O-74-68ORDINANCE NO. 0 -74 -68 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF A FIRE PREVENTION CODE Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees this 21st day of October, 1974. ' ORDINANCE NO. 0 -74 -681 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF A FIRE PREVENTION CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That there is hereby adopted by the President and ONE: Board of Trustees for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain fire pre- vention code known as the "American Insurance Association Fire Pre- vention Code", being particularly the 1970 edition thereof, as amended, and the whole thereof, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and are now filed in the office of the Director of Building and Zoning of the Village of Deerfield and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION That as to that portion of the Village of Deerfield TWO: lying within the corporate limits of the Deerfield — Bannockburn Fire Protection District, the Fire Pre- vention Code shall be enforced by the Fire Chief of said District, who is hereby appointed Fire Marshal for the Village of Deerfield, to be compensated at the rate of $1.00 annually. As to that portion of the Village of Deerfield lying within the corporate limits of the Northbrook Rural Fire Protection District, the Fire Prevention Code shall be enforced by the Fire Chief of said District who is hereby appointed Deputy Fire Marshal of the Village of Deerfield, to be compensated at the rate of $1.00 annually. SECTION That whenever either the Fire Marshal or Deputy Fire THREE: Marshal shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Board of Building Appeals of the Village of Deerfield. Any such appeal will be considered in the manner provided in Sections $.$05 and $.$06 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION That nothing in the Fire Prevention Code hereby FOUR: adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or pro- ceeding now pending quired, or liability incurred, nor accrued or existing, under any act shall any right or remedy of any c fected by this ordinance. in any court, or any rights ac— any cause or causes of action or ordinance repealed hereby, nor zaracter be lost, impaired or -_df- SECTION ':`-That the invalidity of any section or provision of FIVE: the Fire Prevention Code hereby adopted shall not f invalidate other sections or provisions thereof. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect SIX: from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish SEVEN: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. AYES: Finne, Gavin, Moses, Stiehr (4) NAYS : None (0) ABSENT: Kelm, Moate (2) PASSED this 21st day of October A.D. 1974 APPROVED this 21st day of October A.D. 1974 Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk