O-76-23ti ORDINANCE NO. 0 -76 -23 { or AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, MAY 1, 1.976 TO APRIL 30, 1977 WHEREAS, the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year, beginning May 1, 1976 and ending April 30, 1977, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the office of the Village Manager on April 8, 1976 for public inspection, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said Tentative Annual Budget on April 19, 1976, as provided by statute and ordi- nance; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said Tentative Annual Budget was revised by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said Tentative Annual Budget, as so revised, is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is before the President and Board of Trustees for consideration and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Tentative Annual Budget for the ONE: Village of Deerfield beginning May 1, 1976 and ending April 30, 1977, as revised, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for said fiscal year. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and TWO: effect from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. AYES: Blumenthal, Gavin, Marty, Seidman, Stiehr, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 19th day of April A.D., 1976. APPROVED this 19th day of - A.D., 1976_ VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1976 - 77 BUDGET PRELIMINARY HI TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE MAYOR BERNARD FORREST'S BUDGET MESSAGE- - BUDGET SUMMARY -- REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES - - - 3 BUDGET SUMMARY -- ADMINISTRATION- - - - - - - 4 BUDGET SUMMARY -- POLICE DEPARTMENT - - --- - - - - 5 BUDGET SUMMARY -- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - - 6 SECTION GENERAL FUND- --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1 POLICE - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 2. PUBLIC WORKS -- STREET DIVISION - - - - - - - - - - 3 PUBLIC WORKS- -SEWER DIVISION.- - - - - - - - - - 4 PUBLIC.WORKS-- WATER DIVISION - - - - - - - - - - 5 SCAVENGER SERVICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 GARAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- 7 MOTOR FUEL TAX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e PENSIONS -- POLICE - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - 9 PENSIONS - -I. M. R. F. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 CAPITAL PROJECTS - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - 10 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 DEBT SERVICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 PUBLIC BENEFIT - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 13 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY_ _ _ _ _ _ 15 SPECIAL TAX - YOUSLOT - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 LIBRARY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17. EQUIPMENT REQUEST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - APPENDIX A BOND RETIREMENT SCHEDULE - - - - - - - - - - - - APPENDIX B 1 BUDGET MESSAGE SSAGE - The budget for fiscal 1976 -1977 is based on objectives approved by the Mayor and Board of Trustees forthe operationof the Village of Deerfield in the coming ' year. Program expansion is provided in the Police and Youth operations, while all others have been held at present levels or reduced slightly. t A balanced budget has been achieved by the use of a substantial amount of re- venue sharing fiends to finance tentative capital equipment purchases. This equipment would modernize the record keeping systems of the Police and Fi- nance Department, if the decisionis made that this is necessary. I should like to emphasize, however, that this use of revenue sharing funds would be a one- ' time solution to cope with the reduction of our major revenue sources, which resulted from the recession. Another factor is the on -going debate regarding multipliers for assessments, whichhas kept our assessed valuation at the same level for the past several years. Unless revenues show growth in the coming months; we may be forced to make the hard choice of program reductions or utilization of additional revenue sources in the next fiscal year. I mention these ' facts to underline the need for even greater efforts at cost reduction, improved productivity and fiscal restraint. I am pleased to report that our sewer and water operations are continuing in a strong financial condition with all needs being met from present rate levels. In the light of new demands for greater control and disclosure regarding bond issues, it is vitally important that our bond ordinance agreements continue to be observed to the letter. Should revenues fall below expenses - even for a single year - the future ability of the Village to issue bonds at attractive rates for capital improvements would be jeopardized. Construction of the treatment plant improvements and expansion is moving for- ward on schedule. The installation of new sections in our east and west trunk . sewers is also proceeding at a good pace. As these projects are completed and phased into operation, homeowners with sewer backup problems should be- . gin to see a gradual improvement in their situations. Again. this year, as was done last year, it will be possible to abate principal and interest tax levy on this issue because of careful investment practices. At this writing, the wage negotiations with the Combined Counties Police As- sociation have not been resolved. I am hopeful that these negotiations can be ' completed without undue detrimental impact on'the fiscal stability of the Village. 1 -2- In closing this message, I wish to reiterate the fact that our financial position has been affected in the past year by the recession and by inflationary adjust- ments for materials and services We are also faced with the uncertainties of sales tI x revenue in the coming year as a result of the Northbrook Court im- pact. espite these factors, I remain confident that through cost reduction ef- forts and fiscal restraint,. we will surmount these difficulties. and strengthen our financial position. BERNARD FORREST MAYOR 4/19/76 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD CLASSIFICATION GENERAL SCAVENGER STREET AND BRIDGE SEWER WATER DEBT SERVICE TOTAL CLASSIFICATION MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND IMRF EMERGENCY SERVICES PUBLIC BENEFIT SPECIAL TAX MOTOR FUEL TAX FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING POLICE PENSION FUND VILLAGE GARAGE 1976 - 1977 BUDGET SUMMARIES ESTIMATED. REVENUES $1,604,000 373,500 323,900 364,000 563,000 535,675 $3,754,075 (1) REVENUES AND FUNDS ON HAND IN TREASURY $ 10,500 140,000 12,000 66,875 3,281 468,000 226,000 108,000 83,800 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES 1,604,408 374,000 322,310 371,364 569,115 525,275 $3,'766',472 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $ 10,500 111,000 9,000 19,545 3,281 379,000 112,000 108,000 83.596 (1) $1,118,456 $ 835,922 TOTAL ALL FUNDS (1) $4;872,531 = $4,602,394 (1)THE TOTAL FIGURES IN THE CASE OF A MUNICIPALITY MAY BE MISLEADING. ONLY IN SOME CIRCUMSTANCES CAN A SURPLUS IN ONE FUND BE USED TO RE- LIEVE A DEFICIT IN ANOTHER.; PAGE 3 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD' $216,697 $199,645 $17,052 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $570,153 $537,120 $33,033 PER CAPITA COST PAGE 4 $27.54 $28.05 8.5 6.2 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT ' OPERATING BUDGET ' • 1976 - 1977 ACCOUNT 1976 -77 1975 -76 INCREASE PERCENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE') CHANGE ' 10- 301.01 SALARIES $353,456 $337,475 $ 15,981 4.7 .02 ' .04 10- 301.05 BENEFITS 18,600 21,000 (2,400) (11.4) r .06 PROFESSIONAL 55,500 53,000 2,500 4.7 .07 APPAREL 100 100 - 0 - - 0 - t .11 TRAVEL AND DUES 8,000 7,000 1,000 14.3 .12 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING 4,500 4,200 300 7.1 .13 COMMUNICATIONS 10,800 9,000 1,800 20.0 ' .14 INSURANCE 14,007 11,800 2,207 18.7 .15 CONTRACTUAL 13,500 31,000 (17,500) (56.5) .16 UTILITY SERVICES 2,000 2,500 ( 500) (20.0) ' .21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 3,500 2,200 1,300 59.1 .22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1,200 1,800 ( 600) (33.3) .23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 10,500 4,000 6,500. 162.5 .31 SUPPLIES 14,500 10,000 4,500 45.0 .51 MOTOR VEHICLES 7,000 6,000 1,000 16.7 .52 EQUIPMENT 24,230 10,200 14,030 137.6 ' .53 LAND ACQUISITION 5,000 10,345 ( 5,345) (51.7) .81 ELECTION BOARD 3,000 1,500 1,500 100.0 .82 ADVISORY BOARDS 7,260 6,000 1,260 21.0 .83 DOG POUND 10,500 5,000 5,500 110.0 .99 MISCELLANEOUS 3.000 3.000 - 0 - - 0 - r, $216,697 $199,645 $17,052 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $570,153 $537,120 $33,033 PER CAPITA COST PAGE 4 $27.54 $28.05 8.5 6.2 ' VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT ' OPERATING BUDGET 1976 - 1977 ACCOUNT 1976 -77 1975 -76 INCREASE PERCENT ' NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET .(DECREASE) CHANGE 10- 351 -355 SALARIES $ 755,459 $663,948 $ 91,511 13.8 ' .01 .02 .03 ' .04 10 -351 -355 ' .05 BENEFITS 40,946 43,554 (2,608) (6.0) .06 PROFESSIONAL 4,900 6,400 (1,500) (23.4) .07 APPAREL 10,925 10,449 476 4.6 ' .11 TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES 13,519 10,719 2,800 26.1 .12 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING 7,700 3,200 4,500 140.6 ' .13 COMMUNICATIONS 11,270 10,100 1.,170 11.6 .14 INSURANCE .30,939 16,897 14,042 83.1 .15 CONTRACTUAL 8,652 7,000 1,652 23.6 .21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 16,350 14,800 1,550 10.5 .22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 17,600 16,267 1,333 8:2 .23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 2,350 1,850 500 27.0 .'31 SUPPLIES 10,400 8,400 2,000 23.8 .51 MOTOR VEHICLES 23,000 32,.030 (9,030) (28.2) .52 EQUIPMENT 77,245 21,445 55,800 260.2 .82 ADVISORY BOARDS 3,000 2.250 750 33.3 $ 278,796 $205,361 $ 73,435 35.8 ' TOTAL POLICE 1,034,255 $869,309 $164,946 19.0 ' PER CAPITA COST $49.74 $45.39 PAGE 5 EXPENDITURES FROM CONSTRUCTION RESERVE TOTAL..PUBLIC WORKS PER CAPITA COST PAGE 6 30,000 ... 30,000 $1.,.2:62,7 :89$1,179,735 $ 83•,0,54 7.04 $61.00 $61.60 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET ' 1976 - 1977 PERCENT ACCOUNT 1976 -77 1975 -76 INCREASE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PROPOSED BUDGET (DECREASE) CHANGE .01 SALARIES $386,753 $360,720 $ 269033 7.22 .02 ' .04 .05 BENEFITS 19,674 20,701 (1,027) (4.96)1 .06 PROFESSIONAL 3,000 3,510 (510) (14.53) .07 APPAREL 1,580 1,500 80 5.33 .11 TRAVEL AND DUES 1,900 1,150 750 65.22 .12 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING 2,000 1,900 100 ' 5.26 .13 COMMUNICATIONS 4,545 4,265 280 6.57 .14 INSURANCE 38,299 18,259 20,040 109.80 .15 CONTRACTUAL 74,800 99,015 (24,215) (24.46)' .16 UTILITY SERVICES 63,500 52,500 11,000 20.95 .21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 32,300 30,000 2,300 7.67 ' .22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 10,130 8,075 2,055 25.45 .23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 33,800 32,525 1,275 3.92 .31 SUPPLIES 7,900 6,650 1,250 18.80 .32 SALT , 13,000 1,000 7.69 .33 CHLORNE 21,700 15,500 6,200 40.00 .34 AGGREGATES 31,000 32,200 (1,200) (3.73) .35 MATERIALS 54,800 42,080 12,720 30.23 .36 STREET SIGNS 5,300 5,200 100 1.92 .37 PURCHASE OF WATER 320,000 320,000 -0- -0- .51 MOTOR VEHICLES .15,500 25,500 (10,000) (39.22) .52 EQUIPMENT. 26,025 12,125 13,900 114.64 .61 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,420 2,400 1,020 42.50 .62 OCCUPANCY 12,00.0 10,000 2,000 20.00 .71 BOND PRINCIPAL 25,000 35,000 (10,000) (28.57) .72 BOND INTEREST .20,113 21,600 (1,487) (6.88)' .73. BOND RESERVE -0- 1,000 (1,000) (100.0) .74 DEPRECIATION -0- 110 (110) (100.0) .98 CONTINGENCY (NOT FUNDED) -0- - 0 - -0- -0- .99 MISCELLANEOUS 3.750 3.250 500 15.38 4,846,036 $819,015 $ 27,021 3.30 EXPENDITURES FROM CONSTRUCTION RESERVE TOTAL..PUBLIC WORKS PER CAPITA COST PAGE 6 30,000 ... 30,000 $1.,.2:62,7 :89$1,179,735 $ 83•,0,54 7.04 $61.00 $61.60 m m m m m mm = m m m W m .m !m m M i m m GENERAL FUND COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT . ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED 570,153 549,300 581,800 POLICE 740,084 869,309 TOTAL REVENUE $1.256.265 $1, 407j 906% $1.415,550 $1,604,000 $1,540,000 $1,570,000 EXPENDITURES: ADMINISTRATION 442,286 537,120 508,900 570,153 549,300 581,800 POLICE 740,084 869,309 846,576 1_034.255' 1.053,722 1.106.213 TOTAL EXPENDITURES' $1.182.370 $1.406.429 $1.355,476 $1,604,408 $1.603.022 $1.688.•013 ADDITION (DEFICIT) TO FUND BALANCE $ 73,895 $ 1,471 $ 60,074 ;� (408) _J63.022 (31.013) cn m n F-. m m m m- s m mm m m m m m m m i m m s m m m i m n GENERAL FUND v SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUAL AND PROJECTED N 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -7,8---. 1978 -79 SOURCE ACTUAL REVENUE ANTICIPATED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE STATE INCOME TAX $202,607 $210,000 $210,000 3'221,000 $235,000 $250,000 MUNICIPAL SALES TAX 570,985 620,000 605,000 620,0000 665,000 700,000 BEER - LIQUOR LICENSES 12,500 12,000 12,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 FOOD LICENSES 1,100 1,400 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 OTHER BUSINESS LICENSES 3,908 5,500 4,500 5,500 50500 5,500 BUILDING PERMITS 16,339 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 ANIMAL LICENSES 4,313 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 NON - BUSINESS LICENSES AND PERMITS 15,195 15,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 STATE GRANTS 7,850 25,000 34,000 23,500 13,000 8,000 YOUTH BOUND GRANT - 0 - 22,000. 