O-13-52Traffic Impact and Parking Study Proposed Fresh Thyme Farmers Market Deerfield, Illinois Prepared by: Kenig, Lindgren, O’Hara, Aboona, Inc. July 26, 2013 Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 1 Deerfield, Illinois Introduction This report summarizes the methodologies, results and findings of a site traffic impact and parking analysis conducted by Kenig, Lindgren, O’Hara, Aboona, Inc. (KLOA, Inc.) for the proposed Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market (grocery store) to be located in the existing Cadwell Corners shopping center located in the northeast quadrant of the signalized intersection of Lake-Cook Road and Waukegan Road in Deerfield, Illinois. Cadwell Corners shopping center provides approximately 80,725 square feet of retail space, of which approximately 13,655 square feet is occupied, with the remaining approximate 67,070 square feet currently vacant. The grocery store will occupy the 30,684 square-foot former Stein Mart store space and will add 1,625 square feet of cooler space. No modifications are proposed to the existing access drives and only minor modifications are proposed to the internal circulation and parking system to the Cadwell Corners shopping center in conjunction with the grocery store. The existing access system includes a signalized, full access intersection on Waukegan Road, in addition to an access drive on Lake-Cook Road that will be restricted to right-in/right- out only turning movements with completion of the Lake-Cook improvement program. Figure 1 shows the location of the site in relation to the area roadway system.Figure 2 shows an aerial of the shopping center, identifying the location of the proposed Fresh Thyme store. It is important to note that Lake-Cook Road is currently under construction to provide a third through lane in each direction and a raised median from east of Waukegan Road to Deer Lake Road. As part of the project, the intersection of Lake-Cook Road and Waukegan Road will be widened and improved to include a left-turn lane and three through lanes of traffic in each direction on Lake-Cook Road, and dual left-turn lanes and two through lanes of traffic in each direction on Waukegan Road. Further, a westbound right-turn lane will be provided on Lake-Cook Road. The result of this widening improvement program will restrict the existing full access drive on Lake- Cook Road serving Cadwell Corners to right-in/right-out only turning movements. The following sections of this report present the following. Existing roadway conditions including traffic volumes for the weekday morning, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hours A detailed description of the proposed development Vehicle trip generation for the proposed development Directional distribution of development-generated traffic Future transportation conditions including access to and from the development Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 2 Deerfield, Illinois Site Location Figure 1 ^ N SITE Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 3 Deerfield, Illinois Aerial View of Site Location Figure 2 Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 4 Deerfield, Illinois Conditions Analyzed For the purposes of this traffic evaluation, the following two conditions were analyzed for the weekday morning, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hour periods: 1. Existing Condition - Analyzes the capacity of the existing roadway system using existing traffic volumes in the surrounding area. 2. Future Condition – Analyzes the capacity of the future roadway system that includes adjusted Year 2020 traffic volumes, the estimated traffic from the proposed grocery store, and the estimated traffic volumes from the remaining 36,386 square feet of currently vacant space in the Cadwell Corners shopping center, assumed to be retail space. Purpose of Study The primary purpose of the study is three-fold. Determine the existing traffic and roadway conditions at the Cadwell Corners development access drives to establish an existing base condition. Determine if the existing access currently serving the Cadwell Corners shopping center (assuming the restricted access on Lake-Cook Road) and the existing internal circulation will be adequate to accommodate the traffic anticipated from the proposed grocery store, and identify any traffic control or circulation improvements, as needed Determined if the modified parking supply serving the grocery store will be adequate to accommodate the peak parking demand assuming total occupancy of the Cadwell Corners shopping center. Existing Conditions Existing traffic and roadway conditions were documented based on field visits conducted by KLOA, Inc. The following provides a detailed description of the physical characteristics of the roadways including geometry and traffic control, and peak hour traffic flows along area roadways. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 5 Deerfield, Illinois Lake-Cook Road Improvement Project The Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (CCDTH) is currently widening Lake-Cook Road to improve the mobility and safety of vehicles as well as to enhance the roadway operations. The plans call for adding a third through lane in each direction and a raised median from east of Waukegan Road west to Deer Lake Road. As part of the project, the intersection of Lake-Cook Road with Waukegan Road will also be improved as follows. The westbound approach of Lake-Cook Road will provide a separate left-turn lane, three through lanes and a separate right-turn lane. The eastbound approach of Lake-Cook Road will provide a separate left-turn lane, two through lanes and a shared through/right-turn lane. The southbound approach of Waukegan Road will provide dual left-turn lanes, a through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. The northbound approach of Waukegan Road will provide dual left-turn lanes, a through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. In addition, the existing traffic signal will be upgraded and new sidewalks and crosswalks will be provided at the intersection. Figure 3 shows the existing roadway conditions, including the Lake-Cook Road roadway widening improvements. Existing Roadway System Characteristics The following is a description of each of the bordering roadways that serve the development. Waukegan Road (IL 43)is a northwest/southeast arterial that is under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). This roadway has a posted speed limit of 40 mph and provides two through lanes in each direction separated by a median that is used for separate left-turn lanes. Traffic signal control is provided at its intersection with Lake-Cook Road and at the Cadwell Corners/McDonald’s access drive. An exclusive left-turn lane, a through lane and a combined through/right-turn lane are provided on both approaches at its signalized intersection with Caldwell Corner/McDonald’s access drive. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 7 Deerfield, Illinois Lake-Cook Road is an east-west major arterial with a posted speed limit of 40 mph that is under the jurisdiction of the CCDTH. The roadway generally provides two lanes in each direction, separated by a median. With the completion of the Lake-Cook Road widening project, Lake-Cook Road will provide three lanes in each direction separated by a median from east of Waukegan Road to west of Pfingsten Road. Existing Traffic Volumes Manual turning movement vehicle traffic counts were conducted in June and July, 2013 during a weekday morning (7:00 to 9:00 A.M.), weekday evening (4:00 to 6:00 P.M.), and Saturday midday (11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.) peak periods at the intersection of Waukegan Road and Cadwell Corners/McDonald’s Access. From the manual turning movement count data, the three respective peak hours were determined and are used for the traffic capacity analyses presented later in this report. Since the Cadwell Corners access drive on Lake-Cook Road is closed due to the construction, traffic counts were only conducted at this intersection on a Saturday. The weekday morning and evening traffic volumes at this intersection were estimated based on Year 2020 traffic volume projections provided by the CCDTH in conjunction with the Lake-Cook Road widening improvement project. Further, the Year 2020 traffic volumes were utilized to adjust (increase) the existing traffic volumes collected along Lake-Cook Road and Waukegan Road at the two intersections. Figure 4 illustrates the existing volumes at the Cadwell Corners shopping center and the McDonald’s restaurant access drives and the through volumes on Lake-Cook Road and Waukegan Road, which represent Year 2020 traffic volumes based on projections provided by the CCDTH. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 9 Deerfield, Illinois Traffic Characteristics of the Proposed Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market Grocery Store To evaluate the impact of the proposed grocery store on the area roadway system, it was necessary to quantify the number of vehicle trips the grocery store will generate during the three respective peak hour periods and then determine the directions from which this traffic will approach and depart the shopping center. Proposed Site and Development Plan The grocery store will be located within the existing Cadwell Corners shopping center, which is located in the northeast quadrant of the signalized intersection of Lake-Cook Road and Waukegan Road in Deerfield, Illinois. The shopping center provides approximately 80,725 square feet of retail space, of which approximately 13,655 square feet is occupied, with the remaining approximate 67,070 square feet currently vacant. The grocery store will occupy the 30,684 square-foot former Stein Mart store space and will add 1,625 square feet of cooler space. Parking The shopping center currently provides a total of 331 parking spaces including nine handicapped spaces. As proposed, four spaces will be eliminated to provide cart corrals within the parking lot that will reduce the total number of parking spaces to 327, including nine handicapped spaces. A peak parking demand analysis is included in a further section of this report. Site Access Access to the shopping center is provided via the following two access drives. The Waukegan Road access drive is located on the east side of the road aligned opposite the access drive to the McDonald’s restaurant and is under traffic signal control. This access drive provides one inbound lane and two outbound lanes. Separate left-turn lanes are provided on Waukegan Road serving both the Cadwell Corners shopping center access drive and the McDonald’s restaurant access drive. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 10 Deerfield, Illinois The Lake-Cook access drive is located on the north side of the road at the east end of the site. This access drive provides one inbound lane and one outbound lane with the outbound lane under stop sign control. As part of the Lake-Cook Road improvement project, a raised median will be provided along Lake-Cook Road which will prohibit left-turn movements to/from this access drive. As such, only right-turn movements will be permitted at this access drive. With the exception of the Lake-Cook access drive being modified as a result of the CCDTH improvement plans, no other modifications are proposed to the existing access drives and only minor modifications are proposed to the internal circulation system to the Cadwell Corners shopping center in conjunction with the proposed grocery store. Truck Deliveries According to the operator, the proposed grocery store will average approximately seven to eight deliveries per day with approximately two semi-trailer deliveries and five to six deliveries via single-unit trucks. Given the orientation of the loading docks, trucks will enter the shopping center via the Waukegan Road access drive. The trucks will proceed via the circulation road along the north and east sides of the shopping center where the trucks will back-in to the loading docks. The trucks will exit the shopping center via the circulation road along the east side of the shopping center and the Lake-Cook Road access drive, turning right to head westbound on Lake-Cook Road. Directional Distribution of Site Development Traffic The directional distribution of how traffic will approach and depart the site was estimated based on a combination of the location, or areas, of nearby residential neighborhoods, the existence of similar-type land uses in the area, and the general travel patterns through the study area derived from the peak hour traffic volumes.Figure 5 shows the estimated directional distribution for the proposed grocery store. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 12 Deerfield, Illinois Site Traffic Generation The peak hour vehicle trips estimated to be generated by the proposed grocery store was based on trip generation rates contained in the Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).Table 1 illustrates the estimated weekday morning, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hour traffic to be generated by the proposed grocery store. Table 1 DEVELOPMENT-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES Weekday Morning Peak Hour Weekday Evening Peak Hour Saturday Midday Peak Hour Land Use In Out In Out In Out Grocery Store 68 42 156 150 175 169 Based on ITE Land Use Code 850 – Supermarket It is important to note that due to the following the traffic to be generated by the grocery store will not be all new traffic to the existing roadway system. Surveys conducted by ITE have shown that many trips made to grocery stores are diverted from the existing traffic on the roadway system. This is particularly true during the weekday morning and evening peak hours when traffic is diverted from the home-to-work and work-to-home trips. Such diverted trips are called pass-by traffic. Therefore, a portion of the traffic to be generated by the grocery store is already on the roadway system. It is expected that the number of trips generated by the grocery store will be reduced due to the interaction (multipurpose trips) between the other uses in the shopping center. Site Traffic Assignment The peak hour traffic volumes projected to be generated by the proposed grocery store (Table 1) were assigned to the access drives based on the directional distribution analysis (Figure 5) and are shown in Figure 6. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 14 Deerfield, Illinois Regional Traffic Growth No growth was assumed given that the through volumes along Waukegan Road and Lake- Cook Road were adjusted (increased) based on Year 2020 traffic volumes obtained from the traffic projections generated by the CCDTH in conjunction with the Lake-Cook widening improvement program. Projected Traffic Volumes – Total Buildout Figure 7 illustrates the total peak hour traffic volumes, which includes the Year 2020 through traffic volumes on Waukegan Road and on Lake-Cook Road (provided by the CCDTH), the development-generated traffic volumes, and the estimated traffic volumes from the remaining 36,386 square feet of vacant space in the Cadwell Corners shopping center, assumed as general retail space. Traffic Capacity Analysis For the purposes of this traffic evaluation, existing and future traffic conditions were analyzed for the weekday morning, evening, and Saturday midday peak hour periods. The traffic analyses were performed using the methodologies outlined in the Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), 2010. The analyses for the signalized intersection of Waukegan Road and the Cadwell Corners/McDonald’s Access drive intersection were accomplished using programmed cycle lengths and phasings (140 seconds Weekday AM and Weekday PM, and 130 seconds Saturday midday) and roadway characteristics to determine the average overall vehicle delay, volume-to-capacity ratios, and levels of service. The analyses for the unsignalized intersection determine the average control delay to vehicles at an intersection. Control delay is the elapsed time from a vehicle joining the queue at a stop sign (includes the time required to decelerate to a stop) until its departure from the stop sign and resumption of free flow speed. The methodology analyzes the intersection approach controlled by a stop sign and considers traffic volumes on all approaches and lane characteristics. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 16 Deerfield, Illinois The ability of an intersection to accommodate traffic flow is expressed in terms of level of service, which is assigned a letter from A to F based on the average control delay experi- enced by vehicles passing through the intersection. Control delay is that portion of the total delay attributed to the traffic signal or stop sign control operation, and includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration delay. Level of Service A is the highest grade (best traffic flow and least delay), Level of Service E represents saturated or at-capacity conditions, and Level of Service F is the lowest grade (oversaturated conditions, extensive delays). The Highway Capacity Manual definitions for levels of service and the corresponding control delay for both signalized and unsignalized intersections are shown in Table 2. Summaries of the traffic analysis results showing the level of service (LOS) and delay (measured in seconds) for both the overall intersection and by approach for the existing and future conditions are summarized in the following tables. Table 3 shows the existing LOS and delay for the weekday morning, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hours Table 4 shows the future LOS and delay for the weekday morning, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hours Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 17 Deerfield, Illinois Table 2 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA Unsignalized Intersections Level of Service Average Control Delay (seconds per vehicle) A 0 - 10 B > 10 - 15 C > 15 – 25 D > 25 – 35 E > 35 – 50 F > 50 Signalized Intersections Level of Service Interpretation Average Control Delay (seconds per vehicle) A Favorable progression. Most vehicles arrive during the green indication and travel through the intersection without stopping. 10 B Good progression, with more vehicles stopping than for Level of Service A. > 10 - 20 C Individual cycle failures (i.e. one or more queued vehicles are not able to depart as a result of insufficient capacity during the cycle) may begin to appear. Number of vehicles stopping is significant, although many vehicles still pass through the intersection without stopping. > 20 - 35 D The volume-to-capacity ratio is high and either progression is ineffective or the cycle length is too long. Many vehicles stop and individual cycle failures are noticeable. > 35 – 55 E Progression is unfavorable. The volume-to-capacity ratio is high and the cycle length is long. Individual cycle failures are frequent. > 55 – 80 F The volume-to-capacity ratio is very high, progression is very poor, and the cycle length is long. Most cycles fail to clear the queue. > 80 Source:Highway Capacity Manual, 2010. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 18 Deerfield, Illinois Table 3 CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS: EXISTING CONDITIONS Weekday A.M. Peak Hour Weekday P.M. Peak Hour Saturday Midday Peak Hour Intersection LOS/Delay LOS/Delay LOS/Delay Cadwell Corners/ McDonald’s and Waukegan Road (signalized) Eastbound Approach: D – 53.1 D – 52.6 D – 43.2 Westbound Approach: D – 50.7 D – 50.8 D – 42.0 Northbound Approach: A – 5.3 A – 6.8 B – 13.7 Southbound Approach: A – 7.7 A – 6.4 B – 13.6 Overall: A – 8.4 A – 8.0 B – 14.7 Access and Lake-Cook Rd (stop sign) Southbound Approach: N/A N/A N/A LOS = Level of Service Delay is measured in seconds. N/A = Not Applicable. This access was closed due to construction on Lake-Cook Road. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 19 Deerfield, Illinois Table 4 CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS: FUTURE CONDITIONS Weekday A.M. Peak Hour Weekday P.M. Peak Hour Saturday Midday Peak Hour Intersection LOS/Delay LOS/Delay LOS/Delay Cadwell Corners/ McDonald’s and Waukegan Road (signalized) Eastbound Approach: D – 53.2 D – 50.9 D – 43.3 Westbound Approach: D – 51.7 D – 53.7 D – 46.3 Northbound Approach: A – 5.5 A – 9.0 B – 14.9 Southbound Approach: A – 7.6 A – 7.7 B – 13.1 Overall: A – 9.0 B – 11.8 B – 16.8 Access and Lake-Cook Rd (stop sign)1 Southbound Approach: B – 12.5 C – 16.1 B – 15.0 LOS = Level of Service Delay is measured in seconds. 1Capacity analysis software cannot analyze an intersection with three or more through lanes. As such, the analysis was conducted assuming a through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. The through volumes were reduced by one-third to account for the reduced number of lanes. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 20 Deerfield, Illinois Cadwell Corners/McDonald’s Access and Waukegan Road The resulting analysis shows that the existing signalized intersection of Cadwell Corners/McDonald’s access drives and Waukegan Road will continue to operate at an overall acceptable level of service for future conditions. In addition, all of the intersection approaches are projected to operate at a good level of service. No geometric or traffic control improvements are recommended at this intersection in conjunction with the proposed grocery store. However, it is recommended that the two outbound lanes along the Cadwell Corner’s access drive be striped to provide a separate left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. Access and Lake-Cook Road The Lake-Cook Road access drive is projected to operate at an acceptable level of service. The queue of vehicles along Lake-Cook Road from the Waukegan Road intersection will at times extend to or past the access drive. However, motorists will be able to exit onto Lake-Cook Road as the queue discharges when Lake-Cook Road receives the green phase and via courtesy gaps. Lastly, the improvements along Lake- Cook Road and its intersection with Waukegan Road will greatly increase the capacity of the intersection as well as the stacking along Lake-Cook Road, which will reduce the queuing along Lake-Cook Road. As such, no geometric or traffic control improvements are recommended at this intersection in conjunction with the proposed grocery store. Internal Intersection and Cadwell Corners Access off Waukegan Road Upon entering the Cadwell Corners shopping center from Waukegan Road, the access drive divides, or forks, providing a north-south, two-way parking aisle along the shopping center’s Waukegan frontage, as well as a two-way circulation road that curves and runs adjacent to the front of the stores. Similarly, vehicles desiring to exit the shopping center onto Waukegan Road must merge between the parking aisle and circulation road before approaching the signalized intersection. Currently, the outbound (northbound) lane of the parking aisle adjacent to Waukegan Road is under stop sign control via a stop sign. To promote orderly and efficient operations at this junction, it is recommended that the outbound (northbound) lanes of both the parking aisle along Waukegan Road and the circulation road that runs adjacent to the stores operate under stop sign control. The provision of stop sign control along both outbound lanes will (1) ensure that the inbound movements from the external roadway system have the right-of-way, (2) eliminate any confusion regarding who has the right-of-way between the two outbound lanes, and (3) meter the traffic along each outbound lane that will better distribute the available capacity between the two outbound lanes. Each of the outbound lanes should provide both stop signs and stop bars. Further, supplemental signage should be posted indicating that Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 21 Deerfield, Illinois incoming/opposing traffic from Waukegan Road does not stop, in addition to “Do Not Block” signage should be provided along the parking aisle so that incoming traffic can proceed to the circulation road that fronts the stores should the outbound queue extend beyond this junction. Consideration was given to convert the parking aisle adjacent to Waukegan Road to one-way inbound (southbound) traffic only between the access drive and the main parking lot. This would eliminate the outbound movement at this location and force all motorists to use the circulation road adjacent to the stores when exiting