O-74-26Ir ORDINANCE-NO:-0-74-26- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, MAY 1, 1974 TO APRIL 30, 1975 WHEREAS, the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for-the fiscal year, beginning May 1, 1974 and ending April 30, 1975, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the office of the Village Manager on April 5, 1974, for public inspection, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said Tentative Annual Budget on April 15, 1974, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said Tentative Annual Budget was revised by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said Tentative Annual Budget, as so revised, is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is before the President and Board of Trustees for consideration and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED.BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Tentative Annual,Budget for the Village of ONE: Deerfield beginning May 1, 1974, and ending April 30, 1975, as revised, a copy of which is attached.hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for said fiscal year. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and TWO: effect from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. AYES: Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (5) NAYS: None (0) ABSENT: None (0) PASSED this 29th day of April A.D. 1974 APPROVED this' 29th day of' April ,� A.D. 1974 ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK �r C G VILLAGE PRESIDENT J i f 1 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1974 - 1975 BUDGET SUMMARIES _Classification Estimated Proposed Revenues Expenditures General Scavenger Street and Bridge Sewer Water Debt Service Classification Municipal Audit. Fund IMF Civil Defense Public Benefit Special Tax Motor Fuel Tax Federal Revenue Sharing Police Pension Fund Village Garage GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1$ 248 t 005 446,$49 292,000 2$1,300 523,000 433,26$ $3,224,422 $1,239t128 28$1$30 2$0;647 515, 1,0 430, , 8 $3,200,962 Revenues or Funds(i) Estimated on Hand in Treasury Expenditures $ $,500 93,100 17,000 6$,000 3,2$1 345,000 150,500 7$,750 65w000 (1) $ $29,131 (1) 4,053,553 $ $,500 93,100 2,450 . 13,615 3,2$1 1716600 7$,750 65,713 $ 437,009 (1) $3,637,971 (1) The-total figures in the case of a municipality may be mis- leading. Only in some circumstances can a surplus in one Rind be used to relieve a deficit in another. Page 1 I Account i NgMber 10- 301.01 .02 .04 .10-3Q1-05 0 .07 .11 .13 .15 .16 .21 �■ .23 .22.,.31 .52 ..53 .54 .72 .81 .83 .99 {r a G VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT 1974 - 1975 1974 -75 1973 -74 Increase Percent D„ es_ipt on Budget Mot Chance Salaries $301035 $20$,371 $ 93064 44e$ Benefits 18,138 7,653 '10,485 13710 Professional 459000 35,9$0 91020 25-.1 Apparel 100 100 - 0 - - Travel and Dues 6,500 6,890 (390) (5.7) Printing and Advertising 3,400 2,600 800 30.8 Communications 9,000 5,550 3,450 62.2 Insurance 5.431 4,175 1,256 30.1 Contractual 14,.250 $,690 5 :560 64.0 Utility Services 2,000 1,300 700 53.9. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1000 1000 400 30.8 Repairs and Maintenance 4,000 2,125 1,875 8$.2 Supplies 10,100 81245 1,855 22.5 Motor Vehicles 40275 2,400 1,875 78.1 Equipment 9,516 4 :295 51221 121.6 Land Acquisition 10045 5093 4,952 91.8 Annex Remodeling 2,500 120000 (9,500)( 79.2) Bond Principal 10,000 10,000 - 0 - - Bond Interest 300 600 (300)(50.0) Election Board Expense 3,000 1,500 1,500 100.0 Advisory Boards 8,200 4 :400 3,$00 86.4 Dog Pound 5,000 5,000 � - 0 - - Miscellaneous 00. _ kOOO 1 800 1. $175,255 $134,496 $40 :759 30.3 Total Administration $476,990 $342 :867 $134,123 39.1 a 5. 