22,000 2,000 - 0 - - 0 - SPECIAL POLICE SERVICES 13,112 15,000 15,000 18,000 18,000 !18,000 SALES OF MAPS AND. PUBLICATIONS 278 500 350 500 500 500. REFUSE CHARGES 2,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - TRANSFER CHARGES - 0 -. 15,000 15,000 18,000 18,000 118,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,645 6,000 9;000 5,000 5.,000 5,000 m m m m- s m mm m m m m m m m i m m s m m m GENERAL FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUAL AND PROJECTED TOTAL REVENUE •$1,256,265 $1,407,900. $1,415,550 $1,492,000 $1,540,000 $1..,570,000 REVENUE SHARING SUPPLEMENT FOR CAPITAL PURCHASES AND POLICE OPERATIONS TOTAL (INCLUDING REVENUE SHARING FUNDS) N m n r W 112.000 $1,604,000 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 SOURCE ACTUAL REVENUE ANTICIPATED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS $ 56,498 $ 55,000 $ 50,000 $ 55,000. $ 55,000 $ 55,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 11,245 15,000 18,000 •18,500 20,000 20,000 RENTAL INCOME 8,540 8,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 MISCELLANEOUS 9,747 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ENGINEERING CHARGES' 20,848 40,000 24,000 40,000 40,000 25,000 .VEHICLE STICKERS 30,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 PROPERTY TAX 266,555 275,000 300,000 350,000 350,000 350.000 TOTAL REVENUE •$1,256,265 $1,407,900. $1,415,550 $1,492,000 $1,540,000 $1..,570,000 REVENUE SHARING SUPPLEMENT FOR CAPITAL PURCHASES AND POLICE OPERATIONS TOTAL (INCLUDING REVENUE SHARING FUNDS) N m n r W 112.000 $1,604,000 - - GENERAL ADMINISTRATION VILLAGE CLERK The Vittag e C.eexfz_ " xes po n,6 bt e jox the maintenance o6 the o 6 6 icc.ae - Aecoxds o6 the V.c Uag e as xequi ted by statute and by the V.c.e eag e PAu ident and Board o b TAustees . The C.evdz acts a6 cu stod,ian. o j the Vittag e seat.- which is xequited on many documents, pubti6he6 tegae notices, ovweed Village eteciions, and peA6oxw othex duti e.6 ass stated in statute on ondi- nance. MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES The tegistative branch o6 the V.c,eeage Z6 xe6pon6ib.Ze box .inteApneting the wishes o6 the community and detehmin ng the potici.ea undeA which the Vittage operates. The peop.Ze eeect the V-iU -age President (Mayon), six TAusteu, and the VitZage C.Zetfz. BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COUNCILS There are ,thi teen .independent commizz ionz, counc.its, and boards authotized by the V.cttage Pxes.ident and TAustees ox requiAed by State taw that ate appointed to advize and azzizt the Board o6 TAwstees in .c is pot2icy dec izions . These counci.Zs also conduct hearings that pehtain to thei,% 6uncti.on. Aft positions on these counciU are non- saeahi.ed.. 1. Board o� Locae Improvements-- Consd -sts of seven membeAs Ithe MayoA and the BoaAd o6 Ttustee�s) . Makes tecommenda- tions to the Trustees tegoAding those things that it jee z shoued be done to .improve the V.cUage by speccae assess- ment, speciae taxation, oA otheAmiAe. The ViZ&ge ceexk is .6 ecx&t.aAy to the Board. 2. Ptan CommL6.6ion-- Con.6"t6 o6 seven membex6 plus the MayoA ex -off .cc o , sehv.ing three -year staggeAed tetras, except the MayoA who serves a �o uA- yeaA tv m . Memb eAS axe appoint- ed by the MayoA with the advice and consent o6 the Board o6 TAu4tee3 and the cha.ihman " designated jox a one - yeaA teAm in the same manneA. Res pon,6 ibte to the Board o6 TAudtees SoA holding pubt is hearings and making %ecommen- dations xegaxding the Compnehenzive P.ean, annexation, sub - d iv.is.io n, and zoning (.eand use, Aati.o o6 buit ding to .eared area, and buiWng height) . 3. Soaxd o6 Zoning Appeals - -H" seven members who serve 6ive- yeax .6taggeAed teems. Appointed by the -Mayor with advice and. consent o � the Board o � .TAu 6tees . Res po nsibt e to the Board ob TAwsteed to heaA and maize xecommendati.ons on apptic.ations box vat odors to the pxovi.6 ions ob the zoning oxdina.nce and heat and xute on appea.Z6 4xom oxdets ox de- cisions made by the adm.inivstka Live o46icen ensoxci.ng zoning ondina.nces . SEC. 1, P. 4 4. Boa_r_d�o_6Pot i.ee Commizsi6ner6 - -Con izt6 o6 three memben6, ' each saving ee -yeah ataggeAed .tehm. No mane than two membeu may be brom the same potiti..eae party. Appoint- ' ed by the Mayon with the advice and consent o6 the Board ob TAu6tee6: Respon6.ibte hors aU appointments, promotions, and diamissaa in the police 6oree; conducts entrance and promotion, examinations. 5. Poti.ee Pension Board- -Has 6.ive membex6, who 6eAve two -yeas ' teems, in ng two eivitian6 appointed by the Mayors, two membeh6 eeeeted 6rsom the po?.i-ce 6oree, and one member etect- ed 6xom the bene6i iaAie.6 o6 the pension 6und. Dete minez eP.ig.ib.c,P.ity o6 appt i.cant6 , di.6tAibutes 6und6 , manages, - inve6t6, and contxo.es the poP.ice pension 6und. ' 6. Sa et Coundit-- Conzi6t6 o6 seven members, appointed by t e Mayot with the advice and consent oS the Board of Txu6tee6, seAv.ing three -yeaA staggened teems. Respons.i- ' bZe to the Board o6 TAustee6 to .study and make xeeommendati.ons %egoAding V.i Uage satiety probtems . 7. Board oj Buitding Appeals-- Comists o6 6.ive membeu appoint- ed by the Mayot with the advice and consent o f the Board ' og Trustees, serving 4ive -year 6taggened terms. Rupons.i- bf-e to the Board of TAu6tee6 to hear appeals to deci,6.ions made by the Buie.ding CommizzioneA en4oxci.ng the building ' oxdina.nees and to recommend action to the Board o6 Thu6tee6 regarding such appeaRA; holds hearci.ng6 and makes tecommendat.io m to the Board of TAustees regoAding changes in the building code; makes recommendations Regarding -issuance o6 bui,eding peAn t6 ' sox non- hes-i,denti,ae sthuctures . ' 8. youth Cou.ncit-- Consizt6 of twePve members appointed by the ayon with 2e advice and cores ent o6 the Board o6 TAu6tee6 6or three -yeah staggered teems. Studies and inve6tigates ' activities which might .involve or contt ibute to the de.e in- quency o6 1uveniee'6; makes recommendations to the ViZta.ge Mayon and Board o6 Trustees %egoAding tegis.eation or action ' to pisoteet the youth oj. the Vittage. 9. Human Re2ations Comm.izsion - -Cons st6 o6 seven membeA6 appoint- ed by the Mayox, w.ct e adv.iee and consent o4 the Board o6 Trustees box three - yeah 6tagg erred terms. Studies and Aee- ommend6 means o6 devetoping betteA td- ati.onz between people; ' cooperates with the State and Federtat agencies; and ds6ues such pubtieation6 and ,Leporrt6 as it and the Board of Trustees consider in the pub e i.e .interest. ' 10. FnviAonmentae Commizsion- -Has seven members appointed by the ayon with the a v.cce and consent o6 the Board o � Tru6tee,6 ' 6or three -yeas staggeeed terms. Reeommend6 amendments ox addition6 to the code deaP.i.ng with envi&onmentat matters and con6.idees envitonmentat pxobZem6 %ejeA&ed to them by ' the Board o6 TAu6tees and makes recommendations on the6 e probZems . SEC. 1, P. 5 11. Man owes Commuz ion-- Cona.ustd o6 b.ive members appointed . by the Mayon with the advice and co nd ent o6 the Board o6 Ttusteea Jot thAee- year atagg eAed terms. Reviews poa s.tbte appointees to the Vittage boaxds, commissions, and counc i,Ps and makes tecommendat.i,ons to the Mayo& and Board o6 TAuatees. 12. Etectxicat Comm.uu ion - -Con i6t6 of Give membexs appointed by the Mayo,% RZE t e advice and consent ofthe Board o6 Txuatees Got one -year cotehmi,nouz terms ox unt.it thei% auccestisoxa axe appointed. Rupons.ibte to the Boaitd o6 Txuateea to recommend standards, .speciAicat.ions, and Aaea and xegutationz govexning the inztaUation, at tetation, and use o6 etect�ticat equipment in the V.iUage. 13. Emagency SeAvices and Di6a6teA Agency-- Consi6ts o� a di/tec- tot and duck additionat mem eu as the diAec tox s e.2ec ts . Rebpond.ibte Got the administration, training, and operation o6 the Agency. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT The Adm.ini,stztive Depaxtment .us stabbed by the Vittage Managet, Aas.i.atant V.i Uag e Manager, and a .s ecAe taA y. . The Department's objectives axe to: 1. Assure that the Board o6 Trustees is 6uppt ied with utevant data needed to make poacy dec ziona and to be .inbormed; a2ao makea neceaaaAy bottow -up to caAAy out Board potic,ies. 2. Pxov.ide diAecti.on to the operating departments. so that theist activities ate in harmony with the expectations ob the Board and Vittage tes.identz . 3. Encourage .innovative apptoa:chea in management ob depaht- m enta e. ac ti.vit i.ea . 4. Res pond to inputs btom .ind ividu.a 6 and groups .in .such a manneA as to develop and maintain coopetat%ve teeati.onsh.ips between the V.i.Ua.ge oxgan.izatdows and the community box the beneb.rt ob enti to V.i Uage. FINANCE DEPARTMENT The pozitions ob DiAectoA ob Finance and TteasuAeA cute tAaditionnty head by one peluson who cootd.inates att b,inanai.ae aspects ob the ViUa.ge. He eatabW hes and maintains necessary conttoa and supexvis ea the emp. -o yees and activiti.e6 ob the Finance Depahtment.. SEC. 1, P. 6 The Finance Depattment'a bunctions aAe as 6otZow: ' 1. Cot£ec t, and upon authorization, d.i a buAAa a.P.2. 6und6 . 2. Edtabt ., sh pu chaa.ing pnoeeduAes to obtain the betst possibZe vague bon each doteaA .bpent on equipment and 6uppzia . ' 3. E6tab.P,ieh and opettate accounting systems in consotcmance with good accounting ptcacti.ce and dtatutony %equ kement6. 4. Aaa.ust the Vittage Manager in budget pnepaAati.on and budgetatcy contko.e. 5. Aaa.c.dt the Vittage Manager in pmonnee administttation. 6.. P,%ocuAe and adm.iniaten an adequate .insuAance ptogttam, ' .inceud.ing 6 tte, casuaety, wo,%6en',6 compensation, and group hodpcta izat.ion and ti6e .insuAa.nee. t7. AV ng a Gott 6.inanc ing 'o6 cap c iae impno v em ente . 8. Invest tempottaAity .cd ee Sunda . 9. Asa.c at in otheA pto j eeta as aza.igned by the V.ittag a 'Manag m i BUILDING, PLANNING, AND ZONING DEPARTMENT The &utding, Pta.nning, and Zoning Depatr Aent is uspons.ibte Sots ensone i.ng both bu i eding codes and zoning ottdinaneez in %etation to any eonsthueti,on on tcemode.Ung that taha peace in the Vittage. It izzues peAmit6 asteA payment o6 ate Sees. The DepatLtment a.Pso 6utnvshes .insoAmat.i.on to au .at the Pta.n Com- mc,66.con on matteUus besotte them and .us tee6pon6ibte Sot% reviewing petits 6ort theist tetationtsh,ip to the CompAehens.ive Plan, zoning ondinanees, zubdiv.i- ' 6.io n otcdi.nancu , the o 6 6.iccae map, and good design px i.ne%pee d . In addi- tion, thi6 DepaAtment maintains the o66.i.eiae map and Comp&ehens.ive Pta.n map o6 the Vittage and pnepaAez %e6eatch 6tudies and %epotrt6 on SutuAe pea.ns . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Eng.ineeA i.ng Depatttment pttepoAes p.eans and .s peci 4 ications, oven e ees age eng.ineehing activities within the V.i,Q,eag e and ass o conducts .dtudi.es and est.imate.5 costs and sees. It is at6o ttespons.ib.ee Gott pears and a pec i6 cations Sott subdivi6 ions and other Village ptto j ee t6 . 1 SEC. 1, P. 7 m n ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT °D WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1972 1973 1974 1975 BUILDING PERMITS RESIDENCES ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS GARAGES MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL BUILDING PERMITS CHECKS WRITTEN WATER, SEWER, AND GARBAGE BILLS ISSUED. ANIMAL LICENSES SOLD VEHICLE - LICENSES SOLD AND TRANSFERRED INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS ORDINANCES PASSED RESOLUTIONS PLAN COMMISSION HEEARINGS ZONING APPEALS CASES BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS CASES JOURNAL POSTINGS (BASED ON A ONE -MONTH SAMPLE) RESIDENTIAL ENGINEERING AND INSPECTIONS - -HOURS 57 68 21 309 455 2,557 19,048 1,269 8,636 24 65 NOT AVAILABLE 20 15 1' 0 8,136 -0- 46 84 24 214 368 2,742 19,862 1,312 8,900 43 74 NOT AVAILABLE 23 12 3 9,516 649 36 78 14 207 335 3,367 19,922 1,379 9,543 85 82 25 23 24 4 10,160 1,048 47 85 19 224 K1FAi 3,402 20,628 1,391 9,681 139 65 23 29 10 5 10,418 685 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT m n T ko SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES 1976 -77 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 BUDGET 19.77 -78 1978 -79 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED .PROJECTED 1975 -76 BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES .01,.02,.04 $274,417 $337,475 $318,600 $353,456 $ 15,981 $366,000 $391,000 OTHER SERVICES .13,.-16,.21,.23 13,056 17,700 18,100 26,800 9,100 21,500 22,500 CONTRACTUAL .05,.06,.14,.15 82,283 1.16,800 .110,500 101,607 (15,193):. 