O-73-27ORDINANCE NO. 0 -73 -27 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, MAY 1, 1973 TO APRIL 30, 1974 WHEREAS, the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year, beginning May 1, 1973 and ending April 30, 1974, as prepared by the Budget Officer for the Village and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, was placed on file in the office of the Village Manager on April 13, 1973 for public inspection, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly published, a public hearing was held by the President and Board of Trustees on said Tentative Annual Budget on April 23, 1973, as provided by statute and ordinance; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, said Tentative Annual Budget was revised by the President and Board of Trustees and a copy of said Tentative Annual Budget, as so revised, is attached hereto and made a part hereof and is before the President and Board of Trustees for consideration and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Tentative Annual Budget for the Village ONE: of Deerfield beginning May 1, 1973 and ending April 30, 1974, as revised, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted as the Annual Budget for the Village of Deerfield for said fiscal year. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and TWO: effect from and after its passage and approval, as provided-by law. AYES: FIVE (5) NAYS: ONE (1) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this 30th day of April A.D. 1973. APPROVED this 3nrh day of A.D. 1973. ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Number Budget Message from Mayor Forrest. . as 1, 2 Budget Summaries, Revenue and Expenditure ....... 0 0 0 . • 0 0 3 Administration Summary 0 s eo••0.0 ..............0•o••s0000 4 Police Department Summary...... 0#0 go .. 0 0 016..0 # 0000 • • 0 0 0 6 5, 6 Public Works Summary .............. • 0000... 0 .. • . • 0000.. MP %10 Chart of General Fund Expenditures be .. 0 0 0 0 . • 6 • . • s e e 000 . • 11 Summary of Budget ...... ....• .......................... 12,13,14 General Fund Revenue. .......•.. see 90 *0.•....006 *0...*go 15 Administrative Department ............................... 16 Police Department ..... e .•.0 .......................•... 17 -21 Civil Defense....600.0004000000000000000000000.......... 22,23 Street and Bri. dge.. oe19••• o•eso..19.19..se•so0..••19.00 *so a0 24 -37 Sewer Department ... • 0 19 • • • 0 6 0 0 0 .... • . . 0 0 . . 0 • • 0 • .. • . *a 00 38 -42 Water Department •.••... ••••••oo••o.s•s..o.s19•o..•000•e 43 -47 Village Garage (Self Supporting Account).. • . 0 0 .. 0 & 0 190.6 • . 0 48, 49 Scavenger Operations0000 •ooeoeo•.....o.o..o..•.o...eas* 50, 51 Fund Summary Sheets: Municipal Audit... ...s...oe0000000000••19••••e.... 52 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund....... 0 0 .. • 6 .. 0 6 53 Public Benefit ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 6660606000#046466 54 Special Tax . • • • • . • .. • • • .. • . • • 6 • . 6 • • • • • 0 • • . • • • • 0 55 Revenue Sharing* . .......60.•....•e...•..0 *06•••• 56 Police Pension ... ..................•............ 57 Municipal Building Bonds .•. ♦•e••••...•..•...••••• 58 General Obligation Sewer Bonds, 19541ssue.. 0 . q . • . 59 General Obligation Sewer Bonds, 1960 Issue, . o ... 19 . 60 General Obligation Bonds, Public Library . 6.0 .. s • 0 • 61 Special Funds ........... e...........•.s..•....•.......s 629 63 Appendix I, Proposed Capital Improvements... 0 019. s . • 0 0 0 0 0 0 64-71 Appendix 11, Library Expenditures. .0.0•..•0 .............. 72 Appendix III, Motor Fuel Tax 0 .... • e .. ..19...0.6... 73, 74 , 75 Ordinance Regarding Public Hearing ...... 0 0 0 0 • • 0.0 • .. 0.0 0 769 77 i 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 April 2, 1973 BUDGET MESSAGS Presented herewith is the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1973 -74 for study and consideration. We are somewhat late this year due to two studies that had major impact on our financial and salary administration system. The development of a new chart of accounts resulted from a desire to be able to obtain cost figures on our municipal operations without undue diffi- culty and expense. The implementation of a new chart of accounts is time consuming in the extreme, however once installed it will be amenable to use with a data processing system in the years ahead. The preparation of a new Salary Administration Program was also undertaken with the information being made available that would permit calculation of salaries only a few days ago. This Salary Administration Program is designed to provide a fair and equitable level of compensation for all employees of the Village. While it was not inexpensive, I look upon this as an invest- ment that will save the Village money over the years. The budget itself has been prepared in a revised format that is designed to provide quickly available information summaries as well as the detailed information that is required. Also added is a Capital Budget (Appendix 1) that provides information on a variety of programs that should be carried out this year. These will of course have to be financed with the decision on how this is to be done the concern of'the Board of Trustees. The Library Budget is to be found as Appendix II but is not included in the budget figures of the Village. With but one exception this is a balanced budget that projects expenditures that are within our estimated income. The one exception is the Sewer Fund where increased personnel costs have created a projected deficit of some $40,000. These funds can be provided from General Fund Surplus or from some rate adjustment in the weeks ahead. Due to the fact that negotiations with the Combined Counties Police Associa- tion have not as yet been completed it is impossible to provide firm figures regarding salaries. Suffice it to say that the Salary Program prepared by Hewitt':Associates has been followed for all other personnel and provision has been made in the budget for Police Patrolmen's salaries. . During the past year we have made substantial investment in improving the skills of our municipal employees. Indeed this investment has exceeded that of any previous year in the history of the community. This effort has been continued in this budget and is the one sure means of providing better and effective services while avoiding skyrocketing costs. -1- Windsor 5 -5000 EID, ILLINOIS 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 April 2, 1973 BUDGET MESSAGS Presented herewith is the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1973 -74 for study and consideration. We are somewhat late this year due to two studies that had major impact on our financial and salary administration system. The development of a new chart of accounts resulted from a desire to be able to obtain cost figures on our municipal operations without undue diffi- culty and expense. The implementation of a new chart of accounts is time consuming in the extreme, however once installed it will be amenable to use with a data processing system in the years ahead. The preparation of a new Salary Administration Program was also undertaken with the information being made available that would permit calculation of salaries only a few days ago. This Salary Administration Program is designed to provide a fair and equitable level of compensation for all employees of the Village. While it was not inexpensive, I look upon this as an invest- ment that will save the Village money over the years. The budget itself has been prepared in a revised format that is designed to provide quickly available information summaries as well as the detailed information that is required. Also added is a Capital Budget (Appendix 1) that provides information on a variety of programs that should be carried out this year. These will of course have to be financed with the decision on how this is to be done the concern of'the Board of Trustees. The Library Budget is to be found as Appendix II but is not included in the budget figures of the Village. With but one exception this is a balanced budget that projects expenditures that are within our estimated income. The one exception is the Sewer Fund where increased personnel costs have created a projected deficit of some $40,000. These funds can be provided from General Fund Surplus or from some rate adjustment in the weeks ahead. Due to the fact that negotiations with the Combined Counties Police Associa- tion have not as yet been completed it is impossible to provide firm figures regarding salaries. Suffice it to say that the Salary Program prepared by Hewitt':Associates has been followed for all other personnel and provision has been made in the budget for Police Patrolmen's salaries. . During the past year we have made substantial investment in improving the skills of our municipal employees. Indeed this investment has exceeded that of any previous year in the history of the community. This effort has been continued in this budget and is the one sure means of providing better and effective services while avoiding skyrocketing costs. -1- While few additional personnel have been added, we have geared our operation to the needs of our upcoming storm and sanitary improvement program of const- ruction. Our newly hired Village Engineer will provide the inspection and supervision of our construction effort Ito assure that work is up to standard, goes forward on schedule, and creates as little inconvenience for the public as possible. Provision has been made for a half time planning aide to better assist the Plan Commission in their work as well as to provide better service to the public. Finally we have incorporated into this budget the necessary funds for an expanded Police Community Relations Officer who would devote his efforts to crime prevention. Application has been made for a Federal Grant for this program and as a consequence it would have little cost impact during its first year of operation. Certainly the time has come to devote some of our resources to the prevention of crime through new techniques rather than to continue adding manpower in a deterrance effort that has not been an outstanding success. I am delighted that Deerfield is in the forefront of this new approach to the solution of one of societies major problems. Investment has also been made in this budget in the provision of funds for Safety Training and installation of safety devices throughout our municipal operation. The impact of the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act on local government will be great. Thus it is prudent to begin to prepare our personnel and operations now so that conformance with Federal Law will be a relatively painless process. This would be an excellent invest- ment even though the OSHA provisions were not applied to local government as the accident rate that exists today is far too high. The Village of Deerfield remains in strong financial condition despite the fact that we have spent considerable sums during the past year in acquisition of property to implement our Comprehensive Plan. We can look forward to the increase in Sales Tax Revenues as our Commercial areas continue to expand. I do not see the need for any increase in our General Corporate rate nor do I feel that we will need to go to the Utility Tax for additional revenue as many of our neighboring communities have done. As the cost of living moves upward it may be necessary to make some revision to our Sewer rate, however this should not have appreciable impact on the homeowner. We have a number of efforts underway to provide solutions to our problems and I am confident that the year ahead will see Deerfield become an ever finer community. Bernard Forrest Mayor IVA9 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD 1973 - 1974 BUDGET SUMMARIES Account Number Estimated Estimated and Classification Revenue Expenditure Contingency 10 General 9691900 974,773 12,347 20 Street and Bridge 267,500 275,698 23,000 21 Sewer 182P600 22215$9 9, 900 39,989 22 Water 438Y200 464,211 25,000 70) 72) Bonds and Interest 259,400 259,400 73) $29207,589 $29196,671 Augmentation of $39,989 from Increased Rates or General Fund.S.urplus Account Number 2evenues or Funds Estimated and Classification on hand in Treasury Expenditures 11 Municipal Audit Reserve 8,000 8,000 12 IMRF 64,000 64,000 13 Civil Defense 17,000 17,000 14 Public Benefit 27,000 27,000 26 Scavenger Account 297,000 294,780 27 Special Tax Fund (Yous) 3,281 3,281 40 Motor Fuel Tax 456M3 * 368,130 41 Federal Revenue Sharing 64,414 64,414 42 Police Pension Fund 43t570 * 28, 500 54 Village Garage 53,930 539950 $1,034,298 $929,055 Grand Totals All Funds $3,241,887 $3,125,726 The excess in these accounts, or $].03,023, is not available other than. for purposes established by State Statute. 