O-82-201- ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -20 . AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR MAY 19 1982 TO APRIL 30, 1983 Published in pamphlet form this 19thday of April , 1982, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -20 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR MAY 1, 1982 TO APRIL 30, 1983 WHEREAS, the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1982 and ending April 30, 1983, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the office of the Village Manager on April 2, 1982, for public inspection, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said Tentative Annual Budget on April 19, 1982, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said Tentative Annual Budget was reviewed by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said Tentative Annual Budget, is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is before the President and Board of Trustees for consideration and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield ONE: beginning May 1, 1982 and ending April 30, 1983, as revised, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is here- by approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for said fiscal year. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and TWO: after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 19th day of April APPROVED this 19th day of -Anril ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK Swanson, York (6) A.D., 1982. A.D., 1982. ri VILLAGE OFDEERFIELD 1982 - 1983 B LIDG ET TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE MAYOR BERNAP.D'FORREST'S BUDGET MESSAGE- BUDGET SUMMARIES -- REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES- - - - - - - - - 1 BUDGET DOLLAR - -WHERE IT COMES FROM (Chart I) - - - --- - - - 2 BUDGET DOLLAR- -WHERE IT GOES (Chart II) - - - - - - - - - - 3 TAX DOLLAR APPORTIONMENT (Chart III) - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 BUDGET SUMMARY -- Administration- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - 5 BUDGET SUMMARY -- Police Department - - - - "- - - - - - - - - 6 BUDGET SUMMARY -- Public Works Department - - - - - - - - - - 7 SECTION GENERAL FUND- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - POLICE- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 YOUTHBOUND- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 PUBLIC WORKS - Street Division- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 PUBLIC WORKS - Sewer Division - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 PUBLIC WORKS - Water Division --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 SCAVENGER SERVICE - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 GARAGE- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 MOTOR FUEL TAX- - - - - - - - - - --- - - --- = - - - - - - 9 PENSIONS - Police - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - 10 PENSIONS - I . M. R. F. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 CAPITAL PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 DEBT SERVICE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 13 PUBLIC BENEFIT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - •- - - - - - - - - 14 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND- - - - - -. - - - --- - - - - - - - - - 15 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY- - - - - - - - - - - 16 PARKING LOTS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 LIBRARY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Administration- - - - - - - - - - Appendix A EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Police Department - - - - - - - - Appendix B EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works -- Street Division - - Appendix C -1 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - -Sewer Division- - - Appendix C -2 EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works - -Water Division- - - Appendix C -3, EQUIPMENT REQUEST - Public Works -- Garage Division - - Appendix C -4... BOND RETIREMENT SCHEDULE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appendix D VILLAGE OF.DEERFIELD ELECTED OFFICIALS BERNARD FORREST, MAYOR MARVIN W. EHLERS, TRUSTEE JEROLD L. HEISLER, TRUSTEE CYNTHIA J. MARTY, TRUSTEE EDWIN B. SEIDMAN, TRUSTEE VERNON E. SWANSON, TRUSTEE J. ROBERT YORK, TRUSTEE .................... .......... VILLAGE MANAGER ROBERT D. FRANZ VILLAGE CLERK NAOMI S. CLAMPITT DEPARTMENT HEADS GEORGE J. VALENTINE, TREASURER AND FINANCE DIRECTOR. RICHARD C. BRANDT, CHIEF OF POLICE MARJORIE L. EMERY, ASSISTANT VILLAGE MANAGER EDMUND B. KLASINSKI, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CHARLES J. SMALLEY, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND ZONING .JAMES E. SOYKA, VILLAGE ENGINEER I . ., VILLAGE ORGANIZATIONAL C A T 1 P I, F., L I G SOAi i3S/ _ GC F041 MIS S I ow 0 ViL.LAGE M AYORsSOAR3 CLERK TRUSTEES t VILLAGE VILLAGE ATTORNF -Y mANAG E R i i;_...• POLICE pxl R O I_ I NVF.STI- G AT I O ICI S YOUTH commUIUi- CATIONS RECORDS CRIME FINANCE /ASST: VLGE° PUBLIC WORKS I BUILDING MANAG BUDGETING PERSONNEL PURCHASING AUDITING BILLING DATA I�C�O�:��s�9AeG WATER . WORKS SF,WAGE COLLUCTI ON 4 MEA-r E N'r STREFTS FVr— H I r, LF. IiiAI ►i\MC . STOPIM D RAI NAGE FORE STRY', PLANNING ZONING C ODE L: 4FORC F.MF.MT BUILDING PLAID REVIEW .PF.RNITS ENGINEERING PLAN ®bs� IGN ISUDDIVISIONS PUBLIC IMPROVEME EWGINEERIIVG�, PLAN REVIEW D RAF TI N G BUDGET MESSAGE Without doubt, the most important action taken by the Board of Trustees each year is the adoption of the annual budget for the Village of Deerfield. This document represents a financial plan for the ensuing year and determines the level of services to be provided our residents. The budget process affords your elected officials an opportunity to review and evaluate all operations annually in a manner intended to achieve the best value to our residents for every tax dollar expended. The combined total budget for 1982 -83 is $7,431,170. This will mean a 2.3% increase in real estate taxes, caused primarily by State pension requirements and an increase in scavenger costs mandated by contract. This represents the first increase in the Village's tax levy in three years. In both 1980 and 1981, we actually were able to reduce the amount levied. In fact, the pro- jected 1982 levy will be only 1.2% higher than the Vi.11age's levy in 1979. We have been able to hold the line on property taxes through a combination of operational cost = saving measures and steady increases in other sources of revenue. Sales tax receipts in 1982 -83 are estimated to be $1,300,000, just slightly lower than.the $1,650,000 we will levy in property taxes. Over the years, the Village has worked diligently to broaden our tax base while still maintaining the residential character of Deerfield- * 1 Our Village can be proud of its efforts to manage its growth through an acceptable mix of residential, commercial and industrial development. Recent discussions on the development of the brickyard property reflect. our philosophy that the public and private sectors must continue to work together in.pla-nning the future of Deerfield. Deerfield, a Home Rule community; currently receives approximately 9.7% of the property tax bill. With the exception of the-Library-tax rate (which, by law, must levy through the Village), all other tax rates of the Village are below the rate limits established by the State of Illinois for non -Home Rule communities. Our long -range revenue projections suggest, however, that it will be difficult to hold the line on property taxes should our State - shared taxes level off. Sales tax, income tax and motor fuel tax funds will not continue to increase once Deerfield is fully developed. It will then be- come necessary to examine alternative sources of revenue. Staff recommended this year that the Board seriously consider establishing a utility tax. Deer- field is one of the few communities without such a tax. However, after due deliberation, it was decided not to establish a tax that would make utility services that much more expensive. In addition, a iutility tax is not deduct- ible from Federal income tax and is, therefore, a double burden to our tax- payers. Again this year, there will be no increase in the number of full time per- sonnel. To remain competitivE! in the municipal market, there will be a 6% increase in the employee salary plan. The 1982 -83 budget will continue the Senior Subsidy Program, but at a reduced level. In light of the new Senior Housing Facility, the Village will allocate $15,000 to this program for Seniors who qualify for housing subsidies, as opposed to last year's $30,000. The `tillage anticipates making major decisions this year with respect to our data processing system. We are committed to implementing the latest in com- puter technology to assist all departments in better serving the public. We will also continue the Bicycle Safety Program which was initiated last summer to educate residents in safe and proper b-icycle.conduct. The Street budget will continue the 50/50 sidewalk, curb and tree replace- ment programs which have been most successful in encouraging private in- vestment in improvements which benefit both the Village and the property owner. Two other major expenditures included in the Street budget are the purchase of a crack filler machine and leaf collection equipment. Experi- ments were tried in both of these services during the 1981 -82 budget year. The leaf pick -up program was reduced to a "one pass through" arrangement which worked extremely well and will be continued. The crack- filling pro - gram was initiated at a cost of $6,000, using rental equipment. It proved highly successful, and warrants continuation through purchase of our own equipment. While a large expenditure, it represents a significant step in addressing the problem of deteriorating streets in Deerfield. Operating revenue and expenditure projections in the Sewer Fund dictate a need to increase the sewer fees from 64� to 74¢.per 100 cubic feet. Based on average usage, this will increase the cost to each homeowner approximately $15 to $18 per year. The last increase in these rates was in 1976. The 1982 -83 budget includes major sewer improvements amounting to approximately $150,000. These projects will be funded through the use of reserve funds specifically established for this purpose. There will be no increase in water rates this.year. However, the long range forecast also indicates that the water rates must soon be increased to meet normal operating expenses. More than any other item in the budget, capital improvement projects require extensive planning and discussion. Of the projects reviewed this year, the street rehabilitation program is the most significant, and the subject of a supplemental budget message. Major projects in this year's budget include: engineering design work for the Wilmot Road improvement; traffic signals on Waukegan Road at the entrance to Cadwel.l Corners (to be paid.for by private developers); new water and sewer lines; and improvements to the Wastewater Reclamation.Facility. Each year, the Village must allocate money to pay the principal and interest on outstanding debts. In relationship to our annual budget, and compared to other taxing bodies, our 1982 -83 General Obligation debt, in the amount of $475;000, amounts to a rather small percentage of our total expenditures. Deerfield's General Obligation debt is 1.2% of its total assessed valuation. When considering that non -Home Rule communities are allowed a ratio of 8.6 %, the Village - as a Home Rule community - can take pride in its very low debt service obligations. In presenting this budget for fiscal year 1982 -83, the Board of Trustees and I restate our commitment to provide the level and quality of service that our residents enjoy and have come to expect. In fulfilling our obligations, we are grateful for the support we receive from the many volunteers who serve on the various Boards and Commissions. It is through this concerted effort that Deerfield maintains its tradition as an exceptionally fine community in which to live and work. BERNARD FORREST Mayor 4119/82 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET MESSAGE The physical condition of a community is extremely important from both an aesthetic and functional standpoint. Most communities are judged by their physical appearance and on how well their public improvements are constructed and maintained. Obviously, the older the community, the more difficult it is to maintain these facilities. The most difficult problem in capital improvement programming is that of establishing priorities for the various proposed improve- ments and determining the means to finance them. The 1982 -83 budget lists several important capital items scheduled for the next five years, of which the street rehabilitation program is the most import - and and should have the highest priority. The Village has 65 miles of streets, most of which were installed over thirty years ago. For the past several years, we have allocated $40,000 of Motor Fuel Tax - funds annually for street maintenance. However, inflation has re- duced the amount of "improved street" each year to a point where the Village is falling farther and farther behind in its maintenance ef- forts. As in most communities the age and size. of Deerfield, our public facilities (particularly streets, curbs and sidewalks) con- tinue to deteriorate at an alarming rate. We believe that now -is the time to address this major concern. Staff has been directed to update a street survey completed in the Fall of 198.1. Each street will be evaluated to determine its rating compared to all other Village streets. Based on that study, the Board will es- tablish a Street Rehabilitation Plan and determine the amount of money needed to implement it. Because of our excellent bond rating and:ex- tremely low general obligation debt, we have several options available to us for financing. The proposed improvements and methods for fin- ancing them will be explored in various public meetings prior to our A i 'd' i f C: c ng on a course o action. The Board of Trustees and I believe it very important that we undertake this program to plan for future public improvements in Deerfield. It is only through this reinvestment in our community that we will continue to enjoy our reputation as an outstanding Village in which to live. BERNARD FORREST Mayor 4/19/82 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1982 - 1983 BL!DGET SUMMARIES CLASSIFICATION GENERAL SCAVENGER STREET AND BRIDGE SEWER WATER DEBT SERVICE YOUTHBOUND TOTAL CLASSIFICATION MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND IMRF EMERGENCY SERVICES PUBLIC BENEFIT SPECIAL TAX PARKING LOTS - VILLAGE CONSTRUCTED PARKING LOTS - VILLAGE & FEDERAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING POLICE PENSION FUND VILLAGE GARAGE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM TOTAL TOTAL VILLAGE DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY TOTAL ALL FUNDS` ESTIMATED REVENUES $2,547,500 751,500 548,300 892,010 995,500 502,165 18,200 $6,255,175 REVENUES AND FUNDS ON HAND IN TREASURY* $ 10,500 331,000 5,000 39,976 7,000 25,000 28,000 522,000 223,821 375,000 124,400 10,000 $1,701,697 $7,956,872 $ 752,743 $8,709,615 -PROPOSED EXPENDITURES $2,613,900 731 ,500 559,900 877,080 983,180 474,165 17,940 $6,257,665 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $ 10,500 334,000 5,000 14,000 3,280 19,100 24,750 I, 221, 200 43,115 375,000 113,560 10,000 $1,173,505 $7,431,170 $ 752,743 $8,183,913 *The total figures in the case of a municipality may be misleading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one fund be used to relieve a deficit in another. PAGE 1 I 1 where Chart it Budget Dollar. 19492 83 comes f rom PAGE 2 Chart Budget 1982 0 Dollar where it goes Public Works 45.3% PAGE 3 PROPERTY TAX DOLLAR APP RTIONI ENT ") I980 TAX LEVY C (OL LCTD IN 1981 (I) THE VILLAGE IS IN SEVERAL TAXING D!STRICTS. THE ILLUSTRATED APPORTIONMENT IS GENERALLY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE VILLAGE AS A WHOLE. PAGE 4 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1982 - 1983 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1982 -83 1981 -82 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE .01) Salaries $510,800 $467,000 $43,800 9.4 .02) .04) .05 Benefits 32,000 25,500 6,500 25.5 .07 Apparel 300 300 0 0.0 .21 Travel, Training, etc. 11,000 10,000 11000 10.0 .22 Printing & Advertising 8,500 111000 (2,500) (22.7) .23 Communications 15,000 12,500 2,500 20.0 .24 Insurance 20,000 20,000 0 0.0 .25 Professional 82,500 96,000 (13,500) (14.1) .2.6 Contractual 63,500 40,100 23,400 58.4 .27 Utility Servicos 5,000 5,000 0 0.0 .28 MV Maintenance 3,500 4,500 (1,000) (22:2) .29 Petroleum Products 2,500 2,500 0 0.0 .30 Repairs. & Maintenance 18,000 16,000 2,000 12.5 .31 Equipment Rental 500 11000 (500) (50.0) .33 Miscellaneous 20,000 12,000 8,000 66.7 .35 Dog Pound 4,000' 4,000 0 0.0 .49 Housing Assistance 15,000 30,000 (15,000) (50.0) .50 Supplies 20,000 10,000 10,000 100.0 .80 Motor Vehicles 5,000 0 5,000 N/A .81 Equipment 7,000 5,000 2,000 40.0 .82 Land Acquisition 76,500 78,000 (1,500) (1.9) TOTAL (Except Salaries) $409,800 $383,400 $26,400 6.9 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $920;600 $850,400 $70,200 8.3 Per Capita Cost $51.14 $47.24 PAGE 5 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET 1082 - 1083 .... .... .. ..... .... .... .... .... ......... ..... ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1982 -83 1981 -82 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE .01) Salaries $1 ,294,200 $1,231 ,100 .02) 3.4 5,618 22.6 :04) (13.4) .05 Benefits 74,600 54,960 .07 Apparel 16,500 15,950 .21 Travel, Training, etc. 30,500 24,882 .22 Printing & Advertising 10,000 11,550 .23 Communications 15,500 16,070 .24 Insurance 55,000 65,690 .25 Professional 3,500 3,350 .26 Contractual 55,000 30,562 .28 MV Maintenance 25,000 25,500 .29 Petroleum Products 35,000 38,540 .30 Repairs & Maintenance 4,500- 3,300 .33 Miscellaneous 5,500 5,000 .50 Supplies 17,500 .18,150 .80 Motor Vehicles 26,000 45,000 .81 Equipment ' 25,000 11,693 TOTAL (Except Salaries) $ 399,100 $ 370,197 TOTAL POLICE $1,693,300 $1,601,297 Per Capita Cost $94.07 $88.96 PAGE 6 $ 63,100 5.1 19,640 35.7 550 3.4 5,618 22.6 (1,550) (13.4) (10(690) (16.3) 150 4..5 24,438 80.0 (500) (2.0) .(3,540) (9.2) 1,200 36.4 500 10.0 (650) (3.6) (19,000) (42.2) 13,307 113.8 $ 28,903 7.8 $ 92,003 5..7 i r VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET -1982 - 1983 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1982 -83 1981 -82 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE .O1) .02.) .04) .05 .07 .21 :22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27. .28 .29 .30 .31 .32 .33 :50 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .57 .59 .80 .81 .84 .85 .90 .91 Salaries $ 708,530 $ 671,976 $ 36,554 Benefits 45,880 35,200 Apparel 4,630 4,620 Travel, Training, etc. 2,700 2,700 Printing & Advertising 7,450 7,450 Communications 8,750 8,750 Insurance 70,500 68,500 Professional 5,950 5,950 Contractual 96,600 102,000 Utility Services 167,880 162,465 MV Maintenance 44,750 43,800 Petroleum Products 25,750 27,000 Repairs & Maintenance 91,800 79,500 Equipment Rental 11,500 6,600 Occupancy 24,000 20,000 Miscellaneous 10,700 10,700 Supplies. 63,300 63,300 Salt 25,000 19,000 Chlorine 5,900 5,900 Aggregates 51,300 47,000 Materials 92,500 " 88,500 Street Signs 6,800 6,800 Small Tools & Equipment 3,200 3,200 Purchase of Water 500,000 500,000 Motor Vehicles 50,500 52,500 Equipment 56,850 73,690 Improvements- -Not Bldgs. 254,000 50,000 Depreciation 54,000 54,000 Bond Principal .30,000 30,000 Bond Interest 13,000 16,000 TOTAL (Except Salaries) $1,825,190 $1,595,125 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $2,533,720 $2,267,101 Per Capita Cost $140.76 $125.95 10,680 10 0 0 2,000 0 (5,400) 5,415 950 (1 ,250) 12,300 4,900 4,000 0 0 6,000 0 4,300 4,000 0 0 0 (2,000) (16,840) 204,000 0 3,000) $230,065 $266,619 5.4 30.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 (5.3) 3.3 2.2 (4.6) 15.5 74.2 20.0 0.0 0.0 31.6 0.0 9.1 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 (3.8) (22.9) 408.0 0.0 0.0 (18.8) 14.4 11.8 PAGE 7 GENERAL COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980--81 1 981 -82 '1 981 -82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED (ESTIMATED) TOTAL REVENUE $2,265,595 $2,349,000 $2,440,000 $2,547,500 $2,645,500 $2,802,500 EXPENDITURES Administration Police TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES OVER EXPENSES (DEFICIT) USE OF RESERVES ADDITION (DEFICIT) TO FUND BALANCE INCLUDING USE OF RESERVES (1)Purchase of Ward Property V M $ 836,987 $ 8509'400 $ 809,200 1,335,893 1,601,297 1,476,553 $2,172,880 $2,451,697 $2,285,753 $ 92,715 $ (102,697) $ 154,247 64,000 - 0 - $ 92,715 $ (38,697) $ 154,247 $ 920,600 $ 835,000 $- 893,000 1,693,300 1,853,350 1,969,300 $2,613,900 $2,688,350 $2,862,300. $ (66,400) $ (42,850) $ (59,800) 60,000(1) - 0 - - 0 - $ (6,400) $ (42,850) $ (59,800) n GENERAL FUND N SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 ACTUAL PROJECTED ANTICIPATED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE BUDGET Property Tax $ 420,338 $ 420,000 $ 415,000 $ 42.0,000 $ 420,000 $ 420,000 Municipal. Sales Tax 1 ,123,981 1,232,000 1,185,000 1,300,000 1,375,000 1 ,500 State Income Tax 328,065 350,000 340,000 350,000 '380,000 400,000 Beer- Liquor Licenses 23,250 25,000 25,•000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Food Licenses 2,584 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Other Business Licenses 8,181 9,000 9,000 9,000 91000 91000 Animal Licenses 7,002 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Vehicle Stickers 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 Non- Busine -Ss Licenses & Permits 18,363 25,000 22,000 25,000 .25,000 25,000 Building Permits 12,979 20,000 25,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 Special Police Services 27,992 25,000 32,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Sales of Materials (952) 1,000 11000. 1,000 1,000 11000 Engineering Charges 5,918 10,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 Ordinance Violations 101,950 100,000 125,000 115,000 120,000 130,000 Interest Earnings 109,062 75,000 140,000 '100,000 90,000 ^ 00 Rental Income 3,689 7,000 8,000 81000 8,000 81000 Miscellaneous 32,054 20,000 30,500 30,000 30,000 80,000 Bicycle Grant 0 0 13,000 0 0 0 State Grants 4,804 10,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Transfer Charges 30;000 30,000 30,000 36,000 39,000 39,000 Transfer to Dial -A -Ride (14,665) (48,000) (15,000) (5,000) (5,000) (51000) Transfer to Youthbound (12,000) 4,000) _ 4,000) 4,000) (4,000) 4,000) TOTAL REVENUE $2,265,595 $2.349,000 $2,440,000 $2,547,500 $2,615,500 $2,802,500,11 GE��ERA!_ ADMINISTRATION VILLAGE CLERK The Vittage C.teAk is ruponzibte bon the maintenance ab the ojbicc.at records ob the Vittage ass LegtUAed by statute and by the Mayon, and Boa°Ld ob Trustees. The C.terk acts az custodian ob the Vittage seat which is ` ,_equULed on many doctA.ment�s, pub,2,ishu .tegat notices, ovvusees Vittage etections, and penborms otlier, duti u as stated in statute on atdinanee. 'MAVOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES The tegistati.ve branch ob the V.ietage iz kuponsib.te bon .intehpnet.iny the wushez ob the `ommun ty and detehmi n.ing the pot is i a under which the Vittage operates. The peopte e.tee t the Mayon and six Trustees. BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COUNCILS There ate. sixteen .independent commizzions, eounci s, and boa,cLds authorized by the Mayat and Trustees at tequ Aed by State .taw that ahe appointed to adviz e and assist the Board o4 Ttwstees in its pot icy deci.6 io" . These eouncits a.tJso conduct heati.ngs that peJctain to thew bunction. AU pozitions on these eaunc Ls ate non- sataAi.ed. 1. Board ob Loeat Impnavements-- Cons.usts ob seven membemus (the M ayot and the Board ol Trustees). Make3 neeommenda- tions to the TtLUstees tegatd.ing those things that it beets shou.td be done to .cmptove the Village by specia.t assess- ment, speciat taxation, or othexwuse. The Village C.tvLk :us secAetaiLy to the Boated. 2. P.tan Commiss-i.on-- Con6%-5t6 ob seven membejus ptus the Mayon ex- o b 6icia ,serving three- yeah staggered terms , except:, the Mayan who serves a bowtL -yeah tehm. Membe'us are appoint- ed by the Mayot with the advice and cony eve t o6 the Board ob Trustees and the cha &man is designated box a one - yeah team in the same manner. Respons.ib-te to the Board ob Trwstees bat ho.td.ing pubZic heaAings and making tecommen- dations tegoAding the Comp.,Lehens.ive Plan, annexation, sub - divizion, and zoning (.land use, ratio ob buiZding to .land area, and bu.i.tding height) . 3. Board ob Zoning AppeaP,s- -Has seven memberus who serve b.ive- yeaA ztaggeAed tei ms . Appointed by the Mayon with advice and consent o6 the Board o4 Trustees.. Reis pons.ibtie to the Board ob Ttwstees to hear and make teeommendat.ionz on appticot;ior.5 bon vani.ati.on3 to the p- `cov.i�sions ob the zoning - otdinance and heat and )Lute on appea.ts btam an.dem or, de- ciz ions made by the adm,, !tins; tative abb.icet enboteing zoning ordinances. i -3 4. Board oj Potice Comm.i,5A,,EoYieAs-- Cokc!ist6 o6 three memboo, each e,s eAving aee- yea& Raggeked tams. No more than two membetus may. be Utr.om the same potitieat patrty. Appoint- ed by th e - Ma yon with the advice and cons ent -o 6 the Board o6 Trustees: Re,sponsibte 6ojc att appointments, promotions, and diismiz,sat,s in the pot.ice 6otce; conducts enttucnce and promoti,o nat exanuna ti,o ns . 5. Pot.iee Pension Boated - -Ha,s 6 ive mernbets, who ,serve tiro - yea& teAm,s, inctuding twa ei,v.c e ian,s appointed by the Mayon, two membeAz elected 6xom the poitice - 6oxce, and one membeA eteet- ed 6xom the bene6icioAie,s ob the pension 4und. 'Detehm.in.es ee i.g,ibit t y o6 appt.ieants , d usVcib at ez 6 unds , manages, .inve,us, and eontAo.es the pot.iee penz<ion. 6und. 6. Sa ety C6uncit -- Caw >.u6t6 04 ,seven members, appointed by t he Mayo& wxth the advice and consent o f the Board o {, Tru,stee , 6 eAv.ing thA.ee- yeaA �tagg e,%ed to ms . Res ' P OY01C.- bte to the BooAd of Trustee to: ,study and make recommendations regarding Village ,safety ptobtem,s. 7. Boaxd o4 Bu.itd.ing Appear- Consist6 o6 seven membe.;u, appeint- R 5y e Mayox w.ct'Tthe advice and consent of the Boatd o4 Txu�stee, ,s ejcv.ing { ive- yeuA .,staggeAed teAms . Respons.i- bte to the Board of Ttwtee to heat appeals to decisions made by the Bu i °ding Commiz.6.ionet enjotci ng the buitd.i.ng ordinances and to recommend acti.on.to the Board o6 Trustee tegoAd.ing such appeaez; hotd6 heaAing,s and maize recommendat.i.on6 to the Boated o6 Trustee tegand.ing change in the bai,�dirig code; make recommendations regarding. izsuanee ob. bu itd.ing pehmi t6 jots non-resident,%a.' ,structure . 8. youth Couneie.-- Cont,.i�sts oU twetve membet s appointed by the Kayot with t e advice and eons,e.nt o4 the Board o4 Tx"tee 6or tkee -year ,s taggeAed te,&m. Studie,s and inveAtigate activitie which might .invotve or conttri.bute to the det.in- quency o6 juveni es; make recommendations to. the V.c Pta.ge Mayor and Boated o4 Trustee regarding tegdstati,on ore action to ,protect the youth o6 the Vittag e. 9. Human Re2at,ions Commzion-- Consi6t6 o f seven membetus appoint- ed by the Mayot, w e t L—t-Wei—advice and consent o b the Boated o4 Trustee 6or th,r.ee -year[ ztaggcAed teAmA. Studie and ;z.ee- ommendt6 means o6 deve..op-ing better reW ion between peopte; . eoope -.ate with the State and PedeAax agencies; and .ins ,sue ,such pubt.icat.ions and repott:6 ass it and. the Board o4 Tkwstee cons.ide,t in the pubtic ,inteAet. 10. Bnv.itconmentat Commi- 6 ,s.i.an - -Ha,s ,seven membetus appointed by the Mayor with the a v7ce nd cauent o6 the Bocucd o4 Txu.6tees 4ot tivtee- year, staggered tetmvs . Recommends amendments or additions to the code deat22.ng with. env )ronmenta2 mattetus and coinsdw erw�oruneiit: ptobtems re4etvc.ed to them by the BoaAd o4 Txustees and maize recommendations on thee pxobtem6. 1 -4 11. Man oweA Comm,�.6s.ion-- Co.mAZs i is e6 4ve membe&6 appointed y the Mayo)c with the advice and con�,,ent o4 the BoaAd o6 TAudtees Jon t1kee -yeatc stoggeAe.d terms. Reviews poss.ib.te appointeu to the Village boaAds, commiss.ionz,and eouncius and make Aeeommendati.on�s to the MayoA and Board o� Trustees. 12. Etect&icat Commission- Co;zsizts o� 6ive membeu appointed y e Mayojc w e advice and consent. o6 the Boated of TA -teu 6oA 4ou7 -year eotetm.inous teams on un,t.%t thei& suecessons aAe appointed. Ruponsib.te to the BocAd o4 TAustm to Aecommend standaAds, spec i6icationz, and tufts and kegutatio .6 govehn,ing the .instattation, a2tetat.ion, and u6e o� etecti.ica- equ,ipmuit..in the V,cttage. 13. EmmeAgency SeAv.iees and D.i�sasteh Agency- Con6iztz o4 a diAee- ton a;,ud such aad ionat- mem e>6 aus the diAee ton .6 e,tects . Respow ibf-e 6oA the adm-i.ni�st&at ion, tAaiiung, and opeAati,on og the Agency. °14. V.c.P.t e CenteA Distt.i.et Devetopment and Re_deveto ment Com- mu6ion -- Con6. st6 o6 nine membeu, appointed by t e bayot wee advice and co eat o the Board o6 Ttustee� . This Commission adv,usens, makers ptans on .initiatu on matteAz which diteetty on .indikeetty a66eet the devetopment on ne- devetopment o6 the V.iUage CenteA D.cztti.et. 15. F_ neAgy Adv.iuso Lc Counei t - -Cony ist�s .o4 4.ive members, appointed by the Mayon.w.cth the advice and consent os the Boated o5 TAustem, 6oA three -yeaA staggeAed tuuns. To n.e/seareh and devetop a eomptehensive eneAgy ptan 4ot the V.iUage and advise the eonpoAate authoxitia in th.ius n.egaAd. 16. Cab.te Advizoty BoaAd-- Cons ";tz o6 seven membeu, appointed by the .Mayor with the advice and eonzent o4 the BooAd ob TAwstee's, boA i.ive yeaA staggaed tuns. To serve as a sc&ee ikng body bor ate.. issues invo.2v.ing cable teteviz ion, .inatud -i,ng - Ames changed 4o t s pee i4 ie s eAv ice.6. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT The Adm.in ztAati,ve Department .us sta (16ed by the V,i,2tage Manage/%, Ass.c6 ta.nt V.i t2.ag e Manag etc, and a s eehetwL y . .The Department's ob j eet ive s atce to: 1.. Ass ute that the Boa&d o b Tnwtee/s is s uppZ i.ed with. tetevant data needed_ to make policy decisions and to be in6o.,uned; `also makes necvssany 6ottow -up to caiv,y owt Board poii ci.e�s . 2.. Provide ditection to the opeActi.ng depaAtraents .so that the.it activities ate in harmony with the expectations o4 the Board and Village ,-uident6. 3. Encou -age .innovative appnoa.chm in management oU depauct- menta.t acti.viti m . 1 -5 4. Rempond to inputs - atom .indiv.iduatA and groups in such a manne•L af� to develop and. maintain eoopeAative tU.ation- zh i.ps between the Vittage ngan.izat.ions and the community jor the beneJ t oU enty e Village. FINANCE DEPARTMENT The positions o6 D.iteetor o6 Finance and TteasureA ahe ttadi.ti,onatey held by one pehson who coordinates ate 6inanciae aspects o6 the ViUage. He estab&6hes and maintains neeessany eontAoa and supeAvi6m the em- ptoyee.s and activ.c is o6 the Finance Department. The 6uneti.on.6 of this depaAtment ate to: 1. Cotteet, and upon authoni.zation,. disbuue art 6und6. 2. Estab.Wh purch.a,s.ing ptoeedwkes to obtain the best poss-ibte vague 6or each dottat spent on. equipment and A uppti.es . 3. EstabW,h and operate accounting systems in con6ormance with good accounting ptactice and statutory requ,i.rement6. 4. Ass.ust the Village Manager in budget budget ptepaA.ation and budge taAy contAot. 5. k�.s.ist the V.cUage ManageA in peAzonnee admin.i�stAation. 6. PfcoeuAe and admt rw6teA an adequate .insurance program, .inctuding JiAe, casuaety, wo&kw-' compensation, and group hos p.ctaUzation and .U6e insurance. 7. Antrange 4oA j.inanci.ng o 6 capctae tmptovements . 8. Invest tempoAaAiey .idt e funds. 9. Auizt in otheA projects as assigned by the- Vittage: Manage,'c. BUILDING, PLANNING, AND ZONING DEPARTMENT This Department is headed by the Diuctot o b Building, Zoning, and Ptanning. The Department's mafot 6uncti,ons are to: 1. En4oree the buieding Cade. 2. En6otce zoning ordinances. 3. Funnizh in6mnaticn to assist the Ptan Comnwssion and Vi efeage BowLd, on matteu be5ote them. 4. Review ptats {got thei& tetat%ow hip to the Comptehensive Pt-an, Zoning Ordinances , Subdi_v ;s.ion Ordinances, the o 46ici.a.? map and good design principtez . 5. Maintain the o6'iecae map and compAehens.ive plan, 1-6 C' 6. Pke.pve t6seoA h studi2z and nepoxt6 on utuAe p.eans . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT" The Engineeh i.ng Department is headed by the V.i Uage Eng,i.neeA. The �)unc:tios-i„ o4 tlws Depa4tment ate to: 1. Oveu ee aU engineeA i.ng activities within the Village. 2. Conduct engineexing studies. 3. Estimate costs and bees. 4. Review subdivision p.eans and zpeci jicati,oms . 5. Supenv.ib e V.c tag e projects. . 6. SupeAv"e e.onsticucti.on acti.vitie/s. 7. Act ass technical adv.i son to Mayon and Board o6 Tftuszees . -1--7 i w ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION '1978 1979 1980 1981 BUILDING PERMITS: RESIDENCES 40 9 14 7 ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS 81 44 53 78 GARAGES 13 21 23 22 GARAGE SALE PERMITS* 0 0 250 226 MISCELLANEOUS 366 393 268 284 TOTAL.BUILDING PERMITS 500 467 608 617 CHECKS �','RITTEN 4,246 9,331 8,215 7,605, WATER, SEWER, AND GARBAGE BILLS ISSUED 21,646 21,664 21,851 21,904 ANIMAL.LICENSES SOLD 1,390 1,711 1,860 1,409 VEHICLE LICE= NSES.SOLD AND TRANSFERRED 8,929. 11,227 14,649 11,033 INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS 144 109 92 1.14 REPURCHASE .AGREEMENT 0 C 1,796 1,514 ..JOURNAL POSTINGS (BASED ON A ONE -MONTH SAMPLE) ' 11,800 12,960 13,040 14,400 ORDINANCES PASSED 52 83 48 81 RESOLUTIONS 'x* 17 18 13 PLAN COMMISSION HEARINGS 25 30 23 ?8 ZONING APPEALS CASES 17 10 16 15 BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS CASES 4 3 5 4 VCDC MEETINGS 0 0. 18 16 RESIDENT ENGINEERING AND INSPECTIONS (HOURS) 756 200 320 265 *INCLUDED IN MISCELLANEOUS IN 1979 * *N /A ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT SUMMTOF EXPENDITURES CATEGORIES) 1982 -83 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 BUDGET 1983 -84 1984 -85 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1 981 -82 BUDGET son Personal Services .01,.02,.04 $385,683 $467,000 $441;000 $510,800 $43,800 $535,000 $570,000 Other Services .23,.27,.28,.30,.31 75,210 39,000 36,500 42,000 3,000 50,000 55,000 Contractual .05,.24,.25,.26,'.49 232,959 211,600 187,300 213,000 1,40.0 190,000 200,000 Commodities .07,.21,.22,.29,.33; .35,.50. 52,124 49,800 58,400 66,300 16,500 251000 28,000 Capital Outlay �• _ .80,.81,.82 91,011 83,000 86,000 88,500 5,500 35,000 40,000 TOTALS $836,987 $850,400 $809,200 $ 920,600 $ 70,200 $835,000 .$893,000 i ADMINISTRATION BUDGET ANALYSIS 1982 - 1983 PROPOSED BUDGET $920,600 1981 - 1982 BUDGET 850,400 INCREASE $ 70,200 PERSONAL SERVICES: (..01 -- Salaries; :02-- Overtl -Me; .04 - -Part Time) Annual Adjustments Increase in Cost Reflects All Position at Fully Budgeted .Rates Increase in Part Time CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (. 23-- Communications; .27--Utility- Services; .28- -Motor Vehicle Main- tenance; .30 -- Repairs and Mainten- ance; .31-- Equipment Rental) Increase in Cost of Postage Decrease in MV Maintenance Increase in Repairs and Maintenance for Village Hall Miscellaneous Changes CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (.05-- Benefits; .24-- Insurance; .25 -- Professional; .26-- Contrac- tual; .49-- Housing Assistance) Increase in Cost of Hospitalization Addition of Dental Insurance Decrease in Professional Services ($9,000 Reduction in Legal Services) Increase in Contractual: Traffic Signal - -On Waukegan Rd. and Commons Drive Miscellaneous Changes Decrease in Housing Assistance (Phase Out of Program) CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 -10 $ 28,800 9,000 6.000 2,500 (1,000) 2,000 (500) 4,000 2,500 (13,500) 25,000 (1,600) (15;000) $43,800 3,000 1,400 r COMMODITIES: (.07-- Apparel; .'21 -- Travel, Training, etc.; .22 -- Printing & Advertising; .29-- Petroleum Products; .33 -- Miscellaneous; .35- -Dog Pound; .50-- Supplies) Decrease in Printing & Advertising Increase in Cost of Supplies Increase in Election Costs Miscellaneous Changes CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY:. (.80- -Motor Vehicles; .81-- Equipment; .82- -Land Acquisition) .Increase in Motor 'Vehicl.es (Purchase of Replacement Auto for. Building & Zoning) Increase in Equipment (See Appendix A) Decrease in Land Acquisition CHANGES.IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE (2,500) 10,000 51000 4,000 .16, 500 5,000 2,000 (1,500) 5, 500 $70,200 i —zi DEPARTMENT AnmiNISTRATION ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 27 Utility Services 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 31 Equipment Rental 33 Miscellaneous 35 Dog Pound 49 Housing Assistance 50 Supplies 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment 82 Land Acquisition TOTAL Per Capita Cost i "- 1 2 EXPENDITURES Fui'dD GENERAL 1.0- 1.00 - 50100 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1980 -81 1.981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $351,839 $427,000 $410,000 $462,100 3,337 4,000 3,000 4,200 30,507 36,000 28,000 44,500 20,148 25,500 21,300 32,000 305 300 300 300 10,082 10,.000 .10,000 11,000 5,840 11,000 8,500 8,500 12,635 12,500 12,500 15,000 16,691 20,000 16,000 20,000 97,343 96,000 80,000 82,500. 68,779 40,100 42,000 63,500 3,768 5,000 4,000 5,000 4,149 4,500 3,500 3,500 2,126 __ 2,500 2100 2,500 54,508 16,000 16,000 18,000. 150 1,000 500 500 8,453 12,000 17,000 20,000 3,335 4,000 3,500 4,000 29,998 30,000 28,000 15,000. 21,983 10,000 17,000 20,000 9,000 0 0 5,000 7,908 5,000 5,000 7,000 74,103 78,000 81,000 76,500 $836,987 $850,400 $809,200 $920,600 $47.24 $51.