R-21-43VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 2021- R-21-43 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE METROPOLITAN MAYORS CAUCUS GREENEST REGION COMPACT 2 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus provides a forum for the chief elected officials of the Chicago region to develop consensus and act on common public policy issues and multi -jurisdictional challenges; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus' participating Mayors and their communities have a history of environmental stewardship, from energy efficiency, water conservation, urban forestry, and participation in Clean Air Counts; and WHEREAS, it is important for Mayors and local governments throughout the United States to take leadership roles to advance sustainability both in their own communities and in concert with regional, national and global initiatives; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus created the Greenest Region Compact 2 to address environmental sustainability issues of global importance at the local level; and WHEREAS, the Greenest Region Compact 2, also called the GRC2, is built on important environmental initiatives already underway in communities, in partnership with many non-profit, state, regional and national organizations; and WHEREAS, the GRC2 synthesizes sustainability goals already adopted by leading communities in the region; and these consensus goals align with common regional, state, national and global objectives; and WHEREAS, the GRC2 offers a companion Framework to guide communities of all sizes and strengths to assess their current efforts; develop a sustainability plan suited to local priorities; and will offer resources to help them succeed; and WHEREAS, the consensus goals of the Greenest Region Compact 2 will guide coordinated efforts toward enhanced quality of life for residents; protection and stewardship of the environment and sustainable economic vitality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, endorses the Greenest Region Compact 2 proposed by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and agrees to work to achieve them, both in their own communities and in collaboration throughout the region. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] AYES: Benton, Jacoby, Jester, Metts-Childers, Oppenheim, Seiden NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PASSED: November 15, 2021 APPROVED: November 16, 2021 RESOLUTION NO: R- 2-1- 43 Daniel C. Shapiro, Mayor ATTEST: �' ::2W Kent k Street, Village Clerk AMh Greenest Ji'l Region Inop Compact COLLABORATING FOR SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES The member municipalities of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus seek a vibrant, sustainable future for their communities and the greater Chicago region. The consensus goals of the Greenest Region Compact aim for enhanced quality of life for residents; protection and stewardship of the environment and sustainable economic vitality. To become the most sustainable and successful region in the United States, they, therefore, support the following consensus goals of the Greenest Region Compact and agree to work to achieve them, both in their own communities and in collaboration throughout the region: Climate • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions • Maintain clean and healthful air • Develop resiliency to climate change impacts • Engage the community in climate change mitigation and adaptation ® Economic Development • Promote innovation and a competitive workforce • Cultivate local and sustainable development, jobs, and businesses Energy • Use energy for buildings and facilities efficiently • Advance renewable energy • Reduce energy consumption • Enact policies that support clean energy • Engage the community in clean energy practices Land • Encourage strategic development that upholds sustainability principles • Conserve, restore and enhance natural features and ecosystems • Support networks of accessible, well -used, and enjoyable parks • Sustain a robust urban forest canopy • Sustain beautiful landscapes that provide ecosystem services • Achieve greater livability through sustainable land use and housing policies • Cultivate a conservation ethic in the community Leadership • Enlist support for GRC2 goals through regional, state and national leadership • Advocate for policies that align with and advance the GRC2 • Work collaboratively towards a sustainable region Mobility • Support safe and effective active transportation • Maintain a diverse, safe, and efficient transportation network • Support efficient transportation that uses resources wisely • Integrate sustainability into transportation policies, programs, and regulations • Promote public and sustainable transportation choices JM Municipal Operations • Lead by demonstrating sustainable values and practices • Integrate sustainability into all municipal operations • Operate a safe, clean and efficient fleet • Collect and manage data to advance sustainability • 01 Sustainable Communities • Promote cultural vibrancy in the community • Foster a culture of health, safety, and wellness • Increase access to sustainably grown local food • Sustain community principles that are welcoming, inclusive and equitable • Promote a sustainable identity for the community • Ensure local policies and codes support sustainability • Cultivate community values based on principles of sustainability r* 0 Waste & Recycling • Support sustainable material management • Recycle materials across all sectors • Divert waste from landfills • Enact policies that cause sustainable material management • Engage the community in waste reduction and recycling Water • Use and distribute water efficiently • Protect and improve and water quality • Manage water system assets sustainably • Optimize the use of natural and built systems to manage stormwater • Practice stewardship of water resources • Enact policies to protect water resources • Engage the community in water stewardship �n Greenest Region Compact OBJECTIVE E E " > STRATEGY a a a o 0 > v v a + ADVANCED STRATEGY a `c c y' � x GOAL a _= E: a z° z° uo z° `- C1 Establish a Greenhous Gas (GHG) emission reduction target: X >Utilize US EPA's Local Climate Action Framework to plan and evaluate CIO � climate strategies x X Y 0 '^ C2 Measure and monitor GHG emissions X y - E >Measure and monitor GHG from municipal operations X C2a v " C26 'o >Measure and monitor GHG community wide X w C+3 +Verify and report climate action to Carbon Climate Registry X Y_ C+q + Participate in carbon offset program X C+5 + Commit to the Compact of Mayors X COMMIT? Y C6 Regulate burning of landscape waste X X IC7 Facilitate compliance of federal air quality standards by businesses I _ X DEFUNCT Y jC8 Participate in Illinois Partners for Clean Air Maintain clean and iC9 Discourage the use of high -emitting small engines, such as for a healthful air landscaping X � a li[za Reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions for municipal X operations by using low VOC cleaners, paints, and paving practices Establish policies to meet Illinois Dept of Public Health Indoor Air j C11 quality standards 11 Ix I I I Y .C12 Coordinate resiliency efforts with federal, state and regional planning agencies X ROOM TO IMPROV X PW/ENG Y - C12o I >Prepare Pre -Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan Collaboratively manage urban heat islands - X Develop resiliency to C13 climate change impacts +Assess infrastructure and public safety threats from extreme C+14 weather events X IX Y + Develop a resiliency plan to protect assets, public health, and C+15 provide essential services through natural and man-made disasters v of Engage the community in C16 Educate the public about climate change X F y y - e v climote change jC17 Participate in Cool Communities �o' mitigation and adaptation - Inform the community about air quality index and air pollution actionrrrdays ±XL C18 Y OBJECTIVE E o E _ > STRATEGY - N ` w ` w ` v a � :L 'o N -ADVANCED STRATEGY GOAL a a a m a m S o 2 0 z 0 u 0 Z. - Connect local businesses with education training, and jobs ED, a, related to sustainability X Y w Advocate for the development of a competitive 'green o ED2 y`o - workforce' X _- r r , iEM Advocate for new opportunities in the clean energy industry X V Encourage green innovation among residents and local ED4 businesses X 0 `c ED5 Collaborate to support innovation centers X Y Attract and retain businesses that practice and promote ED6 sustainability _ X Recognize and support businesses who practice and promote E ED7 o sustainability X Y - Promote local goods and services X ON -GOING 0 ED8 Create and promote a community brand featuring natural w ED9 r - • .. r r r r resources or cultural characteristics of community X Y r Promote tourism featuring natural and cultural assets of the EDIO community X Y ED11 Promote the economic prosperity of the community X ED12 Advocate for expanded job opportunities and sufficient wages X Energy OBJECTIVE > STRATEGY s c � o E � � m R T O C C ~ a d + ADVANCED STRATEGY a a m m° o o 9 o c GOAL ¢ E a z.z..ic°�! _. ?..M ES > Conduct energy audits of municipal facilities X ION-GOIN- Y E2 Support energy audits and retro-commissioning studies of residential, commercial and institutional facilities X ION-GOINJ Y E3 > Conduct retro-commissioning studies to optimize public facility performance x_ _ _ _ ! Y E4 > Implement operational changes recommended in the retro- commissioning study x _ E5 Implement energy efficiency measures that have a short-term J I � payback (i.e. lighting, occupancy sensors) x Use energy for building E6 Implement energy efficiency measures that have a longer- mand facilities efficientl term payback x WE7 Collaborate with utilities and other agencies to upgrade streetlight equipment and integrate smart technologies x E8 Achieve ENERGY STAR certification for municipal buildings IX 1 WRF Y + Utilize performance contracts to finance large energy I[E12 efficiency projects _ _ X_ Y + Demonstrate extreme energy efficiency with a model Y Passivhaus buildin _ x _ _— + Budget and plan for long-term energy efficiency equipment I� upgrades x Install and operate renewable energy systems at municipal facilities x> Use power purchase agreements, leasing and other II .strategies to finance renewable energy systems � I X PAST PPA�. Y E13 'Support the adoption of renewable energy technologies in the community IT I I m E13a >Adopt codes and permitting practices that support X wrenewable energy systems in the community _ _ _ _Y v Advance renewable > Facilitate access to renewable energy systems through 3 energy E13b collaborative purchasing for residents and business X Y v - — v E14 Procure renewable energy for public facilities x Y E14a >Become a US EPA Green Power Community X Y_ E15 Support procurement of renewable energy through X community choice aggregation Y E16 Develop renewable energy capacity targeting underutilized public properties (i.e. brownfields) — — X _ —— E+17 +Collaborate to provide access to community solar X y E18 Power down