27 1f'../6. Page 2 Account Number 10-351-5 Vol-.04 .05 .06 07 :11 12 :13 .14 .15 ,21 .22 .23 ,31 .51 .53 .83 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - POLICE DEPARTMENT 1974 - 1975 1974-75 1973-74 Increase Percent Description KyA&et . (Decreasel ChapZe Salaries $607,569 $538t483 $ 69sO86 12.8 Benefits 37t520 22494 14p626 63.9 Professional 3t4OO 700 2000 375.7- Apparel Travel, Training, Dues 8049 10t000 8,349 119500 - 0 - (1,500) - 13.0 Printing, Advertising 39-200 irloo 2t1O0 880 190.1 9.7 Communications Insurance 10,000 13r6OO 9gl2O 13,000 600 4.6 Contractual Motor Vehicle Maintenance 7,000 13,000 59500 1�t500 1000 00) '59,0'00 27.3 (10.3) Motor Vehicle Supplies Repairs and Maintenance 13tOOO t05O �9000 ?000 700 3050 62.5 478.6 Supplies 8rO00 - - Motor Vehicles 13t2OO 11t200 2tOOO 17.9 Equipment 81000 6,500 lt500 23,1 Advisory Boards 21250 2t250 $1541-569 $123013 $31p256 25.3-- Total Police $762t138 $661,,796. $100042 1.5,2 AIV Page 3 r Account Number ber_, 1.01 -.04 ,06 .p1 .12 ,14 ,16 .21 .22 .23 .31 .33 .35 .36 .51 ,61 .62 .72 .73 .98 .99 i VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1974 - 1975 1974 -75 1973 -74 Increase Percent Description Budge, t Budget (Decrease) Ch- ange Salaries Benefits Professional Apparel Travel, Training, Dues Printing Communications Insurance Contractual Utility Services Motor. Vehicle Maintenance Motor Vehicle Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Supplies Salt Chlorine Aggregate s Materials Street Signs Purchase of Water Motor Vehicles Equipment Equipment Rental Occupancy Bond Principal Bond Interest Bond Reserve Depreciation Contingency.(Not Funded) Miscellaneous Total $308,196 $283,254 $ 24 :942 19,296 2,$75 1,610 1,375 3,400 13,100 76,700 44,300 2$,600 4,650 29,$25 5,700 12,000 $,400 30,.700 37,125 5,200 325,000 21,000 39,500 2,200 - 0 - 35,000 22,955 1,000 110 (30,000) 4,000 $776,321 11,305 2,500 1,250 $50 1,425 2,675 13,500 72,000 41,300 19,209 4,500 27,000 5,500 15,000 7.75.0 2$,500 35,000 5;200 2$0,000 20,$00 16,$00 4, x.00 6,000 30,000 24,210 1,000 110 - 0 - 1,760 $679,244 $1,0$4,517 $962,49$ 57• -VS r � ' 9 q 7,991 360 ((50) (400) 4,700 3,000 9'150 2,$25 -200 (3,650) 2,200 2,125 45,000 200 22,700 {1,900) 6,000 5,000 (1,255) - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 2,240 $ 97,077 $122,019 I. 70.7 15.0 2$.$ (17.7 (3.5 27.1 33.0 7.3 4$.9 10, 5 3.6 (20.0) $.4 6.1 16.1 1.0 .135.1 (46.3) (100.0 16.7 5.2 Page 4 �.t 127.3 14.3 k k� e: 12.7 f : ». MON. low . Total Revenue Expenditures: Administration Police Total Expenditures Addition to Fund Balance - Deficit EQ M A W O p N 1 ..d w m GENERAL FUND CONBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1973 -74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 1972 -73 1973 -74 Actual Budget Anticipated Projected Projected Projected $894,957 $9$19700 $986,650 $303,504 $3422867 $333,455 601,662 661,796 661035 $9052166 $1,004,663 $997,528 ($10,209) $ 22,963) ($10,878) $1,24$,005 $ 476,990 762,138 $1223942$ $ .. 8.1.$77 $1,351,350 $ 505,5$0 $$0,1}22 $1,3$6,002 ( $34,652) �� ., . .� . , i �,:} ....; %�¢^i. "' � a ;' ^• .'> o • .� - i. �, <`�a• ,3r `uy;;q: ik`. a �� . tF ��//�:,� yy..,��y.��"' ���������� ��QQ j���f���� .... ,. • a..., ,,, ���.�y�,f `'jam �•y .. „1.4w �.j��� �,y{# •��y� -!�, /.1:6]iJE�YG��IN.�7 '+•J�?90' _ - - �T' Rl< Z` �7q'•,,^ 1• R°~ �ti. �iT-'+,-. ret��d33a�'.f:�.«�iJ.'ii�uli��n 5.ix,;rfµ'�141..s':e� $1,40$,350 $ 518,499 941,771 $1,4601270 ( $511920) 0 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1972 -73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Budget Categories Actual Revenue Anticipated Projected Projected Projected Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue ­7c2, State Income Tax $156,644 .,�03 Municipal Sales Tax, 431,967 .2/1 Beer - Liquor Licenses 9,250 ,z/3 Food Licenses 1,129 '21 % Other Business Licenses 2,416 �A Building Permits 24,437 iA2 Animal Licenses 4,225 .�,2 9 Non - Business Licenses 1,300 & Permits 23,920 b3 State Grants 22,600 c� 5,000 Special Police 5,500 Services 11,056 0 23,000 r Aq:L Sales of Maps & 23,000 Publications 1,505 b �).q5 Refuse Charges 9,000 4,,600 13,000 N 15,000 $160,000 $170;000 $185,000 $200,000 $210,000 495,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 11,250 11,750 11',750 11,750 11,750 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 6,200 5,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 23,000 16,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,,600 13,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 11,500 11,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 17,000 17,000 13,700 13,700 13,700 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 9,000 2,000 - 0 - - 0 - Page 2 GENERAL FUND (1) Maximum Levy Under STATEMENT OF REVENUE Current Assessment ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1972 -73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Budget Categories Actual Revenue Anticipated Projected Projected Projected Revenue Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue A y °/ Other Charges For Service - 0 - $ 8,550 $ 5,000 $ 6,000. $ 6,000. $ 6,000. Ordinance Violations $ 59,242 65,000 52,000 50,000 60,000 60,000 21,-g Interest Earnings 6,067 4,500 4, 500 13,000 13,000 13,000 .z -r,) Rental Income 1,868 13,200- 8,000 8 , 000 8,000 - 0 - X57 Miscellaneous 3,113 100 5,000 5,000 17,500 17,500 .26D Engineer Charges - 0 - - 0 - 9,000 42,155. 