Financial Statements For Year Ended April 30, 1978VILLAGE OF DEERF IELD, ILLIN; 7 S REPORT OIL EX_ KINATION OF F'INANCIAL STATEMENTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1576 ' ToudzeRoss&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS C O N T E N T S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Page 1 Accountants' report 1-2 All funds: Summary balance sheets Summary statements of revenues, expenditures, 3 encumbrances and changes in municipal equity/ reserves 4 iGeneral Corporate Fund: Balance sheet 5 Statement of revenues, expenditures and I changes in municipal equity 6 Street and Bridge Fund: ' Balance sheet 7 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 8 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund: Balance sheet 9 ' Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 10 Police Pension Fund: Balance sheet 11 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in reserve balance 12 ' Public Benefit Fund: Balance sheet 13 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 14 Motor Fuel Tax Fund: Balance sheet 15 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 16 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund: Balance sheet 17 Statement of revenues, expenditures and encumbrances and changes in municipal equity 18 Deposit Fund: Balance sheet 19 1 Statements of receipts, disbursements and changes in reserve balance 20 1 ITouclteRctss6Gi VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS C O N T E N T S 1 (Continued) Page FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED): Debt Service Fund: I Balance sheet 21 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 22 jWater System Fund: Balance sheet 23 Statement of operations and changes in municipal equity 24 Statement of changes in financial position 25 1 Sewerage System Fund: Balance sheet 26 Statement of net income 27 Statement of changes in municipal equity 28 ( Statement of changes in financial position 29 Refuse Fund: Balance sheet 30 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 31 rSewerage Treatment Facilities Fund: Balance sheet 32 ' Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 33 Storm Sewer Improvement Fund: Balance sheet 34 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 35 rLand Acquisition Fund: Balance sheet 36 tmunicipal Statement of revenues, and changes in equity 37 Commuter Parking Lot Fund: Balance sheet 38 Statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 39 Special Assessment Funds 94, 101-102, 106-108, 111-112, S/1, S/2, S/5: Balance sheets 40 Statements of revenues, expenditures and changes in reserve balances 41 Touche Ross &Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 1 C O N T E N T S. (Continued) Page FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED): Special Assessment Funds 3-84: Balance sheet (unaudited) 42 General Long-term Debt Group of Accounts 43 Notes to Financial Statements 44-49 ' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Accountants' Report 50 1 Real Estate Taxes 51 Licenses and permits, sales of Village services and other revenue 52 Appropriated expenditures: General Corporate Fund: Administrative department 53 Police department 53 Municipal audit 54 Civil Defense Fund 54 Yous parking lot 55 Village garage. 55 Youthbond 55 Recycling 56 ' Street and Bridge Fund 56 Water System Fund: Administration and supervision 56 Distribution 57 1 Main and fire hydrant maintenance 58 Meter maintenance 58 Sewerage System Fund: Administration and supervision 59 ' Treatment plant Cleaning and maintenance 59 60 Construction department 61 General Obligation Bonds 62 Water System Fund: ' Revenue bonds payable 63 General Corporate Fund: Combining balance sheet 64 Combining statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in municipal equity 65 Police Pension Fund: Investments 66 1 7DUCj12 iZOSS & CA. i June 16, 19 78 ' BOARD OF TRUSTEES VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS: ' We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and the long-term debt group of accounts of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois for the year ended April 30, 1978 listed on the foregoing table of contents. Except as explained in the following paragraph, our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The records of the existing special assessments Numbers 3-84 (issued in 1929 and prior) were incomplete as to assessments receivable and bonds payable. Because we were unable to satisfy ourselves by appropriate audit tests or by other means, as a result of such incomplete records, we cannot and do not express an opinion on the accompanying balance sheet of existing special assessments Numbers 3-84. ' The statements of the Deerfield Public Library for the year ended April 30, 1978 have not been included in the accom- panying financial report. However, we have examined the ' statements of the Library and have issued our separate report thereon dated June 16, 1978. Except as noted below, the Village has not compiled complete cost information related to its general fixed assets and, accordingly, a statement of general fixed assets as required by generally accepted accounting principles is not included herein. Fixed assets reflected in the Water and Sewerage System Funds and the related depreciation expense for the year pertain only to those assets financed by the 1959 and 1960 Water Revenue and 1954 Sewerage Revenue bonds, respectively, and by operating revenues subsequent to April 30, 1972. The effect of this understatement of fixed assets, related depreciation expense and municipal equity is not determinable. IONE ILLINOIS CENTER -111 EAST WACKER DRIVE - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601 - (312) 644-8900 - TELEX 910-221-2105 1 ToudwRm&Q 2 In our opinion, except as indicated in the preceding paragraph, and other than the balance sheet of existing special assessments Numbers 3-84, the financial statements referred to above of the various funds and group of accounts, as listed in the table of contents, of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, present fairly the financial position of the funds and group of ' accounts at April 30; 1978, and the results of operations of such. funds and the changes in financial position of the Water and Sewerage System Funds for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis con- sistent with that of the preceding year. 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ALL FUNDS SUMMARY B A L A N C E S H E E T-S APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS CASH CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT DEPOSITS IN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS U. S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS - at cost PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE OTHER RECEIVABLES OTHER ASSETS FIXED ASSETS AND CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS Less allowance for depreciation AMOUNT AVAILABLE IN DEBT SERVICE FUND FOR CURRENT BOND AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS AMOUNT TO BE PRDVIDED FROM FUTURE TAXATION AND OTHER SOURCES DUE FRCM OTHER FUNDS LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY BONDS AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CONTRACTS AND RETENTIONS PAYABLE DUE TO OTHER FUNDS UNFUNDED ACCRUED LIABILITY RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES RESERVES Street Illinois Federal General and Municipal Police Public Motor Revenue Corporate Bridge Retirement Pension Benefit Fuel Tax Sharing Fund Fund Fund Fund ' Fund Fund Fund $ - $ - $ - $ 1.0,085 $ - $ 40,590 $ 26,504 265,000 75,000 19,000 325,000 50,000 122,490 50,000 689,544 133,661 412,456 145,563 127,175 85,454 8,151 113,291 26,008 19,201 51,370 670,552 44,800 40,838 $932,955 $220,563 $127,175 $1,623;133 $102,951 $193,452 $351,504 $ 22,490 $57,752 $ 46,903 $ - $ 12,498 $ - $ - 77,378 9,930 2,989 15,488 16,129 45,522 13,927 22,000 56,900 4,500 670,552 26,123 .1,714 28,325 952,581 MUNICIPAL EQUITY 745,313 137,240 55,283 _ 33,553 177,964 318,679 $932,955 $220,563 $127,175 $1,623,133 $102,951 $193,452 $351,504 This statement should be read.in conjunction with the following detailed balance sheets and•related notes of the various funds and group of accounts. 