the shopping center via Waukegan Road. It is recommended to maintain two-way traffic flow for the parking aisle adjacent to Waukegan Road so that not all of the exiting traffic has to travel to the circulation road adjacent to the stores before exiting onto Waukegan Road. This will reduce potential vehicle/pedestrian congestion at the grocery store’s main customer entry, as well as the other stores, and enhance the flow of traffic throughout the parking area. It is recommended that the operation of the Waukegan Road access drive and the internal circulation be monitored in the future to ensure it is promoting orderly and efficient flow of traffic and to determine if any modifications are required. Truck Deliveries According to the operator, the proposed grocery store will average approximately seven to eight deliveries per day with approximately two semi-trailer deliveries and five to six deliveries via single-unit trucks. Given the orientation of the loading docks, trucks will enter the shopping center via the Waukegan Road access drive. The trucks will proceed via the circulation road along the north and east sides of the shopping center where the trucks will back-in to the loading docks. The trucks will exit the shopping center via the circulation road along the east side of the shopping center and the Lake-Cook Road access drive, turning right to head westbound on Lake-Cook Road. Shared Parking Analyses The shopping center currently provides a total of 331 parking spaces including nine handicapped spaces. As proposed, four spaces will be eliminated to provide cart corrals within the parking lot that will reduce the total number of parking spaces to 327, including nine handicapped spaces. The estimate of the peak parking demand of the shopping center with the proposed grocery store was estimated based on parking rates published in the ITE Parking Generation Manual,4th Edition. To provide a worst case analysis, the parking demand for the retail space was estimated based on both the ITE Non-December and December shopping center parking rates.Table 5 illustrates the estimated peak parking demand of the shopping center with the grocery store. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 22 Deerfield, Illinois It is important to note that the estimated peak parking demand shown in Table 5 provides a conservative (worst case) analyses, particularly the estimate using the December shopping center parking rates, due to the following. The analysis estimated the parking demand for the existing Home Fitness store based on the shopping center parking rates even though this type of uses typically generate a lower parking demand. The shared parking analysis assumes 100 percent occupancy of the shopping center. Given the reduced amount of retail space and the fact that a large portion of the retail space is subdivided into smaller stores, the Non-December shopping center parking rates are far more representative of the actual parking demand of the retail space as opposed to the December shopping center parking rates. From Table 5 it can be seen that the shopping center with the grocery store is projected to have a peak parking demand of 257 vehicles assuming the Non-December shopping center parking rates which is well below the 327 parking spaces to be provided. Assuming the December shopping center parking rates, the Saturday parking demand of the shopping center with the grocery store is projected to exceed the parking supply of the shopping center by four parking spaces. However, as indicated previously, the Non- December shopping center parking rates are far more representative of the actual parking demand of the retail space as opposed to the December shopping center parking rates. Therefore, the parking demand assuming the December shopping center parking rates provide an ultra-conservative (worst-case) analysis. Based on this parking analysis, the proposed parking supply of 327 parking spaces is sufficient to accommodate the peak parking demand of the shopping center with the grocery store. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 23 Deerfield, Illinois Table 5 ESTIMATED PEAK PARKING DEMAND ITE Non-December Shopping Center Rates ITE December Shopping Center Rates Weekday Saturday Weekday Saturday Grocery Store (32,309 square feet)122 127 122 127 Retail Space (40,886 square feet)120 117 162 191 Physical Therapy Office (2,500 square feet)8 6 8 6 Furniture Store (6,655 square feet)7 7 7 7 Total 257 257 299 331 Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 24 Deerfield, Illinois Conclusion 1. The proposed Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market grocery store will occupy the 30,684 square-foot former Stein Mart store space within Cadwell Corners shopping center located in the northeast quadrant of the signalized intersection of Lake-Cook Road and Waukegan Road in Deerfield, Illinois. 