O-81-55ORDINANCE 0 -81- 55 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY 1981 AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL 1982, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: SECTION 1. A tax for the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Village, be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes specified against all taxable property in the Village for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 1981, and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 1982. 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND A. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Account No. 10- 100 -50100 Salaries •02 Overtime .04, Part Time 05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization College Tuition Reimbursement .07 Apparel .21 Travel and Dues Travel Expense Dues Registration Fees Training Expense .22 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing Advertising, Legals Periodicals Codes .23 Communications Postage Telephone Radio Service .24 Insurance .25 Professional Services Medical Services Consultant Services Legal Services Miscellaneous BUDGETED AMOUNT $427,000 4,000 36,000 23,000 2,500 300 7,750 1,250 500 500 6,000 1,000 500 3,500 5,800 5,700 1,000 20,000 1,000 25,000 66,000 4,000 Page 1 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- A. ADMINISTRATIVE -DEPT..;(Cont-tnued)- .26 Contractual Bui l'di.ng-_Constructi ow Copying and Duplication Equipment Maintenance and Repair Computer Programs Other .27 Utility Services .28 Motor Vehicle Maintenance .29 Petroleum Products .30 Repairs and Maintenance .31 Equipment Rental .33 Miscellaneous .35 Dog Pound .49 Housing Assistance .50 Supplies .80 Motor Vehicles .81 Equipment Files Small Tools & Equipment Desk & Chairs Security Files Miscellaneous .82 Land Acquisition TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT .B. POLICE DEPARTMENT Account Number 10= 601 -60100 .01 Salaries .02 Overtime .04 Part Time .05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization College Tuition Reimbursements .07 Apparel .21 Travel and Dues Travel Dues Training Other .22 Printing, Advertising Subscriptions Printing Advertising .23 Communications Postage Telephone LEADS Miscellaneous BUDGETED AMOUNT $ 14,000 7,000 5,000 9,000 5,100 5,000 4,500 2,500 16,000 1,000 12,000 4,000 30,000 10,000 -0- 850 1,000 1,500 1,000 650 78,000 $850,400 $1,057,196 87,886 66,167 47,500 7,460 15,.450 4,000 1,000 19,000 705 9;950 600 1,000 5,400 7,020 .2,650 Page 2 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- $420,000 B. POLICE %PARTMENT (Continued) .24 Insurance .25 Professional Medical Legal and Other .26 Contractual Services .28 Motor Vehicle Maintenance .29 Petroleum Products .30 Repairs and Maintenance .33 Miscellaneous .50 Supplies .80 Motor Vehicles .81 Equipment File Cabinets Storage Lockers Fingerprint Printer Radio Racks Shooting Muffs Overhead Projector Work Tables Siren Miscellaneous TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT WATER DEPARTMENT Account Number 3.07503 -50100 .01 Salaries .02 Overtime .04 Part Time .05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization .07 Apparel Uniforms .21 Travel and Dues Dues Registration Fees .22 Printing and Advertising Printing Advertising, Legal .23 Communications Postage Telephone Radio Service .24 Insurance .25 Professional Services Medical Consultant BUDGETED AMOUNT $ 65,690 800 2,550 30,202' 25,500 38,540 3,050 5,000 18,150 45,000 350 580 400 3,600 300 400 600 300 1,095 $1;575,091 $ 113,980 10,797 4,072 6,500 745 200 400 1,600 100 1,500 400 100 15,000 200 2,800 Page 3 TO BE LEVIED $420,000 $ -0- C. WATER DEPT. (Continued) BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED -26 Contractual Services Cathodic Protection Control Units Hot Water Boiler Unit Leak Survey Professional Testing Meters Replacement - Water Valves Miscellaneous .27 Utility Services .28 Motor Vehicle Maintenance .29 Petroleum Products .30 Repairs and Maintenance .31" Equipment Rental .32 Occupancy .33 Miscellaneous .50 Supplies .52 Chlorine .53 Aggregates .54 Materials .57 Small Tools & Equipment .59 Purchase of Water .80 Motor Vehicles .81 Equipment Water Pump Air Compressor (2) Water Meters .84 Improvements, not building .90 Bond Principal .91 Bond Interest TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT D. SEWER DEPARTMENT Account Number 21- 502 -50100 1,000 5,000 1, 500 6,500 1,500 2,000 1,700 36,165 7,400 3,900 12,400 000: 10,000 2,300 1,300 400 6,000 20,400 600 500,000 28,000 5,020 5,000 15,000 5Q, 000 30,000 16,000 $ 928,479 .01 Salaries $ 305,181 .02 Overtime 11,183 .04 Part Time 5,720 .05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization 17,800 .07 Apparel Uniforms 2,250 Protective Gear 195 .21 Travel and Dues Registration Fees 250 Training Expense 850 .22 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Printing 900 Advertising, Legal 200 Page 4 $ -0- $ -0- D. SEWER DEPARTMENT (Continued) .23 Communications Postage Telephone .24 Insurance .25 Professional Services Medical Consultant .26 Contractual Services Alarm Controls Grouting Manholes TV Sewers Sewer Construction Miscellaneous .27.' Utility Services .28 Motor Vehicle Maintenance .29 Petroleum Products .30 Repairs and Maintenance .31 Equipment Rental .32 Occupancy .33 Miscellaneous .50 Supplies .52 Chlorine .53 Aggregates .54 Materials .55 Street Signs .57 Small Tools & Equipment .80 Motor Vehicles .81 Equipment Tractor Calculator Rotary Lawn Mower Air Compressor Fuel Storage Tank Portable BOD Tester Dissolved Oxygen Meter Root Cutter .85 Depreciation TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT E. VILLAGE GARAGE Account Number 23- 504 -53900 .01 Salaries .02 Overtime .05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization .07 Apparel .21 Travel, Training, Dues .22 Printing and Advertising .24 Insurance .25 Professional Services BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED $ 3,200 300 23,000 200 2,500 1,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 89,100 13,400 5,350 34,100 3,000 10,000 6,700 1.3,400 5,500 8,000 19,000 300 1,000 18,000 3,500 125 175 5,000 5,020 2,000 2,500 1,500 54,000 $ 690,399 $ -0- $ 45,383 $ 3,472 2,400 330 200 250 3,000 50 Page 5 Qit BUDGETED TO BE A. STREET AND BRIDGE (Continued) AMOUNT LEVIED .22 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions Page 7 Printing 3,000 Advertising, Legal 900 Periodicals 500 .23 Communications Telephone 1,000 Postage 1,500 Radio Service 750 .24 Insurance 27,000 25,000 .25 Professional Services 200 .26 Contractual Services Street Lights & Signals 8,000 Thermo Plastic Marking 10,000 - MST Sidewalk 11,000 Dumping Fees 11000 Maintenance Alarm System 11000 Sidewalks and Curb Replacement (50/50) 8,800 Safety Sidewalks 8,800 Miscellaneous Maintenance 1,000 Tree Removal 9,000 Tree Planting 4,200 Painting Train Station 4,000 .27 Utility Services 35,200 .28 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 22,000 .29 Petroleum Products 16,500 .30 Repairs and Maintenance 26,900 .31 Equipment Rental 2,600 .33 Miscellaneous (Safety Fund) 1,500 .50 Supplies 6,600 .51 Salt 19,000 .53 Aggregates 33,000 .54 Materials 48,600 .55 Street Signs 6,500 .57 Small Tools & Equipment 600 .81 Equipment Air Compressor 5,000 Tractor with mower 3,500 Salt Spreader 6,500 Copy Machine 3,000 Miscellaneous 2,000 Snow Plow 3,500 TOTAL STREET AND BRIDGE $521,708 $ 160;000' Page 7 E. VILLAGE GARAGE (Continued) .26 Contractual .27 Utility Services .29 Petroleum Products .30 Repairs and Maintenance .33 Miscellaneous .50 Supplies .54 Materials .57 Small Tools & Equipment .80 Meter Vehicle .81 Equipment TOTAL GARAGE F. YOUTHBOUND Account Number 16- 608 -60800 .01 Salaries .05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization .21 Travel, Training, Dues .23 Communication .24 Insurance .28 Motor Vehicle Maintenance .29 Petroleum Products .30 Repairs and Maintenance .48 Housing. .50 Supplies .81 Equipment TOTAL YOUTHBOUND 11. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. STREET AND BRIDGE Account Number 20- 501 -50100 .01 Salaries .02 Overtime .04 Part Time .05 Benefits Health and Hospitalization .07 Apparel Uniforms .21 Travel, Training, Dues Travel Expense Dues BUDGETED AMOUNT -0- 2,000 800 5,000 200 42,000 500' 1,000 6.,500 5,350 $; 11 &,435 $ 4,000 150 612 200 2,000 1,600 4,000 200 1,250 5,000 325 $ 19,337 $ 143,174 13,404 10,880 8,200 1,100 22.25 575 Page 6 TO BE LEVIED $ -0- $ -0- $ 125,000 10,000 C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Account Number 12- 106 -37610 Village's Contribution $ 230,000 $ 220,000 TOTAL I.M.R.F. $ 230,000 $ 220,000 D. DEBT SERVICE''(.B0hd:= &- Interest Fund) BUDGETED, TO BE :AMOUNT LEVIED B. EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY $ 110,413 $ 110,413 Account Number 13- 106 - 60900 Principal and Interest, 1973 .21 Travel, Training and Dues $ 600 $ 600 .23 Communications 400 400 .24 Insurance 700 700 .26 Contractual 200 200 .27 Utility Services 100 100 .28 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 11000 .29 Petroleum Products 200 200 .30 Repairs and Maintenance 500 500 .50 Supplies 300 300 .80 Equipment 1,000 1,000 TOTAL EMERGENCY SERVICES & DISASTER AGENCY $ 5,000 $ 5,000, C. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Account Number 12- 106 -37610 Village's Contribution $ 230,000 $ 220,000 TOTAL I.M.R.F. $ 230,000 $ 220,000 D. DEBT SERVICE''(.B0hd:= &- Interest Fund) Account Number 79- 000 -19500 General Obligation - Sewer Improvement Principal and Interest, 1973 $ 110,413 $ 110,413 General Obligation - Sewage Treat:..Pl,ant Principal and Interest, 1973 190,688 190,688 General Obligation - Land Acquisition Principal and Interest, 1974 143,987 143,987 Police Addition Construction Contract General Obligation Debt, 1979 44,455 44,.455 Miscellaneous Bond Fees 2,000 -0- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $_491,543 $ 489,543 Page 8 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED E. POLICE PENSION FUND Account Number 42- 600 -10108 Village's Contribution $ 289,000 $ 100,000 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND $ 289,000 $ 100,000 F. PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND Account Number 14- 106 -10101 Payment of Public Benefits $ 15,000 $ 10,000 TOTAL PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND $ 15,000 $ 10,000 G. INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT Account Number 27 -203 -20600 Yous Property Installment Payment $ 3,281 $ 3,281 TOTAL INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT $ 3,281 $ 3,281 H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND Account Number 60- 700 -10100 .01 Salaries, Professional $ 121,110 $ 115,000 .01.1 Salaries, Non - Professional 190,225 180,000 .05 Benefits 6,500 3,500 .21 Education, Travel, Dues, etc. 4,500 -0- .23 Communication 6,500 -0- .24 Insurance 9,000 7,000 .25 Professional Services 6,500 -0- .26 Contractual 12,500 10,000 .27 Utilities 365 -0- .30 Repairs, Maintenance of Building. and Equipment, B_uilding_Supplies 43,500 40,000 .33 Miscellaneous. 300 =0- .50 Supplies (Library and Office) 16,000 10,000 .61: Periodicals 16,000 10,000 .62 Books 70,000 65,000 .63 Binding 2,000 -0- .64 Audio - Visual 9,000 8,000 .65 Computerized Circulation System 65,000 -0- Page 9 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED H. VILLAGE LIBRARY FUND (Continued) .66 Special Library Programs $ 11000 Working Cash Fund 5,000 -0- Data Base 4,000 -0- Catalogue Service 14,000 10.;000 Replacement of Carpeting 16,000 10,000 .81 New Equipment --11 ;OW 8,000 ­TOTAL LIBRARY FUND $ 63051000 $ 476,500 I. MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND Account Number 11- 106 - 50000 -260 Village CPA Services $ 91000 $ 91000 Library Audit 1,500 1,500 TOTAL MUNICIPAL AUDIT TAX FUND $ 10,500 $ 10,500 J. MOTOR FUEL TAX PROJECTS Account Number 40- 000 -10100 MFT Street Maintenance Program $ 117,000 $ -0- Street Resurfacing & Renovation Program 110,000 Traffic Signal - Lake - Cook /Pine 45,000 Wilmot Road: Lake -Cook to Deerfield Rd. 12,000 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $ 284,000 $ -0- K. SCAVENGER SERVICE Account Number 26- 106 -55000 .24 Insurance $ 5,000 $ -0- .26 Contractual Services 690,000 298,000 .32 Occupancy 10,000 -0- .33 Miscellaneous 2,000 -0- TOTAL SCAVENGER SERVICE $ 707,000 $.298,000 L. REVENUE SHARING Account Number 41- 000 -10100 Statement of Debt $ 44,455 $ -0- TOTAL REVENUE SHARING $ 44,455 $ -0- Page 10 Page 11 BUDGETED TO BE AMOUNT LEVIED M. DIAL -A -RIDE Account Number 35 -350 -10100 .01 Salaries $ 65,600 $ -0- .05 Benefits 18,900 .25 Professional Services 1,400 .27 Utility Services 1,600 .33 Miscellaneous 100 .50 Supplies 16,600 $ 104,200 $ -0- TOTAL DIAL -A -RIDE $'104,200 $ -0- N. COMMUTER PARKING LOTS - VILLAGE AND FEDERALL FUNDED Account Number 28- 202 -10101 .01 Salaries $ 2,000 $ -0- .05 Benefits 200 .24 Insurance 200 .27 Utilities 1,650 .30 Repairs and Maintenance 1,700 .31 Property Rental 7,500 .50 Supplies 400 .53 Aggregates 600 .81 Equipment 