinati.on with other emergency zenv.ice�s in the communi- ty, and to develop community support o4 the police mizzion. The division adnii.rwstem the .sehooZ tia,ison program and is 'Le- .spomsibte Am the adm.iniztnatc:on o6 a totat tra66.ie za6ety- eh ime prevention program. Each grade Achoot ehitd is contacted du&ing the .sehoot tetm and .2usonz ate provided in tAa6jie .6a6ety; pohtieuiaAty pede�stkian and bike satiety. The d.ivi.6 ion ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $50.97 $54.33 $838,993 $917,500 $822,233 $977,946 $2.09 $2.64 $ 369'058 $ 37,600 ' $ 36,041 $ 47,434 POLICE DEPARTMENT Community Senv.ieea (Coat' d) adm.ini,stene' the annuak bike rodeo, pnovdeb i bike engnavng as a thebt pnevent.ive mea.6une, and bike neg.iat.ati.on as wet t. Spec i.at Services Pen Capita To pnov.ide continued tnabb.ie eontAot and becut ty benv.iees on a contAa.ctuat basis bon the .boUow.ing: Baxter Labonatony i Deenbetd State Bank Fi ust National Bank MCDonaid'6 watgneen 1.6 Other youth Senv.iceb Pen Capita The c i.v.i P.i.an youth Ditee ton and two 4wonn youth Obb.icena are each a paAt ob this ebbont. The youth Diu ton is tesponzibte to the Ch,ieb o6 Po.Uce and eoond.inata depe✓ctment ebbon t with community nes ouAce agencies, a pec i at committee; and civic agen- cies. The youth Ditec ton ovets eez the "youthbound" prcognam.. The youth 01 b.iceu aAe us ponz ibte bon eomp.iiance with I.? ii.nois t w related to the wr est and pucessing ob 9uven,ite o.&ndetus, N I Ln ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $2.59 $ 38,060 $ 46,600 $ 37,603 $5.81 $ 89,130 $104,600 `$ 97,070 $2.33 $ 42,000 $7.78 $140,020 rn POLICE DEPARTMENT Youth 5etvice6 (Cont'd) the Juvenile Count � Act, and the adm.ini.6t a t ion . o i 6tati.on adju6tment ptognam6, e.g.,. youth jury. youth Oj6.ice z work to co otd inate with Pattot and Inv at iga t i.o n Section6 o b the Department, and with count aetv.icu and community tmounee agencce6. Each ma,inta.in.6 continuous contact with schoot adm.ini zt,ta tors , paAk di,6ttt&ict o 6 j.ic i.ats , and membe" o j the bu,6 inuz community. SicycZe Satiety Ptogtam Pen Capita The major goaiz o4 the Ueet4.ietd.B.ieycee Satiety Pnog&am ate tedueing b.icycte accidents and .incAea6.ing eabety to b.iey- ctii 6t-s through en6otcement action ,and through education. The ptogtam emptoy6 eottege .6tudent.6 dut ng the .5ummen month6 to pattot the Vit age stuet6 and enAo&ce b.icycee ;t a66.ic t w.6. V.iotatou can be nequiud to appear at a hea&ing of the B.ieycte Coulit. The b.icyc2e patAot emptoyees atzo ptov.ide .inio&mat.ion to the b.ieyctusx utative to ptope& 6a�ety teeh.nique6 and pucedu&ez in the 6a6e opetati.on -ob the b.icycP.e. Through the combined ebsoAts o6 both enjo&cement and education, the Ilepattment hope.6 to &educe bicycee aecident6. TOTALS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $0.77 $Q.34 $ 18,790. $ 13,900 $ 10,203 $ 6,200 n $1,457,011 $1,693,300 $1,491,572 $1,791,113 POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1983 -84 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 BUDGET 1984 -85 1985 -86 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1982 -83 BUDGET Personal Services 5111, 5113, 5114 Other Services 5214, 5221., 5231. Contractual 5115, 5215, 5216, 5217 Commodities 5116, 5212, 5213, 52199 5224, 5324 Capital Outlay 541.1, 5412 TOTALS ro i $1,183,878 $1,294,200 $1,201,825 $1,370,717 38,219 45,000 31,766 46,822 96,699 188,100 127,706 175,719 90,876 115,000 84,547 110,535 47,339 51,000 45,728 87,320 $1,457,011 $1,693,300 $1,491,572 $1,791,113 $76,517 $1,476,500 $1,547,000 1,822 50,300 52,800 (12,381) 189,970 204,900 (4,465) 116,600, 125,100 36,320 65,000 100,000 $97,813 $1,898,370 $2,029,800 POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ANALYSIS 1983 - 1984 PROPOSED BUDGET $1,791,113- 1982 - 1983 BUDGET 1,693,300 INCREASE $ 97,813 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 -- Part -Time) Annual Salary Adjustments $64,660 Addition of One Secretary II 17,500 Delete Two Part -Time Records Clerks (16,800) Addition of One Social Worker 20,357 Decrease in Special Services (4,600) Decrease in Salaries in Bicycle Safety Program ,(4,600) CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $76,517 OTHER SERVICES: (5214 -- Communications; 5221- - Repairs & Maintenance; 5231--. MV Maintenance) Increase in Communications 972 Increase in Repairs & Maintenance 2,350 Decrease in MV Maintenance (1,500) CHANGES.IN OTHER SERVICES 1,822 CONTRACTUAL: ( 5115 -- Benefits; 5215 -- Insurance; 5216 -- Professional; 5217 - -Con- tractual) Increase in Cost of Medical and Dental Insurance 9,754 Decrease in General Lines Insurance (15,000) Decrease in Computer Programming (14,000) Increase in Miscellaneous Contract Changes 6,865 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (12,381) COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Train- ing, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertis- ing; 5219 -- Petroleum Products; 5224- - Miscellaneous; 5324 -- Supplies 2 -8 /Decrease Decrease Increase Decrease Increase CHAT in in in in in IGE Apparel Training Printing Petroleum Products Supplies 5 IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412 - -Motor Vehicles) Increase in Purchase of Motor Vehicles Increase in Equipment CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE (600) (7,040) 825 (500) 2,850 33,700 2,620 (4,465) 36,320 $97,813 2 -9 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCT iom Emu POLICE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL 10 -6111 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 .1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $203,445 $214,100 $208,200 $248,000 5113 Overtime 3,611, 5,300 5,165 .5,600 5114 Part Time 24,260 33,500 24,164 14,471 5115 Benefits 8,548 17,200 12,310 20,400 5116 Apparel 2,716 2;500 2,454 2,500 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 3,445 4,500 4,171 4,460 5213 Printing & Advertising 7;133 9,500 5,000 10,325 5214 Communications 13,770 15,500 12,712 16,472 5215 Insurance 35,334 55,000 36,023 40,000 5216 Professional 687 3.,500 1,835 3,450 5217 Contractual 79,290 45,000 18,787 37,030 5219 Petroleum Products 657 1,000 1,196 1,200 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 2,433 1,500 3,734 4,000 5224 Miscellaneous. 61 5,500 3,840 5,500 5231 MV Maintenance 322 500 .700 700 5324 Supplies 8,738 8,500 6,992 8,500 5411 Equipment 1,172 17,000 14,915 23,900 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $323,622 $439,600 $362,198 $446,508 Per Capita Cost $24.42 $24.81 2-10. i i .e ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213-Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5224 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5324 Supplies 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPENDITURES .............. EuCT I ON INVESTIGATIONS ACTUAL 1981 -82 $ 81,900 10,088 0 3,109 1,031 1,686 0 0 0 8,800 1,217 0 0 1,561 2,419 547 0 $112;358 BUDGET 1982 -83 $ 86,900 11,700 0 5,400 1,000 2,000 0 0 0 10,000 2,000 500 0 1,500 3,500 1,000 8.000 $133,500 $7.42 Em GENERAL 10 -6212 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1982 -83 1983 -84 $ 86,606 9,714 0 5,076 1,000 400 0 0 0 9,754 1;542 182 0 1,500 3,500 1,000 5,950 $126,224 $ 91,000 12,300 0 5,900 1,050 2,000 0 0 0 10,885 2,000 500 0 1,500 3,500 370 0 $131,005 $7.28 2 -11 2 -12 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION Em POLICE PATROL. GENERAL 10 -6313 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $638,010 $687,900 $639,051 $727,000 5113 Overtime 30,770 35,000 32,000 37,000 5114 Part Time 28,116. 37,600 31,365 35,646 5115 Benefits 27,857 44,000 379219 47,700 5116 Apparel 9,634 11,000 10,300 11,000 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 16,546' 22,500 13,841 15,000 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215. Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products -25,150 29,000 20,000 289300 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 1,157 1,500 1,300 1,600 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 17,036 209500 9,459 18,800 5324 Supplies 3,555 4,500 4,100 7,350 5411 Equipment .5,095 6,000 6,000 2,350 5412 Motor Vehicles 36,067 18,000 17,598 46,200 TOTAL $838,993 . $917,500 $822,233 $977,946 Per Capita Cost $50.97 $54.33 2 -12 EXPENDITURES iAM POLICE COMMUNITY SERVICES GE"NFRAL 10 -6414 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED ' AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 ' 5111 Salaries $31,640 $32,900 $31,355 $34,500 5113 Overtime 772 -1,100 430 1,200 5114 ' Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115 Benefits. 1,326 1,100 1 699 1,884 5116 Apparel 362 500 346 350 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 36 500 800 1,000 5213- Pri nt-i ng & Advertising 0. 0 0 '0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 ' 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 0 t5219 Petroleum Products 349 500 382 500 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 0 0 '5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 ' 5231 MV Maintenance 307 500 529 500 5324 Supplies 1,266 500 500 500 ' 5411 Equipment 0 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 7,000 ' TOTAL $369058 $37,600 $36,041 $47,434 ' Per Capita Cost $2.09 $2.64 2-13 EXPENDITURES n y DEPARTYIENT FUNCTION J POLICE SPECIAL SERVICES GENERAL 10 -6515 ACCOUNT NUMBER, ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION .1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries 5.113 Overtime $38,060 $46,600 $37,603 $42,000 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel,'Training, etc. 5213-Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215,Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5219 Petroleum Products 5221'Repairs & Maintenance 5224 Miscellaneous 5231-MV Maintenance 5324 Supplies 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles TOTAL $382060 $462600 $37,603: $42,000 Per Capita Cost $2.59 $2.33 2-14 u► .e ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5224 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5324 Supplies. 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPENDITURES FUNCT I0� i �l.�r, YOUTH SERVICES G`NE-RAL 10 -6616 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983• -84 $76,262 $81,600. $81,600 $108,000 4,792 8,500 5,338 9,000. 0 0 0 0 2,943 6,500 4,720 8,320 607 1,000 700 700 1,447 1,000 726 1,000 0 0 0 °0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,123 29500 1,709 2,500 153 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 1,380 2,000 1,012 2,000 40 500 500 500 383 500 265 500 0 0 0 7,000 $89,130 $104,600 $97,070 $140,020 $5.81 $7.78 2 -15 'DEPARTMENT POLICE EXPENDITURES FUNCTION BICYCLE 'SAFETY PROGRAM GENERAL -16 PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83- 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $12,152 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 5113 Overtime 0 0 0 0 5114 Part Time 0 11,500 9,234 5,000 5115 Benefits 320 400 283 150 5116 Apparel 575 500 148 300 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 42 0 0 0 5213-Printing & Advertising 1,041 500 400 500 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 .Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 485 0 0 0 5219,Petroleum Products 0 0 0 0 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 100 500 138 250 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 5231.MV Maintenance 0 0 0 0 5324 Supplies 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 4,075 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 500 0 0 TOTAL $18;790 $13,900 $10,203 $ 62200 Per Capita Cost $0.77 $0.34 -16 YOUTHBOUND ' The "youthbound" program of the Deer�.i.eld Pot ice Depah itment � a unique and very zuccess6ut youth project. Police Depahtme.nts have em- ptoyed the prcacti.ee o6 :'station adjustments" in juven.ite cases der many years. The adjustment ways usu.atty ti.mited to the return to pareittat " custody with an admoniAment. Too o6ten the admonition was .interpreted as mean.ingtess and a repeat viol ,ion occurred. youthbound has added . ' dimension to the station. adjustment by pernutti,ng continued pot ice' . %u.n.- taet with the juv eni to in a pozit iv e setting with an o ppoAtuni t y � o tL re- appra isat and att,itud.inat change. ' youthbound partiei.pants are not necusakity o66endeu. Many Ve on- d many youths who like the out -oj- doors . Thiz pn.ov.ides an a�6.iJunati,ve ' eompozition to the group and creates an atmospheAe o� mutuat trust and undeutand.ing between police o66d.eeh -s and the youth o.6 the community. ' Reeentey, youthbound became .involved with the school, distAiet's Ex- perience Based Education program. youthboun.d o6�ms support to the p-togram in the placement o6 high school. students as observena .inte.hn /sta6j in the ' program. 3-.1 W N YOUTHBOUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED -PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Project Income (Fees) $11,152' $1431200 $12,520 $14,930 $16,000 $17,500 Village Share 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 TOTAL REVENUE $15,152 $18,200 $16,520 $18,930 $20,000 $21,500 TOTAL.EXPENDITURES $11,902 $17,940 $14,019 $18,030 $19,000 $21,000 EXPENDITURES Ema YOUTHBOUND SUMMARY GENERAL. 