-14 f PQLI i.E DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF POLICE ROLE The mi�sz ion o6 tJ,.e Pof'.i ce Depi,+tt.*ment .us to putect t i.6e and pnopvLty, pne.aenve Vie peace, and pnov.ide seAv.l-.ce to the eommuziAy. This .t,s accomp.2i6hed thn.ough the: Pnevent%on 06 chime Ue tv t.enee o 5 cA me Appnehens.ion o6 o66endeu ReeoveAy and %e tuAn o6 pu peaty Movement o6 t&a.66.ie Puyis ion o j s etv.ieez not noAma?,2y ava itabte bAom' oth eA p-tivate and pubtie .social we 6oAe agencies Education o4 fuvenitm to theiA Aesponz ibititi.ez, bebone the .haw Education o4 the geneAat pubti.c in the.6tep,6 it can take to neduce the pAobabiUtiez o4 becoming the victim o4 ni.minat attack. To bu 6itt this mission, these majoA goats have been set: 1. To Aespond to emergency caUs in no move than thAee minutes, to puvide eontinuows detmenx ptuenee in a t paxtis. o6 the Vittage, and continuous avaitabitity ` 6oA s ekv.ice Ae�s pons e. 2. To con.to_ct ' each gAade s choot e1iad at .least once duAing each teAm and to pnov.ide tAa66.ic satiety tha in.ing, bicyc -e Aegiz tAat i o n, and pAev ent io n education. 3. To neduce youth cxime through intehvention techniques utilizing diveuion, youth o66.iceA- counA.eloAs, youth- bound., outAeach,- and .inte'i -- agency coo& ii.nation. 4. PAOmpt pneP.im.inaAy investigation o6 att events ,Lepokted to the pot ice and thoAough jottow -up .invuti.gation. 2 -1 DEPARTIKENT POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc.' 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 28 Mai Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance .33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 2-2 ESP; ND1TURES r-U1D ui�Ai��i ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED. 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $931,787 $1,077,047 $1,034,298 $1,114,900 74,115 87,885 91,424 108,200 57,632 66,167 57,602 71,100 36,920 54,960 53,916 74y6OO 14,321 15,950 14,125 16,500 25,645 24,882 23,789 30,500 .4,284 11 ,550 7,772 101,000 32,679 16,070 16,061 15,500 .48,479 65,690 39,290 55,000 .5,295 3,350 922 3,500 19,450 30,562 16,488 55XO0 14,718 25,500 21,966 25,000 27,216 38,540 30,856 35,000 1,678 3,300 3,292 4,500 1,174 5,000 551 5,500 14,674 18,150 15,283 17,500 13,725 45,000 37;167 26,000 12,101 11,693 11,751 25,000 $1,335,893 $1,601,297 $1,476;553 $1,693,300 $88.96 $94.07 Admini,s tnation POLICE DEPARTMENT , Pen Capita The Adr:uiatnation Division o5 the Poti,ce Department iA tuponts.ibte botc .sta.64 .6upvLvis.ion ob at,t poti.ce bunct.,ions in the Vif- tage', ptan- n.ing and. d Aecting ponce openati.ons and ptcoviding and maintaining duppoxt setcvicez bon tine buncti.ows. Included in the vafti.ous bune- ..io;vs ah.n„ tt.e.r.o i.ds, e.tectAon.ic data ptcocetsa.i ng, commun.icationt6 , pay - ttotz, pLutJ— Lasing, chime and tAabb.ic tstatiA-ti.cat tcepoAting bon .local, Mate and bedvat needs, pemonnet and p obey ptocedune, and tt.ute and t.egut.ation devetopment and .imptementat%on. Othett. zenv.ica pe,,c- bcnmed an.e .satiety coune.i.P, Ziaizon, O.S.H.A. sa4ety committee ne- pnese.ntati,on, . iaison with the Boated o4 Po- ice Commiss,ionetus and the £mengeney Opeteati.ons Die �Lectotc. Invatigations ACTUAL' BUDGET ESTIMIATED PROPOSED 1980 -8, 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -81 $22.81 $300,177 $410,634 Pen Capita. i 'ih.e. Inve�tigaf ioYzs Divi6 ion ob the Pot ice DepaAtment its tt.espon- ts.i.bY e bot the bot.tow- up investigation o6 all s en i.ouz cA i.me�s ne- potu ed in the V.i. lage which ane not eteahed duAing put imina,ty .in.vatigation ot ane ob such eomptex natuAe that the zueca,66ut eonatu,s.ion ob the .investigation cannot be determined by the uni- botcmed obb.i.eet: who conducts the ptcetiminany .inveztigati.on and ptcepvt.e�s tihe ini.ti.a.t aepottt. Ptt,i.otuitiea ane ".6igned to ctozs.i- bt:co;`iow, on' )Lqw , ted incidents with the most zen-i.ous et imes tceeeiving the p.ni.o.nity. The InveAti.gati.orus Division allo conducV, a' ba.ch.gtcound invutigat%ons bott Z cenze and employee appCi.ca;tita . N i U $108,569 $6.43 $115,807 $24.42 $324,590 $439,600 $7.42 $114,501 $133,500 N 1 POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 PatAot Pen Capita $49.11 $50.97 .� The PatioZ Division o6 the Poti.ee Depa4 ment .ins pn.i.ma ity tespon- $774,955 $883,931 $855,956 $917,500 z ibte bon the div ect pnovis ion o4 .senv,icu to the community. It .cam the bos.ie pot ice 6unction and openctes abound the eeock, 168 hour pen week, 52 weekz of the yeah. Its nespons.ibiLitiu can geneica,Uy be eategotri.zed into patAot, t=46ic .haw en4oneement, . tc.a4 j, is accident inveht.igati,on, pnetfminany investigation ob etc,im inaZ, q ua�si- c t irrinae, and non - eh,iminae .incidee-6 , the en- {oncement of' and i,nancn and Astatutes , and ne,6 pons e to aU te- questih „on seAv.iceps. The PatAot D,ivaion aLso provides eieotct .6VLvicv, tttai6ic aunveys, cAaszing guard zupeuizion, t66ic d xect on, .6evene weath.e.`c watch, and a vaAiety o5 other seAvice.6. Communitq Seliv.ieeA- Pe1c Capita. $2.02 $2.09 The Community Senviees D.ivi6i6n .iz Lespon6 ibZe {ion cAi.me pre- $.33,869 $ 36,447 $ 34,750 $ 37,600 vention, and pot ice community netationh . The e6�ont6 o6 the- divi,s.ion to .6 enve the community ace 6ocws ed upon the engenden- .ing o6 z e.26 -hetp prevention pnognamm.ing, and to z e- tv.ing the community's needs. The div zion wonhs to .inete.ease coope- +Lation and coondinat.ion with other emeAgency .5 env.ica in the communi- ty, and to develop community zuppotct o{ the pot ice min zion. The diviAion admire steu the 6choot Ziai�son �.,) agtam' and ,is ne- lspon,.sibte 6o)L the admtinistn.ation o6 a totae tAa!j6ie tea ,6ety - c,time prevention pnogtcam. Each grade schaot child is contacted duxi.ng the zchoo.2 term and Ymmons are pnov.ided in ttc.a4�ie ,satiety, pa ticuLo iEy pede..stnial and boke .6a6ety. The divizion POLICE DEPARTMENT Community SeAvice,5 (Cont' d) adntiinizteAz the annuat bike rodeo, ptovidu bike engraving. as a the4t prevent- ivve meaz u,'.e, and bike tegiv ttation o weU. Speei.at Setcvices Pet Capita. To provide continued tta44ic cmttcot and zecun i ty setvicu on a contAaetuat,bastis bot the 6ottowing: Baxter Labotatoty DeeA6ieo.d State Bank Fip-6t Nati.onat Bank MCDo natd' s watgteen' .s Other Youth Setc.vice�s Pet Capc,ta. The ci,v.i,P.ian youth D.ctctectot and two .sworn youth 046icen6 ate each a pant oU tW e{6ott. The youth Diteetot .us tesponsibte to the Chie6 o6 Poti.ce and eootdi.natez depa&tment e4 oxt with community tuou ce agenei.ea, 6peci,at eommitteu and civic agen- cies. The youth Diteetot ovet3ea the "youthbound" ptogtam.. The youth 046icem ate tezp0mibte 6ofc compti.ance with TtUno.us taw tetated to thh e vftut and pu cu sing o4 j uven,it e o 64endeu , N I N ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $1.83 $ 29,982 $ 32,962 $5.30 $ 88,341 $ 95,310 r $2.59 $ 37,238. $ 46,600 $ 90,727 $104,600 U I POLICE DEPARTMENT Youth Se vi ce.6 (Coat' d) the Juvenite Coutct Act, and the admtnwsttation ob ztat.ion adjustment pnognam, e.g., youth juicy. Youth 04jiceu wo,%k to coordinate with Panto. and Investigation Sec, i.onz o4 the Depatctment, and with eowt .seuicez and community &uowcee agenc (n Each ma.inta.i.ws continuous contact with .schooZ admkizttcatou, patck diztAi.ct o46ici.ats, and membeu o� the businaz community. Bicycle Satiety Pnognam Pen Capcta. The majot goatA o4 the Dee-A4ie.2d Bicycle Sa4ety Pugwm are %ceducc:.ng bLcycte accidents and incAea,s�ng .savety to bicy- cWts th,%ough eh6oneement action and through education. The jvcb gtcam empt o yz eo.Pt eg e s tudent6 dwu.ng the .s ummetc mo ntU to patAoZ the Vittage stteet,6 and enjonce bicycQe t;La66i -- Zawz. Viotatou can be tequiAed to appeatc at a hean,i.ng o4 the B.i,cycee Could: The bicycte pattot emptoyees a 6o provide in6mmati,on to the bicycLust ketative to pupen 4a6ety techn,i.que,s and pnocedutcu in the safe operation oU the bicyct.e. Through the combined e66ott-6 o6 both en6aceement and education, the Depatctment hopes to reduce b.ieycte accident. TOTALS ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $1.46 $0.77 $ 0 $ 26,206 $18,791 $ 13,900 $1 ,335,893 $1 ,601 ,297 $1,476,553 $1 ,693,300 F POLICE DEPAPTMEMT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1982 -83 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 BUDGET 1983 -84 1984 -85 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1981-82 BUDGET Personal Services .01,.02,.04 Other Services .23,.28,.30. Contractual ..... 05, . 24, . 25, . 26 Commodi ti es' .07,..21,.22,.299 33,.50 Capital Outlay .80,.81 TOTALS v J $1,063,534 $1,231,100" $15-183,324 $1,294,200 $ 63,100 49,075 ,44,870 41,319 45,000 130, 110,144 154,562 110,616 188,100. 33,538 87,314 114,072 921,376 115,000 928 25,826 56,693 48,918 51,000 5,693) $1,335,893 $1,601,297 $1,476,553 $1,693,300 $ 92,003 $1,378,800 $1,489,300 48,850 52,700 208,800 225,000 126,900 137,300 90,000 65,000 $1,853,350 $1,969,300 POLICE DEPARTMENT ..BUDGET ANALYSIS 1982 - 1983 PROPOSED BUDGET $1,693,300 1981 -- 1982 BUDGET 4601,297 INCREASE $ 92,003' PERSONAL SERVICES: (.01 -- Salaries; .02-- Overtime; .04- -Part Time) Annual Adjustments Annual Salary Adjustments Delete One Secretary II Increase in Special Services Overtime. Decrease in Salaries in Bicycle Safety. Program CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (.23-- Communications; .28- -Motor Vehicle Maintenance; .30-- Repairs and Maintenance) Increase in Repairs & Maintenance Decrease in Communications Decrease in MV Maintenance CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES M _CONTRACTUAL: (.05-- Benefits; .24 -- Insurance; .25 -- Professional; .26 -- Contractual) Addition of Dental Insurance Increase in Cost of Insurance Increase in NIPCL (Crime Lab) Increase in Computer Programming Decrease in Miscellaneous Contract Changes CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2-8 73,200 .2,900 (17,000) 12,000 (8,000 1,100 (570) 400 5,600 4,000 1,100 24,000 1,162 $ 63,100 130 33.538 COMMODITIES: (.07-- Apparel; .21 -- Travel, Training etc.; :22 -- Printing & Advertising; .29 -- Petroleum Products;'.33--Miscel- lareous; .50-- Supplies) Increase in Apparel Increase in Training Decrease in Printing Decrease in Petroleum Products Decrease in Supplies Increase for Police Commission CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (.80- -Motor Vehicles; .81--- Equip- ment) Decrease in Purchase of Motor Vehicles Increase in Equipment CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 550 5,618 (1,550) (3,540) (650) 500 (19,000) 13,307 (5,693 $92,003 2 -9 2 -10 EXPE DITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND POLICE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL 10 -601 -60100 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $180,667 $219,604 $195,000 $214,100 02 Overtime 2,969 4,725 3,970 5,300 04 Part Time 25,549 31,986 26,000 33,500 05 Benefits 6,986 13,560 13,560 17,200 07 Apparel 1,617 2,500 2,500 2,500 21 Travel, Training, etc. 2,746 4,392 3,673 4,500 .. 22 Printing R Advertising 4,284 10,550 6,731 9,500 23 Communications 32,679 16,070 16,061 15,500 24 Insurance 9,614 65,690 39,290 55,000 25 Professional 5,295 3,350 922 3,500 26 Contractual 12,163 21,532 7,333 45,000 28 MV Maintenance 330 600 4.10 500 29 Petroleum Products 669 975 610 1,000 30 Repairs & Maintenance 963 1,100 1,512 1,500 33 Miscellaneous 1,174 5,000 551 5,500 50 Supplies 7,740 8,700 6,142 8,500 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0. 0 81 Equipment 4,732 300 325 17,000 TOTAL $300,177 $410,634 , - $324,590 i $439,600 Per Capita Cost $22.81 $24.42 2 -10 DEPARTMENT' POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance , 25 Professional 26 Contractual 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPENDITURES FUNCTION INVESTIGATIONS ACTUAL BUDGET 1930 -81 1981 -82 $78,319 $81,738 8,848 10,614 0 0 2,476 3,600 1,228 1,050 1,206 1,350 0 0 0. 0 3,440 0 0 0 7,287 8,670 1,262 1,550 1,015 1 ,960 49 450 0 0 2,385 3,500 0 0 1,054 1,325 $108,569 $115,807 $6.43 FUND GENERAL 10- 602 -60200 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 $ 81,738 $ 86,900 10,614 11,700 0 0 2,924 5,400 1,050 1,000 1,350 2,000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,670 10,000 1,550 1,500 1,330 2,000 450 500 0 0 3,500 3,500 0 8,000 1,325 11000 $114,501 $133,500 $7.42 2-11 DEPARTMENT POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04. Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 2 -12 FUNCTION PATROL ACTUAL 1980 -81 BU'DGET 1981 -82 $574,045 $648,034 26,071 30,893 32,083 34,181 24,031 33,000 10,429 10,850 19,710 17,623 0 0 0 0 29,715 0 0 0 0 0 11,647 21,000 2.3,666 32,200 666 1,000 0 0 3,357 4,450 13,725 45,000 5,810 5,700 $774,955 $883,931 $49.11 FUND GENERAL 10- 603 -60300 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 $638,407 $687,900. 32,675 35,000 31,602 37,600 33,000 44,000 8,950 11 ,000 . 17,623 22,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 20,500 27,700 29,000 ,. 930 1,500 0 0 4,260 4,500 37,167 18,000 5,642 6,000 $855,956 $917,500 $50.97 DEPARTMENT POLICE EXP�ITURES FUNCTION CMUNI IY SERVICES FU;� GENERAL 10- 6'04- 60LI00 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSEO4 AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $27,655 $30,864 $30,864 $32,900, 02 Overtime 568 758 663 1,100 04 Part Time' 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 1 ,027 1 ,200 1 ,200 1,100 -07 Apparel 229 350 -. 350 500, 21 Travel, Training, etc. .503 290 51 500 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 2,1.47 0 0 0 .25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual A 0. 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 377 600 256 500 29 Petroleum Products 224 985 285 500 30 Repairs & Maintenance 0 200 0 0 '33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 1,139. 1,200 1,081 500 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment.- 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $33,869 $36,447 $34,750 $37,600 Per Capita Cost $2.02 $2.09 2 -13 DEPARTMENT POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 2-14 UPK ITURES FUNCTION FUND SPECIAL SERVICES GENERAL 10 -605 -60500 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $29,982 $32,962 $37,238 $46,600 $29,982 $32,962 $1.83 $37,238 $46,600 $2.59 DEPARTMENT POLICE ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPEOITURES FUNCTION YOUTH SEERVICES ACTUAL 1980 -81 $71 ,101 5,67/ 0 2,400 818 1 ,480 0 0 3,563 0 0 1,102 1 ,642 0 0 53 0' 505 $88,341 BUDGET 1981 -82_ $76,956 7,934 0 3,600 700 1 ;050 0 0 0 0 0 1 , 750 2,420 300 0 300 0 300 $95,310 $5.30 Fu@, GENERAL 10 --( -061 -60600 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 $76,137 $81 ,600 6,264 8,500. 0 0 2,912 6,500 700 1,000 1,050 1,000. 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,750 2,000 931 2,500 300 500 0 0 300 500 0 0 383 500 $90,727 $104,600 i $5.81 2 -15 N DITURLS t�II I.1mCT Lt.iV11. POLICE BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAM GENERAL IM97 -60700 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01. Salaries $ 0 $19,851 $12,152 $11 ,500 02 Overtime 0 0 0 0 04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 0 0 320 400 07 Apparel 0 500 575 500 21 Travel, Training, etc.. 0 1.77 42 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 1,000 1,041 500 23 Communications 0 0 0 0. 24 Insurance 0 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 0 360 485 0 28 MV Maintenance 0 0 0 0 29 Petroleum Products 0 0 0 0 30 Repairs & Maintenance 0 250 100 500 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 500 81 Equipment 0 4,068 4,076 0 TOTAL $ 0 $26,206 $18,791 $13,900 Per Capita Cost $1.46 $0.77 2-16 YOUTHBOUND The "youthbound" pAogtcam o6 the Dee`L�ieed. Pob ee Dep"ent .ins a unique and vetcy s uccu,5 Out youth pno jeet. Pot ice DepaA tmewts have em- peoyed the pttac ice o6 ",station adjustments" i.n. juvenile eases 6or, many yemus. The adjustment was usuaUy .ti.mited to the netuth.n to patcen.ta2 custody with an admonishment. Too often the admonition was inteAptceted ass me_ani.ngte-/,.s and a upeat viotati:.on oecuvfted. youthbound has added a diJmemion to the. station adjustment by permitting continued poLi.ce con- tact with the juvenite in a positive setting with an opportunity tote ne- app&ai,6aC and atti tudi.nae change. youthbor,nd pakticipants oAe not neceuwLity oj6endeAz. Many atce m- dinatcy youths who tike the out- o6- dootus. This pAovide,s an a6ldiJLnati.ve composition o6 the group and cAe.ates an atmosphere o{ mutual ttc.ust and unde 6tandi.ng between pot ice o46icem and youth o6 .the community. Reeentey, youthbound became involved with the schoot di sVt ct'.3 Ex- peAience Based Education pugtcam. %outhbound o44e 6 suppoAt to the ptzognam in thn ptaeement oU high sehoot students ass ob�setwetus ,i.ntetcn /sta66 in the pnognam. 3 -1 W N YOUTHBOUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 .1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -3-5 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED. REVENUE: Project Income (Fees) $ 12,245 Village Share 12,000 $ 15,320 4,000 $ 10,367 4,000 . $ 14,200 4,000 $ 15,000 $ 4,000 16,000 4,000 TOTAL REVENUE $. 24,245 $ 19,320 $ 14,367 $ 18,200 $ 19,000 $ 20,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 28,813 $ 19,337 $ 11,439 $ 17,940 $ 19,916 $ 21,505 3 -3 . E XPcr�L�IT�UR,ES DEPARTMENT FUND YOUTHBOUND SUMMARY GENERAL 16- 608 -60300 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $15,088 $ 4,000 $ 881 $ 4,000 05 Benefits 345 150 32 170 21 Travel, Training, etc. 661 612 244 350 23 Communications 149 200 241 240 24 Insurance 985 2,000 514 600 28 MV Maintenance 1 ,457 - 1,600 441 1 ,200 29 Petroleum Products 1,880 4,000 1,290 2,500 30 Repairs & Maintenance 5 200 97 180 49 Housing 1,361 1,250 1,713 2,000 50 Supplies 6,008 5,000 5,819 6,500 81 Equipment 874 325 167 200 ' TOTAL $28,813 -$19,337 $11,439 $17,940: Per Capita Cost $1.07.. $1.00 3 -3 . SOURCE REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Prior Year Tax Collections Motor Fuel Tax Vehicle Licenses 50/50 Sidewalk 50/50 Curb Train Station Maintenance Interest Earned Misc0llaneous State Highway Maintenance Transfer to General Transfer from Parking Lot Revenue TOTAL.REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES i r STREET FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED 1984 -85 PROJECTE" $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 4,315 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 111,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 203,359 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 4,508 4,400 6,000 4,400 4,400 4,400 828 4,400 1,500. 