O-73-34ORDINANCE NO. 0 -73 -34 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT CONSISTING OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALKS AND THE INSTALLATION OF WATER MAIN, SANITARY SEWERS AND A STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND OTHERWISE IMPROVING PORTIONS OF GORDON TERRACE AND KENMORE AVENUE IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION A local improvement shall be constructed in the ONE: Village of Deerfield, Illinois, consisting of the construction of a Portland cement concrete pavement, curb and gutter and sidewalks; the installation of water main, sanitary sewer and a storm drainage system; the restoration of the parkways by grading and seeding, as necessary; and such other incidental work as may be necessary to complete the improvement to the following streets in the manner hereinafter described; GORDON TERRACE From the existing pavement 302 feet East of the Center line of Wilmot Road, Easterly to the West curb line of Willow Avenue, an approximate distance of 2,286 feet. On Gordon Terrace, the improvement consists of constructing Portland Cement concrete pavement to a width of 27 feet back -to -back of curb; constructing Portland Cement concrete integral curb and gutter to a depth of six inches; constructing Portland Cement concrete sidewalk 4 inches in thickness (except at existing driveways where six inches will be installed) and five feet in width; installing approximately 1,022 lineal feet of storm sewer from a point 302 feet East of Wilmot Road to Birchwood Avenue, adjusting existing utility structures and driveway entrances, as necessary; restoring the parkways and other such incidental work as may be necessary to complete the improvement. ON KENMORE AVENUE From a point 120 feet South of the South curb line of Laurel Avenue, Southerly to the North curb line of County Line Road, an approximate distance of 1,080 feet. t i On Kenmore Avenue, the improvement consists of constructing Portland Cement concrete pavement to a width of 27 feet back -to -back of curb; constructing Portland Cement concrete integral curb and gutter to a depth of six inches; constructing Portland Cement concrete sidewalk 4 inches in thickness (except at existing driveways where six inches will be installed) and five feet in width; installing six -inch diameter Ductile iron water main from Gordon Terrace to County Line Road; installing sanitary sewer facilities from Gordon Terrace to County Line Road and installing storm drainage facilities, adjusting existing utility structures and driveway entrances, restoring the parkways and accomplishing such other incidental work as may be necessary to complete the improvement. all of said streets being located in Lake County, Illinois. SECTION That said improvement shall be constructed, and the TWO: details concerning the same shall be in accordance with the Plans and the Special Provisions entitled, "Village of Deerfield, Illinois, Gordon Terrace and Kenmore Avenue Improvements, Special Assessment No. 112 ", attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION That all materials of every kind used in the THREE: construction of this improvement shall be of first - class quality and suitable for the purpose for which they are to be used. All construction shall be done in a workmanlike manner, under the supervision and subject to the approval of the Board of Local Improvements. SECTION That the Recommendation of the Board of Local FOUR: Improvements -of this Village providing for this improvement, together with the Estimate of the cost thereof made by the President of said Board, both attached hereto, are herein approved. SECTION That the improvement herein provided to be FIVE: constructed shall be made, and the whole cost thereof including $11,585.50, being the amount included in the Estimate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements as the cost of making, levying, and collecting the assessment herein with an additional amount of $11,585.50 included as reserve for deficiency in interest, shall be paid for by special assessment in accordance with Article 9, Division 2, of the Illinois Municipal Code, approved May 29, 1961, and the amendments thereto; and $11,585.50 shall be applied toward the cost of making, levying and collecting such assessment and an additional $11,585.50 shall be retained and used as reserve for payment of deficiency in interest. Each said amount does not itself