55,000. 60,000, le. ,2cl Property Tax. 126,518 236,000 236,000 (1) 275,000 (1) 275,000 (1) 275,000 Vehicle Stickers 30, 000 36,000 _ 35,000 Reserve For Refuse ca Service (100, 000) (100, 0.0.0) M 0 0 p TOTAL REVENUE $894,957 $981,700 $986,650 $1,248,005 $1,351,350 $1,408,350 b a . w CD w :t .. ,.;:. GENERA L EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUUBER 10 -301 DEPARTMENT ,asrtac.� ADMINISTRATIVE =r Account Number Actual Budget Estimate Proposed and Classification 1972 -73 1973-74 73- 12Z4-75 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 04 Part Time 05 Benefits ` 06 Professional 7 Apparel Travel and Due s '* 12 Printing, Advertising ` • `r+;1; =33 Communications 14 Insuranct, 15 Contractual -16 Utility Services Motor Vehicle Maintenance 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies a23 Repairs and Maintenance 31 'Supplies x.. 51 .Motor Vehicles 52 Equipment 53 Land Acquisition 54 Annex Remodeling 71 Bonded Debt - Principal 72 Interest ,.E $1 Election Board ' :.-82 Advisory Boards 83 Dog Pound 99 Miscellaneous �`''``� Special Census $136,573 $1979846 2,434 - 4,606 '.10,525 5,251 7,653 56,569 35'100 2;600 1;646 ,/ 2,474 , ✓ 4,175 12,835 $,690 1,627 ✓' 1, 300 ✓ 95%/ 1, 300 ✓ 908 870 19615•,- 2,.125✓ 81148 7375 2,9$2 2,400 5,393 5,393 12,000 •101000 10 :600 2,894 1,500 5,887 4,400 39359 5,000 .1029 4000 6,544 - $2$5,506 ' $3429867 Per Capita Cost $1$0,000 3,000 14.500 7000 . 40,000 100 5,000 3,500 7,000%-/ 3,500 4, 000 19400-/ 1,000.v. 6 , 000 8,500 2,000 Moo 7,655 12,000 10,000 600 3,000 5,000 2,000 $333,455 $259,090 3,000 39=645 18;138 45,000 100 6,500 3,400 9, 000 5,431 14,250, 2, 000 ,, 1,700,, 1,600 4, 000/ $,500 4,275 9,516 10,345 2,500 10,000 300 3,000 $,200 5,000 2,500 $476,990 $25.27 Section 1 - Page-15 T� SUMMARY OF ALL FUNCTIONS ' FUND DEPARTMENT 1yH• EXPENDITURES GENERAL POLICE ACCOUNT NUMB '9R 10 Account Number Actual Budget Estimate Proposed end Classification 1972 -73 1973 -74 1973-Z4, 1974 -75 01 Salaries 4301t562 454,207 4509200 521,597 02 Overtime 34, 432 45,000 49, 500 43,000 x:.03 Incentive and Merit 4, 730 59020 5,000 89672 04 Part Time 29t845 34,256 389500 34000 05 Benefits 1.17404 229894 17,035 37,520 ` 06 Professional 1,403 700 800 . 07 Apparel 82601. 89349 8 :900 83,400 , =:11 Travel, Training, Dues. 69730 11,500 119700 10,000 12 Printing, Advertising 800 .11100 19000 3,200 Communications 7,415 9,120 89250 10, 000 14 Insurance 12,306 13,000 13,000 139600 ...15 Contractual Services 5, 759 .59500 59500 79000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 10,518 i4,500 219500 13,000 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 79331 81000 6,550. 13,000 23 Repairs and Maintenance 19816 700 700 4, 050 31. Supplies 79728 81000 7,000 81000 51 Motor Vehicles 15,806 11, 200 10,700 13, 200 . ;'. 54 1,Equipment 9F921 6, 500 4P500 89000 61 Equipment Rental - - - - 82 Advisory Boards 21454 2,250 19000 2,250 609.1561 6619796 6619335 762,138 98 Contingency (not funded) 10,000 .H Per Capita Cost 35.06 40.38 N•' C 1 nt. •. ,,L , Section 2 Page 10 r- STREET FUND COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Ca M 0 Cr P. 0 w 1 Old N aq (D W TOTAL REVENUE $261,952 1972 --73 Actual 1973 -74 Budget 1973 --74 Estimated 1974 -75 Projected 1975 -76 Projected 1976 -77 Projected Interest Earned 394 500 709 1,000 1,000 1,000 Motor Fuel Tax 55005 65,000 63,977 $09,000 $$1,000 9$,000 Vehicle Licenses $3,314 $3,000 $8,000 1200000 130,000 130,000 Transfer.to General (30,000) (35,000) (35,000) State Highway Maintenance $9100 7,500 $,500 $,000 $,500 $9500 50/50 Sidewalk 4,465 2,500 29000 2,000 29000 29000 Miscellaneous $1$ 1,000 6,035 1,000 1,000 1,000 Property Tax Levy 109056 136,000 1109000 110,000 113000 1189,000 Ca M 0 Cr P. 0 w 1 Old N aq (D W TOTAL REVENUE $261,952 $295,500 $2790221 $292,000 $309,000 $323,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $24$055 $275969$ $279,045 $2$8,430 $311,467 $325,667 .,f SUMMARY OF ALL FUNCTIONS 'FUND DEPARTMENT ppLIC WORKS EXP. ENDSTUR.ES STREFT <:. -ACCOUNT NUMBER 2Q_ :.:Account Nuitrber Actual Budget. Estimate Proposed and Classification 1972 -73 1873 -74 1 73- 4 -75 ' O1 Salaries 59, 803 70,1649 702634 02: overtime 91423 10,000 7j650 04 - Part Time 61671 69500 7, 212 ,05 `Benefits 2,429 3,440 39375 - '06 =Professional 78 200 450 . Apparel 384 350 350 11` - Travel and Dues 114 200 200 Printing and Advertising 585 850 800 X13 :' Communications' 439 400 400 .'