4,400 4,400 4,400 0 115,00 1 , 500 1,500 1 , 500 1 9500 2,4.35 3,000 8,000 6.,000 8,000 51000 22,402 6,000 6,000 -6,000 - .6i000. n5000� 11,433 11,500 12,500 13,000 13,000 1 ,000 (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,C'0 10,000 _ 15,000 15,000 _0,000 15,000 15; CIO �0 $ 497,280 $ 538,800 $543,500 $54 8,300 $ 546,300 $ 546. $ 465,927 $ 529,788 $508,943 $559,900 $ 543,040 1; 593,210 N PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1982 -83 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -.83 BUDGET 1983 -84 1984 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1981 -82 BUDGET Personal Services .01,.02,.04 $141,474 $172,188 $159,903 $178,820 $ 6,632 $186,720 $196,350 Other Services .239.27,.289.309 .31 91,499 92,050 92,763 1009440 8,390 101,630 •107,160 Contractual .05,.24,.25,..26 819076 103,000 82,253 92,440 (10,560) 99,390 106,300 Commodities ••. .079.21,.229.29, .33,.50,.51,.53, .54,.55,.-57 1279102 139,050 1529150 152,100 13,050 154,000 155,300 Capital Outlay .809.81 24,776 239500 21,874 36,100 12,600 1,300 28,100 TOTALS $465,927 $529,788 $508,943 $559,900 $ 30,112 $543,040 $593,210 c i l� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIvISION BUDGET ANALYSIS 1982 - 83 PROPOSED BUDGET $559,900 1981 - 82 BUDGET 529,788 $ 30,112 PERSONAL SERVICE: (.01 -- Salaries; .02-- Overtime; .04 - -Part Time) Annual Adjustments Salary Adjustments Increase in Overtime CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: (.23-- Communications; .27-- Utility Services; .28- -Motor Vehicle Main- tenance; .30 -- Repairs and Mainten- ance; .31 -- Equipment Rental) Decrease in Utility Services Increase in MV MaintOnance Increase in Repairs & Maintenance Increase in Equipment Rental . CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (.05-- Benefits; .24-- Insurance; .25 -- Professional; .26-- Contrac- tual Services) Addition of Dental Insurance Increase in Cost of Benefits Decrease in Contractual CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $10,060 (3,434) 6 $6,632 (2,260) 950 4,800 4,900 . 8,390 i 950 1,390 12,900 (10;560) c 4 -3 COMMODITIES: (.07-- Apparel; ..21 -- Travel, Training etc.; .22 -- Printing & Advertising; .29-- Petroleum Products; .337-Mis- cellaneous; .50-- Supplies; .51 --Salt; .53 -- Aggregates; .54-- Materials; .55 -- Street Signs; .57- -Small Tools & Equipment) Decrease in Petroleum Products Increase in Salt Increase in Cost of Aggregates Increase in Cost of Materials CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (.80- -Motor Vehicles;..81-- Equip- ment) Increase in Cost of Motor Vehicles 4 Cost of New 5 Ton Dump Truck Increase in Equipment See Appendix C -1 CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 4 -4 (1,250) 6,000 4,300 4,000 9,000 3,600 13,050 12,600. $30,112 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1978 1979 1980 1981 PRE -MIX PATCHING MATERIALS USED (TONS) 1,529 1,606 1,532 31509 'TARRING CRACKS (POUNDS) 3.2 3.9 4.5 40,000 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL (MAN HOURS) 1,890 2,754 1,156 870 TRAFFIC MARKING (LINEAL FEET) 93,359 61,415 83,680 82,960 TREES PLANTED (NUMBER) 133 105 158 89 LEAF REMOVAL (CUBIC YARDS) 2,784 2,818 3.540 4,000 TREES SPRAYED (NUMBER) 460 406 352 300 TREES REMOVED (NUMBER) 68 54 58' 49 CATCH BASINS CLEANED (NUMBER) 480 480 480 480 PARKWAY MOWING (LINEAL FEET) 80,000 80,000 88,700 88,600 STREET SIGNS ERECTED OR REPLACED (NUMBER) 228 226 245 363 STREETS SWEPT (MILES) 1,092 895 2,310 3,338 �t STREETS SWEPT (CUBIC YARDS DEBRIS) 318 512 1,178 1,637 STREET LIGHT STANDARDS REPLACED (NUMBER) 11 33 13 16 STREET GAS LIGHTS REPLACED (NUMBER) 1 3 0 2 "STREET GAS LIGHTS CONVERTED TO ELECTRICAL STANDARDS (NUMBER) 0 9 9 0 STREET LIGHT CABLE REPAIRS (NUMBER) 11 19 5. 12 STREET LAMPS REPLACED (NUMBER) 640 472 396 218 ROCK SALT USED (TONS) 790 825 1,172 740 SAND (BIRDS EYE) ICE CONTROL (TONS) 501 369 511 325 CONCRETE STREET PATCH WORK (YDS. USED) 35 40 540 511.0 'CHANGED FROM MILES TO POUNDS IN 1981 "E.P.A. REQUIREMENT - EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNT1 PUBLIC WORKS SLMIARY STREET ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 O1 Salaries $120,257 $146,614 $134,751 $151,730 02 Overtime 13,801 14,694 14,694 15,590 04 Part Time 7,416 10,880 10,458 11,500 05 Benefits 5,754 8,500 7,242 10,840 07 Apparel 697 1,1.00 11100 11100 21 Travel, Training, etc. 427 800 426 800 22 Printing & Advertising 3,778 4,400 4,270 4,400 23 Communications 2,354 3,250 3,078 3,250 24 Insurance 22,075 27,500 18,950 27,500 25 Professional 0 200 100 200 26 Contractual 53,247 66,800 55,961. 53,900 27-Utility Services 33,671 35,200 30,029 32,940 28 MV Maintenance 24,010 23,000 23,675 23,950 29 Petroleum Products 13,213 16,950 15,306 15,700 30 Repairs & Maintenance 29,752 28,000 28,993 32,800 31 Equipment Rental 1,712 2,600 6,988 7,500 33 Miscellaneous 1,293 1,500 1,517 1,500 50 Supplies 2,609 6,600 4,224 6,600 51 Salt 25,048 19,000 32,000', 25,000 53 Aggregates 34,849 33,000 33,962 37,300 54 Materials 40,458 48,600 53,150 52,600 55 Street Signs 4,730 6,500 6,157 6,500 57 Small Tools ,& Equipment 0 .600 38 600 80 Motor Vehicles.` 14,442' 0 0 9,000 81 Equipment 10,334 23,500 21,874 27,100 TOTAL $465,927 $529,788 $508,943 $559,900 Per Capita Cost $29.43 $31.11 4 -6 Administt ati.on PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION Pete. Cap.cta. GeneAae adm.inizttcation ban th.L6 division .invotvu .6upeAvision bot aU -.6tAeet pto j ec t6 , hande.ing o6 eompeai.nt6 , time ego ck tecotd6 bon paytott, making putcchatse tegu,,,5itionz, keeping tecotda neeezzaty ban obtaining Motor Vehieee Fund revenue btom the State, and handUng cotvices pondence necu sany in con- nection with the other buncti.ons. One- bouxth the zaeaxiez ob the Pub.e.ic Wo,%ks Diuc ton and Auss bs,t a.nt Pubt i c Wot ks Dinee tot and one -third ob the zaeaty ob the Pubtie wotkz zecAetany ate charged to this account. C.eearu.n _ Pet Capitai The Vittag e ctean6 appto x imatety 70 mite ,6 o6 ztteets (140 cutcb mites) . Creaming .us done in the bu6inet6s .sections ob the Vit- tage thAee times pet week and in tes.identiae ateas on a monthP_y .6cheduee, bon. a Iota- ob 222 mites .swept pet month. In 1981 3, 338 mites ob stteet weAe .swept. One vacuum .6tteet .6weepetc 16 used bot this opeAation. The Vittage pays a dumpling bee (conttaetuaZ) bat dvs pozing o6 the tebuz e. T&a.b {y.ic Matching Pete Capita. This activ.cty consists o4 painting cAo.6.6waek.6 ae.2 o vets the V:ietage, painting eentet Zine6 and, pat k ing .6tattz on the bu.6i- nc/s.6 ditttuct zs teens, and eonsttucting ass wet as .iwstatei.ng ztAeet signs. In 1981, 82,960 tineae beet o4 pavement we;Le mcfAked and 363 ztteeet z ignz erected ct tepeaced. A pickup Chuck is used patrt -tame in this ope,,ati.on to haue the zttccet ztk ping machine, which .vs manLw.Uy opekated. ACTUAL -BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 .1982 -83 $3.95 $3.91 $44,413 $71,045 $66,563 $70,340 a $0.88 $1.11 $17,009 $15,866 $17,179 '$19,970 $2.01 $1.57 $23,682 $36,167 $36,088 $28,230 11 r co Pte -mix Patching i.ng PUBLIC WORKS DELPARTMVIT STREET DivisION Pen Capita. P.te -mix. patching .invotvez the ovWaying ob dete,ci.oxating pave - ments and tempotaty patching. I ws pect i.ows o6 V.i Qtage stAee us detetmi.ne the axeas to be patched. In the ca.eendat year 1981 Vi Uage empto yeez appZi.ed 3,509 tows o6 pte -mix. Faut dump txuck.6, two %otteu, a Layton b.cacktop paver, a btoitt -end .eoadelc, and a eonetete saw ate uzed pact -time ban thus activ- ity. Aggtegates used .inceude .sand, beacfztop, and gtave.e. Other mate&i.ats used .inceude eoneAete, .2umbeA, steet and prri,m2,`c. Ta�rAing Ctack,5 PeA Capita:. PubZic plwLf Depantmert empto yetis note tteet6 which need to have cAack6 bitted and dMing the 6ummeh movitU, the crew U.iU-6 aPt c'cacfz s target than 114 .inch. in width. One ttucr equipped with a 300 ga.P.,con tan kettee, which .vs teased, and ,vi ai a compta 5 ot; Z5 used pact -time 6o ft. ;laxk ing A meet c)ack,s. Aggtegates and mateti.ats uzed i.nc2ude .sand, {i.ne Z me/stone dust, ch.ips and a new cAa-2k6i.0 -4!,c ptoducz which eonta.ims 25% tceeycted tiAez . Thii product .stays tmitient at tempeta.tunes b etow - 0 ° F and wile not ttaeh dun i.ng hot weath et. Dta%nage StxuetuAea., Pex Capita Expenditune!s btom thin bund ate box ctean ixg 4tteet i.ntets , catch bas.iws , ti.ne/s that connect i nt et's to catch bas%n s to the inieAceptotsto.ltm s ewers , and nepcacement o4 b,'coh en g.tatee , ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 '$4.03 $4.04 $70,224 $72,569 $66,300 $72,780 $1.79 $3.33 $11.-,567 $32,242 $345*907 .$59,870 $0.64 $0.64 $13,597 $11,505. $10,973 $11,550 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION Ana image StAuetunes ' ( Cont cnued) coveJus, and manhole bnames . AU inlets and 480 catch, ba6ins weAe ct:eaned .dm ing- 1981. A tAuek ( pat t -time) and a_ s ewer nodden ate used bon thus purpose. The V.c,(lage puAeha�s.ed a vacuttm 6t eet sweeper and educton comb.inatcon machine to et',ean the catch bas.iws. MateAiaez used by the Vittage bon the cZean- ing operation are nods bon the sewer nodden, bite hoses, and a high prL s ute jet h ydnauP.i c sewer trodden. . Skeet 1;i.gh ts and Tna64ie SignaU Pen Capita Thin activity consists o6 maintenance o6 ex ,6tIing 6tandaA6, Za_mps, and signatz . In 1981, 218 street .tamps were teptaced. M.us eettaneom Maintenance Pen Capita Mast m.izuUaneows maintenance is done on a bid ba6is and in- ct'udes curb neptaeement, insta2.2ati,on o6 50/50 sidewa&6 and sa6ety..6idewatk,s. Sidewa k,6 known as 50/50 sidewatzs are those "pubt i.c. s.idewa U" in {�nont o6 private pro pen ty which the owneu want tepbaced. The V,iUage' shanez the cast with the owner., on a 50/50 bas.Us . Safety sidewatks ate those near z chootz , pcftU and othe,t pubt icty -owned pnopen ty which do not quat i4y bon 50/50 6inanci.ng by the pnopenty owneA. Some mi,6ce taneows maintenance .us done by the Vittage empto yees . ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $3.60 $84,457 $64,787 $2.79 $36,678 $50,243 $3.14 $59,041 $56,570 $2.65 $41,394 $47,750 r i 0 Snow and Ice Conn o.2 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION Pa Capita Snow and .ice are e.teahed 6Aom the V,iUage att.ee 6, 6.ive -600t wide .s.idewatks (33.25 mites o6 Asidewatks) , and mun.ie ipatt y owned palLk- .ing .dots and alleys. Dutt,ing 1981, the V.i U-age u6 ed 740 tont6 o6 flock .sat.t and tAea-ted .ice contAot sand. Heven V.ttta.ge veh.ictes may be equipped with snow, p2om whenever a Snow .stoAm ocewus . Six dump. tAucFvs ( empty weight 10, 500 .2b,6 . ) , two dump tAucU ( empty weight 4,500 tb6 .) , 6ouA one -hat 6 ton pickup much , twetve snow pZow.s, and one 6idewa k plow ate. used. Weed Contnot Peh Capita Greed eontAot .inaeude�s cutting weedy and gta6z on 88,700 ti.neae 6eet o6 pa&kway,6 and on otheA V.cUage -owned pnopeAtiu. Some wonh is done .bon pti.vate owneAz on a te.imibcvo ement ba,6i-6 ($30.00 pen houtt.) . A Ford tnae toA . ( pan t -time) and three AotaAy hand. Lawn mowelus ate uts ed. Weed Fz-iUen ,v, appt ied in some toeatiows . Leah Remova.2 Pen Capita Leaves are picked. up toose 4Aom OetobeA 25, untie the 6iust lsnow6aZt, on December 1, whicheveA comes jiut. DuAi.ng thJA time' pexi.od .Ceavez a.Ye picked up 6tom every .attceet in the Vittage on a one time b",E6 only. Each tes.idenee tece.ive6 a new.stettet containing detaited in4otmation with pick-up day's, a map and spec i,at in /s:Jcuc ti.ows ,inc -tided. On a bagged -only baAiA, the tegueaA s --,avengeA service wilt pick up .Peavn at any time. UA,ing ;ivo dump tnuehu with spec i.at boxes and tivo t e.a 6 vacuum machines, appto xi.matet y 4,000 cubic yandt> o6 com- pacted t eave a ate picked up dwL i.ng the z m6 on. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $5.34 $6.04 $94,857 $96,125 $106,949 $108,740 $16,412 $0.97 $17,389 $0.45 $ 8,080 $13,744 $ 7,743 $0.71 $ 12,780 $0.92 $ 16,530 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 =83 Ttee Removat PeA Capita $1.27 $1 .23 Tree Aemovat .us done pni.ma,,.ity on a eontAactuat bas-us. Ex- $20,862 $22,943 $22,863 $22,040 pend.c twzes Jrom tW Jund atsa 'include the cost aJ sptay.ing 300 e e.m trees in 1981 to eonttot the EuAopean Etm BaAk beetle. Village emptoyee/s etean up alter tree stumps ate removed, Jitt n with btack dtitt, and reseed. Two dump ttuchs and one JAant- iend toadeA ttta.etot aAe used pant time. 1'tee Ptan t%ng Pec Capita $0.64 $0.66 - AppAoximate,E'y 89 trees weice ptanted in 1981. The Vittage $ 7,476 $11 ,606 $ 9,179 $11,900 eontnacts Jot the ptacha e. of the tAees and V.cttage emptoyees the ptant them. The Vi.P -cage pays one -hatJ cost of a 1 112 .inch diameteL tree. IJ a °aAger tree is requested by the hcmeownet, he pays the addi tionat cost. Pam time use aJ a Ford ' ac.tm (,o th a 30" augeA, a dump truck, and the front - end toacler tractor a Aequitr.ed Jon ptanting. Rai,CA.oad Station Maintenance -- — Pet Capita $1.07 $1 .16 The VEY-age. Pub —Pic WoAks emptoyees ptov.ide maZntenanee,setw.ice $15,855 $19,221 $16,020 .$20,850 and repa. vanda izm and damage to the .inteA,i.ot o4 the DeeA- Jiced Chicago, Mi,twauhee and Saint Paut Ra tAoad Station. Thin a done under an agreement between the Chicago, Mitwaukee and Saint Paut Ra.UAoad, the RTA, and the V.i&age of Dee,%'ietd. TOTALS $465;927 $529,788 $508,943 $559,900 i r r EXUP END I TU RES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUS�!D RIJBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION STREET 20 -501 -50100 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION.. 1980 -81 _1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insuran -Ce 25 Professional 26 Contractual 27 Utility Services 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 31 Equipment Rental 33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 51 Salt 53 Aggregates 54 Materials 55 Street Signs 57 Small Tools & Equipment 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 4 -12 $27,449 $24,719 0 326 0 0 1,252 1,000 697 1,100 427 800 3,778 4,400 2,121 2,600 3,376 27,000 0 200 0 0 0 0 1.9380 2,000 1 ,131 900 343 500 .0 0 788 1,000 1,671 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 3 , 000 $44.,413 $71,045 $3.95 $27,903 $26,200 326 340 0 0 1 , 560 1 , 300 1,100 1,100 426 800 4,270 4,400 2,428 2,600 18,950 27,500 100 200. 0 0 0 0 2,500 2,000 900 900 900 500 0 0 900 1,000 1,500 1,500 i 6 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,800 0 $65,563 $70,340 $3.91 FxPEM I TUPtS DEPARTMENT FUNCTIGN PUBLIC WORKS CLEANING ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits, 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 27 Utility Services 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 31 Equipment Rental - 33 Miscellaneous , 50 Supplies s 51 Salt 53 Aggregates 54 Materials 55 Street Signs 57 Small Tools & Equipment 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost FUND STREET 20- 501 -51000 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $ 8,502 $ 8,723 $ 7,803 $ 9,250 394 543 .108 120 0 0 0 0 360 600 678 800 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 823 0 0 0' 0? 0 0 0 305 500 534 500 0 0 0 0 1,098 1,100 2,855 3,000 1,742 1,500 1,514 1,500 3,210 1,500 3,084 3,000 575 100 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 603 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 300 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $17,009 $15,866 $17,179 $19,970 $0.88 $1.11 4.--13 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC MRKING STREET 20-- 501 =5210W ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1980 -81 BUDGET 1981 -82 ESTIMATE 1981 -82 PROPOSED. 1982 -83 Ol Salaries $ 6,259 $ 9,113 $ 6,772 $11,410 02 Overtime 67 434 262 280 04 Part Time 820 1.,920 1,867 2,040 05 Benefits 187 600 484 800 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 1,207 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 1,884 10,000 12,257 0 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 '28 MV Maintenance 1,247 1,200 400 1,000 29 Petroleum Products 302 800 522 600 30 Repairs & Maintenance 623 600 578 600 31 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 G 50 Supplies 0 0 0 Q 51 Salt 0 0 OI 0 53 Aggregates 0 0 O, 0 54 Materials 6,356 5,000 6,789 5,000 55 Street Signs .4 :730 6,500 6,157 6,500 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81. Equipment _ 0 0 0 _ 0 TOTAL $23,682 $36,167 $36,088 $28,230 Per Capita Cost $2,01 $1.57 4-14 F(PENDITIIRES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS FUNCTION PRE41IX PATCHING FUND STREET 20-- 501 -52100 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $27,204 $28,892 $20,330 $26,110 02 Overtime 1,309 977 1,510 1,600 04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits • 1,515- 1,600 964 1 ,970 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 3,513 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 0 0 0 0 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 .28 MV Maintenance 4,778 5,000 5,000 5,000 29 Petroleum Products 2,318 1,800 2,080 2,000 30 Repairs & Maintenance 2,637 3,000 3,000 5,500 31 Equipment Rental. 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies. 526 600 600 600 51 Salt s 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 23,779 23,700 26,862 28,000 54 Materi.als 1,395 2,000 2,000 2,000 55 Street Signs 0 0 0. 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 1,250 5,000 3,954 0 TOTAL $70,224 $72,569 $66,300 $72.,780 Per Capita Cost. $4.03 $4.04 4-15 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS FUNCTION TARRING CRACKS FUND STREET 20 -501-52200 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $ 4,652 $12,113 $ 6,059 $14,290 02 Overtime 135 109 841 '890 04 Part Time 1,791 1,920 1,920 2,000 05 Benefits 233 1,100 332 1,190 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 540 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 0 0 0 0 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 1,000 1,000 492 1,000 29 Petroleum Products 91 700 445 700 30 Repairs & Maintenance 643 800 620 800 31 Equipment Rental 0 0 4,488 2,500 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 0 500 0 500 54 Materials 2,482 14,000 19,710 20,000 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 0 0 0 16,000 TOTAL $11,567 $32,242 $34,907 $59,870 Per Capita Cost $1.79 $3,33 4 -16 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PLMLIC WORKS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES STR -EET 20- 501 -52300 ACCOUNTAUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1930 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $ 6.,997 $ 4,362 $ 4,362 $ 4,620 02 Overtime 122 543 520 530 .04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 372 300 120 400 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 ,21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 , 0. 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 660 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual a 0 .0 0 0 27 Utility Services 0 0 .0 0 28 MV Maintenance 1,315 1,200 1,200 1,200 29 Petroleum Products 248 600 399 300 30 Repairs & Maintenance' 1,267. 1,500 1,500 1,500 31 Equipment. Rental 0 0. 