3 ToudxFDss&Ca Special Assessment Funds 101-102, Sewerage Storm 106-108, General Sewerage Treatment Sewer Land Commuter 111-112, long-term Debt Water system Refuse Facilities Improvement Acquisition Parking S/1, S/2, 3-84 debt group. Deposit service system Fund- Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Lot Fund S/5 (Unaudited) of accounts Fund Fund - $48,733 $114,270 $ 10,070 $ 33,792 $ 32,798 $ 9,208 $ 2,237 $ 8,800 $ - $112,036 $ - $ - 110,000 135,000 175,000 438,000 119,000 40,000 69,154 367,410 248,138 128,037 120,197 43,888 340,620 14,893 794 42,142 78,004 5,943 21,937 702,854. 5,644,891 237,216 327,803 114,593 375,051- 5,530,298 514 11,941 31,642 $48,733 $631,680 $670,609 $5,871,228 $324,824 $819,470 427,520 22,531 35,146 48,733 152,507 111,,686 500 $136,630 31,642 56,900 $78,748 $279,358 $246,940 $ - $ 23,843 $ - 1,455 181,847 11,479 1,845 63,248 631,680 104,988 78,748 242,581 $136,630 $78,748 $279,358 $246,940 243,089 . 5,848,697 289,678 555,277 $48,733 $631,680 $670,609 $5,871,228 $324,824 $819,470 631,680 3,338,600 45,480 $51,423 $3,970,280 32,658 3,935,000 35,280 18,765 $51,423 $3,970,280 M m M t-3 m0Otr aGl�m (0CTE D N a ri w rt O � w rar rt (D Qa m�nmm U) rtO O � a• rt Ma+1-m rr m a0 m a m rt 0) am°rt'tr r m 5 m O r- m ri G to O m N 0 N G � O r• a+ n M (nromo �Mu. : G m G O Isimn GEnrr r•. r• rt O �cmO \ x ri rd E (Dmr• U)Ort m O, �r ri r- C rt rt m G ::r En t'l >� m m Ul a� a+ 1-4 to tzi H C tzTJ z w x z z y ►-7 O O roro y 00003 >roC H H M C rr ri tzi tri rr O? O O O m of H. W. O rr G m O+ ri tl] n n n W H a�w r•z 5d :�,aa Ort0 rt, a+NOn rt 0) Oo+ WOz H H mi En m m O O v P4 m ri ri (t O F-A O m m m m m rt r• (D G to C ro C H n ri O+ 0 H C rt to tq ri ri M rt 0 w 0 " m n ri u) m tri z z O ri W. y z m m r• H a N m r• pI rt ri cn r C) v z m m O to C, v K N N CT M F-' M I-' O a m N r- V I-' 0 til w x rt 0) �d m G G �-G M:3 N rtO w m�C M m cn y m UJ b::r �-' m y C M M rt m r• m ri O+ n �-j W O IO IO O m m m to m O O wI-jO I-'m C a O CH•MOw (D p ri rtrt w Ot• 0) Orirl0 Nw w H H Z z H. a, O> z G O rr H. rt m I-' m O+ ri m w O O k y y to O O r• O a+ z cn m m m (n w En w Oi-j m O I-+ rt. M I� FC 3 MO tz7 rt a, 0 m U1 m m m X G a UN b m rt m UI \ CC t9J ro rt G H ► - tri r'i ri ri mri m to m m ri CL w En x ro m riC 7u ro mrlwO tri w wCC w tzi H to PU ui m to rt z m O P. ►-r- m m �- cn r•64 m m n tri m U, a m n Di m m r• I-jvri) H. w O M CrJ H O n rt ft rt ri C H m m r- 5 O w m rr k ri M ro C H C W. m 3 z r- to cn C U rr ri ri N O wl C > y �' mm0to W O mG 0r•C 'Cri T1 t21 r H cnOOrt fart. M M mOw m En En H n En ri O O N O to 0 w >r tO O G V z m' m rt m ri tp • 0 z w n w tn:z 5 m m m -J C CT < til Uima m O NJ H ri g to m E rr O M rr a m .. U, m m rr ri H. O tt ri (n O rr m r• \ f� rt r- a 5 H C N m (n O to cn mtzi 'C N rt. w En O rimerm En rr m rt c En 1�< m C� N J O ri rr rr to !n ty C m P J w J >a a+ m rt 00 N N O m K] a+ G - O a in n -. O O rt m J Q\ J J O J &P to O N N -• N O OhJO NONN =+ O G m U'I to In to to IP 01 t0 W W O ON bP 01 J O ri ri W W w a% 00 M Ln CO OD W 00 N O1 OD J rt N •� ,p m -+ J 00 O Co In In OD P In a1 O N 00 m W tp iP Ln OD OD W N tr J OD 01 N O O1 Ln -� -LO W ,p ..� W to W Ob N OD o W t0 N to bP ri rt J to 00 W Ob OD U'I -+ N 10 -+ O 01 bP G r- w. ri e a % % % a % % % .'7 a+ `:5 m N In Wm 01 tp N CO Co O -+ O a,to (I m bP 00 00 tO tO W N N O m rt I O tO to v M O OD J (n OD O O at Ci O -W -W m G H rt O N i n to &P W O N N KJ H. r• I -j to w ,P J to J N to G ri n. r- e % O m r• O N O to J J N 01 O\ at o a+ 510 O O Cl OD OD J ON O O O m w H. w o J J J o m at O 0 F•j (n rt ro I-W w J to tD aA w w W to to OD OD KJ. � O N O N W W a1 N 01 ON -+ In G (n to O Cn J J N J aN OD OD O CL on OD w I to .A J .A ID. O :3 m Ot tP W W 00 to w O O O in -M W ro w w PzJ m G W N O O -+ w co 00 G :3 Ci to W O\ m 00 00 O O a+ M r- Ln J O w tO 00 00 O O H. (� w o w OD OD -+ O O rt -+ N N N N N J W O OD W y It O J W to OP bob t0 w %D f e e a e a I �C m O tD W W Ln In 1`t 1® N a+ F-j ri Ot oP a► 4m -+ W J ALP N OD Ob v J 1C cn C 3� K z> G m t2i � C)rn z to 0 d z% G C tilv Ha r �i ►nl t(n C r >� d W r t2i cn o tzi ro 10 Z H ty to y H J ►C y OD \ C t�1 to M tz] ft Ct1i tzi z In n >f C W z n t:J to i rr rt rr rr r r� r rr ri rr r, rr �r rr rr rr m 1. m m r m m m I M.m m m m r m m m m m r m M W ..� .a OD kD tp A �P ON In -� O% ON J O% O O kO OD Ob OD N On %D �D J O Ch 00 00 W 00 In N N W W O N N 01 J In Ln W J W N v v v v v v M %D W C1 OD OD Oo OD O 01 b0b N O w 1D O W 1i N ON In ,p ON J N N 00 -+ W In J J O 00 OD v v e v v e v O N J OD O 0 W 00 1D 1D -+ W J 0 1D W C1 O (A O iR U1 In OD -r M W W 60. OD O\ J 01 00 N Oh oP -+ N v 01 �P N J tD OD O �D 1D O J �D OD C+1 a% O I -CO N N OD J O O O %D 00 O i1D v v v e v 01 N �P W W J W ON O1 1 00 W vi ON O1 vi vi Ln OD N In Ln w w W N O J Oh ON J iP 01 W W J w O, O, I � O tD ah. w In N N %D 0o -J -• -� O M N N N O oP 0. co Co J J 00 O J J OD %D 0. O &P co O co N N -•� -' �P �P vi U1 N N -� v v v v In Ln. Co co O CD rn Ln W J In co 00 N J 0. Ln In ,{s ON co N N co In W Co 00 N W J a% N N 01 a• J J N N W �D N v W Ln �D J O In lob v e 01 � O O ' Ch M v O AP Cl v 0. 0 fP �P N co O In -� kD In 0. O� O� O I; M 0o w Ln e e v co co lD a% J kD J 1A.- W J � N U9 Ln co . N %D J kD Aa 00 W � 1D In �P. O v W O w W W co �P O In M M W ��MM Gaca I O+ F+• � r•S to G G rd I 0 O aN rt W w '�1 fhDj G co _ ON v d F•�• rt OD 00 0 � W O W (D w -+ CO �' ►�'� a G to rr p rtm 1D 0, In � G v v v Q+ N In In O (D 1D tD 0 J J O h] H {n a n m 0 (D (D � �• a E G I-+ rr fD I O N•� r'i artma H. p tQ rD rt M N (/f H ►� ' d cn w G (D r1 N rt I O O O E O M H. o a G rt ►L1 � I :$ H. G O+ M O w :j I o in o w rr rl I ''rJ F+• G G p rt a+ r•S En :o in in \ -• o o cn PC rn rn N m \ 1 I I w G (D (D 0 I Ln -' --' — 4N. :1 :1' (n H. 0 0 • ai rt m a \ N co N !n I F-A Nv v a 0. ToudwRoss&Q 5 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL CORPORATE FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, _1978 ASSETS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT DEPOSIT IN SAVINGS ACCOUNT PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE OTHER RECEIVABLES: Sales tax receivable State income taxes receivable Fines receivable Miscellaneous DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS OTHER ASSETS $ 49,212 57,258 5,262 1,559 LIABILITIES, -RESERVE AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY LIABILITIES: Bank overdraft Accounts payable. Due to other funds Contracts payable TOTAL LIABILITIES RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES MUNICIPAL EQUITY See notes to financial statements. $265,000 50,000 412,456 113,291 40,838 51,370 $932,955 $ 22,490 77,378 45,522 16,129 161,519 26,123 745,313 $.932, 955 ,I TmdwRoss&Ca I .1 n 1 r VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Property tax levy for 1977 Adjustment of prior year's tax levy Municipal sales tax State income tax Interest earned Licenses and permits Ordinance violation fines Sales of Village services Charges for services to Water System Fund Charges for services to Sewerage System Fund Other revenues EXPENDITURES: General Fund: Administrative department Police department Municipal Audit Fund Civil Defense Fund Yous Parking Lot Fund Village Garage Fund Youthbound Fund Recycling Fund EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 Estimated revenue and budget Actual $ 407,781 $ 407,781 6,825 407,781 414,606 670,000 721,160 250,000 262,252 20,000 21,846 77,500 106,388 55,000 70,857 75,700 63,955 11,500 9,502 10,800 9,603 153,415 106,888 1,713,696 1,787,057 588,865 593,879 1,094,734 1,027,207 9,500 8,300 7,450 1,468 3,281 1,099 80,688 82,382 30,151, 10,665 711 TRANSFER FROM STREET AND BRIDGE FUND MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. 