O-74-30ORDINANCE NO. 0 -74- 30 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPROVAL OF A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (CHESTERFIELD'S LAUREL HILL UNIT NO. 9) WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield has hereto- fore held a public hearing on the application of CHESTERFIELD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (Developer) for the approval of a single - family residential planned development of certain real estate hereinafter described located in the Hovland Subdivision and classified in the R -1 -B District of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have previously adopted Ordinance No. 0 -73 -58 approving said Planned Development; and WHEREAS, said Developer presently desires to complete the Planned Development in two phases and requests final approval of Phase 1 thereof; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, after considering the evidence adduced, recommended that said planned development be permitted to be accomplished in two phases subject to certain conditions and restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE.-PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the proposed single - family planned residential ONE: development of Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 9 as described in Ordinance No. 0 -73 -58 be permitted to proceed in two phases and that Phase 1 thereof, as set forth and des- cribed on the attached plat of resubdivision, which plat of resubdivision is made a part of this Ordinance, be and it is hereby approved subject to the conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth. SECTION That the approval of Phase 1 of said planned development TWO: is conditioned upon the Developer including the property described below within Phase II of Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 9 or in the alternative, the owners of said property having filed a Petition with the Board of Zoning Appeals of the Village of Deerfield seeking a lot area variation from the requirements of the R -1- B District. SECTION TWO deleted Lots 37, 38 and 39 (except the East 150 feet thereof) in by Board 5/20/74 J. S. Hovland's First Addition to Deerfield, being a subdivision of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd Principal Meridian according to the plat thereto, recorded November 7, 1924, as Document #248380 in Book "N" of plats, page 56, Lake County, Illinois. SECTION That the approval of the planned development :• TWO! hereby given is subject to the fa condition that the Developer submit for approval a final plat of Phase II of said resubdivision of the balance of real estate described in Section One hereof and not embraced in Phase I and except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect THREE IPOM: from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 20th day of May , A.D., 1974 APPROVED this 20th day of May. , A.D., 1974 VILLAGE PRESIDENT o t ATTEST: 0 VILLAGE CLERK "further" deleted by Board 5/20/74 L SECTION That the approval of the planned development :• TWO! hereby given is subject to the fa condition that the Developer submit for approval a final plat of Phase II of said resubdivision of the balance of real estate described in Section One hereof and not embraced in Phase I and except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, comply with all requirements of the Village Code of the Village of Deerfield necessary for the approval of said final plat. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect THREE IPOM: from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 20th day of May , A.D., 1974 APPROVED this 20th day of May. , A.D., 1974 VILLAGE PRESIDENT o t ATTEST: 0 VILLAGE CLERK "further" deleted by Board 5/20/74 OVER SIZE DOCUMENT (PULLED FROM THIS LOCATION) slo tj !4 51�apc P P40 V I D :-1°f T H I AGE ENCI INN R OF FHF vILLAGE OF .1D[ERF1EL"1,j LAKE I-LIN-01s, TllifE DAB' "T A. [). I v h- L4G FNG IN P L R F)TArE 'IF 1w1...14. 1` OL LE; TIR F�)' THE V C-LA GE OF CEL'>f ILLIAOISo D,,') HFRr---3Y ICEM Y T-JAT THERIL ARE 1�43 CCLI*:,UEN'T OR UNPACD' C--URqLAT OR e Ri ITi SpLr JAL ASSESSMr NT_zf OP ANY UFURREL= V°4111c"TAL'-iMvUfTS THURE'lF Tt�Al I HAVE '+")T BEEN Ar`>11 TIONLD A"GA145T THE TRACT IF LAI'AD 1NL,.JDEV 1A I'HE Af'14­.�,ED PLAT. CAT':0 AT DEERFIELD, P-: U-401S THI-)_ DAY OF A. D. 1 4 L N K -IF LAK1_ r­-�UNTY, L A Rit N 1 I'J DO il I TH4T 1 ri F A L 1AXF".:,, NO jAPA 1. t-a:, A1-;3AL IA, FS N I UN r- , I ', F1 D F;, I -i L"D, TA "j-) A "1 -1 A IN, Y ")f TH, F I_ AND INC�LJ"IEO Ii THE AN N.", y FZ SLAT. I � Y [HA I I AAVF ?F -E I i,' 1) A; L pi I 1H i`i- PLA i. � I EEN J W D R 14Y �iAN:) ANE ALA'- 'Y 1 H C1,X4TY` Ai TH Y COUN11-y -L �-Q 11-el ALi- LlTS 5 +)v4N 1)\4 T. 1 PLAT' C)MPLY ',,ITH Nt1f4I44X;-! A�EA AND -,-'TfL7R APPLI,-'A:-;LE 34EQU1 QEtAENTS )F THE 50771'--'1 DR- ,JNA4`z-7 AP C VMNG OM�`J'i4N(1x1 IF LF-FIRFIi-1-04 ar A&V NORTH'040RE f"S , COMPA14Y ITS VADOCSSMS AND ASSIGNS, To INSTALL, -CONSTAUCTO OPERATE, KA"TAIN, INSPECT, KPAtP, RENEW, tACE XXO`IRCMVt P"OtLfwg, GAS mine 00 svwtct pfpftt# TOGETHER WITH THE NECESSARY VALVIES, VALVE SOXES, *02- ULATORS AND OTHER ATTAOHKXT$, CONNECTIONS ANO FIX- TURES FOR TRANSMITTING AND OISTRIOUTING GAS TO Pft- PERVItS WITHIN AND WITHOVT THE ""IVfSIQ*, tWON, UNDER, ACROSS AND WITHIN ALL MAOS, STREETS 00 ALLEYS WITHIN THE "9otVIS10m, PROVIDEP HOWEVER, THAT va" FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT ANO APPORTENAMES, WHEN INSTALL- ED, WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE "OVMXT Of TRAFFIC UP" SkM MAD$, STREETS 00 ALLEYS. . . . . . . . . . . . -'�N -T H T,§ N 0- y f)'( CIL I Y 1--iAT I I 11H F" E T H i T Y T' R U�i Y, AND R 17 S 4NI) T" A T I H A T S I 1 -3 E ;*5 SH,�)VVTN d-RILON; C DA A. 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WOVE YIP Dt" H ERIE Y I �iAvC AND RUSUi-4`1VIDILU, Rf ',`�:'OPFPTY Y THAT 2c- 4 'N L A�0 i L - r � A P T 1 N , I N.1 TqE',INIXNNE- P`P9;7'--E-NT- 0 1 fH- P' A- HEREDN E' 4}+. I : 4-,A-:, I')Ns F i. AND r)Cf, INIA-� PART5', T-iERL�)F AND A�E L'0?,'PECTE'D T1 EMP RAWRE ARE SHOWN IN A TE E 1F FAHRENH, 17. I FURTIIT R CFRTVF*,, 1-4A-I T H E PR')PrRTy CDC3(-- 1-31t) HEr'Er,4 S1 JVATr-Ps e4 mr- LAK --DUNTY, I' AN" �`40 i-'APt- OF I-1E P R 0 P, 'E'R T Y t'.' 0 V E. R U. D 'vt-L4GE 7)F 'DEF��FIELDj,, I RAI' By IH IS PLI AT Dr- 3U60 )1�4 1IN I S E I -U D W I I i I N Ft-FT 3F COY SWRFACE D N 441L R %,)�JR S_ SER 4, T; I �U 1 A:; Y AR L A ,-)F Ac,;, -- S ),A-)R F . CH 4 L-,- I Nf2 15 Z'i A T J A N U R Y Z ID :A. ID . 1