equipment when possible X E19 Participate in demand response programs X E E20 Track and benchmark energy consumption through ENERGY J Y m STAR Portfolio Manager X Reduce energy Utilize energy management expertise (i.e. Building Operator — g consumption E21 Certification and Certified Energy Manager) X 4 Y E22 Participate in energy management challenges and programs X Y E+23 I + Utilize performance contracts to finance energy efficiency I ,projects when feasible _ X Y E24 Adopt current Illinois Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and Y report compliance fIx BY REFER Facilitate the adoption of renewable energy technologies (i.e. E25 X solar, geothermal) by adapting building and zoning codes +Collaborate to advance Property Assessed Clean Energy n*1cleE+26 (PACE) policies XasupE+27 +Adopt 'stretch codes' setting higher standards for energy Y efficiency thanlECC — X E+28 — +Enact an ordinance requiring periodic benchmarking for large energy users X Y 5 OBJECTIVE > STRATEGY 0 m + ADVANCED STRATEGY GOAL E+19 + Negotiate franchise agreement with utilities to exercise lump sum payment option to finance clean energy L i C t G I o C E N '� u � O C C d• a i« y .�. a m m 01�0 0 0 o c a c a a - z z u z M - X t E30 ----------------------- --- X efficiency programs to the community E31 Promote the use of ENERGY STAR certified appliances and Engage the community equipment X `o in clean energy practices'E31 Publicly recognize institutional and private buildings that achieve a specific energy efficiency targets x w Collaborate to educate the community about clean energy E33 options x Y 6 OBJECTIVE L E �o a c ti N i d STRATEGY o m d a o 4 m o c c a a y i. A GOAL + ADVANCED STRATEGY T m n c o o Ip Q 5 a a Z Z jv Reduce sprawl by promoting infill development to reduce impacts on natural resources and infrastructure demands kLIbadverse >Encourage the development of compact and complete residential neighborhoods >Protect greenfields and open space _ L1c >Redevelop underutilized or contaminated properties � ea Prioritize redevelopment projects and infrastructure w E investment for transit -served locations o >Pursue transit oriented development and transit -supportive m Encourage strategic Lza land uses in new development w development that - — - O a iupholds sustainability Qzb >Seek public -private partnerships to create transit -oriented principles _ developments aw �T Collaborate with neighboring communities to jointly create sustainable developments L4 Encourage conservation design to protect natural resources Promote Sustainable Sites Certification for commercial and LS institutional landscapes L6 Integrate resiliency into land development decisions Support local food production by assuring access to affordable u land Evaluate proposed developments for on groundwater levels L8 and water quality. Using data such as the Green Infrastructure Vision and the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory, watershed plans, identify key L9 J natural assets, landscape features, parcels with high value for connectivity and ecosystem function _ L10 Conserve key natural assets and open space L10a >Through direct acquisition and management >Through collaborations and cooperative agreements such as LIOb easements _conservation Guide future development to conserve natural topography, L11 views, drainage patterns, existing vegetation, and historic or c cultural assets o onserve restore and LY2 —_ Prioritize the acquisition, dedication and management of lands `w enhance natural to create connected greenways features and IL 13 Prioritize the acquisition of land to protect groundwater a recharge areas a a ecosystems �L1a Manage public and private landscapes to optimize ecosystem g J services and support biodiversty L14a >Collaborate to restore prairie, wetland, forest and other important ecosystems in the community L146 >Monitor and control invasive species in natural areas and throuehout the community ;Ensure long-term maintenance and management of protecte -LI4c natural areas within Conservation Design development LIS Protect and restore soil int rity LSSa ;Enforce soil erosion and sediment control regulations for construction sites IL16 Develop a park and open space master plan IL17 Maximize the amount of public spaces and parks accessible to residents ;Collaborate to provide access to under-utilized land (i.e. utilil L17o right of ways) for trails, community gardens, and sustainable :L17b n L17c Support networks of accessible, well -used L17d p c-1 and enjoyable parks — Z i IL18 5 � _ a ,L18a L18b ,L18c >Optimize linkages between parks and open spaces >Work with developers to integrate and develop open space serves and trails in developments >Collaborate with private property owners to create vibrant nhance parks, open space, and recreational opportunities ,cessible to all residents >Collaborate with park and forest preserve districts >Collaborate to create and maintain hiking, biking, canoe and [her recreational trails ;Collaborate to provide accessible recreational services volving parks and open space X X x llt- Y Y X X Y X X Y X Y v Y MIDDLE FO Y Y Y Y IL19 ester healthy community relationships through the use of 7 2 5 0 W u OBJECTIVE > STRATEGY GOAL ualit and amount + ADVANCED STRATEGY L20 Conduct a community wide urban tree canopy assessment or collaborate on a regional study L21 Conduct an inventory and assessment of trees on public right o Aays L22 Develop and implement a management plan to assure a long term vitality of the urban forest L23 Maintain the health and integrity of existing trees L23a >Maintain the health of trees on public right of ways >Collaborate with utilities to maintain trees compatible with L23b overhead powerlines _ >Practice integrated pest management to sustain urban forest L23c health >Assess structural integrity of trees and proactively mitigate L23d Sustain a robust risks thro h strategic removal and other actions ban forest canopy L24 Plant trees to sustain and renew the urban forest >Continually plant hardy, site -appropriate trees to meet tree L24a canopy jgals >Engage resident in public stewardship through cost -share L24b lantin rograms _ >Using canopy analysis data, strategically plant trees to Lear o timize public health and stormwater benefits 125 Divers- the urban forest for long term resilience Earn recognition for urban forest stewardship as a Tree City L26 USA Harvest and utilize high value wood products from trees that L27 must be removed + Optimize tree planting and protect existing trees for L+28 maximum carbon storage/sequestration and energy savings L29 Manage traditional, cultivated landscapes sustainably L290 >Replace turf with sustainable landscaping alternatives >Manage lawns using natural products and low -impact 129b practices >Encourage community -wide use of integrated pest L29c management to reduce impacts from fertilizers and pesticides >Use integrated pest management strategies for municipal 129d landscapes to reduce impacts from fertilizers and pesticides Increase the of sustainable landsca in in m Sustain beautiful L30 q y p g a landscapes that the community l N >Use native and sustainable landscaping on municipal provide ecosystem L30o properties P services _ >Promote native and sustainable landscaping initiatives ;L30b community wide by connecting residents to plants and information >Increase the amount of sustainable landscaping in the L30c community through subdivision and development codes >Encourage planting and registering of pollinator gardens 130d through the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge L30e >Adopt the Mayors Monarch Pledge _ Maintain beautiful landscapes and streetscapes to enhance L31 gateways, business districts and important public spaces Adopt codes and incentives that guide sustainable 'L32 development that maximizes social benefits and minimizes infrastructure demands L32a >Modify zoning and building regulations to allow mixed -use >Use zoning and development regulations in strategic locations L32b to increase walkability >Promote site design that encourages the development of J j L32t vibrant, walkable, commercial areas Enact and enforce land use policies that protect valuable ,L33 natural assets and support resiliency L330 I >Enact and enforce land -use policies that preserve open space Achieve greater >Enact and enforce policies that preserve and restore livability through IL33b functioning wetlands d sustainable land use policies that require conservation design best and housing>Enact . policies L33c management practices to protect natural resources 'L33d >Protect sensitive aquifer areas via land use regulations l 33e ' >Protect key natural assets and open space through zoning an( planned unit developments _ L33f >Enact and enforce a tree preservation ordinance to protect valuable trees on private property X Y ON -GOING I Y y X RETENTION BASINS X Y X X 8 OBJECTIVE E E c 'm > STRATEGYo T C 41 IF' GOAL +ADVANCED STRATEGY a m o 0 0 o c u d 5 a d ° Z Z L Z L34 Integrate resiliency strategies into development policies and YJ plans X X �L35 Facilitate the retention of farms and other working lands Enact an ordinance that requires ample sustainable tree and L36 landscape planting for new development and redevelopments x 'L37 Collaborate with state and federal partners to prepare for and respond to invasive pest threats X Y — Engage the community in programs and special events to Y L38 celebrate nature, such as Arbor Day and Earth Day X — Educate the community about the value of trees, native and L39 a sustainable landscaping X m Loa Engage community volunteers in land stewardship activities on Y m public and shared landscapes X — Zw Educate city staff about forest, wetlands and prairie best S s Cultivate a jL41 management practices X m conservation ethic in IL41 Encourage beautiful, sustainable landscaping on private v Y the community property X I Enlist volunteer groups to help in acquisition and stewardship L43 o of public lands X Y �L44 Engage residents through a natural resources, conservation a • and/ or tree commission X Educate planning commissioners about sustainable ixL46 [45 development principles and conservation strategies X .Engage local farmers to adopt conservation practices 9 GOAL a Enlist supportfor GRC2 goals through regional, state and °- national leadership Advocate for policies o that align with and a advance the GRC2 0 Work collaboratively towards a —° 0 U sustainable region OBJECTIVE r 0 s 0 > STRATEGY N > X G1 X N 3 6 a + ADVANCED STRATEGY•` - a � c c c v 10 n � q Q a Q. M I ZI Z v Engage with academia and non -governmental organization to .PS support the GRC2 f X Engage with state and national municipal associations to align PI actions with GRC2 Report local and regional environmental data to advance X _ .P3 national and international collaborative efforts (e.g., GHG reporting, water supply planning) X Share information about municipal leadership in sustainability P4 broadly in the community and externally X X _ .PS Seek recognition for community sustainability achievements Advocate for state policies and investment that