1,814,669 1,725,711 ($ 100,973) 61,346 659,349 24,618 $ 745,313 ' TouchePm&Ca 7 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ' ASSETS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT $ 75,000 PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE 145,563 $220,563 LIABILITIESr RESERVE.AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY LIABILITIES: Bank overdraft $57,752 Accounts payable 9,930 Due to other funds 13,927 TOTAL LIABILITIES, 81,609 ' RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES 1,714 MUNICIPAL EQUITY 137,240 ' $220,563 See notes to financial statements. I Toud wP,m &Ca 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STREET AND BRIDGE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Property tax levy for 1977 Adjustment of prior year's levy Motor vehicle licenses Motor fuel tax reimbursement Reimbursements for state,highwa.y maintenance Reimbursements for sidewalk improvements Train station maintenance Interest earned Miscellaneous EXPENDITURES: Street and bridge expenditures EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1.977 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. Estimated revenue and budget Actual $144,000 $144,000 6,126 144,000 150,126 125,000 129,918 104,000 92,198 11,500 14,291 4,500 4,924 1,500 1,500 2,500 1,030 6,000 11,280 399,000 405,267 394,676 388,998 $ 4,324 16,269 145,589 ( 24,618) $137,240 ToudwR%s&Q 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE LIABILITIES AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY LIABILITIES: Bank overdraft Accounts payable Due to General Fund TOTAL LIABILITIES' MUNICIPAL EQUITY See notes to financial statements. $127,175 $46,903 2,989 22,000 71,892 55,283 $127,175 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR,ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 Estimated revenue and budget Actual REVENUES: Property tax levy for 1971 $125,000 $125,000 Adjustment of prior year's levy 2,606 125,000 127,606 Contributions - employees 109,664 237,270 EXPENDITURES: Pension contribution (Note.E) 125,000 132,123 Fund deposits - employees 109,664 125,000 241,787 EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES $ - ( 4,517) MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 59,800 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 $ 55,283 See notes to finanical statements. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ToudwRoss&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS CASH: 11 Deposited in checking accounts $ 10,085 Deposited in savings accounts 122,490 132,575 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 19,000 U. Se GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS - at cost which approximates market 689,544 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 25,018 PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE 85,454 OTHER RECEIVABLES 990 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FROM FUTURE TAXATION AND OTHER SOURCES FOR'PAYMENT OF UNFUNDED ACCRUED LIABILITY (NOTE E) 670,552 $1,623,133 LIABILITY AND RESERVE UNFUNDED LIABILITY (Note E) RESERVE FOR PAYMENT OF PENSIONS (Note E) See notes to financial statements. $ 670,552 952,581 $1,623,133 ITouGheRass&Ca 12 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES ' AND CHANGES IN RESERVE BALANCE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Property tax levy for 1977 $ 85,000 Adjustment of prior year's taxes 1,840 86,840 Interest earned 56,673 Contributions by employees 52,745 196,258 EXPENDITURES: Payments of pensions and benefits 24,745 Refund of employee contributions 8,946 Miscellaneous 22 ' 33,713 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES •162,545 RESERVE BALANCE, May 1, 1977 790,036 RESERVE BALANCE, April 30, 1978 $952,581 See notes to financial statements. t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ToudwRass&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS 13 DEPOSITS IN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS $ 50,000 PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE 8,.151 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FROM FUTURE TAXATION - principal only 44,800 $102,951 LIABILITIES AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY LIABILITIES: Bank overdraft $ 12,498: Payable to special assessment funds 56,900 TOTAL LIABILITIES 69,398 MUNICIPAL EQUITY 33,553 $102,951 See notes to financial statements. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ToudwRass&Ca 14 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY . ,YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 Budget Actual REVENUES: Property tax levy for 1977. $ 8,000. $ 8,000 Interest earned 1,500 3,881 Rebates 2,000 11,500 11,881 EXPENDITURES: Interest on public benefit portion of special assessments 19,000 4,298 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES. ($ 7,500) 7,583 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1917 32,370 REDUCTION IN TAXES TO BE -LEVIED IN FUTURE YEARS ( 6,400) MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 $33,533 See notes.to financial statements. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ToucheR%s&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND BALANCE SHEET AFRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS CASH U.S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS*- at cost which approximates market ALLOTMENT RECEIVABLE FROM STATE OF ILLINOIS LIABILITY AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MUNICIPAL EQUITY: Reserved for future project allocation Project expenditures in excess of allocation -.net Reserved for future project expenditures See notes to financial statements. 15 $ 40,590 133,661 19,201 $1,93,452 $ 15,488 208,683 ( 30,719) 177,964 $193,452 ToudwRoss&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL-30, 1978. REVENUES: Allotments from State of Illinois Interest earned EXPENDITURES - project payments. EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES .OVER REVENUES MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1918 See notes to financial statements. 16 Estimated revenue and budget Actual $225,000 $239,937 13,800 .9,279 238,800 249,216 344,500 284,564 ($ 13,800) 35,348 213,3-12 $177,964 Towhelbss&Q VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ' FEDERAL_ REVENUE SHARING FUND BALANCE SHEET ' APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS ' CASH CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT LIABILITIES, RESERVE, AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY LIABILITIES: Due to General Fund Due to Storm Sewer Improvement Fund TOTAL LIABILITIES RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES MUNICIPAL EQUITY: Appropriated for future projects Unappropriated See notes to financial statements. 1 1 17 $ 26,504 325,000 $351,504 $ 4,000 500 4,500 28,325 8,500 310,179 318,679 $351,504 1 1 ToudieRoss&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURE AND ENCUMBRANCE AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Interest earned Federal revenue -sharing entitlements COMPLETION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIATED PROJECT NET INCREASE IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY MUNICIPAL EQUITY, MAY 1, 1977 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. M $ 12,583 111,178 123,761 4,600 119,161 199,518 $318,679 I Toudw]?Dss&Q 19 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DEPOSIT FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 CASH $48,733 RESERVE BALANCE $48,733 See notes to financial statements. ToudwRoss&Ch. 20 i 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DEPOSIT FUND STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS AND CHANGES IN RESERVE BALANCE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 RECEIPTS - DEPOSITS $26,472 DISBURSEMENTS - REFUNDS 19,822 EXCESS OF RECEIPTS.OVER DISBURSEMENTS 6,650 RESERVE BALANCE, MAY 1, 1977 42,083 RESERVE BALANCE, APRIL 30, 1978 $4.8,733 See notes to financial statements. TotdieRass&Qi 21 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DEBT SERVICE FUND CASH CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT DEPOSITS IN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE .BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS MUNICIPAL EQUITY MUNICIPAL EQUITY: Appropriated for principal and interest due within one year $539,525 Unappropriated 92,155 See notes to financial statements. $114,270 110,000 40,000 367,410 $631,680 $631,680 