10 -6717 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $1,063 $4,000 $1,000 $2,700 5115 Benefits 32 170 100 100 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 292 350 700 750 5214 Communications 331 240 500 500 5215 Insurance 648 600 391 600 5217 Contractual 1,716 2,000 2,000 2,200 5219 Petroleum Products 1,298 2,500 1,700 2,000 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 22 180 100 180 5231 MV Maintenance 850 1,200 900 2,000 5324 Supplies 5,483 6,500 6,500 6,800 5411 Equipment 167 200 128 200 TOTAL $11,902 $17,940 $14,019 $18,030 Per Capita Cost $1.00 $1.00 3-3 STREET FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES':' ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $160,000 $160,000 $160,000. $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 Prior Year Tax Collections 11,084 4,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Motor Fuel Tax 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 Vehicle Licenses 244,826 245,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 50/50 Sidewalk 5,862 4,400 7,400 5,000 5,000 5,000 50/50 Curb 1,429 4,400 2,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Train Station Maintenance 1,500 1,500 .1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Interest Earned 10,527 6,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Miscellaneous 5,672 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 State Highway Maintenance 12,569 13,000 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 Transfer to General (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) Transfer from Parking Revenue 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0,000 TOTAL REVENUE $552,469 $548,300 $560,400 $558,000 $558,000 $558,000 ,101 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $524,563 $559,900 $518,420 $569,400 $581,380 $603,450 N PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1983 -84 1981 -82 1982 -83 198.2 -83 1983 -84 BUDGET 1984 -85 1985 -86 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED. 1982 -83 BUDGET Personal Services 5111, 5113, 5114 Other Services 5214, 5218, 5221, 5222, 5231 Contractual 5115, 5215, 5216, 5217 Commodities 5116, 5212, 5213, 5219, 5224, 5324, 5325, 5327, 5328, 5329, 5331 Capital Outlay 5411, 5412 TOTALS $164,715 $178,820 $156,451 $188,500 $ 9,680 $198,000 $209,000 104,370 100,440 102,328 116,100 15,660 117,370 121,830 83,913 92,440 88,184 108,350 15,910 104,710 111,020 150,030 152,100 137,956 142,900 (9,200) 148,300 148,600 21,535 36,100 33,501 13,550 (22,550 ) 13,000 13,000 $524,563 $559,900 $518,420 $569,400 $ 9,500 $581,380 $603,450' 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' STREET DIVISION BUDGET ANALYSIS 1983 - 1984 PROPOSED BUDGET 1982 - 1983 BUDGET INCREASE $569,400 559,900 $ 9,500 ' PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 -- Part -Time) ' Annual Salary Adjustments ' CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5214 -- Communications; 5218 -- ' Utility Services; 5221 -- Repairs & Maintenance; 5222 -- Equipment Rental; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Increase in Communications ' Increase in Utility Services Increase in MV Maintenance Increase in Repairs & Maintenance CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES ' CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5215 -- Insurance; 5216--Profession- ' al; 5217 -- Contractual Ser- vices) ' Increase in Medical and Dental Insurance Decrease in General Lines Insurance Increase in Contractual Services ' CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES J $ 9,680 $ 400. 9,260 2,200 3,800 1,460 (7,500) 21,950 ' COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Train ing, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertis- ing; 5219 -- Petroleum Products; 5224- - Miscellaneous; 5324 -- Supplies; 5325 -- Salt; 5327 -- Aggregates; 5328 -- Materials; ' 5329 -- Street Signs; 5331 - -Small Tools & Equipment) $ 9,680 1^ 560 15,910 4-3 Increase in Petroleum Products Decrease in Aggregates Decrease in Materials CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412 - -Motor Vehicles) Decrease in Equipment See Appendix C -1 CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 4 -4 1 300 ' (2,000) (7,500) (9,200) ' (22,550) ' (22,550) 9,500 ' PUBLIC FORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1979 1980 1981 1982 Pre -Mix Patching Materials Used (Tons) 1,606 1,532 3,509 1,421 Tarring Cracks (Pounds)* 3.9 4.5 40,000 40,080 Snow and Ice Control (Man Hours) 2,754 1,156 870 1,092 Traffic Marking (Lineal Feet) Trees Planted (Number) Leaf Removal (Cubic Yards) Trees Sprayed (Number) Trees Removed (Number) Catch Basins Cleaned (Number) Parkway Mowing (Lineal Feet) Street Signs Erected or Replaced (Number) Streets Swept (Miles) Streets Swept (Cubic Yards Debris) Street Light Standards Replaced (Number) Street Gas Lights Replaced (Number) Street Gas Lights Converted to Electrical. Standards (Number) ** Street Light Cable Repairs (Number) Street Lamps Replaced (Number) Rock Salt Used (Tons) Sand (Birds Eye) Ice Control (Tons) Concrete Street Patch Work (Sq.Yds. Replaced) *Changed from Miles to Pounds In 1981 i * *E.P.A. Requirement N 61,415 83,680 82,960 80,270 105 158 89 107 2,818 3,540 4,000' 3,260 406 352 300 300 54 58 49 54 480 480 480 480 80,000 88,700 88,600 88,340 226 245 363 115 895 2,310 3,338 3,743 512 1,178 1,637 1,551 33 13 16 7 3 0 2 0 9 9 0 0 19 5 12 22 472 396 218 208 825 1,172 '7140 634 369 511 325 628. 540 540 540 540 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES E-uu SUPTARY STREET ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $134,956 $151,730 $135,247 $160,500 5113 Overtime 19,301- 15,590 9,653 16,500 5114 Part Time .10,458 11,500. 11,551 11,500 5115 Benefits 7,210 10,840 9,547 12,300 5116 Apparel 1,355 1,100 1,100 19100 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 436 800 800 800 5213 Printing & Advertising - 3,792 4,400 4,400 49400 5214 Communications 1,868 3,250 3,360 3,650 5215 Insurance 189281 27,500 16,455 209000 5216'Professional 50 200 200 200 5217 Contractual 58,372 53,900 61,982 759850 5218 Utility Services 36,831 329940 37,810 429200 5219.Petroleum.Products 159969- '15,700 129358 16,000 5221 Repairs &'Maintenance 339504 329800 339788 369600 5222 Equipment Rental 4,489 7,500 39697 7,500 5224 Miscellaneous 1,397 1,500 2,544 1,500 5231 MV Maintenance 27,678 23,950 23,673 26,150 5324 Supplies 4,834 6,600 5,810 69600 5325 Salt 30,135 25,000. 209000 25,000 5327 Aggregates 32,239 37,300 309615 35,300 5328 Materials 529460 529600 53,291 45,100 5329 Street Signs 7,270 69500- 6,500 6,500 '5331 Small Tools & Equipment 143 600 538 600 5411. Equipment 21,535 279100 25,433 4,550 5412 Motor Vehicles. 0 9,000 89068 9,000 TOTAL' $5249563 $5599900 $5189420 $569,400 -Per Capita Cost $31.11 $31.63 k -6 J Adm.inizt-4.atio n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION Pen Cap.cta. Genenae adm.in.i,6tkation Jon thi.a divizion ,LktvoX -ve,6 aupenv.id.i.on Jon aU ztAeet.pnojeets,. handti.ngg o6 comptainfi6, time eeock necondti bon paynott, making puneFtaee nequ,t/j tionz, keeping neconda neee.abany bon obtaining Motors Veh,zcte Fund revenue 6nom the State, and hancV-ing eo.4Ae�spondenee nec".6ar.y in con- nection with the other 6unctionz. One- 4ouhth the za2atiez o6 the Pubtic wonks DiAec ton and As.d.ustan i Pub.e ie WoAU Di t.ee ton and one- th,ucd o6 the zatany o 6 the Pubt ie Wo.,.h s b ecAe tarry arse changed to .thin account. Ctean.i.ng Pen Capita The V.i,UAge cteanz appnox,imatety 70 miteb o6 stteet.a (140 curb miee,5) . C.2eaning .vs done in the buz inez.6 .aectiond o6 the Vit- tage three times pen weep. and in tes.identiat anea.a on a month.ey aehedute, bon a totat o4 222 mitt swept pen month. In 1982 3,743 mitea o6 btAeet were 6wept. One vacuum .sthe.et sweepeA .cis used bon this ope oti.on. The V,cX age payd a dumping 6e.e (eontAa.etuO) bon di.3pozing. o6 the ne4use. Tna66.ic Manhing Per. Capcta. Tlua activity eon.6i6t6 o6 painting cA.ot, .6wa,W att oven the Vittage, painting centers t ine.b and pa,'Llung staU -z on the bu.b.i nes.a d.vst&ict et&eetz, and eon4t,'tucting az cvett ab insta ti.ng btneet .b.igne. In 1982, 88,340 tineaE beet o6 pavement wel.e ma)Lked and 115 ztAee.t 6.c*gr�s eneeted cn tcepta.ced. A pickup tAuck is wse.d part-time in thins operation to haut the zth.eet bt&ipiytg machine, which is manuo -Uy opetcated. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $66,368 $20,096 $36,874 $3.91 $70,340 $1.11 $19,970 $1.57 $28,230 $63,647 $19,795 $27_577 $3.68 $66,150 $1.34 $24,100 $2.17 $39,100 OD .Pxe -mix Patching PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 Pen Capcia. Pne -mix patching invotva the ovetctaying os deten.ionating pave - ment.6 and tempotcany patching. Inbpectiov,6 ob Vc,?tage .6tneet6 detetunine the aheae to be patched. In the catendan, yeah 1982 Vittage emptoyea appt i.ed 1,421 ton6 o6 pre -mix. ,Four dump t4ueh,6, two utteu, a Layton btacftop paver, a Jnont -end toaden, and -a eoncAete baw ane used bon tW activity. Ag- ggnegatez used .include Band, btaehtop, and gna:vet.. Other mateniat,s used include coneAete, tumben, -steet and pki.men. Tatyr,ing Cnach Pen Capeta. Pubt is WoAh Department empto yeez note atneetb which need to have Cracks 6ic ed; and duAing the .6ummen months, the CAew 6.c,M att c ach toAgen than 114 .inch in width. One truck equipped with a 400 gatton tart k.ettte, and an a4'A eompnesAm, is "ed patrt -time ion taAAing .6tneet c aekz . Aggtr.egate6 and mateA atz used inctude band, 6ine t imutone. dust, chipz and a new eraeFi6itten pnoduc t which contains 25% necyc2ed tiAe.a . This product .6tay6 nail ient at tempen- atunu bee.ow -0° F and wi 2 not ttack du t i.ng hot weather. DA, i.nage StnuetuAa Pen Capita Expend.i tuAe.4 jnom th.i.6 bund ane 6otr, ceeaning 6.tneet intet.6, catch bae.in6, tinu that connect .intet6 to catch bai inb to the .intencepton .6totun a ewe u , and neptaeement o6 bu ken gtuz te.6 , $4.04 $4.14 $75,296 $72,780 $70,444 $74,550 $3.33 $2.33 $35,559 $59,870 $61,832 $41,850 $0.64 $0.75 $12,395 $11,550 $15,332 $13,500 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 DAa i-nage StAuc tuned ( Cony d) coven, and manho.Le 4tame6. Att .intet6 and 4.80 catch ba6.in6 were ct eaned duh i.n.g 1982. A tcu.efi (paaA t -time) and a 6 ewer toddet ate u6 ed 4ot this punpo6 e. The Vittag e pu tcho6 ed a vacuum 6 -tAeet isweepet and eductot combination machine to cE?ean the catch ba6.in6. Mateniakz u6ed by the V.c,t.tage 4on the c1'ean- .ing operation ate tod6 4ot the seweA sodden, 4ite hose6, and a high pte66une jet hydnautic sewer nodden. StAeet L.ight6 and Tta66.ie S.ignaU Pen Capita $3.14 $4.25 This activity eonsi,5tis o{ maintenance o6 exi.6fiing .6ta.ndaActs, $72,714 $56,570 $67,352 $76,550 Zamp6, and 6.ignatz., In 1982, 208 6t.eet tamp6 weiLe neptaeed. Mi,6 ce,UAneou s Maintenance Pen Capita $2.65 $2.79 Mo.6x mi.6cettaneou6 maintenance .i6 done on a bid b"i6 and .in- $38,059 $47,750 $50,161 $50,300 cPude6 eutb neptaeement, inztaUation of 50/50 6.i.dewath4 and 6a6ety 6.idewa l&s. Side«a�Fzs known -.s 50/50 6.idewaZk6 ate tho6e "pubZie s ideioa.�,'_hs" in bunt o6 pt.iva.tz ptopeAt y which the. ownen6 want tepZace.d. The V,c,eZa.ge 6h.ate6 the eo6t with the own.en6 on a 50/50 basis. Sall'ety 6.idewaCfn are tho6e neau4 .6choo.6-, pahh6 and other pubti.cty -awned property which do not qu.afi{ y 6o.rr 50/50 6.inanc.i.ng by the ptopetty owner. Some m.i scettaneouL6 maintenance .cis done by the Vittage emptoyee6. . i 0 Snow and Ice ContAo.e PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 Pen Capita, $6.04 $5.99 Snow and -.ice are c.Ceared Jtom the Vittage .6tAeets, save -600x wade $102,848 $108,740 $ 64,937 $107,800 s.idewatks (33.25 mites of s.idewatU) , and mun.ic ipa.E2y owned patk- .ing .sots and a to ys . Dut.ing 19 8 2 ,. the Vittage used 684 tons o j rock satt and tAeated .ice contco.2 sand. E.2even Vittage veh,icbes may be equipped with snow ptows whenever a snow stanm occu" Six dump ttrucU ( empty weig ht 10, 5 0 0 tbs.), two dump tcu.ck s (empty weight 4,500 tbs.), 6our one -hats ton pickup tiuccU, tve-v e snow p.2ows , and one s.idetua.2k pt ow are used. Lea. Removat Pen Capita $0.92 $0.58 Leaves ate picked up .Eoose 6nom Octobe&.25, untit the jiAzt $ 9,128 $ 16,530 $ '19,971 $ 10,450 snow6a tj of December 1, wh,ichevet comes JiAzt. DuAi.ng this time peA iod .leaves ate picked up jnom every .6 tAeet in the V.iUage on a one time basis on.by. Each tes.idence tece.ives a news.2etter containing detailed .inbotmati.on with p.ic.k -up days, a map and special .instcu.ctions .included. On a bagged -on.by ' bas.us ; the tegu.2ar s cav eng et service wilt pick up t av ea at any time. Uzing two dump trucks with spec i.at boxes and two tea6 vacuum machines, apptoximatety'3,260 cubic yards of com- pacted .leaves ate picked up du&i,ng the season. Tree Removal Pen Capita. $1.23 $1.23 Tree temova.l is done pA m"y on a conttactua.l basis. Ex- pend.itunes 6tom this 4und a zo .inceude the cost o6 spraying 300 etm tc.ees in 1982 to contAo.l the EuAopean Elm Batik beetle. V.c,?.Qage empto yees clean up a�tet tAee stumps ate removed, �itt in with black d.iht, and reseed. Two dump trucks and one Utont- i tM,r M toMLe Ml rs Vic' M r M M $.21,140 $ 22,040 $ 21,870 $ 22,200 Ttee PZa.nting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION Pen Capita Apptox imatety 107 tneea were ptanted in 1982. The Vittage cont4a.ct6 jot the putchaze of the tneea, and Vittage emptoyeu plant them. The Vittage pays one -hatj the coat of a 1 112 .inch diameter tree. 16 a .banger tree is requested by the homeowner, he pays the addition. coat. Palo` .T.i,me use o� a Fotd ttactot with a 30" auger, a dump truck, and the 6tont- end toa.det ttactor is %equ lLed Got ptant.ing. RaitAoad Station Maintenance Pet Capita The Vittage Pubti.c Wo&h emptoyeea provide ma.inte,iance .6ehv.iee and tepait vanda?.izm and damage to the .interior o f the Deen6.ie ed Chicago, Xitwaukee and Saint Pain. Rai toad Station. This i6 done under an agteement between the Chicago, Wlwaukee and Saint Pau. RaitAoad, the RTA, and the Vittage o� Deerj.ietd. Weed Controt Pet Capita Greed controt inc,Pu.dea cutting weeds and giwuss on 88,340 t ineat feet of paAfaoaya and on other V.iUage -owned ptopetti.ea. Some wotft .cis done dot pti.vate owneta on a te%mbu�usement ba iz ($30.00 pet hour.) . A Fotd tta.e tot (pant-time) and three n.otat y hand .lawn mowena are used. Weed kitten .iz app.Pi,ed in some toeat.ionz. TOTALS i ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982-83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $0.66 $0.68 $ 6,527 $ 11,900 $ 5,816 $ 12,250 $1.16 $0.97 $ 15,205 $ 20,850 $ 21,057 $ 17,550 $0.71 $0.73 $ 12,354 $ 12,780 $ 8,529 $ 13,050 $524,563 $559,900 $51*8,420 $569,400 DEPARTmENT WORKS PUBLIC EXPENDITURES . FUNCTION ADMINISTRATION F-uu STREET 20 -2111 ACCOUNT NUMBER PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE AND CLASSIFICATION- 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $28,632 $26,200 $28,491 $28,000 5113 Overtime 0 340 340 400 . 5114 Part Time 0 0. 0 0 . 5115 Benefits 1$09 ..1,300 1,997 1,500' 5116 Apparel 1,355. 1,100 1,100- 11100 .5212 Travel, Training, etc. 436 800 800 800 5213 Printing & Advertising 3,792 4,400 4,400 4,400 5214 Communications 1,868 2,600 2,710 3,000 5215 Insurance' 18,281 27,500 16,455 20,000 5216 Professional 50' 200 200 200 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 750 ,.5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 1,147 900 900 1,000_ 5221- Repairs -& Maintenance 922 500 500 500 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 780 1,000 2,044 1,000 5231 MV Maintenance 2,763 2,000 2,000 2,000 5324 Supplies 1,977 1,500 1,710 1,500 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 5 °328 Materials 0 0 0 0 5329 Street Signs 0 0 . 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment .0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 2,856 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL, $66,368 $70,340 $63,647 $66,150 Per Capita Cost $3.91 $3.68 4 -12 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMEy]_ uumu �t1iu PUBLIC WORKS CLEANING STREL-E.T 20 -2121 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1y82-83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $ 7,781 $ 9,250 $ 9,.250 $ 9,800 5113 Overtime 108 120 (110) 100 5114 Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115 Benefits 531 800 522 900 5116 Apparel 0 0 O 0. 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 O 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 O� 5215 Insurance 0 0 O O 5216 Professional 0 0 0. 0 5217 Contractual 534 500 923 11000 5218 Utility Services 0 0 O 0 5219 Petroleum Products 2,489 1,500 1,500 1,500 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5,101 3,000 3,000 5,000 5222 Equipment Rental 0 500 0 500 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 2,855 3,000 3,456 4,000 5324 Supplies 691 1,000 1,000 1,000 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 0 0 O 0 5328 Materials 0 0 0 0 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 0 300 254 300 . 5411 Equipment 0 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $20,096 $19,970 $19,795 $24,100 Per Capita Cost $l.li $1.34 .4-13 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES Tura cT im TRAFFIC IMARKING FUND STREET 20 -2.131 4 -14 ACCOUNT NUP ?BER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE- PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $,5,927 $11,410 $11,410 $12,000 5113 Overtime 162 280 201 300 5114 Part Time 1,867 2,040 2,036 2,000 5115 Benefits 435 800 211 900 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0. 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0. 0 5214 Communications 0' 0 0, 0 5215 Insurance 0 .0 .0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 12,258 0 0 12,000 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 526 600 600 600 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 597 600 719 800 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 972 1,000 1,000 1,000 5324 .Supplies 0 0 0 0 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 0 0 0 . 0 5328 Materials 6,860 .5,000 51)'000. 3,000 5329 Street Signs 7,270 6,500 6,500 6,500 5331 Small Tools .& Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411.Equipment 0 0 : 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles :. 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $36,874 $28,230 $279677 $39,100 Per Capita Cost $1.57 $2.17 4 -14 i i EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT F.,II NCT ION Elm PUBLIC WORKS PRE -MIX PATCHING STREET 20 -2141 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 19$2 -,83` 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $30,701 $26,110 $26,110 $27,500 5113 Overtime 1,609 1,600 1,000 1,700 5114 Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115 Benefits 1,157 1,970 2,880 2,250 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0' 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 0 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0_ 5219 Petroleum Products 2,709 2,000 2,000 2,000 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 2,550 5,500 6,505 5,500 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 •0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 5,512 5,000 5,000 5,000 5324 Supplies 257 600 600 600 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 24,922 28,000 24,000 28,000 5328 Materials 1,925 2,000 2,349 2,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 3,954 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $75,296 $72,780 $70,444 $74,550 Per Capita Cost $4.04 $4.14 n 4 -15 EXPENDITURES -DEPARTMENT FUNCTION PUBLIC WORKS TARRING CRACKS ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 5111 Salaries $6,059 .$14,290 $13,024 5113 Overtime 841 890 278 .5114 Part Time 1,920 2,000 2,000 5115 Benefits 332 1,190 782 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 5214.Communications 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 5218 Utility Services 0 0 `0 5,219 Petroleum Products 468 700 2,101 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 646 800 1,173 5222 Equipment Rental 4,488 2,500 2,197 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 ' 5231 MV Maintenance 996 1,000 1,387 5324 Supplies 0 0 0 5325 Salt 0 0 0 -5327 Aggregates 0 500 . 143 5.328 Materials 19,809 20,000 22,747 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0' 5331 Small Tools -& Equipment 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 0 16,000 16,000 5412 Motor Vehicles 0. 0 0 TOTAL $35,559 $59,870 . $61,832 Per'Capita Cost $3.33 4 -lE STREET 20 -2151 PROPOSED 1983 -84 $15,000 900 2,000 1,350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 1,200 2,500 0 1,400 0 0 500 15,000 0 0 0 0 ■ $41,850 , $2.33 4 -17 'EXPENDITURES EPARTMENT Fu mON Em i PUBLIC WORKS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES STREET 20 -2161 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED ' AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 ' 5111 Salaries $ 5,711 $ 4,620 $ 5,801 $ 4,900 5113 Overtime 386 530 755 550 ' 5114 Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115 Benefits 380 400 284 450 5116 Apparel 0 0 G 0 ' 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 ' 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 ' 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 0 ' 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 270 300 257 300 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 1,560 1,500 2,257 2,300 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 O 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 ' 5231 MV Maintenance 1,231 1,200 1,874 2,000 5324 Supplies 0 0 0 0 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 485 1,000 871 1,000 ' 5328 Materials 2,372 2,000 3,233 2,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 ' 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 .5411 Equipment 0 0 0 0 ' 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $12,395 $11,550 $15,332 $13,500 1 Per Capita Cost $0.64 $0.75 4 -17 4 -18 EXPENDITURES DEPAR-IFAT FUNCTION Luivli PUBLIC WORKS LIGHTS AND SIGNALS STREET t;'..;.. 20 -2171 ACCOUNT NUMBER ..ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $ 9,478 $ 5,030 $ 5,030 $ 5,300 5113 Overtime 814 800 800 800 5114 Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115.Benefits 586 400 165 450 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0- 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual .13,626 8,000 15,136 18,000 5218 Utility Services 35,255 30;740 35,610 40,000 5219 Petroleum Products 1,251 700 700 700 5221 Repairs & Maintenance (2,041) 600 1,845 1,000 5222.Equipment Rental 0 1,000 0 1,000 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 2,221 1,000 1,965 1,000 5324 Supplies- 0 0 0 0 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 538 300 101 300 -5328 Materials 9,591 8,000 6,000 8,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0, .0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 1,395 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $72,714 $56,570 $67,352 $76,550 Per.Capita Cost $3.14 $4.25 4 -18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION Eim PUBLIC WORKS MISCELLANEOUS FAINTENANCE STREET 20 -2181 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $ 6,371 $ 5,030..'. $ 5,650 $ 51300 5113 Overtime 316 470 598 500 5114 Part Time 0 0 60 0 5115 Benefits 322 400 410 4.50 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 18,146 25,700 28,309 28,400 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 341 500 500 500 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 1,509 2,500 2,500 2,500 5222 Equipment Rental 0 2,000 1,000 2,000 5224 Miscellaneous 617 500 500 500 5231 MV Maintenance 891 850 850 850 5324 Supplies 0 0 0 0 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 858 1,000 1,000 1,000 5328.Materials 8,545 8,500 8,500 8,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 143 300 284 300 5411 Equipment 0 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $38,059 $47,750 $50,161 $50,300 Per Capita Cost $2.65 $2.79 A-19 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT EncT ION E-uu PUBLIC WQ.Rk:S SNOW AND ICE CONTROL STREET 20 -2191 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -.84 5111 Salaries $14,298 $25,460 $10,000 $27,000 5113.Overtime 14,058 8,050 4,000 8,500 5114-Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115 Benefits 622 1,580 802 1,800 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213'Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 650 650 650 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 52.16 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 0 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0' 5219 Petroleum Products 4,489 16,400 2,000 5,300 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 15,622 11,000 6,000 11,000 5222 Equipment Rental 0 1,000 0 1,000 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 6,978 ..6,000 3,000. 6,000 5324 Supplies 893 2,000 . 1,000 2,000 5325'Salt 30,135 25,000 20,000. : 25,000 5327 Aggregates 5,136 6,000. 4,000 4,000 5328-Materials 512 .2,000 1,000. 2,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411. Equipment .10,105 4,600 4,417 4,550 5412 Motor. Vehicles 0 9,000 8,068 9,000 TOTAL $102,848 $108,740 - -. $ 64,937 $107,800 Per Capita Cost $6.04 $5.99 4 -20 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 511.3 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Berief its 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5218 Utility Services 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5222 Equipment Rental 5224 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5324 Supplies 5325-Salt 5327 Aggregates 5328 Materials 5329 Street Signs 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPENDITURES FUNCTION LEAs REMOVAL ACTUAL 1981 -82 $ 3,915 751 0 285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 810 2,366 0 0 1,001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $9,128 BUDGET 1982 -83 $ 53030 300 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 2,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,500 0 $16,530 $0.92 ESTIVATE 1982 -83 $ 7,467 917 0 519 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 4,449 0 0 1,303 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,016 0 $19,971 STREET 20 -21A1 PROPOSED 1983 -84 $ 5,300 900 0 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 2,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $10,450 $0.58 4 -21 ,EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS FuNCTIQN TREE REMOVAL Elm STREET 20 -21B1. ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND. .CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $ 5,917 $ 4,620 $ 4,620 $ 4,900 5113 Overtime 138 570 130 600 5114 Part Time 3,200 . 3,400 3,400 3,200 5115 Benefits 380 400 539 450 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. .0. 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217.Contractual 8,843 9,000 9,169 9,000 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 217 400 400 400 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 416- 500 500 500 5222 Equipment Rental 1 500 500 500 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0' 0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 738 450 412 450 5324 Supplies 0 0 0 0 5325 Salt. 0 0 0 0 5327--Aggregates 0 0 0 0 5328 _ Materials - 1,290 2,200 2,200 2,200 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small .Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 0, 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles x '0. 0 0 0 TOTAL $21,140 .: $22,040`: $21,870 $22,200 Per Capita Cost $1.23 $1.23 4 -22 I EXPENDITURES DEPARmaI D PUBLIC WORKS TREE PLANTING STREET 20 -2111 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 _.ESTIMATE 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $2,647 $5„030 $1,774 $ 5,300 5113 Overtime 20 320 44 350 5114 Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115 Benefits 148 400 127 450 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 2,018 4,200 1,945 4,200 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 755 700 700 700 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 44 300 300 300 5222.Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 5231 MV Maintenance 550 450 426 450 5324 Supplies 0 0 0 0 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 5328 Materials 345 500 500 500 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 0 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $6,527 $11,900 $5,816 $12,250 Per Capita Cost $0.66 $0.68 4 -23 nEPARTIE.�I PUBLIC W6RKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND.CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113'Overtime 5114 Part Time EXPENDITURES ..FUNCTION RAILROAD STATION MINTENANCE 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5218 Utility Services 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5222 Equipment Rental 5224 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5324.'Supplies 5325 Salt 5327 Aggregates- 5328 Materials 5329 Street-Signs 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 54.11 °Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost 4 -24 ACTUAL 1981 -82 $ 4,654 86 1,920 336 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,947 1,576 0 1,863 0 0 0 1,016 0 300 507 0 0 0 0 $15,205 BUDGET 1982 -83 $ 4,620 700 .2,030 400 0 0 0 0 .0 0 6,500 2,200 0 2,000 0 0 0 1,500 0 500 400 0 0 0 0 $20,850 $1.16 ESTIMATE 1982 -83 $ 4,620 700 2,029 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,500 2,200 0 2,000 0 0 0 1,500 0 .. 500 805 0 0 0 0 $21,057 .EM STREET 20 -21D1 PROPOSED 1983 -84 $ 4,900 800 2,300 450 0 0 0- 0 0 0 2,500 2,200 0 2,000 0 0 0 1,500 0 500 400 0 0 0 0 $17,550 $0.97 EXPENDITURES D PARTMFNT FUNCTiou FUND PUBLIC WORKS WEED CONTROL STREET t20 -21E1 4 -25 . M-n- ACCOUNT.NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ,ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $ 2,865 $ 5,0130 $2,000 $ 5,300 5113 Overtime 12 120 0 100 5114 Part Time 1,551 2,030 2,026 2,000 ' 5115 Benefits 181 400 106 450 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0. 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 ' 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 O 0_ 0* t 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 0 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 497 700 400 700 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 2,349 1,500 2,040 1,500 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 ' 5231 5324 MV Maintenance Supplies. 970 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 5325 Salt 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 5328 Materials 704 2,000 957 2,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 3;225 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles '0 0 0 0 TOTAL $12,354 $12,780 $8,529 $135050 Per Capita Cost $0.71 $0.73 4 -25 . M-n- SEWER FUND SOURCE.OE FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Sewer Charges $532,258 $625,000 $515,000 $620,000 $620,000 $620,000 Surcharges 32,776 25,000 50,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Permits and Fees 20,140 20,000 35;000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Acreage Development Fees 1,870 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 P'enalt'ies 6,913 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Other, Charges for Services 0 1,000 500 500 500 500 Int erest Earned 82,058 60,000 75,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Miscellaneous 7,024 500 500 500 500 500 Construction Reserve - Collections 37,1.11 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Amount: to be Transferred to Construction Reserve (37,111) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $683,039 $740,500 $685,000 $751,000 $751,000 $751,000 Transfer from Construction Fund 0 64,000 34,700 0 0 ..0 Transfer from Depreciation Reserve 0 87,510 130,000 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE AND AUTHORIZED N RESERVE APPROPRIATION $683,039 $892,010 $849,700 $751,000 $751,000 $751,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $656,472 $877,080 $88 5 '1770 $750,100 $805,510 $8529320 Lq PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY-CATE60RIES) 1983 -84 1981 -82 1982 =83 1982 -83. 1983 -84 BUDGET 1984 =85 1985 -86 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED :OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1982 -83 BUDGET Personal Services 5111, 5113, 5114 $301,986 $341,400 $331,254 $359,550.. $ 18,,150 $380,000 $400,000 Other Services 5214, 5218, 5221, 52221 5231. 152,646 156,670 160,533 171,850 .15,180 178,650 183,650 Contractual 5115, 5215,5216, 5217 41,879 76,660 70,622 73,150 (3,510) 79,160 85,970 Coinrnodi ties 5116, 5212, 5213, 5219, 5223, 5224, 5324, 53269 5327, 5328, 5329, 5331 75,280 75,900 84,980 74,700 (1,200) 76,200 76,200 Capital Outlay 5411, 5412, 5415, 5416 84,681 .226,450 239,381 80,8.50 (145,600) 91,500 106,500 TOTALS . $656,472 $877,080 $886,770 $760,100 .$(116,980) $805,510 ' $852,320 i i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DI`IISICN BUDGET ANALYSIS 1983 - 1984 PROPOSED BUDGET $760,100 1982 - 1983 BUDGET 877,080 DECREASE .$.(116,980) PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 -- Part -Time) Annual Salary Adjustments $1.81150 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5214 -- Communications; 52.18- - Utility Services; 5 2.:1 -- Repairs & Maintenance:, 5222 -- Equipment Rental; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Increase in Communications 750 Increase in Utility Services 22,330 Decrease in Repairs & Maintenance (7,900) CHANGES Ind OTHER SERVICES rl COP;TRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- Benefits; 5215 -- Insurance; 5216-- Profession- al; 5217 -- Contractual Ser- vices) Increase in Benefits 3,240 Decrease in Insurance (51000) Decrease -in Contractual Services (1,750) CHANGES IN COiNTRACTUAL SERVICES _COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Train- ing, etc,; 5213 - Printing &. Advertis- ing;'5219 --- Petroleum Products; 5223- - Occupancy; 5224 -- Miscellaneous; 5324- - Supplies; 53L6 -- Chlorine; 5327-- Aggre- gates; 5328 -- Materials; 5329 -- Street Signs; 5331 - -Small Tools & Equipment) $18,150 15,180 (3,510) -5-3 Increase in Petroleum Products 300 Decrease in Chlorine (1,500) , CHANGES IN COMMODITIES (1,200) ' CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412 - -Motor Vehicles; 5415-- Improvements- ' Not Bldg.; 5416 -- Depreciation Decrease in Equipment ' See Appendix C -2 (1,600) Decrease in Improvements -Not Bldgs. (144,000) ' CHANGES iN CAPITAL OUTLAY (145,600) TOTAL DECREASE . $(116,980) 1 . 5 -4 t 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER. DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1979 1980 1981 1982 Sanitary Sewer Stoppages 90* 62* 82* 72* Sanitary Sewers Cleaned 505,379° 504,909° 483,995° 420,197° Sanitary Excavation Openings 58# 297# 146# 215# Sanitary Infiltrations Found 6* 10* 7* 6* Sanitary Manholes Rebuilt 24* 25* 31* 39* Sanitary Sewers TV °D 5,780° 3,270° 5,720° 12,758° Downspouts Disconnected 17* 16* 5* 85* Sump Pump Inspection 10* 38* 53* 65* Home Dye or Smoke Tested 933* 736* 482* 1,096 *' Storm Sewers Cleaned 38,800° 31,4380 28,500° 27,450° Inlets.Cleaned 462* 320* 425* 540* Storm Excavation Openings 180 1,161° 1,410° 1,443° Storm Infiltrations Found 20* 10* 3* 14* Storm Structures Reconstructed 39* -68* 72* 52* Storm Sewers TV'D 4,300* 2,850* 600* 3,7:11* Street Inlet Covers Replaced 30* 26* 14* 20* New Storm Sewers or Laterals Installed 2000 6400 9150 7540 Inlets Dye or Smoke Tested 31* 44* 60* 55* Inlets Found to Have Infiltration to Sanitary Sewers and Disconnected 8* 10* 18* 12* *Number °Feet #Square Yards U1 i rn PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1979 11980 1981 1982 Inlets Found to Have Direct Connection to Sanitary 5 0 0� 0 Sewage Pumped:(Million Gallons) 1.,195, 1,133 1,090 1,073 Primary Sludge (Thousand Gallons) 3,366 4,041 3,956 3,770 Chlorine Used (Pounds) 17,031 17,698 14,198 15,546 Sludge Beds Cleaned 182 137 183 182 Sludge Beds Drawn 163 135 166 204 Electric Current Used (Thousand K..W.H.). 11740 1,709 1,743, 1,648 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5218 Utility Services 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5222'Equipment Rental 5223 Occupancy 5224 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5324 Supplies 5326 Chlorine 5327 Aggregates 5328 Materials 5329 Street Signs 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles. 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 5416 Depreciation TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPE- NDITURES S UMMARY ACTUAL 1981 -82 $285,630 10,123 6,233 15,128 2,332 1,232 487 1,591 19,346 900 6,505 113,983 8,866 23,722 50 10,000 1,352 13,300 13,789 5,511 8,637 20,738 309 2,027 9,469 21,212 0 54,000 $656,472 BUDGET 1982 -83 $323,530 11,820 6,050 23,460 2,450 1,100 1,100 3,500 25,000 2,700 25,500 97,670 5,350 39,100 3,000 12,000 6,700 13,400 ESTIMATE 1982 -83 $314,175. 11,820 5,259 20,8.91 2 2,450 600 1,100 3.,500 .19,461 1,850 28,419 97,670 8,518 44,684 1,279 12,000 6,700 13;400 Em SEVER P OPOSED 19?83 -84 $341,000 12.,500 6,050 26,700 2,450 1,100 1,100 4,250 20,000 2,700 2.3,750 120,000 5,650 31,200 3', 000 12,000 6,700 13,400 13,400 - 12,942 13,400 5,500 1,812 4,000 8,000 6,347 .8,000 19,000 31,726 19,000 300 0 300 1,000 785 1,000 10,450 9,545 8,850 18,000 16,136 18,000 144,000 159,700 0 54,000 54,000 54,000 $877,080 $886,770 $760,100 $48.73 $42.23 5 -7 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND .The Board of Trustees have established a special annual sewer charge for major maintenance and repair to the Village Sewer System at the rate of $8.00 per year to be billed and paid quarterly together with the regular water and''rsewer bill. This section has been amended periodically; and has been extended to June 30, 1983. The projected balance in this fund is as follows: 5 -8 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 Projected Balance - May 1. $ 79,000 $ 86,300 $128,300 $170,300 Estimated Receipts 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Available Funds $121,000. $128,300 $170,300 $212,300 West Sanitary Sewer Intercepter $ 34,700 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Sanitary Sewer Intercepter - .Osterman Ave.. at Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Tracks $ 0 $ 0 $ .0 $ 0 Total Expenditures $ 34,700 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 AVAILABLE FUNDS $ 86,300 $128,300 $170,300 $212,300 5 -8 Adm.iniztnat.ion and Supenvizony PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION Pen Capita Satan,ies changed to th.i,6 account (one -hats the .6aeany o6 the Utility ty Poite.man, one - jou& t h the da my o6 the. Pubtic WoAks DiAeeton, one- 6omth the sakany of the Assistant Pubti.e_ Wo&kz D. Aec;ton, and one- th.vtd the - satany o f the Pubtic wonhs Secne- zany) ane 4on. the ovenat'..t supe.,vizion o6 the eteaning and mcu,ntenance of present seweu and some new eons:tnuction. C.terming and Maintenance Pen Capita The VZftage .us tmpons.ib.te ion the eteaning and maintenance of appnox.i,matety 60 m.c u o6 sanitary sewer pipe, tang.ing in size {mor in 6 nches to 24 inches, and appnbximatety 46 mites ob storm sewer pipe, nang.ing in size room 10 .inches to the eguiva.tent o6 60 inches. The V.i tttag e eontnae t�s to have the s ewer s ystem scanned by c.tosed c iAcui t te.tevision to 6aci itate..tocation of buken pipe6, - .impnopen atignment o6 pipes, 'toot's, on signs of .in jittAation. Non- pottuting white smoke and dyes cute also used by the Vc,ttage to spot pnob.te_ms. Smoke. irtAoduced in the sani.