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 1,113 1,000 500 .11000 54 Materials 1,503 2,000 2,372 2,000 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 0 0 0 _ 0 TOTAL $13,597 $11,505 $10,973 $11,550 Per Capita Cost $0.64 $0.64 4 -17 EXPED IL TURSS DEPARTMENT FUNCTION Fub PUBLIC WORKS LIGHTS AND SIGNALS -STREET 20- 501- 52LI00 ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 27 Utility Services .2101 MV Maintenance 29 Petrol eum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 31 Equipment Rental 33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 51 Salt 53 Aggregates 54 Materials 55 Street Signs 57 Small Tools & Equipment 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment TOTAL Per Capita Cost 4 -18 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 198243 $ 9,430 $ 9,502 $ 9,502 $ 5,030 725 760 760 800 0 0 0 0 426 300 649 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,315 8,000 8,043 8,000 31,884 33,000 28,000 30,7Q 15061 900 2,112 1,000 1,363 900 900 . 700 (198) 625 (1,620) 600 670 1,000 11000. 11000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 103 300 300 ' 300 .11,460 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 1 , 500 1 , 395 0 $84,457 $64,787 $59,041 $56,570 $3.60 $3.14 Ek�END ITURES DEPARTMENT PLMLIC WORKS FUNCTION MISCELLANEOUS MAINTEMICE FUND STREET 20- 501 -525M ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND °CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $ 1,966 $ 4,750 $ 6,100 $ 5,030 02 Overtime. 259 543 447 470 04 Part Time 0 0 y 0 0 05 Benefits 98 300 351 400 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0" 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 `24 Insurance 441 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 1310861 30,100 20,461 25,700 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 842 850 850 850 29 Petroleum Products 346 900 491 500 30 Repairs & Maintenance 1,689 2,500 2,500 2,500 31 Equipment Rental 467 0 0 2,000 33 Miscellaneous 505 500 617 500 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregate's 1,993 1,000 1,000 11000 54 Materials 14,211 8,500 8,539 8,500 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 300 38 300 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 °0 81 Equipment 0 0 0 0 " TOTAL $36,678 $50,243 $41,394 $47,750 Per Capita Cost $2.79 $2.65 4 -t9 EXPEtxD I TURFS DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUm PUBLIC WORKS SNOk! AND ICE CONTROL STREET 20- 501 752600 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01' Salaries $ 5,573 $22,780 $ 22,780 $ 25,460 02 Overtime .6,536 7,595 7,595 8,050 . 04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 369 11,200 1,024 1.,580 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. .0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 233 650 650 650 24 Insurance 5,210 0 0 .0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 0 0 0 0 27 Utility Servi -ces 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 6,290 6,000 6,000 6,000 29 Petroleum Products 2,984 6,400 6,400 6,400 30 Repairs & Maintenance 12,076 11,000 11,000 .11,000 31 Equipment Rental. 0 1,000 11000 1,000 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 170 2,000 1,000 2,000 51 Salt 25,048 19,000 32,000 25,000 53 Aggregates 7,215 6,000 5,000 6,000 54 Materials 241 2,000 2,000 2,000 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Mlotor Vehicles 14,442 0 0 9,000 81 Equipment 8,470 10,500 10,500 _ 4,600 TOTAL $94,357 $96,125 $106,949 $i08,740- Per Capita Cost 4 $5.34 $6.04 4 -20 . ' DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS .. ACCOUNT NUMBER` ••AND'CLASSIFICATION UPEND ITURES FUNCTION WEB CONTROL--:'. ACTUAL 1980 -81 ' BUDGET 1981 -82 ESTIMATE 1981 -82 FUND STREET 20- 501 -52650 PROPOSED 1982' -83 01 Salaries $ 3,171 $ 4,360 $ 4,360 $ 5,030 02 Overtime 3 109 109 120 04 Part Time 1,662 1,920 1,551 2;030 enefits - ' '05 Benefits-' 137 300 188 '400 07 Apparel • 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 '2.2 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 357 0 0 0. 25 Professional 0 0 .0 10 26 Contractual 0 0 0 0 27 Utility. Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 1,052 1,000 865 1,000 29 Petroleum Products 394 700 597 700 30 Repairs & Maintenance E• 1,578 1,500 2,145 1,500 '31 Equi pment•'Rental .0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Sa,,l t 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates : 0 0 54 Materials '370 41000 704 2-9000 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 •0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0; .0 81 Equipment•• }° .114. 3,500 3,225 0 TOTAL' $;8,838 $17,389 $13,744 $12,780 Per Capita Cost $0:97 $0.71 4 -2`1 E(PFMITUPZS DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FuNT) PUBLIC WORKS LEAF ROUVAL STREET 20- 501- 52700 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 - -32 1982 -83 01 Salaries $ 6,09'1 $ 3,440 $ 3,915 $ 5,030 02 Overtime 2,902 1,290 751 800 04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 301 300 27 400 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 641 500 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 0 0 0 0 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 2,205 1,000 568 1,000 29 Petroleum Products 1,449 450 121 300 30 Repairs & Maintenance 2,823 1,100 2,361 2,500 31 Equipment Rental. 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 '50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Sal'L 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 54 Nlaterials 0 0 0 0 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0. 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 0 0 0 6,500 TOTAL $16,412 $ 8,080 $ 7,743. $16,530 Per Capita Cost $0.45 $0.92 + -22 . ;5 ExPEIDITURES DEPARTMENT .FUNCTION FU0 PUBLIC WORKS TREE REMI AL STREET 20- 501 -528-00 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $ 6,356 $ 4,750 $ 6,789 $ 4,620 02 Overtime 502 543 543 570 04 Part Time 2,050 3,200 3,200 3,400 05 Benefits 359 300 268 400 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 373 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 8,216 9,000 7,986 9,000 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 945 950 244 450 29 Petroleum Products 202 600 317 400 30 Repairs & Maintenance 874 900 816 500 31 Equipment Rental 0 500 500 500 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Salt 0 0 i' 0 0 53 Aggregates 0 0 0� 0 54 Materials 985 2,200 2,200 2,200 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equ.ipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0' 0 0 0 81 Equipment _ 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $20,862 $22,943 $22,863 $22,040 Per Capita Cost $1.27 $1.23 4 -23 EXPDOITURES DEPARTMENT FLINCTION UND PUBLIC WORKS TREE PLANTING S;REET 20- 501 -52900 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82- 1982 -83 01 Salaries $ 1 ,503 $ 4,360 $ 4,360 $ 5,030 02 Overtime 249 271 271 - 320 04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 58 300 219 400 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 317 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 2.6 Contractual 2,849 4,200 2,543 4,200 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 797 800 589 450 29 Petroleum Products 643 700 620 -700 30 Repairs & Maintenance 331 475 244 300 31 Equipment Rental. 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Salt 0 n 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 54 Materials 729 500 333 500 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Per Capita Cost 4 —•24 $ 7,476 $11,606 $ 9,179 $111900 $0.64 $0.66 a In EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS RAILROAD STATION MAINTENANCE STREET 20- 501 -53040 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND.CLASSI`FICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 '01. Salaries $ 5,104 $ 4,750 $ 3,716 $ 4,620 02'Overtime 598 651 651 700 04 Part Time 1,093 1,920 1,920 2,030 05 Benefits .87 300 378 400 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0 0 0 24 Insurance 2,899 0 0 10 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 'Contractual 817 5,000 4,137 6,500 27 Utility Services 1,787 2,200 2,029 2,200 28 MV Maintenance 0 0 0 0 29 Petroleum Products 0 0 0 0 30 Repairs & 119aintenance 1,856 2,000 1,865 2,000 31 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 ,0 33 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 50 Supplies 242 1,500 521 1,500 51 Salt 0 0 0�; 0 53 Aggregates 646 500 3001 500 54 Materials '726 400 503 400 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 0. 0 0 0 TOTAL $15,855 $19,221 $16,020 $20,850 Per Capita Cost $1.07 $1.16 4 -25 SOURCE REVENUE: Permits and Fees Acreage Development Fees Sewer Charges Penalties Other Charges for Services Surcharges Interest Earned Miscellaneous Construction Reserve - Collections Amount to be Transferred to Construction Reserve TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE Transfer from Construction Fund Transfer from Depreciation Reserve TOTAL REVENUE AND AUTHORIZED RESERVE APPROPRIATION Ln TOTAL EXPENDITURES r SEWER FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1.980 -81 ACTUAL $ 7,090 0 521 ,987 7,446 0 27,139 69,455 13,228 20,976 20,976) $ 646,345 0 0 $ 646,345 $ 625,764 1981 -82 BUDGET $ 0 0 550,000 6,500 1,000 25,000 45,000 2,000 21 ,000 21,000) $ 629,500 0 0 $ 629,500 $ 690,399 1981 -82 ESTIMATE $ 20,000 2,000 520,000 7,000 7,000 30,000- 90,000 500 37,500 37,500) $ 676,500 0 0 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 PROPOSED PROJECTED' PROJECTE(r° $ 20,000 $ 10,000 2,000 2,000 625,000 625,000 7,000 7,000' 1,000 1,000 25,000 25,000 60,000 45,000 500 5,000 42,000 42,000 (42,000) (42,000) $ 740,504 $ 720,000 64,000 0 87!0 510 0 $ 676,500 $ 892,010 $ 635,000 $ 661,194 $ 8771080 $ 772,930 $ 10,000 2,000 625,000 7,000 1 ,000 25,000 40,000 5,000 42,000,E 42,000) $ 715,000 0 0 $ 630,000 $ 868,320 a i N PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER. DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1982-83 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 BUDGET 1983 -84 1984 -Pq BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1981 -82 BUDGET Personal Services ` 179,880 76,440 82,400 .01,.02,.04 $278,146 $322,084 $301,315 Other Services $868,320 .23,.27,.28,.30, -.31 147,578 143,100 144,271 Contractual .05,.2.4,.25,.25 52,928 59,500 52,224 Commodities .07,.21,.22,.29, .32,.33,.50,.52, .53,.54,.55,.57 55,320 73,895 68,352 Capital Outlay .80).819.84,.85 91,792 91,820 95,032 TOTALS $625,764 $690,399 $661,194 $341,400 $ 19,316 156,670 . 13,570 76,660 ' . 1.7,160 75,900 2,005 226,450 134,630 $877,08Q $186,681 $359,850 $380,420 167,890 179,880 76,440 82,400 80,250. 84,620 88,500 141,000 $772,930 $868,320 PUBLIC `WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION BUDGET ANALYSIS '1982 - 83 PROPOSED BUDGET $877,080 1981 - 82 BUDGET 690,399 INCREASE $186,681 PERSONAL SERVICES: (.01-- Salaries; .02--Overtime; .04- -Part Time) Annual Adjustments Annual Salary Adjustments Decrease in Overtime CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES: Z23_: Communications; .27 -- Utility Services; .28- -Motor Vehicle Main- tenance; .30 -- Repairs and Mainten- ance; .31 -- Equipment Rental) Increase in Utility Services Increase in Repairs & Maintenance CHANGES IN•OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (.05-- Benefits; .24 -- Insurance; .25 -- Professional; .26 - -Con- tractual) Addition of Dental Insurance Increase in Cost of Benefits Increase in Cost of Insurance Increase in Contractual: Sludge Disposal New Alarms - Pumping Station Miscellaneous Increases CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,290 39 13 8,570 5;000 1,950 3,710 2,000 5,000 4,000 500 $19,316 13,570 17,160 5 -3 COMMODITES: (.07-- Apparel; .21-- Travel, Training etc.; .22-- Pri^.tir-g & Advertising; .29-- Petroleum Products; .32- -Occu- pancy; .33--- Miscellaneous; .50- -Sup- plies; .52-- Chlorine; .53-- Aggregates; .54 -- Materials; .55 -- Street Signs; .57- -Small Tools & Equipment) Increase in Apparel 5 Increase in Occupancy _. 2,000 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (.80- -Motor Vehicles; .81-- Equipment; .84-- ..Improvements -Not Buildings;. .85-- Depreciation) Increase i.n Improvements -Not Bldgs.: Wastewater Treatment Plant- - Wastewater Treatment Plant Digester Roof with Gas Circulator West Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Re- placement--Hazel-Ave. and the River Sanitary Sewer Replacement - Osterman Ave. and the Railroad Decrease.in Equipment Reduction in Purchases CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 5 -4 O 80, 000 36,000 28,:000 (9,3 70) 2,005 134,630 $186,681 e PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1978 1979 1,980 1981 SANITARY SEWER STOPPAGES 79* 90* _ 62* a 82* SANITARY SEWERS CLEANED 676,8610 505,3790 504,9090 483,9950 SANITARY EXCAVATION OPENINGS 10913 5813 297tt 14613 SANITARY INFILTRATIONS FOUND 15* 6* 10* 7* SANITARY MANHOLES REBUILT .17* 24* 25* 31* SANITARY SEWERS TV'D 3,3050 5,7800 3,2700 5,7200 DOWNSPOUTS DISCONNECTED 12* 17* 16* 5•* SUMP PUMP INSPECTION 10* 10* 38* 53* - HOME DYE OR SMOKE TESTED 622* 933* 736* 482* STORM SEWERS CLEANED 12,0270 38,8000 31,4380 28,5000 INLETS CLEANED 326* 462* 320* 425* STORM EXCAVATION OPENINGS 750 180 1,1610 1,4100 STORM INFILTRATIONS FOUND. 4* .20* 10* .o 3* STORM STRUCTURES RECONSTRUCTED 26* 39* 68* 72* STORM SEWERS TV'D 0* 4,300* 2,850* 600 *, STREET INLET COVERS REPLACED 19* 30* 26* 14* NEW STORM SEWERS OR LATERALS INS_TALLED 2550 2000 6400 9150 INLETS DYE OR SMOKE TESTED 124* 31* 44* 60* INLETS FOUND TO HAVE INFILTRATION TO SANITARY SEWERS AND DISCONNECTED 12* 8* 10* 18* *NUMBER Ln .° FEET MSO UARE YARDS <n t rn PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION, _ 197S 1979 1980 1981 INLETS FOUND TO HAVE DIRECT CONNECTION TO SANITARY 4 5 0 0 SEWAGE PUMPED (MILLION GALLONS) 1,159 1;195 1,133 1;090 PRIMARY SLUDGE (THOUSAND GALLONS) 3,507 3,366 4,041 3,956 CHLORINE USED (POUNDS) 16,286 17,031 17,698 14,198 SLUDGE BEDS CLEANED 140 182 137 183 SLUDGE BEDS DRAWN 138 163 135 166 ELECTRIC CURRENT USED (THOUSAND K.W.H.) 1,999 19740, 1,709 1,743 EXPOUTURES DEPARTMENT No PUBLIC WORKS SL MARY SEWER ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 O1 Salaries $264,011 $305,181 $283,899 $323,530 02 Overtime 10,589 11,183 11,183 11,820 04 Part Time 3,546 5,720 6,233 6,050 05 Benefits 12,074 17,800 15,307 23,460 07 Apparel 1,207 2,445 2,270 2,450 21 Travel, Trai ni ng, etc. 396 1 ,100 11100 1,100. 22 Printing & Advertising 295 1,100. 11100 1,100 23 Communications 2,498 3,500 3,500 3,500 24 Insurance 20,663 23,000 21,373 25,000 25 Professional 449 2,700 1,547 2,700 26 Contractual 19,742 16,000 13,997 25,500 27 Utility Services 96,070 89,100 90,771 97,670 28 MV Maintenance 12,805 13,400 13,400 13,400 29 Petroleum Products 5,776 5,350 5,441 5,350 30 Repairs & Maintenance 35,958 34.,100 34,1 OG 39,100 31 Equipment Rental 247 3,000 2,500 3,000 32 Occupancy '10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000. 33 Miscellaneous 1,809 6,700 3,455 6,700 50 Supplies 7,226 13,400 14,490 13,400 51 Salt 0 1 0 0 0 52 Chlorine 5,424 5,500 5,511 5,500 53 Aggregates 5,804 8,000 6,504 8,000 54 Materials -17,383-. 19,000 17,360 19,000 55 Street Signs 0 300 121 300 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 1,000 11000 1,000 80 Motor Vehicles 27,841 18,000 21,212 18,000 81 Equipment 9,951 19,820 19,820 10,450 84 Improvements- -Not Bldgs. 0 .0 0 144,000 85 De reciation p 54, 000 54 , 000 54;000 54, 000 TOTAL $625,764 $690,399 $661,194 $877,080 Per Capita Cost $38.36 $48.73 5 -7 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND The Board of Trustees have established a special annual sewer charge for major maintenance and repair to the Village Sewer System at the rate of $8.00 per year to be; billed and paid quarterly together.with the regular water and sewer.bill. This section has been amended periodically; and has. been extended to June 30, 1983. r The projected balance in this fund is as follows: 1981 -82. 1982 -83. 1983 -84 1984 -85 Projected Balance - May 1 $ 42,000 $ 79,000 $ 57,000 $ 99,000 Estimated Receipts 37,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 .Available Funds $ 79,000 $121,000 $ 99,000 $141,000 West Sanitary Sewer Intercepter 0 36,000 0 . 0 Sanitary Sewer Intercepter - Osterman Ave. at Chicago, :Milwaukee & St. Paul Tracks __ 0 28,000 10 0 Total Expenditures 0 64,000 0 0 AVAILABLE FUNDS 5 -8 $ 79,000 $ 57,000 $ 99,000 $141,000 Adm.inatcation and Supetcvusay PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION Pete Capita Satatuiea changed to thus account (one -hae6 the .aaeaxy o6 the lltiti.ty Foreman, one- SouAth. the Asaeany o6 the Pubtie Wonh-s Dixeetotc, one - 6aunth. the .saeatcy o6 the A,s s.vstant Pubzic WoAU D tceetote, and one -thiAd the sataty o6 the Pubti.e Wotchzs Seetee -- tatcy) atce �otc the ovetca,U .supetevus.ion u4 the eeeaaung and maintenance os ptcetsent sewetus and some new consttcucti.on. Cteaning and Maintenance Pen Capita The Ve�2e. ge tz t uponz ibte bon the cleaning and maintenance o6 apptcoximateey 60 mitt o6 sani toAy seweA pipe, tcanging in size 6tcom 6 inehu to 24 inches, and apptcox,imateey 46 miters ob stot m .aewen pipe, hanging in size 6tcom 10 inehea to the equivaeent ob i 60 nchu . The Viteage eonttcaet,s to have the .6 ewer system .scanned. by ceo�sed aviceu.it teeeVds.Lon to 6ae.tP. Late toeati.on ob btcoken pipets, .imptco pen allgnment o6 pipes, noot6 , o t s ignz o6 in6ietiwt ;on. Nan- pottuting white smoke and dyes ate aLo used by the VittAge to spot pubtema . Smoke .inttcodueed in the tsan.i- talcy 6ewvc pipes .identi6iu areas o6 in6itt catZon o6 .sto)Lm wateA, and dyes in stotcm zeweAz show .inttcu/sion in the dan.ttatcy ,seweA pipes. In 1981, the V.iUage dye otc smoke tested GO inteta and ce.eaned 483,995 bt. o6 rani iaAq eeweu and 28,500 bt. o6 .6toAm .6 ewetus . Cn 10 G ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 a.. $55,995 $65,069 $4.36 $78,537 $5.13 $92,396 $4.74 $822020 $85,350 $8.76 $90,153 ' $157,620 ur i 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER Di VI S I ON _ ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981-82 1982 -83 Oa6 to Watet Treatment Pta.nt Pet Capita $23.02 $29 -.54 The new 4.7 mc.QQ.i.on dottwLs expansion ob the waste water meat- $395,121 $414,269 $392,022 $531,800 ment ptant hay been in 6t.tt openati.on since May 1, 1978. This pno1ect was binaneed by Eedenat (750) and V.iUage (25 %) bunds, the V,ittage po,tti,on bang bunded by general obtigation bonds. In addition to the ptiiraty and secondary tteatment ob sewage with ehtnina tion and two -htige studge digution bon anaehobic studge, the new ptant provides bon aerobic digestion atono with s..udge d%-..yang beds. Dry .studge .is di6posed ob by the V.iUage in an env.ueonmenta ty approved manner. i The new pZa.nt has a 585 h.w.h., 12 cyti.ndvL dieset standby gen- etator with automatic twitching geat and vivo Arch i.medean s ucew peunps noted at 7, 000 gallons pen tranu te. The treatment ptant hydtau ic. des,i.gn capacity iz to serve a. popttation ob 30,000 and a storm btow ob 17 mZU-ion gallows. Baides the main treat- ment ptant, maintenance inctudes bout t i.bt stations and a 285 h.. w. h . g en Aato.t which is to Gated at the Ecs aide ti 4t station G° on Ri.vu,, Road. In addition to the eight bueP- -time Vittiage emptoue-es, who op- e,7a;te the treatment plant, the Vittage eontract,6 von engineeA.