­,,'14` Insurance 59438 59500 5P499 '15 : Contractual 41,488 47, 000 49,487 -:; '16 Utility Services 17, 087 16, 000 15, 000 ".,21 :-Motor Vehicle Maintenance 7p419 91809 21j358 ;;. -Motor Vehicle Supplies 2, 642 3,100 2t985 23 Repairs and Maintenance 8, 782 12, 200 12, 075 "31 Supplies _ 500 325 32 Salt 9,346 15,000 10,000 '�434:'`'Aggregates 621' 20,000 20,500 Materials 329997 209000 16,650 Street Signs 19899 5, 000 4,000 51 Motor Vehicles - 20,800 20, 800 ..x"52 '' Equipment 21, 367 3, 800 3,.795 .:,Equipment Rental 2t917 3, 000 41100 Occupancy - 11000 11000 99. "Miscellaneous - 400 400 .regency (not funded) Capita Cost 231,929 275,698 14.61 279,045 81,927 10,489 7.,700 6,264. 500 500 200 850 500 5,000 45,500 16,000 18,300 2t950 . 13,325 500 12,000 23, 200 19,125 5,000 11,000 5,500 1,100 1,000 t 102000 15.28 Section 3 -Page 8 7777, WATER DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1973-74 FIWCTION 1972-13 1973-74 Projected - 197445 1 . - I Actug -Budget Expo&tures Proimed 22-451 Admwstmtive 22-454 Meter Maln.t. 22-453 MaJn and- Hydnmt 62,047 . Maintenance Z?,.,452 Distribution 0 a 1974-75 Budget Over (Under) 1975-76 1976677 1973-74 ProDosed Pnvosed 78,692 79,363 73,385 61v77? .(17,591) 71,016 21,483 3.,360 2SP365 32.,590 L770) 319357 61,9325 31,847 .529852 44,163 163 33s,245 60,098 15.,935' 559826 62,047 302,1658, 306ft325 -3601.280 54p655 363P103 364008 s4559885 s464,211 $475,395 $515,440 $519229 $5219302 $519,727 w .SUMMARY OF ALL FUNCTIONS ACCOUNT N ld MB DoE' 13.... mcaa 01 55,662 .55,641 539400 493.400 02 ' OvertimG 51136 7, 000 at 100 7s000 03 Incent$.ve 04 Part Time- r 3, 646 r 4#000 a 1, 653 o 4j500 05 Benento 1,607 21 4613 2r700 3,700 6 23 It= 2,100. Itloo 07 Apparel 224 24 3 380 300 11 Travel, 'I'x`e wmgv Dui:S 101 250 250 100 Y? P Via. Advertising 425 300 350 300 13 Coummicatiou 1, 097 .4400 650 29 .14 Waranze 2t789 3, Q00 2v725 3,00o 15 Commetud Servicce 7,959 100000 129000 9.4,E 16 Utili r Services 12,269 109500 10,00') 13t000 21* Uator Vehicle M&1T&eu&=e 2, 263 3, 300 3, 5W 3-, Soo 22 Motor Vehicle Su pUez 661. 700 693 903, 23 Repaire aid Mantename 99053 7s000 5, 700 7: 31 .pSu� Soo 690 7'�oy0 ,pp��.��Ujjee 33 Cbbi49 i ine r 25 ° 400 34- gatee 1,0$6 4,000 20500 3,000 35 Kateri&U 9,781. 109000 8,200 10,000 �37 Pumbase of Water 275,956 26`3,000 300,000 325,003 51 Motor Vehicles .. a- w 49000 ,52 Equipment 253, 935 130003 io, 000 13, 000 61 Equipment Rental 393 500 400 500 61 Occ d .51000 5,000 - 71 B®r. Princtpd 200000 2O,oc90 2O,oOO 25,000 72 Bon. Intereet. 24t475- 238 510 23,510 22t540 98 Cautin6ency (zwt wed) r r ( 20, 050) 99 & ce eaus g ® 0 �asrAll6 11000 ��wcls s Ms� 4558635 464,211 475,395 515,440 der Capita Cost 24.59 27.31 Section 4 - Page 6 h n, .. •h. r ti 'f � Spy. �,��_ Mt x. r m Q ft W O 0 I b N OD (D N r u a S• H� S• w c ;, �, a... �.�- 2^ oi.. .e »� .,,A,ti, 4r :�:" a.�`^`�,'rY� t .I; -t �ir��r�� Tk sfi. �'i'�^,L'_, °j�, �1;(� ,�'`�r •; Sou; > . .. •7 "' .i . .'-'#fit'' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SMIER DIVISION 1 - 1972 -73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974 -75 Budget 1975 -76 1976 -77 Budget Categories Actual Adjusted Projected Proposed Over (Under) Proposed Proposed Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget 1973 -74 Budget Personal Services .019.029.04 Contractual .05,.06,.14,.15 Commodities .079.11,.12,.13, .160,21 -023, x31- .37,.619 .62,.99 Capital Outlay a51,a52,a71, .729.739.74 Totals $118,3$5 15,.047 56,220 12,776 $202,42$ $129x464 $104,935 26,605 54,710 22,$05 55,$$5 119810 11,810 $22295$9 .$1959435 $1474$0 $17p716 329707 6,102 62,235 7,525 3$,525 26,715 $2$0,647.•$5$9058 $1659977 $2069396 33,332 61,900 24,24$ $2$59457 26,825 7097$0 11,110 $3159111 Y N FUND << 'PUBLIC WORKS �,7.-Accomt wumber clessificatio SUMMARY 'OF ALL FUNCTIONS EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT NUMBER 3„ t' Per Capita Cost 1� new program of chemical established if determined infiltration study. The c ,,penditure of these funds ".-for this expenditure must 'of Trustees. SEWER 1973- 106,609 �1 Salaries :. n2 Overtime f ` f 94 Part Time 05 Benefits . 06 Professional 29720 07 Apparel 5P405 11 Travel and Dues 12 Printing 20 ' i13 Cormications 14 Insurayice 225 g5 Contractuall 850 �6 Utility Services J 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 59100 1 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 179000 159300 13 Repairs and Maintenance ',31 Supplies 33 Chlorine t i 34' Aggregates 1,690 61680 35 Materials 49500 82000 856 49500 Street Signs 4,500 51 Motor" Vehicles 10,400 89000 200 52 Equipment - 200 61 Equipment Rental _ .62 Occupancy 11 Bond Principal A,7. 72 Bond Interest 73 Bond Reserve 14 Depreciation 99 Miscellaneous 000• 102000- 963 1'� t' Per Capita Cost 1� new program of chemical established if determined infiltration study. The c ,,penditure of these funds ".-for this expenditure must 'of Trustees. SEWER 1973- 106,609 117,464 949615 134,180 11,776 129000 7,600 119000 29720 2,000 39357 5P405 5,405 500 9;335 19948 664 19200 660 20 ' 0 81 810 27 245 225 09 459 875 850 904 4,831 51000 4,900 59100 4,911 17,674 15,000 14,800 129000 14,500 179000 159300 2,636 6,100 59800 6,500 800 1,082 14,258 700 7,800 425 7,900 9,500 1,690 61680 4,500 79500 3,550 6,800 49500 82000 856 49500 39400 4,500 99623 5,000 10,400 89000 200 200 200 - _ 6,000 03 703 i 1 - 21,000 - 219000- 600 320 600 10,000 s 10,000 10,000 000• 102000- 963 1'� 700 1,000 700 f,000 1'0 1,000 110 7$ 110 800 1110 400 2, 10110 2029428 222,589 195,435 11.79 280t647 14.67 grouting to seal joints of sewer pipes will be to be necessary and recommended by the inflow and ost is not to exceed $15,000 per smile® The ex- Ls not authorized by budget. Authorization c ome from ction by heMayorandBoard Section 5 - Page 7 '? . s��k i'.w,.�vt .. : ":L�' +�•4P�q( °.�..'. ��_. `�� .'�w. 7!S } - R �k :; a/ .�a .. 1' � '(9 �4 • � � �q�`�.. -r q, ' °,r, >�.^ ."w' in ^Nl#�. 2e�.h."4 1 L't',...4, ;f. ,h�: t. .. SCAVENGER tERVICZ ' AND GiAY"i:alYD18 V iLid6 r ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1972a -73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974-75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Actual Budget Projected Proposed Proposed Proposed Refuse Billing $2969767 $297,000 $312,147 (')$2269849 $2259000 $2259000 Penalties 2,447 _ - - Property Tax Levy - 250,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 2209000 General Fund Contribution -- Total Revenue Expenditures® Salaries $299,214 3,23$ - $547,000 3,7$0 Contractual Services 2849801 2$0,000 $532,147 3,555 2949696 $446,849 444,390 $445,000 435,000 m Other 10,272 11,150 99000 23,459 Ct o Total.Expenditures $298011 $294,930 $307,251 $446,$49 $435,000 o" e (1 ) Service prior to July 1, 1974, but billed and collected after July 2, 19740 *�o c� $445,000 457,000 $457,000 GARAGE COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 197273 1973 -74 1973 ®74 197475 197576 1976 -77 Function Actual Adjusted Projected Proposed Proposed Proposed Expenditures Revenue Administration Poli ce Street Sewer Mater Total Revenues EUenditures CD 0 0 1a a w oq m 7I low $ 19300 $ 19000 $ 2000 $ 2x580 $ 29665 14,500 189000 199000 219280 229110 23x750 319000 219000 229233 239110 l0,600 7,000 MOO 79840 89145 3 661 $53,950 $62,000 $54400 $589433 $609695 $ 16,426 $539950 $52,460 $65,713 $589433 $609695 1 PUBLIC WORKS FUNCTION - GARAGE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 23-L23, GARAGE ,15 Contractual v - 29000 16 Utility Services 900 -7—cc— Number Actu l Budget Estimate Processed 29500 19000 -31 and classification 1972 -73 1973-74 1973-74-- 192,75 ":: ` 01 Salaries 209521 192000 23,220 ",..