9911 FUND s General ACCOUNT NUMBER 10 -301 sU,,ktMARY OF PROGR IM AnTIV ITY DEPARTMENTS Administration Included in this activity are operations of the Village Board attd Clerk, General Office, finance Department, Engineering, Building and Zoning and the Village Hall. These provide the Legislative, Executive, Administrative and Staff functions of the Village Government of Deerfiela4 Funds are provided for the personnel to carry out the decisions and policies established by the Mayor and Board of Trustees, provide for professional and consulting services as required, and purchase the supplies equipment and services necessary to operate Village 11all activities. The spectrum of activities ranges from the receipt and accounting of all funds, purchase of supplies, billing for utility services, enforcement of building and zoning codes and ordinances, planning and zoning, engineering of village improvements, and day to day coimunication with residents of the community to respond to their needs. Administration -4-- 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1973 -74 Actual Actual Projected Proposed .dl, .04 Personal Services 959121 1121,725 1530767 192,771 .051 .069 .14,.15 Contractual 37,498 62,846 57,683 54,2O3' • 922 • 9 • 2'9 • , • bs • 8s19 .82, •83' 22, •Go1n$�l 430310 ei 370116 29w451 45,315 .519 .522 .71., .72 Capital Outlay 8,560 62,109 240978 221,688 Total 178,295 257,131 281,743 3129977 Per Capita Cost 9.45, 13.57 14.92 16.58 -4-- FUMS cenerel AcuM.'r WMMR 10 -351 DU#A1t'i`KZNTt Mice The Police are responsible for the madintenence of ardor within ethical and Constitutional limitations. Their Mission includcss Protection of Life and Property. Preservation of the Paece. Enforcement of Federal& State, and Local laws. Apprehension and arrest of law violators. Recovery of Stolen P'ropertys Providing miscellaneous peripheral and rotated earv3wes. Tis mission to accompliabed by the adoption of sound naw"Sxatnt principles and the effective and efficient application of odalnistrative and operetionol policies and procedures. . 1970 -71 1971 -T2 1972.73 1973 - 74 '#.ctual actual Fo jected P:.oposad .019 .02, .03, a04 Personal Services 362,552 4360214 517,788 538,483 .0519 .069 .14,.15 Contractual 14,200 2Sv816 369300 42,094 ° ► 7ly *12p •. , 0219 .22, ' nd1haa -619 •$2 360025 429801 449435 . 63,519 .51, .52 capital outlay 10,911 24,439 22,500 179700 'total 428,691 15.28,480 6210023 661.,796 Per Capita Cost 22.71 27.99 32.90 35006 -5- POLICE DEPARTMENT - BUDGET SUMMARIES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUPJT N'JMUER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972-73 1972 -.73 1973 -74 � Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION E ended E ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 351 Administrative Services 17 , 4,37 25t645 199151 349001 35,919 5.6 352 Supporting Services 419659 462957 47090 69 :446 74j696 7w.5 353 Operational Services 354,972 4419385 291,109 472, 336 4969167 5.0 354 Youth Ser- .►ices 14, 623 14, 492 259363 35t240 359014 (0.6) 355 Special Services - - 71496 10,000 20 000 100 00 s 0 _ 428,691 5281480 390,511 621,023 '6619796 6.6 98 Contingent Per Capita Cost rn 32.90 35.06 tUNDa Public Works (Water - Sewer - Street and Bride) ACCOUNT NUMEEeR 20 thru 23 -401 SUHMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY This account contains the funds for the operation of the Street; and Bridge Department, the Water Department, the Sewage Treatment Plant avid Sewer Line Maintenance Departments. F., t Provided for are the labor and materials for maintenance of highways, storm and sanitary sewers, parkway tree planting, electricity for street lighting, and the installation and operation of all safety devices from Traffic tights to pavement marking. Reconstruction of old facilities is a never ending effort to keep the infra structure and capital investment functioning. Funds for the operation of the sewage treatment plaint are also included in this account although these, together with operation of the water department, come from the revenues derived from water and sewer billings. In many ways the programs carried out under the Public Works Department make the community liveable. No community could function without pure water, adequate waste removal and treatment, and passable streets. _7_ Actual Actual Projected Proposed Bxpenditur 'xpenditure &xpenditure Budget 1970-21 - .1271-72 1972-7-3 7 - .01, .02, .04 283,254 Personnel Services 217,327 229,437 283,706 .05,.06,9149 .15 Contractual 68,701 800921 1209975 997305 .07, .11- .13,.16,.21 -.23 .31- °3 &r61$tj% .9� 394,527 4069183 476,285 AM ZEQ .51, .529 .71, .72, -.73, -7 Capital Outla y 320731 47,233 102,125 91,179 Total 713,286 7630774 983,091 962,498 Per Capita Cost 37.64 40.31 51.88 50.99 _7_ STREET AND BRIDGE - BUDGET SUMMARIES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT Ivi;.MBER AC c7LT�Z. i��,' „1BR 1970 -71 1971 -7 1972-73 1972 -73 197 144.2 AND CLASSIFICATION Exnended E2mended 8 Morahs 3- ud,get Pro oged (Dec. i 416 Tree Removal 22f460. 19,556 411 Admini'strption and Supen-isory 30,878 321178 211309 34.,34-8 36t469 6.1 412 Street, Curb, Sidewalk 74, 767 75s,724, 74,445 104948 124,933 190L 413 Snow and Ice Control 34,147 36, 603 23, 496 44, 450 60,168 35.4 414 Weed Control 930 11195 11036 19036 2,530 144.2 415 Leaf Removal 12,900 14v-97-4 13,816 14v980 16, 354 9.2 416 Tree Removal 22f460. 19,556 12,414 17v814 17,553 (2.5) 417 Tree Planting 31410' 3t282 39605 3v890 4.9339 11.5 418 Spring Clean Up 10, 28L,,' 112620 12. 028 �0? 13, 302 189J72 195,132 1621146 233t494 275t698 IS.1 98 Contingent 23, 000 PER Capita Cost a� 12.37 14.61 SEWER DEPARTMENT - BUDGET SUMMARIES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 21 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended E ended 8 Months Budget Pro osed (Dec.) 441 Administration and Supervisory 12,807 132888 10,457 1.4,794 19,390 31.1 442 Treatment Plant 112,255- 105,533 629584 117,607 110,020 (6T) 443 Cleaning and Maintenance 41,772 41,607 32,907 51,776 569824 9.7 444 Construction 25, 406 25,444 242189 303884 36 � X55 17.7 192,240 1861472 130,137 215,061 2222589 3.5 98 Contingent 91900 Per Capita Cost 11.39 11.79 WATER DEPARTMENT - BUDGET SUMMARIES. EXPENDITURES ACCO'JVT NUMMER 22 ra ira'srr+r� +•ter r. ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970.71 1971 -7' 2972 3 1972 -73 1973 -74 Inc. AND CLASSIFFICATION _ Emended Enanded � -8 Months Bud&e Proposed — (Dec.) 451 Administration and Supervisory 452 Distribution 453 Main and Fire Hydrant Maintenance 454 Meter Maintenance 98 Contingent Per Capita Cost 0 i 65,900 709974 15,040 8696QO 79,363 (8.QM 277,217 302,490 191,802 299,304 306,325 2.3 33,379 42,986 32,035 472487 14,163 (6.9) 40,096 29,543 31,216 46,354 34,360 (25.9) 416,592 4459993 270,093 479,745 464,211 (3.2) - 25,000 25.42 24.59 CL Z)UU X L j 400 j i 300 200 100 L 66 FIS( ai YR VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD OPERATING BUDGET - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT 1973- 1974 ACCOUNT NUMBER Description 1973 -74 1972-73 . % Lud get Raket (Dec) Ch. 10- 301.01 Salaries 192,771 175, 299 17 , 472 9.9 .02 10- 301.05 Employee Benefits 70653 5v4-93 2,160 39.3 .06 Professional Services ;1; 9980 33,400 2, 580 7.8 .07 Apparel 100 95 5 5.3 .11 Travel. and Dues 6p890 8,725 (1j8 35) (21.0) 012 Printing, etc. 20600 2, 4CX) 200 8.3 .13 Telephone, etc. 53,550 61275 (725) (11.5) .14 Insurance 4,175 3,225 950 29.5 .15 Contractual Services 694-00 151565 (9,165) (58.9) .16 Utility Services 1.,300 675 625 92.6 .21 Motor Vehicles Mi a-Intenance 1.1 300 350 950 271.4 .23 Repairs & Maintenanc.e 2,125 29725 (600) (22.0) .22,.31 Supplies 89245 61500 875 13.5 .51 New Mator Vehicles /-.,4()0 3, 000 (600) (20.0) .52 Equipment 41 295 51635 (1, 540X26.4) .53 Land Acquisition 5t393 5,393 -- - .71 Bond Principal 102000 109000 - - - .72 Bona Interest 600 900 (300) (33.3) .81 Election Board Expense 11500 2,000 (500) (25.0) .82 Advisory Boards 4P400 8, 200 (39800)(46.3) .83 Dog Pound 59000 29000 3,000 150.0 .99 1%ftiscellaneous 4; 300 5� 225 (925)-(17.7) 1201206 127,931 (7,775) (6•3) Total Administrative 3,12, 977 3030280 90697 3.2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Account 1973 -74 1972 -73 Inc. % .Number D� esscri tion Beset Buffet (Dec) Ch.' 351 -355, inclusive .01, .02, .03, .04 Salaries 5389483 507,788 A695 6.0 -12- f Account Number Description .05 Employee Benefits .06 Professional Services .07 Apparel .11 Travel and Dues .12 Printing, etc. .13 Communications .14 Insurance .15 Contractual Services .21. Motor Vehicle Maintenance .22 Motor Vehicle Supplies .23 Repairs and Maintenance .31 Supplies .51 Motor Vehicles .52 Equipment .82 Advisory Boards 1973 -74 Budget 22,894 700 8,349 11,500 1,1.00 9,120 13,000 59500 14,500 8,000 700 8,000 119200 6,500 2.250 123, 313 1972 -73 Inc @ % Budget ec) Ch, 13,500 2,400 7,835 6,450 1,100 4,900 10,000 15,500 8, O,io 6,500 700 7,000 14,500 8,200 1.750 108,335 Total Police Department 661, 796 6169123 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 401.01,.02, .04 Salaries 9s394 69.6 (1, 700) (70.8) 514 6.5 51050 78.2 r r 4,220 86.1 3, (?i)0 30.0 (10, 000) (64.5) 6,500 81.2 1,500 23.0 � r 1,000 14.22 (3, 300) (22.8) (1,700) (20.7) 500. 28.6) 14,978 13.8 45,673 6.9 283,254 283,706 (452) (.16) .05 Employee Benefits 11, 305 8, 465 2,870 33.9 .06 Professional Services 2,500 7:,.225 (4,725) (65.3) .07 Apparel 1,250 825 425 51.5 .11 Travel and Dues 850 1, 050 (200) (19.0) .12 Printing, etc. 19425 4,150 (2p725) (65.6) .13 Communications 29675 400 29275 568.7 .14 Insurance 13,500 11, 700 1,800 15..4 .15 Contractual Services 72, 000 71t275 725. 