- tany se.wen pipes .identib.ies areas oU iniiU-Aati,on o f stop -m water; and dyes in storm seweu show intnus.ion in the zan, tarry sewer pipes. In 1982, the IliUage dye on smoke tested 55 intet,6 and eteaned 420,197 it. of sani:tasty sewers and 27,450 it. oA 6tonm sewem. Ln ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $79,773 $80,822 $4.74 $85,350 $8.76. $157,620 $84,722 $137,079 $4.67 $84,050 $5.51 $99,220 i 0 Constnucti,on PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 Pen Cap.cta, - $5.68 The, Vittage reptaces buken on damaged pipes on thew connec -.: tion.6. on intet6 and. coirstcuct,6 .home new sewmz. In. 1982, the Vittage ins tatted 754 6x. o6 new storm seweu on tatenaa, %e- ptaced 20 buken .inlet coven tebuitt 31 sanitary manhotes and necoutructed 52 6tohm 6tnuctUAez. Wazte Grater Treatment Ptant Pen Capcta. The new 4.7 miU -ion dottan expanzion of the waste water treat - ment. ptant has been in JuU ope4at on .6inee May 1, 1978. Thin project was Jinanced by Eedera2 (75 %) and Vittage (25%) 6un6 , t he Vi Ptag e pntion being bunded by genenat obtigation bonds. I n addit io n to the p.t imcvc y and s eea ndany treatment o6 s ewag e with ehtotinati.on and two -stage studge digestion bon anaerobic studge, the new ptant pnovides bon aerobic digestion atong with studg e doy ing beds . D r y s tudg e iz di,.,) pos ed o6 by the Vittage in an envic onmentaUy approved manneA. The new plant has a 585 k.w.h., 12 eyt.inden d.iezee .6tandby gen- eAaton with automatic switching gear and two Arch,i.me.dean screw pumps rated at 7,000 gattonz pen minute. The treatment ptant's hydnautie design capacity can seAve a poputat i.on o' 30,000 and a stoam 6tow o6 17 m.c.Uion gattonz. Besides the main treat- $ 85,076 $102,310 $100,641 $29.55 $410,801. $531,800 $564,328 $5.92 $106,500 $26.13 $470,330 9 Ln i r r PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION Wa3.te Oaten Treatment Pta.nt (Cont'd) ment pta.nt, maintenance inc eu.dez Sour .east .etationz and a 285 h..w.h. generator which .us .located at the Eaat6ide ti6t .dtat.i,on on Riven Road. In addition to the eight Sutt- time Vi Cage emptoyeeb, who op- erate the treatment pta.nt, the Vittage con;Ucact�s Son eng,i.neen- ing co;,rzuetants. One- Sounth the .6aoary oS the Pub.Pic Worths NAeetor and one- Soutth the sataty os the &6s-ii6tant Pub.ei.c Wo&k,s Di&ec ton are changed to the account Son overa t .6upen v-usion o6 the treatment pta.nt. The treatment p.eant .us a zo net pomib.('e Son maintaining tabonatony Sae i e i t-ia to ".sutce quat,i t y eontrot o6 treatment. TOTAL S ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $656,472 $877,080 $886,770 $760,100 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FuNcTioN (12 _. PUBLIC .WORKS ADMINISTRATION SEWER r 21 -2313 - ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $43,470 -$39,920 $43,923 $42,000 ' 511-3 ;Overtime 0 630 630 700 5114 Part Time 0 0 0 0 5115 Benefits 2;263 22100 3,066 2,400 ' 5116 Apparel 11190 1,050 1,050 1,050 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 98 200 100 200 i 5213 Printing & Advertising 487 100 100 .100 5214 Communications 1,217 '1,000 1,000 .1-,500 5215 Insurance 19,346 .25,000 19,461 20,000 5216 Professional 0 200 100 200 5217 Contractual 0 0 0 750 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 ' 5219 Petroleum Products 0 650 650 650 5221 Repairs-1 Maintenance 227 500 808 500 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 5223 Occupancy 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 5224 Miscellaneous 507. 700 700 700 , 5231 MV Maintenance 641 900 900 900 5324..Supplies : 327 400 234 400• .5326 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 5328.,Material.s 0 0 0 0 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331-,Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 0 0 0 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 5415 'Improvements-Not Bldgs. 0 0 0 0 5416 Depreciation 0 ' 0 0 .0 .TOTAL $79,773 $85,350 $84,722 $84,050 Per Capita Cost $4.74 $4.67 5 -12 EXPENDITURES .................. DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS CLEAVING AND Fi4INTENANCE SF4ER 21- -.2323 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982-813) `i983 -84 5111 Salaries $34,395 $38,640 $38,640 $41,000 5113 Overtime 2,590 3,700 3,700 4,000 5114 Part Time 2,229 1,820 1,512 1,820 5115 Benefits 1,787 .3,160 2,933 3,600 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 0 0 0 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 3,594 8,000 9,000 8,000- 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 1,378 1,500 1,500 1,500 5221 Repairs & Maintenance .4,849 5,000 .-5;000 5;000 5222 Equipment Rental 0 1,000 0 1,000 5223 Occupancy 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 280 2,000 2,000 2;000 5231 MV Maintenance 3,813 4,000 4,000 4,000 5324 Supplies 5,851 8,000 7,000 8,000 5326 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 1,834 1,000 0 1,000 5328 Materials 5,408 5,000 18,726 5,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 1,117 300 300 300 5411 Equipment 1,091 1,500 0 4,000 541.2 Motor Vehicles 10,606 9,000 8,063 9,000 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 0 64,000 34,700 0 5416 Depreciation 0 ' 0 0 0 TOTAL $80,822 $157,620 $137,079 $ 99,220 Per Capita Cost $8.76 $5.51 5 -13 DuARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSFICATIO.N 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications -5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5218 Utility Services 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5222 Equipment Rental 5223 Occupancy 5224 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance.. 5324 Supplies 5326 Chlorine 5327 Aggregates 5328-Materials 5329 Street Signs 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 5416 Depreciation TOTAL Per Capita Cost .5-14 EXPENDITURES FUNCTION CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL 1981 -82 ,$49,485 758 572 2,743 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,648 0 3,035 1,137 0 0 0 5,519 292 0 5,229 9,961 0 228 4,469 0 0 0 $85,076 BUDGET 1982 -83 $59,820 1,240 600 4,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 1,700 7,500 1,000 0 .0 5,500 1,000 0 4,000 10,000 .0 ..200 0 0 0 0 $102,310 $5.68 Em SEWER 21 -2333 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1982 -83 1983 -84 $59,820 $63,000 1,240 1,300 600 600 3,271 .59400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,919 5,000 0 0 2,591 2,000 7,500 7,500 0 - 1,000 0 0 0 0 5,500 5,500 11000 19000 0 0 39000 4,000 99000 10,000 0 0 . .200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $100,641 $106,500 $5.92 5 -15 EXPENDITURES DE P A=-ui F t PUBLIC WORKS TREATMENT PLANT SEWER 1 21 -2414. - ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED ' AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 ' 5111 Salaries $158,280 $185,150 $171,792 ..$195,000 5113 Overtime 6,775 6,250 6,250 6,500 5114.,Part Time 3,432 3,630 3,147 3,630 ' 5115 Benefits 8,335 1.3,450 11,622 15,300 5116 Apparel 1,142 .1,400 1,400 1,400 ' 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 1,134 900 500 900 5213 Printing &.Advertising 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 '. 5214 Communications 374 2,500 .2,500 2,750 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 ' 5216 Professional 900' 2,500 1,750 2,500 5217 Contractual 1,263 12,500 12,500 10,000 5218 Utility Services 113,983 97,670 97,670 120,000- ' 5219 Petroleum Products 4,453 1,500 3,777 1,500. 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 17,509 26,100 31,376 18,200 ' 5222 Equipment Rental 50 1,000 1,279 1,000 5223 Occupancy 0 0 0 0 ' 5224 Miscellaneous 565 4,000 4,000 4,000 5231 MV Maintenance - 3,327 3,000 3,000 3,000 ' 5324 Supplies 7,319 4,000 4,708 4,000 5326.Chlorine 5,511 5,500 1,812 4,000 ' 5327 Aggregates 1,574 3,000 3,347 3,000 5328 Materials 5,369 4,000 4,000 4,000 ' 5329 5331 Street Signs Small Tools & Equipment 309 300 500 0 285 300 500 .682 ' 5411 5412 Equipment Motor Vehicles 3,909 10,606 8,950 9,000 9,545 8,068 4,.850 9,000 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 0 80,000 125,000 0 ' 5416 Depreciation 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 ' TOTAL $410,801 $531,800 $564,328 $470,330 Per Capita Cost $29.55 $26.13 1 5 -15 WINTER FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED O REVENUE: Water Sales $832,670 $960,000 $ 920,000 $ 940,000 $940,000 $ 940,000 Penalties 11,394 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Permits 5,261 7,000 17,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Acreage Fees 3,903 2,000 2,000 1,000 .11000 1,000 Interest Earnings 31,619 15,000 30,000 20,000. 20,000 20,000 Miscellaneous 423 500 500 500 5010 500 TOTAL REVENUE $885,270 $995,500 $ 980,500 $ 982,500 $982,500 $ 982,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $792,413 $983,180 $1,039,298 $1,050,610 $985,640 $1,126,230 d% PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT N WATER DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1983 -84 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 BUDGET 1984 -85 1985 -86 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1982 -83 BUDGET Personal Services 5111, 5113, 5114 $124,38.1 .$136-,540 $139,186 $143,310 $ 6,770 $152,000 $ 160,000 Other Services 5214, 5218, 5221, 52229 . 5231 47,759 60,570 64,952 70,050 99480 74,450 79,290 _Contractual 5115, 5215,5216, 5217 41,773 43,620 349148 117,100 73,480 41,540' 449290 Commodities 51169 5212, 5213, 52199 5223, 5224, 5324, 532691 5327, 5328, 53319 5332 493,787 549,950 535,969 6499750 999800 6499750 649,750 Capital Outlay 5411, 54129 5415, 55161) 5517 84,713 192,500 2659043 70,400 (1229100) 67,900 1929900 TOTALS. $7929413 $9839180 $19039,298 $190509610 $ 679430 $985,640 $1,126,230 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DnIVISION BUDGET ;`ANALYSIS 1983 - 1984 PROPOSED BUDGET $1,050,610 1982 - 1983 BUDGET 983,180 INCREASE $ 67,430 PERSONAL SERVICES: (5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime; 5114 -- Part - Time) Annual Salary Adjustments $ 6,770 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $ 6,770 OTHER SERVICES: (5214 -- Communications; 5218- - Uti-lity Services; 522-1-- ReDairs & Maintenance; 5222 -- Equipment Rental; 5231 - -MV Maintenance) Increase in Communications 750 Increase in Utility Services 8,730 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES 9,480 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115 -- 8enefits; 5215 -- Insurance; 5216--Profession- al; 5217 -- Contractual Ser- vices) Increase in Medical and Dental Insurance 1,180 Decrease in General Lines Insurance (5,000) Increase in Contractual Services 17,300 CHANGES.IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 73,480 COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Train- ing, etc.; 5213 -- Printing & Advertis- ing; 5219 -- Petroleum Products; 5223- - Occupancy; 5224 -- Miscellaneous; 5324- - Supplies; 5326 -- Chlorine; 5327-- Aggre- gates; 5328 -- Materials; 5331 - -Small Tools & Equipment; 5332 -- Purchase of Water) , 6.- 3 I Decrease in Materials (200) .Increase in Purchase of Water 100,000 ' CHANGES IN COMMODITIES, 99,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412 -- Motor Vehicles; 5415 -- Improvements- L Not Bldgs.; 5516 - -Bond Prin- cipal; 5517 - -Bond Interest) Decrease in Motor Vehicles (14,500) Increase in Equipment See Appendix C -3 2,400 , Decrease in Improvements -Not B.ldgs. (110,000) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY (122,100) ' TOTAL INCREASE $ 67,430 , ' t 6 -4 ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1979 1980 1981 1982 Services Checked for Leaks 63 125, 61 107 Annual Water Pumpage (Million Gallons) 931 767 680 806 Water Main Breaks Repaired 42 38' 42 43 Service Leaks Repaired 35 16 24 22 New Fire:Hydrants Installed 7 9 8 2 Fire Hydrants Repaired 46 66 33 17 Water Taps 7 11 2 1 Valves Repaired 4 4 13 2 • Meter Pits Repaired 25 20 23 17 Meters Replaced 55 92 62 97 New Meters Installed 30 22 7 16 Services Checked for Leaks 63 125, 61 107 B Box Adjustments 84 6'2' 72 90 Meters Tested 78 86 27 85 Frozen Water Services 2 2 2 67 Water Meters Read 22,224 22,22.4 22,250 .22,250 Final Meter Readings 322 274 228 274 'Reread' Meter Readings 71 87 64 102 Shut -Off Notices for Delinquent Water. Bills 430. 455 706 707 Meters Sealed 22 67 54 114 Frozen Meters 12 8 6 39. Valve Vaults Reconstructed 1 3 3 2 rn Water Sample Analyses i 307 338 318 306. EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT Ewa PUBL.IC WOORKS SUMMARY WATER ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $106,188 $120,800 $124,813 $127,000 5113 Overtime 14,320 11,430 10,936 12,000 5114 Part Time 3,873 4,310 3,437 4,310 5115 Benefits 5,675 8,420 7,842 9,600 5116 Apparel 1,006 750 750 750 5212 Travel, Training,.etc. 256 600 410 600 5213 Printing & Advertising 1,316 1,700 1,700 1,704 5214 Communications 4138 2,000 2,000 2,750 5215 Insurance 10,400 15,000 7,301 10,000 52:16 Professional 1,120 :3,000 2,800 3,000 . 5217 Contractual 24,578 17,200 16,205 94,500 5218- Utility Services 34,303 35,270 40,000 44,004 5219-Petroleum Products 7,004 3,900 4,393 3,900 5221 °epairs &;Maintenance 1,492 14,900 12,804 14,904 5222 Equipment Rental. 536 1,000 1,000 1,000 5223 Occupancy 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 5224 Miscellaneous 1,575 2,300 1,657 2,300 5231 MV Maintenance 10,290 7,400 9,148 7,400 5,324 Supplies 3,232 1,300 1,119 1,300 5326 Chlorine 139 .400 400 400 5327 Aggregates 7;682 6,000 4,477 6,000 5328 Materials 16,944 20,400 18,107 20,200 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 380 600 667 600 5332"Purchase of Water 444,253 500,000 490,289 600,000 5411 Equipment 18,457 16,000 15,690 18,400 5412 Motor Vehicles 20,256 23,500 21,608 9,000 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 0 110,000 184,745 0 5516 Bond Principal 30,000 ' 30,000 30,. 