� 02 Overtime 21000 4, 000 2, 500 :.31�;L 05 Benefits 875 800 1,728 ` 06 Professional 25 35 a .07 Apparel 100 100 140 11 Travel and Dues 50 50 150 12 Printing and Advertising 125 75 75 14 Insurance 1,000 800 11000 ,15 Contractual v - 29000 16 Utility Services 900 700 900 23 Repairs and Maintenance - 29500 19000 -31 Supplies 26,400 24,000 269000 35 Materials 400 300 500 52 Eauipment 1,154 e 6,000 '.99 Safety Fund. 400 100 500 53,950 52,460 65,713 Vi lla�e * Garage ran s • The foreman and another mechanic in the Village Garage service all motor vehicles and motor- driven equipment of the Village and purchase parts for repairs. Most repairs are made in the Village Garage. However, work on air conditioners, front -end alignments, transmissions, differentials, most body work, and other repairs requiring special equipment are done on a contractual basis. The following Village vehicles and equipment are serviced by the Garage; Police 7-9 cars; Water --m 3 trucks, 1 back -hoe, 1 air compressor, T g erator, 3 water pumps; Sewer -2 trucks, 1 rodder, 2 bucket machines; Sewer Treatment�J.ant ® -1 Scout, 2 mowers; Administration-3 cars, =generator; treet - ®1 loader, 7 trucks, 2 roars, 1 snow blower, 1 sidewa plow, 11 snow plows, 1 farm tractor, 1 sweeper, 2 salt spreaders, 1 blacktop paver, 2 leaf vacuums. Section 7 ® Page 2 TOR FUEL TAX PROJECTED USAGE ' Estimated Unobligated Balance 5/1 ' Estimated Motor .Fuel Tax Receipts Total Available ExoendituMs Go m Street Fund Maintenance Overlayment Traffic Signals—Kenton- Deerfield- tripling System Pedestrian Crossing Light Installations at Waukegan Rd, and Railroad Pedestrian Crossing Wilmot Road Mid -Block Between Hackberry and Wego North Shore Transit District Right-of-Way—Carlisle and Carriage Way Drive 1974 -75 197 i 197 $155,000 $173,400 $112, *00 190,000 205,000 220¢000 $345,000 $378,400 $332D800 80,000 88,000 98,000 40,060 401000 40,000 15,000 159000 15,000 6,600 6,600 6,600 45,000(1) Bridge on Carriage Way Drive 30,000 Resurface Downtown Portion of" Deerfield and Waukegan Roads 45,000 Commuter Parking Facilities at the Railroad Station 11,000 Park Avenue Connection on Pierson 45,000 Property to Deerfield Road Total Annual Expenditures $ 171,600 $265,600 $1$9.1600 Projected End of Year Balance$173,400 $1121800 $143Q200 (1)Could be financed from Revenue Sharing Funds Projects Currently in Progress or Approved: Installation of Traffic Signals at Chestnut Waukegan Road -32 TLCS Construction Peterson -Park Avenue Street Connection Traffic Light -- Deerfield and Wilmot Roads, - 36 TLCS Section 8 Page 2 I, all .:fah. wrry"r' 'l• i N. y. '2 ir`3. ,,,( :t` 7, ..t.X. , I ..+.1 �,��1 f N .w, POLICE PENSION FUND COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROTECTED 1972°73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Actual Budget Estimated Projected Projected Projected REVENUE: Property Tax Levy $37,811. $43070. $43070. $53,750. $58x000. $609000 Interest 1828812 21� 000,, 23000. 2 000, 2$�000.m 0 0002 $56.,692. $66070. $669570. $78,750. $86f,000. $909000. EXPENDITURES Pension Miscellaneous Pension Fund Reserve 0 CD 0 0 0 IT LH b a m' i $200487. 289. $280000. 2500 $290000. 250. $291,000. 250. $299000. 250. $29, 0000 250. 20. 49 6 BOA 604750._ $560692. $66,5 70. $660570. $78 .,750. $86,,000. $90,000. .� 'Jib 4'e t •i � �i Y c r' �' V �+F. �+' � � �, �� 1. a s•' a. - ..;as.'., ..:•,?lit 6. 4 ,txs .;Ea..,�.h. h^sr °�` "�N!.•�N"7�dfr x. Y a:!�V�c^eyW[N��+MP�yp�l N�+�YhJ � l�� ��'�+m�lir4aw r ��. +` Al kMu I{qy Zy� � _. ..._ ... ., �uhd� •.� • e..4yebw+i aq�+ „'TA•1, r .Y ,A .W�P�1 _ � ._. -.. -'�• .r,��4t� u3'C ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENSE STATENIENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1972 -73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Actual Budget Estimated' Projected Projected Projected Revenue: Property Tax Levy Sewer Contributions Interest Income Total Revenue Expenditures: Contractual W CD 0 Ct H- 0 B ►b 04 0 w $54,817 $649000 $642000 - 0 - $93v000 0 - $95,900 - 0 - $992900 . - 0 - 728 - 0 - 200 100 100 100 $55,545 $64,000 $64,200 $93.100 $969000 $100,000 $619655 $649000 $749000 $939100 $96,000 $1002000 . r+, ^'� ?,•*'t :..,a,S ° ,t ^'� $, -A +C.vr r r:...nwt v.�15wd..< ..• r ^, �s�we r"1i+�.x:r::;r.: :e> '' }�„ 'w'.^w. `,�,�;, .a. hy.nrr >- - . - -a�' . i�,S n�., r��< '7t.: <.� [ �' of ^S <'Y' c�'t.✓ _ - i_.. ;4... � .. "•.:', T CAPITAL, BUDGET PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER 35,E TIME FRAME 1 R ECT' 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976e 1977-78 1975 -79 1979 -80 SOURCE OF FUNDS L, Acquire Title to the Brickyard Property 193061,0W Erect 2. chaln link fence around Village garage prxqmrty 89000 3. Intersection a ,,., ,, : g and bi. replacement In doymtotm area GrO00 4. 