O-18-10VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) IIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIlI IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII I II IIII Image# 061714940012 Type: ORD Recorded: 01/07/2022 at 12:29:52 PM Receipt#: 2022-00001742 Page 1 of 12 Fees: $50.00 Lake County IL Recorder Mary Ellen Vanderventer Recorder File7859791 The undersigned hereby certifies that he is the duly appointed Deputy Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the attached is a true and accurate copy of Ordinance 0-18-10 Dated this December 2, 2021 Authorizing an Amendment to the Special Use for Tennaqua Swim and Racquet Club to Allow Renovations Pursuant to a Master Plan I .."I i ., - - L DANIEL VAN DUSEN Deputy Village Clerk Prepared by and after recording return to Daniel Van Dusen Village of Deerfield 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 J`� 850 WAUKEGAN ROAD DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS 60015 TELEPHONE 847.945.5000 FAX 847.945.0214 43 SOUTH VAIL AVENUE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60005 P 847.392.9200 F 847.392.9009 March 9, 2018 Plan Commission Submittal Amending the Existing Special Use For Tennaqua One Tennaqua Lane Deerfield, Illinois Tennaqua is a private equity, family oriented club founded in 1958. The current membership consists of 170 families with full memberships and 35 families with winter memberships; the maximum allowed membership by charter is 270 families and that remains unchanged. Full membership was achieved in the 60’s and 70’s with a waiting list and achieving this once again is a goal. Tennaqua is evaluating the condition the existing facilities and the desired improvements and enhancements to the club. The long range planning committee has established a master plan outlining the various improvements desired, as well as the necessary renovation or replacement of the existing structures on the grounds. These various improvements will enable the club to maintain viability well into the future. It is envisioned (hoped) that the master plan would be implemented over the next six to eight years, sooner if possible. The order in which the various items will be implemented is still open and subject to fundraising and economic conditions. The master plan consists of the following items: 1. Renovating the four existing Har-Tru (clay) tennis courts, two of which (courts 1 & 2) are currently lighted. There will be no change to the existing 10’-0” tennis court fencing. 2. Add lights to courts 3 and 4, and replace all of the existing light fixtures on courts 1 and 2 to match the new fixtures. The existing light poles on courts 1 and 2 are brown and 30 feet high; the new poles will match the existing. Fixture information (600W LED) is attached. 3. Provide viewing/resting areas east of courts 1 and 3 and add trees and enhance the landscaping along the adjacent path. 4. Relocate courts 5 and 6 (coated asphalt) and replace them with Har-Tru courts. The relocated court 5 is 81’-4”± from the east property line. The new fencing required to enclose the tennis courts will match the existing 10’-0” tennis court fencing. 5. Provide a tennis pavilion (25’ x 37’) between the relocated courts 5 and 6 adding trees and landscaping in this area. The pavilion is a roofed shelter, slab on grade and open on all sides. The height to the ridge of the pavilion from grade is 20’-4”±. 43 SOUTH VAIL AVENUE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60005 P 847.392.9200 F 847.392.9009 6. Remove four existing coated asphalt courts (7 thru 10) and replace with Har- Tru courts, in the same location. Court 7, the east most court is 36’-8”± from the east property line, no change. There will be no change to the existing 10’- 0” tennis court fencing. 7. Install two ‘Pop’ tennis courts (40’ x 80’ each, fence enclosed) between the west side of the tennis courts and the highway sound wall on the west property line. The fence will be vinyl coated chain link to match the existing fencing around the tennis courts. 8. Provide for future parking north of courts 7 thru 10, a single loaded drive with 90 degree parking for 24 cars. This area is screened to the north with existing trees and heavy brush. 9. Provide lights, two poles, on the existing Sport Court. The poles will be on the east side of the court with the fixture facing away from the neighboring homes to the east. The light poles will be brown and 20 feet high with shrouds to prevent light spillage onto the adjacent properties. The fixtures will be LED’s similar to those shown for the tennis courts (attached) but 240W. The poles will be 74’-0”± from the east property line. 10. Provide for future parking north of the Sport Court and east of the Pool Building, 80 degree parking for 21 cars. This future parking lot is shown on exhibit 3, which shows the existing parking lot layout and the location of trees adjacent to the future lot. No trees will be removed to add this future parking lot. 11. Provide two additional paddle courts (platform tennis) west of courts 1 and 2 (existing), these courts will have lights that match the lights on the existing courts. The new courts will be 205’-0”± from the south property line and 259’-8”± from the east property line. Placing the proposed courts between