support P6 municipal advances in sustainability X Advocate for federal policies and investment that support .P7 municipal advances in sustainabilty X Seek collaboration with the business sector to support municipal _ 'P8 sustainability, (e.g., product stewardship) X Partner with other local governments to achieve efficiency and P9 sustainability %. Participate with regional, state and federal initiatives to plan 'P10 and achieve sustainability X Partner with non -governmental organization to advance I+ .P11 sustainability in the communitv and re¢fonally IX COMPOST NSEAC W O d o J o 10 Mobility OBJECTIVE c E ' a L N > STRATEGY y a o m a a GOAL +ADVANCED STRATEGY 6 _ ,^ 0 0 0 a_ _= z z u z Y Identify gaps in pedestrian and the bicycle networks and barriers M1 to active modes of travel X Create a bicycle and pedestrian plan to improve connectivity in the C MI (community and beyond X — X • • • • M3 Implement recommendations from the bicycle and pedestrian plan Y - •43o >Earn Bicycle Friendly Community designation X _ Y X • • • • '.43b >Earn Walk Friendly Community designation Y v y Collaborate with regional partners to connect on -and off -road M4 bicycle facilities with existing and planned regional trail networks Ix Provide bicycle parking at municipal facilities, business districts Y MS and transit stations and in neighborhoods X . — Maintain streets and sidewalks for efficiency and safety without M6 harming natural resources X X M7 Maintain efficient traffic flow within and around the community M8 Synchronize traffic signals to reduce vehicle idling X ` Incorporate sustainable roadways into capital improvement .' M9 planning, proactively plan for major transportation infrastructure 2 improvements X Collaborate to develop transportation infrastructure with content Y JIL.• M10 sensitivity X COMPLETE 57 o` Coordinate with regional transportation agencies to maximize • M11 bicycle, pedestrian, vehicular transit, and rail connectivity and n c mobility X X M12 Collaborate to provide alternative fuel infrastructure at public sites Incorporate trees and other green infrastructure elements into M13 roadway design and maintenance for functionality and aesthetics X + Use the Envision checklist and infrastructure sustainability rating Y M+14 system to guide project development X — M25_1 Support regional transportation innovation _ X Support coordinated investment to improve efficiency in passenger M16 and freight railroads X I METRA PILOT Collaborate to support a network of alternate fueling _L • •• M17 n infrastructure X z Advocate for broad adoption of clean fuel fleets (i.e utilities, m• • • • MIS businesses, other agencies etc.) X w A419 Support strong national fuel efficiency standards IX I Seek both public and private partnership to finance transportation M20 system improvements X Strategically manage parking policies and priorities to advance V Y M21� sustainability _ X ` — W22 Create Safe Routes to School X Y M23 Enact and enforce anti -idling policies for public fleet vehicles X _ _ I _ • • M24 . Designate no idling zones at schools, transit stations etc. X �^ • • • Adapt engineering standards to incorporate sustainable practices M25 into roadway construction and maintenance while assuring public T safety X _ • • • Adapt building codes to accommodate and encourage alternate __ M26 fuel infrastructure X f I •' ' P427 Adopt a Complete Streets policy to benefit all road users X Y Y Revise subdivision code to promote active transportation, i.e., M2E street sanctions that require bicycle facilities and sidewalks X M29 Collaborate to maintain and enhance transit facilities _ tXMao a Collaborate to expand regional transit capacity and improveoservice • 2 . . .. - M31 Expand local transit connections to meet identified needs w X REVA Collaborate to provide multi -modal transportation options to • M32 resolve the first and last mile barrier X SHUTTLE BUG = Encourage municipal employees to use alternative modes of M33 transportation to commute to work X _ _ X +434 Encourage residents and visitors to walk and bike Y M35 Promote the availability of regional transit options — -X _ — Y Mobility t OBJECTIVE £ o� _ a > w a a >STRATEGY « + ADVANCED STRATEGY a a I GOAL a I E Z Z u PW RR36 Collaborate with the community's largest employers to offer flex ❑ 06 scheduling, telecommuting, public and active transportation X 1 _ — — — = IV137 Educate the community on the negative impacts of car idling X [ Y p _ nchoic- 14938 Advocate for mass transit funding X _ AR39 Encourage active transportation and community building in an open streets event X 12 CLIMATE OBJECTIVE •6 o� E e � m � � > STRATEGY > T u w c ° u 'o o A m GOAL + ADVANCED STRATEGY d a tu V Q d d Z Zi Z ZI Support or create an interdisciplinary team to coordinate M01 internal sustainability efforts _ X X Moz Dedicate staff to direct sustainability initiatives Leverage state/federal and private grants and resources to M03 advance sustainability X Educate and train staff on sustainability practices X M04 Achieve third party certification for sustainable public Y MOS facilities X >Achieve LEED or Green Globes certification for public _v n E MOSa buildings X Y >Achieve Sustainable Sites Certification for public M056 a landscapes X Y >Achieve ENVISION certification for public infrastructure X Y J M05c Formalize sustainability goals and plans X M06 f M060 >Adopt the Greenest Region Compact X Y >Use the GRC Framework to create a sustainability plan and M066 formally adopt it X Y Consolidate and/or share the delivery of public services MO+7 _ with other local governments X Y + Establish municipal finance practices to re -invest cost Mo+s .savings into sustainability initiatives X AGG 2.0 M09 Adopt an environmental purchasing policy X X X M010 o Extend useful life of physical assets Manage special events sustainably X Y . M011 X 1410+12 Integrate sustainability into capital planning a MO+13 Inventory, assess and manage municipal assets sustainably X MO14 Operate a safe, clean and efficient fleet X X Y M0140 >Conduct baseline fleet analysis >Optimize fleet performance by reconciling tasks and M0146 II vehicle Noes X >Increase fleet efficiency through driver education and av M014c — • training X I I Ix Y n M014d >Modify and retrofit vehicles to use alternate fuels 'c M014d > Migrate fleet to alternate fuel vehicles I Ix I I I Y g 1W.015 >Certify as an IEPA Illinois Green Fleet X Y Y >Join Chicago Area Clean Cities Coalition and report M015 reduction of petroleum fuel consumption annually X + Collaborate with businesses, industry leaders and other MO+17 agencies to develop alternative fuel infrastructure X X Y M018 Track, analyze and manage data to advance sustainability X v10180 >Establish performance metrics X ',1018b >Collect and organize data X m doto to adv V1018c >Report and share data o e 1018d >Continue to track and monitor data over time X o + Use'smart'technology to efficiently manage waste, M0+10 water, fleet, air and energy data X Sustainable Communities OBJECTIVE t o s _ D a � N n � >STRATEGY w w d ooa v' e a a a a n R GOAL + ADVANCED STRATEGY —q c a d z° z° u° z° sC1 Preserve and maintain the community's historic assets H I JDAHS m Integrate historical and cultural assets through community SC2 programming r r , X DAHS X FAC u SC3 Formalize support for culture and the arts c Engage community volunteers through an arts/culture- SC4 I ,oriented citizen advisory group X I FAC SCS Foster understanding of diverse cultural traditions Y X LIB/FAC Promote beauty and livability in community design, 5C6 - stewardship, and through partnerships X X SC7 Protect all residents from the effects of pollution Create a community that is resilient and well -prepared for sC8 disaster X Connect community members to existing services that SC9 ;support health and wellness X CLEARINGHOUSE Ensure high quality essential human services programs are sC10 available and utilized X Y Collaborate with state and federal partners to prepare for SC11 and respond to pest and disease threats to public health X COVID-19 -• r Collaborate to offer active and healthy lifestyle programs to r 5Ci2 � residents o X IPARK DIST X PARK DIST a' SC+13 + Support balanced, active play for families Y X PARK DIST SC+13a >Become recognized as a Playful City USA Y + Prioritize safe practices and collaborate to reduce sc+14 accidental injuries and death X X SC+14a >Become certified as a Safe Community Y + Integrate planning, policies and programs to sc+15 accommodate residents of all ages and abilities X CRC Educate and engage the community in a sustainable food SC16 culture X Incorporate local and healthy options into public food- o o • SC17 service procurement and events X X NATIVE GARDENS SC18 Support and promote family and community gardens X localfood ° SC+19 +Analyze and asses the current food system + Support innovative technologies for food production and SC+20 distribution X Sustain Cultivate and preserve a welcoming and inclusive 5C2i X PLEDGE; ON Y community character _ a, CRC Y community SC22 Support social justice and equity throughout the community X Y ° Promote diversity of housing stock accessible to diverse Y SC23 o residents X — Distribute public services and resources equitably in the sC24 community H ONGOING Promote third party certification for sustainable private SC25 facilities X LEED X Y Y 5C25a >Promote green certification for private buildings >Promote ENVISION certification for private infrastructure Y_ SC25b E X r r E Develop and maintain a community brand that highlights - 5C26 v r sustainability X Y — X Y SC26a >Participate in the Green Office Challenge — +Assess sustainability achievements relative to comparable Y SC+27 � cities X 1127o >Participate in the STAR Community Rating System Y_ X Incentivize green building in new construction and re- SC28 construction X Y • Identify existing Code impediments sustainable building SC29 land site best practices X Develop housing policies, programs, and regulations i,SC30 designed to support and promote sustainability X Revise and/or develop codes to promote sustainable 5C31 'o _building and site practices _ X X a rrr 5C32 Enact policies to preserve dark skies Y + Incentivize green building in new construction and re- Y sC+33 construction X — + Require third -party green building certification for SC+34 appropriate new construction X Sustainable Communities 0 OBJECTIVE o Z 00 > STRATEGY A v w w d@ v GOAL +ADVANCEDSTRATEGY ¢ n —° z° z° u° z° Educate the community about sustainability initiatives SC35 using existing municipal communication outlets (i.e., cable TV, newsletters) X Assure community education messages are accessable in all SC36 languages and formats X Use community festivals, lectures, workshops and other SC37 events to share information about sustainability o X , , Distribute sustainability information and resources W . SC38 provided by other allied organizations and government Y agencies X Collaborate to incorporate sustainability into school SC39 curricula X Collaborate to assure equitable access to quality education SC40 in the community X SUST ANNUALLY SC+41 + Formalize an environmental education strategy X X sC+42 + Develop/ distribute a green building manual Utilize strategic partnerships with other community sc43 organizations to promote sustainability X PK, LIB, GO GREI SC44 Participate in regional and national sustainability networks X NSEAC Encourage the community to participate in sustainability, SC45 .initiatives and events X Establish or strengthen an inter and antra/agency Green . 