O-74-23ORDINANCE NO. 0 -74- 23 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT A SALARY ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM AND TO ESTABLISH THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1974 -1975 FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Published in pamphlet form this 29th day of April , 1974, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. r .. i ORDINANCE NO. 0 -74- 23 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT A SALARY ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM AND TO ESTABLISH THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1974 -1975 FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Published in pamphlet form this 29th day of April , 1974, by the President and Board of Trustees of Deerfield. 0 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -74- 2 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT A SALARY ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM AND TO ESTABLISH THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1974 -1975 FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the manual entitled, "Village of Deerfield Wage ONE:- and Salary Plan (a copy of which manual is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance) is hereby approved and adopted as the Wage and Salary Administration Program to be used in establishing and administrating the compensation program for all officers and employees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, whose compensation is not otherwise established by a collective bargaining agreement or by separate ordinance or other provision of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION That, effective May 1, 1974, the compensation of all TWO: officers and employees of the Village of Deerfield, not otherwise established by a collective bargaining agreement, or by separate ordinance or other provision of the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield, for the fiscal year 1974 -1975 shall be determined by the Village Manager and heads of the various Village Departments in the manner and in accordance with the policies, procedures and standards set forth in the attached Village of Deerfield Wage and Salary Plan. SECTION That, pursuant to and in accordance with the procedures, THREE: policies and standards set forth in said Wage and Salary Plan, the Village Manager and heads of the various Village Departments are hereby authorized to award additional merit pay increases during the fiscal year 1974- 1975'to officers and employees, provided that such merit pay raises in the aggregate shall not exceed the total amount allocated and budgeted for wages and salaries for officers and employees of each of said departments in the Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1974 -1975. SECTION That the Chief of Police is hereby authorized to grant FOUR: incentive compensation increases to officers of the Police Department holding a rank higher than that of Patrolman and to civilian employees of the Police Department and to grant additional compensation to Patrolmen for performance of additional duties, provided that such incentive increases and additional compensa- tion, in the aggregate, shall not exceed the total amount allocated and budgeted for incentive compensation for such officers and employees of said Department in the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year 1974 -1975. SECTION That the Village Manager and the heads of the several FIVE: Village departments may employ persons to serve in any employment positions provided for by appropriate action of the Board of Trustees which, upon the effective date of this Ordinance, are unfilled, provided that the compensation for such new employees shall be established in accordance with the procedures, policies and standards set forth in the attached Wage and Salary Plan. In the event of the severance of employment of any employee during the effective period of this Ordinance, the Village Manager and the heads of the several Village departments are authorized to employ a replacement therefor; provided-that - such new employee shall receive compensation in an amount established in accordance with the procedures, policies and standards set forth in the attached Wage and Salary Plan; provided, that in no event shall the total compensation of all employees of a designated department exceed the total amount appropriated and budgeted in the Annual Budget for compensation for the employees of such department. From time to time during the effective period of this Ordinance, the Village Manager may employ such parttime employees as may be necessary to properly conduct the affairs and operations of the Village, at hourly wage rates from $1.75 to.$5..00. The authority to employ hereby granted to the Manager is subject to the limitation that, in no event shall the total compensation of all employees of a designated department exceed the total amount appropriated in the annual Budget to pay the compensation of employees of such department. SECTION That all ordinances or parts of ordinances.in conflict SIX: herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish SEVEN: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect EIGHT: from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. AYES: Gavin, Kelm, Moses, NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED THIS 29th day of Neuman, Stiehr (5) April APPROVED this 29th day of April E ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK A.D., 1974' A.D., 1974 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION PLAN MAY 1 , 1974 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Tot Mayor and Board of Trustees From: Trustees Stiehr and Gavin 1. Working with the job descriptions for a year 2. Cost of living 3. Tax monies available 4. Competitive wages 5. Attraction and retention of good employees It is our recommendation that this plan be approved so that it may be implemented before May 1, 1974. iRespectfully submitted, AD HOC COMMITTEE TO TRY TO SALVAGE A PAY PLAN Daniel Stiehr Norma Gavin The attached proposed Wage and Salary Plan is presented for your review. ' This Plan represents the combined efforts of the writers, along with the input from the two previously proposed plans, meetings with all employee groups, several meetings with the Department Heads, ' and several wage and salary surveys of surrounding communities, the Skokie Valley Industrial Association, and personal interviews. ' It is recognized that no Plan will be perfect and that there will have to be changes made from time to time. We do feel that this plan meets the objectives set forth. This Plan was purposely kept simple so that it would be easy to under- , stand and administer. In setting the wage rates, as much information was gathered as feasible ' and the rates were pegged somewhat above average - not the top, not the bottom, but above average. Now this can be debated long and loudly but in the final analysis, they must be pegged at a level the Village can ' afford and one which will attract and keep good employees. It is our opinion that this has been done. This should be reviewed next year, based upon: 1. Working with the job descriptions for a year 2. Cost of living 3. Tax monies available 4. Competitive wages 5. Attraction and retention of good employees It is our recommendation that this plan be approved so that it may be implemented before May 1, 1974. iRespectfully submitted, AD HOC COMMITTEE TO TRY TO SALVAGE A PAY PLAN Daniel Stiehr Norma Gavin Proposed: WAGE AND SALARY PLAN VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS iMarch, 1974 ' OBJECTYV-9 ' 1. The objective of this Plan is to provide a fair and equitable compensation for all Village employees, providing clear and ' easy td,xii derstand guidelines for employees, supervisors and the Board of Trustees 2. know The Plan should allow employees to at all times how they t are being evaluated and what their compensdtion is and can be. It should reward exceptional performance and not entrench mar- ' ginal performing employees. 3. The Plan should allow the Department Heads and the Village Manager to plan their personnel requirements for realistic budgeting. 4. The Plan should allow the Board of Trustees to evaluate the iperformance of the Village administration. 5. The Plan'should allow the taxpayers of the Village to evaluate the performance of their elected officials in spending their tax dollars effectively. 