1.0 .16 Utility Services 419300 409400 900 2.2 .21 Motor Vehicle Maint. 199209 6, 700 12,509 186.7 .22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 4, 500 3o025, 1o475 48.7 .23 Repairs & Maintenance 279000 34, 000 (7, 000) (20.5) .31 Supplies 5, 500 29450 ° � • 39050 124.5 .32 Salt 15, 000 159000 - - ..33 Chlorine 71750 10,100 (21,350) (23.2) .34 Aggregates 282500 289000 500 1.7 .35 Materials 35,000 49, 700 (14, 700) (29.6) -13- Account I 1973-74 Nun Description Budget .36 Street Signs 5,200 .37 Purchased Water 280,000 .51 Motor Vehicles 20,800 .52 Equipment 16, 800 .61 Equipment Rental 4,100 .62 Occupancy 6,000 .71 Bond Principal 309,000 072 Bond Interest 24, 210 .73 Bond Reserve 1,000 .74 Depreciation 110 .99 Miscellaneous 1,760 679,244 Total Public Works .962, 498 —14— 1972 -73 Inc. % Bum e0 Che 3,000 29200 73.3 2759000 5,000 .02 - 20, 800 inf. . 44,050 (27, 250) (61:.8) 2, 6()0 1, 500 57.6 219 OOt) (15, 000) (71.4) 55947/44) (.03) . ) (1v264) 10210 (110) (9.9) - 110 2, 985 (1,225)(41-0) 699,664 (20, 410) (2.2) 983,390. (20,892) (2.1) GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 10 AC(AUNT NUMBER 1970-71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 9' =C. AND rLASSIFICATION Received Received 8 ?Months Buc1 et Antici ated Pro'ected (Dec. 201 Tex Levy 199,713 192,776 99,966 120,000 120,000 127,200 1:5.0 202 State Income Tax 124,62-0 138, 097 104,297 155,000 155,000 1609000 3.2 203 Municipal Sales Tax 389, 654. 389, 744 2709888 476, 000 410,000 495, 000 4'.",r 211 Beer, Liquor 7,350 7,458 31250 91-250 9,250 11)250 21.6 212 Contractors 1v300 11200 925 1, 500 1,200 1, 200 (20.0) 213 Food. 1,172 1,148 600 1,300 11300 1,300 -- 21.9 Other Business Licenses 1, 643 3v681 565 1., 600 1,971 57000 212.5 221 3uilding Permits 18, 452 23p989 20, 403 209000. 23, 000 23,000 (15, 0) 222 Animal Licenses 4, 407 4, 342 1,383 4,500 4,500 4,600 2.2 229 Non - Business Licenses and Permits 7t220 109558 11,856 .89450 12, 500 13, 000 (53.8) 233 ITB Reimburs ement -� - 12, 958 22,889' i 8, oo0 11,500, 50.0 241 Special Police Services 11200 8t583 7,66o 10,000 102000 17,000 70.0 242 `sale of Maps & Publications 1,589 1, 513 941 10500 12500 19500 245 Defuse Charges - 10,OOrJ - 10,000 10,000 107000 -- 249 Other Charges for Services 71219 9059 4038 7, 050 7, 050 87550 21.3 251 Ordinance Violations 39,928 52,772 29,914 559000 55,000 62,000 12 ' 252 Interest Earnings 9s716 101208 21290 10, oo0 :51000 4, 500 (55 . 254 Rental Income 39075 6t310 4, 920 211000 6, 700 13 ,200 (37.4) 259 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 333 W. 85 50 125 100 100.0 818,591 871v738 5Ylj, 239 9359089 852,096 9699900 3.5 uz ADAGI, lSTRATIVE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES /� ACCOUNT NUMBER _ O- Q ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972-73 1972 -73 1973-7-Z % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Exve zed E ended 8 Months Budget Pro osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 892816 106,267 86,949 141,775 182,246 28.8 04 Part Time 51305 6t458 49424 11,992 10, 525 (12.2) 05 Benefits 11787 39578 31209 59493 7,653 3". 06 Professional Services 33,824 43,190 18,670 33, 400 3500 980 7.2 _07 Apparel 32 - 69 95 100 5.2 11 Travel and Dues 2,780 2,536 2,434 89725 61890 (21.0) 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 11796 21441 779 2j400 2,9600 8.3 13 Communications 4,194 22326 2Y781 6t275 5t550 (11.5) 14 insurance 1,795 4881 19642 32225 4,175 29.5 15 Contractual Services 92 4,197 8,663 15,565 6t400 (58.9) 16 Utility Services '4098 1, 291 357 675 4300 92.6 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 436 234 86 350 1, 300 271.4 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 426 4.20 213 345 . 870 152.1 23 Repairs and Maintenance 2, 074 1, 500 1,693 2t725 29125 (22.0) 31 Supplies 6,475 69515 6,128 6,300 7,375 17.1 51 52 Motor Vehicles Equipment 1, 000 2,167 4000 2t439 2102 3, 000 29400 (20 0) 2t,300 5t665 4t295 (2 �. 53 Land Acquisition 51393 58p670 31595 5093 5093 - - 71 Bond Principal - - 101000 10P000 10P000 '72 Bond Interest - _ 900 900 600 (33.3) 81 Election Board 44,16 _ _ 2, 000 1t500 (25.0) 82 Advisory Boards 14J33 10t033 41391 80200 4, 400 (46.3) 83 Dog Pound 1,656 4709 2,095 2.000 5,000 150.0 98 Contingent .. .. _ _ -- 99 Miscellaneous - 446 7.168 5t225 _ 4.300 (17.7) 178,295 257,131 174028 284743 312,977 11.2 98 Contingent 4t347 I 4. rll� ' Per Capita Cost 14.92 1F,58 POLICE DEPARTMENT - SPECIAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 1.0 -355 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 M 1972 -73 1973 -74 3a Inc, AND CLASSIFICATION E ended Expended 8 Months Bud et Proposed (Dec.) 02 Overtime - - 71,496 10,000 200000 100." Per Capita Cost 1, 06 v POLICE DEPARTMENT- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER j o-3c;] ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 1970 -71 E ended 1971 -72 E ended 1972 -73 8 Months 1972 -73 Budget 1973 -74 Proposed % Inc. (Dec.) 01 Salaries 12,396 19,300 13,574 27,536 289879 4.8 02 Overtime - - - 250 250 - 05 Benefits 130 261 216 840 940 .11: � 07 Apparel 200 200 159 200 300 50.0 11 Travel , Dues , Training 600 21967 21025 29000 11500 (25.0) 13 Communications 100 338 119 400 600 50.0 14 Insurance 200 350 426 500 450 (10.0) 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 300 250 35 250 500 100..0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 225 325 148 275 250 (9.1) 51 Motor Vehicles 29328 - 499 - - - 82 Advisory Boards 958 1, 653 13,949 1,750 22250 28.6 179437 25,645 19,151 349001 35,919 5.6 ,! , Per Capita Cost 1.80 1.90 POLICE DEPARTMENT - SUPPORTING SERVICES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 10 -352 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Ex ended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 22,632 22,000 26,515 39,774 43,167 8.5 02 Overtime - 500 48 500 250 (50.0) 03 Incentive - 680 579 1, 200 1.000 (16,x,,, 04 Part Time - - 21426 21922 -- (100.0) 05 Benefits 346 522 1,145 2,100 21484 18.6 06 Professional 2,106 974 1,170 2, 400 700 (70.8) 07 Apparel 250 277 328 500 975 95.0 11 Travel, Dues, Training 270 416 41 500 2,500 400.0 12 Printing, Advertising, Subscriptions 658 1,569 390 1,100 11100 13 Communications 3,129 4.318 3.551 4.300 7 920 84 2 14 Insurance 635 850 15 Contractual Service 59161 5p228 23 Repairs and Maintenance 617 824 31 Supplies 52252 6v994 52 Equipment 350 17625 61 Equipment Rent 253 176 �o 452 5,500 1,306 3,933 750 5,500 700 7,000 200 41,659 46,957 47,390 69,446 Per Capita Cost 3.58 400 5,500 700 8,000 74„596 3.96 . (46.7) 14.3 7.4 POLICE DEPARTMENT - OPERATIONAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 10 -353 '.C=OUNT Nt7,'�IrD. ER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION FxgerAed En ended 8 Months Budget. Pry Bed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 2839130 340,624 221,382 351,694 3549337 .8 02 Overtime 19t514 18,926 14t277 23v250 23,500 1'; �' 03 Incentive - 4, 748 4724 .59320 4.020 (24.4) 04 Part Time 129000 16,580 169552 17,842 34,256 23.1 05 Benefits 4,549. 7t579 99437 149620 189030 23,5 07 Apparel 59456 59282 4,601 6,995 6,674 (4.6) 11 Travel, Dues, Training 29777 2t211- 3,953' 39150 . 6t000 90.5 14 Insurance 5,700 8,641 7,762 8,250 119400 38.2 :Z3. Motor Vehicle Maintenance 7,915 7t731 5, 675 7Y350 13 , 000 76.8 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 59698 6t245 23,036 5,815 7t250 24.7 51 Motor Vehicles 6t984 10,457 - 11, C50 119200' 1.4 52 - Equipment 1 fl 249 12,357 32 700 7, 000 6.500 7.1 354,982 4419385 291,109 4629336 496,167 7.3 Per Capita Cost e N t 25.02 26.28 POLICE DEPARTMENT - YOUTH SERVICES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 10 -354 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1.970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Pra osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 117880 119856 179666 26,500 02 Overtime 1,000. 19000 711 19000 05 Benefits 173 261 432 840 07 Apparel 175 200 510 400 11 Travel, Dues, Training 270 300 395 500 13 Communications - - 200 200 1.4 Insurance 200 350 652 500 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 700 250 35 400 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 225 275 148 450 51 Motor Vehicles - - 31873 3j450 52 Equipment - - 738. 1,000 149623 . . 14, 492 25t363 35t240 Per Capita Cost 1 N F-+ 1 1.87 27,82-4 4.3 1,000 - 11440 +.4 400 -- 1,500 200.0 600 200.0 750 50.0 12000 150.0 500 11.1 359014 (0 .6) 1.85 4� CIVIL DEF ENS E REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 13 ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 1970 -71 Received 1971 -72 Received 1972 -73 8 Months 197273 Budget 1972 -73 Antici ated 1973 -74 Projected % Inc. (Dec.) 201 Tax Levy 4,000 21018 19055 11060 11060 - -- 252 Interest Earnings 406 645 279 600 600 700 1 42406 22663 12334 1,660 1,660 700 (57.8) E CIVIL DEFENSE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 13 Account Balance $17,277 ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 1970 -71 Ex ended 1971 -72 Expended 1972 -73 8 Months 1 °72 -74 Budget 1973 -74 Prorosed % Inc. (Dec.) 11 Travel and Dues 22 .8 23 700 500 (28.6) 31 Supplies - 2 52 Equipment 300 160 322 1'70 Per Capita Cost - 300 19500 400.0 77.5 25 82 000 1.5, 000 48 91000 171,000 88.8 0.48 0.90 STREET AND BRIDGE REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 20 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Received Received 8 Months Budget Antici aced Projected (Dec.) 201 Tax Levy 53,653 103,229 929247 105,000 105,000 106,000 0.9 204 Motor Fuel Tax 39,110 629429 55, 305 65,000 65,000 65,000 - 223 Motor Vehicle Licenses 76,669 809523 23, 371 809000 809000 83, 000 3.r 234 State Highway Maintenance 4,934 6,753 81100 7,000 81100 71500 C7.1) 246 SSI'ey Sidewalk - 11102 - 2,000 - 2,000 - 247 50/50 Sidewalk 11098 1,.842 49465 2,000 41465 2, 500 (25.0) 252 Interest Earned - 108 394 .400 400 500 25.0 259 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 12042 12365 315 I O L42O 15,900 1, 000 (90.4) 176,506 257,353 184,198 271,800 278,865 2679500 (1.6) N STREET DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER - :(11..� ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971-72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973.74 % Inc AND CLASSIFICATION E Proposed (Dec. 01 Salaries 1 1,872 129720 9, 002 139503 149179 5.1 05 Employee Benefits 300 300 325 490 610 ..2?.2 ,06 Professional Service 160 15 40 100 200 100.0 07 Apparel 218 217 223 '250 350 40.0 11 Travel and Dues 246 81 92 250 200 (20.0) 12 Printing, Subscriptions 751 359 481 750 850 13.3 13 Communications 308 377 257 650 300 (53.8) 14 Insurance 902 4093 620 930 980 .5.4 16 Utilities 14,586 15,426 91337 161000 16, 000 -- 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 300 250 165 200 700 250.0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 175 190 75 125 200 60.0 31 Supplies 120. 