250 TOTAL COMMUTER PARKING LOTS $ 14,500 $ -0- 0. COMMUTER PARKING LOTS - VILLAGE CONSTRUCTED Account Number 28- 202 -54030 .01 Salaries $ 2,000 $ -0- .05 Benefits 200 .24 Insurance 200 .26 Contractual -0- .27 Utilities' 1,650 .30 Repairs and Maintenance 2,500 .50 Supplies 400 .53 Aggregates 500 .54 Materials 700 .81 Equipment 100 TOTAL COMMUTER PARKING LOTS - VILLAGE FUNDED $ 8,250 $ -0- Page 11 ' 1981 ,SUMMARY OF TAX LEVIES BUDGETED TO BE 1. GENERAL CORPORATE FUND AMOUNT LEVIED A. Administrative Department $ 850,400 -0- B. Police Department 1,575,091 420,000 C. Water Department 928,479 -0- D. Sewer Department 690,399 -0- E. Village Garage 118,435 -0- F. Youthbound 19,337 -0- G. SUBTOTAL $4,182,141 $ 420,000 11'. SPECIAL TAX FUNDS A. Street and Bridge 521,708 160,000 B. Emergency Services & Disaster Agency 5,000 5,000 C. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 230,000 220,000 D. Bond and Interest Fund 491,543 489,543 E. Police Pension Fund 289,000 100,000 F. Public Benefit Fund 15,000 10,000 G. Installment Purchase Contract 3,281 3,281 H. Village Library Fund 630,000 476,500 I. Municipal Audit Tax Fund 10,500 10,500 J. Motor Fuel Tax Fund 284,000 -0-- K. Scavenger Service 707,000 298,000 L. Revenue Sharing 44,.455 -0- M. Dial -A -Ride 104,200 -0- N. Commuter Parking Lots - Village and Federally Funded 14,500 -0- 0. Commuter Parking Lots - Village Constructed 8,250 -0- SUBTOTAL $3,358,437 $1,772,824 TOTAL $7,540,578 $2,192,824 TOTAL AMOUNT LEVIED $2,192,824 SECTION 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, on or before the second Tuesday in September, A.D. 1981, a copy of this ordinance duly certified by said Village Clerk. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED: This 17th day of August , 1981. AYES: Six (6) Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York ATTEST: Vi lag C1 k NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) APPRO Village President Page 12 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED — NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) a Q g 00 E 0 0 u, a SENTTO� STREET AND NO. 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T�Slollowing Service is requested (check one.) A Show to date d: livered............ whom and _a n Show to whom, date and address of deL'v:r� ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered............ ¢, ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, dale, and address of delivery.a— (COINSULT POS—ASTER FOR FEES) 2 ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO. 01 �C 3 (o d 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED PIG, WSURED NO: /0'3- d /e, P /6' (Always ontaiiijsignature of addressee oragent) I have received the article described above. SIGNATURE OAddressee OAnthorized agent 4. DATE OF DELIVERY AUG 25. Agal 6. ADDRESS (Complete only if S. UNABLE TO'DELIVER BECAUSE: CLE *GO: 4972400 -459 4- I n. Q 9 E 0 Ix, a P20 - 1,099832 E�EBf�� FOR CERTME® MAOL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED — NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SE TO STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE ¢ W SPECIAL DELIVERY ¢ U. RESTRICTED DELIVERY ¢ 0 LL W W W SHOW TO WHOM AND ¢ f c. 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UNABLE TO DELIVER SECAUS it L"K'S --tetlrtAL *QP0 : 1979300459 08.;:,_ I 'ECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED — NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) �o rn a Q E `0 w a SENT TO ��-- STREET AND NO U P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE ¢ SPECIAL DELIVERY ¢ s 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY ¢ LL SHOW TO WHOM AND ¢ c DATE DELIVERED cc SHOW TO WHOM, DATE, Z M y ti AND ADDRESS OF ¢ ZDELIVERY W CD w SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE s DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED¢ CA Z o Z DELIVERY sSHOW TO WHOM, DATE AND ADDRESS OF DELIVERY WITH ¢ RESTRICTED DELIVERY TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ POSTMARK OR DATE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE SENDER INSTRUCTIONS USE TO AVOID PAYMENT Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. OF POSTAGE. ssoo �� u.srvlAlL • Compjete items 1, 2, and 3 on the reversa • Attach to front of article if space permit; o9owim affix to beck of article • Worm article "Return Receipt Requested" edjecent to number. RETURN TO of Sender) Street or B.O. Box) (C ity, State, and ZIP Code) t� z 4: v ® SENDER: Complete items 1, 2; and 3. Add your address is the "RETURN TO" space reverse 1. T, he ollowing service is requested (check one.) Show to whom and date delivered............ —Q Show to whom, date and address of dellvery...�a ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered............ d ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery.$ — _ (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 2 TICLE lADDRESStD T 4060 3. ARTICLE DESCAIPY'6 N: REGISTERED NO: I CERTIFt[D NO. INSURED NO. S1g�3 (Ahvays obtain signature of addressee or agent) I have received L:e article described above. SIGNATUR (7A dressce DAathorized agent TjE OF DELIVERY C� �C ` 0 1 ' S. ADDRESS (Complete only H re 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: /t)O CL K'S TIALS *GPO. 1979300.459 �i 945.5000 EERFIELD, ILLINOIS 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Mayor Trustees BERNARD FORREST MARVIN W. EHLERS Manager JEROLD L. HEISLER ROBERT D. FRANZ CYNTHIA MARTY EDWIN B. SEIDMAN Clerk 945.5000 EERFIELD, ILLINOIS 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Mayor Trustees BERNARD FORREST MARVIN W. EHLERS Manager JEROLD L. HEISLER ROBERT D. FRANZ CYNTHIA MARTY EDWIN B. SEIDMAN Clerk VERNON E. SWANSON NAOMI S. CLAMPITT J. ROBERT YORK I, Bernard Forrest, President of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, do hereby certify that in compliance with H.B. 1048 entitled "Truth..in Taxation ", a Public Hearing for the Tax Levy for 1981/82 was held by the President and Board of Trustees at their regular meeting on August 17, 1981 in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall of Deerfield. At that same meeting, Ordinance No. 0 -81 -55 entitled "An Ordinance Levying Taxes for Corporate Purposes for the Current Fiscal Year, Commencing on the First Day of May 1981 and Ending on the Thirtieth Day of April 1982, for the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois," was passed on a vote of Six (6) to None (0). Dated this 21st day of August, 1981.. ATTEST: Village Clerk Bernard Forrest Village President Mailed to: Cook County Clerks Office Tax Extension Dept. - Room 434 Attention: Marcia Maras County Building Chicago, 60602 Lake County Clerk Office Tax Extension Office Attention: Gene Bzdawka County Building Waukegan, Ill. 60085 945.5000 I E E R- F I E L D ILLINOIS 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD • DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Mayor Trustees BERNARD FORREST MARVIN W. EHLERS Manager JEROLD L. HEISLER ROBERT D. FRANZ CYNTHIA MARTY EDWIN B. SEIDMAN Clerk VERNON E. SWANSON NAOMI S. CLAMPITT J. ROBERT YORK I, Bernard Forrest, President of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, do hereby certify that in compliance with H.B. 1048 entitled "Truth.in Taxation ", a Public Hearing for the Tax Levy for 1981/82 was held by the President and Board of Trustees at their regular meeting on August 17, 1981 in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall of Deerfield. At that same meeting, Ordinance No. 0 -81 -55 entitled "An Ordinance Levying Taxes for Corporate Purposes for the Current Fiscal Year, Commencing on the First Day of May 1981 and Ending on the Thirtieth Day of April 1982, for the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois," was passed on a vote of Six (6) to None (0). Dated this 21st day of August, 1981. Bernard Forrest Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk STANLEY T. KUSPER. JR. COUNTY CLERK coo+ I 14 C, w r 1 1 M O OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS CHICAGO, 60602 JOHN H. WALSH DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK There was filed in my office a duly certified copy of the Tax Levy Ordinance for: TOWN OF GENERAL ASSISTANCE ROAD ai.c BRIDGE - TCWNSI:IP OF CITY or VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PARK DISTRICT OF LIBRARY DISTRICT OF FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OF SANITARY DISTRICT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. TOGETHER WITH RESOLUTIONS: AB "'): ME:.T: Above TAX LEVY being for the Tax Year 19—U—. = f � o STANLEY T. KUSPER, JR. COUNTY CLERK OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS TAX EXTENSION DEPARTMENT