02/27/2006MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE February 27, 2006 The village board met at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room of the village hall on Monday, February 27, 2006. Village Board Staff Steven Harris, Mayor Robert D. Franz, Village Manager Michelle Feldman, Trustee Robert Fialkowski, Finance Director Harriet Rosenthal, Trustee Philip Kiraly, Asst. to the Village Manager William Seiden, Trustee Barbara Little, Director of Public Works and Barbara Struthers, Trustee Engineering Matthew Wylie, Trustee John Sliozis, Chief of Police 1. Community Relations’ Request – Acts of Kindness Chairman Jerry Witkovsky and members of the Community Relations Commission were present to request funding for their proposed Acts of Kindness program. They want to retain the services of a marketing professional to promote and coordinate activities relating to the program. The commission estimates $15,000 to fund the coordinator and other administrative expenses for the first year of program implementation. The board discussed the proposal and asked questions concerning it, including whether private corporations could help finance it. Chairman Witkovsky responded that the commission will not involve itself in soliciting outside funds for the project. At the urging of Mayor Harris, the board indicated its willingness to finance the program. Formal action on a contract for professional services will occur at a future board meeting. 2. Request to Purchase ROW – Fradin, 2579 Woodvale Scott Fradin, 1579 Woodvale, was in attendance to follow up on his written request to purchase right-of-way north of his property in order to reorient the front of his home to face west rather than north. The legal aspects of vacating ROW were discussed with the board. The 100’ of ROW was acquired years ago from the properties on each side for the intended purpose of extending North Avenue to the east. If it is vacated, the property must revert back to one or the other adjacent properties at some negotiated price. It cannot be sold outright to a third party. At this point, staff sees no future use of the property for any public purpose. The board was inclined to further consider selling Mr. Fradin a portion of the ROW and directed staff to have it appraised. Staff will then contact both adjacent property owners before bringing it back to the board. 3. American Water Proposal – Sewage Treatment Plant The board reviewed the latest information submitted by American Water for acquiring or managing and operating Deerfield’s wastewater system. Although not a firm offer, they have presented some financial information on the various options that have been under consideration for the past year. American Water believes that their experience and expertise offer the village the best approach to addressing the significant capital improvements needed over the next several years. After discussing the proposals, the board concluded that controlling the operations and rates are critical factors which they are reluctant to relinquish in any way to a private entity. The board believe that customer service is extremely important and is the highest priority in planning for the future of sanitary services in the community. There was some discussion regarding the regional option, but those agencies (Lake County Public Works and the North Shore Sanitary District) have not reacted positively to our interest in pursuing that possibility. Although the board will keep an open mind to other alternatives, at this point the plan is to make improvements to the plant and satellite facilities, with the understanding that the village will continue to own and operate the system. 4. Tax Exempt Bonds – CJHS The Chicagoland Jewish High School is requesting that the village issue revenue bonds to provide “conduit financing” for the new high school to be built south of Lake Cook Road. The village’s only involvement with the project would be to lend its name to the borrowing in order to make tax exempt financing available. The village would be entitled to charge a fee for its participation in the financing. Bob Fialkowski reviewed a similar 1995 bond issue involving the Gidwitz/Weinberg facility south of Lake Cook Road. That transaction involved a fee of $30,000 plus costs not to exceed $5,000. Mayor Harris stated that he felt that the village should recover its costs but should make no profit. The board agreed. The formal request from CJHS will be on a future board agenda. 5. 2006-07 Budget Bob Fialkowski gave a brief overview of his budget transmittal memo and then reviewed his revenue projections for 2006-07. A 10% increase in General Fund revenues is expected, which includes a 4% increase in the General Fund portion of the property tax levy. Significant increases in both the infrastructure and scavenger portions of the levy are also proposed. The fee and tax survey was reviewed briefly. No fee increases are proposed as part of this budget, but a water rate increase will be needed to offset the new wholesale rate established by Highland Park. The police department budget will be approximately 2% higher with no new programs or personnel. Chief Sliozis did alert the board that some municipalities have expressed an interest in contracting with the village for dispatch services. Public works is requesting several new positions which, although discussed briefly, will be reviewed in detail at the next budget meeting. Considerable time was spent on the proposed capital budget and the need to deal with long term financing for significant infrastructure projects planned for the future. The main projects scheduled for 2006-07 are: • Annual street rehabilitation and sidewalk program - $1,745,000. Funded from MFT ($625,000) and Infrastructure Replacement Fund (IRF) • Initiation of a sewer inflow and infiltration (I & I) study - $260,000. Sewer Fund • Lift station improvements at three sites - $750,000. Sewer Fund • Rosemary infrastructure replacement - $2,415,000. IRF • Village hall expansion - $4,200,000. TIF 2 The Infrastructure Fund will not have adequate revenues and reserves for the anticipated expenditures. Revenue sources for this year include the IRF fund balance (est. $406,000), half of the home rule sales tax ($750,000) and an increased tax levy (from $45,000 to $600,000). With the program as presented, it will not be necessary to issue debt in fiscal year ’07. It is recommended that the approximately $4,000,000 necessary to provide funding in the Sewer Fund and IRF can come from a combination of fund transfers. To continue the program past the 2006-07 year with the projects as presented in the Capital Improvements Program, it is very likely that a debt issue will be necessary early in fiscal year 2007-08. There was brief discussion on the potential economic benefits of redeveloping the property on Deerfield Road owned by the village in the northwest quadrant. It was agreed that staff should meet with the VCDC to explore options for this 73,000 sq. ft. parcel. Trustee Seiden commented that, with the very conservative revenue forecasting and the existing reserve balances, he does not feel that an increased tax levy is necessary. There was brief discussion on spending down fund balance, without any firm conclusion on it or next year’s tax levy. It was agreed that the board would meet again on the budget following the March 20th board meeting. Minutes prepared by ____________________________________ ROBERT D. FRANZ, Village Manager