5C46 Team c X WORKING GROL a, Engage residents in sustainability, initiatives through an E SC47 m environmentally -focused citizen advisory group X SUST m !Foster positive communication and collaboration among W SC48 local and regional institutions X = Reach out and remove barriers to include all residents in � SC49 s civic affairs ro X w SC50 Host environmentally focused event(s) X Y 3 Encourage residents and businesses to contribute their time 0 5[51 and resources to sustain the community X — Y Promote green building practices to residents, businesses SC52 and developers I X — Y Create an award or recognition program to encourage and SC+53 I report sustainable behaviors for residents at home X Create an award or recognition program to encourage and SC+54 X Y — N, E su ma z u I ` I Recyc L across sI W3f-, OF Div fro Eno th o su a ma t9 Z En } c a U 2 E CO W � N m waste w w and 3 stainable nagement m stainable nagement mmunity L L a E OBJECTIVE 9 E a+ 5 w w a u � > STRATEGY m 9 c y t d c a= y= q s E 30AL +ADVANCED STRATEGY a 5 a i S Z Z 8 Z !WRI 'Set a specific waste reduction goal: X 1.35 PCD wpla > Set a waste reduction goal for municipal operations X WRIb > Set a waste reduction goal for the community X Promote and practice waste reduction & recycling in WR2 upport municipal operations X X W53 Reduce the use of paper in municipal offices vterial Conduct waste audits to identify waste reduction WR4 opportunities X Y Support exchange of goods and services among residents WRs (i.e. Rummage Sale, Sporting Goods Swap) X -, WR+6 +Adopt a Pay -As -You -Throw program X Support by-product synergies among industries X Y WR+7 X Y WR+8 Make public events "zero waste" WR9 I Establish and strive for specific recycling goals: WR90 > Establish and strive for a residential recycling goal X 1.35 PCD WR9b > Establish and strive for a multi -family recycling goal X > Establish and strive for a commercial & institutional le materials WR9c recycling goal X all sectors wR10 Provide curbside recycling for residents X Provide access to recycling infrastructure and services at WR11 public places X DOWNTOWN Support regional efforts for developing a food scrap WR+12 composting services X CURBSIDE Y WR13 Collaborate to Support proper disposal of: > Support proper disposal of household hazardous waste X _ SWALCO UR130 > Support proper disposal of pharmaceutical and personal 3b care product waste X PD X CD WR13c > Support proper disposal of fats, oils and grease (FOGS) ert waste — — — — landfills WR13d > Support proper disposal of electronic waste X SWALCO Collaborate to provide recycling service for items not WR14 suitable for curbside pickup e.g. clothing, shoes, Christmas trees and lights X SWALCO Facilitate biosolid re -use in the community (e.g. WR15 landscaping) X Y X ENCOURAGE Y WR16 Require commercial & multi -family recycling ct policies . WR17 Establish a construction & demolition recycling policy X at cause WRIR Eliminate policy barriers to on -site composting X WR19 Engage with Solid Waste agencies to manage waste X laterial sustainably Y Ban or discourage the use of products resulting in un- WR20 manageable waste (e.g. plastic bags) X Educate the community on recycling and composting WR2I practices Y_ _ gage the Educate the community to reduce waste by consuming less WR22 in and reusing f Y_ reduction WR23 Discourage fly dumping and littering X recycling WR24 Organize a community wide clean-up day WR25 Engage community volunteers in recycling education and .events X , 16 Water O y c 1 OBJECTIVE _ E > STRATEGY d w w Y; 't a v m a GOAL +ADVANCEDSTRATEGY v <Ea a n1. a " o zzu° o` o z c w1 Reduce community water consumption per capita X >Implement water efficiency measures at all municipal w1a facilities X Y >Encourage residents and businesses to identify and w1b mitigate water loss X — X_ Y_ W2 Become a US EPA WaterSense Partner _ 0 Designate a staff Water Conservation Coordinator to > W3 manage water conservation programs X 9 Use and distribure Participate in regional efforts and programs to conserve W4 ° water efficiently water X Y 0 Provide customer incentives to retrofit using high w+5 3 efficiency, Water Sense appliances and fixtures X X W+6 Provide water use audits to customers Collaborate with energy utilities to integrate water W+7 conservation into energy audits for residential customers X Y Collaborate to encourage commercial, industrial and W+8 institutional customers to conserve water X — Protect surface and groundwater from runoff and W9 ' contamination X ILLICIT DISCHARGE >Avoid the use of coal tar sealants on municipal property X BANNED VILLA V W W90 a ?