- ing co ns ul-taantz . One - boutth the salary o b the PubZic Broths D,itector ant one- boutth the salary ob the A,ts.i„tant PubZi.e Wmks Di tectoh ate charged to the account ,Jor overaE',l supv.- v,i 6 'on o b the . treatment ptant. The Zteatment ptant .ins also .tespo,oibte bon maa%n.taini.ng .laboratory bc_cit ties to assute qur,L cy controt ab :tteatmtent. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVisION ConsttgWov Pen CapZta. The, Vittage,neptaees buken.on damaged pipes of th.eiA connec- tions on intetis and eonztAucts acme new dewelus.. In 1981, the V.c,Uage in6tatted 915 it. o6 new atonm sewelus on tate-tabs, %e- pPaced 14 buken in2e coven 'zebu tt 31 aani.taty manhotes and P�ecomtAuc ted 72 stwon .6tAuctutcea . TOTALS u'1 I Y ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 '1982 -83 a $5.85 $5.69 $109,579 $105,197 $ 96,999 $102,310 $625,764 $690,399 $661,194 $877,080 5 -12 N EXPEMITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC FORKS /MINISTRATION SEWER 21= 502 -50100 .ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 .1981 -82 1582 -83 01 Salaries $39,269 $37,654 $42,417 $39,920 02 Overtime 0 588 588 630 04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 '05 Benefits .. 1,841 1,600 2,347 21100 07 Apparel 716 1 ;045 1,045 11050 21 Travel, Training, etc. 90 200 200 200 22 Pri nti ng & Adverti'si ng , 0 10.0 100 100 23 Communications 472 1,000 1,000 1,000 24 Insurance 1,473 23,000 21,373 25,000 25 Professional 0 200 50 200 26 Contractual 0 0 0 0 27 Utility Services .0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 908 00 900 900 29 Petroleum Products 53 650 400 650 30 Repairs & Maintenance 300 500 500 500 31 Equipment'Rental r 0 0 0 0 32 Occupancy 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 33 Miscellaneous 563 700 700 700 50 Supplies 310 400 400 400 51 Salt 0 0 O 0 52 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 54 Materials 0 0 0 0 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 0 0 0 0 84 improvements- -Not Bldgs. 0 0 0 0 85 Depreciation 0 0 0 0 ± TOTAL $557995 $78,E37 $82,020 $85,350 Per Capita Cost $4.36 $4.74 5 -12 N E(PEMITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS CLEANING 41D MAINTENANCE SEWER 21 -502 -53100 ACCOUNT NUMBER'' ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $32,624 $36,448 $33,702 $38,640 02 Overtime ''' 2,372 3,532 3,532 3,700 04 Part Time 2,011 1,716 2,229 1,820 05 Benefits 1,565 2,400 2,004 3,160 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc.. 0 0 0 . 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 0 0' 0 0 24 Insurance 2,508 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 2,041 8,000 8,000 8,000 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 4,059 4,000 4,000 4,000 29 Petroleum Products 1,748 1,500 1,500 1,500 30 Repairs & Maintenance 5,411 5,000 5,000 51000 31 Equipment Rental 0 1,000 500 1,000 32 Occupancy 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 703 2,000 1,280 2,000 50 Supplies 1,118 8,000 8,000 8,000 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 52 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 82 '1,000 11000 1,000 54 Materials .4,449 5,000 5,000- 5,000 55 Street Signs 0 0 ..0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 300 300 300 80 Motor Vehicles 0 9,000 10,606 9,000 81 Equipment 4,378 3,500 3,500 1,500 84 Improvements- -Not Bl*dgs. 0 0 0 64,000 85 Depreciation 0 0 0 0 .TOTAL $65,069 $92,396 00,153 $157,620 Per Capita Cost $5.13 $8.76 5 -13 91 EIFF END ITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS TREAT ERff PL4 f SDIER 21 -502 -53200 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $145,294 $174,651 $158,244 $185,150 02 Overtime 6,433 5,886 5,886 6,250 04 Part Time 1,534 3,432 3,432 3,630 05 Benefits 6,681 10,200 8,279 13,450 07 Apparel 491 1,400 1 ,225 1,400 21 Travel, Training, etc. 306 900 900 900 22 Printing & Advertising 295 1,000 1,000 1,000 23 Communications 2,026 2,500 2,500 2,500 24 Insurance 13,850 0 0 0 25 Professional 449 2,500 1,497 2,500 26 Contractual 15,827 3,000 997 12,500 27 Utility Services 96,070 89,100 90,771 97,670 28 MV Maintenance 2,332 3,000 31000 31000 29 Petroleum Products 1 ,841 1,500 1,841 1,500 30 Repairs & Maintenance 26,796 23,600 23,600 26,100 31 .Equipment Rental 247 1,000 1,000 1,000 32 Occupancy 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 543 4,000 .1,475 4,000 50 Supplies 5,362 4,000 5,090 4,000 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 52 Chlorine 5,424 5,500 5,511 5,500 53 Aggregates 3,084 3,000 1,887 3,000 54 Materials 1,913 4,000 2,360 4,000 55 Street Signs 0 300 121 300 57 'Small Tools & Equipment 0 500 500 500 80 Motor Vehicles 0 9,000 10,606 9,000 81 Equipment 4,323 6,300 6,300 8,950 84 Improvements- -Not Bldgs. 0 io 80,000 85 Depreciation 54;000 54,000 54,000 54,000 TOTAL $395,121 $414,269 $392,022 $531,800 Per Capita Cost $23.02 $29.54 5-14 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC FORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND.CLASSIFICATION 01 Salaries. 02 Overtime 04 Part Time `05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21' Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing'& Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26.Contractual �-27 Utility Services 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 31 Equipment Rental. 32 Occupancy 33 Miscellaneous .50 Supplies 51 Salt 52 Chlorine 53 Aggregates 54. Material s 55 Street Signs 57 Small Tools & Equipment 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment 84 Improvements- -Not Bldgs. 85 Depreciation TOTAL Per Capita Cost EXPFINDITURES FUNCTION CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL 1980 -81 $46,824 1 , 784 1 1,987 0 0 0 0 2,832 0 1,874 0 5,506 2,134 3,45.1 0 0 0 436 0 0 2,638 11,021. 0 0 27,841 1 , 250 0 0 $109;579 BUDGET 1981 -82 $56,428 1,177 572 3,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 5,500 1,700 5,000 1 000 0 0 1 , 000 0 0 4,000 10,000 . 0 200 0 10,020 0 0 $105,197 $5.85 FUND SEWER 21- 502 -53300 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 $49,536 $59,820 1,177 1,240 572 600 2,677 4,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,500 5,500 1,700 1,700 5,000 7,500 1 1000 1,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 3,617 4,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 200 200 0 0 10,020 0 0 0 0 0 $ 96,999 $102,310 $5.69 5 -15 M SOURCE REVENUE: Water Sales Penalties Permits Acreage Fees Interest-Earnings Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES WATER FUM SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 ACTUAL $ 868,616 11,494. 5,683 100 20,687 941 $ 907,521 $ 839,689 1981 -82 BUDGET 1981 -82 ESTIMATE 1982 -83 PROPOSED 1983 -84 PROJECTED 1984 -85 PRCJECTE400 2,000 20,000 15,000 500 500 $ 960,000 11,000 8,000 2,000 15,000 500 $ 996,500 $ 928,479 I $ 820,000 $ 960,000 11 '000 11 '000. 7,000 7,000 4,000 2,000 20,000 15,000 500 500 $ 862,500 $ 995,500 $ 845,196 $ 983,180 $ 960,000 $ 960,000 11,000 11,000 7,000 7,000 2,000 2,000 15,000 15,000 500 500 $ 995,500 $ 995,500 $1,073,070 $ 902,360 rn N PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1982 -83 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 BUDGET 1983 -84 1984 -pia BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED .1.981 -82 BUDGET Personal Services .01,:02,.04 $111,756 $128,849 $118,693 $136,540 $ 7,691 $142,930 $150,620 Other Services .23,.27,.28,.30, - -.31 52,544 58,965 51,230 60,570 1,605 65,100 70,080 Contractual .05,.24,.25,.26 63,466 43,700 40,182 43,620 (80) 45,590 49,660 . Commodities .07,.21,.22,.29, .32,.33,.50,.521, .53,.54,.57,.59 518,241 547,945 493;815 549,950 2,005 553,450 557,000 Capital Outlay .80,.81,.84,.90, _. .91 93,682 149,020 141,276 192,500 43,480 _ 266,000 75,000 TOTALS $839,689 $928,479 $845,196 $983,180 $ 54,701 $1,073,070 $902,360 O ' .PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION BUDGET ANALYSIS 1982 -83 PROPOSED BUDGET $983,180 1981 -82 BUDGET 928,479 INCREASE $ 54,701 PERSONAL SERVICES: (.01 -- Salaries; .02 Overtime; .04 - -Part Time) Annual Adjustments $7,690 Increase in Overtime 3 Decrease in Part Time _ (2) CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $7,691 e OTHER SERVICES: (.23-- Communications; .27-- Utility Services; .28- -Motor Vehicle Main- tenance; .30 -- Repairs and Mainten- ance; .31 -- Equipment Rental) Decrease in Utility Services (395) Increase in Repairs & Maintenance 211500 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES 15605 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (.05 -- Benefits; .24-- Insurance; .25-- Professional; .26-- Contrac- tual) Addition of Dental Insurance 690 Increase in Cost of Benefits 1,230 Decrease in Contractual 2,000 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (80) 6 -3 0 COMMODITIES: (.07-- Apparel; .21-- Travel, Training. etc.; .22-- Printing & Advertising; .29 -- Petroleum Products; .32- -Occu- pancy; .33 -- Miscellaneous; .50 - -Sup- plies; .52-- Chlorine; .53 -- Aggregates; .54-- Materials; .57- -Small Tools & Equipment; .59-- Purchase of Water) Increase in Apparel Increase in Occupancy CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY: (.80--Motor-Vehicles; ,81 -- Equipment; .84 -- Improvements -Not Bldgs<; .90-- Bond Principal; .91-- :Bond Interest) Decrease in Cost of Motor Vehicles Decrease in Equipment Reduction in Purchases -Increase in Improvements -Not Bldgs. Pump Controls and Telemetering Equipment Interconnecting Village System with Highland Park Installation of a .10 Inch Main between Chestnut and Wayne on Hazel Ave. Decrease in MGD Pump Decrease in Bond Interest CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL INCREASE 6 -4 5 2,000 2,005 (4,500) (9,020) 35,000 .75,000 (50,000) �' T( "000) 43,480 $54,701 I I I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1978 1979 1980 1981 ANNUAL WATER PUMPAGE (MILLION GALLONS) 821 931 767 WATER MAIN BREAKS REPAIRED 24 42 38 ..680 42 SERVICE LEAKS REPAIRED 26 35 16 24 NEW FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 7 7 9 8 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 53 46 66 33 WATER TAPS* 15 7 11 2 VALVES REPAIRED 8 4 4 13 METER PITS REPAIRED 31 25 20 .23 METERS REPLACED 84 55 92 62 NEW METERS INSTALLED 38 30 22 7 SERVICES-CHECKED FOR LEAKS 134 63 125 61 B Box ADJUSTMENTS - 141 84 62 72 METERS TESTED 92 78 86 27 FROZEN WATER SERVICES 6 2 2 2 WATER'METERS READ 21,600 22,224 22,224 22,250 FINAL METER READINGS 320 322 274• 228 'REREAD' METER READINGS 117 71 87 64 SHUT -OFF NOTICES FOR DELINQUENT WATER BILLS 264 430 455 706 METERS SEALED 129 22 67 54 FROZEN METERS 13 12 8 . 6 VALVE VAULTS RECONSTRUCTED 2 1 3 3 rn WATER SAMPLE ANALYSES 337 307 338 318 DEPARTMENT - PtaLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION O1 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits 07 Apparel 21 Travel, Training, etc. 22 Printing & Advertising 23 Communications 24 Insurance 25 Professional 26 Contractual 27 Utility Services 28 MV Maintenance 29 Petroleum Products 30 Repairs & Maintenance 31 Equipment Rental 32 Occupancy 33 Miscellaneous 50 Supplies 51 Salt 52 Chlorine 53 Aggregates 54 Materials 55 Street Signs 57 Small Tools & Equipment 59 Purchase of Water 80 Motor Vehicles 81 Equipment 84 Improvements- -Not Bldgs. 90 Bond Principal 91 Bond Interest TOTAL Per Capita Cost Mw EXPENDITURES S"ARY ACTUAL 1980 -81 $93,140 16,249 2,367 4,269 417 446 86 1,584 14,149 3,689 41 ,359 31 ,882 7,598 5,578 11,480 0 10,000 1 , 760 8,144 0 921 5,438 24,548 0 0 460,903 32,792 16,027 0 30,000 14,863 $839,689 BUDGET 1981 -82 $113,980 10,797 4,072 6,500 745 600 1 ,700 2,000 15,000 3,000 19,200 36,165 7 ,400 3,900 12,400 1,000 10,000 2,300 1 5'300 0 400 6,000 20,400 0 600 500,000 28,000 25,020 50,000 30,000 16,000 $928,4.79 $51.58 FUND -WATER ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -43 $103,211 11 ,737 3,745 5,765 745 400 1 ,157 2,000 11 ,239 2,925 20,253 31 ,665 11 ,086 4,579 5,943 536 10,000 2,300 2,035, 0' 400 6,000 21 ,945 0 500 443,754 20,256 25,020 50,000 30,000 16,000 $845,196 $120,800 11 ,430 4,310 8,420 750 600 1 700 2,000 15,000 3,000 17,200 35,270 7,400 3,900 14,900 '11000 12,000 2,300 1 , 300 0 400 6,000 20,400 . 0 600 500,000 23,500 16,000 110,000 30,000 13,000 $983,180 $54,62 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION Adm.ivu sttcat.i o.n and Supeui6ony Pen Capcta. ' F The major'expendi tuA u brom this bund ate ban aataAiea and pAin- c i.paa and .interest on revenue bonds. The zatarties changed to this account are bon overall supeLvizion ob the water bunction and adm.ivwstrative duties connected with the provision ob brush watelc to V.c Uage &m identz .. This inctudes one -ha26 the sa.2aary ob the Utc,Q,%ti.ea Foreman, one- bounth the sataty ob the Pubtie Works Director, one- bouAth the .satany ob the ks�sistant Pubt is wo tU Diuc ton, and one -th i&d the saeary o6 the Pubt i c Work Secnetat a. Main and Fite Hydrant Maintenance ' Per Capita Maintaining .65 miters ob water mamas and 750 biAe hydrant invotves reptac ing biAe hydnant6 and e i,theh reptac ing sections on repa Ling breaks in the water mac'ns .. The V,c tage contAaetb ban an annual water dunvey to .locate any teakz which might not appear in the norma,- cou us e o6 a yeah. The Department o4 Pub ° is Works ads o keeps aZeAt bon 4tigns ob water Zeab which occur between annuat dunvey -5 PuAing 1981, the Department repaired 24 s eAv.ice Zeak�s and 42 water main breaks. There wvLe aQ,s o 2 bro zen house s eAvice6 which weAe - thawed out. - Equipment used bor maintenance inctudez a back -hoe, eompres ,sor, tnnee water pumps , three Muck s, and one geneAa to t.. . MateAiatz used .included 6,ae h ydnan ts , ste`eva , pipe, valve boxes, and water main vaev ens . i J ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $6.43 $6.53 $111,935 .$115,801 $117,813 $1173*570 $10.09 $129,120 $181,573 $162,886 $13.59 $244,550 0 rn co C PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION Dint v bu ti.on Pen Capita The Vittage ob Deenbie.ed putcchcusea water bnom ffigh.eand Pak on a co nt, ac tua.e basis and ma i nta nz &wo pumps at the re 6 eAvo.i t in Hightand PoAk. In addition, the Vittage hay a 1.0 m.c e,P.i.on gatton e.eevated water tank and a 3.3 m-c,.Uon gaUon undetcgnound neaervo.itc in Dea4ieed. In 1981, the V.i.Y-age r.)uncha6 ed 680 mitt ion gaUon6 o6 wateA. To a z urge Vittage neziden bs o6 a s abe water S uppty at a.P,e times, each month 6ix s ampte s o 6 wateA cute a ent bon testing to the EnviAonmentat Pkotec#,i.on Agency ob the State ob 7tti:no.us and zixteen to an independent tuti,ng tabotaiony which .vs ceAti.- bied by the E. P. A. Watetc Maintenance Pets Capita Inctuded under the ceaussi6icati.on ob meter maintenance cute te- pa,uu ob ex.izt ng metem, instaUati.on o6 ,new meteor, and meter reading. Most kepaim and meter .i.nstaUati.ons are done on a cont)Lac tuat baz ins . However, meter reading, meter re.peacements , and some nepacx6 ante done by Vittage empeo yeez . TOTALS $3.76 $3.33. $49,794 $67,702 $59,583 $59,960 i $839,689 $928,479 $845,196 $983,180 i ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED .1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 $31.30 $31.17 $548,840 $563,403 $504,914 $561,100 $3.76 $3.33. $49,794 $67,702 $59,583 $59,960 i $839,689 $928,479 $845,196 $983,180 i DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION ' EXPENDITURES ' FUNCTION' WATER ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL BUDGET 1980 -81 1981 -82 FUND WATER 30- 503 - 50100 ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $39,270 $37,656 $ 42,602 $ 39,920 02 Overtime 0 0 0 0 04 Part Time 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 1,830 1,600 2,331 2,100 07 Apparel 417 745 745 750 21 Travel, Training, etc. 341. 300 300 300 22 Printing & Advertising 86 700 157 700 23 Communications 709 1,000 1,000 11000 24 Insurance 2,383 15,000 11,239 15,000 25 Professional 1,825 200 125 200 26 Contractual 0 0 0 0 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 1,197 1,200 1,200 1,200 29 Petroleum Products 770. 600 1,279 600 30 Repairs & Maintenance 0 0 0 0 31 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 32 Occupancy 103000 10,000 10,000 12,000 33 Miscellaneous 828 300 300 300 50 Supplies 7,416 500 535 500 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 52 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 54, Materials 0 0 0 0 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 59 Purchase of Water 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81 Equipment 0 0 0 0 84 Improvements - -Not Bldgs.. 0 O 0 0 90 Bond Principal 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 91 Bond Interest 14,863. 16,'000 16,000 13,000 TOTAL $111,935 $115,801 $117,813 $1173570 Per Capita Cost $6.43 $6.53 x 6 -9 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS DISTRIBUTION WATER .30- 503 -53400 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 .1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $ 3,858 - $ 7,178 $ 6,652 $ 7,600 02 Overtime 1,555 760 1,700 800 04 Part Time, 0 0 0 0 05 Benefits 116 400 468 530 07 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 836 800 800 800 24 Insurance 5,804 0 0 0 25 Professional 1,281 1,300 1,300 1,300 26 Contractual 35,571 8,600 8,600 6,600 . 27 Utility Services 31,882 36,165 31,665 35,270 28 MV Maintenance 1,286 1,200 2,275 1,200 29 Petroleum Products 245 600 600 600 30 Repairs & Maintenance 3,046 .3,000 3,000 3,000 31 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 32 Occupancy 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 656 1,300 1,300 1,300 50 Supplies 682 500 1,200 500 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 52 Chlorine 921 400 400 400 53 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 54 Materials 198 1,200 1,200 1,200 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 0 0 0 59 Purchase of Water 460,903 500,000 443,754 500,000 80 Motor Vehicles 0 0 0 0 81- Equipment 0 0 0 0 84 Improvements - -Not Bldgs. 0 0 0 0 90 Bond Principal 0 0 0 0 91 Bond Interest 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $548,840 $563,403 $504,914 $561,100 Per Capita Cost $31.30 $31.17 -10 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT' FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS MAIN AND FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE WATER 30- 503 -53500 .ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 Ol Salaries $30.,313 $42,081 $ 31,800 $44,600 02 Overtime 13,855 9,440 9,440 10,000 04 Part Time 2,367 3,432 3,127 3,630 05 Benefits' 1,372 2,700 1,600 3,420 07 Apparel' 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 0 0 0 22 Printing & Advertising 0 0 0 0 23 Communications 37 100 100 100 24 Insurance 4,083 0 0 0 25 Professional 0 0 0 0 26 Contractual 5,788 9,100 10,153 91100 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 3,206 3,000 5,611 3,000 29 Petroleum Products 3,020 1,800 1,800 1,800 30 Repairs & Maintenance 7,539. 