R-74-13RESOLUTION R-74-13 WHERwAS, it is desirable to facilitate the authorization of payment of the obligations of the Village of Deerfield: ITOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Beard of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that The follo.;+inm officials be and &re hereby authorized to sign voucher checks of the Village of Deerfield, two sig:.naturres or one signature and one facsimile signature being required: Mayor Bernard Forrest or Trustee, George Kelm, or Village Manager, Norris W. Stilphen, or Village Treasurer, George J. Valentine or Trustee L. T. Moate . PASSED: This 17th Day of June, A.D. '9714 ATTEST: ffl ,,AG% CLERK i APPROVED: BER14 ARD FORRESI', M AYOR FyCSIMIL,E SIGi' ?A': (rRE VAPOR, VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Attachment II -A -2 Project: Deerfield C171714 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGULATIONS FOR USER CHARGE SYSTEMS Whereas, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has amended part 35 of title 40 to include regulations for user charge systems pursuant to section 204(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, and whereas the regulations require that a user charge system be adopted by all recipients of sewage treatment works construction grants; therefore, be it resolved that: 1, the Village of Deerfield hereby provides assurance that it has legal, institutional, managerial, and financial capability to insure adequate construction, operation, and maintenance of treatment works throughout its jur- isdiction. 2. the Village of Deerfield hereby provides assurance that, prior to request for fifty percent (50 %) payment of .Step 3 grant, it will develop an approvable plan and schedule of implementation for a system of user charges to assure that each recipient of waste treatment services within the jurisdiction of the Village of Deerfield will pay its proportionate share of the costs of opera- tion and maintenance (including replacement) of treat- ment works provided by the Village of Deerfield, and that, prior to request for eighty percent (80 %) payment of Step 3 grant, it will provide the system of user charges for approval. Resolved this 17th day of June 1974. President President or Mayor Certified.to be a true and accurate copy, passed and adopted on the above date. m ~ (Seal) Village Clerk Clerk ATTACHMENT II -A -9 Project: Deerfield C171 -714 RESOLUTION REGARDING THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) Whereas, regulations of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding grants for construction of sewage treatment works, 40CFR 35E, require that an applicant provide an identification of effluent discharge limitation, on, if available, a copy of a permit as required by the NPDES, therefore, be it resolved that: 1) the Village of Deerfield hereby provides assurance that it has made application for a discharge permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (copy attached) 2) the Village of Deerfield hereby provides assurance that it will provide a copy of a permit as required by the NPDES at such time as such permit becomes available Resolved this 17th day of June 1974. President President or Mayor Certified to be a true and accurate copy, passed and adopted on the above date. (SEAL) Village Clerk Clerk 0 Attachment II -A -10 Project No. C171714 r RESOLUTIONCOF "INTENT TO PROVIDE A PLAN OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS Whereas under the provisions of the State Anti - Pollution Bond Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, it is re- quired that the Village Board, the governing body, provide an assurance of economic, effective, and efficient operation and maintenance of the sewage treatment works proposed under project C171714 in accordance with a plan of operation. Therefore, be it resolved by the Village Board, the governing body, that a plan of operation will be prepared and include pro- vision for: 1) an operation and maintenance manual for each facility 2) an emergency operating and response program 3) properly trained management, operation and maintenance personnel 4) adequate budget for operation and maintenance 5) operational reports 6) provisions for laboratory testing adequate to determine influent and effluent characteristics and removal efficiencies Resolved this 17th. of June 1974. (Seal) f Village President Mayor, Village Pres., etc. Village Clerk Clerk, Secretary, etc. Attachment II -A -II Project: Deerfield C171714 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGULATIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL COST RECOVERY Whereas, the U. S. Enviornmental Protection Agency has amended Part 35 of Title 40 to include regulations for industrial cost recovery pursuant to Section 204(b) of the Federal Water Pollu- tion Control Act amendments of 1972, and whereas the regulations require that an industrial cost recovery system be adopted by recipients of sewage treatment works construction grants, therefore, be it resolved that: 1) the Village of Deerfield hereby provides assurance that prior to request for fifty percent (50 %) payment of Step 3 grant, it will develop an approvable plan and schedule for implementation for an industrial cost re- covery system, and that, prior to request for eighty percent (80 %) payment of Step 3 grant, it will provide the industrial cost recovery system for approval 2) the Village of Deerfield has received signed letters of intent (copies attached), from each significant industrial user* to pay that portion of the grant amount allocable to the treatment of its wastes. Each such letter includes a statement of the industrial user's intended period of use of the treatment works. The Village of Deerfield agrees to require all industrial users to pay that portion of the grant amount allocable to the treatment of wastes from such users. *A significant industrial user is one that will contribute greater than 10 percent of the design flow or design pollutant loading of the treatment works. Resolved this 17th DAY of June 1974. r President President or Mayor Certified to be a true and accurate copy, passed and adopted'on the above date. Village Clerk Clerk