ToudwRuss&Cn 22 I VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Property tax levy for 1977 Adjustment of prior year's tax levy Interest earned EXPENDITURES: Principal and interest payments on: Sewer improvement bonds - 1960 Public library bonds Sewerage treatment facilities bonds Sewer improvement bonds - 1973 Land acquisition bonds Service fees EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 MUNICIPAL, UNICIP L, April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. $367,038 14,801 381,839 10,520 392,359 51 .300 112,000 169,375 75,525 124,625 532,825 1,843 534,668 ( 142,309) 773,989 $631,680 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS WATER SYSTEM FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash (Note B) Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable from customers for water service: Billed Estimated unbilled Inventory of repair parts Due from other funds TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (Note A): Water system Equipment Less allowance for depreciation LIABILITIES AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY LIABILITIES: Accounts payable Revenue bonds payable (Notes C and D) TOTAL LIABILITIES MUNICIPAL EQUITY See notes to financial statements. $47,217 80,820 23 $ 10,070 135,000 128,037 21,937 514 295,558 670,000 32,854 702,854 327,803 375,051 $670,609 $ 32,520 395,000 427,520 243,089 $670,609 1 1 1 1 1 ToucheRoss&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS WATER SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales Water permits and fees Penalties and fines Miscellaneous revenue OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration and supervision Distribution (include.s $403,248 for water purchases) Main and fire hydrant maintenance Meter maintenance OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION OPERATING INCOME OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE): Interest earned on investments Interest expense NET INCOME MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. 24 $686,711 9,328 4,386 20 43,492 435,355 76,584 32,643. 588,074 112,371 20,836 91,535 5,161 ( 18,900) 77,796 165,293 $243,089 TMC6Rass&Ca 25 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD,.ILLINOIS ` WATER SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 SOURCE OF FUNDS: From operations: Net income $77,796 Depreciation, which did not affect working capital. 20,836 Total funds provided from operations 98,632 APPLICATION OF FUNDS: Retirement of Water Revenue bonds 25,000 Additions to Property, Plant and Equipment 9,129 34,129 INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $64,503 CHANGES IN COMPONENTS OF WORKING CAPITAL: Increase (decrease) in current assets: p Cash ($ 7,937) Certificates of deposit 20,000 Accounts receivable, including unbilled sales 39,555 Due from other funds 514 Inventory 7,642 59,774 Decrease in current liabilities: Accounts payable 3,108 Due to other funds 1,621 4,729 INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $64,503 See notes to financial statements.; 1 ToudteRoss&% PA VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable from customers for sewer service: Billed Estimated unbilled Due from other funds TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS PROPERTY, PLANT AND -EQUIPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS: Equipment Sewerage system Construction in progress Less allowance for depreciation $ 43,764 76,433 LIABILITY AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. MUNICIPAL EQUITY: Contributed equity (Note F) Retained earnings: Appropriated for future maintenance and repairs (Note F) .Unappropriated TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY See notes to financial statements. $ 33,792 175,000 120,,197 11,941 340,930 47,984 160,000 5,436,907 5,644,891 114,593 5,530,298 $5,871,228 $ 22,531 5,470,907 $ 58,221 319,569 377,790 _5,848,697 $5,871,228 TOWIVRDSS&Ca 27 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF NET INCOME YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 OPERATING REVENUE: Sewer charges and penalties $457,305 Permits and connection fees 4,370 Construction surcharges (Note F) .20,598 Other surcharges. 4;855 487,128 OPERATING E PENSES: X Administration and supervision 41,762 Treatment plant 215,651 Cleaning and maintenance 61,156 Construction department 43,831 362,400 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE' DEPRECIATION 124,728 DEPRECIATION 11,796 OPERATING INCOME 112,932 INTEREST EARNED ON INVESTMENTS 8,608 NET INCOME $121,540 to financial See notes statements. ToucheRoss&Ca 28 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 BALANCE, May 1, 1977 NET INCOME CONTRIBUTIONS FROM SEWERAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES FUND BALANCE, April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. Retained Contributed earnings equity $256,250 $4,926,239 121,540 544,668 $377,790 $5,470,907 TttK{i¢RQf'S&Q.e 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS - SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 SOURCE OF FUNDS: From operations: Net income $121,540 Depreciation, which did not affect working capital 11,796 Total funds provided from operations 133,336 Con tributions.from Sewerage Treatment Facilities Fund 544,668 678,004 APPLICATION OF FUNDS: Addition to property, plant and equipment and construction in progress 557,654 NET INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $120,350 CHANGES IN COMPONENTS OF WORKING CAPITAL: Increase (decrease) in current assets: Cash ($ 15,686) Certificates of deposit 75,000 Accounts receivable 33,191 Estimated unbilled sewer service 30,537 Due from other funds 10,894 133,936 Increase in current liability: Accounts payable 13,586 INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $120,350 See notes to financial statements. 30 i t 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 1 ToudwRoss&G VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS REFUSE FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS CASH PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE DUE FROM CUSTOMERS FOR REFUSE SERVICE, including $31,599 for unbilled services' LIABILITY AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MUNICIPAL EQUITY See notes to financial statements. $ 32,798 248,138 43,888 $324,824 $ 35,146 289,678 $324,824 31 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS REFUSE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 Estimated revenue and budget Actual REVENUES: Property tax levy for 1977 $245,000 $245,000 Adjustment to prior year's levy _ __ 4,597 245,000 249,597 Refuse billing 145,000 174,323 Interest earned 2,500 2,722 Miscellaneous 1,000 1,159 393,500 427,801 EXPENDITURES: Contractual services 394,000 397,294 Interdepartmental billing charges 6,000 6,000 Insurance 3,500 3,139 Other 2,500 1,933 406,000 408,366 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES ($ 12,500) 19,435 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 270,243 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 $289,678 See notes to financial statements. n T0wJw pass &Ca 32 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS CASH $ 9,208 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 438,000 RECEIVABLE FROM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 339,325 DUE FROM STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT FUND 31,642 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 1,295 $819,470 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY RETENTIONS PAYABLE $129,020 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 23,487 Total liabilities 152,507 RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES -. 111,686 MUNICIPAL EQUITY 555,277 $819,470 See notes to financial statements. 