► >Resolve to eliminate unnecessary landscape pesticides X Y W9b and fertilizer use on municipal property >Use sensible salting strategies to reduce chloride o Protect and tmorovr W9c contamination X Y XO `m water qualify W10 Collaborate to identify sensitive aquifer recharge areas _ Y 3 Support post -development runoff reduction and w11 mitigation X Inventory and inspect septic systems X W12 X Collaborate with regional initiatives to protect Lake w13 Michigan and the Mississippi River NBWS GROUP X SOME_ W14 Label storm drains indicating the destination of discharge Operate an efficient water utility that delivers clean, Pis healthful, water X Y >Control water loss by auditing water supply system using X W150 AW WA protocols _ >Periodically detect system leaks and develop a strategic Y W156 plan for repair X _ Comprehensively and sustainably manage water X wi6 infrastructure _ X Y >Develop a water infrastructure asset management plan W16a to sustain the system _ >Implement the water infrastructure asset management v W16b i Plan to sustain the systern X Nrr rage watt' w16c >Meter 100% of customers with automated reading O system assets technology >Implement sub -metering for multi -family housing X sustninabh W16d X a, customers X _ 3 W16e >Detect and repair water system leaks _ 4c W16f M >Repair and replace inefficient water supply infrastructure >Support property owners in timely repair of service lines X Y W16g through third -party warranty program X — X W17 Invest water revenues into sustaining water infrastructure W18 Coordinate street, utilAy and water infrastructure projects X, 1 Seek both public and private financing partnerships for W19 infrastructure improvements X Riparian communities: Collaborate with other agencies to Y wz0 assess dam performance and support removal when X Participate in the Community Rating System for flood X _ Y W21 mitigation and planning Participate in the National Flood Insurance Program X W22 allowing residents to access flood insurance Implement green infrastructure best management W23 practices on municipal properties X 3 W23a >Build or retrofit paved surfaces with permeable materials X W236 >Install and maintain bioswales, filter strips, trees, rain m Ir gardens, and other functional landscapes _ _ X GOAL OBJECTIVE > STRATEGY + ADVANCED STRATEGY I W24 Encourage residents and businesses to adopt green infrastructure practices Optimize the use op >Collaborate to provide rain barrels, plants and other w24a natural and built resources to allow resident to capture and store rainwater systems t0 rnanage wzs Encourage residents and businesses to reduce flood risks ater their property W25a >Incentive overhead basement sewer conversion iormwon >Encourage property owners to disconnect downspouts W25b from sewers and direct flow to landscaping W26 Enhance natural features of stormwater detention and retention systems _ Collaborate to enhance wetlands for improved ecosystem services Wes Collaborate with regional and state agencies to sustainabl manage stormwater W+29 + Use USEPA Water Quality Scorecard to develop a systems approach to optimize stormwater W+30 + Establish a stormwater utility funding mechanism W31 Conduct a water rate study to determine sustainble rate structure W32 Adopt full -cost pricing policies for water service W33 Amend code to require water efficiency and conservation in commercial and residential development W34 Incorporate conservation practices into new development euidelines and incentives Adopt a water conservation policy and/or plan inclusive of W35 all customers and municipal operations W35o >Enact and enforce regulation to control of wasteful water practices >Enact and enforce outdoor watering regulations W35b responsive to drought conditions Enact policies tc >Regulate or incentive water efficiency for customers W35c protect water managing large landscapes resources W36 Update stormwater ordinance to integrate Illinois State Modlocal— stormwater Ordinance Adopl t codes that enable rainwater harvesting for non - W37 potable uses �W38 Adopt a resolution supporting the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact Review and adopt codes to eliminate barriers to green W35 infrastructure BMPs including cisterns, green roofs, bioswales, permeable paving Allow flexibility (off -site management, payment -in -lieu) to W40 allow developments to meet stormwater management requirements sustainably Enact codes that protect surface and groundwater from wa1 ' runoff and contamination Wag Sustain supply of high -quality public water Ensure drinking and wastewater systems are operating W43 efficiently w44 Utilize treated effluent as a valuable water resource w45 Participate in watershed planning and stewardship efforts Implement municipal recommendations from watershed Practice stewardship Iwae plan of water resources W46 Allow public access and encourage stewardship of community waterways W48 Support regional and statewide water supply planning and stewardship _ Contribute local data on water supply, quality and w45 operations to support state and regional stewardship + Enact a water offset policy for water neutral community Cnnn,ra tha W+50 growth W51 Educate and support the community to conserve water Educate the community on the value of clean and safe W51 drinking water W53 Promote tap water over bottled water W54 Educate the community on practices that reduce (contamination of water resources wss Support private well -owners in water quality monitoring and stewardship X X ETENTION BASINS IRC 18 OBJECTIVE 0 E o b m � > STRATEGY i x u C " e w C w c C 9 N a o d d n d GOAL + ADVANCED STRATEGY q u a C 2 Z U Educate customers about public water supply and Community In wate) W56 wastewater operations through media and events X stewo�dsh?p Educate the community on benefits and practices of green w57 infrastructure _ X Educate and support the community in preparing for and W58 managing floods X Collaborate to teach water conservation and stewardship W59 al. in schools X w60 Collaborate to raise watershed awareness and foster 19