150 90 100 500 400.0 62 Occupancy 11000 1,000 665 1,000 12000 -_ 99 Miscellaneous -- -- 0 inf. 30,878 322178 21,309 34048 36,469 6.6 Per Capita Cost 1.82 193 STREET DEPARTMENT - STREET CLEANING EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 20 -Q2 -A ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 197172 --T,0-72-73 1-51-2-a: 73 1973 -74 Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 3, 900 39 300 2s000 32000 3,892 02 Overtime 850 300 12000 19500 1, 500 05 Employee Benefits 135 140 100 140 170 14 Insurance 240 255 180 270 270 15 Contractual Services 390 450 300 500 500 21 Motor Vehicle Mainte -m -trice 500 11100 200 300 400 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 275 275 200 300 300 23 Repairs and Maintenance 800 1 1X70 483 700 2 y 000 7,090 61920 4,463 62710 99032 Per Capita Cost t N t 0.36 0.48 29.2 arms 21..4 33.3 183.7 34.6 STREET DEPARTMENT - TRAFFIC MARKING EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 20_ 12 -B ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970-71 1971 - 72 197273 3972 -73 1973 -74 1Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION E ended Ex ended 8 Months Budget-, Pro osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 12100 12200 12300 1,300 2,192 05 Employeee Benefits 30 30 35 35 65 14 Insurance 110 120 128 128 128 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 75 50 100 100 100 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 28 30 25 25 25 23 Repairs and Maintenance 5o 40 100 2z) 25 .35 Materials 12500 19500 19700 1, 800 22000 36 Street Signs 11723 41820 3,000 51000 41616 71790 4,345 6,413 91535 Per Capita Cost P N v 0.34 0.51 68.6 85'.T 11.1 66.7 48.7 STREET DEPARTMENT - PRE -MIX PATCHING EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 20_ ," ACCOUNT NUMBED. 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 ARID CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months BudSet ProRosed � (Dec.) 01. Salaries 101000 92000 10$000 1.09000 10,894 8.9 02 Overtime 900 1, f�UO 500 11000 1, 000 •� 04 Part Time 2,000 2,000 21000 21000 2,000 -- 05 Employee Benefits 279 320 325 490 520 6.1 14 Insurance 800 800 660 980 980 -- 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 950 600 800 11000 2,800 180.0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 425 350 405 400 500 25.0 23 Repairs and Maintenance 500 200 600 700 21000 185.7 34 Aggregates 10,200 10,781 10,000 15,000 151000 > 35 Materials 4, 480 4, 044 , 5, 735 5;,000 5, 000 301534 29,095 31.,425 35,570 40,694 11.3 Per Capita Cost 1.94 2.15 � CJ STREET DEPARTMENT ° TARRING CRACKS EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT?' N�: A� B LI-M 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972-73 1913° � °o Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION E ended E ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 2, 000 2,000 2, 667 4,000 4,894 22.4 02 Overtime 400 400 325 500 500 04 Part Time 49000 42000 41500 41500 4,500 05 Employee Benefits 280 280 300 300 330 10.0 14 Insurance 700 700 740 740 740 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 225 .350 400 600 11500 150.0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 215 340 200 300 300 -23 Repairs and Maintenance 220 160 .85 200 800 300.0 34 Aggregates 90 100 155 200 200 35 Materials. 900 22500 22500 49000 60.0 9,130 9,230 112372 139840 17,764 28,4 Per Capita Cost 0.73 0.94 n; �� r STREET DEPARTMENT - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 20 -412 -E ACCOUNT NUIz BER 1970 -71 19 IQ72 N7 -973 1972 »73 19i' �7& % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION 90 E. .ended 200 8 Months Budget Propose � ec.2 31 Salaries 29800 3,000 39125 3,125 39394 35 Employee Benefits 90 90 200 100 230 32 Overtime — 550 5.50 550 14 Insurance 160 1160 190 190 190 15 Contractual Services 4,000 4,000 49000 41000 4, 000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 125 7.80 200 200 . 900 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 190 150 200 200 200 23 Repairs and Maintenance 75 139 175 750 1,500 35 Materials _ 1�000 900 1 000 1, 000 31 900 82440 8 s 669 92540 7 0,1,.5 14,764 Per Capita Cost 1 W 0.54 0.78 8.6 30.0 ano x, 350.0 100.0 2.-.90 ^0 45.9 STk: E DEPARTMENT - MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACC Ur-IT FUMBER 1970 -71 1971.72 1.72-73 1972 -73 1973-74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget . Proj2osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 15 Contractual Services Curb Replacement Safety Sidewalk 50/50 Sidewalk Street Maintenance 34 Aggregates 35 Materials Per Capita Cost W -- -- 500 1,000, 11894 89.4 5,000 -- -- 59000 61,000 2 29009 2,402 39300 5,000 5,000 -- 31448 61618 4,000 5,000 59000 -- 42500 5,000 -- 7,000 7,000 -- -- -- 2,0/00 3,300 3,300 -- rr r 39500 59000 5,000 -- 14,957 14,020 12,800 319300 3.3,194 6.1 1.66 1.76 - , SIN41 AND ICE CON 1ROL EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT DUMBER 20 ACCOUNT NUNILBE"R 19170 -71 1971 -72 1912 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Ex -oendea E , endue 8 Months Budget Pro sed (Dec.) O1 Salaries 4,00 5,000 6,000 61000 61879 02 Overtime 2V,500 2, 0O? 41000 49000 49000 05 Employee Bene€its 350 350 400 400 430 13 Communications 50 50 100 100 100 14. insurance 540 540 600 600 600 21 aviator Vehicle Maintenance 800 700 600 1, 000 21259 22 1-,Iotor Vehicle Supplies 300 325 400 500 700 23 Repairs and Maintenance 700 11000 11200 1, 000 59,000 32 Salt 24,102 11,594 99346 15, 000 15V000 34 Aggregates 300 500 850 850 1,500 51 Motor Vehicles -- 11, 473 -- -- 20, 800 52 Equipment -- 3107 1 ®��� _ 15,000 2,900 Per Capita Lost w N 34,142 36,603 23,496 44,L50 2.35 60,168 3.19 14.6 70%1 125. 4. 400.0 76.5 inf. C80.7) 35.4 STREET DEPARTMENT - WEE D CON."ROL EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 20-Al-/, ACCOUt`tT ?:UMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1913 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION E ended ELc2end,ed 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 800 800 861 861 1,455 68.9 05 Employee Benefits 30 30 35 35 65 85.7 14 Insurance 50 50 60 '60 60 .._ 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 20 150 25 25 25 .._ 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 30 25 25 25 25 52 Equipment - - -- -- 900 ins 930 1,195 1,036 1,036 2,530 144.2 Per Captta Cost 0.05 0.13 w W STREET DEPARTMENT - LEAF REMOVAL EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972073 1.972 -73 1 tnc, AND CLASSIFICATION Ex ended E ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 8,100 9t472 6t336 81000 8,394 4.9 02 Overtime 500 -- 19400 11400 1,400 _- 05 Employee Benefits 350 350 400 400 430 7. 14 Insurance 550 550 680 680 680 -- 15 Contractual Services 2.0600 2,1 +50 2t450 21,500 2v500 -- 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 75 400 60 100 100 4- 22 i iotor Vehicle Supplies 425 400 240 400 4,00 -- 23 Repairs and Maintanence 300 11352 450 500 450 (10.0) 61 Equipment Rental ntal - - • - C100 .Q. 1 0100 ]. ,000 21000 100.0 12,9oo 14,974 13,816 14,980 16,354 9.2 Per Capita Cost 0.79 0.87 3 STREET DEPARTMENT - TREE REMOVAL EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 22-Z,1.6_ ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended E ended 8 Months Bud et Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 4,500 4, 000 31000 1, 500 39594 139.6 02 Overtime 900 200 -- 50() 500 -- 05 Employee Benefits 120 120 140 140 170 21.4 14 Insurance 230 230 264 264 264 r 15 Contractual Services 16,000 14,371 82600 159000 127000 (20.0) 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 270 325 125 125 700 420.0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 140 130 85 85 125 47.0 23 Repairs and Maintenance 300 180 200 200 200 -_ 22,460 19,556 12,414 17,514 17.1553 Per Capita Cost 0.94 0.93 vii Per Capita Cost 0.21 0.23 STREET DEPARTMENT - TREE PLANTING EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 19/3 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Exvend.ed 8 Months Budget, Pm osed (bec.) 01 Salaries 4200 1,100 11300 1,500 1,894 26.2 02 Overtime -- -- -- 50 50 05 Employee Benefits 65 65 70 70 100 42.8 14 Insurance 110 110 120 120 120 -- 15 Contractual Services 1,965 1, 936 2, 000 2, 000 2, Q00 _- 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance -- -- 25 25 25 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 25 29 25 25 25 -- 23 Repairs and Maintenance -- _- 25 25 25 -- 35 Materials 45 40 40 100 1010 q_ 3,410 3,282 3,505 3,915 49339 11.5 Per Capita Cost 0.21 0.23 STREET DEPARTMENT - SPRING CLEANUP EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 20 -_/, . ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 1970 -71 Expended 1971 -72 Ex ended 1972 -73 8 Months 1 972 -73 Budget 1973 - 74 _Proposed °o Inc. (Dec.) 01 Salaries 72200 715-00 71000 71000 7, 094 1.3 t02 Overtixae -- 800 -500 500 500 �. 05 Employee Benefits 370 370 390 390 420 7.7 14 Insurance 475 475 488 488 488 -- 15 Contractual Services 21000 27000 12800 12800 32000 66.7 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance -- 200 300 300 300 -- 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 240 275 300 300 300 -- 23 Repairs and Maintenance -- -- 200 200 200 -� 61 Equipment Rental 11050 1,050 12000 ( 10,285 112620 12,028 12,028 13,302 10.6 Per Capita Cost 0.64 0.70 � s i SEWER DEPARTMENT REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 21 .i,CCOUNT MJMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. A?-;D CLAD ;SI-�ICATION Received Received 8 Months Budget Antici ated Projected (Dec.) 243 Sewer Charges 149,866 249 Other Charges for Services 50t481 252 Intere.t Earned 253 Penaltes ; �2 256 Trans'er from Other Funds - 259 OtherMiscellaneous Revenue 2,391, 204,112 166,355 117,060 176,000 176,000 178,000 1.1 7,541 965 21100 11350 1,100 777.6) - 103 - 200 200 -- 1,272 938 11500 12250 12300 (13.3) - - 27,329 149000 - -- 1,955 9,564 1,600 99565 2,000 25.0. 1 77,123 128,630 208,529 2029365 182,600 (12.4) SEWER DEPARTMENT - ADM.INISTRATION AND SUPERVISORY EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 2j ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972-73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended E ended. 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) O1 Salaries 02 Overtime 0.1; Benefits 06 Professional Services 11 Travel and Dues 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 13 Communications 14 Insurance 31 Supplies 99 Safety Fund Per Capita Cost 0 w 11,632 12,500 8,904 13,360 16,615 24.4 225 211 210 234 625 167.1 27 13 - 25 25 - 62 15 44 100 100 _ - - 43 25 25 _ 308 395 345 550 500 (9.1) 553 754 888 500 1,000 100.0 - - 23 - 100 - 400 129807 13,888 10,457 14,794 19,390 31.1 0.78 1 03 SEWER DEPARTMENT - TREATMENT PLANT EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT DUMBER 21 -442 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc, AND CLASSIFICATION Ex ended _Expended 8 Months Budget Pro osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 352827 399107 32,314 43,157 45,315 5.0 02 Overtime 10,136 61161 41039 79000 59000 (28.6) 05 Benefits 701 963 745 890 11780 1001. 