1 .. ToucheRoss&Ca 33 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SEWERAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Environmental Protection Agency grant $ 57,993 Interest earned 31,874 89,867 EXPENDITURES - engineering and other fees 119,636 EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES 29,769 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1; 1977 585,046 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 $555,277 See notes to financial statements. Touche Ross &Ca 34 t 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS - CAS H CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT RECEIVABLE FROM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DUE FROM FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND LIABILITY AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY DUE TO SEWERAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES FUND MUNICIPAL EQUITY See notes to financial statements. $ 2,237 119,000 14,893 500 $136,630 $ 31,642 104,988 $136,630 ToudwRoss&Ca 35 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 ' REVENUES: Interest earned $ 5,663 IPrior year's encumbrances released 1,589 7,252 EXPENDITURES - engineering and other fees 2,128 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 5,124 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 99,864 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April.30, 1978 $104,988 See notes to financial statements. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TowJ7eRoss&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS LAND ACQUISITION FUND BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978. ASSETS 36 CASH $ 8,800 U. S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS - at cost which approximates market 69,154 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 794 $78,748 MUNICIPAL EQUITY MUNICIPAL EQUITY (Note G) $78,748 See notes to financial statements. Toud w Ross &Gh 37 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS LAND ACQUISITION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Interest earned MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 MUNICIPAL EQUITY,.April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. $ 7,948 70,800 $78,748 ToudwRoss&Ca 38 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS COMMUTER PARKING LOT FUND r BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1.978 ' Fund Construc- Operating tion Combined ASSETS - DUE FROM ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION $ - $42,142 $ 42,142 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 237,216 237,216 ' $237,216 $42,142 $279,358 rLIABILITIES AND MUNICIPAL EQUITY 1 LIABILITIES: Bank overdraft ($ 17,684) $41,527 $ 23,843 Accounts payable 1,455 1,455 Due to other funds 10,864 615 _11,479 ' ( 5,365) 42,142 36,777 MUNICIPAL EQUITY: Contributed equity 237,216 237,216 Unappropriated 5,365 5,365 1 242,581 242,581 $237,216 $42,142 $279,358 See notesto financial statements. 1 .1 it TowJw Ross &Ca 39 1 7 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS COMMUTER PARKING LOT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL EQUITY YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 REVENUES: Grant from Illinois Department of Transportation Meter and parking permit collec- tions EXPENDITURES: Contractual services Professional fees Materials Miscellaneous EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES MUNICIPAL EQUITY, May 1, 1977 COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION INCURRED TO DATE, including land contributed by Village of $77,500 MUNICIPAL EQUITY, April 30, 1978 See notes to financial statements. Fund Construc- Operating tion Combined $ - $150,038 $150,038 7,139 7,139 7,139 150,038 157,177 128,578 128,578 12,040 12,040 9,420 .9,420 1,774 1,774 1;774 150,038 151,812 5,365 5,365 237,216 237,216 $242,581 $ - $242,581 O dw 0 0l o of N �o tp to. CC III I IINI M I M I I M M I MI III III � tn N O r O Ln N r �- Ln O to I O Cl %D to w 00 00 qw i O O d' 10 Ln M -0 d' to .- co d' M to 1.* 10 I cn d' ! v} V). N O Cl N I m O M N I N 00 Cl O I O d' Ln O II O% 00 10 N I M co N M to 00 00 r co � `� r— I•a th ! v} � I U1 lw : co Ln O M cn N In O M I Cco In r Ln (. N M to i a► 00 r M (n I r N cn t~ N M ' M N fA M O M M M` v 00 N O I O O cn ►n r l r r l N I I i ro rn M I M M I ro _ ro r r l co r CD N N N i i vco r- co co I N I II •' IA to �o I to �o I to to to to to �O i to to I N N N I ro vW o o ko •- Ln co o U1 M O O .0 N N v v d' o O on m r co N ON N co %o %o •- •- M to i O cV '— N U v} cn ! v} v} w U z a H a cn a w EW-+ a W ►-+ a x En _ w A W w En Ei U Z z W x W w °1=1a a a a z m z q W 14 � D w P; Ei W H 4 a m rw Gq H H z � ul 'J W H W O J w ww � w x A U) 4 a o Z w W A x N 41 s~ v N ro N ro U C ro C w 0 4J En N 41 O CD N ar rr rr rr rr rr �r v rr rr rr r r �r r r� +r rr r - w N in a u, o\ Dw w H I 2 2En o cv a P4 CO Enx A w W wcn Wrw wC14 za z Eli I W H W -- FGr4i W W cn W 0 ED 4 - z a o EE--I x z U H I W U ko E A W O a� H En 4 E+ I I U] I I MI M � WI m 00 N I 01 tf1 10 N to I N N N O d' - .- O co N ko 07 I � u) In Ln N M I i-1 00 co M tf1 I E 1 M O M N tf1 I C r r O O O v 00 r N Ln 00 M W r- O I Nul v v� [!N ul rU N N .- M r r cr1 O r r r rn r I (0 0 ► f .H r- 00 0) M Ra ' O I 00 co I �! o� I col �! I %D k O ► ► W. ro 00 m Ln O I v N 00 to V C O Ln v r N 10 00 Lr) r M r- Ln %o Vj- U N ► - O rO 4-I ro a ►-a H 44 f0 I~ ( H H v 0 w w ro EA i0 to w w v w ro w A A >vu ° w -- .. •H ° -H O D 00 v 3 .q A z W W r U 0.0 W En U U 0) W�a' °w am w ao a - M�arn EARvu 0A W w Ort H w= z W Wrl D v lam A v 0 cow D �I z4J a� z41> wa a � a tia W� •,., we wx wro W04 > NCH XW W£ Wes' >II w w a a m m -m r m m m m" m m w m� ■r m m w ■r ToudwRoss &Ch. 42 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS 3-84 BALANCE SHEET APRIL 30, 1978 (Unaudited) ASSETS ASSESSMENTS RECEIVABLE DUE FROM GENERAL CORPORATE FUND LIABILITIES AND RESERVE BALANCE BONDS AND VOUCHERS PAYABLE RESERVE FOR REFUND OF ASSESSMENTS, -no -change during the year Note: Refer to accountant's report. Combined funds $ 5,943 45,480 $51,423 $32,658 18,765 $51,423 va Touch°Fvss&Cot 43 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT GROUP OF ACCOUNTS STATEMENT OF GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT APRIL 30, 1978 ASSETS AMOUNT AVAILABLE IN DEBT SERVICE FUND FOR CURRENT BOND AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS- $ 631,680 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FROM FUTURE TAXATION FOR RETIREMENT OF LONG-TERM GENERAL OBLIGA- TION BONDS AND CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS 3,338,600 $3,970,280 LIABILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS'PAYABLE.(Note C) $3,935,000 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 35,280 $3,970,280 See notes to financial statements. ITixuc/teRass&GA 44 1 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 Note A - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies: The Village follows fund accounting principles as appropriate for local governmental units. For all funds other than the Water System Fund and the Sewerage System Fund, which are on the full accrual basis, the modified accrual basis of accounting is used. Revenue is recog- nized when received in cash except for revenues susceptible to accrual and amounts that are not received at the normal time of receipt, and expenditures are recorded when encumbered, except principal and interest payments on long-term debt, which are recognized when paid. All investments are stated at cost, which approximates market. Fixed assets are charged to current expenditures when purchased and are not capitalized, except for those of the water and the sewerage systems funds. Property, -plant and equipment as reflected in the Water System and the related depreciation expen- se for the current year, pertain only ;to those assets financed by the 1959 and 1960 Water Revenue Bond issues and by operating revenues subsequent to April 30, 1972. Property, plant and equipment as reflected in the Sewerage System Fund and the related depreciation expense for the current year, pertain only to assets financed by the 1954 Sewerage Revenue Bond issue and by operating revenues subsequent to April 30, 1972. The cost of assets acquired from operating revenues Iof each Fund prior to May 1, 1972 or by means other than those enumerated, were not capi- talized and are not determinable. Straight-line depreciation is provided on the fixed assets of the Water System and Sewerage System funds over the estimated useful