50/50 Slavvam rM71acemenit E3 ; P P..g" sidewalk program ow 5. Disposal •T 4 = ' ' t. c dYoKi removed from private property 990W (0 6 o MFT Street malwerw=e M program a7- Street orer ent progr= MPT contract maiutenance O Bond Issue, FeAeral and State Grants, MSD went, Revenue Sharing 41 =411 a Street and Bridge Funcis Motor Farrel Tax -F s ... ✓ ry 1 .: t 6 7 4r+! t M.. S� _ da1.L At ♦ K r Nu 8'. Complete -constrnction of Phase 1 storm serer project 460,OOO o, Cowtrnct Phase 11 of swrm sever project 352,E 10. Complete ToUway Relief line 25sOOO 11. ongoing ulster System lmprovemernts a Valve Survey 54000 Leak Survey slow Hydrant repls.cement, etc. 4,900 12. Renovation of raflroacl station (ono cost to the ViUase) 13. Installation of traMc. flights at Cbmstnut- Waukegan -Deerb k intersection - 32 -TL-CS 26,695 14. Contract Petersen -Park Ave. street commmmection - 35 -CS 42,86 W 15 . Imtoation of traMc lights as atet Deerfield-Wilmot - 35 -TL-CS 45,OM 0 0 c9 EPEE is i W —SOURCE C�� FUNDS %i Tire ., . r,° T•' T t.• , r c Bond Issue Proceeds Transit District Funds Motor Fuel Tax FmAs 4 A, At Motor Fuel Tax Funda _...;_.. .. _.: - ...a �!��.. .,:n:ai. ?_< .a:.ti. ��r.�a�•'�iSi�+ 'y �id.�t6> M,, 7,,y • ,* �� `iJ�a� w� �iR.ii.. �.r.t` �,�� ]JSy+WaOht�Y.��rI�PC�i<3o+G � � . ' � _.. .W..�:.Y.: .., .. CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECTS - tONTDWED i 1974-75- _ - • 1976-77 !'. 8 .80 SOURCE O i' FUNDS 16, .;/::'' "oii &Mir(! }I i Yk "yMc r t T y ? 4.j ti Il •j for Kenton on Deerfield-Riplimg system 3 7i d ;il.a=,.1 F'Y1 . r Controls C1„±) i ==bar zIl e M, 17. Side , curbv gaffer an Wilma ani sldewnlk on Seer Curt (S /A #111) 18. Coquet Impzvval e V' 6em�p pen s and expansion at .�i`aml pEaml 19, Acquisition of right-of-WAY for Carlisle & CarrIagsway for street purposes . 20,, Const"c2lon of bridge ou q _ YVE ✓i�• !1: '. a. 'I 17 RercmuQ sharing or Gen&ral ]Fund surplus or Motor Fuel Tax Fug ag Federd etc wd,511.000 Villsge' M1° T D or street and bridge 7-7 PROTECT 1 4- 1975 «76 1976 -77 12Z.-LB g9'73d79 1979 SOURCE OIL FUNDS 23, Resurface downtown portion of Deerfield &, Waukegan Roads 24. Construct Phase III of storm serer project 25 m Replace eidsting communications console and burglar slags panel in Police Department 26. Raze Favelli an Peterson pro. perties and grime lots 27o Construct commuter parMng facilities on Favelli, Peterson, Yous properties 28, Raze buildings on Pierson property an prepare for street construction 29, Construct Park Avenue connection on Pierson. proper W to Dfd. Rd. 3Am Install siren warning system for Civil Defense emergatmies 31. Construct brickyard atom water retention basin 45z000 Motor Fuel Tax Fins ; .: General Fun Operating 259,000 Revenues 32® Pedestrian Crossing Light Installations: ,Waukegan and Telegraph Roads 15, 000 Wilmot between -Hackberry & WeGo 15,000 ►00 Motor Fuel Tax funds 50% Federal Grant 14tOOO 50% Civil Defense funds 3,1 0,000 oource unknown Motor Fuel Tarr funds Motor Fuel Tax funds • inn- �■ hyam; *% '14,011V .. '. e _ • � 4! rl. a t 1 V �. i �. li s- <t• C ti. i_ a `ij•- 34® Cawgract Hof rea location, 11naing, land acquistdon 3 5b Reconsrxmct rrnroad er- pass on Do-'ernelcl Road 3 6� Implementation Of tm Compre- hensive 3ID® Parking area Y LW -=4A Kfff IN Fede rd 'Urbau knas 1� m state D'O'T. 6m nt 3 Motor Fud Tax fandt Cost unknown Source Unknown ,7r rna O O 6 a �•� ,I,AR FEDERAL REVENUE SLING State and Local Assistance Act of 1972 Authorized Use of Funds 1. Ordinary-arid necessary maintenance and operating expenses fors .A. Public Safety (including law enforcement fire protection and building code enforcement] B. Environmental protection (including sewage disposal, sanitation, and pollution abatement) C; Public transportation (including transit systems and street and roads) D. Health E. Recreation F. Libraries G. Social services for the poor or aged H. Financial administration 2. Ordinary and necessary capital expenditures authorized by law. Projected Balance 5/1/71 -Unobligated Estimated Receipts Projected Expenditures 1974-75 1 - 6 $ 799500 719000 $ 749000 197 $ 56,000 None of these funds have been committed by Board Action. The Board has directed the thinking of the staff toward utilizing these funds for a portion of the purchase of land known as "the brickyards" or for expansion of space for the Police Depart- ment, The Village has to this point.spent or obligated the following Revenue Sharing funds° to Right -of -way acquisition for Park Avenue Relocation - -- $56,376 2Q Contribution toward the purchase of a trauma unit by the Deerfield - Bannockburn Fire Prevention District =415,000 Section 11 - page 1 REVENUE Property Tax Levy Receipts from other funds ti. . DEBT SERVICE 1972 -73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974-75 197576 1976 -77 Actual Budget Actual. Projected Projected Projected $2699570. 