100,000 104,000 COMMODITIES .07,.11,.1'2,.22,.31, .81,.82,.83,.99 38,827 38,600 37,700 52,060 13,460 45,300 47,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY .51,.52.,.53,.54 .71,.72 ••.33,703 26,545 24,000 36,230 9,685' 16,500 16.500 TOTALS $442,286 $537,120 $508,900 $570,153 $ 33,033 $549,300 $581,800 m n T ko ADMINISTRATION BUDGET ANALYSIS 1976 = 1977 PROPOSED BUDGET $570,153 1975 - 1976 BUDGET 537.120 INCREASE $ 33,033 PERSONAL SERVICES: *. REDUCTION IN PERSONNEL -- ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN NO .LONGER REQUIRED ($12,311) CONTINUING IMPLEMENTATION OF SALARY PLAN.AND SALARY INCREASES 18,311 ADDITIONAL PART TIME HELP FOR COMPUTER TRANSITION 4,000 IMPLEMENTATION OF RANGE ADJUSTMENTS 8,369 MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES (2.388) CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $ 15,981 OTHER SERVICES:* COMMUNICATIO.NS-- INCREASE IN POSTAGE 1,800 UTILITIES ( 500) MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1,300 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE -- PAINTING VILLAGE BUILDINGS 6.500 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES 9,100 CONTRACTUAL:* BICENTENNIAL TREES - - NONRECURRING EXPENDITURE (15,000) VILLAGE.HALL REMODELING -- NONRECURRING EXPENDITURE ( 3,000) BENEFITS -- REDUCTION ( 2,400) PROFESSIONAL - -PLAN COMMISSION CONSULTANT ADDED ($5,000),. NET INCREASE 2,500 MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES 500 SEC. 1, P. 10 POLICE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM A - Data Ptoce,ss.in Thin ptogtam wilt imptement the teeommendati.om tautti.ng 4tom the ponce teeotds btudy conducted dmi.ng 6iscat 1975 -76 and ptov.ide \dot automated po.ei.ce tecotdts. Data ptoeusing wilt a tow ditect aceeaa to taw en6oteement computer tetm,i,naQ,d, ptov.ide stati�sticat data tequited by the Itt inois Un.i6o&m Crime Report ts Act and 6acitita to eompti.anee with State and Fedekat b eeutc i ty and pAivaey tequitement6 . This system, wi tt ptcov.i.de accutate and ti.me2y data Got pattot o66 icetus to tinctease thei& e6jicieney ae wet as ptov.iding vatuab.te management data. The data pnocus.ing ay.6tem w.ctt be shated with the Finance Depah tment with the Poti.ce Depax ment potation of the cast budgeted at $60,000. This cost .inceudes equipment and the baa.ic computet, 1togtarm PROGRAM B - Mictojitm Syesten Undet the ptogtam, oxi.g.inat Poti.ce Depak ment Records that ate tceta.i.ned Got mote than one yeatr: wilt be m.icto6 Pored. Mic&o6itm.ing wilt ptov.ide centfca2 tecotda .atotage by et&ninat-i.ng the apace needed Got ttans bet 6 itu theteb y teduci,ng tepotrt tcetr i.evat time. Ad ieho 6itmed teeoA& can be mote 6ecute.2y atoted and tepoxt teptoducti.on ea6ity eonttot2ed. This wilt heep the Depattment comp.Py with Fedetae and State .in6otunati,on deeukity tequ AemeiLts. The $12,000 coat o4 tw pnogtam .inceu.des aU equipment neceabaay to photograph, ptocu.6 and teptoduce the pot ice tecotuts . SEC. 2, P. 9 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY:* SQUAD CARS $ 5,000 PROGRAM A 60,000 PROGRAM B 12,000 •YOUTH.BOUND GRANT (21,700) OTHER EQUIPMENT $ 530 CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL $164,946 *PERSONAL SERVICES (.O1 -- SALARIES; .02-- OVERTIME; .03 -- INCENTIVE AND MERIT; .04 - -PART TIME) OTHER SERVICES (.13-- COMMUNICATIONS; .21- -MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; .23 -- REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE) CONTRACTUAL (.05\- BENEFITS; .06 -- PROFESSIONAL; .14 -- INSURANCE; .15 -- CONTRACTUAL) COMMODITIES (.07 -- APPAREL; .11-- TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES; .12 -- PRINTING, ADVERTISING; .22- -MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES; .31 -- SUPPLIES; .82-- ADVISORY BOARDS) CAPITAL OUTLAY (.51- -MOTOR VEHICLES; .52 -- EQUIPMENT) SEC. 2, P. 8 POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ANALYSIS 1976 - 77 PROPOSED BUDGET 1975 - 76 BUDGET INCREASE PERSONAL SERVICES:* MID -YEAR PERSONNEL CHANGES COLLEGE EDUCATION SALARY BONUS ADDITIONAL RECORDS SECRETARY ADDITIONAL SERGEANT AND REPLACEMENT PATROLMAN STEP RAISES IMPLEMENTATION OF RANGE ADJUSTMENTS DROP SUMMER CADET OVERTIME INCENTIVE AND MERIT TRANSFERRED TO SALARY YOUTH CENTER WORKER - -PART TIME TWO OUTREACH WORKERS= -PART TIME CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES :* TELEPHONE AND POSTAL INCREASE SIXTH SQUAD AND SCOOTER MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES CONTRACTUAL:* COLLEGE INCENTIVE PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL FEES INSURANCE INCREASES PAGERS ' MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL COMMODITIES:* TRAINING FOR NEW PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MANUALS REVISED REPORT FORMS GASOLINE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $1,034,255 869.309 $ 164,946 $ 52,482 2,400 10,045 14,614 10,565 4,561 ( 2,670) 5,015 ( 9,741) 2,240 2.000 1,170 1,550 500 ( 2,608) ( 1,500). 14,042 1,152 500 2,700 1,500 3,000 1,333 2,000 1.326 $91,511 3,220 11,586 11,859 SEC. 2, P. 7 ILd $ 91,,511 29,970 3,220 cn 11,586 53,475 51,425 m 46,770 $740,084 $869,309 n $1,034,255 $164,946 N + POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES l� o, (BY CATEGORIES) 1976 -77 BUDGET 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 OVER (UNDER) 1977 -78 1978 -79 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 1975 -76 PROJECTED PROJECTED BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES .01,.02,.03,.04 OTHER SERVICES .13,.21,.23 CONTRACTUAL .05,.06,.14,.15 COMMODITIES .07,.11,.12,.22, .31,.82 CAPITAL OUTLAY .51,.52 TOTALS $583,799 $663,948 $644,842 28,989 26,750 27,168 59,676 73,851 70,431 $755,459 $ 91,,511 29,970 3,220 85,437 11,586 44,713 51,285 52,710 63,144 11,859 22,907 53,475 51,425 100,245 46,770 $740,084 $869,309 $846,576 $1,034,255 $164,946 $827,594 33,169 87,565 $877,252 35,558 91,248 66,394 63,155 39,000 39,000 $1,053,722 $1,106,213 Actuat Budget Fa t imaxe Pno poa ed ' 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 Speci,at SeAv.icens $13,104 $16,000 $18,036 $18,000 To provide continued tAa6j is contot and becuAity .6e,%v.ice3 on a contLactuat , ba,s.ia jo,%, the Sottow.ing: Bax teA Lab ona toa y Pen Capita $0.84 $ 0.8 7 ' Deen6.ietd State Bank Hut Nat i,o na2 Bank McDonatdis Dxive -In ' Waegneens Fun Fa.iA /Cahwivat Others , TOTALS $740,084 $869,309 $846,576 $1,034,255 PatAot Actuat Budget Estimate Ptopo6ed 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 $454,356 $508,473 $520,119 $618,686 The patAot divc.6ion of the po.eice department .us pA i.man i ey te6 pon.6.ibf e Got the diAect ptov.us.ion of potice 6erv.ice to the community. Thus 6 etv.ice can geneAaUy be categox zed into pattot, ttaj6.ic taw en6oncement, tta66.ic accident .i,nvatigati,on, ptetim%naAy investigation o6 ckiminae, quasi- chimina2_ i and non - cAimna.P inci,dent6, the enjoteement of otdinanee6 and 6tatute6' and te6ponding to a?.e teque6t,6 Sot ponce aetv.ice. (In 1915, the pattot d.iviz ion pattot2ed mote than 200,000 miZe6, "sued app) oximatety 2,700 tra.j6.ic tickets, 1,800 paAFiing ticke , 500 non- tta64.ic tick6E, and 1,500 warning ticket6; it a zo %e6pondeT—tomote than 11,000 tequut6 jo% potiee zetv.ice, 771 Pet o w ch were tra66.ic aeci.dent6, 3,200 were eA.imi.na2 and qua6.i- ctc.i.m.inat Tnve t.i- gatims and 6,500 weAe tegutatoty o% non - eAZninaZ in TEU e.) Among the add c ti.onat dut:ie6 peA6otmed oAe e6eart 6e%v.iee, Pamity Day, taxicab .cnspecti.on6, tta6bie 6utvey6, 6choot CAo6,s i,ng guaAd6, t4a66.ic diAc.ec tion, 6eveAe weather watch, and a ho6t ob additi.onat 6etv.iee6 too d.iveue to enumeAate. Youth 8 Community SeAv:ice6 Capita $ 2 6. 5 5 $29.89 $76,582 $109,306 $101,517 $ 72,038 Thi,6 diviz ion i,6 tespon�s.ibZe 4ot chime pteventi.on, 6chooZ tcau6on, pof -ice community teta ti.ons, pubtie .in6otmat-i.on, youthjut o j 6 ende%6 and v.i.ct im6 , youth p %ogtam6 and poti ce tAai.n.ing. While the vaxi,ou,6 a�spect6 o6 div.u6.ion %e6pon,6 ibZ&[tie6 ate divetuse, they ate diteeted towoAd6 common probZem6: to reduce cA me by providing pubei.c 6e j heap ptogtam6; to .inctcea6e cooperation and public 6uppont of ponce ej6ott6 through public Pete education; to %educe juvenile .involvement in cX- me through education, apptehen6.ion, coun6 eting, %e6ettaQ., and community bah ed colmecii•on e666tt6; to .improve b.icycte and pede6tnian 6a6ety th,%ough education and enjotcement in .E'oca2 6ehoo&; and to provide pot ice t ca%n.ing to inchea6 e o b 6.ice% e6 6ici ency and abit t y to cavicectt y ,Le6 pond to pot ice 6.ctuatio n6 . SEC. 2, P. 4 Capita $ 5. 71 $3.48 A POLICE DEPARTMENT Adm.inds th at i o n The admind strration diviz ion of the police department .vs tuponz.ibte bon dtaJ6 .supeAviz ion o f att poti.ce 6unction6\in.the V.i,Q,P.age, ptann,ing and d tecting police ope&ationz and providing and maintaining .supporting s env.icea jon tine o petat im . Included in the vatiows 6unc ti:o" are teeondts keeping, payto.P.2., budget pnepatati,on and ji6cal contAot, nepont preparation, chime and tAa.6j.ic statistical generation, equipment nepaiA, pex6onnel, putehas.ing, and pot icy, pnoeeduu, rule and negu2a.- tion development and iMptementation. OtheA .aenv.icu pen6onmed cute .safety council tiaison, OSHA easety committee nepteaentati.on, tiaison with the Board. of Pot ice Commizz ioneAz and C.ivit Uejenze. I nveati,gati.o ws The .inveetigations division of the po.tiee department is tuponzibte bon the 6ottowup investigation o.j all. aeni.ous ehimesrepo- ted in the V,i,Uage which are not cleaned dun.ing the pre - timinaty .investigation ox ate o6 bueh a complex nature that the successju.l conclusion os the investigation cannot be detenm.ined by the unijoAmed ob6.ieet who eonduct6 the pnet m,inaty .invatiga- tion and ptepoAm the initial nepon t.. Pt.ioh<ti e-s are a6s igned to cW.6 i6ica- tions o6 tepo}eted .ine i.dentz with the moet d et,i.oua ck imes tece.iv.ing the highest pni..otity. Investigative pt.io,t ty cA mes are homicide, nape, aggravated a6zauQt and batteAy, robbery, ,6 i.mpZe a6.6auZt and batieny, butgta&y, natcot.iu , auto thest, 6elony the6t and vandatism. CA urinal .i,nve6ti.gati.ons ate also initiated by this unit, pat - ticut,mty t i,quon v.iotationz not tAa.66.ic telated, vice and drug conzpvcac i u and atake -out6 to detect and apprehend butglaty and vandaWm a u,6 pec t6 . Actual 1974 -75 Budget F.st.imate Ptopoaed ' 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 $122,288 $150,106 $132,611 $242,930 ' Pen Capita. $ 7.8 4 $11.74 , $73,754 $85,424 $74,293 $82,601 ' Pet Capra $4.46 $3.99 SEC. 2, P. 3 1 DEPARTMENT ' POLICE EXPENDITURES Piihi TTOM SUMMARY FUND GENERAL ' ACCOUNT N,MBER AND CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1974 -75 BUDGET 1975 -76 ESTIMATE 1975 -76 PROPOSED 1976 -77 Ol SALARIES $511,102 $562,517 $557,728. $657,184 ' 02 03 OVERTIME INCENTIVE AND MERIT 41,624 1,864 50,000 9,741 55,282 - 0 - 55,015 - 0 - 04 PART TIME 29,209 41,690 31,832 43,260' 05 BENEFITS 34,177 43,554 30,595 40,946 06 PROFESSIONAL 703 6,400 7,892 4,900 ' 07 APPAREL 8,564 10,449 9,575 10,925 11 TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES 9,919 10,719 13,727 13,519 12 PRINTING, ADVERTISING 1,875 3,200 2,919 7,700 13 COMMUNICATIONS 10,235 10,100 10,063 11,270 ' 14 INSURANCE 19,356 16,897 24,023_ 30,939 15 CONTRACTUAL 5,441 7,000 7,921 8,652 ' 21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 13,599 14,800 34,185 16,350 22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 13,934 16,267 15,924 17,600 23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 5,155 11850 2,920 2,350 -10,400 31 SUPPLIES 7,652 8,400 - 8,065 51 MOTOR VEHICLES 14,535 32,.030 30,580 23,000 52 EQUIPMENT 8,372 21,445 20,845 77,245 82 ADVISORY BOARDS 2.768 _ 2.250 2.50 x.000 TOTAL $740,084 $869,309 $846,576 '$1-,034,255 PER CAPITA COST $45.39 $49.96 ' SEC. 2, P. 2 , POLICE DEPARTMENT S.UMMMARV OF POLICE ROLE The mission of the PoZi.ce Depa&tment is to p&otect Zile and p &openty, p&ese &ve the peace, and p &ov.ide se&v.ice to the community. This is accomp.t.ished by: Enjo &c.ing Fede &a.t, State, and Loca.t .taws Detecting and app&ehend.ing .taw v.io.tatou Recove &.ing .tort and sto.ten p &ope&ty Regu.tat.ing non- c&im.ina.t conduct P &ov.id.ing s e&v.ices not no&ma.t.t y ava.i,tab.te J&om oche& p&.ivate and pub.tic soc.ia.t we.tsa &e agencies on an immediate need basis. Educating the pub.t.ic in the steps it can take to &educe the p &obab.i.t.it.ies o6 becoming the victim o6 c&.im.ina.t attack. To 6u.t6.i.t.t this mission, 6ou& majo& goats have been set: 1. Ident.ijy spec.ib.ic .toea.t e &.ime p &ob.tems and set &ea.tizt.ie &ate &educt.ion goats. 2. App.ty a.t.t ava.i.tab.te po.t.ice, community, and techno.tog.ieat tesoutcez to detect and app &e - heed e&.im.ina.t o i j ende &s . 3. Deve.top and app.ty police and community &esounees to &educe c&.ime though 6o.&ma.t c,%ime p&event.ion and po.t.iee suppo &t p &og&ams . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. Deve.top p&og&ams and po.t.ie.ies that ate &espons.ive to the needs of the Community. ' Each objective o6 the va:&.ious junctions deta.iZed in the PoZiee budget is suppo&t.ive o� Depa&tment goats and &eZates to the t objectives o6 the oche& junctions within the Depa&tment. Viewed a6 a who.te, these objectives p &es ent a systematic app &oach Iowa &ds the attainment of the majo& goats.-, SEC. 2, P. 1' EXPENDITURES - DEPARTMENT FUND ADMINISTRATION GENERAL ACCOUNT NUMBER -r -• . :. ACTUAL .-BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATIOR. 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 _ 01 SALARIES $238,527 $296,105 $285,000 $299,323 02 OVERTIME 2,668 3,800 2,600 4,000 04 PART TIME 33,222 37,570 31,000 50,133. 05* BENEFITS 11,670 21,000 15,000 18,600 a 06 PROFESSIONAL 46,956 53,000 57,000 55,500 07 APPAREL 84 100 100 100 11 TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES 6,451 7,000 6,600 8,000 12 PRINTING, ADVERTISING 5,188 4,200 4,200 4,500 , 13 COMMUNICATIONS 8,072 9,000 91000 10,800 14 INSURANCE 9,456 11,800. 10,500 14,00.7 15 CONTRACTUAL 14,201 31,000 28,000 13,500 16 UTILITY SERVICES 765. 2,500 1,100 2,000 21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1,641 2,200 4,000 3,500 22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1,060 1,800 1,200 1,200 23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 2,578 4,000 4,000 10,500 31 SUPPLIES 12,139 10,000 12,000 14,500 51 MOTOR VEHICLES 4,875 6,000 9,000 7,000 52 EQUIPMENT 6,902 10,200- 8,000 24,230 53 LAND ACQUISITION 9,641 10,345 7;000 5,000 , 54 ANNEX REMODELING 1,985 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 71 BONDED DEBT -- PRINCIPAL 10,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 72 INTEREST 300 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 81 ELECTION BOARD 2,843 1,500 - 0 - 3,000 82 ADVISORY BOARDS 4,263 6,000 7,000 7,260 83 DOG POUND 4,332 5,000 5,100. 