lives as follows: Water and sewer systems 40 years Equipment 5-10 years Note B - Water System Fund - Cash and Investment Restrictions: Revenue bonds have been sold to provide for the con- struction and acquisition of the Water System. Under the terms of the ordinances authorizing the bonds, revenues from operations are to be used first to pay maintenance and operating expenses (Operation and Maintenance Account), and to pay current maturi- ties of principal and interest on outstanding indebtedness ToudteFass&in VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 45 1 1 1 1 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) (Bond and .Interest Account). After such payments have been made, remaining funds are to be used to accumulate reserves for future debt service (Bond Reserve Account) and to provide an adequate depreciation fund to pay the cost of necessary replacements (Depreciation Account). The Improvements and Extension Account and Surplus and Bond Redemption Account are used to accumulate excess amounts over the requirements of the previous four accounts. Contributions to the Bond Reserve Account are required at the rate of $950 per month until the account totals $52,000. Contributions to the Depreciation Account are required at the rate of $250 per month until the account totals $15,000. Contri- butions to the Improvements and Extention Account equal one-half of any amounts remaining after the previous requirements have been met to a maximum of $100,000. The remaining one-half is credited to the Surplus and Bond:Redemption Accounts. follows: Water System cash and investments are restricted as Operations and. Maintenance Bond and Interest Account Bond Reserve Account Depreciation Account Improvements and Extension Surplus and Bond Redemption Account Account Accounts $ 49,000 52,000 15,000 14,535 14,535 $145,070 ToudwRoss&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD,- ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) Note C - Long-term Debt: General Obligation Bonds: The General Obligation Bond issues outstanding as of April 30, 1978 are as follows: Current Long-term portion portion Total 4% Sewer Improvement Bonds, payable $45,000 annually, with final payment due June 1, 1980 $ 45,000 $ 6% Public Library Bonds, payable $100,000 annually, with final payment due December 1, 1978 100,000 4.4%-6% Sewerage Treatment Facilities Bonds„ payable in amounts ranging from $75,000 - $150,000 annually, with final payment due December 1, 1992 75,000 4.4%-5.7% Sewer Improvement Bonds, payable in amounts ranging from $25,000 - $75,000 annually, with final payment due December.1, 1992 25,000 5.4%-6% Land Acquisition Bonds, payable in amounts ranging from $100,000 - $150,000 annually, with final payment due 90,000 $ 135,000 100,000 1,800,000 1,875,000 1,000,000 1,025,000 December 1, 1984 100,000 700,000 800,000 $345,'000 $3,590,000 $3,935,000 46 Toudw]?Dss&Q VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) ' Water System Fund Debt: Bond issue ' series of 1959 1960 ' Total principal outstanding, long-term $320,000 $75,000 Interest rates vary from 44r 1/ % 4-1/4% to 4-3/4 4-3/4 ' Final payment date 1990 1990 ' Cash for bonds maturing on May 1, 1978 in the amount of $25,000, plus interest of $9,450 due on that date, has been de- posited with the paying agent as of April 30, 1978. Note D - Restriction on Additional Bond Issuance - Water System Fund: ' The revenue bond ordinances provide that additional parity bonds may not be issued unless the experienced net reven- ues of the system (as defined) or the adjusted net revenues of the system (as defined) are equal to 130% or 150%, respectively, of the maximum annual debt service on debt currently outstanding plus debt to be issued. Additionally, the accounts required by the ordinance, as described in Note B, must.contain the minimum amounts required to be, credited thereto. Note E - Pension Funds: Village employees participate in pension funds adminis- tered by various agencies of the State of Illinois which cover virtually all municipal personnel. The excess, if any, of the actuarially computed value of vested benefits over the pension ' fund balance is not available. The Village's pension costs and the manner in which they are reflected in the various funds are as follows: Police: The Police Pension Fund is used to account for the assets reserved for and costs associated with pensions for police of the Village. The cost of maintaining the fund is financed 47 Toi" dwRm&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) through allocation of a portion of the general tax levy,'interest income on assets accumulated for future payments and contribu- tions by participants. Calculations supplied by the Department of Insurance of ' the State of Illinois indicate that the Fund has $670,552 of un- funded accrued liabilities as of April 30, 1977, the most recent actuarial report date. These calculations indicate that in order ' to amortize the unfunded liability and provide for normal costs in accordance with the provisions of the applicable statutes, in 1978, a minimum of $1051513 in net tax.revenues must be realized. Other Employees: Virtually all other employees are covered by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) administered by an agency of the State of -Illinois. The IMRF receives and holds the Village and employee contributions which serve to finance future pensions. The assets and re.serves_of the IMRF are not recorded in the accounts of the municipality. Contributions include an amount sufficient to liquidate prior service costs over a period not to exceed forty years. The only pension -related costs for ' the current year reflected in the accompanying financial state- ments are the municipality's contributions to the IMRF totaling $132,123, which are included in the expenditures of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Note F - Sewerage System Fund - Municipal Equity: Appropriation'of Sewerage System Retained Earnings: ' On January 21, 1974, the Village passed an ordinance providing for a surcharge to be assessed against users of the Sewerage System: The earnings from this surcharge are to be appropriated for future maintenance of and repairs to the sewerage system of the Village. Contributed Equity: ' Contributed equity arose principally from the construc- tion of a new sewerage treatment facility. Construction monies ' were furnished from sources other than financing and operations of the Sewerage System Fund. 48 TaucheRass&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ' NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) ' - Contingent Liabilit : Note G g Y ' In fiscal year 1975, the Village received a $250,000 grant from the State of Illinois (recorded as revenue in the Land Acquisition Fund) to be used for the purchase of certain property ' for the construction, operation and maintenance of a floodwater retarding structure and associated recreation development. Under the terms of the contribution agreement, if the property has not been used for construction of the floodwater retarding structure ' on or before November 18, 1979, the Village must return the money to the State. Upon mutual agreement between the Village and the State, the expiration date may be extended. Note H - Commitments: The Village has begun to sign construction contracts in connection with Special,Assessments 113 and 114. The total cost of these special assessments is estimated to be approximately $45,000 and $380,000, respectively. 49 ' ToucheRoss &Ca so 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The additional information presented in the following pages, which has been taken from the accounting and other records of the Village, has been subjected to the tests and other audit- ing procedures applied in our examination of the financial state- ments of the various funds of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, for the year ended April 30, 1978. In our opinion, such infor- mation is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole, although. it is not necessary for a fair presentation of financial position or results of operations. Ln �a H N O N Ln CD V} Ln Ln r- N lD CO 00 00 _O V} E J-► N 41 E- m oo r,o 10 oaL 0 0 M Mko tf1 N C1 d� d' MOMjO eO�1 N N r N N QO CO •- 0 •- O l- N O M %D O r O O NOO • e o N e Or NN e s e o 00 e %D r• Ln N N w CO M r N !