10/17/2019COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – Minutes of Meeting Thursday, October 17, 2019 The Village Board met as a Committee of the Whole in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 17. In attendance were: PRESENT: Village Board Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor Robert Benton, Trustee Thomas Jester, Trustee Mary Oppenheim, Trustee William Seiden, Trustee Daniel Shapiro, Trustee Barbara Struthers, Trustee Staff Kent Street, Village Manager Andrew Lichterman, Asst. Village Manager David Fitzgerald, Management Analyst John Sliozis, Police Chief Eric Burk, Finance Director Bob Phillips, Public Works Director Tom Keane, Deputy Police Chief Jeff Ryckaert, Principal Planner Brian Budny, Deputy Police Chief Chris Frye, Police Commander Justin Keenan, Asst. to Public Works Director Tyler Dickinson, Village Engineer John Guccione, Project Manager Brandon Janes, Wastewater Superintendent Desiree Van Thorre, HR Coordinator Absent None Public Comment None 2020 Budget Overview Capital Project Outlines Mr. Street provided an overview of the funding options previously requested. Mr. Burk provided more details on each option outlining the revenues needed and the bonds or property tax increases needed. He noted that The Village can accomplish the $18 million two-year CIP using available resources and the issuance of $8 million of bonds. The total property tax paid to the Village on a $500,000 home would amount to $963 up from $828. Mr. Burk noted A level property tax levy would result in a significantly reduced CIP. In this scenario, the Village would not be able issue new bonds and General Fund reserves would need to be used to continue abating previously issued bonds. This scenario would result in reducing the two-year CIP by $9.2 million. Mr. Burk presented an option for adding a significant amount to the annual tax levy would increase the recurring revenue dedicated to capital each year, which would allow C.O.W; October 17, 2019 more projects to be completed without incurring interest expense. This scenario would result in 63 percent property tax increase to the Village levy. Trustee Jester believes the $4 million from the State telecom audit should be spent on the Northwest Quadrant. Mr. Street noted that $2.5 million in project spending is slated for the Northwest Quadrant over the two years. Trustee Seiden agreed that the telecom audit money should be spent smartly. Trustee Oppenheim believes it should all be treated as one big pot and divided up as needed. But she agrees that the $2.5 million for the Northwest Quadrant is a good investment. Trustee Oppenheim inquired about the impact of the change on a $500,000 house. Trustee Seiden discussed the merits of the Village taking on debt. Mayor Rosenthal wants the Village and the other local taxing bodies to all tighten their belts. Trustee Oppenheim noted she does not see projects that she feels comfortable cutting. Trustee Seiden disagrees and does not want to put more debt and the associated interest cost onto the property tax rolls. Trustee Jester noted that bonds are paid off over time. Trustee Oppenheim prefers the complete capital proposal for two years. Trustee Struthers agreed. Trustee Shapiro said he is in favor of the first two options, but prefers the smaller option. Trustee Oppenheim noted that she does not want to waste money patching roads that have been identified as being needed to be resurfaced. She wants quality projects that will last and a focus on the longevity of projects. Trustee Struthers inquired about the difference between resurfacing and reconstructing. Mr. Phillips noted that it depends on the type of road. He noted that patching needs to be done each year on bad streets until they are reconstructed. Staff discussed the differences between the first two options, noting that the biggest difference is the amount of sidewalk and concrete work. It was decided that no one was in favor of option C. Trustee Shapiro asked Mr. Burk about a possible upcoming recession and inflation. Mr. Burk noted interest rates are low. Trustee Seiden noted he would like to see more of the debt paid by property taxes directly. Trustee Oppenheim noted that the Village has held off on projects due to limited resources. Trustee Struthers noted that climate change may increase the scope of projects in the future. Trustee Shapiro inquired about state capital funding. Mr. Street noted that money is in the State budget to reimburse for the Woodland Subdivision projects this year, but the Village will not count it toward the budget until it is received. Mr. Street noted that the Village has made a lot of progress over the past 10 years. Trustee Jester noted that water and storm sewer projects are important and need to be done now. Trustee Oppenheim noted the difference between the two options is $30 per year on a $500K home. C.O.W; October 17, 2019 Mr. Street noted there is a way to structure the bonds to lower the percentage increase on the tax levy in the first year. Staff will look at scenario A with ways to frame it to limit the property tax rate increase. Mayor Rosenthal noted that the Village does not charge developers for attorney’s fees. Trustee Shapiro agreed that this should be looked at in the future. Village Operations Public Works and Engineering Mr. Phillips discussed departmental budgets and reviewed significant changes. In engineering division he noted funding for the new FOG program and a drone to film projects and get better topography. In the street division, he discussed increases in commodities and chemicals related to snow removing and deicing and landscape improvements and street scape and traffic signal maintenance. In the sewer division, there are few changes except for professional services for the FOG program. The Water Fund shows increase in the bulk prices and training for a new foreman. Mayor Rosenthal suggested reflective tape on fire hydrants. Mr. Street reiterated that Highland Park has over 10 percent bulk rate increases forecast for the coming years. Mr. Phillips noted the increase in capital outlay due to planned replacements of end of life equipment at the WRF. He noted an increase in dues for the wastewater working group. He outlined VERF replacements, including IT upgrades and vehicles that have all been planned. Mr. Keenan outlined upcoming major purchases staff is planning in the VERF for coming years. Mr. Burk reported on a small increase in the refuse fund. Mr. Lichterman reported on upcoming contract extensions. The parking app was discussed and Mayor Rosenthal would like more promotion of the app. Community Development Mr. Ryckaert provided an overview of the Community Development budget. Overall, the proposed budget is 3.69 percent lower than the current year. Mayor Rosenthal commented that Liz Delevitt is doing well in her new position. Police Department Chief Sliozis provided an overview of the Police Department budget. He noted their biggest expenditure is on personnel followed by VERF for replacing Police equipment. He noted the biggest change involves the dispatch consolidation and change in the way the funds are allocated through the ETSB. He noted that staff is working on bringing Riverwoods fully into the joint ETSB. He does not believe that additional personnel is needed in dispatch at this time. However, new Starcom radios will need to be purchased next year. He noted the cost could be covered by the 9-1-1 surcharge. C.O.W; October 17, 2019 He discussed the proposed District 109 school resource officer, which is budgeted. He discussed the possible change of uniform color to one that is more readily available to purchase. Trustee Struthers inquired about the Takeda emergency response location going forward. Chief Sliozis noted that staff is revisiting that. Ms. Glowacz noted that Highland Park is the Village’s designated center to take over in case of an outage. Trustee Oppenheim inquired about moving the Police fleet to an electric vehicle. Chief Sliozis notedreliability is not yet proven as it can cause issues the electric load required for some in-squad equipment. Trustee Shapiro noted he would like to have active incident training for the Village Board. Mr. Ryckaert noted the Plan Commission should receive the training as well. Finance Department Mr. Burk provided highlights from the Finance Department budget. He noted that the Portillo’s tax agreement is ending. Administration Mr. Lichterman provided a review of the Administration Department. He noted increases in contractual services for IT, printing and other services. Corporation council is flat for next year. He noted new funds are included for strategic planning. He noted slight increases for the taxi subsidy program and Family Days. Adjournment Trustee Benton made a motion to adjourn into closed session pursuant to Section C (1) of the Open Meetings Act. The motion was seconded by Trustee Seiden. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 4:56 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, David Fitzgerald-Sullivan Management Analyst