the existing courts and the highway sound wall will require removing more of the existing berm. The existing paddle courts are 177’-4”± from the south property line and 130’-8”± from the east property line [Exhibit 4]. In addition to the existing trees and heavy brush along the east and south property line, we are proposing to add additional screening as shown on the site plan. The proposed screening will consist of eighteen, eight foot Norway Spruce, planted at 20 feet on center, staggered. Norway Spruce, are fast growing with a mature spread of 25 to 30 feet and mature height of 40 to 60 feet. 12. Expand the existing elevated deck between the pool and paddle lodge. Provide a roofed shelter (25’ x 42’) on the paddle deck, open on all sides (maybe screened) with an outdoor fireplace and grilling station, 160’-3”± from the east property line. Note that the existing paddle lodge is 159’± from the east property line. The height to the ridge of the shelter from the raised deck is 20’-4”±; the height from existing grade is 23’-4”±. 13. Provide two, Bocce’ courts between the pool and paddle court 1, west of the expanded deck and shelter. This will require removing a portion of the existing berm to the west that was the original sound barrier to the expressway before the precast concrete sound wall was installed. 43 SOUTH VAIL AVENUE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60005 P 847.392.9200 F 847.392.9009 14. Replace the existing original L-shaped pool, pool deck, fencing, lighting, cabanas and related infra-structure with a rectangular pool, pool deck, fencing, lighting, cabanas and new related infra-structure. The fencing to enclose the pool will be similar to the existing fencing enclosing the pool. The existing fencing (vinyl and steel) will be reused (if possible), see exhibits 5 and 6. 15. Renovate the existing pool building as required to remove and replace the existing pool infra-structure. The existing pool building is 119’-5”± from the east property line, no change. 16. Renovate and upgrade the existing pool locker rooms in the existing pool building. 17. Remove and replace the existing club house (2,610 SF) with a new club house of approximately 6,490 SF with covered porches. The expanded club house will include a larger dining/lounge area, pro shop, management office, kitchen, fitness office, fitness areas and locker rooms. The club house floor will be raised to the same elevation as the existing pool and tennis decks and the entry sidewalk will be sloped to provide accessibility for the handicapped. The architectural design will be “shingle style” similar to the existing paddle lodge, see exhibits 6 and 17. A dumpster/trash enclosure, see exhibit 18, will be added as part of the club house project. 18. Remove a portion of the existing berm to the west to allow for a picnic and playground area west of the proposed clubhouse. Provide a lighted path from the club house around the west side of the pool to the proposed Bocce’ courts and shelter on the paddle deck. The lighting is proposed to be ‘string lights’ suspended from 9 foot poles. The combined side yard (east and west) setback requirement is 25 feet (minimum yard of 10 feet). The rear yard (south) setback requirement is 50 feet. The front yard (north) setback is 30 feet. The maximum lot coverage allowed is 35% of the lot area of 432,698.5 square feet (9.93 acres) or 151,444.48 square feet. The existing lot coverage is 1.71% or 7,388 square feet. The ultimate proposed lot coverage is 3.04% or 13,160 square feet. Our goal for this approval process is to have the master plan and all of its elements approved in concept. As we decide to proceed with various elements of the plan we would provide the additional detailed information necessary such, as survey information (including trees), civil engineering, detailed landscape and architectural drawings for permit as required. We envision the construction happening in phases and that construction would start after Labor Day for each phase and that the work would be substantially done by Memorial Day of the next year. We propose that as long as our detailed plans are substantially the same (the Village would determine substantially the same) as we are proposing now and meet the requirements of the Village that the phase could be approved by staff administrative review and building department review without going through the full (5 month) public hearing and approval process. 43 SOUTH VAIL AVENUE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60005 P 847.392.9200 F 847.392.9009 The Tennaqua Board has established a tentative schedule of the proposed improvements [subject to fund raising and financing] starting in the fall of each year as follows: Year 1 [2018-19] - Tennis court renovations, court relocation, light two additional courts, tennis pavilion and Pop tennis courts. Year 3 [2020-21] - Pool renovation/expansion, bocce’ courts, pavilion overlooking the pool/paddle area and path. Year 4 [2021-22] - Two additional paddle courts. Year 6 or 7 [2023-24 or 2024-25] - New clubhouse As the scope of each years work is further developed and budgeted, other planned elements could be added or delayed to subsequent years. Thank you for your consideration. 