� M N N CO ep Ln M CO m r-CO d� �� Nff► N N N O V} OO d' N kDO C10 l� LnOO w CO NO r- N O O e o • N e 0 •- N N o e o e 00 e (1 r• l- C1 %D I- CO. M •- .- cN�tLnO O tf1N Oko ► ► ► ► ► ► N0fnLn ► r ► ► ► rn Nr O o •- N N N M Ln Ln rn M r- e— N m V)-I LnmMLn N O%O %Dr m %D O O O CO O O NCnN O O O N a OOr O r coo Ln0 lD 0 0 CO O CO O O O l- 0 Ln 0 m N O C- O O O r• O ► ► ► ► O1 ► ► ► ► ► OOMC� ► N ► r•OONO V Ln r t` MMr NM O1 M M •- •- r N C1 V} O0NtD kD MMrOO o .- Ln 000 w m O100� r• N O O O o e o e N e O O O O r e e • • o 1- e 0 O r O e- 0 0 0 00 0 01 O O OD O 00 O O O M O r• Otf1N0 t- 00000 ► ► ► ► 00 ► ► ► ► ► O C1 (n to ► t� ► Ln qw O v U) rn -0 N N ON M VC14 v} i 01 %DN MI O MLnLon 1DNI Ln O O O r� CO M I- %D C\ N O O O N 0 0 0 -o • e COr- LnLiLn I� •- 01 M N Ln r� i r- O M M N N i Ln %DIV w r• r e • M o O e o e— t M � O Iq N •- N M m I •- I O e o M o e N o e� M C N CO s ► ► ► ► 0 C1 ON Ln O N V} � tD M ON O N •�- r o e e O e ` e 11 O O O O �D O O 1 O O m r� N O1 M I- O r• •- %D � OON Ln n CO 1 d' Ln N O e e N e O e I O i o r— v oc O O O O O O CO I Ln M CO Ln kD ` CNN O Orn N Ln 0 M kD O I N O e e� N • O e r N .a a U n � a rn 0 �+ v rd a U N ri O W N N In N to Nro ,(L)., v v " b rn 8B 03 GNiQ O v �' tr r- 44 o b U ia 41 3 CS�ro�. N N W N I TowheRoss&CA VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 52 1 1 11 I 1 LICENSES AND PERMITS, SALES OF VILLAGE SERVICES AND OTHER REVENUE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 GENERAL CORPORATE FUND: Licenses and permits: Beer and liquor Contractors Food Animal Miscellaneous nonbusiness Other business Building permits Alarm users Other revenues: Engineering charges Special police services State grants Rental income - net Youth bound Program Maps and publications Telephone,service False alarms Police services - Riverwoods Miscellaneous Sales of'Village services: Garage charges to street and bridges Transfer charges Garage charges to general Intrafund eliminations Over (under) Budget Actual budget $ 23,000 $ 25,875 $ 2,875 1,016 1,016 1,500 808 ( 692) 4,500 4,532 32 18,000 21,395 3,395 5,500 7,361 1,861 25,000 45,053 20,053 348 348 $ 77,500 $106,388 $28,888 $ 40,000 $ 11,385 ($28,615) 18,000 19,775 1,775 24,000 11,941 ( 12,059) 8,000 6,436 ( 1,564) 13,915 3,829 ( 10,086) 500 451 ( 49) 1,608 1,608 3,140 3,140 39,000 24,763 ( 14,237) 10,000 23,560 13,560 $153,415 $106,888 ($46,527) $ 38,000 $ 45,955 $ 7,955 18,000 18,000 19,700 20,584 884 75,700 84,539 8,839 ( 20,584)( 20,584) $ 75,700 $ 63,955 ($11,745) ' ToudwRm&Ca 53 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS A P P R O P R I A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Over) under ' Budget Actual budget GENERAL CORPORATE FUND: General. Fund: Administrative Department: Salaries $ 307,300 $ 293,006 $14,294 Overtime 6,000 2,477 3,523 Part-time Employee benefits 48,460 14,800 45,862 15,059 2,598 ( 259) Professional services 51,750 54,944 ( 3,194) Apparel 100 102 ( 2) 1 Travel and dues 8,200 7,450 750 Printing and advertising 4,500 5,234 ( 734) Communications 11,800 12,485 ( 685) Insurance 13,500 15,810 ( 2,310) ' Contractual services 19,800 15,871 3,929 Utility services 2,000 1,544 456 Motor vehicle maintenance 3,500 21007 1,493 1 Motor vehicle supplies 1,500 1,171 329 Repairs and maintenance 7,000 7,046 ( 46) Supplies 16,000 14,410 1,590. New motor vehicles 3,800 4,538 ( 738) 1 Equipment 2,855 2,928 ( 73) Land acquisition 49,000 45,956 3,044 Election Board 1,500 1,500 Advisory Boards 8,500 5,632 2,868 Dog pound 5,000 5,338 ( 338) Judgment 36,000 ( 36,000) Miscellaneous 2,000 1,564 436 588,865 596,434 ( 7,569) Intrafund eliminations - ( 2,555) 2,555 $ 588,865 $ 593,879 ($ 5,014) ' Police Department: Salaries $ 760,943 $ 719,641 $41,302, ' Overtime 60,760 54,120 6,640 Part-time 42,589 44,336 ( 1,747) Employee benefits 41,857. 32,826 9,031 Professional services 3,900 302 3,598 ' Apparel 11,075 10,380 695 ITrnaheRoss bGt VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 54 1 1 A P P R O P R I A T E D E.X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) GENERAL CORPORATE FUND (CONTINUED): General Fund (Continued): Police Department (Continued): Travel, training and dues Printing and advertising Communications Insurance Contractual services. Motor vehicle maintenance Motor vehicle supplies Repairs and maintenance Supplies New motor vehicles Equipment Advisory Boards Police planner Intrafund eliminations' Municipal Audit: Contractual services Civil Defense: Travel, training and dues Communications Insurance Contractual Motor vehicle maintenance Repairs and maintenance Supplies Equipment Intrafund eliminations (Over) under Budget Actual budget $ 12,293 $ 8,083 $ 4,210 8,075 3,807 4,268 .14,270 12,559. 1,711 38,000 52,721 ( 14,721) 13,559 9,003 4,556 20,060 18,987 1,073 16,000 18,376 ( 2,376) 3,000 5,606 ( 2,606) 11,500 9,253 2,247 26,393 16,764 9,629 8,460 8,267 193 2,000 617 1,383 18,341 ( 18,341) 1,094,734 1,043,989 50,745 16,782) 16,782 $1,094,734 $1,027,207 $67,527 $ 9,500 $ 8,300 $ 1,200 $ 300 $ 267 $ 33 500 309 191 550 ( 260) 810 300 300 300 1,002 ( 702) 300 87 213 200 169 31 5,000 921 4,079 7,450 2,495 4,955 - ( 1,027) 1,027 $ 7,450 $ 1,468 $ 5,982 ' ToucheRoss&Ca 55 VILLAGE OF,DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS A P P R O P R I A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 ' (Continued) ' (Over) under Budget Actual budget GENERAL CORPORATE FUND (CONTINUED): Yous Parking Lot $ • 3,281 $ 1,099 $ 2,182 IVillage Garage: .Salaries $ 31,628 $ 28,340. $ 3,288 Overtime 3,000 4,091 ( 1,091) ' Employee benefits 1,600 1,321 2,79 Professional services 50 35 15 Apparel 140 121 19 ' Travel and dues 200 90 110 Printing and advertising 50 6 44 Insurance .2,000 2,433 ( 433) Utility services 1,470 1,743 ( 273) Motor vehicles supplies 250 202 48 Repairs and maintenance 3,000 2,263 737 Supplies 35,000 40,123 ( 5,123) ' Materials 500 500 Equipment 1,500 1,439 61 Safety Fund 200 200 ' Contractual 100 175 ( 75) $ 80,688 $ 82,382 ($ 1,694) Youthbound: ' Salaries. Employee benefits $ 11,605 1,933 $ 4,728 70 $ 6,877 1,863 Travel and training 3,140 123 3,017 Insurance 750 837 ( 87) ' Motor vehicle maintenance 1,500 220 1,280 Motor vehicle supplies 2',583 388 2,195 Repairs and maintenance 400 22 378 Supplies 6,440 3,257 3,183 ' Housing 906 ( 906) Equipment 1,500 183 1,317 Printing and advertising 300 151 149 30,151 10,885 19,266 Intrafund eliminations - (_ 220) 220 t$ 30,151 $ 10;665 $19,486 1 56 VILLAGE OF DEERFIE4D, ILLINOIS 1 ' A P P R 0 P R ,I A T E D -E X P E N D ITURE S YEAR ENDED -APRIL 30, 1978 ' (Continued) ' (Over) under Budget Actual budget IGENERAL CORPORATE FUND (CONTINUED): Recycling $ - $ 711 ($ 711) STREET AND BRIDGE FUND: Salaries $ 104,758 $ 97,550 $ 7,208 Overtime 22,650 22,753 ( 103) Part-time 7,500 4,827 2,673 Employee benefits 6,476 5,076 1,400 Professional services 300 85 215 ' Apparel 500 434 66 Travel and dues 850 394 456 Printing and advertising. 1,400 1,393 7 r Communications 1,300 691 609 Insurance 26,250 30,490 ( 4,240) Contractual services 36,050 46,002 ( 9,952) Utility services 28,000 25,579 2,421 Motor vehicle maintenance 19,500 18,167 1,333 Motor vehicle supplies 4,600 7,236 ( 2,636) Repairs and maintenance 26,116 33,388 ( 7,272) Supplies 4,650 11919 2,731 Salt 24,000 19,376 4,624 Aggregates 25,900 21,018 4,882 Materials 26,091 28,082 ( 1,991) Street signs 6,500 6,623 ( 123) Motor vehicles 6,500 6,500 Equipment rental 575 594 ( 19) Miscellaneous 3,000 1,843 1,157 Equipment 11,210 9,378 1,832 ' Bicentennial Garden _ ( 400) 400 $ -394,676 $ 388,998 $ 5,678 rWATER SYSTEM FUND: Administration and Supervision: Salaries $ 27,026 $ 28,080 ($ 1,054) Part-time 500 500 Employee benefits 1,100 1,021 79 1 ' TrnMheRoss &Qe VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 57 n A P P R O P R I A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) WATER SYSTEM FUND (CONTINUED): Administration and Supervision (Continued): Professional services Apparel Travel and dues Printing Communication Insurance Supplies Occupancy Motor vehicle maintenance Motor vehicle supplies Miscellaneous Total Administration and Supervision (Over) under Budget Actual budget 100 360 150 200 1,500 2,700 300 6,000 1,000 200 850 $ 35 $ 65 220 140 37 113 487 ( 287) 799 7-01 3,804 ( 1,104) 1,061 ( 761) 6,000 1,402 ( 402) 200 546 ..