06 Professional Services 281863- 19, 778 - 1, 200 1,000 (16.7) 07 Apparel 173 94 166 150 240 60.0 11 Travel and Dues 160 223 22 350 300 (14.3) 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 29 92 26 115 100 (13.0) 13 Communications 228 324 27116 425 375 (11 b 8) 14 Insurance 19217 803 1,738 11300 21000 53.8 15 Contractual Services - - - 75 110000 109000 (9.1) 16 Utility Services 12,742 14,115 9, 045 149900 14,300 (4.0) 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 154 866 552 200 1, 600 700.0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 12 3 75 50 210 . 200 23 Repairs and Maintenance 39549 51858 79543 5,600 39300 31. Supplies - - 200 500 22000 300.0 33 Chlorine 79865 121157 4,676 10,000 71500 (25.0) 34 Aggregates - - - 2,000 12500 (25.TT 35 Materials 21919 3,130 12113 29500 1,000 (60.6) 52 Equipment 71370 1Y687 64 3, 700 - _ 61 Equipment Rental 199 100 - 600 300 (50.0) 71 Bond Principal - - - 10,000 10, 000 _ 72 Bond Interest - - - 700 700 - 73 Bond Reserve - - - 1,000 1,000 _ 74 Depreciation - - - 110 110 _ 99 Safety Iy and - 400 1121255 105,533 62,584 1177607 110,020 (6.5) 0 1 - Per Capita Cost 6,,23 5.83 SEWER DEPARTMENT - CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1.972 -73 � x.972 -73 197374 % Inc. AND CLA-S-SIFICATION Expended ET,pended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 05 B enefits 06 Professional Services 07 Apparel 12 Printing, Subscriptions, .Advertising 14 Insurance 15 Contractual Services 16 Utility Services 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 28 Repairs and Maintenance 31 Supplies 34 Aggregates 35 Materials 36. Streezz Signs Per Capita Cost I Z, I 281652 261000 17,936 26,909 30,534 13.5 5,798 81000 52000 67000 61000 .� GAO 832 828 932 12700 82.4 1,662 11000 15 5,000 100 (98.0) 100 100 2 ?.3 100 240 140.0 398 75 m 325 150 (53.8) 553 752 886 1,000 11000 - - - ?,637 59000 51000 - - - - - 500 - .341 772 758 500 31000. 500.0 98 107 101 110 400 263,6 22 4000 21000 LOCO 31000 200.0 2,83, 500 400 400 22000 400.0 - - 139 1,500 1,000 (33.3) 33280 22469 2,994 3,000 22000 (33.3) - - w - 200 .� 411772 41,607 32,907 51,776 56,824 9.7 2.74 3.01 SEWER DEPARTMENT - CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -7!+ % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION E ended Ex ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 139632 16,000 163664 23,500 02 Overtirae 59799 1,1637 556 1,000 05 Benefits 400 624 621 699 06 Professional Services 11000 11000 - 375 07 Apparel 44 78 200 100 14 Insurance 553 752 886 13,000 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 522 772 758 500 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 100 107 100 110 23 Repairs and Maintenance - 960 730 600 31 Supplies - 523 400 300 34 Aggregates - - 100 500 35 Materials 31281 2,469 21994 1, 000 61 Equipment Rental. 75 - - 300 52 Equipment - 522 X180 900 25,000 1, 000 17300 75 180 1,000 1,500 100 1f500 400 2,000 2,000 300 252406 259444 24,189 30,884 361355 Per Capita Cost 1.64 1.93 6.4 (80.0) 80.0 200.00 (9.1) 150.0 33.3 300.0 100,0 17.7 WATER DEPARTMENT REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 22 ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION 1970 -71 Received 1971 -72 Received 1972 -73 8 Months 1972 -73 Budget 1972 -73 Anticipated 1973 -74 Projected % Inc. (Dec.) 244 Water Charges 381,862 430,019 2982510 470,000 435,082 4752000 1.1 249 Acreage Fees 12150 31325 11875 500 11875 1,200 140,0 252 Interest 4,071 39049 - 2,200 12200 11000 (54.1) 253 Penalties 32774 37565 21404 42000 31500 49000 �- 259 Miscellaneous 6,758 10 3 . 8,644 7,000 910:00 71000 - 397,617 450052 311,433 483,700 450,657 488,200 10.9 �v WATER DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISORY EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 22 -451 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971-72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended_ E ended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Uec.) 01 Salaries 05 Benefits 06 Professional Services 11 Travel and Dues 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 13 Communications 14 Insurance 31 Supplies 62 Occupancy 71 Bond Principal 72 Bond Interest 99 Miscellaneous Per Capita Cost 17,836 19,350 13,592 20,393 28,303 38.8 - - 277 300 565 88.3 119 93 - 25 25 30 15 - 87 50 (42.5) 175 33 120 110 100 (9.1 309 519 277 650 700 7.7 367 359 61.4 400 750 87.5 - - - - 100 500 5,000 .. 20,000 5,000 (75.0) 46,412 4594.4, - 209000 209000 -- - - - 24,475 23,510 (3.9) 152 160 160 160 260 62.5 65,900 709,974 15, 0z-'.0 86, 600 79,363 (8.4) 4.59 4.20 WA;"Eic DEPARTMENT - DISTRILUTION EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 22-Q2 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % LIZ. AND CLASSIFICATION E ended E ended $Months Budget Pro osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 8t628 91750 9P480 10,222 9,850 3.6 02 Overtime 4992 22.252 845 1J50 500 (71.4 04 Part Time - - 376 500 500 -- 05 Benefits - - 277 320 465 451.mow 06 Professional Services 19000 10000 - 200 11000 400.0 07 Apparel 52 41 49 60 60 -- 11 Travel and Dues 30 15 25 87 50 (42.5) 13 Communications 308 519 277 650 600 C7.7? 14 Insurance 367 359 614 400 750 87.5 16 Utility Services 9, 354 M40 8,623 8, 800 10,500 19.3 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 513 828 491 500 4100 120.0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 100 100 57 115 200 73.9 23 Repairs and Maintenance 720 925 272 600 200 (66.77) 31 Supplies - - - - 200 -- 33 Chlorine 213 475 - 100 250 150.0 37 water Purchases 253,940 2769386 1709416 275,000 280,000 1.8 99 Safety Fund - - 100 277,217 302,490 1915,802 2999304 306,325 IMI Per Capita Cost �i. 15.86 16.20 WATER DEPARTMENT -MAIN AND FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUh4B ER ACCQUNT NUtvtBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972-73 1972 -73 1973-74' % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended, Expended 8 Months Budget Pro osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 1 a j 972 17, 600 12 9 544 18 t 820 8.988 (52.2) 02 Overtime 3,984 41504 19690 3,500 49500 28.5 04 part Time - - 22000 2,000 29000 !�! 05 Benefits - - 277 640 855 38.3 06 Professional Services 119 95 - - 50 -_ 07 Apparel. 104 83 96 105 120 14.3 11 Travel and Dues 31 15 25 87 50 042.5) 12 Printing, Subscriptions, Advertising 174 32 118 110 100 (9.1) 13 Communications 50 56 50 50 50 �.. 14 Insurance 367 359 614 400 750 87.5 15 Contractual Services 4, 518 5, 405 7, 405 /14-75 10:000 33.8 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance : -1.3 828 .491 500 1,100 120.0 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 200 200. 100 100 200 10010 23 Repairs and Maintenance 3, 000 101000. 2, 000 2, 000 31800 90.0 34 Aggregates - - 411 49000 4,000 _- 35 Materials 4,123 3y750 4,193 7, 500 7, 000 (6.7) 61 E quipxzi ent Rental 224 65 21 200 500 1507' 99 Safety Fund - - - 100 33079 42t986 32, 035 47,487 44,163 (6.9) Per Capita Cost 2.52 2.34 WATER DEPARTMENT - METER MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 - 72 1972-73 1972 -73 1973 -74 Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Expended 8 Months Budget Proposed (Dec-s').. 01 Salaries 02 Overtime ,04 Part Time `05 Benefits .06 -,Professional Services ':07 Apparel 11 Travel and Dues 12 Printing, Subscriptions Advertising 13 Communications 14 Insurance 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 22 Motor Vehicle Supplies 23 Repairs and Maintenance 31 Supplies 35 Materials 52 Equipment 99 Safety Fund Per Capita Cost 71440 8,000 52000 77500 8,Soo 13.3 11992 2,253 847 1,750 29000 "3 - _ 11000 19500 1,500 -_ 277 320 575 79.7 119 93 22 300 25 (91,7) 52 42 50 60 60 31 15 25 89 100 12.4 174 32 118 110 100 50 50 50 50 50 368 161 615 400 750- 87.5 515 829 491 500 1,100 120..0 152 118 100 125 . 300• 140.0 12,000 149000 4,000 51000 32000 (4000) - - - - 200 -- 41123 32750 29000 31500 39000 (14.3) 13,080 - 169621 259150 139000 100 409096 29,543 311216 469354 34,360 2.46 1.82 VILLAGE GARAGE REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 2,� ,a6 (Previously carried in General Fund) ACCOUNT .DUMBER 1970-71 1971-72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Received Recehed 8 Month-9 Budget Antici ated Prp'ected (Dec.) Administration Police Sewer Maintenance Sewage Treatment Street and Bridge Water 1,300 100.0 14,500 100.0 91000 100.0 1,600 10010 23,750 100.0 3,800 100.0 53,950 100.0 VILLAGE GARAGE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 23 -A71 Self Supporting Account ACCOUr.'.r NU1,413ER 1970 -71 1971 -7 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended E-xpendaO - -3 Months_ -- Budget -- -- Proposed._- - - - - -- (Deco) - -- 01 Salaries 02 Overtime 05 B enefits 06 Professional Services 07 Apparel - 11 Travel and Dues - 12 Printing, Subscriptions, 29000 . Advertising - 14 Insurance 522 16 Utility Services 920 21 Motor Vehicle Maintenance - 23 Repairs and Maintenance 29266 31 Supplies 807 35 Materials - 52 Equipment 590 99 Safety Fund - 638 80o 5,105 w * Now must include all of salaries. 3,999 21059 4,200 20,521 388.6 - - - 29000 . - 70 200 875 337.5 - - - 25. -- - 166 60 100 66.7 r - - 50 -- .. r w 1255 -- 634 638 80o 19000 25.0 687. 400 1,400 900 X35.7) 4,593 . 2,039 31600 - 122 840 10250 26.,400 -- - - - 400 -- 4,539 763 700 1,154 64.9 - - 400 14,574 61975 12,210 j 53,950 341 9 Per Capita Cost 0.65 2.86 SCAVENGER SERVICE REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER 245 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Received Received 8 Months Budget Antici ated Pro'ected (Dec. Refuse Billing 145,913 290,856 1942 299 290, 000 290,000 2979000 2.4 Penalties 725 2,767 352 21800 2,800 - 3 6 1462638 2939623 194,651 292,800 292,800 2972000 2.7 0 SCAVENGER SERVICE EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER. ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972- 3 ? 72 -73 x973 -74 Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended Enend.ed 8 Months Budget, Fro osed (Dec.) 01 Salaries 2,045 2,615 21045 31600 31780 5.0 12 Advertising, Printing 154 - - 200 225 12" 13 Postage 152 238 256 250 150 (60.0) 62 Occupancy ( Billing Charge) - 109000 6$666 109000 10,000 23 Equipment Maintenance 200 233 472 300 300 -- 31 Supplies 77 26 103 200 250 25.0 52 _Ngw Equipment 21526 748 150 150 .75 (50.0) 15 Contractual Work 140, 091 —2791222 1814 887 275,000 2801000 1..8 i.45, 248 ..293, 083 191, 579. 289, 700 294, 780. 