000 30,000 5517 Bond Interest 16,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 TOTAL $792,413 $983:180 $1,039,298 $1,050,610 Per Capita Cost $54.62 $58.37 6 -6' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION Adm.in 6tu-ti.on and Supenvizony Pen Capita. The ma j ors 'expen.d.i tunes bnoin th i z bund ate bon ba.2ah is and pn i,n- c i.pa.2 and .inteAut on revenue bonds. The da.2ah is changed to th,iz account arse bon ovenaU eupexv.us.ion ob the waxen buncti>on and adm.inizt ative duti"' connected with the ptovis.ion ob bne'sh waters to Vittage tez ident6. Th.ivs ,inctudu one -ha.26 the .satany ob the Uti,2.iti.ei, Foreman, one- bouhth the za.2any ob the Pubtie wo,%U D. Aecton, one- bouruth the zatoAy ob the Azziztant Pub.Uc Wonfvs Ditec tm.. and one -th td the za2axy o b the Pub.P i.c- Wo,Lkz Secnetany Main and FiAe H ydnant Maintenance Pen Cap.cta. Maintaining 65 mites ob waters mains and 750 JiAe hydnant.6 .invoZves nep.2ac i.ng jite hydnant,s and ed thex teptacing bectionz .on nepaiAing bneakz in the water ma.inz. The Vittage eontAac .6 bon an annuat water Aunvey to kocate any .EeaU which might not appear in the no *nma2 couu e o b a. yeah. The Depaxtmen i o6 Pubt i.e plonks atz o - h.eeps a.2etut. box .5.ign6 ob watex .beaks which oceun between annual ,6unvey6. Dwting 1982; the Department ne.paA.ed 22 zenv.iee .leaks and 43 water main breaks. There were atzo 67 bnozen house zenv.ieeb which were thawed out. Equipment used box maintenance' .inctudez a. back -hoe, 'compnessox, three watex pumpb, thAee tnuck6, and one genenaton. Matexi.aU• used •.;included °i 6ite hydnant6,- zteevez, pipe, valve boxes, and watea main va.lvu. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 $6.53 $120,646 $117,570 $115,789 $115,239 $13.59 $244,550 $312,465 $6.40 $115,200 . $6.95 $125,180 L • U.i- 6txi.btd on PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DiviSION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982-•83 1982 -83 1983 -84 Pen Capcta. The Vittage o6 Deet6ietd puneha,6e.6 water 6tom N.ightand Pak on. a con ,tae twat bazi.6 and ma,inta.in6 two pump.6 at the uz etvoiA in Flightand Pa k. In addition, the Vittage has a 1.0 miF,Pi.on gatton ekevated waters tank and a 3.3 minion "go.Uon undengtaund uzenvo.vc in D ..en6.ie.td. In 1982, the V.i.Uage puteh"ed 806 mi, ion gattom o{ waters. To azzute Village tesidents o6 a sa6e waken 6uppt' at all t-i.mu, each month six samptu o6 watet arse sent Got testing to the Envic onmentat Ptatection Agency o6 the State. o6 Wi.noiz and 4ixteen to an .independent testing tab6tatarcy which iz ce&i,- Stied by the E. P. A. Mete) Maintenance Pen Capita Inceuded under the cta.e6.ijicat.ion of meter maintenance arse te- pa ,4z o6 existing meteu, .instattat.ion ob new metered, and meter rreadi ng. Mo6t ,tepai us and metuL ate done on a con.VLa.ctuat bazis. Nowevet, meteJe Heading, metmupta.eements, and tome tepai)u ate done by Vittage emptoyees. TOTALS $31.17 $499,177 $561,100 $ 553,691 $ 57,351 $792,413 $3.33 $41.59 $ 748,550 $3.43 $ 59,960 $. 57,353 $ ' 61,680 $983,1801$1,039,298 $1,050,6,10 •:: u ► PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5114 Part Time 5115 Benefits. 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training,-etc. 5213 Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5217 Contractual 5218 Utility Services 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5222 Equipment Rental 5223 Occupancy 5224 Miscellaneous 5231 MV Maintenance 5324 Supplies 5326 Chlorine 5327 Aggregates 5328 Materials 5329 Street Signs 5331 Small Tools &'Equipment 5332 Purchase of Water 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 5516 Bond Principal 5517 Bond Interest TOTAL Per Capita Cost. EXPENDITURES .................. FUNCTION ADMINI8TRATION ACTUAL 1981 -82 $ 43,715 0 0 2,246 1,006 256 1,316 1,017 10,400 125 0 0 2,047 0 0 10,000 604 1,333 581 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 16,000 $120,646 BUDGET 1982 -83 $ 39,920 0 0 2,100 750 300 700 1,000 15,000 200 0 0 600 0 0 12,000 300 1,200 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 13,000 $117,570 $6.53 ESTIMATE 1982 -83 $43,933 0 0 3,067 750 300 700 1,000 7,301 0 0 0 1,276 0 0 12,000 728 1,200 534 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 13,000 $115,789 FUND WATER 30 -2212 PROPOS=ED 1983A =84 $42,000 0 0 2,400 750 300 700 1,250 10,000 9 200 0 0 600 0 0 12,000 300 1,200 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 13,000 $115,200 $6.40 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT l 1CTION� PUBLIC WORKS MAIN AND FIRE.HYDRANT MAINTENANCE WATER 30 -2222 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82' .1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $;33,232 $ 44,600 $ 44,600 $ 47,000 5113 Overtime f 11,386 10,000 10,000 10,500 5114 Part Time 3,255 3,630 2,771 3,630 5115 Benefits 1,766. 3,420 2,551 3,900 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 5214 Communications 0 100 100 350 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216. Professional 0 0 0 0 5217 Contractual 19,853" 9,100 8,105 8,400 5218'Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 3,132 1,800 19800 1;800 5221'Repairs & Maintenance 231 10,500 8,404 10,500 5222 Equipment Rental 536 1,000 1,000 1,000 5223 Occupancy 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 415 400 400 400 5231 MV Maintenance 4,994 3,000 . 4,647 39000 5324:Supplies 0 0 0 0 5326 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 7,682 6,000 4,477 6,000 5328 Materials 139902 161,200 169200 16,000 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 '5331 .Small Tools & Equipment 245 300' 367 300 5332Purchase of.Water 0 10 0 0 5411 Eq.ui.pment 3,954 1,000 690 3,400 5412 Motor Vehicles 10,606 23,500 21,608 99000 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 0 110,000 184,745 0 5516 Bond Principal 0 0 0 0 5517 Bond Interest 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $115,239 $244,550 $312,465 $125,180 Per Capita Cost $13.59 $6.95 6 -io i i DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES Eu 'fVnIGN DISTRIBUTIOJ ACTUAL BUDGET 1981 -82 1982 -83 WATER 30 -22:2 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1982 -83 1983 -84 5111 Salaries $ 6,803 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 8,000 5113 Overtime 1,503 800 417 800 5114 Part Time 0 0 0 0 . 5115 Benefits 435 530 582 600 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 5213 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0' 5214 Communications 121 800 .800 1,050 .. 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 876 1,300 1,300 - 1,300 5217 Contractual 4,583 6,600 6,600 SY,600 5218 Utility Services 34,303 35,270 40,000 44,000 . 5219 Petroleum Products 62 600 200 600 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 985 31000 3,000 "3;000 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 5223 Occupancy 0 0 0 0. 5224 Miscellaneous 556 1,300 429 1,300 5231 MV Maintenance 1,975 1,200 1,301 1,200 5324 Supplies 1,076 500 285 SOO 5326 Chlorine 139 400 400 400 5327 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 5328 Materials 1,507 1,200 488 1,200 5329 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools .& Equipment 0 0 0 0 5332 Purchase of Water 444,253 500,000 490,289 600,000 5411 Equipment 0 0 O 0 5412 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 0 0 0 0 5516 Bond Principal 0 0 0 0 5517 Bond Interest 0 0 0 0 TOTAL. $499,177 $561,100 $553,691 $748,550 Per Capita Cost $31.17 $41.59 r-=Nj 6 -12 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT. FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS FETER MINTENANCE WATER 30 -2242 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 .1983 -84 5111 Salaries $22,438 .$28,680 $28,680 $30,000 5113 Overtime 1,431 630 519. 700 5114 Part Time 618 680 666 680 5115 Benefits 1,228 2,370 1,642 2,700 5116 Apparel 0 0 0 0 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 0 300 110 300 5213 Printing & Adverti.sing 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 5214.Communications 0 100 100 100 5215 Insurance 0 0 0 0 5216 Professional 119 1,500 1,500 1,500 5217 Contractual 142 1,500 1,500 1,500 5218 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 5219 Petroleum Products 1;763 900 1,117 900 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 226 1,400 1,400 1,400 5222 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 .5223-Occupancy 0 0 0 0 5224 Miscellaneous 0 300 100 300 5231 MV Maintenance 1,988 2,000 2,000 2,000 5324 Supplies 1,575 300 300 . 300 .5326 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 5327 Aggregates 0 0 0 ;! 5328 Materials 1,535 3,000 1,419 3,0100 5329 Street. Si ons 0 0 0 0 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 135 300 300 300 5332 Purchase o} {Dater 0 0 0 0 5411 Equipment 14,503 15,000 15,000 15,000 5412 Motor Vehicles 9,650 0 0 0 5415 Improvements -Not Bldgs. 0 0 0 0 5516 Bond Principal 0 ' 0 0 0 5517 Bond Interest 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $57,351 $59,960 $57,353 $611680 Per Capita Cost $3.33 $3.43 6 -12 *Includes estimated automatic increases called for in-the Refuse Contract. r sJ SCAVENGER SERVICE SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Refuse Billing $417,641 $410,000 $420,000 $420,000 $420" 000 '$420,000 Interest Earnings 6,410 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Property Tax Levy 306,740 328,000 328,000 340;000 340,000 340,000 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 Penalties 6,734 6,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 TOTAL REVENUE $737,525 $751,500 $761,000 $773,000 $773,000 $773,000 EXPENDITURES: Contractual Services $668,044 $713,000 $735,000 $742,000* $770,000* $800,000* Other Charges 1,492 2,000 2;000 2,000 2_,000 3,000 Occupancy 10,000 12,000 12,000 12;000 12,000 15,000 Insurance 4,277 4,500 2,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $683,813 $731,500 $751,500 $760,000 $788,000 $822,000 *Includes estimated automatic increases called for in-the Refuse Contract. r sJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i CARAGPE Garage petusonnet (a ckieb mechanic and an a3z"tant mechanic) are ,tuponz ib& bon the ovenaP.2 operation ob the garage baci,Zity. T6ws ,in- ceudez maintenance o6 5 adm,in ,6t a L ion cau , 14 po P f.ce• -he Bated card, 25 pub.e is wonfu veh iceed, and 34 van.ious p.iece.6 ob contAa.ctorus' ne c,,ted equipment. The contAactonz' equipment .inceudez 16 znow ptm, 2 bac-khoes, 2 baron ttactorus, 5 .eawn mowetus, 3 chain .6aw,6, one set6- pxopeZeed paint ,6tA peA, one snowbZowen, one .s.idewatk ptow, and 3 genenatons A chaAg e iz made to the van.ious V,c Uag e depwr tments by budg etatr_y bunctionz bon paAts and tabor on veh.ic2e s and equipment z ew iced by the garage. The gatcage iz atzo nesponz.ibte bon contrca.cting bon zeAv.ice bnom ou.a.ide nepait zetw.ice companies bon major body and tnanumizzion work. D.iezet and gasot.i.ne buetz are aP-so changed back to the depantmentz and attocated to the budget expend.itunes by bunction. s -i •CID N GARAGE. SOURCE OF FU.NDS.AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED SOURCE 1981 -82 ACTUAL 1982 -83 BUDGET 1982 -83 ESTIMATE 1983 -84 PROPOSED 1984 -85 PROJECTED 1985 -86 PROJECTED REVENUE: Administration $ 3,024 $ .2,800 $ 3,500 $. 3,000 $ 3,400 $ 3,400 Police 14,983 22,000 11,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 Street 619083 52,000 60,000 53,000 54,000 54,000 Sewer .21,477 24,000 17,500 28,000 29,000 .29,000 Water 14,724 20,000 18,000 229000 23,000 23,000 Parking Lots 22. 1,000 500 1,000 1,200 1,200 Emergency Services- 566 1,400 700 1,400 1,600 1,600 . Youthbound 772 19200 500 1,200 19400 1,400 Dial -A -Ride .3;420 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE $120,071 $1249400 $111,700 $119,600 $125,600 $125,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $120,274 .$1139560 $1059216 $115,630 .'$122,000 $125,000 i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GARAGE. BUDGET ANALYSIS 1983 - 1984 PROPOSED BUDGET $1.15,630 1982-- 1983 BUDGET 113,560 INCREASE $ 2,070 PERSONAL SERVICES: .(5111 -- Salaries; 5113 -- Overtime) Annual Salary Adjustments CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (5214 -- Communications; 5218 -- Utility Services; 5221 -- Repairs & Maintenance) Increase in Communications CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (5115--Benefits;5215-- Insurance;5216-- Profession- al; 5217 -- Contractual Ser- vices) Increase in Benefits CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMODITIES: (5116 -- Apparel; 5212 -- Travel, Train- ing, etc.;5213 -- Printing & Advertis- ing; 5219 -- Petroleum Products; 5224- - Miscellaneous; 5324 -- Supplies; 5328- - Materials; 5331- -Small Tools & Equip ment) Increase in Printing & Advertising CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $2,830 200 440 101( CAPITAL OUTLAY: (5411 -- Equipment; 5412- -Motor , Vehicles) $2,830 200 440 itli( 8 -3 Decrease in Equipment See Appendix C -4 CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 5111 Salaries 5113 Overtime 5115 Benefits 5116 Apparel 5212 Travel, Training, etc. 5213 Printing & Advertising 5214 Communications 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional 5218 Utility Services 5219 Petroleum Products 5221 Repairs & Maintenance 5224 Miscellaneous 5324 Supplies 5328 Materials 5331 Small Tools & Equipment 5411 Equipment 5412 Motor Vehicles TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPEVDITURES FUNCTION GARAGE ACTUAL 1981 -82 $ 45,954 3,357 2,425 433 66 297 76 1,590 0 1,016 542 535 249 51,398 691 1,129 4,068 6,448 $120,274 BUDGET 1982 -83 $ 48,100 3,670 3,160 330 200 250 0 3,000 50 2,000 800 5,000 200 42,000 500 1,000 3,300 0 $113,560 $6.31 ESTIMATE 1982 -83 $ 46,279 3,670 3,125 432 200 302 46 2,189 0 735 . 