exceed 6% of the amount of the assessment as estimated. SECTION '.. "The aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed SIX: against the property, and also the assessment on each 6, lot and parcel of land therein assessed, shall be divided into ten (10) installments in the manner provided by the Statute aforesaid, and each of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum according to law, until paid. SECTION That for the purpose of anticipating the collection SEVEN: of the second and succeeding installments of said assessment for said improvement, vouchers or bonds shall be issued payable out of said installments, bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum, payable annually and signed by the President of the Village of Deerfield, and attested by the Village Clerk under the corporate seal of the Village of Deerfield. Said Vouchers or bonds shall be issued in accordance with and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of the aforesaid statute of the State of Illinois entitled, "Municipal Code," and the amendments thereto. SECTION That the Village Attorney is directed to file a EIGHT: Petition in the Circuit Court of Lake County, Illinois, in the name of the Village of Deerfield, praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said improvement in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION NINE: repealed. SECTION TEN: by law. AYES: SIX (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: NONE (0 ) That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided PASSED this 4th day of :Tune A.D. , 1973 APPROVED this 4th day of June A.D. , 1973 PUBLISHED PRIOR TO PASSAGE this 24th day of May A.D., 1973 LLAGE VhkSIe7 pro tem ATTEST; VILLAGE CLERK _w.winw p/, p 00 in LEILNER- I.IFE,NEWSPAPEI;S, THURSDAY, MAY =29, 1973 W"cis A& ww u. bvu..., . ORDINANCE NO. 0 -73- 'AN'ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT CONSISTING OF THE CON- STRUCTION OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALKS AND THE INSTALLATION OF WATER MAIN, SANI- TARY SEWERS AND A STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND OTHERWISE IMPROVING POR- TIONS OF GORDON TERRACE AND KEN- MORE AVENUE IN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VIL- LAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION A local improvement shalt be constructed in the Vi: lage of Deerfiled, Illinois, con- ;of the construction of a Portland cement concrete pavement, curb and gutter and sidewalks; the Installation of water main sani- tary newer and a storm drainage system; the restoration of the part weye by grading and seeding, as necessary to complete the improve- ment to the following streets in the manner hereinafter described: GORDON TERRACE From the existing pavement 302 feet East of the Center line of Wilmot Road Easterly to the West curb line ok Willow Avenue an approximate distance of 2,186 feet. On Gordon Terrace, the improvement consists of constructing Portland Cement concrete pavement to a width of 27 feet back -to -back of curb; constructing Portland Cement concrete integral curb and gutter t a depth of six inches; constructing Portland Cement concrete sidewalk 6 inches in thickness (except at existing driveways where six inches will be installed) and five feet in width; installing approximately 1.022 lineal feet of storm sewer _ Prom a point 302 feet East of Wil- wt Road to Birchwood Avenue, ad- justing existing utility struct- ures and driveway entrances, as ueceseary; restoring the park - rays and other such incidental rork as may be necessary to complete the improvement. ON KENMORE AVENUE From a point 120 feet South of the South curb line of Laurel Avenue Qoutherly to the North curb line of County Line Road an approximate distance of 1,680 feet. On Kenmors,Avenus, the improvement consists of constructing Portland Cement concrete pavement to a width of 27 feet back -to -back of curb; constructing Portland Cement concrete integral curb and gutter to a depth of six inches; construc ing Portland Cement concrete side- walk 4 inches in thickness (except at existing driveways where six inches will be installed) and five feet in width- installing six -inch diameter Ductile iron water from Gordon Terrace to County Line Road installing sanitary sewer facili- ties from Gordon Terrace to County Line Road and installing storm drainage facilities, adjusting existing utility structures and driveways entrances restoring the parkways