10,500 99 MISCELLANEOUS 2,467 3 , 000 1'.500 3.. Q_0.0 TOTAL $442,286 $537,120 $508,900 $570,153 PER CAPITA COST $28.05 $27.54 SEC. 1 P. 131 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES - 1976 -77 PROGRAM A-- ComputeA Sy6tem A computeA 6 y6tem catftying an estimated 6iguAe of $100,000 .us .inc eu.ded in .thi.6 budget. The cost .c.6 broken down among the depantment6 which w.iU be u6.ing it a6 jottow6: PoZi.ce - $60,000; Finance - $22,000; Sewer - $6,000J.- WateA - $6,000; and Re6u6e - $6,000. The computeA 6 y6tem wilt %epta.ce the ex izting bookkeeping mac.hc.ne6 which are Aeackigg the end of theiA economic tive6. . The Finance Depa&tmen t w.c,Pt u6 e the 6 y6tem 6oA neaAt y att o6 it6 6i,6cat 6unction6, .including wateA and seweA b.c,Q,P,ing, the geneut tedgeA 6y6tem, paynott, and invutment6 6cheduti.ng. PROGRAM B - Eecm.ination o6 Engineehing DAa6t6man In the EngineeA.ing Department, the position o6 Eng.ineen.i.ng DAa6t6man was e.eimc:nated and the ptev.iou�sty budgeted position o6 A6,sistant Eng.ineeA was jitted. The A Mutant Eng.ineeA wiU be doing the d,%a6t6man 6unction as weU as tho6e duties newly a66-igned to the a66istant, thus et m.inat i.ng a 6a& ied position ($11,839) without to6.ing the dAajt6man 6 ehv.ice6 . 'SEC. 1, P. 12 CONTRACTUAL (CONTINUED):' 1 INSURANCE 2,207 1 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ($15,193) r COMMO S:# TRAVEL, TRAINING, AND DUES 1,000 SUPPLIES 4,500 ELECTION BOARDS 1,500 ADVISORY BOARDS 1,260 DOG POUND -- REBUILD 5,000 MISCELLANEOUS 200 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES 13,460 CAPITAL OUTLAY :* EQUIPMENT (SEE EXHIBIT A) COMPUTER 22,000 EQUIPMENT CHANGES ( 7,970) MOTOR VEHICLES 1,000 LAND ACQUISITION ( 5,345) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY 9.685 ' 'TOTAL $33.,033 . *PERSONAL SERVICES (.01-- SALARI.ES; .02-- OVERTIME; .04 - -PART TIME) OTHER SERVICES (.13-- COMMUNICATIONS; .16-- UTILITY SERVICES; .21 -- MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; .23-- REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE) CONTRA C UA (.05 -- BENEFITS; .06 -- PROFESSIONAL; .14 -- INSURANCE; .15 -- CONTRACTUAL) COMMODITIES (.07 -- APPAREL; .11 -- TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES; .12 -- PRINTING, ADVERTISING; .22- -MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES; .31 -- SUPPLIES; .81 -- ELECTION BOARD; .82 -- ADVISORY BOARDS; .83 -- DOG POUND; .99-- MISCELLANEOUS) CAPITAL OUTLAY (.51- -MOTOR VEHICLES; .52 -- EQUIPMENT; .53 - -LAND ACQUISITION; .54- -ANNEX REMODELING; .71 -- BONDED DEBT -- PRINCIPAL; .72-- BONDED DEBT -- INTEREST) ' SEC STREET FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED TOTAL REVENUE $300,522 $312,000 $315,761 $323,900 $323,900 $323,900 GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION- - BICENTENNIAL TREES 13.500 13.500 TOTAL $300,522 $325,500 $329,261 $323,900 $323,900 $323,900 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $296,732 $321,854 $318,706 $322,310 $344,948 $360,084 m n w 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED 'PROJECTED INTEREST EARNED $ 1,404 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 MOTOR FUEL TAX 77,912 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 VEHICLE LICENSES 118,166 125,000 123,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 TRANSFER TO GENERAL . (30,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) STATE HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE 16,756 8,500 8,500 11,400 11,400 11,400 50/50 SIDEWALK 1,251 2,000 3,261 1,500 1,500 1,500 MISCELLANEOUS 4,979 4,000 4,000 5,000 51000 5,000 PROPERTY TAX LEVY 110,054 115,000 119,000 122,000 122,000 122,000 TOTAL REVENUE $300,522 $312,000 $315,761 $323,900 $323,900 $323,900 GENERAL FUND CONTRIBUTION- - BICENTENNIAL TREES 13.500 13.500 TOTAL $300,522 $325,500 $329,261 $323,900 $323,900 $323,900 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $296,732 $321,854 $318,706 $322,310 $344,948 $360,084 m n w U) m r) GI + PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION N SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) BUDGET CATEGORIES 1974 -75 ACTUAL 1975 -76 BUDGET 1975 -76 ESTIMATE 1976 -77 PROPOSED 1976 -77 BUDGET OVER' (UNDER) 1975 -76 BUDGET .1977 -78 PROJECTED 1978 -79 PROJECTED PERSONAL SERVICES i .01,.02,.04 $107,242 $120,515 $114,310 $117,146<., (3,369) $120,958 $126,895 OTHER SERVICES .13,.16,.21,.23, .61 50,159 53,725 56,600 59,670, 5,945 63,400 63,725 CONTRACTUAL .05,.06,.14,.15 59,430 631534 66,621 60,939 (2,595) 59,940 61,914 COMMODITIES .07,.11,.12,.22,.31, .32,.34,.359.36,.629 .99 61,150 69,080 67,325 76,480 7,400 80,650 87,050 CAPITAL OUTLAY . .51,.52 18,751 15,000 i3,As0 8.075 TOTALS $296,732 $321,854 $318,706 $.3 ^2,310 (6,925) 20,000 20,500 u' i $ 456 $344,948 $360,084 I . I m m m m mm m m m m m r m m m m m m M = PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' STREET DIVISION ' BUDGET ANALYSIS 1976 - 1977 PROPOSED BUDGET $322,310 ' 1975 - 1976 BUDGET 321.854 INCREASE $ 456 PER50NAL SERIVICES -* NONRECURRING EXPENDITURE FOR PLANTING BICENTENNIAL TREES ($ 5,245) TRANSFER OF 2/3 SALARY OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY TO WATER AND SEWER ( 7,502) ' INCREASE IN PART TIME HELP 1,150 REDUCTION IN OVERTIME ( 490) ' IMPLEMENTATION OF RANGE ADJUSTMENTS 2,359. 1 CONTINUING IMPLEMENTATION OF PAY PLAN 6.359 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES ($ 3,369) OTHER SERVICES:* ' INCREASED COST OF UTILITY SERVICES 4,000 INCREASED COST OF MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE .500 INCREASED COST OF REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 1,175 ' MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES 270 ' CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES $ 5,945 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES:' ' INCREASED COST OF INSURANCE 8,280 NONRECURRING EXPENDITURE FOR BICENTENNIAL ' TREES (7,200) ' DECREASING NEED FOR TREE REMOVAL (5,000) MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTUAL 'INCREASES 1.325 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ($ 2,595) SEC. 3, P. 3 0 COMMODITIES:* INCREASED COST OF SALT NOT AS MUCH PRE -MIX PATCHING ANTICIPATED IN 1975 -76 EXTRA MATERIALS NEEDED FOR SPRAYING TREES USING VILLAGE EMPLOYEES INSTEAD OF CONTRACTING FOR SERVICE AND INCREASED COST OF ALL MATERIALS RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS AROUND BRIDGE ON CENTRAL AVENUE MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY:* TWO VEHICLES PURCHASED IN 1975 -76; ONLY ONE NEEDED IN 1976 -77 EQUIPMENT- -TWO LAWN MOWERS, CHAIN SAW, AUGER FOR TREE PLANTING, AND REBUILDING OF SNOW BLOWER AUGER CHANGES IN CAPITAL_ OUTLAY $ 1,000 ( 2,200) 6,$20 1,500 280 $ 7,400 ($10,500) 3.575 $ 6,925) TOTAL $ 456 *PERSONAL SERVICES (.01 -- SALARIES; .02-- OVERTIME; .04 - -PART TIME) OTHER SERVICES (.13-- COMMUNICATIONS; .16 -- UTILITY SERVICES; .21 -- MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; .23- -MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES; .23 -- REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE; .61 -- EQUIPMENT RENTAL) CONTRACTUAL (.05 -- BENEFITS; .06 -- PROFESSIONAL; .14-- INSURANCE; .15 -- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES) COMMODITIES (.07 -- APPAREL; .11-- TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES; .12 -- PRINTING, ADVERTISING; .22- -MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES; .31 -- SUPPLIES; .32- -SALT; .34--AGGREGATES;-.35--MATERIALS; .36 -- STREET SIGNS; .62 -- OCCUPANCY; .99-- MISCELLANEOUS) CAPITAL OUTLAY (.51- -MOTOR VEHICLES; .52 -- EQUIPMENT) SEC. 3. P. 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION WORK STATISTICS .................. FUNCTION 1972 1973 1974 1975 PRE -MIX PATCHING MATERIALS USED (TONS) 800 1,712 1,518 1,412 TARRING CRACKS (MILES) 11.25 27.53 6.33 7.5 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL (MAN HOURS) 1,114 1,009 1,164 1,975 TRAFFIC MARKING (LINEAL FEET) 18,695 20,000 50,000 47,805. TREES PLANTED (NUMBER) 105 115 104 150 LEAF REMOVAL'(CUBIC YARDS) 3,500 3,500 3,800' 2,622 TREES SPRAYED (NUMBER) 850 .800 750 650 TREES REMOVED (NUMBER) 214 266 150 49 CATCH BASINS CLEANED (NUMBER) 400 400 406 400 PARKWAY MOWING (LINEAL FEET) 28,462 27,354 27,354 69,058 STREET SIGNS ERECTED OR REPLACED (NUMBER) 278. 97 121 161 STREETS SWEPT (MILES) 1,509 1,127 986 1,508 STREETS SWEPT (CUBIC YARDS DEBRIS) N/A N/A 331 360 STREET LIGHT STANDARDS REPLACED (NUMBER) 48 22 20 14 STREET GAS LIGHTS REPLACED (NUMBER) 3 5 3 2 STREET LIGHT CABLE REPAIRS (NUMBER) 12 23 8 10 STREET LAMPS REPLACED (NUMBER) 323 171 248 210 ROCK SALT USED (TONS) 827 905 940 .1,150 0 m w v DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS . EXPENDITURES . FUNCTION SUMMARY FUND STREET ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 01 SALARIES $ 84,377 $99,745 $94,895 $95,716 02 OVERTIME 19,006 12,420• 12,130 11,930 04 PART TIME 3,859 8,350. 7,285 9,500- 05 BENEFITS 3,906 6,421 5,445 5,946 06 PROFESSIONAL 154 200 60 200 07 APPAREL 191 500 430 .500 11 TRAVEL.AND DUES 303 600 300 .850 12 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING 1,136 1,300 1,200 1,400 13 COMMUNICATIONS 359 600 1,100 850 14 INSURANCE 3,917 6,213 11,666 14,493 15 CONTRACTUAL •51,453 50,700 49,450 40,300 16 UTILITY SERVICES 18,268 17,000 21,000 21,000 21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 19,881 19,600 17,350 20,100 22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES. 4,326 4,800 4,540 4,680 23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 10,967 15,425 17,150 16,600 31 SUPPLIES 1,373 1,250 1,200 1,300 32 SALT 13,695 13,000 15,000 14,000 34 AGGREGATES 16,890 23,700 20,150 21,500 35 MATERIALS 18,783 17,930 21,005 24,750 36 STREET SIGNS 3,733 5,000 3,000 5,000 14,000 15,000 13,850 4.,500 51 MOTOR VEHICLES 4,751 - 0 - - 0 - 3.,575 52 EQUIPMENT 684 1,100 - 0 - 1,120 61 EQUIPMENT RENTAL _ 0._ _ 0 _ - 0 - - 0 - 62 OCCUPANCY 720 1,000 500 2,500 99 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL $2969732 $321,854 $318,706 $.22,:310 - PER CAPITA COST $16.81 -- $15.57 SEC. 3, P. 6 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREET DIVISION Adminiztrat i.o n Genehae administration bon thi.6 div.us.ion .invotve6 6upehviz ion bon aee 6tAea pro j ec t6, hand.Ung ob compta%nt6, time ceock %ecord6 bon paynott, making .purcha6e uquc, itionz, keeping necard6 nece66aAy bor obtaining Moto& Vehicee Fund revenue brom the State, and hand.Ung conne 6 po n- dence nece66ary in connection with the other buncti.on6 . The 6ateany bon the StAeet D-iviz ion boneman, one- boun'h the batatci.ea ob the Pubtic wo,%ks D.crecton and A66.c.6tan t Pubt i c, wonlvs DiAee ton, and one -th Ad o6 the 6a& Ay ob the Pubti.e wo,%ks 6 ecAetatcy cute changed to th is account. Ctean i.ng The V.i.Ptage cteans appnoximate.ey 62 mi u ob .6tneet6 (124 curb mit u) . Ctean i.ng is done in the bu6 ine66 6ecti.on6 ob the Vittage on a twice-a -week basis and in re,s ident.i.ae areas on a monthey 6ehedute or a tota.e ob 222 mites pelt month. One street sweeper i,6 used bor this opehat ion. The Vittag e pay6 a dumping bee (eon - tna.ctua.e) bon disposing o6 the rebu6e. Trab b.ic Manfung ■ TW activity consists o6 painting cAo66wa U a t oven the V.iUage, ' painting eenten t ine6 and parking 6tat 6 on the bu6inms d&stAict 6tneets, and constructing 6treet ' 6.ign6 and .insta Ling them. In 1975, 47,805 tinea.e beet ob pave - ment were moAked and 161 6tneet ' 6.ign6 erected on neptaced. A pick-up truck .us used pant time in th-ib opeAation to haul. the ' 6tAeet 6tki.p.cng machine, which is manuaeey operated. Actuat Budget F6t.imate Propo6ed 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 $43,664 $47,466 $55,645 $47,582 Pete Capita $12,006 Pen Capita $2.48 $2.30 $9,914 $9,960 $ 6,971 $0.52 $0.34 $19,281 $1.6,137 $19,990 $17,684 Pete Capita $ 0.8-4 $0.85 SEC. 3, P. 7 PAe -mix Patching PAe -mix patching .invo.Zvea the oven.Zay.ing o6 detmiona ii.ng pavements and tempoAaAy patching. Inapect%oms os ViUage stAeets deteAmin.e the aAeas to be patched. In the eatendan yeoA 1975, V.iUage empto yeea appt ied 1,412 tons o6 pre -mix. FouA dump tAucFvs, two AotZeu , a Layton btaehtop paver, a SAont -end toadeA, and a con - cAe-te -saw are ups ed pant -time Son this activity. Aggnegate�s ups ed .inctude wand, bta.ehtop, and gnave.Z. OtheA mateh i.ats used t nceude con - cAete, tumbeA, atee.Z, and pA,imm Taming CAacfu Pubti c woks DepaAtment emptoyees note 4tAeet6 which need to have cAa.cU JiUed; and duA.ing the aummen months, the c&ew 6iU,6 a.0 cAachza taAg eA than 113 .inch in width. One t'cuck, equipped with 1, 330 gaUon tan k.ettte and com- pne,6 .6on, is used poAt time Son taA ing 6tAeet nachos. Aggregate s and matex a t s used .include sand, Sine timeatone dust, chips, and PAF -2 a,5phatt cAack S.ctteA. DAa.inag e StAuctunm Fxpendi tuAm Snom this Sund are Son ceeaning .atAeet .intet6 , catch baz ine, tines that connect ..i.ntets to catch bas.in.6 to the .inteAceptoa atonm .a eweAa, and teptacement o6 broken gnates, covens, and manhole SAamea. Att .meets and 400 catch baa.in,6 weAe ceeaned ducting 1975. A t'cuck (pafct -t ime ) and a .s ewer . AoddeA are used Son this puApode. The Village contAacts Son the %entaf os a Vac-AZ machine to eeean the catch baz.i,nz . MateAi.atz ups ed by the Village Son the ctean.ing openati.on oAe rods Son the seweic nbddeA and Site hoa ea . SEC. 3, P. 8 Actuat Budget F.bt.imate Pnopozed r 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 $43,836 $60,339 $47,670 $59,267 r 1 Pen Capita $3.15 $ 2 , .8 6 1 Z$5,898 $12,260 $10,600 $13,701 1 1 Pen Capcta. $0.64 $ 0.6 6 r 1 $14,673 $12,718 $11,730 $13,337 r PeA Capcta. $0.66 $0.64 r Aetuat Budget 1:s t.imate Pno pos ed 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 ' Street Lighis and Ttajj.ie S.ignat4 -0- $14,225 $18,22 5 $23, 219. This activity co ns,ust,5 o j maintenance o j exi,s Ling s tandatds , .camps , and 6.ignaP,6 and was 6otmWy .included with miacaZaneous maintenance. The cost ' o6 these 6unc tion.6 has .ineteaz ed ap- pteei.a.bty dut.ing the past yeah, pAi- Pen Capita $0.74 $1.12 maAity due to the cost of ti.ghting standards, tepa u o6 eabta, and addi Lion t .tamps needed. In 1975, ' 210 street tamps were Aeh.2aeed. M,id ee.e ea.neo us Maintenance $49,705 $ 2 3, 9 6 2 $28,175 $ 3 0, 0 9 9 ' Most mi,6ee taneous maintenance i.6 done on a bid ba. iz and in- etudes curb teptacement, .i.nistatta.