800 1,957 41 42,000 117 1,000 2,323 0 $105,216 El-U GARAGE 23 -2117 PROPOSED 1983 -84 $ 50,700 3,900 3,600 330 200 350 200 3,000 50 2,000 800 5,000 200 42,000 500 1,000 1,800 0 $115,630 $6.42 8 =5 MOTOR FUEL TAX, The motott 6uet tax .,z cottected by the State o6 I.P,P.inois and is a �&zt rate tax at 7.5 cents pen ga,Pt.on which i,6. then appo.tti..oned in aceonda.nce with a AatheA complex 6otrmuta; a6te-A cehta.in deductionz, 32 petccent 06 the t ema,in:ing motoA 6uet .tax .us attoeated to the muwici.paUtiez o6 the State . on a pere capita ba.6i,6. In addition, 2% o6 the State's poAt i,o n o6 %a a:t.es tax eoUectio" ane dizttibuted to the ViUaae. Mototc 6ueZ ta.x 6u;i Witt continue-to be uti.Uzed aecond.ing to State A.egu,Pat.iorvs 6otr. the. ,,(gUowing punpoz eh : ]. StAeet co"ttucti.on of AeconzV�uction to .impuVe. t..,,,a66.ie capacity. 2. Inata.ttati,on o6 tna66.ic z.igrvs, d.ignatz, and cont.tots. 3. S.idewatk %epaiA and up.Paeement. 4. The pub.tic bene6.it shatce o6 new .sttceet ,impAovement,6 when eetLta,in chitehi.a arse met in connection with a .speci.at assebdment pno1ect. 9 -1 m N MOTOR FUEL TAX SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Beginning Balance Interest Transfers Transfer from Completed Projects, Motor Fuel Tax Allotments FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR MFT PROJECTS: 1.. MFT Street Maintenance Program* 2. Street Resurfacing and Renovation Program ** a. Concrete Patching b. Resurfacing c. Sidewalk and Curb Replacement.(Safety Sidewalk) TOTAL 3.. Reconstruction Wilmot Road -- Lake -Cook to Deerfield * ** 4. Resurfacing Deerfield Road * * ** OBLIGATED AMOUNTS TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR YEAR END BALANCE $117,000 .$11.7,000 $117,000 $117,000 1982-83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 $180,000 $240,422 $(31,337) $(73,337) . 45,000 30,000 15,000 15,000 .. 94,022 28,241 0 0= 220,000 230,000 240,000 240,000 $539,022 $528,663 $223,663 $181,663 $117,000 .$11.7,000 $117,000 $117,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 60,000 0 150,000 150,000 69600 5,000 5,000 5,000 $ 91,600 $ 30,000 $180,000 $180,000 $ 45,000° $295,000 $118,000 $ 45,000 $298,600 $560,000 $297,000 $ 297,000 $240,422 $(31,337) $(73,337) $(115,337) 'Total Project $1,000,000 -- $340,000 Village MFT, $770,000 FAUS *Capital Project Item 3, Refer to Section 11 * *Capital Project Item .4, Refer to Section 11 ** *Capital Project item 8, Refer to Section 11 * ** *Capital Project Item 14, Refer to Section 11 � r r ■r rr rr � ■r � � � rr � � � � � � r � � � PENSIONS The Vittage cont4 butes to two- pen -6ion bund3 a,6 he -Mined by State .ecuo: - 1. M. R. F. I. M. R. F. coverts Vi Cage emp-toclees except poti ce. 1. M. R. F. pay- ment includes the employee poAtion ob soctat seeupity as weft as the neces- sary eontte.ibuti..ons botc the State plan. The euxtent empkoyen coy,,tubut,,on .c.s 13.240 ob sa2aicy. The hate iz set by 1. M.. R. F. on a combination o6 baetotus inceuding the cmAent soci.at secut ty %equ oLement. POLICE PENSION FUND The Poti.ce Pension Fund .us nequiAed by-State taw bore a t communities ob ovetc 5,000 poputati,on. The bund .cis adm%nizteted by a Po t i.ce Pension Boated made up ob jive membut.6. Two atee active members ob the department, two au btcom the citizens ob the community, and one is etect:ed bteom the 7 bene4icia,ti.es ob the, bund. They are ehoAged with the -investment ob the bund6 eo.Ptected btcom the active pe)Lsornef- and by a speci.ae tax. os the eovLtA bution ob the community. io -1 i POLICE PENSION FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS.ANP EYPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1.984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE :PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Payroll. Deduction ..$.60,228 $-80,000 $ 7:7,000- $ 80,000 $ 84,000 $ 88,000 Property Tax Levy .103,408 122,000 122,000 135,000 200,000 220,000 Personal Property Replacement Tax 5,850 8,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 Interest 1119758 165,000 200,000 2209000 250,000 280,000 TOTAL REVENUE. $2819244 $375,000 _ $4059000 .$4429000 $542,000 $596,000 EXPENDITURES: -Pensions $..299413 $ 319000 $ 32,000 $ 33,000 $ 51,000 $ 70,000 Miscellaneous 320 250 250 250 250 250 Pension Fund Reserve 251,511... 343,760 372,750 408,750 4909750 5259750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $281,:244,.;-:..$37,5,0 ^u0 $405,000 $442,000 $5429000. $596,000 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $2.25,736 Employee Contributions 102,796 Personal Property Replacement Tax 7,438 TOTAL REVENUE $335,970 EXPENDITURES: I: M. R. F. Payments -- Employer I. M. R. F. Payments Employee TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 i :.w $225,000 $225,000 $230,000 $240,000 $250,000 98,000. 110,000 115,000 120,000 125,000 8,000 79000 7,000 8,000 8,000 $331,000 $342,000 $352,000 $368,000 $383,000 $201,200 $236,000 $212,000 $225,000 $230,000 $240,000 102,796 98,000 110,000 115,000 1-20,000 125,000 $303,996 $334,000 $322,000 $340,000 $350,000 $365,000. CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 PROJECT 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 1987 -88 SOURCE OF FUNDS 1. Continuation of 50/50 Sidewalk Program $ 91000 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Street Division 50% Village Contribution 50% Resident Contribution 2. Continuation of 50/50 Curb Replacement Program 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Street Division 50% Village Contribution 50% Resident Contribution 3. MFT Street Maintenance Program 117,000 117,000 . 117,000 117,000 117,000 Motor Fuel Tax 4. Resurfacing Program -- MFT Contract Maintenance a. Concrete Maintenance 25,000 b. Resurfacing 0 c. Sidewalk and Curb Replacement 5,000 TOTAL $ 30,000 5. Removal and Disposal of Dead Park- way Trees + Dutch Elm Program 9,000 6. Construction of Access Avenue; Engineering and Design; Acquisition of Necessary Property and Construc- tion of Roadway and Improvements from Hazel to Osterman Avenue: a. Deerfield Rd. to Jewett Pk. Dr. b. Deerfield Rd. to the Commons r I 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 95,300 278,400 25,000 Motor Fuel Tax 150,000 5,000 $180,000 MFT Revenues 9,000 Street Division Bond Issue Bond Issue r I N CAPITAL ITEN'S FOR CONSIDERATION PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 PROJECT 1093 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 1987 -88 SOURCE OF FUNDS c. Park Ave Station Area 83,900 i Bond Issue d. Access Avenue to Hazel 106,000 Bond Issue e. Parking SW Quadrant 521,400 Bond Issue f. Parking NW Quadrant 178,300 Bond Issue TOTAL. $463,500 $799,800 7. Osterman Avenue- Waukegan to Elm StreaeL--Widening, Resur- facing, Curb and Gutters; Engineering and Construction 8. Wilmot Road -- Lake -Cook to Deer- field Reconstruction 9. Street Rehabilitation Program (See Village Engineer Report) 10. Reconstruct Rails on Deerfield Road Bridge - -at Deerfield Road over the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River 11. Traffic Signals on Waukegan Road at Cadwell Corners and McDonald's Restaurant 270,000 295,000 758,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 100,000 12. Tra ffic Signals on Waukegan Road at First National Bank of Deerfield and Deerfield Commons 100,000 22,000 Village: 30% - Funding Not Resolved - $81,000 FAUS Funds: 70% - $189,000 Village MFT: $340,000 (Portion Obligated - 1982 -83) Other Funding: $770,000 Bond Issue and /or Utility Tax Funding Not. Resolved Privately Funded State Funds - $50,000; Privately Funded - $25,000 Village Funds - $25,000 CAPITAL I TEn, FOR CONSIDERATION PRRJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 PROJECT 13 Greenwood- Waukegan Traffic Signal Modification 14 Resurfacing Deerfield Road (Park Avenue to Wilmot Road) 15. Sewer Line Inspection by T.V. and Chemical Grouting 16. Storm and Sanitary Sewer Renovations: a. Engineering and Design b. Repair and Replacement Flood Advisory Committee Recommendation: c. Homeowner Loans for Flood Control Systems TOTAL 17. Sanitary Sewer Replacement.- Osterman Avenue and Chi.Mil. St. Paul R.R. - 340 ft. 18. Water System Improvements -- a. Install 16 Inch Main from West Side Reservoir to Warwick -- Engineering and. Construction r 7 W 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 1987 -88 SOURCE OF FUNDS Village: 50% - $3,000 6,000 State: 50% - $3,000 Village: 30% - $118,000 MFT 325,000 State: 70% - $217,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 250,000' 1,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 $250,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 29,000 125,000 8,000 Sewer Division Bond Issue and /or Utility Tax Bond Issue and /or Utility Tax Bond Issue and /or Utility Tax Sewer Division Water Division " PRRJECTS FOR LAND CAPITAL ACQUISITION, ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 PROJECT 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 1987 -88 SOURCE OF FUNDS b. Install 16 Inch Main at Chestnut Street including Railroad Crossing 392,000 Possible Bond Issue c. Install 10 Inch Main at Chestnut from Greenwood to Deerfield Road 141,000 Possible Bond Issue d. Install 10 Inch Main at Appletree from Deerfield Road to Dartmouth Lane 125,500 Possible Bond Issue e. Install 10 Inch Main at Carlisle Avenue Extended 52,000 Possible Bond Issue f. Study - -An Alternate Water 10,000 Water Division Supply 19. Maintaining the Integrity of Water Delivery System Leak Survey 5,500 5,500 5',500 5,500 5,500 Water Division Meter Testing and Replacement 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 Water Division 20. Paint, Clean, Protect Water Tower. 81,000 Water Division 21. Public Works Complex 800,000 TIF s i FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FLOW STATEMENT PROJECTS EXPENDITURES FROM REVENUSHARI%IG FUNDS PROJECTED BEGINNING BALANCE RECEIPTS: Revenue Sharing Allotment Interest Earned TOTAL RECEIPTS AVAILABLE FUNDS EXPENDITURES: 1982 -83 1983 -84* 1984 -85* 1985 -86* .Actual Projected. Projected Projected (Estimate) $118,000 $167,885 $197,097 $112,009 81,000 68,000 68,000 68,000 12,000 8,000 12,000 9,000 $ 93,000 $ 76,000 $ 80,000 $ 77,000 $211,000 $243,885 $277,097 $189,009 Abatement of Debt Service Levy $ 43,115 $ 46,788 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 43,115 $ 46,788 BALANCE $167,885 $197,097 *The enabling legislation expires September 30, 1983 $165,088 $166,000 $165,088 $166,000 $112,009 $ 23,009 REVENUE SHARING FUNDS EXPENDED OR APPROPRIATED Park Avenue Relocation June, 1973 Trauma Unit October, 1974 Lake -Cook Road Sanitary Sewer January, 1976 Bicentennial Garden June, 1976 Data Processing April, 1977 Construction of Police Building May, 1978 Abatement of Debt Service Levy January, 1981 Abatement of Debt Service Levy January, 1982 Abatement of Debt: Service Levy January, 1983 TOTAL FUNDS EXPENDED OR APPROPRIATED r $56,376 15,000 76,137 4,600 83,699 560,000 45,780 44,455 43,115 $929,162 12 -1 DEBT SERVICE The Debt Service Fund ins used 4on paying genenat obt igati.on debts .inctumed by the V,iUage. The f.evy yeah is ,somewhat diijenent 6hom the actua,? payment yea.A. The pupeAty tax iz Zevied in, such a bashion. .ao that the Village wilt neeei.ve. 6und:s in time to pay the pti.nci,pat and intohe.1t " at becomes payab.'-e. The .tax .levy .6ehedute i.6 ince.uded in the budget as Appendix 'D. ' 3 r1 DEBT SERVICE SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982-83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $312,183 $369,050 $336,415 $420,113 $306,839 $294,186 Receipts from Other Funds* 129,455 43,115 206,084 112,000 255,000 255,000 Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax ** 51,784 60,000 50,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 Interest Earned 32,257 30,000 45,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 TOTAL REVENUE $525,679 $502,165 $637,499 $618,113 $647,839 $635,186 EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest * ** $445,086 $429,050 $560,384 $541,325 $452,751 $436,548 Contractual Debt and Interest * ** 44,455 43,115 43,115 46,788 165;088 165,388 Miscellaneous _ 1,490 2,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 _ 3,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $491,031 $474,165 $604,999 $591,113 $620,839 $604,936 *Assumes abatement of debt from Revenue Sharing Funds. * *Assumes abatement of debt service levies in addition to the automatic abatements by the County Clerk from the Corporate Personal Property Tax. ** *Secured by general obligation debt. w i N PUBLIC BENEIFIT The p ubtic beneJ t po&ti.on of Zocat imptovements imtatted unde,% - the a pec,i.at a s s mzment pnocedune.- o6 6.i:na:nci ng is paid 6nom thi,6 Jund. 14 -1 s -"PUBLIC BENY11' / . (CASH BASIS) SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED EXPENDITURES: Contractual $13,706 $14,000 $13,064 $12,000 $10,000 $10,000 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE Remaining Cash Balance $70,939 $25,976 $70,875 $71,875 $74,875 . ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $10,284 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Rebates 55,943 20,000 0 0 0 0 Interest 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Beginning Cash Balance 18,418 9,976 70,939 70,875 71,875. 