and accomplishing such other incidental work as may be new eesary to complete the improvement, conform to the provision, of the aforesaid statue of the State of- Illinois entitled, "Municipal Code" and the amendments thereto. TION That the Village Attorney lilr- is directed to file a Pe- n in the Circuit Court of lake y Illinois in the name of i�lafe of Deerfield, praying steps may be taken to levy a al assessment for said improve - in _accordance with the pro- ne of this Ordiance in the r prescribed by law. SECTION That all ordinances or RIR6— parts of ordinances in eoZ iict herewith aren to the ex- tent of such conflict, hereby re- pealed. SECT ON That this Ordinance shall be in full force and efie i from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED this day of A.D.0973 APPROVED th% -day o1_-A.D,,1973 PUBLISHED PRIM TO PASSAGE thie_dayof_A.D. 1973 VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: RECOMMENDATION We submit herewith an Ordinance r fo a local improvement consisting. o concrete pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks anti the install- ation of water main, sanitary sewer and a storm drainage system and otherwise improving portions of Gordon Terrace and Kenmore Avenue in the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, to- gether with the Estimate of the coat of such improvement, which Ordinance and Estimate are hereto attached and made a part hereof, and we recommend the passage of said Ordinance and the making of the improvement contemplated there- in. DKTED: This day of ,1973 ESTIMATE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD. ILLINOIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 112 all of said street' being located TO THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in Lake I-ounty, Illinois. OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS SECTION That said improvement - 'FOLLOWS: [ 4UR)— shall be constructed, and tie details concerning the same GENTLEMEN: shall be in the accordance with the I submit herewith the extent, Plane and the Special Provisions nature description and estimate or entitled, "Village of Deerfield, coat of a proposed improvement to Illinois, Gordon Terrace and Ken- be constructed under the Local more Avenue Improvements, Special Improvement Article of the Illinois Assessment No. 112 ", attached hers Municipal Code of 1961 as amended. and made a part hereof. The description is as follows: SECTION That all materials of every kind used in the construction of this improvement shall be of firstclass quality and suitable for the purpose for which they are to be used. All conatruc ion shall be done in a workmanlike manner, under the supervision and subject to the approval of the Boa: of Local Improvements. On Gordon Terrace from the exist- ing pavement 302 Feet East of the, center line of Wilmot Road. East- erly to the West curb line of Willow Avenue an approximate dis- tance of 2,286 feet; and on Kenmore Avenue from a point 120 feet South the South curb line of Laurel Av rue, southerly to the North curb line of County Line Road, an approximate die - tance of 1.080 feet. By ROGER FLAHERTY Lerner Newspapers Stcgff W4ter s A, THE WATERGATE break -in and later disclosures_ ..of an alleged cover -up by high Nixon administration officials have brought calls for impeachment of the President by nearly 51 per cent of North Suburban readers responding to a LIFE newspapers poll. The poll, published in two editions of the LIFE, ,brought the heaviest reader response to any poll tak- en previously by the newspaper. Nearly 400 poll cou- pons were returned from the North Suburbs. Noteworthy in the large number of persons call- ing for impeachment are those who voted for the President in November, but have since changed their minds. Fifty -seven per cent of them now call for impeachment. . IF RESULTS OF THE LIFE poll were to hold up nationally, President Nixon would lose nearly 40 per cent of the vote he garnered in November. The per- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING "THE HIGHLAND PARK CODE OF 1968 ". AS AMENDED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK, COUNTY OF LAKE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS: SECTION I. That Section 118.005 of "The-Highland Park Code of 1968 ", es amended, be and it is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words "nickel golf and football games" "nickel golf game ", and nickel football