- tion o6 50/50 s.idewatks and sasety, s.idewa U . Sidewa U known a6 ' 50/50 sidewatU ate those "pub.e ie s.idewaek�s" in &tont ob pt.ivate pnopen ty which the owneu want ' Aeptaeed. The Vittage shares the Pen Capita $1.25 $1.45 cost with the owneXs on a 50/50 bas.c.s. Sasety .d.idewatkz ate those ' neat 6choot,6, patk�s, and otheA pub.eicty -owned p%openty wh.ich..do not quaQ,i 6y Got 50/50 j.inancing by the ptopenty owneA. Some m.i�s- ee2eaneous maintenance is done by Vittage emptoyees. ' Snow avid Ice Conttot $60,144 $57,035 $60,210 $52,041 ' Snow and .ice ate aeeated jnom the Vittage stAeet6, 6.ive -foot wide s.idewatkz (33.25 mites ob s.idewaQ.kh 1, ' and mun.ieipa?.2y owned pathing .tots and a.Fteys. Duning 1975, the Vittage used 1, 150 tons o6 toch ' satt and treated .ice conttot sand. Steven V.iUage veh.ictes may be equipped with snow ptows Pen Capita. $2.98 $ 2.5.1 . ' whenever a snow storm occwus . Five dump tAuck6 (empty weight 10,500 tbs.), two dump ttucU ( empty weight 4,500 tbs .) , three one- 6outth ton Scouts, eeeven street snow plows, one s.idewatk 'plow, and a one -ton pickup tAuck ate to ed. . SEC. 3, P. 9 Weed ContAot Geed eontAot ine.tudeis cutting weedy and gAaaa on 69,058 ti.neat Beet of pankwaya and on otheA Village -owned paope ties. Some woAk is done 6oA pAC.ivate ownelus on a %e,imbumement baa.us ($30.00 pen houA) . A Fond tAacto,t (pant time) and th tee Aotaxy hand .lawn mowerus arse ua ed. Weed UUeA .us appti.ed in some to cat i.o m . Leaf Removat Leaven aAe picked up tooae jum OatobeA 1 until the 6.cut anow6a.2,Q. on DeeembeA 1, whichever comes 6vc6.t. On a bagged - o nt y baa.us , the Aegu2aA aeavengeA aeAvice wilt pick up Zeavez at any .time. A to.tae o6 apptoximatety 2,622 cubic yanda o6 wet compacted Zeave,s arse picked up duAing the aea6on. A 6tAeet aweepeA, two dump t)Lueh,6 with apeciat boxes, one AegutcA dump tAuck, and two tea6 vacuum machine6 arse used. TAee RemovaP. TAee temovat .i.6 done pA,immit y on a cont ac tuaP ba6is . Ex- pendi tuAes JAom thi.6 bu.nd atzo include the coat o6 apAaying 650 eem tAeea (1975) to eontAot the Eu><opean EP.m BoAk beette. Viteage emptoyee6 ctean up a6teA tAee atumpa aAe Removed, 6itt in with btack die t, and Rea eed. Two dump t ueks and one bunt end toadeA .tAa.e tot aAe used pant time. SEC. 3, P. 10 Aetuat Budget Ea timate PAo poa ed 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -1977 $ 2,721 $ 5,413 $ 4,520 $ .8.,339 PeA Capita $0.28 $0.40 $16,412 $18,892 $11,960 $18,044 PeA Capita $0.99 $ 0.87 . $23,468 $22,363 $14,540 $19,466 Pert Capita $1 . 1 7 $0.94 Tree Ranting Appnox imatety 150 trees were planted in 19 75 . The V.i Uag e contAactA bon the purchase o6 the trees, and ViUa.ge employees plant .them. The V.c Uage pays one -hat6 the cost o6 a 1 112 .inch diameter tAee. 15 a toAg eA tAee is &e- quested by the homeowneA, he pays the addition at cost. PaAt time use o6 a Fond tAacton with a 30" auger, a dump tAuck, and the 6Ao nt- end t oad eA tAa cton is AequiAed 6oA pbant.ing. Rai.ftoad Station Maintenance The Vittage Pubt is wo,%kz emptoyees pro vide maintenance s envic e and nepaiA vanda.P,i sm and damage to the .intnioA o6 the DeeA6.ietd Chicago, M-iewaukee and Saint Paut Ra.c, Ao ad Station. This is done under an agreement between the Chicago, Mc&aukee, Saint Paut Rai,ftoad, the RTA and the Vittage o6 Deen6.ietd. B.icentenn.iae Trees The $13,500 budgeted in 1975 Jon planting .tAees in the centAat business d.ustn ict was bon one yeah ont y. TOTALS Actuat Budget Estimate PAOpozed :1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 $3,161 $4,336 $8,105 $5,883 Pen Capcta. $0.23 $ o . 2 8 $1,763 $3,294 $3,876 $6,677 Pen Capita - $0.17 $0.32 -0- $13,500 $13,500 -0- PeA Capita $0.70 $296',732 $321,854 $3'18,706 $322,310 SEC. 3, P. 11 SEWER FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED SOURCE 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77. 1977 -78 1978 -79 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED SEWER CHARGES $298,485 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 CONSTRUCTION RESERVE- - COLLECTIONS 18,197 19,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED TO CONSTRUCTION RESERVE (18,197) (19,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 7,857 1,100 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 SURCHARGES 10,602 2,500 8,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 INTEREST EARNED' 544 3,000 3,000 4,500 3,000 3,000 PENALTIES 1,770 1,500 2 , 500 2,500 2 , 500 2,500 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 69 500 500 500 '500 500 TOTAL REVENUE $319,327 $3'13,600 TRANSFER FROM CONSTRUCTION RESERVE FOR SPECIFIC PROJECTS INCLUDED IN EXPENDITURES (SEE SEC. 4,P.9) -.0. - 18,600 m TOTAL REVENUE AND AUTHORIZED RESERVE APPROPRIATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES r $319,327 $332,200 $277,396 $326,986 $322,500 $322,500 $302,880--, $324,000 $322,500 $322,500 30,000 $354,000 $322,500 $322,500 $371.,364 $385,599 $447,145 N m n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION N SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1976 -77 1974 -75 1975 -76. 1975 -76 1976 -77 BUDGET 1977 778 1978 -79 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED OVER (UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1975 -76 BUDGET PERSONAL. SERVICES .01,.02,.04 OTHER SERVICES .13,.16,:21,.23,.61 CONTRACTUAL(1) .05,.06,.14,.15 COMMODITIES 07 .11 .12 .22 $129,023 $161,700 48,019 25,848 39,540 55,011 $150,950 $181,610 $ 19,910 $224,642 $267,118 52,720 45,270. 5,730 45,580 53,100 30,375 78,314 23,303 47,275 52,657 .31,.33,.34,.35, .36,.62,.99 39,259 46,725 46,200 58,720 11,995 67,602 73,720 CAPITAL OUTLAY .51,.52,.71,.72, .73,.74 35.247 24.010 22,635 7,450 (16,560) 500 550' TOTALS $277,396 $326,986 $302,880 $371,364 $44,3178 $385,599 $447,145. (1)INCLUDES- i EXPENDITURES FROM CONSTRUCTION RESERVE. • I ' rr r s rs r� r r r r �r rr rr rr r r rr rr �r r i r �r rr 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION BUDGET ANALYSIS 1976 - 1977 PROPOSED BUDGET $371,364 1975 - 1976 BUDGET 32 §986 INCREASE $ 44,378 PERSONAL SERVICES:* POSITION PREVIOUSLY FINANCED BY CETA $ 11,859 ELIMINATED ONE MAINTENANCE MAN II ( 12,381) ONE -THIRD SALARY OF SECRETARY PRE - VIOUSLY CHARGED TO STREET FUND 3,751 EXTRA OVERTIME.ANTICIPATED DURING CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION TO WASTE TREATMENT PLANT 4,000 REDUCTION IN NEED FOR PART TIME HELP ( 1,750) CONTINUING IMPLEMENTATION OF PAY PLAN AND SALARY INCREASES 11,330 IMPLEMENTATION OF RANGE ADJUSTMENTS 3.101 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $ 19,910 OTHER SERVICES:` INCREASE IN INSURANCE 6,000 MISCELLANEOUS REDUCTIONS (270) CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES $ 5,730 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES•* INCREASE IN INSURANCE 9,399 NET INCREASE IN CONTRACTUAL (INCLUDES $30,000 FOR OSTERMAN AVE. SEWER ORIGINALLY BUDGETED IN 1975 -76) 15,100 REDUCTION IN BENEFITS ( 696) REDUCTION IN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ( 500) CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 23,303 SEC. 4, P. 3 COMMODITIES:# INCREASE IN COST OF MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES $ 775 INCREASE IN COST OF SUPPLIES 800 MORE CHLORINE REQUIRED FOR ADDITION TO TREATMENT PLANT 6,000 RISE IN COST OF AGGREGATES 1,000 RISE IN COST OF MATERIALS 3,000 INCREASE IN OCCUPANCY CHARGE 1,000 REDUCTION IN MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (1,000) MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES 420 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES CAPITAL OUTLAY:` TWO VEHICLES PURCHASED IN 1975 -76; IN 1976 -77 BUDGET, $1,000 CHARGED TO SEWER FOR PART —TIME USE OF NEW SCOUT (9,500) INCREASE DUE TO SHARE OF COMPUTER TO BE CHARGED TO SEWER DIVISION 6,000 BONDS RETIRED RESULTING IN A REDUCTION IN BOND PRINCIPAL, INTEREST, RESERVE, AND DEPRECIATION (11',110) MISCELLANEOUS REDUCTIONS ( 1.950) CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL $11,995 ($16.560) $ 44,378. a `PERSONAL SERVICES (.01 -- SALARIES; .02 -- OVERTIME; .04 - -PART TIME) OTHER SERVICES (.13-- COMMUNICATIONS; .16 -- UTILITY SERVICES; .2] -- MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; .23 -- REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE; .61 -- EQUIPMENT RENTAL) CONTRACTUAL (.05-- BENEFIT'S; .06 -- PROFESSIONAL; .14 -- INSURANCE; .15 -- CONTRACTUAL) COMMODITIES (.07 -- APPAREL; .11 -- TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES; .12 -- PRINTING; .22- -MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES; .31-- SUPPLIES; .33 -- CHLORINE; .34-- AGGREGATES; .35 -- MATERIALS; .36 -- STREET SIGNS; .62 -- OCCUPANCY; .99-- MI5CELLANEOUS) SEC. 4, P. 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES - 1976 -77 PROGRAM A - Waste WateA Treatment Ptant Labotatony Technician The su t -time po6it on os tab technician is .inceuded in this yeoA'a budget zince the CETA Grant pnev.iou6ty auppoAting the po6ition wilt exp ,te in Apxit. The technician is red pons.ibte son testing on a negutan ba6i,6 " wet a,6 togging att data. Sa oAy .c.6 budgeted at $11, 859. PROGRAM B - Etiminati,on oA one Maintenance II Position With the $18,000 punchaz e a yeah and a hags ago os a hydkauti.c .6eweA cteaneA, one Maintenance WotkeA II pozition can now be etim.i nated. The otd nod and bucket .6 eweA cP.eane L &equiAed three men to operate. The new machine .i,6 ea6i y. operated by one man, thud peAm tti.ng the etiminati.on os a position that was budgeted at $12,381 a yeah. SEC. 4, P. 5 N m v PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1972 1973 1974 1975 SANITARY SEWER STOPPAGES SANITARY SEWERS CLEANED SANITARY STREET OPENINGS SANITARY INFILTRATIONS FOUND SANITARY MANHOLES REBUILT SANITARY SEWERS TV'D DOWNSPOUTS DISCONNECTED SUMP PUMP INSPECTION HOMES DYE OR SMOKE TESTED STORM SEWERS CLEANED INLETS CLEANED STORM STREET OPENINGS STORM INFILTRATIONS FOUND STORM STRUCTURES RECONSTRUCTED STORM SEWERS TV'D STREET INLET COVERS REPLACED NEW STORM SEWERS OR LATERALS INSTALLED INLETS DYE OR SMOKE TESTED INLETS FOUND TO HAVE INFILTRATION TO SANITARY AND DISCONNECTED - 23 73,826 FT. 0 6 6 7,162 29 0 21 2,021 FT. 882 3 5 43 0- 8 0 259 6 48 59,283 FT. 2 12 21 2,932 70 0 130 4,000 FT. 852 4 0 66 0 21 648 FT. 100 10 53 230,577 FT. 1,290 SO. YDS. 120 29 4,542 32 0 1,431 13,382 FT. 1,849 3,324 SQ. YDS. 19 62 0 21 1,267 FT. 258 17 46 485,621 FT. 1,368 SO. YDS. 133 49 6,221 119 0 1,574 38,063 FT. 2,175 697 SQ. YDS. 38 71 1 , 400 ` 27 1,226 FT. 335 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT $EWER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1972, 1973 1974 1975 INLETS FOUND TO HAVE DIRECT CONNECTION TO SANITARY 2 0 11 5 SEWAGE PUMPED (MILLION GALLONS) 1,040 921 882 973 PRIMARY'SLUDGE (THOUSAND GALLONS) 2,241 2,141 2,298 2,238 SECONDARY SLUDGE (THOUSAND GALLONS) 1,287 1,510 1,371 1,365 CHLORINE USED (POUNDS) 95,947 93,849 85,908 85,875 SLUDGE BEDS CLEANED 43 60 55 53 SLUDGE BEDS DRAWN 43 60 55 53 SLUDGE DRAWN TO LAGOONS (THOUSAND GALLONS) 303 143 163 179 SLUDGE EQUAL,TO (BEDS) 34.5 16.3 18.5 20.3 SLUDGE TRUCKED OUT (THOUSAND GALLONS) 0 125 175 0 SLUDGE TRUCKED EQUAL TO (BEDS) 0 14.2 20 0 SLUDGE PUMPED TO THE SLUDGE LAGOONS (THOUSAND GALLONS) 0 0 0 146 SLUDGE PUMPED TO THE LAGOONS EQUAL TO (BEDS) 0 0 0 16.6 Ln m n v EXPENDITURES ■ DEPARTMENT - - - - - FUNCTI-ON - - - - - - - - - - - - FUND -- PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY SEWER ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL. BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED .AND CLASSIFICATION 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 ' 01 SALARIES $112,016 $150,200 $138,300 $167,860 02 OVERTIME 16,082 8,000 10,000 12,000 04 PART TIME 925 3,500 2,650 1,750 , 05 BENEFITS 4,888 10,200 6,800 - 9,504 06 PROFESSIONAL 846 1,700 750 1,200 07 APPAREL 516 700 700 720 11 TRAVEL AND DUES 327 400 400 600 12 PRINTING 156 200 125 200 13 COMMUNICATIONS 1,194 1,440 1,170 1,470 14 INSURANCE 4,771 8,711 12,325 18,110 , 15 CONTRACTUAL 15,343 15,800 10,500 19,500 16 UTILITY SERVICES 22,782 20,500 24,200 26,500 -21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 12,225 5,700 6,550 5,000 22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 2,284 2,125 2,225 3,000 , 23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 11,393 11,100 20,000 11,000 31 SUPPLIES 3,887 4,600 4,200 5,400 33 CHLORINE 10,099 15,000 14,000 21,000 34 AGGREGATES 1,107 4,500 3,500 5,500 35 MATERIALS 19,048 13,000 15,150 16,000 ' 36 STREET SIGNS - 0 - 200 100 300 51 MOTOR VEHICLES 5,149 10,500 10,600 11000 52 EQUIPMENT 19,683 2,125 650 6,450 61 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 425 800 800 . -1,300 , 62 OCCUPANCY - 0 - - 5,000 5,000 6,000 71 BOND PRINCIPAL 10,000. 10,000 10,000 - 0 - ' . 72 BOND INTEREST 415 275 275 - 0 - 73 BOND RESERVE - 0 - 1,000 1,000 0 - 74 DEPRECIATION - 0 - 110 110 - 0 - 99 MISCELLANEOUS 1,835 --- 1.000 800 _ 0 - ' $277,396 $308,386 $302,880 $341,364 EXPENDITURES FROM ' CONSTRUCTION RESERVE 18.600 30,000 TOTAL $277,396.'$326,986 $302,880 $371,364 PER CAPITA COST $17.08 $1.7..94 , SEC. 49 P. 8 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION ' Actuat Budget Estimate Proposed 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 ' Adminiz tnatio n and SupeAvizoty $11,284 $ 19 , 9 0 2 .$269020 $42,340 ' Saeah is choAged to thi,6 account (one -hat6 the saeany ob the Utitity Eoneman, one- bouAth. the .6a.Paty ob the PubZic Wonh�s DiAecton, one- boutth the sataAy ob the As6i,6tant Pubti.c 1 Wonk.6 D.iAecton, and one -third the Pen Capita. .