1 I i POLICY It shall be the Policy of the Village of Deerfield to: (a) Pay a fair and equitable wage to all employees commensurate with their abilities and responsibilities. (b) .Pay a competitive wage to attract and retain above average employees for an above average community. However, it shall not be the policy to be the highest paying for' the pres- tige of being the highest paying. (c) Annually survey surrounding communities and local industries to maintain competitive wage rates . This survey shall be con- ducted by the Village Manager and verified by the Board of Trustees. -2- I 1 1 PLANT The following pages contain job descriptions of Village employees. Each job description contains the qualifications of a Fully Qualified Employee (FQE). The term "fully qualified employee" shall mean an. employee who possesses all of the qualifications and skills of the job description and has adequate experience within the Village to know the unique characteristics of the Village and of his job. Starting Rate: A newly hired employee shall start at a rate of 85% of the F.Q.E. rate. An employee who is reclassified to a higher rated job shall be trans, ferred at his present rate, which may be above 85% of the new job. Performance Reviews: New Hires: 30 days after hire 6 months after hire February and August nearest his anniversar�r'date, until 2 years thereafter; then each February. Fully Qualified Employee: Employees shall be reviewed during the month of February each year. All reviews shall be in writing and this will be reviewed in a conference with the employee by his supervisor. All reviews shall be approved by the Village Manager. Increases: 30 day review - 'A supervisor may recommend an increase to a minimum of 07% or maximum of 90% of F.Q.E. rate . 6 month review - A supervisor may recommend an increase up to 100% of F.Q.E. rate, appropriate with the em- ployee's progress in reaching F.Q.E, proficiency. Unsatisfactory P If an employee does not make satisfactory progress toward F.Q.E. in the first 30 days, he shall be terminated or put on notice that unless satisfactory progress is made, he will be term- inated on or before the 6 month review. It is assumed that all employees can reach the level of fully qualified employee within 2 years. If an -3-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 employee fails to reach the F.Q.E. level within 2 years, he shall be terminated or reclassified. Department Heads are exempt from this 2 year. provision. All increases, transfers and terminations must be approved by the Village Manager. Superior Performance: After an employee has achieved the level of fully qualified employee and demonstrates superior performance, a supervisor may recommend an additional increase up to 110% of F.Q.E. ADMINISTRATION OF PLAN The Plan shall be administered by the Village Manager. All personnel records and performance reviews will be filed by the Finance Department and it shall be their responsibility to notify the Department Heads when performance reviews. are due and to assure that they are done on time. The Village Manager shall determine, with the various Department Heads, the number of fully qualified employees required in each classification in each department and submit this list to the Board of Trustees for approval. The budget will be prepared on the basis of the number of fully quali- fied employees authorized by the Board of Trustees, plus 5% for superior performance increases. It is assumed that no more than 5% of the employees will be given the full 10'/ superior performance increases. If a Department Head feels that more than 50% of the personnel in that department or classification deserve the full 10% superior performance increase, then it shall be his responsibility to document that the level of performance is above that of the job description. The job description shall then be reviewed by the Village Manager and his recommendation -4- ' for upgrading the job description and the level of compensation for the F. Q. E. shall be reviewed by the Board of Trustees . The 5Y for superior performance budgeted shall be available to ' reward superior performance. These funds shall gp be expended on the basis of dividing up a kitty to give everyone a little, but only for well documented cases of superior perrformance. All un.. ' expended funds shall be returned to the apprdpriate fund at the end of each year and not lie carried forward.. Each department will be §ummar'ized each year, showing; (a) Number of employees (b) Number of fully qualified employees (c) NuinVerr of fully qualified employees receiving some superior performance incentive (d) Average % of superior performance incentive paid The salary of the Village Manager shaltbe set by the Board of Trustees each year. -5- INDEX CLASSIFICATION SE TION PAGE Village Manager .... too ................e....... 1 1 ' As sistant to Village Manager_ . f .. • .... f ... f . ,.. S 1 2 Administrative Intern ........... .... .....:..... 1 3 ' Secretary to ,Boards -and Commissions o , 0000 f 0000 1 4 ' Receptionist- Cashier Secretary. I ..... ............fff...1 /..ff...f.'. 1 6 'Secretary II ... .........................:f.. :. 1 7 Secretary III ......... .......f...f.......0..... 1 8 ' Finanee Director 00.00f..�.......fe.f....f:.:.. 1 `9 Principal Account Clerk, . e .. , 0,000. f 0000. , , . , , , . 1 10 ' Fiscal Clerk:... ....f .......:......f...:...:... 1 11 General Clerk.. .....,....f..f..........:f..:.. °1 12 1 Bookkeeping Machine. Operator..,: f ..•, . ; .. , .. f . , . 1 13 ' Youth Worker,..,,,, 1 14, 15 Director of Building and Zoning,.. 0 .. 6 . ;0 ,..+ f 0000. 1 16 ' Building Inspector .. 0 .........:.- .•..•.•f 0000: , 0000... 1 17 Planning and Zoning Officer ... ; �.. , 0 ..,,�.�_. ,', � �: � ��� 1 18 ' Draftsman (Building and Zoning).........,; 00.0:0 , 0000. 1 19 Village Engineer :0000.. �,.......� 0000'. f 0000. - 00'00. 1 20, 21 ' Civil Engineer Draftsman.. 1 22 Engineering Inspector .. ..• ............. <.......... 1 23 ' Director of Public Works .0000,. , . , , ,,� ... ,'f , .. 2 1 Sewage Treatment Chief Operator .00.0..0. 6 #'a . , . 2 2 ' Sewage Treatment Operator II 0 0 0 0 .. 6,0 6;. 6 0 2 3 ' Sewage Treatment Operator Trainee.. . 2 4 Street Maintenance Foreman. ... 0 0.0.0 , . 0 , , , ; , , 6 2 5 ' Water Maintenance Foreman .....to* 2 7 Chief Mechanic ...' ......................... ... 2 8 ' Meter Reader /Animal Warden........ , 0000. ; ; 0 , 0 2 9 Maintenance Worker I... 0 ........ 6 . , . 6„ f 0:000. 2 10 ' Maintenance Worker' 11 2 11 Maintenance Worker III .... 6 ... 6.6.0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6, 6,, 2 12 i E i i 1 1 CLASSIFICATION SECTION - PAGE Assistant Mechanic ............ . .............. 2., 13 Custodian 2 14 Chief of Police .....................:........ 3 11 2 Lieutenant ... ..o................c..........0 3 3 Sergeant .. r . 0 0.0 0 0 .. r ............ • • • 1 6 • ... , 3 4' Communications Coordinator ................. i 3 5, 6 Radio Operator .......................r...... 3 7 Records Secretary. •.... • .................... 3 8 Matron ...... ...............r.r..........,.. 3 9 Summary of Administrative salaries* r. e 0000.... 4 1v 2 Summary of Public Works salaries .. 5 19 2 Summary of Non - contractual Police salaries 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE MANAGER Plans, organizes, coordinates and maintains supervision over day -to -day business of municipal government, acting as Chief Administrator in accord - ance with policies set by the Board of Trustees. Within specifications of State laws and local ordinances, may appoint department heads and direct activities and functions of various depart- ments. May recommend, initiate or introduce proposals to the Board of Trustees for subsequent action. Acts as Salary Administrator. Is re- sponsible for keeping salaries within the budget and for maintaining salaries at a level which insures hiring and retaining competent employees. Maintains an inventory of all real and personal property of Village. Various other duties as assigned by the Board of Trustees. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of public administration techniques and costs; knowledge of local finance- and personnel administration; knowledge of information sources related to problems of local government; ability to write clear and concise reports, memoranda, directives and letters; ability. to develop comprehensive plans from general instructions; ability to accomplish as- signed tasks at instructions of Board; ability to maintain satisfactory working relationships with and to establish rapport with both department heads and the public. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Must have extensive experience in field of local government administration and be a graduate of an accredited college or university with a degree in that or in a related field. Section 19 Page 1. ISTANT_ ,..JUJAC &_& A _ E ■ Works under the direction of the Village Manager:'Rangs of duties covers the entire Village administration and acts'as pr'i.ncipal ■ assistant to the Manager. Must be able to exercise a wide latitude of iiid.ependent judgment., and must be able to perform both. ■ assigned _arid - iridependeiit duties. Makes recommendations to the Manager in the development of administrative policy. Gives policy ■ guidance Md ifit6rpre to policy decisions to department heads. Is always aware of current and projected developments in the conduct ■ of Village governments Actd as public safety director. Acts as Village Manager in the.'ibsence of the Manager. Represents the Village Manager at meetings:hb is unable to attend; performs ceremonial duties at special.events� Answers inquiribgi. Is able ■ to function in matters of sensitive or cbritro`vexs al nature involving extensive public relations; Acts as executive secxeta'ry to Mayor ■ and to Village Manager; acts as secretary to the Police Commission. Other duties as assigned. ' K®®WMGES , ANG S KIQS ■ Working knowledge of principles and practices of public adminis- tration, problems of local government, and national, state and local ■ ordinances relating to all phases of village management. Able to write clear and concise letters, reports, memoranda, and directives. ■ Able to accomplish all tasks with minimum supervision and only general directions. Able to work well with department heads and with the public. Able to plan end supervise the work of others. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINI G ■ Graduate of college or university with a degree in public adminis- tration or a related field, -or any equivalent combination of ■ experience and training which would provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities. ■ Section 1, Page 2. 1 ADMINISTRATIME I LTERN 1 Serves as professional, public administration aide to Village Manager and departments heads by carrying out staff duties. Does related work as required. Assists in safety program. Assists Village Manager in administrative details. Must exercise knowledge and techniques of public administration relating to.municipal government. Duties include review of ' materials, dssembling tactual information and the ability to transmit acid interpret management activities. Work is subject t to reV'iew and direction by Village Manager. Goal is to provide ' a broad range of experienco and opportunity to apply principles of administration in a real . life setting: Often bti.lizes assignments as base for papers required in his masted' program. KNOWLEDGES I AND Sit ' Knowledge of administrative process; accident prevention process fire, safety and health processes] dbilitp to handle corres -- ' pondence, and to handle phone calls, Ability to plarii assign and direct activities of employees. ' EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Some experience in municipal government; graduation from a tcollege or university with.a degree in public or business administration or any equivalent combination of knowledge and skills. I : ' Section l 3 . Page SECRETARY TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Under general supervision performs secretarial duties for boards and commissions. Does work of confidential nature. Attends all meetings of boards and commissions. Transcridbes minutes and distributes; prepares agendas for meetings; works closely with E village staff and various chairmen; keeps accurate files for each board or commission; schedules meetings and contacts imem- bars.regarding attend '66e; cancels meetings with proper notifi- cation when necessary. KNMLEDGES AND SKILLS,: Must have shorthand or equivalent; must have excellent typing; must be able to understand functions of various boards and commissions; must be available for evening work and other times for transcription of materials; must be able to report accurately, and concisely and work independently; must be able to capsule discussions to report salient points.. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of standard high school course, including or supple- mented by 'courses in shorthand or equivalent and typing.. Section 1, Page 4. RECEPTIONIST - CASHIER Under general supervision acts as receptionist and takes care of visitors. Handles all over- the - counter monies received from sales of maps, vehicle stickers, dog licenses and bicycle licenses, and from collection of fees for water and sewage bills acid police fines. Answers phones and refers calls to proper persons; opens and distributes mail; sets tip appointments; main- tains files and records; posts and charts. Is courteous and help- ful to visitors and to the staff. Operates Public Works radio as Central. Acts as switchboard operator and as a supplemental typist. Other duties as assigned. Knowledges and skills: Some knowledge of business practices, department policies and procedures. Ability to learn assigned tasks. Ability to carry out special non - routine assignments.and to act independently. Experience and training: Completion of standard high school course, with secretarial training; preferably will have:some work- related experience. Section 1, Page 5, r SECRETARY I Performs beginning level secretarial duties; does related tasks as required. Works under close supervision and does only routine clerical work such as typing either from shorthand notes or from clear copy or rough draft; proofreads typed material; files, sorts and indexes; may operate more simple machines. Must have the ability and the willingness to learn rather quickly. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS.— rKnowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment and of business arithmetic and English; ability to take and transcribe rdictation at a reasonable rate; ability to follow.both oral and written instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to exercise tact and courtesy. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of standard high school course, including or supple- ' mented by courses in shorthand or equivalent and typing. 1 1 1 i 1 Section 1, Page 6. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECRETARY II Performs secretarial duties for department head(s). Does work of a confidential nature and relieves principal of designated administrative details. Able to handle routine inquiries. Other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: Must have good typing and shorthand or equivalent skills. Must have general knowledge of office procedure. Requires initiative, mature judgment, and knowledge of municipal practices, policy and organization. Able to get along with others; able to exercise tact and courtesy when dealing with the public and with co- workers. May supervise ether clerical workers. SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Must be a high school graduate with skills in typing and short- hand and have experience in general office procedure. N Section It Page 7. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECRETARY III Performs difficult secretarial and clerical tasks; does related work as required. Able to perform high level, very responsible secretarial duties; able to exercise mature and independent judg- ment and to adapt to new situations readily. Requires little supervision but may act as supervisor of clerical stall. Must be able to do work of confidential nature; must be able to operate all office machines; must be able to handle routine office calls and callers and act as a source of information on Village.problems. Responsible for filing, researching files for source material, making appointments for superior, and re- minding him of appointments. KNOWLEDGES AND S KILLS : Ire addition to thorough knowledge of all office terminology, procedures and equipment, an ability to take and transcribe dictation at a high speed and to follow complex directions. Must also have a'thorough knowledge of Village ordinances and regulations and be able to make decisions in accordance with these. Must be able to exercise mature judgment, tact, and courtesy at all times. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Considerable progressively responsible clerical experience in Village administration and completion of standard high school course with business school training desirable; or any equiva- lent combination of experience and training which would provide the required knowledge, skill and ability. `S�Ztion,l, Page 8. ' FINANCE DIRECTOR Performs responsible administrative work in planning, organizing, coordinating, and directing the financial activities of the Vil- lage; does related work as required. Maintains a central accounting system for the Village, including pre -audit and other financial rcontrols. Directs and coordinates activities of several functions of this department. Advises department heads and Village Manager ' in review of estimates and preparation of budget. Provides Vil- lage Manager with informative financial reports and statements and may advise department heads and Village Manager on financial matters. tAs Village Treasurer, reports directly to Board of Trustees as provided by statute. Makes investments in accordance with policy ' established by the Village Board. ' Acts as Personnel Director; acts as Office Manager, functions as Purchasing Agent. Other duties as assigned. Work is reviewed through conferences with Village Manager and by independent audit. ' KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Comprehensive knowledge of general laws and administrative poli- cies governing municipal financial practices and procedures; thorough knowledge of principals and practices of accounting and ' budgeting in government; ability to supervise. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Extensive experience in public finance administration, including experience in local government and graduation from an accredited college or university with major work in accounting, business or public administration or any equivalent combination. Section 1, Page 9. 1 PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT CLERK rUnder general supervision of Finance Director, responsible for keeping one or more sections of a complete set of books or records ' relative to one phase of an establishment's business transactions. Duties involve postLng and balancing subsidiary ledger or ledgers ' such as.accounts receivable or accounts payable. Requires judgment and experience in making proper assignations and allo- tcations. Prepares financial statements. May assist in preparing, adjusting, and closing journal entries. May direct subordinate ' accounting clerks. ' KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of bookkeeping, Village and department policies and ' procedures; ability to run necessary machines; ability to per- form routine clerical duties such as filing, posting, charting, maintenance of records. Able to lead and to exercise mature and independent judgment in the absence of a supervisor. Able to ' handle routine correspondence, phone calls, and exercise tact and courtesy When dealing with co— workers and with the public. ' EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of a standard high school course, preferably supple- r i mented with business school or college courses in accounting and have considerable clerical experience including some accounting; or any equivalent combination thereof which would provide the required knowledge, skill and ability. Section 1, Page 10. FISCAL CLERK Works under supervision of Flnmce Director. Is able to do mechanical phases of cost accounting, including operation of ' bookkeeping machines. Other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Must be able to follow directions; must be accurate and must be flexible;-must have knowledge of bookkeeping machines; must be able to type; must have knowledge of office accounting techniques ' and of bookkeeping; must be able to do fairly difficult arith- methical computations. BIPER IENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of standard high school course, perferably supple- ' mented with business school or college courses in work - related field and have some bookkeeping experience. Section 1, Page 11. GENERAL CLERK Works under close supervision of Finance Director. Operates bookkeeping machine. Other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS:' Must be'able to follow directions; must have knowledge of book- keeping machines; must be able to type; must have some knowledge of office accounting techniques and of bookkeeping; must be able to do fairly difficult arithmetical computations. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of standard high school course, preferably supplemented with some training in bookkeeping and have some experience in bookkeeping. Section 1, Page 12. Section 1, Page 13. BOOKKEEPING MACHIN -4 OPERATOR Under general supervision of Finance Director, records complete ' set of records of financial transactions using bookkeeping machine. Posts -data-to accounting and stati ical controls records. Applies elementary knowledge of bookkeeping princi- pals in posting to simple accounting or statistical control records involving limited procedures. Examines and codes invoices or vouchers with proper accounting distributions. May perform incidental clerical duties dr operate other office machines such as adding and dalculating machines. ES KNO,,,T�LEDG AND S KILLS s rrir_�..a.r ' Knowledge.of bookkeeping, Village and department policies and procedures; ability to run necessary machines; ability to per- 1 form routine clerical duties such as filing, posting, charting, maintenance"of records. Able to lead and to exercise mature and independent judgment in the absence of a supervisor. Able handle to routine correspondence, phone calls, and exercise ' tact and courtesy when dealing with co- workers and with the public. EXPERIENCE , ERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of a standard high school course, preferably supple - mented with business school or college courses in accounting and have considerable clerical .experience including some account - ing; or any equivalent combination thereof which would provide the required knowledge, skill and ability. Section 1, Page 13. n �l YOUTH WORKER Develop and administers programs which attempt to solve problems ' of Youth in Deerfield. Works under direction of the Chief of Police, but in civilian clothes, and with a great degree of .confidentiality-as 'information far as gained from individuals is concerned. Work may involve "outreach" type programs providing.limited counseling,.crises intervention, referral services, development of ' Youth programs. Provides a leadership role in overall Village planning for all phases of-Youth-related activities of orga.nizatior in the area. Maintains liason with, and confers with, edu- cational, religious, judicial, social service, recreational and governmental bodies to get advice and guidance on the needs of ' community Youth. Build and encourage programs which bring Police and Youth close in understanding. Works closely with all the varic Youth Councils, Committees, etc. which have evolved in the community. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Good knowledge of young people and their problems; knowledge of theories and practices of social work; knowledge of counseling ' knowledge techniques; o£ functions and resources of public ano private social welfare agencies; ability to identify and deal with crises situations; ability to communicate with others and to establish and maintain a working relationship with all social agencies, with tine Youth, and with the general public. Must be in good physical condition: Section. 1, Page 140 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 2 EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Some experience in group contact woik and graduation from a college or university with an emphasis on social work; or any equivalent combination of experience and training which would, provide the necessary skills, knowledge and ability. Section 1, Page 15. DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND ZONING Works under general direction of Village Manager. Is, responsible, for, administ'ra tion; supervision and technical work in. enforcing strict compliance ,with, all building and zoning codes and /or ordinances. Responsible for directing 'inspection of buildings to determine adherence to all, construction and pi4ty standards as they relate to materials, workmanship, repairs and 'maintenance of structures .and to the- installation and operation of equipment therein. Acts as advisor to numerous Village 'Boards and Commissions and coordinates department work with that of all other departments. Responsible for maintaining and updating all Village files and documents which fall within the scope of the department. Formulates general long -range plans and policies in conjunction with Village Manager. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: . Must -have . knowledge of engineering and construction techniques and costs; Village, State and Federal policies and procedures, codes and ordinances; and must have the ability. to exercise. independent judgment, to act as overseer, and to maintain good public relations. Must.be able to testify in court. Must be able to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and iii. writing. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Extensive experience as building inspector, architect or structural engineer. Completion of standard high school and /or trade school courses supplemented by college level courses in previously mentioned fields. Section 1, Page 16. BUILDING INSPECTOR Inspects construction of buildings, additions and alterations to insure compliance with all building and zoning ordinances. In- spects landscaping, drainage, location and viability of drive- ways and sidewalks, swimming pools, signs, and subdivision improvements for compliance with codes and. ordinances. Notifies property owners and contractors of code and ordinance violations. Conducts correspondence. Testifies in court. Other duties as assigned. Works under supervision of Director of Building and Zoning. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of building construction, costs and techniques. Knowledge of Village policies-and procedures and ability to texercise independent judgment. Ability to get along effectively with the public. Ability to read and interpret technical rdrawings; technical knowledge of electrical and plumbing appli- cations, general knowledge of zoning procedures, building lines, set backs, etc. EXPEREINCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of.standard high school or trade school with experience in all aspects of building trades. Section 1, Page 17. PLANNING AND. ZONING OFFICER. Serves as research assistant and as administrative and enforcement assistant ' to Director of Building and zoning. Reviews all proposed plats and development plans and assists in direction of development and enforcement of lazid use plan in accordance with all Village guidelines, County requirements, and State and Federal law, as well as for good design principle. Assists in building inspections and with implementation of sign ordinance. Assists attorney in preparation of case material for land use proceedings before the courts. Provides assistance and in - formation to various Village departments, Village Boards and Commissions, and. 'to the general public, and insures that hearings are advertised. Assists public . in proper procedure for filing permits; collects fees for permits; maintains, pro-, ' cesses and updates records, files and documents. Coordinate State and Federal aid program requests relating to Village planning goals.. Conducts frequent and ' thorough inspection of buildings, structures, suns, and uses of premises to determine compliance with terw of zoning ordinance. Other duties as assigned. ' KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: ' Knowledge of planning and 2-oning principles and processes and of Board and Commission processes and procedures. Knowledge of Federal, State and Village planning and zoning laws and ordinflnces. Knowledge of Federal and State Aid pro - grams and procedures. Ability to handle correspondence and telephone calls. ' Ability to conduct planning research studies, to prepare accurate reports, to make land use recommendations and to act independently. Ability to work unusual ' hours. ' EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of accredited college with major in city or regional planning or speci- fically related field. Section 1, Page 18. DRAFTSMAN (BUILDING AND ZONING) Works under the direction of the Director of Building and Zoning. Constructs and revises detailed maps of the Village; does related work as required. journey- man level professional drafting work involving preparation (,.f maps and drawings used in planning and zoning. Other duties as a.ssi.gnc.d. KNOW LEDGES AND SKILLS: Good knowledge of cartographic practices, drafting skills and lettering. Ability to make difficult mathematical computations and to follow complex directions, EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Considerable experience as a cartographer or conipl.etion of recognized course as a cartographer and graduation from a standard b.igh school. Section 1, Page 19. t 1 1 fl VILLAGE ENGINEER Works under the general direction of the Village Manager. Performs professional engineering work of an administrative nature and directs engineering and planning activities of the Village. Dogs related work as required. Prepares engineering plans and specifications for public improve- ments; reviews developn►ents and subdivision plans, supervises contraction and planni"q of public improvements. Acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees and various other Hoards and.Commissi.ons. Works with professional independence within the framework of established policy and pertinent laws and ordinances. Policy guidance is received from the Village Manager who reviews work performance. through evaluation of reports, results and personal conferences. Formulates.long range planning and policies in conjunction with Village Manager. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Comprehensive knowledge of principles and.practices of civil engineering as related to public improvements; applicable laws and regulatory codes .relevent to construction and design of public improvement projects. Skill in preparing engineering plans, estimates and specifications for public improvement projects; ability to work with others; ability to prepare a variety of technical reports, specifications and contracts in connection with public improvement projects. 0 Section :1, Page 20. rages EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Extensive experience in civil engin�P.rinc; preforably including some in municipal work; graduation from accredited college with major in civil engineering; or any equivalent combination which provides required skills and knowledge. Liconse to practice as a Registered Professional Engineer in State of Illinois. Section 1, Page 21. '' EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: ' Must be a graduate of an accredited high school with basic drafting skills and some experience in the field br the equivalent ' of these qualities. Section 2, Page 22. 1 ' CIVIL ENGINEER DRAFTSMAN Works under the supervision of the Village Engineer. Prepares ' plats, maps, and graphs relating to water and sewer systems and ' easements, topography, road right -of -ways, and plats of property. Is able to make field observations, verification and maintenance ' of field records; verifications, production, and correction of ' drawings, maps, and other related materials and preparations from field data. Shall be responsible for maintenance and purchase ' of materials necessary to carry out required tasks. Is able to ' perform routine tasks independently with reference to supervisor only on difficult or unusual P roblems as they occur. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS. ' Knowledge of civil engineering drafting and.use of all related ' equipment; knowledge and skill in using field equipment such as tape and rod; ability to act'as rod -man and recorder on field sur- ' veys and to record observations in proper form on an engineering ' log in an up -to -date manner; ability to communicate orally and in writing to answer all inquiries; ability to act as Inspector when ' directed. '' EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: ' Must be a graduate of an accredited high school with basic drafting skills and some experience in the field br the equivalent ' of these qualities. Section 2, Page 22. 1 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR Works under the direction of the Village Engineer. Performs skilled construction inspection work on public works construction projects in the Village; does related work as required. Is re- sponsible for comprehensive inspections of public works constructior activities being performed by outside contractors. Other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Good knowledge of public works, construction methods and practices; knowledge of basic mathmatics; knowledge of inspection techniques; ability to prepare drawings from field notes and plats of record; ability to communicate both orally and in writing; ability to carry out complex instructions, plan inspection activities, and be able to work actively outdoors under adverse conditions. Must be able to work unusual hours. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Experience in field of public works construction and completion of high school and some college engineering courses or the equivalent experience. Section 1, Page 23 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ' rWorks under general direction of Village Manager. Directs, coordinates and administers activities of all Village public works departments and per - sonnet. Is responsible for maintenance of Village streets, alleys, park- , ways, street lighting, street signs and. traffic control devices; maintenance of sanitary.and storm water collection systems; maintenance of water dis- tribution system; maintenance of all Village -owned buildings and provision of any janitorial services. Responsible for training and. instruction of per- , sonnet within..depa.rtiments a Prepares department budget, operating reports and furnishes accurate data regarding both costs and services. Investi- gates and, resolves citizen complaints relative to Public Works Department. ' KNOW LEDGES AND SKILLS: Comprehensive knowledge of all areas of public works methods and practices; comprehensive knowledge of Village policies and procedures; ability to provide leadership and to plan, schedule and supervise work of skilled, ' semi - skilled and unskilled employees in performing a variety of public works tasks; a. thorough knowledge of the required public works safety standards; ' an ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with ' employees, Village officials and the public. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: College graduate with C.E. degree; two years experience in public works_ or several years experience in public works with an equivalent knowledge rof educational requirements. Should be able to qualify for Water License, ' Section 2, Page 1. SEWAGE TREATMENT CHIEF 02'FRATOR Performs superu-isory a.ana. skilled work in public works wa.intenance operation. Does related work as required. Acts as working foreman in tSewage Treatment Plant department but. also has knowledge and skill to work in other public works departments in case of emergency. Responsible ' for maintenance and. efficient operation of plant and lift stations. Maintains ' .all records regarding the operation of the plant and is able to conduct and interpret all la.b tests. Must be able to train, ark. inform. Works under supervision of Director of Public Works, KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: ' Must have knowledge of sewage treatment techniques and costs, and must be able to qualify for Class 2 Operator's License; must have knowledge of ' Village policies and procedures; ability to exercise independent judgment; ability to supervise; ability to work under hazardous conditions; ability to handle complaints; a thorough knowledge of the required sewage treatment ' safety standards; must have knowledge of electric maintenance and equipment operation. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: ' Must have considerable experience in various areas of public works with specialized knowledge of sewage treatment plant operation and be able .to qualify for Class 2 Operator's License within six months of hiring date. Must be graduate of standard. high. school or equivalent thereof. r r Section 2, Page 2. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR II Works under supervision of Chief Sewage Treatment Plant Operator but may operate plant without constant direction for short periods of time. Performs basic lab tests. Understands theory and practice of plant opera- tion. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: . Must have some basic mechanical skills, some fundamental mathematical knowledge including algebra, and basic knowledge of chemistry. Must also have acquired Class 4 and Class 3 Operator':; Licenses. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Must be graduate of high school or equivalent course work, with a good background in mathematics and chemistry,, Must have some Public Works Department experience and have acquired Class 4 and Class 3 Operator's Licenses. ' Section L, Page 3. 1 1 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OPERA'T'OR TRAINEE STPO I Operates under the direction of a qualified sewage treatment plant operator. Is able to follow instructions and execute fairly complicated and difficult directions.' Is assigned increasingly difficult duties and is willing to study and take examinations to qualify for fully qualified operator position. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: MU' st have some basic mechanical skills; must have good basis in funda- mentals of mathematics, including algebra; mast have some knowledge of chemistry. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Must be graduate of high. ;school or equivalent course work, with a good background in mathematics and chemistry. Section 2, Page 4 I 4e STREET MAINTENANCE FOREMAN Operates under the direction of the Public Works Director, . Performs supervisory and skilled work in public works maintenance operation, Does related work as required. Acts as working foreman in Street Maintenance Department but also has knowledge and skill to work in other public works departments. Responsible for maintaining Village streets, alleys, side- walks and parkways so they are clean, easily usable and free from hazards. Trains and instructs department employees. Keeps records of work accom- plished and turns these in. to the Public Works Director, KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of .street maintenance. techniques and costs; knowledge of Village policies and procedures; ability to exercise independent judgment; ability to supervise, Must be familiar. 'with OSHA standards and Illinois Uniform Traffic Code. Must be able to operate a variety of heavy equip- went, and have knowledge of painting, ' electrical and plumbing processes,, and of building and construction Tnateri.als. Must be able to work outside in all weather. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Must have considerable experience in various areas of public works wieh specia:tized knowledge of street m.aintenauce practices, Must be graduate of high school or equivalent course work. Section 2, Page ,S. SEWER MAINTENANCE FOREMAN iWorks under supervision of Public Works Director. Performs supervisory and skilled work in public works. maintenance operation. Does related work as required. Acts as wo -t*ing foreman in sewer maintenance department but also has knowledge and skill to work in other public works departments. Is responsible for insuring that all Village sanitary and storm sewers are ' clean, leak- proof, free of obstructions and properly maintained. Instructs and develops and advises employees. Assists in formulating goals, drawing up department budget, planning and scheduling works, and reviewing de- partment employees' progress. Keeps records of work accomplished and turns these over to the Public Works Director. ' KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of sewer maintensxtce technt.ques and costs; knowledge of Village policies and procedures. Ability to exercise independent judgment and to supervise. Must be able to operate .a wide range of sewer main - tenance machinery. MiLSt bave knowledge of mechanical and plumbing processes and of applicable laws and regulations. Must be able to work outside in all weather. . EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Must have considerable experience in various areas of public works with specialized knowledge of sewer maintenance practices. Must be graduate of high school or equivalent course work. ISection 2, Page 6. ' WATER. MAINTENANCE FOREMAN Works wider the direction of the Public Works Director. Performs supervisory aiml skilled work in public works maintenance operation. ' Does related work as required. Acts as working foreman in Water. Maintenance Department but also has knowledge aml skill to work in other public works departments,. Responsible for efflcient.operation of Village's wager distribution system. Instructs, develops axe advises department employees. Assists in formulating goals, drawing -tip depart- ment budget, plamn.ing and. scheduling -work and reviewing department remployees' progress. Responsible for accurate ara timely reading of water meters Responsible for general operation of reservoirs and supervises control equipment. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of water system maintenance techniques and costs; knowledge of Village policies and procedures. Ability to exercise independent judg- ment; ability to supervise. Must have knowledge of plumbing processes. Must qualify for Illinois State Water System Operator's License (Public Water Supply Operator • C 1)„ Must be able to work outside in all weather. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Must. have considerable experience in various areas of public works with specialized knowledge of water system maintenance practices. Must be ' graduate of high school or equivalent course work. Section 2, Page 7. CHIEF MECHANIC Works under the supervision of the Public Works Director. Supervises ' the care and ma. ateriance of a wide. variety of automotive and construction equipment, Directs the activities of employnes engaged in maintenance and -repair. Malces periodic inspection of said equipment. Instructs operators ' in proper use and care of equipment to insure reliable performance and. preserva.tiou of equipment, Helps set long range goals for equipment ' retirement and for department budget. Responsible for ordering and maintaining proper parts inventory and keeps complete records for charge- ' back. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Knowledge of equipment maintenance techniques and costs; knowledge of Village policies and procedures; ability to exercise independent judgment; ability to oversee a function. Knowledge of purchasing, Accounting and regulations applicable to department. This is a highly skilled position and also requires reliability, mechanical aptitude and. good physical. condi- tion. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: - Considerable experience at the level of auto mechanic and completion of standard high school course, or any equivalent thereof. Section 2, Page 8. METER READER - ANIMAL WARDEN ■ Works under supervision of department foreman. Reads water meters and records volume used by residential and commercial consumer. In- spects motors and connections for defects, damage and unauthorized connections. Checks for abnormal consumption and records reasons for fluctuations. Assists in the maintenance and repair of the water distri- bution system, when necessary. Works in other areas in water depart - went as assigned. Serves as animal warden and pound operator. Must be able to maintain pound in accordance with highest standards of animal care and safety. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS,: Ability to read and service water meters; knowledge of department pro- , cesses and policies; ability to act independently. Ability to appear in court; ability to serve as atAina.l warden. EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS: ' Must be high school graduate or have equivalent course work. t t ISection 2, Page 9. 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER I. Performs &`var'iletykof -routine, unskilled manual tasks requiring pri- marily AyOcal�strength,and coordination,, such as diggiAg,, lifting, cleaning up after completed jobs. Mupthave,ability to follow instructions, and to, execute them., Works under,,;supervis*on., KNOWLEDGES AND-'SKILLS: Needs minimal skills. Should have valid Illinois driver's licef se. Must be' physically able to perform, strenuous tasks. EXPERIENCE AND - .TRAINING: Muft be� high school gr aiauate.or haire equivalent course work. :A14 MAINTENANCE WORKER II Performs semi - skilled maintenance work within public works department. Can operate soma specialized equipment. Has some knowledge of depart- ment policies and ,procedures and is able to understand and execute more difficult instructions than Maintenance Worker I. Works under. supervision. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Must be able to operate light equipment and be able to perform strenuous physical tasks. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Must -be high scl-ool graduate or equivalent course work and have some ex- perience in public works department. Section. 2, Page 11. t 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER III Is able to serve as fairly skilled worker in all public works departments but has specialized knowledge within own department. Can operate heavy equipment. Can carry out minor repairs to department vehicles and equip - {nent. Is able to work independently and to exercise judgment. 'Is able to supervise a crew. KNOWLEDGE.S. -AND SKIt.LS Able to perform all phases of work within his own department and has knowledge of department policies and procedures. Able to work outside and to .do strenuous physical work. Able to perform a variety of duties which include some knowledge of electrical work, carpentry, masonry, pointing, plumbing and gardening. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Must be a high school graduate or equivalent course work and have at least two years experience in comparable position in public works department. Section 2, Page 12. 1 Section 2, Page 13. ' ASSISTANT MECHANIC Works under the direction of the Chief Mechanic; assists in the care, maintenance and periodic inspection of Village vehicles. ' KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Must have good mechanical aptitude and be able to perfrom semi - skilled vehicle maintenance, r EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: ' High School graduate or equivalent, with some experience working in vehicle maintenance. 1 . 1 Section 2, Page 13. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CUSTODIAN Performs routine maintenance and custodial work in the care of buildings and grounds; does related work as required. Does cleaning and routine maintenance in buildings, grounds and adjacent structures. Work generally is performed in accordance with established procedures but specific in- structions are given on unusual or difficult assignments. Work is subject to inspection by a superior.. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: General knowledge of cleaning materials, methods, equipment and pro- cedures; general knowledge of use and care of cleaning equipment; ability to learn tasks quickly; ability to understand and follow_ oral and written instructions; physical strength and agility to perform routine manual cleaning and maintenance tasks. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Some experience in general custodial work, completion of standard grade school course; any equivalent thereof. Section 2, Page 14. POLICE CHIEF Performs administrative work directing all activities and ' employees of the Village Police Department; does related work as required. Responsible for supervising all Village police functions ' involving planning, directing and controlling patrol, traffic, criminal investigation, and related activities. Assures proper training, assignment and discipline of all department employees. Has technical independence in administering department activities and is responsible for internal policy and control. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: ' Comprehensive knowledge of principles and practices of modern ' police administration; comprehensive knowledge of department roles and re4diati6ns, police science, organization and ' operation in field of patrol activity; crime prevention, traffic ' control and safety, criminal investigation, use of police records and their application to the solution of police problems, ' .standards of quality for judging police service. Must be able ' tQ establish and maintain effective working relationships with other Village employees and with the public; able to express ' r ideas clearly both orally and in written reports; able to prepare ' and supervise preparation of clear and comprehensive reports; good physical condition. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: EXtensive experience in modern police administration with related ' work experience. Completion of high school with supplemental college level course work.in police science, criminal justice r ' Section 3, Page 1. 1 ' Page 2 ' or other work - related courses -- preferably graduation from a college or university with major work in police science, police administration,'or in a related field. Section 3, Page 2. G ' LIEUTENANT Works under the direction of the Chief of Police. Responsible ' for supervising police patrol and.related station activities. ' Must be able to exercise knowledge of police methods and techniques And mature judgment in providing police services to meet any and ' all police situations. Works is performed in accordance ' with departmental procedures and with regard to all local ordinance: and to State and Federal statutes. Aids in setting department polic prepares and supervises preparation of records.and reports, reviews reports of subordinates. t ' KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Mist be able to work with minimum supervision; must be able to ' ,give clear oral and written instructions; must be able to follow• difficult orel and written instructions; must have superior manage- ' ♦ 1 mefit and administrative skills, outstanding leadership, and has ' comprehensive knowledge of all modern police department techniques. ' Must be able to analyze complex police problems and situations and to adopt quick, effective and reasonable courses of action with t_ regard to incidental hazards and circumstances. Must be in good physical condition. Must have emotional stability, personal ' honesty and integrity, and a concern for the welfare of others. ' EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: ' Cgnsiderable police experience (with at least three years at the level of Sergeant) and completion of high school with supple- ' mental course work in police administration and methods of criminal ' investigation or in work - related courses. r ' Section 3, Page 3. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERGEANT Performs supervisory tasks and specialized functions under the limited supervision of a superior officer; is in charge of a unit, shift or division which may function in the areas of investigations, youth or administration; and is in complete charge when the superior officer is absent. Work is performed in accordance with departmental policies, Village ordinances, and State and Federal laws. Is able to work with considerable indepen- deuce and to exercise mature judgment. Must be able to provide training for an to give directions to subordinates. Maintains work schedules, personnel records, shift activity, disciplinary files and evaluations. Any other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Good knowledge of modern police methods and techniques; good knowledge of legal and court processes and of all pertinent rules and regulations, ordinances, statutes and laws. Good knowledge of geography of Village and of location of all roads and streets and important buildings. Able to maintain good working relationship with subordinates, associates and the public. Able to react quickly and calmly in any police situation; able to prepare clear and concise reports, records, instructions, assignments and plans. Able to plan, direct, control and review work of subordinates. Skill in the use of firearms and other weapons and equipment used in this department. Able to work unusual hours. Good physical condition. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: At least three years of progressively responsible experience as a Police patrolman and completion of high school, preferably supplemented by work - related college level courses and training in police work. Section 3, Page 4. COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR A civilian employee with great technical competency in terms of knowledge of equipment and regulatory procedures than the radio operators. In addition to the duties of a radio operator, also writes procedures for LEADS and NCIC and for FCC licensing and acts as maintenance custodian of all communications equipment, performs related work as necessary. Works under general supervision of a superior officer. Trains all radio operators, police cadets and recruit patrolmen in radio operation, LEADS and NCIC operation and-file maintenance and is responsible for accurate and current ' computor file entry information. Maintains security of com- putorized criminal history input and retrieval. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Must have above average intelligence with good verbal skills and an aptitude for assimilating knowledge quickly. Must be able to exercise mature judgment and to exhibit courtesy and tact in dealing with the public. Must have high degree of competency in operating and maintaining communications equipment. Must be able to follow complex oral and written instructions. Must have knowledge of all related licensing requirements. Must have thorough knowledge of geography of Village; ability to prepare and to maintain records; and a good knowledge of office procedure. Knowledge of LEADS, NCIC and computorized criminal history operating regulations and procedures. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Considerable experience as a Dispatcher and completion of a standard high school course with additional work in communications; Section 3, Page 5. Page 2 or any equivalent thereof which would provide the necessary knowl- edge, skill and ability. Specialized training in computor termina: operation required. Section 3, Page 6. RADIO OPERATOR Under the general supervision of a superior officer this civilian employee answers all calls for protection service, pro- viding information and dispatching men and equipment through the use of telephone, radio and other communications equipment on assigned shift. Handles Village telephones at certain times. Initiates various reports, receives and processes cash bond money, and maintains various records. Handles all walk -in traffic. Various other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Must have above average intelligence with good verbal skills and an aptitude for assimilating knowledge quickly. Must be able to exercise mature judgment and to exhibit courtesy and tact in dealing with the-public. Must have a good knowledge of the geography of the Village. Must be able to enunciate clearly to develop skill and speed in operating telephone and radio equipment, and be able to follow moderately complex oral and written instructions. Should have some typing skill. Must be able to work under pressure. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Completion of a standard high school course and some experience in telephone or high frequency radio operations; or any equivalent combination of experience and training which provides required knowledge, skill and ability. Section 3, Page 7. RECORDS SECRETARY Under the supervision of the department administrative officer is the civilian responsible for Maintaining police records, com- piling data for all monthly and annual department, State and FBI reports, and for training police cadets, radio operators and recruit police officers in the fundamentals of records. Processes and recbrds officers activity; processes, maintains tand follows up on all parking citations; prepares payroll; records and maintains accurate and up -to -date court disposi- tions received foradjudicated arrests; maintains all department ' office supplies; maintains village vehicle and bicycle license files, dog licenses, prepares purchase orders, maintains financial files and other duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Must have a high degree of patience and flexibility, and have a great aptitude for detail and have a good memory. Must be able to exercise tact and courtesy when dealing with the public and with co- workers; must have ability to exercise mature judgment and be able to handle work of a confidential nature. May be trained to act as fill -in radio operator and as a police matron. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduate of a high school with skills in typing and the ability to operate a variety of office equipment. Section 3, Page 8. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Matron - May be added to job description of any female Police Dept. employee This is a female civilian employee, appointed by the Mayor and board of Trustees, who is in charge of all female prisoners taken into custody. Works under the direction of the arresting officer and the on -duty Watch Commander. Has custodial charge of female prisoners while they are being detained or transported to other facilities or to court. Searches female prisoners before incar- ceration for weapons or contraband. Testifies in court when necessary. KNOWLEDGES AND SKILLS: Any physically able female civilian employee of the police Department. n EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Should be qualified for this job. If she has had the necessary schooling in the proper procedures. Section 3, Page 9. POSITION VILLAGE MANAGER VILLAGE ENGINEER DIRECTOR - BUILDING & ZONING FINANCE DIRECTOR VILLAGE CLERK YOUTH WORKER ASSISTANT TO VILLAGE MANAGER PLANNING & ZONING OFFICER ENGINEER ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPECTOR ENGINEER INSPECTOR DRAFTSMAN - BUILDING & ZONING DRAFTSMAN - ENGINEERING PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING CLERK BOOKKEEPER - MACHINE OPERATOR SECRETARY II ADMINISTRATIVE ANNUAL ANNUAL MAXIMUM SALARY SALARY SALARY (FULLY (STARTING) (FULLY QUALIFIED QUALIFIED + 10 % (AS DESIGNATED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES) $ 22,100. $ 18,785. $ 24,310. $ 19,160. $ 16,298. $ 21,075. $ 22,100. $ 18,785. $ 24,310. (AS DESIGNATED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES) $ 14,840. $ 12,615. $ 16,325. $ 12,525. $ 10,650. $ 11,665. $ 91915. $ 11,770. $ 12,895. $ 10,960. $ 11,175. $ 9,500. $ 10,440. $ 8,875. $ 10,440. $ 8,875. $ 9,825. .$ 8,350. $ 8,600. $ 7,310. $ 8,600. $ 7,310. $ 13,780. $ 12,830. $14,185.: $ 12,295. $ 11,485. $ 11,485. $ 10,810. $ 9,460. $ 9,460. Section 4 - Page 1 ADMINISTRATIVE (Continued) POSITION ANNUAL ANNUAL MAXIMUM SALARY SALARY SALARY (FULLY (STARTING) (FULLY QUALIFIED) QUALIFIED + $ 10 % CASHIER RECEPTIONIST $ 8,600. $ 7,310. $ 9,460. CUSTODIAN $ 9,885. $ 8,400. $ 10,515. FISCAL CLERK (Part - Time) $ 7,980. $ 6,785. $ 8,780. GENERAL CLERK (Part - Time) $ 7,120. $ 6,050. $ 7,830. ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN (Part - Time) $ 7,120. $ 6,050. $ 7,830. CUSTODIAN (Part - Time) $ 9,885.. $ 8,400. $ 10,875. SECRETARY - BOARDS & COMMISSIONS (Part - Time) $ 8,600. $ 7,310. $ 9,460. YOUTH WORKER (Part - Time) $ 6,000. $ 6,000. $ 6,000. Section 4, Page 2 PUBLIC WORKS POSITION ANNUAL ANNUAL MAXIMUM SALARY SALARY SALARY (FULLY (STARTING) (FULLY QUALIFIED) QUALIFIED + 10 % SEWER DEPARTMENT FOREMAN $ 13,875. $ 11,795. $ 15,265. MAINTENANCE MAN III $ 11,910. $ 10,125. $ 13,101. MAINTENANCE MAN II $ 10,810. $ 9,190. $ 11,890. MAINTENANCE MAN I $ 9,885. $ 8,400. $ 10,875. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CHIEF OPERATOR $ 15,165. $ 12,890. $ 16,680. OPERATOR II $ 11,420. $ 9,710. $ 12,560. OPERATOR I $ 10,810. $ 9,190. $ 11,890. STREET & BRIDGE FOREMAN $ 13,875. $ 11,795. $ 15,265. MAINTENANCE MAN III $ 11,910. $ 10,125. $. 13,100. MAINTENANCE MAN II $ 10"810. $ 9,190. $ 11,890. MAINTENANCE MAN I $ 9,885. $ 8,400. $ 10,875. Section 5, Page 1 PUBLIC WORKS (Continued) POSITION ANNUAL ANNUAL MAXIMUM SALARY SALARY SALARY (FULLY (STARTING) (FULLY QUALIFIED) QUALIFIED + 10 % WATER DEPARTMEN T FOREMAN $ 15,165. $ 12,890. $ 16,680. MAINTENANCE MAN II $ 10,810. $ 9,190.. $ 11,890. METER READER & ANIMAL WARDEN $ 10,190. $ 8,660. $ 11,210. GARAGE HEAD MECHANIC $ 13,875. $ 11,795. $ 15,265. ASSISTANT MECHANIC $ 10,810.- $ 9,190. $ 11,890. ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR $ 22,100. $ 18,785. $ 24,310. SECRETARY II $ 9,825. $ 81350. $ 10,810. Section 5, Page 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT POSITION ANNUAL ANNUAL MAXIMUM SALARY SALARY SALARY (FULLY (STARTING) (FULLY QUALIFIED) QUALIFIED + 10 % CHIEF $ 23,500. $ 19,975. $ 25,850. LIEUTENANT $ 19,010. $ 16,160. $ 20,910. SERGEANT $ 17,165. $ 14,590. $ 18,880. SENIOR DISPATCHER' $ 9,825. $ 8,350. $ 10,810. DISPATCHER $ 8,900. $ 7,565. $ 9,790. SECRETARY $ 8,600. $ 7,310. $ 9,460. MIATRON $ 600. $ 600. $ 600. RECORDS CLERK $ 8, 600 . , $ 7,310. $ 9,460. Section 6, .Page 1