74,875 TOTAL REVENUE AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE. $84,645 $39,976 $83,939 $83,875 $84,875 $87,875 EXPENDITURES: Contractual $13,706 $14,000 $13,064 $12,000 $10,000 $10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,706 $14,000 $13,064 $12,000 $10,000 $10,000 Remaining Cash Balance $70,939 $25,976 $70,875 $71,875 $74,875 $77,875 i N MUNICIPAL AUDIT _ The munic ipat audit_ .ins an �.ndependev�t, au�� de audit conducted by a jiim engaged by the Mayon and Boated o6 Tturtee�s on an annual -baziz as %equi,%ed by State taw. These ane ea)tmaAked jund,6 that can only be expended 6o,% audit punpozes. The amount Levied iz de,6igned to be the exact costi a6 the audit. is -1 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED SOURCE 1981 -82 ACTUAL 1982 -83 BUDGET 1982 -83 ESTIMATE 1983 -84 PROPOSED 1984 -85 PROJECTED' 1985 -86 PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $10,877 $10,500 $10,500 $11,000 $11,000 $12,000 EXPENDITURES: Contractual $10,300 $10,500 $10,000 $11,000. $11,000 $12,000 N EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY The _.Emergency Services and D"' asteh Agency superusedes the C.ivit DejenAe Agency and now bo6icatty %e.eates to natutrat d.izazteu caused by .6tood6 and xoanadoes. Ptanz aP,so .inceude actions to be taken .ij man =made disaste& occur .such ass t,%a, in, a.vcc,%a6t and tuck acci.den ,6 .ij cargo -invotva po.ten- ti,a2 dang en to o un Vit tag e ned.id en ts . 16-1 SOURCE REVENUE: Property Tax Levy TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Travel, Training, etc. Communications Insurance Contractual Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance Petroleum Products Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES rn i N EMERGENCY SERVICES: AND .DISASTER AGENCY'. COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 ACTUAL BUDGET $5,142 $5,142 $5,000 $5,000 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED $5,000 $5,000 $5.,000. $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $ 318 $ 600 $ 500 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 279 400 500 400 400 400 565 700 600 600 600 600 26 200 100 300 300 300 23 100 100 100 100, 100 471 1,000 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 13 200 150 200 200 200 131 500 500 500 500 500 881 300 1,200 600 600 600 0 1,000 300 700 700. 700 $2,707 $5,000 $4,450 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 PARKING LOTS The Parching Lot Section con sizt6 o f expend i tuwcez zb comp.2ete the punch" e o6 what hays been known " the yaus Pro pW y, 6orc which a . pedal tax .c6 tev.i.ed, and bon the maintenance and ope&ation ob the commuter paAk- ing tots. The parching totz .cute broken down -into °ats consttcucted with Vittage jun6 only and Zot,6 eonztrcueted by both Vittage and Fedetcat 6und,6. The paxk., ng totb aAe: NUMBER' LOCATION SPACES CONSTRUCTION FUNDING Lot 3'. Pa kk 9 Jewett Parch. Dt iv e 22 Fedetat and Vittage Lot 5 Deenb,ietd and Elm 92 Fedeul and Vittage Lot 6 (Pehmi t) Pak Avenue (East Side) 71 Vittage Lot 7 Elm Street 49 Vittage Lot k Elm Street 32 Vittage Lot 9 (Penm.it) Dee,%jietd Road 26 Vittage Lot 10 (PeAmit) Deetcj�etd Road 44 VitlEage Lota 11, '12.6 13 Around Ra.c,etcoad. Station 367 Fedenat and Vittage eo �6 17-1 s SPECIAL TAX - YOUS LOT SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy EXPENDITURES: Annual Installment $3,281 -0- -0- -0- $3,280 $3,281 $3,280* $3,279* *Property Tax Levies have been previously collected for these installments. ' N J -0- J W PARKING LOTS--VILLAGE CONSTRUCTED SOURCE OF FUNDS-AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL. BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Collections $23,626 $25,000 $22,000 $24,000 $249000 $24,000 EXPENDITURES: Salaries $ 2,517 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 29000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Benefits 22 100 47 60 60 60 • Insurance 142 200 75 200 200 200 Utility Services 560 19800 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,000 Repairs & Maintenance 0 .23,500 500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Supplies 0 400 100 400 400 400 Aggregates 0 500 200 500 500 500 Materials 0 1,500 794 1,500 19500 1,500 Equipment 0 100 0 100 100 100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 3,241 $ 9,100 $ 59516 $ 99260 $ 9,260 $ 99260 TRANSFER TO STREET FUND FOR RAILROAD STATION MAINTENANCE 79500 10,000. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS $10,741 $19,100 $15,516 $19,260 $19,260 $19,260 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $129-885 $ 5,900 $ 6,484 $ 4,740 $ 4,740 $ 4,740 REVENUE: Collections PARKING LOTS -- COMBINED FUNDING SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED $27,899 $28,000 EXPENDITURES: Salaries $ 2,498 Benefits 18 Insurance 129 Utility Services 3,416 Repairs & Maintenance 22 Property Rentals 7,440 Supplies 0 Aggregates 75 Equipment 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,598 TRANSFER TO STREET FUND FOR RAILROAD STATION MAINTENANCE 7,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS $21,098 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $ 6,801 41 $ 2,000 100 200 2,000 1,700 7,500 400 600 250 $28,000 $ 2,000 47 73 2,000 500 7,500 200 100 0 $14,750 $12,420 10,000 10,000 $24,750 $22,420 $ 3,2.50 $ 5,580 $28,000 $ 2,000 60 200 2,200 1,700 7,500 400 600 250 $14,910 10;000 $24,910 $ 3,090 $28,000 $ 2,000 60 2.00 2,200 1,700 7,500 400 600 250 $14,910 10,000 $24,910 $ 3,090 $28;000 $ 2,000 60 200 2,200 1,700 7,500 400 600 250 $14,910 10,000 $24,910 $ 3,090 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM In Augtot, 1981, a Taxi Sub, .idy Pnognam was uta.bL 6hed 'o& zenim cittizen.3 and the handicapped. This wa,6 a majo t pugACam change which etim .ina ted the D.iat -A -R i.de: PuW=. . 18 -1 . TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED EXPENDITURES: Contractual $27,380 $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $27,380 $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000, $2,000 co i N 1981 -82 1982 -83 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED. PROJECTED REVENUE: R T A $ 8,390 $ 5,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Fares 2,683 0 0 0 0 0 Village Contribution 16,307 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL REVENUE $27,380 $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 EXPENDITURES: Contractual $27,380 $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $27,380 $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000, $2,000 co i N DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY (NOT INCLUDED IN MUNICIPAL BUDGET) SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED ACCOUNT NUMBER 60 -A111 ACCOUNT NUMBER BUDGET AND CLASSIFICATION 1982 -83 5111 Salaries -- Professional 5114 Salaries -- Non - Professional 5115 Benefits 5212 Education -- Travel, Dues, etc. 5214 Communication 5215 Insurance 5216 Professional Services 5217 Contractual: Equipment Rental, Maintenance and Xerox Computer Service Special Library Programs Data Base Cataloging Service 5218 Utilities 5221 Repairs, Maintenance of Building and Equipment, Building Supplies 5221 Binding 5224 Miscellaneous 5324 Supplies (Library and Office) 5324 Periodicals 5324 Books 5324 Audio Visual 5328 Replacement of Carpeting 5411 New Equipment 5541 Working Cash Fund SUB TOTAL Automation Project TOTAL $129,757 191,716 10,000 5,000 6,700 10,000 7,000 14,000 2,005 1,500 5,000 18;000 545 45,000 2,000 400 17,120 17,000 80,000 11,000 2,000 22,000 5,000 $602,743 150,000 $752,743 SOURCE OF FUNDS Levy Non - Resident Fees Fees, Fines and Penalties Gifts Gift Fund Reciprocal Borrowing Xerox Interest Monies Allocated for Automation Project TOTALS $579,020 5,000 16,000 1,00.0 5,000 0' 20,000 15,000 111,723 $752,743 ESTIMATE BUDGET 1982 -83 1983 -84 $130,625 183,000 8,750 5,000 5,550 6,000 2,000 12,000 1,186 1,500 4,000 18,000 450 22,000 1,000 400 13,500 16,000 75,000 8,_000 91.9 15,000 0 $529,880 $140,094 202,335 11,000 4,000 6,700 6,000 7,000 13,200 1,380 1,500 4,000 19,000 473 39,500 1,300 400 17,956 16,800 80,000 10,000 0 19,000 0 $601,638 235,550 $837,188 $579,020 6,000 20,000 1,400 5,000 6,000 20,000 13,000 186,768 $837,188 19 -1 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY WORK STATISTICS 1979 -80 1980 -81 1981 -82 1982 -83* ' CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: Materials Circulated Books 205;664 219,682 230,100 219,473 ' Records 14,169 18,635 19,600 19,293 Puzzles 1,149 1,294 1,400 1,440 .Paintings 783 785 830 918 ' Video 122 542 700 286 Film 877 786 800 505 Talking Books 450 401 -400 ' 209 Projector 130 80 85 60 Interlibrary Loans 2,540 2,438 2,500 3,147 Miscellaneous 1,210 786 900 ' 789 Rental Books 0 0 449 1,439 Video Tape Collection 0 0 761 3,137 ' Total Materials Circulated. 227,094 245,429 258,525 250,696 Overdue Notices Mailed 4,326 3,986 4,200 4,500* (After (After (After (After 3 weeks) 4 -5 weeks) 3 weeks) 3 -4 weeks) ' Reg'i,stered Borrowers - 11,567 PROCESSING DEPARTMENT: ' Materials Purchased and Received Books 9,039 7,333 7,510 7,402 Records and Tapes 740 863 458 601 ' Print's i0 7 0 16 Mi.scella,neous 42 81 23 10 Video Cassettes 0 0 47 30 ' Total Materials Processed 9,831 8,284 8,038 8,059 PROGRAMMING -,ADULT AND ' ,CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: Programs Sponsored or Conducted by ' Library Staff 212 261 312, 230 Meeting Room Use by Groups Outside the Library 257 240 265 205 ' Adult Reference Inquiries 7,725 7,600 . 8,454 11,204 .Children's Reference Inquiries 6,804 9,561* *Estimated 1 .9 -2 APPENDIX A ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST 1983 -1984 EQUIPMENT Lettering Machine Miscellaneous Equipment - Building and Engineering Data Processing Files Disc Packs TOTAL BUDGET $. 1,000 1,000 8,000 500 1,500 $12,000 APPENDIX B POLICE DEPARTMENT Eoui PMENT REQUEST 1983 -1984 EQUIPMENT Data Processing Computer Printer Postage Meter Two Chairs Four Anti - Static Computer Mats. One Traffic Radar Unit Six Light Bar, Siren. PA, Radio .Circuit Breaker Units 'Fork Stations Miscellaneous TOTAL BUDGET $16,000 .5,000 1,500 500 400 1,000 900 1,000 820 $27,120 APPENDIX C -1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST STREET DIVISION 1983 -1984 EQUIPMENT Two -Way Radio Snow Plow for New Truck TOTAL BUDGET $ 550 4,000 $4,550 i APPENDIX C -2 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST SEWER DIVISION 1983 -1984 EQUIPMENT Heavy Duty Bucket - 112 Cost Pipe Locator Smoke Machine 2-21 Inch Pump Root Cutter 3 Inch Electric Pump Snow Blower Weed Eater Three Air Compressors Two De- Humidifiers TOTAL BUDGET $ 400 300 400 1,400 1,500 2,000 800 250 1,200 600 $8,850 APPENDIX C-3 PUBLIC VICIRKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST WATER DIVISION 1983 -1984 EQUIPMENT .K -12 Gas Saw Locator Heavy Duty Bucket - 112 Cost Calculator Chair Water Meters TOTAL BUDGET $ 1,200 1,600. 400 100 100 15,000 $18,400 i APPENDIX C -4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST GARAGE DIVISION 1983 -1984 EQUIPMENT Hydraulic Transmission Jack High Pressure Washer TOTAL ' s BUDGET $1,300 500 $1,800 APPENDIX D VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE MAKE AND MODEL" YEAR FLEET NO. 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 1987 -88 Ford - -1 Ton Utility 1977 600 Ford - -I Ton Pickup 1980 601* Chevrolet--1 Ton Dump 1983 602* Ford - -I Ton Pickup 1979 603* Ford - -1 Ton Step Van 1980 604 Ford Bronco 1981 700* Chevrolet - -z Ton Pickup 1981 701 Dodge -- Hydraulic Rodder 1975 702 IH Scout - -j -Ton Pickup 1980 703* Ford - -1 Ton with Bucket 1978 704 Ford - -1 Ton Dump 1978 705* Ford - -5 Ton Dump 1980 800* IH - -Dump 1983 801* IH - -5 Ton Dump 1981 802* IH - -5 Ton Dump 1976 803* IH - -5 Ton Dump 1976 804* IH = -5 Ron Sump 1980 805* Ford - -1 Ton Dump 1976 809* IH- -Elgin Sweeper 1980 810 Pettibone Snow Blower 1980 811 Case -- Loader /Backhoe 580 1978 Case -- Loader /Backhoe 580 1979 Fiat - Allis -- Loader 545 1972 807 Sub Total *Used for Plowing TOTALS PUBLIC WORKS $ 36,000 $ 14,500 40,000 14,500 $ 14,600 $ 16,400 14,600 57,400 19,300 $ 36,000 $ 69,000 $ 86,600 $ 35,700 $101,200 $ 88,000 $101,600 $ 43,200 $ 21,000 53,000 115,000 $189,000 $189,000 APPENDIX D VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE MAKE AND MODEL YEAR OPERATOR 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 1987 -88 ADMINISTRATION Dodge Granada 1981 Manager $' 7,500 Ford Fairmont 1980 Engineer $ 7,500 Ford Fairmont 1980 Director, Building and Zoning 7,500 Dodge Aspen 1977 Field Car $ 5,000 Chevrolet Nova 1978 Field Car $ 5,000 Sub Total $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $ 7,500 $ 0 POLICE Mer'cu'ry Monarch 1980 Chief $ 7,000 Dodge Diplomat 1983 Deputy Chief Ford Fairmont 1980 Youth Director 7,000 Chevrolet Nova 1978 Youth Officer $ 7,000 Buick Century 1981 Investigator Chevrolet Nova 1978 Crime Prevention 7,000 Dodge Diplomat 1983 Unmarked Squad Plymouth .Fury 1982 6 Marked Squads 46,200 Sub Total $ 60,200 $ 14,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 APPENDIX E GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT RETIREMENT SCHEDULE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST (LEVY YEAR BASIS) e k To be abated by T.I.F. Funds SEWAGE POLICE ADDITION CORPORATE* CORPORATE SEWER TREATMENT LAND CONSTRUCTION PURPOSE PURPOSE TAX LEVY IMPROVEMENTS FACILITIES ACQUISITION CONTRACT SECURED (T.I.F.) 12/30/82- TOTAL YEAR 6/1/73 6/1/73 12/1/74 BY G.O. DEBT 9/30/82 $500,000 $1,080,000 _ $2,000,000 $1,000,000 10/15/79 $500,000 $400,000 1983 $103,550 $ 179,250 $154,275 $ 46,788 $ 65,000 $ 39,250 $ 588,113 1984 100,063. 173,438 -0- 165,088 90,000 89,250 617,839 1985 96,538 167,563 -0- 165,385 86,750 85,700 601,936 1986 92,975 161,625 -0- -0- 83,500 82,250 420,350 1987 89,338 155,563 -0- -0- .105,250 78,750 428,901 1988 85,625 149,375 -0- -0- 98,750 74,750 408,500 1989 81,875 143,125 -0- -0- 92,250 .70,750 388,000 1990 53,750 161,250 -0- -0- .85,750 66,750 367,500 1991 51,250 153,750 -0- -0- 104,250 62,750 372,000 1992 -0- -0- -0- -0- 94,500 58,500 153,000 1993 -0- -0- -0- -0- 84,750 54,250 139,000 TOTALS. $754,964 $1,444,939. $154,275 $377,261 $990,750 $762,950 $4,485,139 k To be abated by T.I.F. Funds