gams'. SECTION II. That "The Highland Park Code of 1968 ", as amended, be and it is hereby amended by adding ' therero Section 118.007, 118.008 and 116.009, which new Sections shall read as follows: Section 118 00 An annual lic- ense ee o ,000.00 shall be imposed upon each automatic amusement machine used within the City'fbr gain or profit from oper- ation.' The words "automatic amusement machine" are hereby de- flned'as any mechanical amusep ment m- achine or device, the opera- tion of which is governed or con- trolled by the deposit thereto, any such coin controlled instru- ment or device and also includes a game played with any number of balls, spheres or discs, upon a table or board having holes, pockets, or cups into which such balls or spheresmay drop or be- come .lodged and having arches, pins,.bumpere, moveable arms and springs or any one or more of them.to control, deflect or im- pede the direction or speed of the balls or spheres put into motion by the player and includes the modern variety of pigeon hole, commonly known as pinball games. qetion 118 008. Upon payment of t e annua tax the City Clerk shall issue a license in the -name of the owner as licensee authorising the use of such auto- matic amusement machine for the license period ending May 31, following the date of issuance. It shall be the duty of the lf- censee to affix the sticker license emblem or plate in a conspicuous place on the licensed automatic amusement machine and it shall be unlawful for any per- son to mutilate or remove such emblem oL plate from the auto- matic amusement machine during the year for which it Is licensed. All such licensee are subject to the cdndltions set forth in Sec- tion 118.010. Section 118 00 It shall be un- law u or any person to deliver or install an automatics amuse- ment machine within the City for use by any other person for gain or profit from operation unless the tax thereon has been paid for the current year, and the license therefor has been 11 PUBLIC NOTICE The City Council of Highland Park will hold a public hearing for a NEW FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE on Tues- day, May 29, 1973 at 7:00 P. M., local time, in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 1707 St. Johns Ave., Highland Park, Illinois. Carmen Rollery, City Clerk 5/17- 24/73 -117 NOTICE OF CHANGE IN MEETING DATE Notice is hereby given that the regular June 11, 1973 meeting of the Board of Education of Township High School District 113, Lake County, Illinois, has been cancelled and that the next regular meeting after that will be held on June 25, 1973 at 8 p.m. at 1040 Park Avenue, Highland Park. Karl R. Plath, Secretary Board of Education Township High'School Dist. 113, 5/24/73 -127 NOTICE UP HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Public Hear- ings will be held by the Deerfield board of Zoning Appeals on June 18, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. in the Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Ill., to consider the following request and petitions. 1. The request of the Medical Leas- ing Corporation 7574 Lincoln Ave. Skokie, I11. for temporary sign of 40 sq. ft., located 5 feet behind the property line at the South corner of Waukegan Road and Central Avenue. Said sign would be maintained for a mex- imum of 180 days. 2. The petition of Mr. Jack Mathis of 1323 Woodland Drive, for a variation from Sections VII -C -4 and C -2 of the Zoning Ordinance for the following described pro- perty: The West J of Lot 16 and all of Lot 17 in block 7 in Branigar Bros. Woodland Park, a subdivision of parts of the North J of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 12 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, according ro the Plat thereof, re- corded August 5th 1924 as Docu . ment No. 243980, in Book M of Plate Pages 84 and 85, in Lake County,t Illinois, commonly known as 132j Woodland Drive. Said Petition, if granted, would pe permit an encroachment of 6 feet beyond the recorded building line and an existing side yard of 7 ft. 1 in, in lieu of the required 8 ft. That part of Lot 19 in Owners First Addition to Deerfield in Seetio yY SECTION That the Recommendation P of the Board of Local . Improvements of this Village pro - on Gordon Terrace, the improvement viding for this improvement, to- consists of constructing Portland ,ether with the Estimate of the Cement concrete pavement to a cost thereof made by the President width