O-23-10VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ORDINANCE NO. 2023- 0-23-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF "THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS, 1975," AS AMENDED, TO CREATE A NEW CLASS L LIQUOR LICENSE TO ALLOW FOR PRODUCT SAMPLING AND REGULATIONS RELATED THERETO, AND TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF CLASS A LIQUOR LICENSES WHEREAS, Chapter 3 of the "The Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, 1975", as amended ("Village Code'), regulates the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor in the Village; and WHEREAS, Garfields Beverage Warehouse DF LLC, d/b/a Garfield's Beverage Warehouse ("Applicant') desires to open a liquor store and allow customers to consume samples and purchase alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises ("Product Sampling'); and WHEREAS, Applicant has requested the Village to amend its liquor regulations to allow Class A liquor license holders to provide Product Sampling; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to amend Chapter 3 ("Liquor Regulations') of the Village Code to: (i) create a new class of liquor license to allow for Product Sampling; (ii) adopt regulations to govern Product Sampling; and (iii) increase the number of available Class A and Product Sampling liquor licenses; and WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that it will serve and be in the best interests of the Village and its residents to amend the Liquor Regulations pursuant to this Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE BOARD OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION ONE: RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into, and made a part of, this Ordinance as findings of the Village Board. SECTION TWO: AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3-8 OF THE VILLAGE CODE. Section 8, titled "Classes of Licenses," of Article 1, titled "Licensing and Regulations," of Chapter 3, titled "Alcoholic Beverages," of the Village Code is hereby amended and shall read as follows: "Sec. 3-8. Classes of Licenses. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic liquor in the Village shall possess a license of one of the following classes: {00131834.1}Addit'ons are bold and double -underlined; ded-etions are- stnuekt4ir-eugh. 1 fn Class L, which shall authorize and allow a �remis� with a Class A license to sell or prayide on -site consumption of alcoholic liquor to allow customers to sample the licensee's inventory of alcoholic liquor provided that thepremises is: i located in the C-2 Outlying Commercial District: and (ii) has more than 4,000 square feet of space open to customers, (nJo Class X, civic special events license, which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor at Village designated civic special events only for consumption on the event premises or within such other area within the event premises as specifically designated in such license. The license shall be valid only for the duration of the specified civic special event and shall be subject to such conditions as the Local Liquor Commissioner or their designee may impose regarding the conduct of the civic special event, including, without limitation, that the licensee must provide the Village with written documentation, in a form approved by the Village, that, if the licensee is someone other than the Village, the licensee will indemnify, hold harmless, defend, and insure the Village against any claims arising out of or relating to the service of alcoholic liquor by the licensee at the civic special event. (ep) CLASS Y, which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor by the drink by religious, charitable, fraternal or other not -for -profit organizations, for periods not in excess of forty 48 hours. All applications for a class Y license shall state the names and addresses of the two highest ranking officers of the organization, the address of the premises upon which the sale of alcoholic liquor will be made, the estimated attendance upon the premises during the period of the license and whether such sales will be made to the public or only to bona fide members of the organization for which the license is requested. Satisfactory evidence from the owner of the premises shall be furnished showing the authorization to the applicant for the use of said premises, including the sale of alcoholic liquor, for the period for which the license is requested. No applicant may apply for more than four class Y licenses in any calendar year." SECTION THREE: AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3-9 OF THE VILLAGE CODE. Section 9, titled "Classes of Licenses," of Article 1, titled "Licensing and Regulations," of Chapter 3, titled "Alcoholic Beverages," of the Village Code is hereby amended and shall read as follows: "Sec. 3-9. Number Of Licenses: There shall be issued in the Village no more than the following number of licenses issued in the following classes: {00131834.1}Additions are bold and double -underlined; del -Jens am through. 2 Class A -34 Class B 1 Class C 4 Class D 2 Class D-1 0 Class D-2 1 Class E 9 Class F 4 Class G 1 Class H 1 Class I 2 Class J 1 Class K No Limit Class L 1 Class X No Limit Class Y No Limit The table in this Section shall be kept current and any time any license expires, terminates, is revoked, not renewed, or abandoned, the number of licenses in the applicable class in the table above shall automatically be reduced by one without requiring further action by the Village Board." SECTION FOUR: AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 3 OF THE VILLAGE CODE TO ADOPT PRODUCT SAMPLING REGULATIONS. Article 1, titled, "Licensing and Regulations," of Chapter 3, titled "Alcoholic Beverages," of the Village Code is hereby amended to add a new Section 3-34, titled "Product Sampling of Alcoholic Liquor," which shall read as follows: "Sec. 3-34. Product Sampling of Alcoholic Liquor: The following regulations shall apply to on_ -site consumption_ and sales of alc holic li uor by Class L licensees: A. Molders of a Class L license shall be permitted to sell and have customers consume alcoholic liquor on the premises only in the area of the premises that is designated and approved for the sampling of products. B. Holders of a Class L license h ll be permitted to sell and have customers consume on the premises alcoholic liquor provided that: [i] the licensee offers that same alcoholic liquor for retail ale in its original and unopened package for off -site {00131834.1}Additions are bols3 -underlined; a lets nsare ° tFuek `'�-o 3 consumption; oalcoholic liquor provided for on -site c n m i n is a limited and apecial offering from the licensee's distributors C. Any licensee that has a Class L license must have a _limits food menu vailable at all times whileh license allows or offers for sale alcoholic liquor for on -site consumption, which menu may consist of pre -pa-- agcd. foods and must be approved by by the Village Manager. D. A Class L licensee m not sell or offer h lic liquQr for consu=tion on -premises between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m." SECTION FIVE: AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3-34 OF THE VILLAGE CODE. Section 3-34, titled "Revocation or Suspension of Liquor License," of Article 1, titled, "Licensing and Regulations," of Chapter 3, titled "Alcoholic Beverages," of the Village Code is hereby amended and shall read as follows: "Sec. 3-34 3-35. Revocation Or Suspension Of Liquor License: The Local Liquor Commissioner may suspend for not more than 30 days or revoke for cause any liquor license issued pursuant to this Chapter for any violation of any provision pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor, as provided in this Chapter and in the manner provided in 235 ILCS 5/7-5." SECTION SIX: PUBLICATION. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Illinois. SECTION SEVEN: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] {00131834.11Additions-are bold and double -underlined; deletions are stfaek thyaiaglq. 4 AYES: Benton, Berg, Jacoby, Oppenheim, Seiden NAYS: None ABSENT: Metts-Childers PASSED: April 17, 2023 APPROVED: April 17, 2023 ORDINANCE NO. 0-23-10 - Daniel C., Shapiro, Mayor ATTES . (5. Kent S. §treet, Village Clerk {00131834.11Additions are bold and double -underlined; ^'^`'^^ ..tiM ek tllFa..ni 5