8,000 2,243 10,500 31 Equipment Rental 0 1,000 536 1,000 32 Occupancy 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 230 400 400 400 50 Supplies 0 0 0 0 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 52 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 5,438 . 6,000 6,000 6,000 54 Materials' 21,295 16,200 19,150 16,200 '55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment G 300 300 300 59•Purchase of Water 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 25,083 18,000 10,606 23,500 81'Equipment 5,494 10,020 10,020 11000 84 Improvements - -Not Bldgs.. 0 50,000 50,000 110,000 90 Bond Principal 0 0 0 0 91 Bond Interest 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $129,120 $181,573. $162,886 $244,550 Per Capita Cost $10.09 $13.59 6 - 1 1 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS EXPBO I TUPES FUNCTICN METER MAINTMCE 30 a FUND DATER -503 -53600 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 01 Salaries $19,699 $27,065 $22,157 $28,680 02 Overtime 839 597 597 630 04 Part Time 0 640 618 680 05 Benefits 951 1,800 1,366 2,370 0.7 Apparel 0 0 0 0 21 Travel, Training, etc. 105 300 100 300 22 Printing & Advertising 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 23 Communications 2 100 100 100 24 Insurance 1,879 0 0 0 25 Professional .583 1,500 1,500 1,500 26 Contractual 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 27 Utility Services 0 0 0 0 28 MV Maintenance 1,909 2,000 2,000 2,000 29 Petroleum Products 1;543 900 900 900 30 Repairs & Maintenance 895 .1,400 700 1,400 31 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 32 Occupancy 0 0 0 0 33 Miscellaneous 46 300 300 300 5.0 Supplies 46 300 300 300 51 Salt 0 0 0 0 52 Chlorine 0 0 0 0 53 Aggregates 0 0 0 0 S4 Materials 3,055 3,000 1,595 3,000 55 Street Signs 0 0 0 0 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 300 200 300 59 Purchase of Water 0 0 0 0 80 Motor Vehicles 7,709 10,000 9,650 0 81 Equipment 10,533 15,000 15,000 15,000 84 Improvements - -Not Bldgs. 0 0 0 0 90 Bond Principal 0 0 0 0 91 Bond Interest 0 0 - 0 0 TOTAL $49.;794 $67,702 $59,583 $59,960 Per Capita Cost $3.76 $3.33 6 -12' SCAVENGER SERVICE ( *) Includes estimated automatic increases called for in the Refuse Contract. i SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTEm6w. REVENUE: Refuse Billing $315,561 $410,000 $410,000 $410,000 $410,000 $410,000 Interest Earnings - 0 - 2,500 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Property Tax Levy 298,000 298,000 298,000 328,000 298,000 298,000 Miscellaneous - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - O - Penalties 4,698 4,100 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 TOTAL REVENUE $618,259 $714,600 $721,500 $751,500 $721,500 $721,500 EXPENDITURES: Contractual Services $609,440 $690,000 $665,000 $713,000* $750,000* $780,000* Other Charges 700 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.,000 Interdepartmental Charges 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 Insurance 3,677 5,000 4,500 4,500 5,000 6,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $623,817 $707,000 $681`,500 $731,500 $771,000 $802,000 ( *) Includes estimated automatic increases called for in the Refuse Contract. i GARAGE GoAage peuonnet (a chi,e6. 'mechan.ic and an a zistant mechanic) aAe ,tupon6.ibte 6oA the oveAa22 opehati.on ob tke garage 6aciUty. This .in- c eude6 maintenance o6 5 adminiztcaii.on caws, 14 pot i.ce- Aetated cam , 25 pubt is woAk6 veh.iceez , and 34 vaAiouz pieces o6 contAactotus ' ne gated equipment. The contAactotus' equipment .inc2ude6 16 dnow ptow6, 2 backhoe6, 2 6a Am tAactou, 5 .dawn mowen6, 3 chain saws, one 6e 6- pnopetted paint .stn,ipeA, one 6nowbtoweA, one sidewa k plow, and 3 geneturtotus . A change .us made to the vaki.ou6 Vittage depatctment6 by budgetoAy 6unc tion,s 6oA pants and taboo on veh.ic2ets and equipment 6 env.iced by the ga age. The garage .us a 6o Ae6pon6-i.bte 6oA contnacti.ng bon sewice JAom outside Aepa )L seAv-i,ce companies 6m mafoA body and t)can6m-iszion wotk.. D.ieaet and g"oti.ne juees are a26o changed, back to the depajrtment6 and allocated to the budget expend.itune�s by 6unction. s -1 N GARAGE SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTEQ REVENUE: $ 3,000 'Administration $ 6,526 Police 12,396 Street 51,98, Sewer 25,115 _. Water 13,227 Parking Lots 180 Emergency Services 2,203 Youthhound 2,444 Dial -A -Ride 71 TOTAL REVENUE $ 113,960 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 117,004 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 $ 2,800 $ 2,950 $ 2,900 23,900 17,000. 22,000 25,000 25,000 52,600 52,700 52,000 54,700 56,600 24,400 23,900 24,000 27,500 28,200 19,800 17,000 20,000 23,300 24.,400 11000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,300 1,300 1 , 400 1,500 1 , 600 1,600 500 1,200. 2,000 2,200 0. 3,288 0 0 0 $ 127,100 $ 119,688 $ 12451400 $ 137,950 $ 141,.900 $ 118,435 $ 110,718 .$ 113,560 $ 114,690 $- 118,980 t PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GARAGE BUDGET ANALYSIS 1982 -83 PROPOSED BUDGET $113,.560 1981 -82 BUDGET 118,435 DECREASE $ (4,875) PERSONAL SERVICES: (:01 -- Salaries; .02 -- Overtime) Annual Adjustments $2,920 Annual Salary Adjustments (3) Decrease in Overtime (2) CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $2,915 OTHER SERVICES: (.17 -- Utility Services; .30 -- Repairs and Maintenance) No Increases or Decreases CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES 0 CONTRACTUAL`SERVICES: (.05 -- Benefits; .24 -- Insurance; .25 -- Professional; .26-- Contrac- tual) Addition of Dental Insurance 260 I Increase in Cost of Benefits 500 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 760 COMMODITIES: (.07 -- Apparel; .21 -- Travel, Training, etc.; .22-- Printing and Advertising; .29-- Petro- leum Products; .33-- Miscellaneous; .50 -- Supplies; .54-- Materials; .57- -Small Tools & Equipment) No Increases or Decreases ~ CHANGES IN COMMODITIES 0 8 -3 CAPITAL OUTLAY: (.80- -Motor Vesicles; .81 - -- Equipment) Decrease in Cost of Motor Vehicles Decrease in Equipment CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DECREASE 8-4 (6,s001) 2,050 8,550 $(4,875) EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE GARAGE 23-504-53900 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -812 1982 -83 01 Salaries $41,255 $45,383 $ 44,369 $ 48,100 02 Overtime 2,610 3,472 3,472 3,670 05 Benefits -1,923 2,400 2,454 3,160 07 Apparel 145 330 269 330 21 Travel, Training, etc. 0 200 61 200 22 Printing & Advertising 244 250 297 250 23 Communications 36 0 40 0 24 Insurance 2,086 3,000 1,760 3,000 25 Professional 70 50 0 50 26 Contractual 16,941 0 0 0 . 27 Utility Services 1,075 2,000 2,000 2,000 29 Petroleum Products 630 800 452 .800 30 Repairs & Maintenance 3,650 5,000 1,091 5,000 33 Miscellaneous 166 200 248 200 50 Supplies 39,861 42,000 42,000 42,000. 54 Materials 0 500 678 500 57 Small Tools & Equipment 0 1,000 11000 11000 80 Motor Vehicles 0 6,500 6,448 0 81 Equipment 6,312 5,350 4,079 3,300 TOTAL $117,004 $118,435 $110,718 $113,560 Per Capita Cost $6.58 $6.31 8 -5 � r MOTOR FUEL TAX The motors vuet tax is cottec ted by the State o4 Illtinoi.6 and is a itat &ate tax at 7.5 cents pelt. gat ton which iz then. apponti.oned in aecopdance w.c#h a rather complex 6onmuea; a6ten eetctain de.ducti.onz, 32 peneent o6 the nema.in.ing motor 6uet :tax .us a toeated to the municipaP i.ti m o4 the State . on a pen capita basis. In addition, 20 o4 the State's po'ction oti sa e's tax eottec tionz ate di sttc i,buted to the Vittage. Motors 6uee tax 6und3 wUt continue to be uti i.zed aceonding to State tegutations jon the 6ottow.ing punpos e.6: 1. Street eonstAuti.on ors neeonstAuction to improve tta -6jie capacity. 2. Instattati.on o6 taa66ic d.ign�s, zignaU, and contnots. 3. S.idewatk nepaA and uptaeement. 4. The pu.btic bene6 t Aare o6 new strc.eet .imp&ovement6 when eehta i.n cx te, cia ate met in connection with a apecia - abausment project. 9 -1 %0 N MOTOR FUEL TAX SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 Beginning Balance. $239,000 $270,000 $300,800 $ 13,800 Interest Transfers 30,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 Transfer from Completed Projects 63.000(1) 7,000 5,000 5,000 Motor Fuel Tax Allotments 220,000 220,000 220,000 220,00&mw FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR YEAR $552,000 $522,000 $535,800 .$243;800 . MFT PROJECTS: 1. MFT Street Maintenance Program *' $117,000 $117,000 $117,000 $117,000 2. Street Resurfacing.and Renovation Program a. Concrete Patching $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 b. Resurfacing 80,000 60,000 100,000 140,000 c. Sidewalk and Curb Replacement (Safety Sidewalk) 5,000 6,600 6,600 6,600 TQTAL $110,000 $ 91,600 $131,600 $171,600 3. Deerfield Road Widening $ 55,000 4.' Reconstruction Wilmot Road -- -Lake -Cook to Deerfield * 12,600(2) 273,400 TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR $282,000 $221,200 $522,000 $288,600 YEAR END BALANCE $270-,000 $300,800 $ 13,800. $(44,800) (1) Funds to be advanced by Village and Refunded by the Developer (2) Total Project $1,000,000 -- $300,000 Village MFT, $700,000 FAUS * Capital Project Item, Refer to Section 12 PENSIONS The. V.c Uage eontAi.butes -to two pension 6unA as tequ.ited by She taw: I. M. R. F. I. M. R. F. covets Vittage emptoyeez except poZi.ee. I. M. R. F. pay- ment inctude�s th.e .emptoyee ponti.on ob .soda, aeeuAity as wett as the neca- .daty contAibuti,ons 4ot the State ptan. The cwrAent emptoyeA contA buti.on i.6 12.900 o4 zataty. The %ate ,us set by I. M. R. F. on a combination ob 4actotvs inceuding the cuAAent .soci.at .secuA ty %equiAement. POLICE PENSION FUND The Potice Pen6ion Fund iz tequiAed by State taw ¢ot aU commun ctia oU oven. 5,000 poputati,on. The 6und ,ins adminwsteAed by a Potice Penzion Boated made up o6 jive members. Two are active members of the depattment, two are btom the citizens ob the community, and one is eeected btam the benejici.aAies oU the 4und. They ate changed with the .investment ob the jundts cottected {atom the active pmonnet and by a speciat tax ass the coat Aibuti.on o6 the community. . r 10 -1 0 N SOURCE REVENUE: Payroll Deduction Property Tax Levy Personal Property Tax Replacement Interest TOTAL REVENUE _ EXPENDITURES: POLICE PENSION FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 ACTUAL $ 61,861 120,000 5,829 109,761 $ 297,451 Pensions $ 25,992 Miscellaneous 25 Pension Fund Reserve 271,434 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - $ 297,451 *Net of $49,687.95 Cost of Bond Conversion 1981 -82 BUDGET $ 72,000 100,000 8,000 107,000 $ '287,000 $ 27,000 250 259,750 $ 287,000 $ 75,000 $ 80,000 $ 85,000 1984 -85 1983 -84 1981 -82 1982 -83 ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED $ 75,000 $ 80,000 $ 85,000 $ '90,000 102,000 122,000 160,000 180,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 90,000* 165,000 200,000 230,000 $ 273,000 $ 375,000 $ 453,000 $ 508,000 $ 29,000 $ 31,000 $ 33,000 $ 35,000 250 250 250 250 243,750 343,750 419,750 4722750 $ 273,000 $ 375,000 $ 453,000 $ 508,000 REVENUE: Property Employee Transfer Personal ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES .ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTEQs Tax Levy Contributions from Other Funds Property Tax Replacement TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: I. M.A. F. Payments -- Employer I. M. R. F. Payments -- Employee TOTAL EXPENDITURES F-. 0 w $ 193,307 $ 220,000 $ 220,000 $ 225,000 $ 240,000 $ 260,000 79,316 90,000 90,000 98,000 107,000 115,000 100,000 - 0 - - 0 - -0 -, - 0 - -0- 7,411 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 11,000 $ 380,034 $ 318,000 $ 318,000 $ 331,000 $ 357,000 $ 386_1)'000 $ 186,606 $ 190,000 $ 192,000 $ 236,000 $ 245,000 $ 270,000 79,778 90,000 90,000 98,000 107,000 115,000 $ 266,384 $ 280,000 $ 282,000 $ 334,000 $ 352,000 $ 385,000 CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 PROJECT 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 SOURCE OF FUNDS 1. Continuation of 50/50 Street Division Sidewalk Program $ 8,800 $ 8,800. $ 8,800 $ 8,800 $ 8,800 50% Village ContribUjpn 50% Resident Contribution 2. Continuation of 50/50 Street Division Curb Replacement Program 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 50% Village Contribution 50% Resident Contribution 3. MFT Street Maintenance Program 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 Motor Fuel Tax 4. Resurfacing Program--* MFT Contract-Maintenance a. Concrete Maintenance . $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 . $ 25,000 b. Resurfacing 60,000 100,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 c. Sidewalk and Curb Replacement 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 TOTAL $ 91,600 $131,600 $171,600 $171,600 $171,600 MF.T Revenues 5. ' Design and Construct a Black- o 30% Village Funds top Bicycle Path on Lake -Cook 4,200* 36,000 (not funded) Road (North Side) from Forest- 70% Federal Aide way to Lake -Cook Plaza Area 9,800* 84,000 Urban System (FAUS) 6. Removal and Disposal of Dead Park- way Trees + Dutch Elm Program -99000 9,000 91000 9,000 9,000 Street Division i *Design and Engineering r N CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION , PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. OVER $5,000 PROJECT 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -8.5. 1985, -86 1986 -87 SOURCE OF FUNDS 7. Construction of Access Ave. A. Engineering and Design 70,000 .� B. Acquisition of Necessary 75,000 Property and Construction 930,000 of Roadway and Improvements Funding Not from Hazel to Osterman, Ave. 1,005,000 Resolved 8. Reconstruction of Elm Street ' 137,000 Special Assessment- $47,000; Village - $90,000 9. Osterman Avenue- Waukegan.to Elm Street -- Widening, Resur - Village:. 30% - $75,000 - faci'ng, Curb and Gutters Funding Not Resolved . Engineering and Construction. 250,000 FAUS Funds: 70% -.$175,000 10.' Wilmot Road - -Lake -Cook to Deer- .12,600 273,400 Village MFT: 30% - $286,000 field Reconstruction 29,400 635,600 FAUS: 70% _ $665,00 11. Street Rehabilitation Program Possible Bond Issue (See Village Engineer Report) 4005'000 400,000 400,000 300,000 Project will continue into 1987 -88; total estimated project cost, $1,760,000 12. Reconstruct Rails on Deerfield Road Bridge - -at Deerfield Road over the !Test Fork of -the North Branch of Funding Not the Chicago River 20,000 Resolved CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ,PROJECTS FOR LAND.ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 PROJECT 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 SOURCE OF FUNDS 13. Traffic Signals on Waukegan - Road at Cadwell Corners and Mc Donald's Restaurant 100,000 14. Traffic Signals on Waukegan• Road at- First.National Bank of Deerfield and Deerfield Commons 100,000 15. Wastewater Treatment Piant- Digester Roof with Gas Circulator 80,000 16. West Sanitary Sewer Inter- ceptor Replacement- -Hazel Avenue and the River running 450 ft.. North 36,000 17. Waukegan Road- Westgate- W.incanton Improvement. 50,000 18. Sewer Line Inspection by• T.V..and Chemical Grouting 8,000 19. Sanitary Sewer Replacement- Osterman Avenue and Chi.Mil. St. Paul R.R. - 340 ft. 28,000 20. Manor Drive and Margate - 30 Inch Storm Sewer �.I 8,000 8,000 47,000 mum 'Privately Funded State Funds - $50,000; Privately Funded - $25,00( Village Funds - $25,000 Sewer Division Reserve for Depreciation Sewer Division ' o Funding Not Resolved 8,000 8,000 Sewer Division Sewer Division ,Funding Not Resolved J ;, CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION PROJECTS FOR LAND.A000ISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,0()0 PROJECT 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 SOURCE OF FUNDS 21.; Water System Improvements --' A. Pump Controls and Tele- metering Equipment Inter- connecting Village System with Highland Park 35,000 Water Division B. Install a 10 Inch Water Main between Chestnut and Waune on,-Hazel Avenue 75,000 Water Division C. Install 16 Inch Main from West Side Reservoir to Warwick -= Engineering and - Construction 118,000 plater Division D. Install 16 Inch Main at ` Chestnut Street including Railroad Crossing _ 366,200 Possible Bond Issue E. Install 10 Inch Main at Chestnut from Greenwood to Deerfield Road 132,000 Possible Bond Issue F. Install 10 Inch Main at Appletree from Deerfield Road to Dartmouth Lane 117,300 Possible Bond Issue G. Install 10 Inch Main at Carlisle Avenue Extended 48,900 Possible Bond Issue 1 CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION PROJECTS.FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 Ln PROJECT 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 1985 -86 1986 -87 SOURCE OF FUNDS 22...-Maintaining the Integrity .of Water•Delivery System..- Leak Survey 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 o 6,500. Water Division Meter Testing and Replacement 16,500 16,500 16,500 16;500 16,500 Water Division .23. Paint and Protect Water Tower 659000 Water Division 24. Public'Works.Complex 800,000 TIF M N . H ' Ln PUBLIC BENEF�T (CASH BASIS SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES . ACTUAL AND PROJECTED EXPE14DITURES: Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES Remaining Cash Balance 41 i N $14,348 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE .$13,706 $14,000 $13,000 $12,000 $13,682 $ 8,682 $ 9,976 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTEgmm REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Rebates - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 20,000 5,000 - 0 - Interest - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - -.0- Beginning Cash Balance 18,030 13,682 13,682 9,976 25,976 27,976 TOTAL REVENUE AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE $28,030 $23,682 $23,682 $39,976 $40,976 $37,976 EXPE14DITURES: Contractual TOTAL EXPENDITURES Remaining Cash Balance 41 i N $14,348 $15,000 $13,706 $14,000 $13,000 $12,000 0 $14,348 .$15,000 .$13,706 $14,000 $13,000 $12,000 $13,682 $ 8,682 $ 9,976 $25,976 $27,976 $25,976 MUNICIPAL AUDIT The municipal audit is an .independent, ou tz ide audit conducted by a 6i Am engaged by the Mayot and Boatcd o6 .Ttmtees on an annual bcziz at., negwviced by State .haw. Those ate eatcmo ked 4unds-that can oney be expended 4ot audit putcposes. The amount Zev.ied .us designed to be the exact cast os the audit. 