1.8 Per Capita Cost 15.35 15.62 H FUND: Municipal Audit ACCOUNT NUMBER 11-201 S%R4ARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Municipal Audit is an independent, outside audit conducted by a firm engaged by the Mayor and )Board of 'trustees on an annual basis as required ty State law. These are earmarked funds that can only be expended for audit purposes. The amount levied is designed to be the exact cost of the audit. The increased charges are due to a change in audit firms. r Actual Expenditure -1920-71 Actual Expenditure Projected Expenditure 1972-73 Proposed Budget (Contractual. Services 3,595 3,985 8,000 8,000 Total 3,595 3,985 8,000 8,000 'Per Ca.pft L Cost -52- 0.42 FUND: Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ACCOUNT DUMBER 12 -201 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY Retirement fund payments by the Village of Deerfield for all municipal employees (except Police) are made-through this special fund. The level of payments is directly related to total personnel costs and to the F.I.C.A. payment level. Per Capita Cost -53- 3.39 Actually Received 197n.2i Actually Received 1471-7-2 Projected Receipts 1972-21 Proposed Budget 1973-74--- Contractual Services 37,747 64,269 549000 640000 Per Capita Cost -53- 3.39 FUND: Public Benefit ACCOUNT NUMBER 14 -201 SUl1MARY OF PROGRM ACTIVITY The Public Benefit portion of local improvements installed under the special Assessment procedure of financing is paid from this fund. There is no levy proposed for the second year in a row as the accumulated funds are adequate to maintain the account. These funds accumulated when the projected spacial assessment projects they were designed to finance were deferred. -54- Actually Received Q Actually Received 1971-72 Projected Receipts* Proposed Budget Contractual Services 230961 ,210414 - 0 - 27.000 Total 23,961 21,414 - 0 - 27,000 -54- FUND: Special Tax ACCOUNT NUMBER 27 -201 The purchase of the "Fixit Shopo' property on Park Avenue is financed from this fund. Purchased in 1971 it will be completely paid for on November 30th 1983. The property has been converted into commuter paicking and is being used for this purpose at the present time. A Federal Grant for the improvement of commuter parking in the entire area has been applied for and is pending at this time. The property cost $30,000 which will be applied toward the Villages share of the improvement under the Federal Grant when the parking area is re- constructed. Per Capita Cost -55- 0.17 Actual xp@nditure - 2.._ _ Actual xpend-iture 1972-7-3 Proposed Budget - 7 Capital Outlay $4,130 3,280 3,280 Total 4,130 3,280 3,280 Per Capita Cost -55- 0.17 FUND : Revenue Sharing ACCOUNT NUMBER 41-232 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM! ACTIVITY Revenue Sharing was enacted into law last year and is at once a source of financial succor for hard pressed municipalities and a challenge to use these funds effectively for the benefit of our community and our country. It is designed to place the decisions as to use at the local level where the elected representatives understand local needs. The list of areas where Revenue Sharing Funds may be used are as follows: 1. Maintenarce and operating expenses for Public Safety including Police and Building Code enforcement. 2. Environmental Protection including sewage disposal, sanitation and pollution abatement. 3. Public Transportation including transit systems and street and highway construction and maintenance. 4. Health areas and programs. 5. Recreation area and programs. 6. Libraries. 7. Social Services for the poor or aged. 8. Financial Administration. 9. Ordinary and necessary capital expenditures authorized by law. 10. Excluded usage is where Revenue Sharing funds are to be used for' education or as "matching.` funds in Federal programs. Any expenditures must be certified by the Mayor as being within legal requiremeiv * This actually covers 5 quarters due to the timing of the start of Revenue sharing and our May 1st to April 30th fiscal year. -56- Program not ance in previous in exist- years Actually Received 1CJ72-7-4 Projected Receipts 1921.71- Revenue $76.146*-- Total $76,146 $64,414 * This actually covers 5 quarters due to the timing of the start of Revenue sharing and our May 1st to April 30th fiscal year. -56- FUND: Police Pension ACCOUNT NUMBER 42 -201 � � -'M R V OF PROGRAM AC'T'IVITY The Police Pension Fund is required by Stag• raa for all communities of over 5,000 population. The fund is administered by a Police Pension Board made up of five members. Two are active members of the department, two are from the citizens of the community and one is a retired officer. They are charged with the investment of the funds collected from the active personnel and by this special tax as the contribution of the community. As required under Section 3 -125 of the'Illinois Pension Code the amount to be levied has been certified by the Pension Board as being $43,570. This is the amount necessary to amortize the unfunded accrued liability as determined by the State of Illinois Department of Insurance over the period contemplated by Section 3 -127 of the Illinois Pension Code. Y Actual Received Actual Received Projected Receipts Proposed Budget ___197n,-e71 Tax Payments to Pension Fund 22,962 23,449 30,199 43,570 Total 22,962 23,449 300199 43,570 Per Capita Cost -57- 2.31 FUND: Municipal Building Bonds ACCOUNT NUMBER 70 -201 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY These monies are used to amortize the bond issue that financed the construct- ion of the Village Hall. Despite the fact that this is set up as a levy to come from taxes it is always abated and paid from General Fund Revenues. This derives from the promise made by the Mayor and Board of Trustees in 1956, when the bond issue referendum was passed, that the entire cost of the new building would be paid from Sales Tax Revenue. This promise has been kept throughout the years. Year Payable Bond Numbers Interest Rate Interest Due January I IMLIZ 1 Principal Due January I 1973 146 to 155, inclusive 3 $450.00 300.00 3101.000,00 Contractual 11,500 1974 156 to 165, inclusive 3 300.00 150.00 1.01000.00 1975 166 to 175, inclusive 3 150,00 110200 10r 000.00 10,600 $900.00 450.00 r>0,000.00 r Actual Receipts 1970-71 Actual Receipts 2 ._ Projected Receipts , Proposed Budget Contractual 11,500 11,200 10,900 10,600 Total 11,500 110200 10,900 10,600 Per Capita Cost WO o.56 FUND: General Obligation Sewer Bonds, 1954 Issue ACCOUNT NUMBER 71 -201 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY These bonds were issued in 1954 for the purpose of constructing the new Sewage Treatment Plant to replace the Imhoff Tanks that for years had been the treatment facilities of the Village. They carry a 2�% interest rate and have but $0,000 outstanding. Retiranent will be in fiscal 73 -74. �.� Actually Received 1220-71 Actually Received 1921-7-1— Projected Receipts 1972-23 Proposed Budget 1933m24— Capital Outlay 39,875 43,000 42,000 41,000 Total 39,875 439000 42,000 41,000 Per Capita Cost -59- 2.17 FUND: General Obligation Sewer Bonds, 1960 Issue ACCOUNT NUMBER 72 -201 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY These bonds were issued in 1960 for the expansion and improvement of the Sewage Treatment Plant. They carry a 47. interest rate and will be retired in 1980. There remains $325,000 outstanding out of a $525,000 issue. _ -- - :[Received Actually ACtually 'Received Projected Receipts - Proposed Budget 19 73-74 Capital Outla3 41,856 39,631 43,600 42,400 Total 41,356 39,631 43,600 42,400 Per Capita Cost -60- 2.25 FUND: General Obligation Bonds - Public Library ACCOUNT NUMBER 73 -201 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY These bonds were sold in 1969 in the total amount of $1,035,000 for the purpose of constructing the new Library. They run for nine years until 1978. The amounts to be raised by taxation are governed by the Bond Ordinance and payment schedule. Per Capita Cast 9.32 -61- Actually Received Actually 2:eceived l97 +.z A.CtUally Receipts Proposed. Budget t Capital outlay Total-93,010 93,010 146,473 � 146,473 165,238 165,238 176,000 1769000 Per Capita Cast 9.32 -61- GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER BONDS 71 1954 Issue: Principal and Interest, 1973 -74 41,000 72 1960 Issue: Principal and Interest, 1973 -74 42, 400 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - PUBLIC LIBRARY 73 1969 Issue: Principal and Interest, 197:3 -74 176,000 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 70 Principal and Interest, 1973 -74 10,600 (To be abated at the time the Tax Levy is passed) -62- r r. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 12 .Revenue - Tax Levy 64,000 Expenditures 64, 000 PUBLIC BENEFIT 14 Revenue - Tax Levy .. Expenditure - POLICE PENSION FUND 42 Revenue - Tax Levy 43p570 Expenditures 289500 SPECIAL TAX FUND 27 Revenue - Tax Levy 31.281 Expenditure 39281 MUNICIPAL AUDIT FUND 11 Revenue -Tax Levy 81000 Expenditure 89000 -63- I I APPENDIX l Pj1O.PQSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT TITLE: Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion Program FUNDING SOURCE: Bond Issue OVERALL COST: $3,300,000.00, Village Share: N/A DESCRIPTION: Basically, this is the project being designed by Baxter and Woodman for the updating and expansion of our Sewage Treatment Plant. This is a top priority project which is tentatively scheduled for construction in January of 1974, and to be completed prior to the end of 1975. Thus it is to be included as a top priority item in Fiscal Years 1973 -1974 through 1975- 1976. Due to the fact that exact expenditure figures depend on the contracting firm's regpirements, no year -by -year breakdown of cost is given. As an over- all goal statement, taken from the guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan, this project should enable the Village to come up to EPA standards and provide adequate sewage service for the citizenry. In addition, this includes work on the East Lift Station, and the Force Main, thus also accruing additional benefits to large areas of the Village. PROJECT TITLE: Storm Sewer Improvement and Storm Water Retention Progra m FUNDING SOURCE: Bond Issue OVERALL COST: $1,080,000.00, Village Share: N/A DESCRIPTION: This project is the planned improvement of areas of the Village's storm sewer lines in an effort to alleviate the more exceptional problems of flooding during storm periods. Likewise, this project seeks to accrue benefits to the Village's citizenry in the form of improved service. The financial information for this project is essentially the same as for the Sewage Treatment Plant. The overall goal of the project is to update storm sewer lines in areas which have experienced flooding problems, as well as to alleviate some of the burden placed upon the entire storm sewer stystem. Also to replace portions of the east trunk sewer and provide $100,00.00 to be used in land acquisitioh for storm water detention in cooperation with other communities. -64- PROJECT TITLE: Park Avenue Relocation Program FUNDING SOURCE: Option of Motor Fuel Tax, or General Obligation Bonds or Revenue Sharing OVERALL COST: $174,000.00 *, Village Share: Entirety, unless by General Obligation Bonds DESCRIPTION: This project is Phase 1 of the larger program called Peterson -Park Avenues and Hoffman Lane, Street Re-- alignment and Commuter Parking Development Program. In connection with the Park District, Phase 1, the development of an east /west roadway between Park Avenue and Peterson Lane, will accomplish the closing off of the hazardous intersection now exist- ing between Park and Deerfield Road. Also, this will be the predecessor to the overall development of this area of the Village. Phase 1 will cost approx- imately $37,000.00, and two alternative funding methods are suggested above. Phase 11 of this larger project, projected for Fiscal Year 1974 -1975, will accomplish two main items: (1) The development of a new north /south road- way between the new Park Avenue roadway and Deerfield Road through the Knit -Wit Shop property and the simultaneous closing of the present Peterson Avenue route next to Lindemann's Pharmacy. The cost of this