of 27 feet back -to -back of of said Board, both attached hereto curb; constructing Portland Cement are herein approved, concrete integral curb and gutter SECTION That the improvement to a depth of six inches; construct- SECTION ing Portland Cement concrete side - herein provided to be con walk 4 inches in thickness (except atructed shall be made end the at existing driveways where six whole cost thereof,inciuding inches will be installed► and five $11,585.50, being the amount in- feet in width; installing approx- luded in the Estimate of the Preei- imately 1.022 lineal feet of storm dent of the Board of Local Is rove- sewer from a point 302 feet East ments as the cost of making, levy of Wilmot Road to Birchwood Avenue, and'collecting the assessment here! l adjusting existing utility struct- with an additional amount of ores and driveway entrances, as $11 585.50 included as reserve for necessary; restoring the parkways deficiencyy in interest, :hall be and other such incidental work as paid for by special easeaament in may be necessary to complete the accordance with Article 9, Division improvement. 2, of the Illinois Municipal Code, approved May 29, 1961, and the amend On Kenmore Avenue, the improvement menta thereto; and $11,585.50 shall consist: of constructing Portland be applied toward the cost of making Cement concrete pavement to a width levying and collecting such assess- of 27 feet Dack -to -back of curb; ment and an additional $11,585.50 constructing Portland Cement con - shall be retained and used as re- crete integral curb and gutter to serve for payment of deficiency in a depth of six inches; construct - Interest. Each said amount does ing Portland Cement concrete aide - not itself exceed 0 of the amount walks 4 inches in thickness (except of the assessment as estimated. at existing driveways where six inches will be installed) and five SEC UN The aggregate amount feet in width; installing six -inch W herein-ordered to be diameter Ductile iron water main assessed against the property, and from Gordon Terrace to County Line also the assessment on each lot and Road- installing sanitary sewer parcel of land therein assessed, facilitiea from Gordon Terrace to shall be divided into ten (10) in- County Line Road and installing stallments in the manlier provided storm drainage facilities, adjust- by the Statue aforesaid, and each in existing utility structures of said installments shall bear ins and driveway entrances, restoring terest at the rate of 6% per annum the parkways and accomplishing according to law, until paid. such other incidental work as may be necessary to complete the SECT .N That for the purpose of improvement. anticipating the collect- ion o the second and succeeding CERTIFICATE installments of said assessment for said improvement, voucher: or bonds I hereby certify that in my shall be issued payable out of said opinion, the foregoing istimate Installments bearing interest at does not exceed the probable cost the rate of 1% per annum, payable of the proposed improvement and all annually and signed Dy the Preei- lawful costs attending the same as dent of the Village of Deerfield, provided by law. and attested by the Village Clerk under the corporate deal of the ' Bernard Forrest Village of Deerfield. Said Vouchers PRA, AD OF LOCAL or bonds shall be issued in accord- IMPROVEMENTS once with and shall in all respects ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS ON GORDON TERRACE AND KENMORE AVENUE Village of Deerfield Lem Approxiis te Unit No, Description Quantity Cost Amount , 1. Grading: 4700 cu, yds.$ 3.00 $ 14,100.00 . 780.00 Pavement Curb and Gutter Water Main 2, ort an cement concrete 9388 eq. yda 8.00 75,104.00 4,785.00 Base Course (6 ") HIdrent with Valve 1 600,00 600,00 Sidewalk 6 Valves 2 300,00 3. orFTn3 cement concrete 31430 sq. ft. 1,00 31,430.00 Sidewalk (51) ecna ap ng 65030 sq,ft._ .07 4,552.10 Storm Sewer ' 1 500.00 4. TTR "R-=pe 1080 lin.ft. 10.60 11,448.00 5. 12" Pipe Inler Connection 150 lin.ft. 10.60 1,590.00 6. 24" R C III Pipe 330 lin.ft. 13,20 4,356.00 7. 27" R C Pippe 692 lin.ft. 15.00 10,380.00 8. 48" Catch ea:in 2 430.00 860.00 9. 48" Concrete Manhole 6 390.00 2,340.00 10. Concrete Inlet 7 166.00 1,162.00 _ COST OF MAKING LEVYING AND COLLECTING ASSESSMENT AN6 ALL LAWFUL EXPENSES ATTENDING THE SAME AS PROVIDED BY LAW, NOT TO EXCEED SIX PER CENT (676) 11,585.50 RESERVE FOR DEFICIENCY IN I9TERF.ST AS PROVIDED BY LAW, NOT TO EXCEED SIX PER CENT (6%) 11.585.50 TOTAL COST OF ASSESSMENT $216•.262.10 5/24/73 -126 Sanitary Sewer' 11. 