O-78-12ORDII-11� A !� CE NO. 0 -78 -12 AN 0` -Z ,i1N.ANCE AN[Ei DING CHAPTER 2, ARTICL.B 12., OF THE MU'N'1.C17'AL CODE OF 1'HE VILLAGE OF DE ERFIELD LED OF VILLAGE CCENTER D.IST ` RIC'L L�T'Ti EI,C`1'1ti E i�1 .ND REDEVELOPMENT CMvI.XUSSION" %1,111UREIAS, the Ge i ral A.sseinl.'[_ , of the State of 11.1inois has z-aa'cted. Chapter �1.�, Section. 11- 74.3 -1 et s , of t:he 111inoi.s Rev'i.sed. Statvt(_Is eziabLin.g munici:E7alitie.s to e st- ablish and designate " Business Districts" Within tfi.eir cor- porate limits for the 'purposes of encouraging business Zevelopment and reelevelon- Ment ; and WHEREAS, following « pt).blic hearing thereon, the corporate aut ho_Mies of t'he Village of Deerfield have adopted Ordi.,.a.nce No. 78- 8 providing for the establishine'.nt of a ":Business District's in the manner made and provided for ir, said. C'napte-v 24, Section 1 - "1- 74.3 -1 et seta. i and W',1-TLLRE.A, .S, Chapter 24, Secticn'11W7L..3 - -3 also provides that 0).e,cc-r-pra.tr a.utlao''iti.es tiiay appoint a i3u.:,'iness district development: acid redevelkOpment co.i.a.- mis--sion to effi'.c"tua.te the purposes set forth in said. Section in furc`fieranci- UA the pu.--•i i.c interest and to proanote and enha:nc.e the, viability: of the. busin es s Gi.str. Pict witrii.n ti.ic corporate limit. of the Village of Deerfield, :d0`:a%, 'I HERE'FOP,E, BE iT GRDAIN. D' BY THE .PRE.SIDENN! ' AND 130A..R.D OF 7107 RU3TE E3 OF TIME VIL LAGS OF DEE I I:.FiEI;D, LAKE AND (1-100r'::'OUNTI - fLLI'k;iLlS, AS FOLL:)WS: _SECTIO 1 That Section 2.-156' entitled "Establishment; N; -umber of ONdE : Members" of Chapter 2. of the u p o ,' _ � �' ' _ M i iici a.1, Cod o.: D e.ez-ll.e � d of 1975, as amended, 'Se and the same is hereby furt;,�er amended by adding thereto the following: "(6) Viilage.Center District Developrl3eni and Redevelopment Commission - 9 members." SiCTION That Section 2-158 entitled "'M:cLies and. Functions" cf `? � 0: Chapter 2 of the 1•.' unicipal Code of Deer.f`ieid of 1,75; as amended., be and the. sa,ine is hereby h rther ad.ling th.eretto the following: "(0) Village Center District Development alid I?edlevelopment. C..orrmil ;sicn - The Village Center District Devel.opme.at and Red.evelcp Pent Com- inission sh .11 have the following frUnctions and duties : (A) Initiate any and all matters directly- or. indrecil.;r effE,ct:[r.�j I1-c develop_ merit or redevelopment of 'the Village Center Di stri. - fit: ].cI'c --n ,aid . at tors do 'not het . e to be I Jtia.t,:d b ior',_ the Plan. L.or"Imi s -ion or Board. of Zo�it.ag Appeals _m.der the terms of the Village of Di::er- fieid z h::_ -.niripa1 Code.. (3) Be a.rlvised by the Plan Corr.missi.on and the Board of Zoning Appeals I any and all matters initiated b1fore said respective Boards pertaining directly to the Center District and adjacent areas thereto. (C) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding any and all such matters as are initiated under sub - sections A and B, hereinabove set forth. (D) Make recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Trustees for any and all funding of moneys that may be required by the Center District Development and Redevelopment Commission for any of the functions herein set forth. (E) Prepare, study and approve proposals for the development and redevelopment of business districts in the Village and make recommendations regarding said proposals to the Board of Trustees. (F) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the exercise of the use of eminent domain for the acquisition of real or personal property for the purpose of a development and redevelop- ment project. (G) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the acquisition of, management of, conveyance of or other disposition of real and personal property acquired pursuant to the provisions of a development or redevelopment plan. (H) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the application for and acceptance of capital grants and loans from the United States and the State of Illinois or any instrumentality of the United States or the State of Illinois for such development and redevelopment and to assist the Board of Trustees in making ap- plication for said capital grants and loans. (I) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees with regard to the borrowing of funds as may be deemed necessary for the purpose of business district development and redevelopment, and in this con- nection make recommndations regarding the issuance of such obli- gation or revenue bonds as may be deemed necessary, subject to applicable statutory limitations. (j) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees with regard to entering into contracts with any public or private agency or person. (K) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees with regard to selling, leasing, trading or improving such real property as may be acquired in connection with Center District development and rede- velopment plans. (L) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees with regard to the employment of all persons as may be necessary for the planning, execution and implementation of the Center District plans. (M) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees with regard to expending such public funds as may be necessary for the planning, execution and implementation of such plans. (N) Male recommendations t-o the Board of Trustees with regard to planning, execution ar_d i_�rpl.emenfiation of Center District plans. (0) Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for the coordination of public and private plans and programs and structuring of policies for the development and redevelopment of the Village Center District. (P) Term of appointment: Initially, t1iree members shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, three members for two (2) years, and three members for one (1) year. All ap- pointments thereafter shall be for a period of three (3) years as provided in Section 2- 157." SECTION Trot all ordinances or Harts of ordinances in corxfIict THREE: herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That this ordinance -shall be'in• full_ force xd• offect FOUR: from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: Blumenthal, Gavin, Heisler, :Marty, Seidman, Swanson (6) 14AYS: ABSENT: None (0) None (0) PASS'E'D tlL -s _ 20th G.ej' of March A. D., 1978 ' APPROVED t1iis 20th day of March A.D., 1978 ^T'TEST: VILLAGE PRESIDENT Village Clerk