$1.04 $2.0.5 .6a taty o6 the Pubt i.c Wo tks .6 ecte taty ) cute bon the oveAatt supeAvis.ion ob the ceeaning and maintenance ob ' puzent 6ewem and home new cowstnuction. Waste WateA Treatment Ptant $127,360 $151,822 $162,810 $163,782 I The aewage treatment pnocaz invoZve6 primary and .6econdaAy treatment o sewage with potizhung pondh and chZo- ' ni.nation and two - ,stage .6tu.dge dige.at- .ion with dny,ing beds. Besides the main treatment plant, maintenance .in- ' ceuded 6.ive ti.6t .6tati.om. The V.i Uage contracts bar eng.ineetr i.ng con.6u,Qtant6 and a.P�so bon home .6tudge ' haut i.ng . 'The pnu ent bac c,Zit is ate inadequate bon drying a t the .6Zudg e; Pen Capita. $7.93 $ 7.9 1 thenebone, when tanU become butt, wet dige6ted studge is hauled by a company which contracts with the Vittag e and which ha6 Env.c u nmenta e PAOtection Agency appnoved dumping 6aci.P,itie.6. Dny 6tudge .us dispo6ed ' ob by the V.i,Uage in an appnoved manneA. The treatment ptant •us atzo ne6pons.ib& bon Zabonatony baci iti.e6 ' to a,6.6 uAe q u.ae it y co ntrot o6 treatment. ' SEC. 4, P. 10 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND ON JANUARY 21, 1974, THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMENDED SEC. 24.1100 OF THE DEERFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPECIAL ANNUAL SEWER CHARGE FOR MAJOR MAIN- TENANCE AND REPAIR TO THE VILLAGE SEWER SYSTEM AT THE RATE OF $4.00 PER.YEAR TO BE ASSESSED FOR THE USAGE PERIOD COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1974 TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1975 TO BE BILLED AND PAID QUARTERLY TOGETHER WITH THE REGULAR WATER AND SEWER BILL. THIS SECTION WAS.AMENDED ON JUNE 16, 1975 TO EXTEND THIS SPECIAL CHARGE TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1977. THE PROJECTED BALANCE IN THIS FUND IS AS FOLLOWS: *ORIGINALLY INCLUDED IN THE 1975 -76 FISCAL YEAR. 1978 -79 $50,480 18,000 $68,480 0 $68,480 SEC...4, P. 9 1976 -77 1977 -78 PROJECTED BALANCE' MAY 1 $44,480 $32,480 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 18..000 18.000 AVAILABLE FUNDS $62,480 $50,480 PROPOSED EXPENDITURE FOR OSTERMAN AVE. SEWER* 30,000 - 0 - AVAILABLE FUNDS $32,480 $50,480 *ORIGINALLY INCLUDED IN THE 1975 -76 FISCAL YEAR. 1978 -79 $50,480 18,000 $68,480 0 $68,480 SEC...4, P. 9 Cleanim and Maintenance ' The V.iUage is Aespons.ible Jon the eteani.ng and maintenance o6 appnox- ima tely 60 miles o6 sanctany s eweA pipe, Aang.cng in size bnom 6 .inches to 24 .inches, and appnoxi.mately 46 miee,s o6 4torm .seven pipe, kang.ing ' in size 6nom 10 .inches to the equ.iv- aeent o6 60 .inches The ViZ&ge contAact6 to have the sewer system : scanned by ceased ciAc.uit telev.c,bion to baci.Zitate location o6 broken. ' pipes, impnopen alignment o6 pipes, Aoot6, on signs o6 .in6ittiurtion. Non- potZuting white smoke and dyes ' are aes o used by the V.c.Zeag e . to spot problems. Smoke .introduced in the sanitaAy sewer pipes .indenti- 6ie6 anea6 o6 .in6ittreat ci.on 06 storm wateA, and dyes in storm z ewers show .intAus.ion in the san tany- 1 sewer pipes. In 1975, the Vi tage dye on smoke tested 335 .inlets and e.eeaned 485,621 6t o6 zani,tany sewers and 38,063 bt ob storm s ewers. This. . was the 6Zut com- pf-ete yeah o6 operation o6 the k ydAauZie %oddeA and Aesutted in a 110 .peA cent .inenease oven 1974 in the beet o6 sanitary sewers ceeaned and a 184 peA cent <incAeaz e in storm s ewen6 eeeaned. This was accomptizhed with one man 6ewen in . the SeweA Division in 1975 than was employed in 19 74 . ConstAuction The Village Aeptaees broken on ' damaged p.ipe6 on their connections oA .Lnlet6 and eonstnucts some new s ewers . In 1975, the V.c Uag a .i.n- ' sta.eted 1,226 6t o6 new storm seweu on tatenatz, teptaced 21 broken .inlet eoveu, reb4itt 49 ' sanc ttany manholes and reconstructed 71 storm ztnuctunes . TOTALS Actual Budget 1974 -75 1975 -76 $89,538 $649532 PeA Capita $3.37 $49,214 $90,730 PeA Capita $4,74 Estimate PAopos ed 1975 -76 1976 -77 $56,4 .50 $56-,P00. $2.71 $57,600,, -; $109,.24.2 $277,396 $326,986 $302.,880 $371,.364 SEC.. 4, P. 11 L.... I J 1.....! r..._+ t-..�' J ._J L..._.1 WATER FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED WATER SALES $529,092 $535,000 $530,000 $545,000 $545,000 $545,000 PENALTIES 3,381 3,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 PERMITS 4,425 5,000 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 ACREAGE FEES 2,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 INTEREST 1,632 5,000 4,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 MISCELLANEOUS 241 500 500 500 500 500 TOTAL REVENUE $540,971 $549,500 $546,500 $563,000 $563,000 $563,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $501,905 $530,895 $517,315 $569,,115_ $568',226 $576,777 m n Ln v r m n PUBLIO WORKS DEPARTMENT N WATER DIVISION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (BY CATEGORIES) 1976 -77 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 BUDGET 1977 -78 1978 -79 BUDGET CATEGORIES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED OVER,(UNDER) PROJECTED PROJECTED 1975 -76 BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES .01,.02,.04 $ 61,359 $ 78,505 $ 68,740 $87.,997 $ 9,492 $ 91,787 $ 96,733 OTHER SERVICES .13,.16,.21,.23,, .61 27,253 28,425 29,650 32,625 4,200 33,085 35,130 CONTRACTUAL .05..06,.14,.15 24,728 22,940 25,200 26,520 3,580 27,209 30,391 COMMODITIES .07,.11,.12,.22, .31,.33,.34,.35,.37, .62,.99 331,764 344,700 337,900. 350,860 6,160 354,245 358,810 CAPITAL OUTLAY .51,.52,.71,.72 401 56,325 55,825 71,113 14,788 61,900 55,713 TOTALS $501,905 $530,895 $517,315 $569.115 $38,220 $568,226 $576,777 t t 1 PUBLIC WORKS.DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION BUDGET ANALYSIS 1976 - 1977 PROPOSED BUDGET $569.,115 1975 - 1976 BUDGET 530.895 INCREASE $ 38,220 PERSONAL SERVICES:# ONE -THIRD SALARY OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY PREVIOUSLY CHARGED TO STREET FUND 3,751 REDUCTION IN PART TIME HELP ( 1,100) OVERTIME BUDGET INCREASED ON BASIS OF 1975 -76 EXPERIENCE 1,600 IMPLEMENTATION OF RANGE ADJUSTMENTS 1,108 CONTINUING IMPLEMENTATION OF PAY PLAN 4.133 CHANGES IN PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9,492 OTHER SERVICES•* INCREASE IN UTILITY SERVICES 1,000 INCREASED COST OF MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 2,500 MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES 700 CHANGES IN OTHER SERVICES $ 4,200 CONTRACTUAL:' INCREASE IN INSURANCE RATES 2,361 INCREASE IN CONTRACTS 1,085 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTUAL INCREASES 134 CHANGES IN CONTRACTUAL $ 3,580 COMMODITIES:` GASOLINE AND OIL COST INCREASES 1,300 INCREASED COST OF SUPPLIES 400 INCREASED COST'OF MATERIALS 2,900 SEC. 5, P. 3 N ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR OCCUPANCY 1,000 MISCELLANEOUS INCREASES 560 CHANGES IN COMMODITIES $ 6,160 P OU •* PURCHASE OF ONE -TON TRUCK WITH UTILITY BOX AND $1,000 ALLOCATION TO PURCHASE OF SCOUT 10,000 SHARE OF COMPUTER COST 6,000 DECREASE IN INTEREST COST CHANGES IN CAPITAL OUTLAY 14.788 TOTAL $38,220 *PERSONAL SERVICES (.O1 -- SALARIES; .02 -- OVERTIME; .04 - -PART TIME) OTHER SERVICES (.13-- COMMUNICATIONS; .16 -- UTILITY SERVICES; .21 -- MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; .23 -- REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE; .61 -- EQUIPMENT RENTAL) CONTRACTUAL ( .05 -- BENEFITS; .06-- PROFESSIONAL; .14 -- INSURANCE; .15-- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ) COMMODITIES (.07 -- APPAREL; .11-- TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES; .12 -- PRINTING, ADVERTISING; .22- -MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES; .31 -- SUPPLIES; .33-- CHLORINE; .34 -- AGGREGATES; .35-- MATERIALS; .37 -- PURCHASE OF WATER; .62 -- OCCUPANCY; .99-- MISCELLANEOUS) CAPITAL OUTLAY (.51- -MOTOR VEHICLES; .52--- EQUIPMENT; .71 -- BOND PRINCIPAL; .72 - -BOND INTEREST ) 5 EA., 5, P. 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES - 1976 -77 ' PROGRAM A - Water Main Cnozzs_g ' To in6u Le continued wateA .senv.iee to ate nes-idents of Kings Cove and Cotony Point Subdivisions in case o6 a. water main break on a 6i4e, .looping the wateA main at the south poA:nt between the two ' .subdivisions had been pnopozed. But with a prohibitive coat o6 $15,000, the Pubt is Wonhz Depah invent pta.nz , .instead, to connect the mains under the %iven Jon $9, 000 te,6z and cAeate neaAty the same ' type o� .insuAanee situation. The $6,000 connection which wilt oecuA under the East Branch o6 the north 6o&k o4 the Chicago Riven between Cotony Road and Bent Creek Ridge Road tuitt .incAease the Aa6ety o6 a t the tesidents in case o6 a 6iAe emekgency. S,-, -.. 5, P. 5 V) m rn PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIV.IsION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1972 1973 1974 1975 ANNUAL WATER PUMPAGE (MILLION GALS.) 717 .771 784 730 WATER MAIN BREAKS REPAIRED 18 31 44 21 SERVICE LEAKS REPAIRED 16 23 39 28 NEW FIRE HYDRANTS INSTALLED 3 4 4 8 FIRE HYDRANTS REPAIRED 40 8 45 60 WATER TAPS 8 17 5 16 VALVES REPLACED 0 3 0 0 METER PITS REPAIRED 34 33 19 35 METERS REPLACED 474 309 157 83 NEW METERS INSTALLED 54 66 35 51 SERVICES CHECKED FOR LEAKS 92 143 134 281 B Box ADJUSTMENTS 50 71 124 196 METERS TESTED 3 10 21 103 FROZEN WATER SERVICES 5 0 3 0 WATER METERS READ: RESIDENTIAL N/A N/A 17,100 20,000 BUSINESS N/A N/A 900 1,000 FINAL METER READINGS N/A N/A 364 363 'REREAD' METER READINGS N/A N/A 300 415 SHUT -OFF NOTICES FOR DELINQUENT WATER BILLS N/A N/A 229 209 METERS SEALED N/A N/A 22 47 FROZEN METERS N/A N/A 4 5 VALVE VAULTS RECONSTRUCTED N/A N/A 29 .5 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSES N/A N/A 194 227 m m m r m m m r r m r m m m m r m r r m m m EXPENDITURES S DEPARTMENT FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY WATER iACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 01 SALARIES $51,114 $64,905 $56, 500 $73,787 02 OVERTIME 8,594 8,100 8,740 9,710 04 PART TIME 1,651 5,500 3,500 4,500 05 BENEFITS 2,277 4,080 3,050 4,224 06 PROFESSIONAL 2,332 1,310 1,250 1,600 •07 APPAREL 218 300 300 360 ' 11 TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES 117 450 450 450 12 PRINTING, - ADVERTISING 209 400 300 400 13 COMMUNICATIONS 697 2,225 1,750 2,225 14 INSURANCE 2,262 3,335 4,600 5,696 15 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,857 13,915 16,300 15,000 16 UTILITY SERVICES 15,082 15,000 15,000 16,000 21 MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 6,827 4,700. 6;900 7,200 22 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1,410 1,150 1,750 2,450 23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 3,652 6,000 5,000 6,200 31 SUPPLIES 566 800 1,050 1,200 33 CHLORINE - 0 - 500 500 700 34 AGGREGATES 3,117 4,000 .3,000 4,000 35 MATERIALS 14,055 11,150 15,800 14,050 37 PURCHASE OF WATER'. 30-9,964 320,000 309,000 320,000 51 MOTOR VEHICLES 3,849 - 0 - - 0 - .10,000 52 EQUIPMENT 5,415 10,000 9,500 16,000 61 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 995 500 11000 1,000 . 62 OCCUPANCY - 0 - 5,000 5,000 6,000 71 BOND PRINCIPAL 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 72 BOND INTEREST 22,537 21,325 21,325 20,113 98 CONTINGENCY (NOT FUNDED) - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 99 MISCELLANEOUS 2.108 1.250 750 1.250 l TOTAL $501,905 $530,895 $517,315 $569,115 1 1 1 PER CAPITA COST $27.72 $27,49 l SEC. 5, P. 7 ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER DIVISION Adm.ini- 6trati,on and Supehvi,6ory The maJ on expendi tunes 6xom t UA 6und Nse bon zaeatiea and px.incipa and .cnteneat on revenue bonds. The .6aeaA i.ea changed to this account axe bon oveAat2 .supenv.c s.ion o6 the water 6unction and admi.nizUative duties connected with the p%ov.us.ion o6 6ne6h waters to V.ittage aea.idents. Th.i..6 .inctudes one -hat6 the safafcy o6 the UtUities Foreman, one- 6ou4th the aatoAy o6 the Pubtie Woxks DiAeetox, one- 6outcth the .6ataty o6 the M.6i.6tant Pubt ie Wo,%U DiAeeton, and one -thiAd the as oAy o6 the Pubtic Woxks aecketaxy. Main and Fi&e Nydnant Maintenance Maintaining 61 mite, o 6 water maim and 742 bite hydnanta .invoZve6 xeptaeing 6i to h ydrant6 and e i th en rsep.ea.ci.ng sections on %epaiking breaks in the water mains. The V.s Uag e co ntnact6 bon an annual - wa ter aunvey to to ea to any Zeaka which might not appeals in the noxma2 eoux6e o6 a yeah. The Depaktment o6 Pubtic Woxk�s atao keeps a2erc t box .6 ign6 o6 waters .beaks which oceun between annuae sukveya. Duping 1975 the Department %epai ted 49 teaks. Equipment used box maintenance .inc2udea a back. -hoe, eompnea.a ox, three watex pump.6, three txuek6, and one geneAatox. Mate c,i.aP.6 ua ed .incZuded bite hydnanta , zteevea , pipe', valve boxes, and watex main vatvels . SEC. 5, P. 8 Aetuat Budget Estimate Pxo poa ed 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 $65,042 $68,015 '$72,875 $90,446 Pere Capita. $3.55 $ 4. 3 7 $64,600 $77,675 $63,350 $83,780 Pen Capita. $4.06 $4.05 Di6t iti.bution The V.i Uag e o b Deetj ie.2d puAchaa e 6 wateA 6tom H.ightand Pack on a con - tu tu.at bah i6 and maintaim two pumpa at the tea eAvoi& in H.ightand PaAk and a wateA tank and undeA- gtound tueAvoit in DeeAji.eed. In 1975, the Vittage putchaaed 730 miQ,P,i.on ga iom o6 water. To aaaute V.i Uage %e6ident6 o6 a aase wateA euppty at aU times, each month 6i,x .6amptes of water are sent Got tating to the Env 'AOnmentat PAotecti.on Agency o6 the State of It ti.noiz and twetve to H.igh,2and PaAk. MeteA Maintenance I nctuded undeA the c eaaa.ijica Lion of meteA maintenance ate nepaZus o6 existing meteJuS, ,instaUxLti,on o6 new meters, and meteA Leading. Moat tepaiu and meteA instaUa- ti.on6 ate done on a conttae tuat ba6i.6. HoweveA, meteA %ead.ing, meteA teptacement6, and some Aepaiu ate done by Vit&ge empeoyeea . Actuat Budget F.6t.imate Ptopoaed 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 $348,782 $351,819 $350,900 $396.431 PeA Capita . $18.37 $17.22 $23,481 $33,386 $30,190 $38,458 Pet Capita. $1.7.4 $1 . 