410 lin.ft. 8,00 3,280.00 12. 48" Concrete Manholes 2 390,00 780.00 Water Main 13. ct a Iron Pipe 660.lin,ft. 7.25 4,785.00 14. HIdrent with Valve 1 600,00 600,00 15. 6 Valves 2 300,00 600,00 Miscellaneous 16, ecna ap ng 65030 sq,ft._ .07 4,552.10 17. Street Light 1 500.00 500.00 18. Street Signs 1 set 38.00 38.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $167,905.10 ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION 25.186.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING COST $193,091.10 COST OF MAKING LEVYING AND COLLECTING ASSESSMENT AN6 ALL LAWFUL EXPENSES ATTENDING THE SAME AS PROVIDED BY LAW, NOT TO EXCEED SIX PER CENT (676) 11,585.50 RESERVE FOR DEFICIENCY IN I9TERF.ST AS PROVIDED BY LAW, NOT TO EXCEED SIX PER CENT (6%) 11.585.50 TOTAL COST OF ASSESSMENT $216•.262.10 5/24/73 -126 played thereon. SECTION III. That aub- paragraph (A) of Section 118.999 of "The High- land Park Code of 196$ ", as amended, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows; (A)(1) Whoever violates any of the provisions of Sections 118.001 to 118.020 except Section 118.007 through 11A.009, both inclusive, shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense. (2) Whosoever violates any of the frovisiono of Sections 118.000 to 18.009, both inclusive, shall be flned..not leas than $50.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense. SECTION IV. All ordinances or ' parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed; pro- vided, however, that nothing here- in contained shall affect any rights, actions or causes of action which shall have accrued to the City of,Highland Park prior to the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION V; This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, recordation and publication, as pro- vided by law. Raymond Geraci, Mayor ATTESTt, Carmen Rollery City Clerk Passed: 5/14%73 Approved: 5/14/73 , Recorded: 5/15/73 PBblished:5 /24/73 5/24/73 -125 p[ngel2, East of the Third Prin- pal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point In the -"ouch line of Lot 10 in Wood- man's Resubdivision, said point being 10 feet East of the outh- west corner of said lot; thence South parallel to the West line of Lot 40 extended 10.3 feet; thence South 23 degrees East 356. 95 feet to a point which is 305 feet Easterly of the Center line of the Right -0 the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way Company, measured at right angles thereto; thence Southerly parallel to the Easterly Right - of -Way line of said railway 300 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to last mentioned line 255 feet to East Right -of -Way line of said railway; thence Northerly 300 feet along the East line of the Right -of -Way of said rail - way. thence Easterly at right angies to :aid East Right -of -Way line 125 feet; thence Northerly on a curve concentric to the cen- ter line of said Right -of -Way and 175 feet Easterly therefrom 429.5 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 19; thence Easterly 147.9 feet to the.place of beginn- ing, all in Lake County, Illinois, and commonly known as 747 Central Avenue. Said petition, if granted, would permit the construction of an addit additional building on a site of less than 5 acres, as required in Sec. IV -6 of the Zoning Ordinance. At said Public Hearing and any ad- journment thereof, akk persons in- terested are invited to be present and heard. DgERFIELD BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS By: Charles J, Smalley, Director 5/24/73 -724 Building & Zoning THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GOOD MOWER AND A GREAT MOWER, IS IN THE BAG- OUR SNAPPER V -210 PUTS IT IN. THE MIDDLE Enjoy perfect balance and close trim on both sides because the bag is in the middle. Extra large clipping bag holds up to three times more than ordinary mower bags! Briggs & h.p. St or 21 " gin s ass Briggs & Stratton Engines assure easy fNIj and quick starts. Hand-propelled and self-propelled models ... self-propelled models feature 4 speeds forward. CHICAGO EVANSTON NORTHBROOK LIBERTY LAWNMOWER PERMALAWN POWERHOUSE 6081 N. Elston Ave. 2222 Greenbay Rd. 2610 Old Willow Rd. W. DES PLAINES LINCOLNWOOD WHEELING OAKTON EQUIPMENT VAN ZEELT'S G 8 L LAWNMOWER 1530 Oakton 6119 H. Cicero 915 Edward St. Distributed by POWER EQUIPMENT CO.— Elmhurst