10,600® Interest Earned 1, Total Revenue $2$39$$90 $5b2a420. $3 $5912$. $4309268. 1096002 1$7, $92. —0-• 14. 000. 3.000 $573s02O. $577,020. $433,269. $4409812. —0— em�s� 0.m $443s$12o $401,3000 —0— T $4049300. EXPEND %TMRES o Ec.nd Principal. �.nd Merest �253s766a $573,OZO. $573,0202 $430926$. $4409$12. $4019300. Miscellaneous 200® 2009 200. 200 , 200. 200. 32539966. $573,220. $5739220. $43Ov468. $4419012. $40195000 v N) PUBLIC BENEFIT The Public Benefit portion of local improvements installed under the special assessment procedure of financing is paid from this fund. There is no levy proposed for the third year in a row because the accumulated funds are adequate to.maintain the account. These funds accumulated when the projected special assessment projects'' they were designed to finance were deferred. Section 13 m rage 1 PUBLIC BENEFIT COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED 1972 -73 1973 --74 1973-74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Function Actual Adjusted Projected Proposed Proposed Proposed Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget Budget Budget Revenue Property Taxes $26,$60 4,000 — 0 -_ — 0— — 0 °- — 0 — 0 d 0 0 — 0 0 ® 0 Rebates Interest 1,738 m 0 — $ 4,000 $ 39000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Total Revenue 3 s Enenditure s . . Contractual $ 29224 $10,000 $ 89900 $139615 $13,000 $13,000 Total Expenditures $ 20224 $10,000 $ $,900. $13,615 $13,000 $1js800 w A Ct N° O F-" W B Q4 m A MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND COMBINED REVENUE, AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROJECTED Function 1972 -73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974 -75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Actual Adjusted Projected Provosed Proposed Proposed Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget Budget Budget Revenue Tax Levy ,j,penditure s Contractual Services co cv A N° O F-6 6 b N (Jq (D i`, $ 69578 $ 80000 $ 89000 $8e500 5s420 89000 8 550 8,500 $ 8v500 $ $9500 8000 89500 N Section 15 — Page 1 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND DEPARTMENT EXPEND13:URES ACCOUNT NUMBER 1133 Accowmi Number Actual Budget Estlmte: Proposed. and Cla ssificat on 1972 -73 1973 -74 .1973- 4 1974 -75 f - 11 Travel and Dues 13 Communications $ 23 $500 -0- -0- $143 -0- $200 350 15 Contractual Services -0- -0- -0- 225 31 Supplies m0- 19500 -0- 500 : -52 Equipment 25 ..15, 000 -0- 11175 $48 $179000 $148 $2,450 N Section 15 — Page 1 SPECIAL TAX - YOUS LOT . COMBINED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES STATEMENT ACTUAL AND PROTECTED , 1972-73 1973 -74 1973 -74 1974°75 1975 -76 1976 -77 Function Actual Adjusted Projected Proposed Proposed Proposed even�x� $'4.,'385 $ 39281 $ 39281 $3 9 281 $39281 $ 3981 Ex nd�tures 3,250 39251. 39281 3,281 39251 39251 ca CD A Ct o-� a . ad w 0 0 A CIO 0 n ct H. O P'- 8 W Ott =1 ��ty9yyaL+ yi'S* =�• EUMITURES ACCOUNT R ®1 440239 t. ' r 57v070 01-2 Sal - arias, Ion-profession 7202.62 ftnefits 06 F�?ofaszional Services 11 TraTel and Dnes 11565 5w 23 Communications L Insurance 2.5 Contractual Services 16 Utility S8=i0es 23 Repairs & k1aintenance ftpplies (Library) 4147 Books r. ti IV988 Periodicals 42 Audio-visual � �v K `` 1., d nW. 98 Contingency Fund 99 Hiscellaneous 6,3437 Computer . e 804M Working EUMITURES ACCOUNT R ®1 440239 t. ' r 57v070 379998 Sii[y. a 7202.62 761 _ 8 8 792. 10251.85 20200 11565 5w 75 20000 2vWO 186 ° tii w 700 y Lrw 2jes IV988 3-017 323M 302M 20388 2,;305 2.,3223 5VO30 40ow 30690 6,3437 51250 804M 900M 132 83 r1*? 250 150 4 + r 2•6 6,D296- _ 80' 1 4J 31829 yy + 4t285 G3 0M J 4 4io .33.3320 499355 33093 830000. 1,1203 32784 3,024 4,805 6V000 11938 3t660 561 30500 w 514 1,015 5% 2tow 3,30M - - 0 X00 0r 4038 40225 ro. Y ,r 56f 040 0 Yri, � 1k 0n0 109000 0 � 0 0 GM l ;. i 1919361 rte.. i w. -, �� %:5 0000 - s �b Completion of Children's fooat eta. Completion of Construction 362 *3 02 14s762 MOM; E111,11 'lr�' � 00.00 •., .�, � ���•��� -..._ . ... -.- �♦ �� ��0'