R-75-04. RESOLUTION NO. R -75- 4 BLI A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF VOUCHERS ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 112 THIS BOARD FINDS AS FOLLOWS: The following statement for work done on Special Assessment No. 112 has been submitted to this Board for Approval and payment: Milburn Brothers, for construction services . . . . . $63,675.00 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Local.Improve- ments of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois: SECTION The above mentioned statement, as submitted to this Board ONE: is approved in the amount set forth and said amount shall be paid by vouchers or bonds payable from the proceeds of the second through tenth installments of Special Assessment No. 112 as follows: Milburn Brothers ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . $63,675.00 ►p President I . t BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS lo:CL�� ORIGINAL INVOICE � PAGE NUMBER INVOICE GATE 2 7/31/75 TELEPHONE 312 - 253 -3640 MILBURN NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER E�OpGEs��q ��0 1106 20278 CONTRACTORS 704 W. CENTRAL ROAD MT. PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 60056 INVOICE TO: TERMS OF PAYMENT RE:S.A. NO. 112 HOVELAND SUBDIVISION BOARD OF LOCAL:IMPROVEMENTS NET CASH UPON DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD RECEIPT OF INVOICE DEERF I ELD, ILL. 60.015 CUSTOMER REFERENCE 61a 11 ATP G ESTIMATE NII MBCR` 2 SA -911a rr nn'r r-r- ►i n Inc mac" ITEM NUMBER I T E M D E S C R I P T 1 O N C O N T R A C T WORK PERFORMED TO DATE OWNER OURS QUANTITY UN, PRICE AMOUNT UNITS OR % AMOUNT 26 200 M.H., C.B. & V:V. TO BE ADJt}STED * - %* ** 5.00 EA 100.00 500.00 .00 27 202 M.H., V.V. & C.B. TO BE RECONSTRUCTED' 2.00 EA 295.00 590.00 2.00 590.00 28 211 ADJUSTING SAN. SEWERS, 8 IN DIA OR LES 100.00 LF 12.35 19235.00 60.00 741.00 29 209 ADJUSTING WATER SERVICE LIyN.E�S * *M * * * * ** 50.00 LF 10.75 537..50. .00 30 400 TRENCH BACl::FI LL�`^'�r =�MMT ^Mx x�zM 460.00 CY 12.35 5,681.:00 400.00 41940.00 31 811 SEEDING, 1.30 AC 2150.00 2,795.00 .00 32 724 STREET 1.00 EA 2535.00 2,535.00 .00 33 704 STREET 1.00 EA 80.00 50.00 .00 34 305 WATER MAIN,FITTINGS,APPURTNCES FOR ADJ 1000.00 LB 1.65 1,650.00 765.00 19262.25 35 277 FIRE HYDRANT W AUX GATE VALVE 6 IN * * ** ..00 A ,695';Ofl .00 .00 36 306 rt� :, �x CROSS, b IN. WITH 3 GArnS ��� "'"'` 1.00 EA ` l' ,18.5.00 ' 155.00 .00 37 307 TEE, 6 IN x�r x� m M "xM�x 5 Ryt'.tOfl' 11ll 0 .b0 .00 38 283 CAST IRON IrIA °TER PRO F,RAi�F A�tD BOLTED i `Ofl, lA �A ;1I 5.00 115,00 .00 39 175 SIDEWALK REMOVALx- �xx� #x� i ``I3fl`stQ} SF ', , 1.05 „y64�..0fl .00 3X 1, ,�, G E prf'R #fir'* CURB RERIOVAL & RLACEMENY f ,f t ,: l t 1f ttr QQ` 1141`1 `1' L'F 9 50 f� °t��F ., . ` 00 00 „l , t 1, t, t �,; yam., l It 51 1 t' t l l l't l it t Il 1 l s1 f`t 1 1S1 1 1 1 t 1 11�.t �., 'fil t. t l 'tl.t f'. tl .., it, It lli l„ ,t -.ft },� t., a \l �1;1 t yy; �11..i �,' st �lttti.. 1: 1111 �'1}l, 'yl �i i:., tl it�ti ltj 1 t.. ` i uttal stVll itist t 1Y i.i 1tTi�) •t 111 tl y1 1.1C tt sf111.�1t } t t l l4 ylt. {1 sl d1`1A1411��t 1 l 11 T 4 A t 5\ tg t it 1 ,1 ti�il�;", 1 J "� I„ tt i. y t y 411 lay 1..y1 , t t 4 o-n ,..,.�...:yeli.i TOTAL.A OUNT DUE 1091201.20 LESS PREVIOUS INVOI,ES 38,451.20 AMOUNT UE,THIS INV ICE 70050.00 ThTAL RETENTION TO DATE.INCLUDING THIS INVOICE- 10,920.12 LESS RE ENTION,THIS INVOICE 7,075.00 NET AMOUNT DUE,THIS INVOICE 63,675.00 ofoTHIF059 floc. CONTRACTORS 704 W. CENTRAL ROAD MT. PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 60056 RE: S.A. NO. 1.12 HOVELAND SUBDIVISION DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ORIGINAL INVOICE TELEPHONE 312 - 253 -3640 INVOICE TO: PAGE NUMBER 1 MILBURN NUMBER 1106 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD DEERFIELD, ILL. 60015 INVOICE DAT 7/3117 INVOICE NUMBER 20278 TERMS OF PAYMENT NET CASH UPON RECEIPT OF INVOICE CUSTOMER REFERENCE Cl1M111 ATTVE ESTIMATE NUMBER ` 2 . SA 9112 FCTTMATI=n rnc.T - 11NTT 'PRTCF 1191.'Aws- 15 ITEM NUMBER I T E M D E S C R I P T 1 O N C O N T R A C T WORK PERFORMED TO DATE OWNER OURS QUANTITY UN PRICE AMOUNT UNITS OR 96 AMOUNT 1 103 ROADWAY. EXCAVATION * *x =rr * * *"r'*'- * *x-- * * *'* 4800.00 CY 3.40 169320.00 4800.00 16,320.00 2 413 SUBBASE GRANULAR MATERIAL* * * * * * **r * - ** 2108.00 TN 7.40 159599.20 2100..00 159540.00 3 590 6 'IN PCC PAVEMENT WITH INTEGRAL CURBS* 7400.00 SY 10.95 81,030.00 3500.00 38,325.00 4 574 PORTLAND CEMENT.CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4 IN 22493.00 SF 1.10 24,742.30 .00 .5 576 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6 IN 835.00 SF 1.30 19085.50 .00 6 577 P.C. CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 6 IN T 137.00 SY 11.55 1,582.35 .CO 7 316 8 IN INTERNAL.DIA S.S. CONC PIPE,CL3 **1 70.00 LF 8.10 567.00 .00 8 326 10 IN INTERNAL DIA S.S. REIN.CONC. PIP 344.00 LF 9.80 .3,371.20 359.00 31518.20 9 336 12 IN INTERNAL DIA S.S. REIN. CONC PIP 82.00 LF 12.15 996.30 71.00 862.65 10 346 15 IN INTERNAL DIA S.S. REIN. CONC PIP 8.t00 LE` ;,tt13 9fl 111.20 6.00 83.40 11 376 24 IN. INTERNAL DIA,S.�. REIN,. , -ONC PI 595;.Ofl t<F, ,18.1)0 10,710...00 589.00 10,602.00 12 381 1 27 IN INTERNAL DIv� S.S. titEIN.;. Ct31C YPtIPt ,it,,;. 402.00, LF ,', ', 2,11.20 t 8y 522:40 403.00 8,543.60 13 259 48 IN DIAME7;'ER,tP ECA AN`HOLES f1,3:., *X t```,'4�r0'�OQ ♦,, \ 00 1i,320�. 3.00 1,320.00 14 248 1` , l y � 1 48 IN DIAMETER ,.ECA.iSF CAT, CI!„ A� ;tIPiSt,t'it';'`�� �ll1ky,ti , }i V4 G 11 L 6 ";;�Y6.4U4 t.•. 1t 1 J llt1;, f 4 i 1 l 5.013 t.\, 1 ,`, 3,39Q.00 5.00 ?_,825.00 15 240 24. IN DIAMETER PRECAST INLET TYPE4,At tt „t tA 1t 1: V 1i t.i 1 4 . 1,'3,411;.00 6.00 19140 .00i 16 243 24 IN DIAMETER P'REC/kST CATC t BA S. ; `T1!' 1;.Ofl EA 270.'00 :27 .00 1.00 270.00 17 298 8 IN DIA INTERNA'L1SAi SIWER,EXTRA'STRE 12.00 LF 15.00 180.00 18.00 270.00 13 291 u CAST IRON FR�AiE =LIt3 ! t�t�' ' �; t �,t�100.Qt} " X00:00 .00 19 280 " tCL#5ET1 �,f� ,77ZA, 1 1 t ': 7 t 1` CAST IRON FRAME" W OPEN" L`l l) N� R- 3401 -0 1,.2..00A ..,.. .. , '.U. .00" l 11 i<A t'_ \.:i 155'.00 1 � . .. f , 1; 860.00 .00 20 282 CAST IRON ROUND BEEHIVE GRATE N -R -4340 .1.00 EA 65.00 65.00 .00 21 300 DUCTILE IRON PIPE, 6 IN CEMENT LINED ** 46.00 LF 12.35 568.10 46.00 568.10 22 278 PRES CONN 6 IN DIA INCLUDING GATE VALV 1.00 EA 700.00 700.00 1.00 700.00 23 272 48 IN DIAMETER PRECAST VALVE VAULT * * ** 1.00 EA 405.00 405.00 1.00 405.00 24 226 FIRE HYDRANTS TO BE MOVED*r * *r4* * * ** ** 1.00 EA 375.00 375.00 1.00 375.00. 25 227 FIRE HYDRANTS TO BE ADJUSTED********** 1.00 EA 190.00 190.00 •.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF LAKE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Voucher No. 7 $63,675.00 Special Assessment No. 112 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT VOUCHER OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY,' ILLINOIS. TO THE TREASURER OF THE VILLAGE-OF DEERFIELD,.ILLINOIS: From funds.to be'obtained by the collection of the 2 -10 installment of a special assessment made_by the Village of Deerfield, in proceedings filed in the Circuit Court 'of Lake County, State of Illinois, and confirmed by said Court on the 8th day of May 19 7� in proceedings bearing Docket No. 74TX15:kor the purpose of paying the cost of the construction of a local improvement known as improvement of a portion of Gordon Terrace and Kenmore Avenue in the said Village of Deerfield, the Village of Deerfield will pay to Milburn Brothers or order, for services as construction contractors five and no /100 the sum of Sixty three thousand six hundred seventy/ Dollars ($63, 675.04 with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of six per cent (6% ) per annum; said payment to be made from the proceeds collected on the 2 -10 installment of said special assessment proceeding. This voucher i-s given pursuant to authority conferred by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois.in Article 9, Division 2 of the Illinois Municipal Code (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 24, paragraph 9 -2 -1 through 9 -2 -144) in the matter of the aforesaid improvement and is the seventh voucher issued on account of such work done. This voucher was authorized by a vote of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Deerfield at a meeting held on the 18th day of August 1975. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Deerfield has caused this voucher to be executed by its President, countersigned by its Clerk, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto at Deerfield, Illinois this 18th day of August 1975. President Countersigned: Clerk RESOLUTION NO. R -75- 4 A RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO THE REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE SOUTH SIDE OF HALF DAY ROAD, EAST OF TRINITY COLLEGE WHEREAS, the CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE and HERBERT ROSENFELD, have petitioned the County of Lake.for the granting of a Conditional Use Permit for certain premises located at the South side of Half Day Road East of Trinity College to permit the construction and operation of an 8 court indoor tennis facility with accessory uses, including 16 outdoor tennis courts, swimming pool and a restaurant /snack bar; and WHEREAS, the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public hearing on said application; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property lies within one - and - one -half miles of the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield are of the opinion that the granting of said application would be contrary to the best interest of the Village of Deerfield and of the community generally, for the following reasons: 1. That adequate provision has not been made for sanitary sewage disposal and storm water retention to the detriment of the Village of Deerfield as a "downstream" neighbor of Bannockburn. 2. That the use of the Subject Property for purposes proposed would materially increase traffic congestion and create un- safe traffic conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Village of Deerfield, pursuant to Chapter 34, ONE: Section 3158, Illinois Revised Statutes 1973, hereby protests and objects to the granting of the application of Christian and Missonary Alliance and Herbert Rosenfeld for the Conditional Use Permit therein described. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to forward TWO: a certified copy of this Resolution to the Lake County- Zoning Board of Appeals, the Board of Supervisors of Lake County and the County Clerk of Lake County. AYES: Finne, Gavin, Moate, Stiehr (4) NAYS: Kelm, Moses (2) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 17th day of February A.D., 1975 APPROVED this 17th day of February A.D., 1975 VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD )` The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of the Resolution passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on the 17th day of February, 1975, all as appears in the records and files of my office. Dated this 18th day of February, 1975. Catherine B. Price Village Clerk SEAL I � I u'. February 20, 1975 Mr. John Balen Chairman, Lake County Board. Waukegan, Illinois 60085 Dear Mr. Balen: Wlndsor 5.5000 EERFIELD, ILLINOIS 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Mayor BERNARD FORREST Manager NORRIS W. STILPHEN Clerk CATHERINE B. PRICE Trustees ALBERT E. BRUST NORMA GAVIN GEORGE KELM WALTER H. MOSES, JR. WERNER NEUMAN DANIEL H. STIEHR Enclosed is a certified copy of the Resolution passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield objecting to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit for the property located on the south side of Half Day Road (Rte. 22) and east of Trinity College in Test Deerfield Township, as requested by the Christian and Missionary !alliance and Herbert Rosenfeld. The Resolution is filed pursuant to Chapter 34, Section 3158, Illinois Revised Statutes 1973. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price VillageClerk Windsor 5 -5000 • EEREIELD, ILLINOIS 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 Mayor February 20, 1975 BERNARD FORREST Manager NORRIS W. STILPHEN Clerk CATHERINE B. PRICE Grace Mary Stern County Clerk of Lake County Waukegan, Illinois 60085 Dear Mrs. Stern: Trustees ALBERT E. BRUST NORMA GAVIN GEORGE KELM WALTER H. MOSES, JR WERNER NEUMAN DANIEL H. STIEHR Enclosed is a certified copy of the Resolution passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield objecting to the _granting of a Conditional Use Permit for the property located on the south side of Half Day Road (Rte. 22) and east of Trinity College in West Deerfield Township, as requested by the Christian and Missionary Alliance and Herbert Rosenfeld. The Resolution is filed pursuant to Chapter 34, Section 3158, Illinois Revised Statutes 1973. Very truly yours, Catherine B. Price Village Clerk