item will be approximately $39,000.00., (2) The development of parking on the Fix -It Shop property and the north corner of Union Oil land. This element will cost approximately $19,000.00. Phase III of this overall project will consist of the development of Park Avenue . improvements for commuter pickup and dropoff operation adjacent to the railroad station, and parking facilities associated with it. This element will cost approximately $75,000.00 and is projected for Fiscal Year 1975 -1976. Phase IV of this project, for .which no cost data are available, will consist of the relocation of the present Hoffman Lane onto a path corresponding with the new Park Avenue connection to Deerfield Road, and tentatively might be planned for Fiscal Year 1976 -1977. In general, this entire project satisfies Recommendation Numbers 19b and 19d of the Paul Box Study. (Note please that the cost figures listed at the beginning are for Phase I through III only.) This project also includes the fulfillment of one of the largest items for attention brought out by the Comprehensive Plan in terms of traffic flow and parking developments. PROJECT TITLE: Acquisition of Property on the South-Side of Hazel Adjacent to Jewett Park FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund Surplus, or other alternatives OVERALL COST: $57,600.00, Village Share :' (Same) DESCRIPTION: This project, hinging upon the action of not only the Village but also the Park District, will provide land for the park in replace- ment of lands lost to other purposes, such as the Park Avenue relocation. Likewise, this proposes improvement will accomplish the formation-of Jewett Park into the configuration shown on the Comprehensi "ve Plan Map. Thus this -65- i i PROJECT TITLE: Acquisition of Property on the South Side of Hazel Adjacent to Jewett Park (Continued) project is considered worthy of immediate consideration, and one perhaps best considered now rather than in years hence, primarily due to rising land costs. PROJECT TITLE: Extension of Carlisle Avenue and Carriage Way Drive FUNDING SOURCE: Motor Fuel Tax Funds, General Fund Surplus, Blietz Contribution* OVERALL COST: $160,000.00, Village Share: $140,000.00 DESCRIPTION: This project consists of the purchase of property from Mr. Blietz in order to connect the two separate sections of Carlisle Avenue and to make a connection of Carriage Way to Waukegan Road possible. The project may be divided into three separate elements, the first of which is the purchase of property for a right -of -way for the new roadway, at an approximate cost of $45,000.00. This project in general meets one of the priority require- ments of the Comprehensive Plan's design, and therefore this first stage is suggested for Fiscal Year 1973 -1974. The second element of this project is the construction of a bridge on Carriage Way Drive. For this item, at a total cost of about $65,000.00, ($20,000.00 of which will come from Mr. Blietz) , the funds may either be entirely from Motor Fuel Tax Funds or there is a possibility of z the amount coming from Lake County in the form of a contribution. The third element of this project is the street and sidewalk improvements of the new roadway, at a cost of $50,000.00, which is probably to come from Motor Fuel Tax due to the fact that the Park District will condition the sale of the right -of -way on such a stipulation. The ( *) above indicates that an option is available to use such other funds as the General Fund Surplus for part of the funding of this project. The last two elements of this project are suggested to be included in the Fiscal Year 1974 -1975 Capital Budget. Overall, the goal of this project is the improve- ment: of. Deerfield's roadway system in accord with the intentions of the Comprehensive Plan, arid. q.ererally the up- grading of traffic patterns in the eastern. portion of the Village. PROJECT TITLE: Commuter Parking Lot Program (DOT Grant) FUNDING SOURCE: Federal Department of Transportation Commuter Parking Grant, State of Illinois Department of Transportation .Grant, and Village Contribution OVERALL COST: $152,000.00, Village Share: $18,600.00 (See below) DESCRIPTION: This project is part of the State of Illinois Commuter Parking Grant Program, Project CAP -72 -023 -Fed. (II -03 -0031) which is aimed ., PROJECT TITLE: Commuter Parking Lot Program (DOT Grant) (Continued) at, improvement of the parking facilities utilized for mass - transit systems. Since this same goal is part of the Comprehensive Plan for Deerfield, and since the contribution of the Village will be in the form of property already purchased for just this purpose, it is ranked high in priority among the several capital improvements. The cost breakdown for the project will be 2/3 share by the Federal D.O.T., (approximately $101,600,00), and 2/9. State, (approximately $32,000.00), and the remaining $18,600.00 taken care of by the Village's direct contribution of the land required. The property involved is described as follows: Lot 1: "Directly East of the Deerfield (railroad) Station, being South of Jewett Park, East of Park Avenue (as now exists), North of Deerfield Road, and West of business zoned real estate. ", Lot 2: "Directly South of the Deerfield (railroad) Station parking lot, being South of Deerfield Road, East of Chestnut Street, North of Sunset Court, and West of the railroad tracks." Hence not only will an eyesore, of the Village be converted to a highly viable use, but one vital phase of the Park - Peterson - Hoffman Lane project will be completed without.resort to further Village expense. At this time it looks as if the starting date for this project may be anywhere from the latter part of Fiscal Year 1973 -1974 or early Fiscal Year 1974 -1975. In any event, it has been included in order to ensure its consideration along with other high- priority capital improvement projects. PROJECT TITLE: North -East Quadrant Parking and Traffic Flow Program FUNDING SOURCE: Public Contribution, General Fund Surplus OVERALL COST: $134,000.00, Village Share: $60,000.00 DESCRIPTION: This project is part of the Comprehensive Plan's general design for improvement of the traffic flow apd pa k.40 g facilities offered in the Village's Central Business District, Also #kiis, meets the general guidelines for traffic patterns Qi RQrotrmoiRdatJon Number 17 of the Paul Box 9,afqty ► Study, ar}d ad0s to this the benefit of aid iXional parking facilitis, In t(rms of post, the Villager}qineeT has detQnfned that S1 4, Q.RO, 0,0, is a gpod estimate of the over�ll cost, with 00, 00.00 to comp frA, th,e Village and the rer�ainder from contxibutions cif affected huln�e.ss.ds,. Thus this shapes up a d �ignifiaant iing pva.man to the Village, 'aid gopsists of, perhaps the first step in the purs,uanca of the Cwprehensive P n's, general design for upgrading all of ,ttie pa'rk'ing and traffic facilities of the. Central Bn,sine$,s District. Its in�:usior in the Fiscal Y,�ax 19;73,- ri9,74 ' Ca,pit�l ' Bydge.t, would he an indication of this impor- tant' role, can lead, to p.onsicieratio.n of ather leveiopment of the C:eritraI Business District ip singer manne'.for_ year's hence, .the next area, the South -East Quadrant, is proposed for Fiscaly Year 1976 -1977. -67- PROJECT TITLE: Deerfield Road Railroad Underpass Improvement Program Planning Phase FUNDING SOURCE: TOPICS Grant, State Grant, Village Motor Fuel Tax Funs, General Fund Surplus OVERALL COST: $1,500,000.00 (Very Approximate), Village Share: $376,700.00 (See below) DESCRIPTION: This project is a major undertaking involving one of the highest priority items under the Comprehensive Plan, and also a high- ranking item in Paul Box's Study, Recommendation Number 19c. its cost is of such a nature that it was not projected to be part of this Fiscal Year's Capital Budget until it was noted that immediate concern was warranted. It has been learned that the TOPICS Grant program may end in 1975, and such projects must be at least in the planning stages by that time, (and funds committed). The cost figure of $376,700.00 for the Village share of the project reflects two facets of the project, $1,700.00 for a required study to be conducted by Mr. Box in an effort to produce a TOPICS Grant application, (funding provided in the Street and Bridge Budget), and 25% of the approximate overall cost of the project, presumably to come from Village Motor Fuel 'Tax Funds. This would be the Village's share after 50% was taken care of by the TOPICS Grant, and 25% was taken care of by the State of Illinois. This would all mean that the planning stages of this project would start in Fiscal Year 1973- 1974, and that actual work might begin in Fiscal Year 1975 -1976. This project reflects one of the great needs of the community expressed in both the Com- prehensive Plan and the Box Study, and therefore rate high consideration. PROJECT TITLE: Wilmot and Berkley Court Sidewalk Program FUNDING SOURCE: Special Assessment and General Fund Surplus OVERALL COST: $38,630.00, Village .Share: $8,000.00 DESCRIPTION: This project is a much delayed one, in need of attention, as it now receiving. Originally requested by the Woodland Park Parent's Teachers Association, it was scheduled for construction in Fiscal Year 1972 -1973 but right -of -way acquisition needs led to abandonment of the original special assessment and the establishment of a second one. This is now moving forward and may be cleared in time for Fall construction in Fiscal Year 1973 -1974. .: PROJECT TITLE: Surface Improvements to Gordon. Terrace FUNDING SOURCE: Special Assessment plus 15 -20% Village Contribution, Motor Fuel Tax "bVERALL COST: $117,000.00, Village Share: Approximately $23,000.00 DESCRIPTION: This project is one of the priority items in the list for implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. It consists of the overall improve ment of the surface of Gordon Terrace, and is the first step in the larger proy"' ject of resurfacing the Hovland Subdivision streets, which is included in the' Capital Improvements Program. This project is included in this year's Capit0li.. Budget in order to begin this process in an orderly and high - priority manner, indicating the importance of such street improvement programs. PROJECT TITLE: Surface Improvements on Remaining Hovland Streets DESCRIPTION: This project, which has been assigned an approximate cost of $250,000.00, is an extension of the project described as the surface improvement of Gordon Terrace for Fiscal Year 1973 -1974. PROJECT TITLE: FUNDING SOURCE: OVERALL COST: Chemical Grouting, TV Inspection, and Rennovation of Existing Sewers Revenues, or other possible sources such as Revenue Sharing $47,000.00, Village Share: (Same) DESCRIPTION: This project, proposed by the Public Works Director, is an adjunct to the Bond Issue improvements of both the storm sewer network and the LSewage Treatment Plant. This additional project, carried out on a yearly basis, (the amount offered above represents approximately the coverage of 2 miles of sanitary sewer grouted, 2 miles of TV inspection, and rennovation of existing lines as necessary), would assure the constant surveilance of the Village's