15-1 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECT REVENUE: Property Tax Levy EXPENDITURES: Contractual Ln N $10,470 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $111000 $10,000 $101500 $ 9,500 $10,500 $10,500 $119000 r r EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY The Mengency Services- and Dis"teA - Agency-- .supeuedes the- Givit Dc6ew6e . - Agency and now buicaUy neeate3 to naturcat dizattms eau3ed by 6zoo6 and tonnadoa . Hams also inolude actionz to be taken i� man -made di)m6tvi.; occurs such as ttc in, atncnabt and truck acc'dents t6 coAgo invotvu poten- ti.at dangers to our. Village ke�s.i.dents . ;5 -1 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -,81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJE:CTIWw REVENUE: Property Tax levy TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: •Travel, Training, etc. Communications Insurance Con t,ractual' Utility Services . Motor Vehicle Maintenance Petroleum Products Repairs. and Maintenance Supplies Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES .ry $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $59000 $ 488 $ 600. $ 550 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 145 400 320 400 400 400 730 700 550 700 700 700 0 200 0 200 200 200 25 100 30 100' 100 100 v: 1,716 1,000 700 1,000 11000 11000 76 200 200 200 200 200 585 500 300 500 500 500 357 300 700 300 300 300 i 553 11000 600 11000 1,000 1,000 $4,675 $5,000 $3,950 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 JARK LNG - LOTS - - The Pank.ing Lot Section com i st6 oA expend i iur m to..comptete the puAchaze o6 what has been known as the your PAapeAty, P& which a .speciae tax J-6 tevied, and joA the maintenance and ope}cation- o4 the. commuteA paAk- ng kot6 . The pank,ing .2oti6 oAe Moken down into tots const ucted with Vittage Su.nds oney and .dots con.6tAucted by both. Vittage and FedeAa2 funds. The poAiing .tots ahe: NUMBER LOCATION SPACES CONSTRUCTION FUNDING Lot 3 Pakk 9 Jewett PaAk D&i.ve 22 Fe:duatt and Vittage Lot 5 DeeA6ieed and Etm 92 Fedmat and Vittage Lot 6 (Peke t) Pw& Avenue (East Side) 71 V.cUage Lot 7 E& Stfceet 49 Vittage Lot k Etm StAeet 32 � Vittage Lot 9 (PeAmi t) DeeA6ietd Road 26 : V-i U ge Lot 10 (PeAmit) VeeA6.ie2d Road 44 Village Lot6 -11, 12 9 13 A&ound 7RaUAoad Station 367 FedeAat and V. Uage 2,7— 1 6 5 SPECIAL TAX - YOUS LOT SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND,PROJECTED * Property Tax Levies have been previously collected for these Ahstallments. N 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82• 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECT U6 REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $3,281 $3,281 $3,281 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - EXPENDITURES: Annual Installment $3,280 $3,281. $3,280 $3,280 * $3,279 * - 0 - o * Property Tax Levies have been previously collected for these Ahstallments. N M W SOURCE REVENUE: Collections EXPENDITURES: Salaries Overtime Benefits Insurance Contractual Uti l i ty _ SerVi ces Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Aggregates Materials Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFER TO STREET FUND FOR RAILROAD STATION MAINTENANCE TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES l PARKING LOTS -- VILLAGE CONSTRUCTED SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTELwm $24,269 $23,500 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $ 1,716 $ 2,000.. $ 19'683 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 17 -0- - 0 - =0- -0- -G'- 6 200. 12 100 100 100 163 200 163 200 200 200 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 0- 1,353 1,650 2,808 1,800 1,800 ,1,800 434 2,500 500 2,500 2,500 !2,500 300 400 100 400 400 400 27 500 250 500 500 500 692 no 300 1,500 1 , 500 ' 1 , 500 - 0 - 100 - 0 - loo 100 100 $ 4,708 $ 8,250 $ 5,816 $.91100 $ 9,100 $ ,9,100 5,000 7,50 _7,500 1.0,000 10,000 1,0,000 $ 9,708 $15,750 $13,316 $19,100 $19,100 $19,100, $14,561 $ 7,750 $11,684 $ 5,900 $ 5,900 $ 15,900 PARKING LOTS -- VILLAGE AND FEDERALLY FUNDED SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED° REVENUE: Coll ect•i ons EXPENDITURES: Salaries Benefits Insurance Utility Services Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Aggregates Equipment Property Rental TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFER TO STREET FUND FOR RAILROAD STATION MAINTENANCE TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES 4 $28,852 $27,000 $26,000 $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 $ 2,433 $ 2,000 $ 1,559 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 39 200 6 100 100 100 133 200 147 200 200 200 222 1,650 980 2,000 2,000 2,000 485 1,700 300 1,700 1,700 1,700 453 400 200 400 400 400 - 0 - 600 200 600 600 600 0 - 0 - 250 100 _ 250 250 250 7,440 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 $11,205 $14,500 $10,992 $14,750 $14,750 $14,750 5,000 7,500 7,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 $16,205 $22,000 $18,492 $24,750 $24,750 $24,750 $12,647 $ 5,000 $ 7,508 $ 3,250 $ 3,250 $ 3,250 Y N TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM# SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED.. PROJECTED PROJECTED� REVENUE: R T A $ 45,000 $ 8,390 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Fares 11,000 2,683 - 0 - - 0 - 0 Village Contribution 45,200 15,527 5,000 5,000 5,000 'TOTAL REVENUE $101,200 $26,600 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 EXPENDITURES: Salaries $ 65,600 $14,600 $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ '- 0 - Fringe Benefits 18,900 4,500 - 0 - - 0 - ;- 0 - Services 1,400 500. 10,000 10,000 10,000 Utility Services 1,600 500 - 0 - - 0 - 0 - Materials & Supplies 16,600 6,500 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Mis.cellaneous 100 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $104,200 $26,600 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 *Major Program Change_ -In August, 1581, the Dial -A -Ride Program was eliminated. Taxi Subsidy Program was established for Senior Citizens and the Handicapped. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING i FUNDS FLOW STATEMENT PROJECTED EXPENDITURES FROM REVENUE SHARING FUNDS * The enabling legislation expires September 30, 1983 REVENUE SHARING FUNDS EXPENDED OR APPROPRIATED Park Avenue Relocation June 1973 Trauma Unit October 1974 Lake -Cook Road Sanitary Sewer January 1976 Bicentennial Garden June 1976 Data Processing April 1977 Construction of Police Building May 1978 Abatement Police Building Note January 1981 Abatement'Police Building Note January 1982 TOTAL FUNDS EXPENDED OR APPROPRIATED $. 56,376 15,000 76,137 4,600 83,699 560,000 45.7,80 44,455 $ 886,047 12 -1 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84* 1984 -85* Actual Projected Projected Projected (Estimate) PROJECTED BEGINNING BALANCE $ 65,276 $ 121,821 $ 180,706 $ 194,918 ' RECEIPTS: Revenue Sharing Allotment 97,000 92,000 46,000 0 .Interest Earned 4,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ _101,000 $ 102,000 $ 61,000 $ 15,000 AVAILABLE FUNDS $ 166,276 $ 223,821 $ 241,706 $ 209,918 EXPENDITURES: Abatement of Debt Service Levy 44,455 43,115 46,788 165,088 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 44,455 $ 43,115 $ 46,788 $ 165,088 BALANCE $ 121,821 $ 180,706 $ 194,918 $ 44,830 * The enabling legislation expires September 30, 1983 REVENUE SHARING FUNDS EXPENDED OR APPROPRIATED Park Avenue Relocation June 1973 Trauma Unit October 1974 Lake -Cook Road Sanitary Sewer January 1976 Bicentennial Garden June 1976 Data Processing April 1977 Construction of Police Building May 1978 Abatement Police Building Note January 1981 Abatement'Police Building Note January 1982 TOTAL FUNDS EXPENDED OR APPROPRIATED $. 56,376 15,000 76,137 4,600 83,699 560,000 45.7,80 44,455 $ 886,047 12 -1 DEBT SERVICE The Debt Sewice Fcind is used 6oh paying genenaQ obtigat%on debt .incuAAed by the Vittage. The t-e.vy yeas is 6omewhat di66enent Unom the actuat payment yeah. The pnopenty -tax -ins Levied in such a 6ash,ion do that the V,c tage wilt receive 6undts in time to pay the pyrincipaf- and .interest a3 it becomes payabte. The tax .bevy-,schedute i's inceuded in the budget as Appendix D. DEBT SERVICE COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1980 -81 1981 -82 1981 -82 1982 -83 1983 -84 1984 -85 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: Property Tax Levy Receipts from Other Funds* Corporate Personal Property Tax. Replacement ** Interest Earned EXPENDITURES: Bond Principal and Interest Contractual Debt and Interest * ** Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES $301,028 $385,088 $300,088 $369,050 $377,075 $208,501 51,600 44,455 129,455 43,115 46,788 165,088 130,780 60,000 52,000 60,000 60,000 65,000' 24,685 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 $508,093 $514,543 $511,543 $502,165 $513,863 $468,589 $435,225 $445,088 $445,088 $429,050 $437,075 $273,501 45,780 44,455 44,45.5 43,115 46,788 165,088 e 1,776 2,000 1,600 2,000 2,000 2,000 $482,781 $491,543 $491,143 $474,165 $485,863 $440,589 *Assumes abatement of contractual-debt from Revenue Sharing Funds. * *Assumes abatement of debt service levies in addition to the automatic abatements by the County Clerk from the Corporate Personal Property Tax. ** *Secured by general obligation.debt. w i N PUBLIC BENEFIT The pubti.c benejjit poAtion o6 tocat i.,mphovemen,(�s installed under to e s pec i.a- aw a s ment. pro cedwce o4 6inanc ing dA paid snom thi6 6und . I 14 -1 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY (NOT INCLUDED IN MUNICIPAL BUDGET) SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED ACCOUNT NUMBER 60 -601 ACCOUNT NUMBER BUDGET ESTIMATE AND CLASSIFICATION 1981 -82 1981 -82 01 -1 Salaries -- Professional $121,110 $121,110 01 -2 Salaries - -Non Professional 190,225 190,504 05 Benefits 6,500 6,500 06 Professional Services 6,500 6,500 11 Education -- Travel, Dues, etc. 4,500 4,000 13 Communication 6,500 5,367 14 Insurance 9,000 9,000 15 Contractual (Equipment Rental, Maintenance and Xerox 12,500 12,000 16 Uti 1 i -ties 365 421 23 Repairs, Maintenance of Building and Equipment, Building Supplies 43,500 30,000 31 Supplies (Library and Office) 16,000 16,000. 40 Books 70,000 70,000 41 Periodicals 16,000 16,000 42 Audio - Visual 91000 9,666 43 Binding 2,000 2,000 52 New Equipment 11,000 11,000 99 Miscellaneous 300 800 26 Computer Service 0 0 50 Special Library Programs 1,000 1,000 53 Computerized Circulation System 65,000 0 54 Data Base 4,000 4,000 57 Replacement of.Carpeting 16,.000 0 56 Working Cash Fund 5,000 5,000 59 Cataloging Service 14,000_ 14,000 TOTALS $630,000 $534,868 Automation Project SOURCE OF FUNDS Levy $476,500 Non - Resident Fees. 3,500 Fees, Fines and Penalties 12,000 Gifts 500 Gift Fund G Reciprocal Borrowing 10,500 Xerox 1.2,000 Interest 15,000 Monies Allocated for.Automation Project 0 Monies Remaining from Prior Year 100,000 TOTALS $G30,000 BUDGET 1982 -83 $129,757 191 ,716 10,000 7,000 5,000 6,700 10,000 14,000 545 45,000 17,120 80,000 17,000 11 ,000 2,000 22,000 400 2,005 1,500 0 5,000 2,000 5,000 18,000 $602,74; 150,000 $752,743 $579,020 5,000 16,000 1 ,000 5,000 0 20,000 15,000 111,723 0 $752,743 1Q -1 DEERFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY WORK STATISTICS *As of January 1, 1978, Periodicals are no longer circulated. * *Figures for April estimated. ** *Children's programs only; adult figures not available. S 19 -2 1978 -79 1979 -80 1980 -81 ** 1981 -82 ** CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT:. y- Materials Circulated - Books 190,986 205,664 219,682 230,100 Records 9,051 14,169 18,635 19,600 Puzzles 1,147 1,149 1,294 1,400 "Paintings 71D 783 785 830 Video. 10 122 542 700 Film 768 877 786 800 Talking Books 284 450 401 400 Projector 57 130 80 85 Interlibrary Loans 2,345 2,540 2,438 2,500 Miscellaneous 630 1,210 786 900 Rental Books 0 0 0 449 Video Tape Collection 0 0 0 761 Total Materials Circulated 205,988* 227,094 245,429 258,525 Overdue Notices Mailed 3,447 4,326 3,986 4,200 (After (After (After (After 2 weeks) 3 weeks) 4• -5 weeks) 3 weeks) Registered Borrowers - 11,412 PROCESSING DEPARTMENT: Materials Purchased - Books 8,215 9,039 7,333 7,510 Records and Tapes 694 740 863 458 Prints 16 10 7 0 Slides 40 0 0 `0 Miscellaneous 9 42 81 23 Video Cassettes 0 0 0 47 Total Materials Processed 8,974 9,831 8,284 8,038 PROGRAMMING - ADULT AND .CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: Programs - Sponsored or Conducted by Library Staff 140 * ** 212 261 312 Meeting Room Use by Groups Outside the Library 257 240 265 Adult Refe -ence Inquiries 8,378 7,725 7,600 8,454 Children's Reference Inquiries 0 0 6,804 *As of January 1, 1978, Periodicals are no longer circulated. * *Figures for April estimated. ** *Children's programs only; adult figures not available. S 19 -2 APPENDIX A ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT' EQUIPMENT REQUEST 1982-1983 EQUIPMENT Two Discs 911 Computer Terminal Typewriter. Files Cutting-Table Miscellaneous TOTAL BUDGET $1 ,600 2,500 1,500 400 450 550 $7,000 APPENDIX B POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST 1982 -1983 EQUIPMENT Two 911 Terminals Disc Pack Core Memory Humidifier and Anti - Static Mat Secretarial Chair Two Desks Shelves and Cabinets Lockers Four Desk Lamps Miscellaneous Office Equipment Multi -Unit Battery Charger Battery Discharger Portable Ear Phones Dictaphone Call -Check Recorder Typewriter Radar (Replacement) Flashlights (Replacements) Video Recorder and Camera Projection Screen BUDGET $ 6,000 800. 5,000 500 200 880 465 108 200 447 1,000 300 150 3,000 500 900 350 4,000 200 TOTAL $25,000 I APPENDIX C -1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST STREET DIVISION 1982 -1983 EQUIPMENT Crack Filler Machine Snow Plow (2) Two -Way Radios New Leaf Machine TOTAL BUDGET $16,000 3,500 1,100 6,500 $27,100 EQUIPMENT New Blower New 2 Inch Pump Portable Air Tank Exhaust Fan Root Cutter APPENDIX C -2 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST SEWER DIVISION 1982 -1983 BUDGET $ 7,200 700 700 350 1 , 500 TOTAL $10,450 EQUIPMENT New 2 Inch Pump Water Meters APPENDIX C -3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST WATER DIVISION 1982 -1983 TOTAL BUDGET $ 1,000 15,000. $16,000 APPENDIX C -4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST GARAGE DIVISION 1982 -1983 EQUIPMENT Starter Pack Generator. Hose Reel with Pump TOTAL. BUDGET $1,800 1,500 $3,300 SEWER TAX LEVY IMPROVEMENTS YEAR JUNE 1, 1973 $1,080,000 APPENDIX D GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT RETIREMENT SCHEDULE PRILEVY NCIPAL AND INTEREST YEAR BASISI SEWAGE TREATMENT - FACILITIES JUNE 1 , 1973 $2 , 000 , 000 1982 $107,000 $185,000 1983 103,550 179,250 1984 100,063 173,438 1985 96,538 167,563 1986 92,975 161,625 1987 89,338 155,563 1988 85,625 149,375 1989 81,875 143,125 1990 53,750 161,250 1991 51,250 153,750 TOTALS $861,964 $1,629,939 POLICE ADDITION LAND CONSTRUCTION ACQUISITION CONTRACT SECURED TOTAL DEC. 1, 1974 BY G. 0. DEBT $1,000,000 OCTOBER 15, 1979 $400,000 $137,050 $ 43,115 $472,165 154,275 46,788 483;863 - 0 - 165,088 438,589 - 0 - 165,385 429,486 - 0 - - 0 - 254,600 - 0 - - 0 - 244.901 - 0 - - 0 - 235,000 - 0 - - 0 - 225,000 - 0 - - 0 - 215 , 000 - 0 - - 0 - 205,000 $291,325 $420,376 $3,203,604 ,As STATE OF ILLINOIS ). COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -19 entitled " AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE'INDUSTRIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ". passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof held on April 19, 1982 , and now in full force and effect, all as appears in the records and files of the office of the W N Village.Clerk. Dated tt s � ` April 23 1982 o ° h�i SEAL Naomi S. C1 ampi t Village Clerk if ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -19 26ZZ2'732 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE INDUSTRIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has heretofore held a public hearing on the application of TERADYNE CENTRAL, INC. (herein referred to as "Applicant ") to authorize an amendment to a previously approved Special Use Industrial Planned Unit Development to permit recreational and social facilities to be included in the structure presently under construction on the real estate described on Exhibit A, under and pursuant to the provisions of Articles 6.1 -3, 4; 12.1; 12.5 and 13.11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and_ .WHEREAS, said hearing was held pursuant to duly published notice thereof and was, in all'respects, held according to law; and WHEREAS, following consideration of the favorable recommendation of the Plan Commission, the President and Board of Trustees have concurred in such recommendation; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield have determined that the best interests of the Village will be served by the authorization and granting of said Amended Special Use Industrial Planned Unit Development in accordance with a certain conceptual Plan of Development for said social and recreational facilities, marked Exhibit B and attached.hereto and made'a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the President and Board of Trustees do hereby affirmatively N ONE: find that the Amendment to Special Use, as hereby authorized, N fully complies with the requirements and standards set forth in Articles 12.5 and 13.11 -4 of the Village Zoning Ordinance, and the Amendment W to Special Use of the real estate, as and for purposes of including social and N recreational facilities generally as set on Exhibit B, be and the same is hereby authorized and approved subject -to the conditions hereinafter set.forth. SECTION That the approval and authorization of said Amendment to Special TWO: Use hereby granted is subject to the condition that the facilities be used only by the Applicant's employees and clients. SECTION That any violation of the condition hereinabove set forth THREE: shall authorize thc, revocation of the Amended Special Use hereby authorized. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this FOUR: Ordinance in pamphlet form and to record said Ordinance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois at Applicant's expense. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and FIVE: after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (o). NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 19th day of April A.D., 1982. APPROVED this 19th day of April A.D., 1982. . VILLAGE VT PRESIDENT,, ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK That part of the East I of Government Lot 2 in the Northwest 4 of Section 5, Township 42 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and also the West I of Government Lot 2 (except the East 878.26 feet, as measured along the North line thereof) in the Northeast 4 of said Section 5, all taken as a tract, lying North of the North line of Tollway Parcel T- 11-B -2 as described in Superior Court Case- 56S19626 dated November 9; 1956,1ying Northerly .of Tollway Parcel T- 1.1 -B -2.4 as described in Superior Court Case 56519626 dated February 5, 1957 and lying South of the South line of Lake -Cook Road, being a line 50.00,.feet South of and Parallel with the North line of both the Northwest 4 and the Northeast i; of said Section 5, (excepting from the above described tract that part lying West of a line drawn 549 -33 feet west and parallel (measured perpendicularly) with the East line of said tract), in Cook County, Illinois. N A96L }MAC RM ­3r) fiaY - -6 -8z 6 0 5 6.6 0 ,- X6222'7 32 o O- ` h �7 �f Q RECREATIONAL FACILITY PL4N 0 5 10 20FT. scale. TERADYNE CENTRAL, INC. DEERFIELD. ILLINOIS 1.2782 A171 Moretta & Sheehy • Architects 627 Gm" Sirwt. Evanston. Illinois 60201 312.666.6470 C � e�9x