8 6 TOTALS $501,905 $530,895 $517,315 $569,115 SEC. 5, P. 9 SCAVENGER SERVICE SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED EXPENDITURESi SALARIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OTHER INTERDEPARTMENTAL BILL CHARGE TOTAL EXPENDITURES m n rn v - 0 - 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 $432,000 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE 8,000 1,500 1,500 - 0 REFUSE BILLING $203,161 $210,000 $182,000 $140,000. $150,000 $150,.000 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,420 - 0 - 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,000 PROPERTY TAX LEVY 214.560 230.000 230.000 230.000 250.000 270.000 TOTAL REVENUE $419,141 $440,000 $415,500 $373,500 $403,500 $424,000 EXPENDITURESi SALARIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OTHER INTERDEPARTMENTAL BILL CHARGE TOTAL EXPENDITURES m n rn v - 0 - . - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - $377,828 $432,000 $420,000 $360,000 $383,000 $410,000 3,184 1,000 1,500 8,000 1,500 1,500 - 0 - 0 - 5,000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 $381,012 $438,000 $426,500 $374,000 $391,500 $419,500 GARAGE SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED FUNCTION 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: ADMINISTRATION $ 1,537 $ 2,750 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ 3,100 $ 3,000 POLICE 10,'381 15,500 11,500 14,500 14,100 14,500 STREET .28,889 27,750 42,000 40,500 39,000 40,000 SEWER 13,076 14.500 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 WATER 7,643 9,500 10,000 10,5.00 11.000 11,000 GARAGE —0— —0- 200 500 500 700 EMERGENCY SERVICES —0— —0— 3.300 �60 , 3.400 ,4.400 TOTAL REVENUE $61.526 $70.000 $81.000 $83,800 $82.600 $84,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $79,920 $69,661 $81,965 $8.3,596 ,$85,828 $87.250 cn SEC. 7, P. 2 EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT - "- FUNCTION FUND PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE GARAGE 23 -471 ACCOUNT NUMBER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED AND CLASSIFICATION 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76. 1976 -77 01 SALARIES $25,482 $27,700 $27,000 $29,024 02 OVERTIME 4,192. 2,700 4,300 4,000 04 PART TIME -- 255 200 200. 200 05 BENEFITS 1,036 1,632 .1,150 .1,585 06 PROFESSIONAL 53 50 50 50 i 07 APPAREL 84 140 140 140 11. TRAVEL AND DUES 89 100 100 200 12.. 14 PRINTING:AND ADVERTISING INSURANCE 8 706 75 664 75 1,050 50 1,427 15 CONTRACTUAL 2,210 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 16 UTILITY SERVICES 1,283 .1,400 1,400 1,470 , 22 MOTOR VEHICLE "SUPPLIES. c 0 - - 0 - 250 250 23 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE :.1,899 2,500 2,500 3,000 31 SUPPLIES. 32,133 30,000 42,000 40,000 35 MATERIALS 44 500 150 500 52 EQUIPMENT 10,320 1,500 1,400 1,500 99 SAFETY FUND t96 Soo 200 TOTAL $79,920• $69,661 $81,965 $83,596 PER CAPITA COST $3.64 $4.04 SEC. 7, P. 2 t MOTOR FUEL TAX Motors Suet tax Sunda are cottected by the State o6 Ittinoiz and apportioned in accordance with a nathen complex Sonmuta wheAe, aster cexto i.n deducti.on,s, 32 pen cent os the temaindeA i,6 allocated to the mun.iai,pa iti.ea o6 the State on a poputati.on bab.ib. Th.ia paat yeah it waa approx.imateey $10.00 per capita. Motors Suet tax Sunda may be utiti.zed, according to State regueat.i.ona, Son the Sottow.ing punpoa ea : I. Street conatAuction on teconbtnucti.on to .improve trass.ic capacity. 2. Inazattat ion os tra66ic .6ign4, a.cgnate, and contAo.ea. 3. S.idewaeh %epai,% and tepeacement. 4. The pubti.c bene6 t .ahane o6 new street improvements when certain cA.i ten ia. are met in connection with a apec,i.ae aaa eaament project. SEC. S, P. 1 MOTOR FUEL TAX SOURCE AND APPLICATIONS OF FUNDS BEGINNING BALANCE (1), INTEREST TRANSFERS TRANSFERS FROM COMPLETED PROJECTS MOTOR FUEL-TAX ALLOTMENT FUNDS AVAILABLE 231,0001) 89,000 30,000 . 12 , 500 7,000 2.00,000 200.000 468,000' 301,500 17 3, 500 10,000 200,000 383,500. MFT PROJECTS: 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1. MFT STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 88,000 88,000 88,000 2. RESURFACING PROGRAM 40,000 40,000 40,000 3.- STREET OVERLAYMENT PARKING LANE WAUKEGAN ROAD 17,000 4. CONSTRUCTION OF CARRIAGEWAY BRIDGE 85,500 S. STREET CONNECTION BETWEEN CARLISLE.AND CARRIAGEWAY 37,000 6. RIGHT OF WAY FOR CARRIAGEWAY BRIDGE - 51,500 LESS 20,000 31,500 7. INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING GATES AT NORTH SIDE OF HAZEL AVENUE RAILROAD CROSSING, AND ANCILLARY SIDEWALK 12,000 8.. RECONSTRUCT COMMUTER PARKING FACILITIES AT RAILROAD STATION AS A FEDERAL AID URBAN PROJECT PHASE II 29,000 9. WILMOT -LAKE COOK ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL 19,000 10. TRAFFIC SIGNAL GREENWOOD AND WAUKEGAN ROAD 35,000 11. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT CUL -DE -SAC AT FORESTWAY AND FAIRVIEW 14,000 12. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT A 5' WIDE PORTLAND CEMENT SIDEWALK ON LAKE COOK ROAD (NORTH. SIDE) WILMOT ROAD TO DEERBROOK SHOPPING AREA 71,000 SFf A o � i 1 1 1 1 13. RAZE BUILDINGS ON PIERSON PROPERTY AND PREPARE FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION 5,000 14. CONSTRUCT PARK AVENUE CONNECTION ,ON PIERSON PROPERTY TO DEERFIELD ROAD 45,000 15. CONSTRUCT HOFFMAN LANE. RELOCATION AND BUY RIGHT OF WAY 45,000(2) 16. RECONSTRUCT DEERFIELD ROAD RAILROAD UNDERPASS TOTAL EXPENDITURES PROJECTED ENDING BALANCE 46.000(3) $379,000 $128,000 $369,000 $ 89,000 $173,500 $ 14,500 THE BEGINNING BALANCE IS CALCULATED AS THE SUM WHICH WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR APPLICATION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 1976 -77 FISCAL YEAR, IF NO MORE.PROJECTS ARE AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE. IF ANY PROJECTS ARE AUTHORIZED BETWEEN NOW, 3/1/76, AND YEAR END, 4/30/76, THE BEGINNING BALANCE AND TOTAL EXPENDITURES WILL BE REDUCED BY AN EQUAL AMOUNT. (2)IT IS ESTIMATED THAT THE TOTAL PRICE OF THIS PROJECT WILL BE $325,000. COMPLETE FUNDING WILL HAVE TO COME FROM OTHER REVENUE SOURCES OR A SUBSTANTIAL RESTRUCTURING OF THE MOTOR FUEL TAX EXPENDITURES. (3) TOTAL COST OF THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY ESTIMATED AT $375,000. THE REMAINING AMOUNTS MUST COME FROM OTHER FUNDS OR SUBSTANTIAL REORDERING OF MOTOR FUEL TAX EXPENDITURES. SEC. 8, P. 3 PENSIONS The V.iUage contk butes to two pension funds as neq iihed by State .Paw: . I. M. R. F. ' I. M. R. F. covets ViUa.ge einptoyees except poti.ce. I. M. R. F. pay- ment .includes the employee ponti.on ob .eociaP security as wet as the nec- esaalcy contAi.bution.6 Jot the State plan. The cmAent emptoyen contA bution is 11.44% o6 as aAy. The rate is set by I. M. R. F. on a combination o6 6actons .i.nctud.i.ng the cuuent sodat secu4 ty %equiAement. POLICE PENSION FUND The Pot ice Pension Fund is requi�ced by State .Paw bon aU communities o6 ,oven 5,000 popuPat i.on. The 6und is administered by a Pot ice Pension Board made up o6 6.i,ve membeu. Two ate active members o6 the depaktment, two are 61om the citizens o6 the community, and one is e.Pected 6tom the. bene6.i.ccalci.es o6 the Sund. They are charged with the Investment o6 the 6unds cottected 6tom the active pensonnet and by this .apec..iat tax as the contnibuti.on o6 the community. SEC. 9, P. 1 N m n ' POLICE PENSION FUND N SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1978 -79 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED- REVENUE: PROPERTY TAX LEVY $53,813 $ 60,000 $ 55,000 $ 63,000 $65,000 $70,000 INTEREST 32.916 38.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 TOTAL REVENUE $86,729 $ 86,000 $ 93,000 $108,000 $115,000 $125,000 EXPENDITURES: PENSIONS $23,536 25,000 $ 26,000 $ 27,000 $28,000 $ 29,000 MISCELLANEOUS 33 250 100 250 250 250 PENSION FUND RESERVE 63.160, An ZED 66.900 80.750 86.750 95.750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $86,729 $86,000 $ 93,000 $108,000 $115,000 $125,000. � r m m mm m m r r' r m m m m m m r r r m m RETIREMENT PAYMENTS 07 m n ko v w $92,847 $100,000. $104,000 $111,000 $116,000 $122,000 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROPERTY TAX LEVY. $ 91,266 $102,000 $120,000 $140,000 $125,000 $130,000 SEWER CONTRIBUTIONS - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - INTEREST INCOME -•0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 1,000 1.000 TOTAL REVENUE $ 91,266 $102,000 $120,000 $140,000 $126,000 $131,000 RETIREMENT PAYMENTS 07 m n ko v w $92,847 $100,000. $104,000 $111,000 $116,000 $122,000 CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION INCLUDING PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 TIME FRAME PROJECT 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 1980 -81 SOURCE OF FUNDS 1.. Conti,nuation of 50/50 + Safety Sidewalk Program $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 Street and Bridge Fund 2. MFT Street Maintenance Program 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds 3. Resurfacing Program MFT Contract Maintenance 40,000 .40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds 4. Continuation of Water System Improvements: Leak Survey 5,000 5,000 5,000 5;o0o 5,000 Water Department Funds Meter Testing and Replace- ments 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5. Street Overlayment Parking Lane Waukegan Road 17,000 Motor,Fuel Tax Funds 6. Construction of Carriage Way Bridge 85,500 Motor Fuel Tax Funds 7. Street Connection Between Carlisle and Carriage Way 37,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($20,000 from Developer) Right of Way for Carriage Way Bridge 51,500 Ln M 8. Design and Construct Cul -de -Sac at Forestway o and Fairview 14,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds T r 0 M 0 0 CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION T INCLUDING PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND ' CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 N P._ROJECT TIME FRAME SOURCE OF FUNDS 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 1980 -81 9. Design and.Construct a 5' Wide Portland Cement Sidewalk on Lake Cook Road (North Side) from Wilmot Road to Deerbrook Shopping Area 71,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds 10. Traffic Signal -- Greenwood and Waukegan Roads 11. Renovation of Railroad Station as a Historic Building 12. Construct Commuter Parking Lot on Peterson and Favelli Properties 13. Expand and Improve Sewage Treatment Plant, East Lift Station and, in Addition, Renovate East and West Trunk Sewers 14. Install Pedestrian Crossing Gates at North Side of Hazel Avenue Railroad Crossing and Ancillary Sidewalk $35,000 88,000 160,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 750,000 12,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds Urban Mass Transit Funding State and Federal Grant (No Village Funds Required) 75% Federal Grant Funds 25% S. T. P. Bond Issue I� Motor Fuel Tax;',Funds 17. Renovation of 800 feet of Sanitary Sewer on Osterman Avenue 30,000 18. Sewer Line Inspection by T.V: and Smoke 5,000 19. Reconstruct Commuter Parking Facilities at Railroad Station as a Federal Aid (10% VILLAGE FuNDINGY .Urban Project Phase II 294,000 20. Raze Buildings on Pierson Property and Prepare for Street Construction 5,000 21. Construct Park Avenue m Connection on Pierson Property to Deerfield Road 45,000 r O T W Sewer Division Funds Sewer Division Funds Federal, State and Village MFT Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION INCLUDING PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 TIME FRAME PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 1980 -81 15. Wilmot -Lake Cook Road Traffic Signal $19,000 Motor Fuel Tax Funds 16. Dutch Elm Program Sanitation Removal and Disposition of ° Dead Parkway Trees 12,000 Street and Bridge Funds 17. Renovation of 800 feet of Sanitary Sewer on Osterman Avenue 30,000 18. Sewer Line Inspection by T.V: and Smoke 5,000 19. Reconstruct Commuter Parking Facilities at Railroad Station as a Federal Aid (10% VILLAGE FuNDINGY .Urban Project Phase II 294,000 20. Raze Buildings on Pierson Property and Prepare for Street Construction 5,000 21. Construct Park Avenue m Connection on Pierson Property to Deerfield Road 45,000 r O T W Sewer Division Funds Sewer Division Funds Federal, State and Village MFT Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds Motor Fuel Tax Funds M .° CAPITAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION v INCLUDING PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND • CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $5,000 r TIME FRAME PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS 1976 -77. 1977 -78 1978 -79 1979 -80 1980 -81 22. Construct Hoffman Lane Relocation and Buy Right of Way. $325,000 Village Funds* 23. Reconstruct Deerfield Road $375,000 Village Funds ** Railroad Underpass $53,000 $80,000 2,367,000 $375,000 Lake County $1,750,000 Federal Urban Aid 24. Additional Space for Police Department 180,000 25. Special Assessment #113 Sidewalk Birch Court to Railroad Tracks with Drainage and Sanitary Sewer Works 122,500 Special Assessment Funding 26. Cross Connect Water Main at Kings Cove and Colony Point Across River 6.000 Water Department funds .TOTALS $3,848,500. $2,611,000 $3,258,000 $ '151,000 $ 151,000 *Motor Fuel Tax Funds Allocation; remainder of funds from other Village sources not yet determined. * *Motor.Fuel Tax Funds Allocation, $46,000; remainder of funds from other Village sources not yet determined. i t FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING STATE AND LOCAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1972. AUTHORIZED USE OF'FUNDS 1. ORDINARY-AND NECESSARY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING EXPENSES-` FOR: A. PUBLIC SAFETY (INCLUDING LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIRE PROTECTION AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT) B. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (INCLUDING SEWAGE DISPOSAL, SANITATION, AND POLLUTION. ABATEMENT) C. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION (INCLUDING TRANSIT SYSTEMS AND STREET AND ROADS) D. HEALTH E. RECREATION F. LIBRARIES G. SOCIAL SERVICES FOR THE POOR OR AGED H. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 2. ORDINARY AND NECESSARY CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AUTHORIZED BY LAW: 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 PROJECTED BALANCE UNOBLIGATED $165,000 $114,000 $114,000 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 61.000 (1) (1) AVAILABLE FUNDS $226,000 $114,000 $114,000 CAPITAL PURCHASES AND POLICE OPERATIONS 112.000 - 0 - - 0 - $114,000 $114,000 $114,000 (1) THE ENABLING LEGISLATION EXPIRES 12/31/76. THE VILLAGE HAS TO THIS POINT SPENT OR OBLIGATED THE FOLLOWING REVENUE SHARING FUNDS: 1. RIGHT -OF -WAY ACQUISITION FOR PARK AVENUE RELOCATION -- $56,376. 2. CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF A TRAUMA UNIT BY THE DEERFIELD - BANNOCKBURN FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT -- $15,000. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF BRIARWOOD VISTA -L'AKE COOK ROAD SANITARY SEWER INCLUDING ENGINEERING ANTICIPATED COST OF $76,000. SEC. 11, P. 1 DEBT SERVICE The Debt SeAvice Fund .i,6 used bon paying genenat .obZi.gati,on debts in-. c.uA&d,4 by the V.ittage via %eje cendum. The Qevy yeaA ,is somewhat dij6eAent 6jwm `e actuae payment yeaA. The pnapenty -tax " tev.ied in such a 6ash.ion so that the Vittage w.iU tece.ive Sunds in time to pay the pti.nci.pae and .cn teAest as .c t becomes payab ee. The tax .rev y d chedute !A .included in the budget ad Appendix B. SEC. 12, P. 1 N m n r DEBT SERVICE N COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: PROPERTY TAX LEVY $436,852 $567,687 $320,725 $523,675 $529,663 $511,.160 RECEIPTS FROM OTHER FUNDS 123,374 - 0 - 246,962 (1) (1) (1) INTEREST EARNED 12.964' 4.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 TOTAL REVENUE $573,190 $571,687 $579,687 $535,675 $541,663 $523,160 EXPENDITURES: BOND PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST $499,315 $567,687 $567,687 $523,675 $529,663 $511,163 MISCELLANEOUS 956 200 1.800 1.600 .. 1.500 1.'400 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $500,271 $567,887 $569,487 $525,275 $531,163 $512,563 (1) RECEIPTS FROM OTHER FUNDS ARE MONIES REFLECTING TAX ABATEMENTS PASSED PRIOR TO JANUARY. THE SOURCE OF THE MONIES IS GENERALLY EXCESS BOND PROCEEDS. � m m m m r m.m m= mm m r m m i m m� -s � t t PUBLIC BENEFIT The pubti.c bene6 t portion o6 tocat .impnovementa inatatted u.ndeh the spec i,a e a s eadmenx pnocedme o6 6 inane ing i,6 paid bloom Shia 6und. SEC. 13, P. 1 m n W PUBLIC BENEFIT SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES N ACTUAL AND PROJECTED EXPENDITURES: CONTRACTUAL $13;615 $13,995 $18,125 $19,545 $18,663 $14,530 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,615 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 $53,375 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: AFTER THE TAX IS LEVIED. AT THIS POINT, MAY 1, 1976, THE VILLAGE HAS APPROXIMATELY PROPERTY TAX LEVY - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - $ 10,000 $ 5,000. $ 5,000 REBATES $ 1,018 - 0 - $ 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 INTEREST 3,758 $ 3,000 2,500 1,500 11000 1,000 CASH BALANCE (1) 74.000 65.000 65.000 53.375 37.330 32.000 TOTAL REVENUE AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE $78,776 $68,000 $71,500 $ 66,875 $45,330 $40,000 EXPENDITURES: CONTRACTUAL $13;615 $13,995 $18,125 $19,545 $18,663 $14,530 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $13,615 $13,995. $18,125 $19,545 $18,663 $14,530 REMAINING CASH. BALANCE (1) $65,000 $53,375 $53,375 $37,330 :$31,667 $25,470. (1) TAX LEVIES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN CASH BALANCE UNTIL THE YEAR AFTER THE TAX IS LEVIED. AT THIS POINT, MAY 1, 1976, THE VILLAGE HAS APPROXIMATELY $100,000 IN PUBLIC BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS.TO PAY OVER THE NEXT EIGHT FISCAL YEARS. MUNICIPAL AUDIT The mun,i.c i,pat audit i6 an independent, out6.i,de audit conducted by a JiAm engaged by the Mayon and Boaxd o6 Tltuateea on an annuat ba6i6 as nequixed by State taw. Theae cute eahmatked 6undts that can onty be expended bo,% audit punpodea'. The amount Levied i.6 designed to be the exact co.dt o6 the audit. 1 SEC. 14, P. 1 m r F N MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUEs .PROPERTY TAX LEVY $ 8,918 S 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,500 $ 10,500 $ 10,500 EXPENDITURESs CONTRACTUAL $ 9,250 $ 10,000 $ 10,200 $ 10,500 $ 10,500 $ 10,500 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY The Emergency SeAvicea and 'Di6asta Agency aupeuedea the C.ivit De6enze Agency and now buic.a ty retatea to natwW dL6asteu cauaed by 6too6 and xornadoed. Ptans a6o .inctude actions to be taken .is man -made d.iaazteu occur auch ab t&ai.n, ai, cAa6t and tAuck acc ident6 .is cargo .i,nvotves poten- .tcat dangeA to our V.c,Uage %ea.ident6. SEC. 15, P. 1 Ln m EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1974 -75 1975 -76 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUE: PROPERTY TAX LEVY INTEREST MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: - TRAVEL, TRAINING, DUES COMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ -0- $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $12,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 500 -0- 300 -0- 300 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 500 $ 5,300 $ 5,300 $12,000 $ 5,'000 $ 5,000 $ 276 $ 250 $ 100 $ 300 $' 300 $ 300 211 300 700 1,000 1,000 1,000 -0- 300 200 600 600 600 193 -0- 195 -0- - 0 - - 0 - -0- 500 450 200 500 500 -0- 15.000 15.000 _6,900 2.600 _ 2.600 $ 680 $16,350 $16,645 $ 9,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 r r r m r SPECIAL TAX - YOUS LOT This 6pec iaC .tax 6.inance6 the purchaz e o6 the "F.ix.i t Shop" propeJr ty on Pa,%k Avenue. The purcha6 a waa made in 1971 and w.i U be comptetety paid Sor on November 30, 1983. The ptopetr ty ha6 been conveA ted into commuteA pa& ii.ng and i6 being used Sot this .puApo.6e at the ptuent time. A Federal grant Sor the .imptcovement o6 commuter patck,ing in the entiAe area has been appt ied Son and iz pending at thiz tine. The property coat $30,000, which wilt be appeied toward the Vittage'6 6hoAe os the impn.ovement under the Fedvwt grant when the parh,ing area iz reconatnucied. SEC. 16, P. 1 Ln m n 0% v N SPECIAL TAX - YOUS LOT SOURCE OF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1974 -75 1975 -7.6 1975 -76 1976 -77 1977 -78 1978 -79 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE' PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUES PROPERTY TAX LEVY EXPENDITURES: ANNUAL INSTALLMENT $ 5,120 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 $ 3,281 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 60 -601 ( Not, Included. in.Municipal.Budget) Account Number - - 72 -73 73 -74 .74-75 . • • • • •. 75 -76 • • 75 -76 •• • • ••• • 76 -,77 and Classification Expended * ' �Expenddd ' ...... Expended ' '' '_" 'Budget ' • ' .... '10-Mos." " ' 'Budget'' 01 -1 Salaries, Professional 43,269 45,194 50,996 78,835 48,223 78,053.--- 01-2 Salaries, Non - professional 57,070 64,131.15 67,705 76,402 56,153 88,294 05 Benefits 878 1,251.85 1,474 2,756 1,461 4,033 06 Professional Services 500 2,000 1,555 2,000 -- 1,000 11 Ed., Travel & Dues 982 2,000 1,955 2,200 1,234 2,500 12 Printing & Advertising 304' 700 1,336 100 3.8 100 13 Communications 1,988 3,300 2,258 2,500 1,972 2,800 14 insurance 2,305 5,000 2,429 2,492 10582 2,700 15 Custodial Services 6,437. 8,400 8,517 9,265 7,720 10,700 16 Utility Services 83 250 153. 200 :109 - 220 23 Repairs & Maintenance 6,296 12,800 5,296 8,600 5,447 8,900 31 Supplies (Library 4,060 5,000 8.,668 10,000 5,898 8,500 40 Books 49,355 83,000 9196917 -70,000 51,933 66,500 41 Periodicals 3,784 4,805 5,970 7,000 5,416 12,000 42 Audio- Visual 3,660 3,500 2,963 7,000 5,785 7,000 43 Binding 1,015 2,000 945 1,100 1,112 2,000 98 Contingency Fund -- 1,000 99 Miscellaneous 9,375 3,400 3,815 8,500 6,709 8,500 Computer Service -- - 609 1,000•• • • 497 • • • :' 1,200 Working Cash Fund -= 10;000 10,000 10; 000''`''''"10;000'•''''••15,000 191,.361 257,732 . 268,341 300,000 211,289 320,000 Completion of Expansion 1,116.28 Area 321,116.28. Levy 307,000 Fines, Fees, etc. 13,006 Const. Fund 1,116.28 0 M -• T r. APPENDIX A ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST 1976 -1977 CALCULATOR FINANCE $ 200 OFFICE EQUIPMENT FINANCE 250 COMPUTER FINANCE .22,000 VACUUM CLEANER ADMINISTRATION 100 CABINET ADMINISTRATION 150 MISCELLANEOUS -- MANAGER ADMINISTRATION 200 FILE ENGINEERING 150 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ENGINEERING 100 DRAFTING EQUIPMENT BUILDING 400 POCKET CALCULATOR BUILDING .100 PHOTO EQUIPMENT -- ADDITIONS BUILDING 180 CALCULATOR PLANNING 200 BOOK SHELF PLANNING 200 TOTAL $24,230 PAGE 1 APPENDIX A POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST 1976 - 1977 EQUIPMENT DIVISION BUDGET REPLACEMENT CHAIRS, FILE, ETC. ADMINISTRATION $ 525 COMPUTER ADMINISTRATION 60,000 MICROFILM ADMINISTRATION 12,000 TYPEWRITERS, CHAIRS, DESKS, CAMERA LENS INVESTIGATIONS 620 RADIO, LIGHT BAR, SHOTGUN, .SHIELD, AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR SIXTH MARKED SQUAD PATROL 2,000 REPLACEMENTS FOR INTERVIEW AND HOLDING ROOM, ADDITIONAL CHAIRS, TYPEWRITER PATROL 1,000 GUN LOCKER PATROL 500 FILMS YOUTH 600 TOTAL $ 77,245 PAGE 2 APPENDIX A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT REQUEST 1976,.- 1977 EQUIPMENT DIVISION BUDGET TWO LAWN MOWERS STREET $ 475 CHAIN SAW STREET 400 SNOW BLOWER AUGER STREET 1,000 TREE AUGER - -30 INCH STREET 650 HYDRAULIC PLOW TURN KIT STREET 250 THREE -INCH CENTRIFUGAL PUMP STREET 800 SHARE OF COMPUTER' SEWER 6,000 HIGH HEAD SUBMERSIBLE SUMP PUMP WASTE TREATMENT PLANT 450 SHARE OF COMPUTER WATER 6,000 WATER METER REPLACEMENT WATER 10,000 TOTAL $26,025 PAGE 3 -Q A Ll m 41 APPENDIX B GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS RETIREMENT SCHEDULE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST (LEVY YEAR BASIS) SEWER PUBLIC SEWER SEWAGE LAND TAX LEVY IMPROVEMENTS LIBRARY. IMPROVEMENTS TREATMENT ACQUISITION TOTAL YEAR JUNE 1, 1960 DEC. 1, 1969 JUNE 1, 1973 FACILITIES DEC. 1, 1974 $525,000 $1,035,000 $1,080,000 JUNE 1, 1973 $2,000,000 .$1,000,000 1976 $50,400 $109,000 $74,775 $167,125 $ 122,375 $523,675 1977 48,600 103,000 73,313 162,625 142,125 529,663 1978 46,800 120,688 207,,500 136,175 511,163 1979 117,125 201,875 130,525 449,525 1980 113,788 196,313 125,125 435,226 1981 110,413 190,688 143,987 445,088 1982 107,000 185,000 137,050 429,050 1983 103,550 179,250 154,275 437,075 1984 100,063 173,438 - 0 - 273,501 1985 96,538 167,563 - 0 - 264,101 1986 92,975 161,625 - 0 - 254,600 1987 89,338 155,563 - 0 - 244,901 1988 85,625 149,375 - 0.- 235,000 1989 81,875 143,125 - 0 - 225,000 1990 53,750 161,250 - 0 - 215,000 1991 51,250 153,750 - 0 - 205,000 TOTALS $145,800 $212,000 $1,472,066 $2,756,065 $1,091,637 $5,677,568 TO: Village Manager, Mayor, and Board of Trustees FROM: George J. Valentine, Finance Director. SUBJECT: Revision of Sewer Division Work Statistics DATE: March 19, 1976 As requested by the Board, we have revised the chart showing the'work statistics for the Sewer Division to in- clude the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Please substitute the attached pages for Section 4, Page 5 of the Preliminary Budget. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT $EWER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1972 1973 1974 1975 SANITARY SEWER STOPPAGES 23 48 53 46 SANITARY SEWERS CLEANED 73,826 FT. 59,283 FT. 230,577 FT. 485,621 FT. SANITARY STREET OPENINGS 0 2 1,290 SO. YDS. 1,368 SO. YDS. SANITARY INFILTRATIONS FOUND 6 12 120 133 SANITARY MANHOLES REBUILT 6 21 29 49 SANITARY SEWERS TWO 7,162 2,932 4,542 6,221 DOWNSPOUTS DISCONNECTED 29 70 32 119 SUMP PUMP INSPECTION 0 0 0 0 HOMES DYE OR SMOKE TESTED 21 130 1,431 1,574 STORM SEWERS CLEANED 2,021 FT. 4,000 FT. 13,382 FT. 38,063 FT. INLETS CLEANED 882 852 1,849 2,175 STORM STREET OPENINGS 3 4 3,324 SQ. YDS. 697 SO. YDS. STORM ILFILTRATIONS FOUND 5 0 19 38 STORM STRUCTURES RECONSTRUCTED 43 66 62 71 STORM SEWERS TWO 0 0 0 1,400 ' STREET INLET COVERS,REPLACED 8 21 21 27 NEW STORM SEWERS OR LATERALS INSTALLED 0 648 FT. 1,267 FT. 1,226 FT. INLETS DYE OR SMOKE TESTED 259 100 258 335 INLETS FOUND TO HAVE INFILTRATION TO SANITARY AND DISCONNECTED 6 10 17 4 N PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER DIVISION WORK STATISTICS FUNCTION 1972 .1973 1974 1975 INLETS FOUND•TO HAVE DIRECT CONNECTION TO SANITARY 2 0 11 5 SEWAGE PUMPED (MILLION GALLONS) 1,040 921 882 973 PRIMARY SLUDGE (THOUSAND GALLONS) 2,241 2,141 2,298 2,238 SECONDARY SLUDGE (THOUSAND GALLONS) 1,287 1,510 1,371 1,365 CHLORINE USED (POUNDS) 95,947 93,849 85,908 85,875 SLUDGE BEDS CLEANED 43 60 55 53 SLUDGE BEDS DRAWN 43 60 55 53 SLUDGE DRAWN TO LAGOONS (THOUSAND GALLONS) 303 143 163 179 SLUDGE EQUAL TO (BEDS) 34.5 16.3 18.5 20.3 SLUDGE TRUCKED OUT (THOUSAND GALLONS) 0 125 175 0 SLUDGE TRUCKED EQUAL TO (BEDS) 0 14.2 20 0 SLUDGE PUMPED TO THE SLUDGE LAGOONS (THOUSAND GALLONS) 0 0 0 146 SLUDGE PUMPED TO THE LAGOONS EQUAL TO (BEDS) 0 0 0 16.6