43 SOUTH VAIL AVENUE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60005 P 847.392.9200 F 847.392.9009 March 9, 2018 Plan Commission Submittal Amending the Existing Special Use For Tennaqua One Tennaqua Lane Deerfield, Illinois Village of Deerfield – Special Use Criteria Response Regarding Tennaqua’s desire for approval of the proposed master plan including additions, renovations and upgrades over the next six to eight years. Special Use Criteria: 1. Compatible with Existing Development The nature and intensity of the activities involved and the size, placement and design of any structures proposed will be so planned that the Special Use will be compatible with the existing development and will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property. Response: The proposed club house and pavilions will be in the same architectural style and materials as the existing paddle lodge. The two added paddle tennis courts will match the existing courts on the site. 2. Lot of Sufficient Size The size of the lot will be sufficient for the use proposed. Response: The location of the various improvements is well within the required setbacks established for this existing Special Use. The maximum lot coverage allowed is 35% of the lot area of 432,698.5 square feet (9.93 acres) or 151,444.48 square feet. The existing lot coverage is 1.71% or 7,388 square feet. The ultimate proposed lot coverage is 3.04% or 13,160 square feet. 3. Traffic The location of the Special Use within the Village will be such that adverse effects on surrounding properties will be minimal, particularly regarding the traffic generated by the Special Use. Response: Tennaqua’s membership is limited to 270 families by its charter and remains unchanged. Full membership was achieved in the 60’s and 70’s with a waiting list and achieving that again is a goal of the current membership. The traffic flow/patterns will not appreciably change as a result of these improvements. Handicapped accessibility will be maintained to all of the improvements. The Fire Marshall has reviewed the site plan and recommended the plans for approval per his letter dated February 8, 2018 [attached in the submittal]. 43 SOUTH VAIL AVENUE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 60005 P 847.392.9200 F 847.392.9009 4. Parking and Access Parking areas will be of adequate size for the particular use and properly located, and the entrance and exit drives will be laid out so as to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances. Response: The existing vehicular access point to the parking lot will not be changed as a result of the proposed additions and renovations. The Fire Marshall has reviewed the site plan and recommended the plans for approval per his letter dated February 8, 2018 [attached in the submittal]. Additional parking is shown and in both areas is an extension of the existing parking lots. 5. Effect on Neighborhood In all respects the Special Use will not be significantly or materially detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the public or injurious to the other property or improvements in the neighborhood, nor will it diminish or impair property values in the surrounding areas Response: The proposed improvements will have no detrimental effect on the public’s health, safety or welfare. Additionally, the proposed improvements will only enhance surrounding property values by updating and replacing aging structures and additional landscaping. All lighting will be designed to have zero cutoffs at the property line. 6. Adequate Facilities That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and/or other necessary facilities have been or are being provided. Response: The existing utilities, roadway improvements and other facilities that currently serve Tennaqua are sufficient for the proposed improvements. Storm water drainage will comply with Village requirements; a preliminary meeting, on site, was held with the Public Works and Engineering to review the options available to address storm water management and the departments willingness to work with us to find a satisfactory solution to all parties. 7. Adequate Buffering Adequate fencing and/or screening shall be provided to ensure the enjoyment of surrounding properties, to provide for the public safety or to screening parking areas and other visually incompatible uses. Response: There is existing fencing and an existing heavy line of trees and bushes along the east property line. There is also an existing heavy line of trees and bushes along the north and south property lines. No trees along the east, south and north property lines will be lost as a result of the proposed improvements. Eighteen Norway Spruce (8’ ht.), spaced at twenty feet on center will be added along the east property line (approximately 235’) and south property line (approximately 135’) starting at the southeast corner of the property to provide additional screening of the paddle courts. APTI Series AF72XFLE450 450W AF72XFLE600 600W AF72XFLE750 750W AF72XFLE900 900W AF72XFLF450* 450W AF72XFLF600* 600W AF72XFLF750* 750W AF72XFLF900* 900W AF72XFLE900-L-T5S-50K-GR-00 AF72XFLF750-L-T5U-50K-GR-05 AF72XFLE450-L-FLF450L AF72 AF72 AF72XFLE600-L-FLF600L AF72 AF72 AF72XFLE750-L-FLF750L AF72 AF72 AF72XFLE900-L-FLF900L AF72 AF72 CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS PHOTOMETRICS