sewers for infiltration, soon to be prohibited under EPA standards. Hence, this project goes along with the Comprehensive Plan's intent of overall improvement of the sewer system and prevention of problems associated with dilapidated lines. -69- PROJECT TITLE: Village Garage Security Fence Program FUNDING SOURCE: Street and Bridge Budget OVERALL COST: $5,000.00, Village Share: (Same) DESCRIPTION: This project, set up to span five years, at a cost of $1,000.00 per year, is intended to reduce the potential of vandalism on Village equipment, and the Garage in general. This may be. considered part of the total upgrading of Village service facilities, as it contributes to lessening costs and problems involved in equipment maintenance. PROJECT TITLE: Civil Defense Warning System FUNDING SOURCE: Possible Civil Defense Grant plus Village Civil Defense Funds on Hand OVERALL COST: $17,000.00, Village Share: $8,500.00 DESCRIPTION: This project is part of the development of an adequate syste: for emergency warning for Village and area residents in the form of a siren to be placed at a high point. This would fit the design for proper Civil Defense preparedness equipment, in addition to providing a means of warning citizens - of imminent danger to themselves. The cost could be drawn from Civil Defense Funds on hand in its entirety, or an application for a Federal Civil Defense Grant could be made, sharing the cost 50/50 % with the Federal Government. PROJECT TITLE: Right -Turn Lanes at Lake -Cook Road and Waukegan Road FUNDING SOURCE: 33 -CS Motor Fuel Tax Funds OVERALL COST: $36,000.00, Village Share: (Same) DESCRIPTION: This project is ranked low in priority in terms of projects to be considered for Fiscal Year 1973 -1974 due to current circumstances con- cerning the development of Lake -Cook Road by the County. These circumstances are the uncertainty of the exact number of lanes into which Lake -Cook Road will be transformed. Likewise, the delays currently being encountered in this basically county - oriented project might mean that any work done by the Village in this regard would be a waste of valuable Motor Fuel Tax funds. Therefore, unless some overriding circumstances dictate that the Village must install right - turn lanes at this intersection, the entire project listing might be reconsidered and held in abeyance pending the outcome of the County investigation of re- quirements for the expanded roadway. -70- PROJ -ECT TITLE: Renovation of Village Hall Annex FUNDING SOURCE: Revenue Sharing OVERALL COST: $12,000.00 DESCRIPTION: This project covers the installation of- partitions, new, ceiling, lighting fitures and minor structual and heating .system changes to enable the old library building to be utilized for Village offices and con- ference facilities. It also would provide for restructing of the space utilization in the Village Hall to enable provision for a larger office for the Village Clerk, additional office space for, the Police Departmelit; and a private office for the Youth Worker. -71- L\ APPENDIX II LIBRARY EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER 60 -601 (Not included in Municipal Budget) ACCOUNT NUMBER 1970 -71 1971 -72 1972 -73 1972 -73 1973 -74 % Inc. AND CLASSIFICATION Expended ELc2ended 8 Months Bud et Pro osed (Dec,) 01 -1 Salaries, Professional 459194 01 -2 Salaries, Non Professional 64,131 05 Benefits 1,251 ,... 06 Professional Services 2,000 11 Travel and Dues 2, 000 12 Printing, subscriptions, advertising 700 13 Communications 3, 300 14 Insurance 5,000 15 Contractual Services 89400 16 Utility Services 250 23 Repairs and Maintenance 12, 800 31 Supplies 61000 40 Books 83,000 41 Periodicals 4, 805 42 Audio- visual 31500 43 Binding 21000 '98 Contingency Fund 1, 000 r„ 99 Miscellaneous 10,400 ACCOUNT NUMBER 61 -601 61 Completion of Children's Room, etc. Completion of Construction V N 255,731 4, 000 4, 900 8,900 r r FUND: Motor Fuel Tax ACCOUNT NUMBER 40 -204 Revenue 40 -412 (Maintenance) SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY Expended for 1972 -73 Motor Fuel Tax Funds are collected by the State of Illinois are apportioned in accordance with a rather complex formula where, after certain deductions, 327. of the remainder is allocated to the municipalities of the State on a population basis. This past year it was slightly over $10.00 per capita. Motor fuel -tax funds may be utilized, according to State regulations, for the following purposes Street construction or reconstruction to improve traffic capacity Installation of Traffic signs, signals, and controls. Transfer of up•.to 35% of the receipts to finance Police operations. Sidewalk repair and replacement. The public benefit share of new street improvements when certain criteria are met in connection with a special assessment project. This past year $65,000 was utilized for general maintenance, sweeping, traffic line painting, sign installation, catch basin cleaning, crack filling, snow plowing and the like on our streets and highways. Street Paving was carried out on Hackberry, Kenton, Linden, Beverly, and Wilmot Road at a total cost of $37,099. Traffic signal installation at the High School Drive and Waukegan Road was completed and a final payment of $4,882 made bringing the total expenditure to $57,000 over a two year period. Subsidy to the North Suburban Mass Transit District was approved for $6,552p and paid * Includes the above mentioned subsidy. Per Capita Cost -73- 6.03 1972 -73 Estimated x 1973 -74 Proposed Contractual Services $113,742* Total $113,742* * Includes the above mentioned subsidy. Per Capita Cost -73- 6.03 FIM: Motor Fuel Tax ACCOUNT NUMBER 40 -204 (Revenue) 40 -412 (Maintenance) SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY Proposed for 1973 -74 Paving repairs and general maintenance will be made to the same level of activity of last year with $65,000 budgeted for this work. Street paving overlay a rork..en-4isions work on.the following streets: Wilmot from School Strut north to the Bannockburn line. Elmwood from Stratford to Chestnut. Central from the Bridge to Wilmot Road. Dartmouth from Mallard to Wilmot Road. Portions of Kenmore and Birchwood from Dartmouth to Hackberry. Central from Wavarly to Waukegan Road. Kingston from Warrington to Beverly. The above would be on a contract basis put out for bid as MFT work. The following will be done with Village equipment and.personnel. Osterman Avenue from the RR tracks to the dead end on the West. Portions of Jonquill and Grove from Osterman to Central. Park Avenue from Deerfield Road to Hazel Avenue. Elder Lane from Wa+nksgan koad to the end. Elmwood from Stratford to the concrete paring (new) at the cul -de -sac. Berkley from Sr.ratford to the new concrete street. Subsidy to North Suburban Musa Transit Dist:tct estim9.ted at $7,000 __.. 1973 -74 Proposed Obligated Funds 251,538 Contractual Services $109,592 'Hass Transit Subsidy 7,000 Total $3681130 Per Capita Cost -74- 19.50 SUMMARY OF MOTOR FUEL TAX REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Carryover funds from fiscal 1971 -72 $1599035 Revenue to March 31st 1973 1850863 Interest on Investments 926 Total Expenditures: Maintenance Costs $1029099. High School Traffic Lights ' 4,883 Lake Cook - Waukegan Rd. Right turn lanes 208 North Suburban Mass Transit District Subsidy 6,552 March 31st balance Obligated Funds: $345,825 113,742 $232,083 Waukegan Road widening by Deerbrook MFT 32 CS $150,000 Traffic Safety Study 29CS 1,538 Maintenance 1973 -74 (Street and Bridge revenue) 659000 Waukegan -Lake Cook Right turn lanes 35,000 Transit District Subsidy (estimate) 7,000 Revenue Projection 1973 -74 Carryover funds from fiscal 1972 -73 $232,083 Revenue for April 1973 19,000 Revenue anticipated fiscal 1973 -74 205,000 Total Available $456,083 Anticipated Expenditures Fiscal 1973 -74 Maintenance costs $65,000 Other maintenance 44,592 $109,592 $258,538 Total Available $4560083 Expenditures 109,592 Net Available $346,491 Net Available $346,491 Obligated 258,53$ Unobligated, unexpended funds $87,953 -75- ORDINANCE NO. 0 -73 -22 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD AND FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AND HEARING THEREON BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION • That the tentative annual budget of the Village of ONE: Deerfield for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1973 and ending April 30, .1974, as prepared by the Budget Officer and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees in pamphlet form, shall be placed on file in the office of the Village Manager on or before April 13, 1973, and shall remain on file and be made conveniently available for public inspection during normal business hours from 8 :00 A.M. to 4 :30 P.M. of any business day for a period of ten days after the initial filing thereof and there- after until further order of this Board.. SECTION That a public hearing shall be held on said tentative TWO: annual budget at 8 :00 P.M. on April 23, 1973, in the Board Room of the Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Abad, Deerfield, Illinois. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish THREE: in the April 12, 1973 edition of the Deerfield Life, a newspaper of general circulation in this Village, the following notice: "OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC INSPECTION AND HEARING ON THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD "TO THE PUBLIC: "Notice is hereby given that on April 13, 1973, there will be Placed on file in the office of the Village Manager at the Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Illinois, a tentative annual budget for the Village of Deerfield for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1973, and ending April 30, 1974 as prepared by the Budget Officer in pamphlet form and proposed for adoption by the President and Board of Trustees. Said budget shall be available for public inspection during the hours from 8 :00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. on any -76- normal business day for a period of ten days and thereafter until further order of the corporate authorities of the Village. "Notice is further given that on April 23, 1973, a public hearing will. be held on the tentative annual budget by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield at 8 :00 P.M. in the Board Room of the Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Illinois, at which time and place any persons interested may attend and be heard. "Following the said public hearing and any continuation thereof, the tentative annual budget may be revised and adopted by the said corporate authorities of the Village without further inspection, notice or hearing. "Dated: April 12, 1973 Catherine B. Price Village Clerk" SECTION That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict FOUR: herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That this ordinance shall be in full force and. effect FIVE t from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED this 2nd day of April X.D. 1973 APPROVED this 2ndday of April A`D'; 1973. 14.1 DERNA&D.EORRES1 ATTEST: VILLAGE PRESIDENT 1sl CATHERINE B. PRICE -77-