` 304 _ 41,986 43,492 (_1,506) Distribution: ' Salaries Overtime 6,858 2,000 ( 1,136 306) 5,722 2,306 Part-time 500 500 Employee benefits 540 89 451 ' Professional services 1,500 1,050 450 Communication 600 477 123 Insurance 2,500 878 1,622 Contractual services 3,000 2,976 24 ' Utility services 21,000 22,216 ( 1,216) Motor vehicle maintenance 1,500 1,207 293 Motor vehicle supplies Repairs and maintenance 400 1,500 163 2,154 ( 237 654) Supplies 500 416 .84 Chlorine 500 60 440 Materials 100 ( 409) 509 ' Water purchases 355,000 403,248 ( 48,248) Miscellaneous 50 ' Total Distribution 398,048 435,355 ( 37,307) ' ToudwRw&Ca 58 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ' A P P R O P R I A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 ' (Continued) (Over) ' under Budget Actual budget ' WATER SYSTEM FUND (CONTINUED): Main and Fire Hydrant Maintenance: Salaries $ 18,382 $ 26,111 ($ 7,729) Overtime 7,500 7,592 ( 92) Part-time 2,500 2,294 206 Employee benefits 1,700 1,500 200 Communication 75 75 Insurance 2,700 2,092 608 Contractual services 7,450 15,998 ( 8,548) Motor vehicle maintenance Motor vehicle supplies 1,800 1,300 2,147 1,839 ( 347) ( 539) Repairs and maintenance. 3,600 4,474 ( 874) Aggregates 5,000 4,253 747 Materials 10,000 7,775 2,225 ' Equipment rental 1,000 299 701 Equipment 9,210 9,144 66 Chlorine 200 200 Miscellaneous 100 195 ( 95) Total Main and Fire Hydrant Maintenance 72,,517 85,713 ( 13,196) Less amount capitalized 9,129 r76,584 _ Meter Maintenance: Salaries 16,924 11,462 5,462 Overtime 500 196 304 Part-time 1,000 642 358 Employee benefits 1,175 673 502 ' Travel, training and dues 300 300 Printing and advertising 2,100 2,100 Communication 100 60 .40 ' Insurance 1,100 1,594 ( 494) Motor vehicle maintenance 1,500 1,961 ( 461) Motor vehicle supplies 600 464 136 ' Repairs and maintenance 1,550 1,341 209 Supplies 400 192 208 11 TrnK:te/?,%s&Ca VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 59 1 li 1 L A P P R O P R I A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) WATER SYSTEM FUND (CONTINUED): Meter Maintenance.(Continued): Materials Equipment Miscellaneous Total Meter Maintenance Total Water System -Fund Less -amount capitalized Total Operating .Expenses SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND: Administration and Supervision: Salaries Employee benefits Professional services Apparel Travel, .training and dues ' Printing Communications Insurance Motor vehicle maintenance Motor vehicle supplies Repair and maintenance Supplies ' Occupancy Miscellaneous Treatment Plant: ' Salaries Overtime Part-time (Over) under Budget Actual budget $ 4,000 $ 3,790 $ 210 10,500 10,049 451 100 219 ( �119) 41,849 32,643 9,206 $ 554,400 597,203 ($42,803) 9,129 $ 588,074 $ 27,024 $ 28,762 ($ 1,738) 900 1,081 ( 181) 300 75 225 100 278 ( 178) 100 110 ( 10) 100 133 ( 33) 1,000 646 354 1,400 2,311 ( 911) 500 375 125 100 100 972 ( 972) 150 447 ( 297) 6,000 .6,000 500 572 ( 72) 38,174 41,762 ( 3,588) 126,699 109,075 17,624 6,000 10,952 ( 4,952) 1,500 1,279 221 TowJzeRosc&Gh 60 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS ' A P P R O P R I A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 r(Continued). (Over) under Budget Actual budget ' SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND(CON.TINUED): Treatment Plant (Continued): Employee benefits $ 6,000 $ 5,442 $ 558 Professional services 3,000 84 2,916 Apparel 900 234 666 ' Travel and dues Printing 800 1,500 440 268 360 1,232 Communication 1,200 1,560 ( 360) Insurance 11,000 11,831 ( 831) Contractual services' 2,000 1,578 422 1 Utility services 53,000 51,021 1,979 Motor -vehicle maintenance 400 717 ( 317) Motor vehicle supplies 400 558 ( 158) ' Repairs and maintenance. 4,000 6,361 ( 2,361) Supplies3,000 5,461 ( 2,461) Chlorine 15.,000 4,355 10,645 ' Aggregates 2,000 863 1,137 Materials 1,500 2,367 ( 867) Street signs 300 83 217 Chemicals 142 ( 142) 1 Equipment. 70,500 6,030 1,470 Equipment rental 500 500 Depreciation 27,000 27,000 Miscellaneous 642 ( 642) 275,;199 221,343 53,856 Less amount capitalized 5,692 215,651 tCleaning and Maintenance: Salaries 36,925 36,429 496 ' Overtime Part-time 3,000 500 3,314 38 ( 314) 462 Employee benefits 1,800 1,951 ( 151) Insurance 5,600 3,367 2,233 ' Contractual services 5,000 3,029 1,971 Utility services 500 500 Motor vehicle maintenance. .2,000 2,670 ( 670) 1 . TouClteRass&CA 61 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A P P R O P R I A T E D E X P E N D I T U R E S YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1978 (Continued) (Over) under Budget Actual budget SEWERAGE SYSTEM FUND (CONTINUED): Cleaning and Maintenance (Continued): Motor vehicle supplies $ 1,250 $ 1,436 ($ 186) Repairs and maintenance 3,000 3:,712 ( 712) Supplies 2,000 109 1,891 Aggregates 1,000 1,000 Materials 6,500 5,935 565 Street signs 300 300 Equipment 1,500 1,271 _ 229 70,875 63,261 7,614 Less amount capitalized 2,105 61,156 Construction Department:. Salaries Overtime Part-time Employee benefits Insurance Contractual services Motor vehicle maintenance Motor vehicle supplies` Repairs and maintenance Supplies Aggregates Materials Motor vehicles Equipment Equipment rental Less amount capitalized Total Sewerage System Fund Less amount capitalized Total operating expenses 33,677 18,178 15,499 2,000 48 1,952 1,000 759 241 2,400 921 1,479 6,900 4,002 2,898 5,000 449 4,551 1,500 2,015 ( 515) 1,000 610. 390 2,000 2,181 ( 181) 750 14 736 3,000 1,765 1,235 11,000 8,087 2,913 6,500 5,193 1,307 5,710 4,802 908 11000 1,000 83,437 1 49,024 34,413 5,193 92,295 43,831 $ 467,685 375,390 $92,295 12,990 $ 362,400 N LnoLnLnLn0000000000 0 U) 1J U) N O N N N Ln Ln O 0 o dr 0 000 Ln00Ln , , O d'dr1-N 000Ln00oaa1alOOOO i to a) 01 1- Ln d' N • - 01 1- l0 Ln dr d' M N r- a) Ln r- e•- .-- e•- ••- M ; H � I r-I-I j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 CDj 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O.O O O,0 O O O (� 1-1 LnLnLn OLn u1000OOO000 11 U d'drdr ON N Ln00000000 Ln M O MMMMMMMNNNNNNNN a1 E� � M aJ Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln O O Ln �4 �UJ NNNNNLnUl H N dr 00 Ln Ln. 00 I as •4 v Ln a) M I- N Ln CO '- ! .- O U 4-1 4J d'MMNN� rn I dP U . }4 En trk I LO } a vv C7 ► '- O CD 41 EnH 0000000 d� � aJ O p . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.O O 0 O � i Ln Ln U � O x rl O O O O ► ► ► ► ► ► ► O I n' 0 N C OOOONN CD f`I CD i �. 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S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS: United States Treasury Bonds: $80,000 principal amount, 7-1/2%,.due August 15, 1993 $75,000 principal amount, 8-1/4%, due May 15,. 1990 $65,000 principal amount, 8-1/2%, due May 15, 1994 $60,000.principal amount, ,8-1/4%,.due May 15, 1990 $60,000 principal amount, 6-3/8%, due August 15, 1984 $55,000 principal amount, 8-1/2%, due May 15, 1994 $55,000 principal amount, 8-1/2%, due May 15, 1994 $55,000 principal.amount, 8-1/8%, due May 15, 1982 $35,000 principal amount, 6-3/4%, due February 15, 1993 $30,000 principal amount,'7-1/2%, due August 15, 1993 $20,000 principal amount, 8-1/8%, due August 15, 1982 United States Treasury Notes: $40,000 principal amount, 8%, due August 15, 1986 $50,000 principal amount, 7-7/8%, due $ 44,901.11 41,589.32 31,000.00 5,000.00 122,490.43 10,000.00 9,000.00 19,000.00 81,584.00 76,535.00 66,996.00 59,698.00 58,500.00 58,118.75 57,757.50. 55,413.13 34,759.38 30,172.50 20,009.20 599,543.46 40;000.00 May 15, 1986 50,000.00 90,000.00 TOTAL,U. S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS 689,543.46 TOTAL INVESTMENTS $831,033.89 Note: The effective rate of interest earned on Fund invest ments for the year ended April 30, 1978 was 7.5%, determined by a weighted average of amounts invested throughout the year.