2. The traffic to be generated by the grocery store will not be all new traffic to the roadway system as a portion of the grocery store traffic will be (1) diverted from the existing traffic on the roadway system (pass-by trips) and (2) captured from the other uses within the shopping center (multipurpose trips). 3. The existing Cadwell Corners shopping center access system includes a signalized, full access intersection on Waukegan Road, in addition to an access drive on Lake-Cook Road that will be restricted to right-in/right-out only turning movements upon completion of the Lake-Cook improvement program. This access system will be sufficient to accommodate the traffic to be generated by the grocery store and the full occupancy of the shopping center. 4. The Cadwell Corners/McDonald’s access drives and Waukegan Road intersection will continue to operate at an overall acceptable level of service for future conditions. It is recommended that the two outbound lanes along the Cadwell Corner’s access drive be striped to provide a separate left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. 5. The queue of vehicles along Lake-Cook Road from the Waukegan Road intersection will at times extend to or past the Lake-Cook Road access drive. However, the improvements along Lake-Cook Road and its intersection with Waukegan Road will greatly increase the capacity of the intersection as well as the stacking along Lake-Cook Road, which will reduce the queuing along Lake- Cook Road. As such, no geometric or traffic control improvements are recommended at this intersection in conjunction with the proposed grocery store. Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market 25 Deerfield, Illinois 6. To promote orderly and efficient operations at the internal junction from the Waukegan access drive, it is recommended that the outbound (northbound) lanes of both the parking aisle along Waukegan Road and the circulation road that runs adjacent to the stores operate under stop sign control. Each of the outbound lanes should provide both stop signs and stop bars. Further, supplemental signage should be posted indicating that incoming/opposing traffic from Waukegan Road does not stop, in addition to “Do Not Block” signage should be provided along the parking aisle so that incoming traffic can proceed to the circulation road that fronts the stores should the outbound queue extend beyond this junction. 7. Two-way traffic flow should be maintained for the parking aisle adjacent to Waukegan Road so that not all of the exiting traffic has to travel to the circulation road adjacent to the stores before exiting onto Waukegan Road. This will reduce potential vehicle/pedestrian congestion at the grocery store’s main customer entry, as well as the other stores, and enhance the flow of traffic throughout the parking area. 8. The operation of the Waukegan Road access drive and the internal circulation should be monitored in the future to ensure it is promoting orderly and efficient flow of traffic and to determine if any modifications are required. 9. The proposed grocery store will average approximately seven to eight deliveries per day with approximately two semi-trailer deliveries and five to six deliveries via single-unit trucks. Trucks will enter the shopping center via the Waukegan Road access drive and exit onto westbound Lake-Cook Road using the Lake- Cook Road access drive via the circulation road. 10. Based on the parking analysis, the proposed parking supply of 327 parking spaces is adequate to accommodate the peak parking demand for the shopping center with the grocery store. 13-112 KLOA - Traffic Study - Proposed Fresh Thyme Farmer's Market in Deerfield, IL 07-26-2013 wrw maw.doc August 22, 2013 Mr. Jeffery Ryckaert, AICP Principal Planner ‚» ˚•··¿„» –” »»fi”•»·… 250 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 Re: Fresh Thyme Farmers Market Cadwell’s Corners Shopping Center Deerfield, IL api(+)Project No. 2013.046.00 Dear Mr. Ryckaert: Please accept this letter and its attachments as supplemental information pertaining to the Special Use Permit application for Fresh Thyme Farmers Market. The following items were discussed at the August 8, 2013 Planning Commission meeting were found lacking or required further information: »¤‹ ‡»†…‡»†‹ ¿……fi»››•†„ –«‹›•…» ›¿·»› Please refer to the attached letter dated August 13, 2013 for the text Amendment request. ¿†…›‰¿•†„ Extensive landscape screening has been proposed on the north property line as well as additional landscape improvements in the center’s parking lot and along Lake-Cook and Waukegan Roads. The eastern property line is adequately screened. Please refer to the attached landscape plans and details. —fi–»fi‹§ ¿fi¿•›¿· The property Owner has engaged LaSalle Appraisal Group, Inc. to provide a written response to the question whether property values would be detrimentally affected by granting the Special Use Permit. Their findings indicate there will be no adverse effect on the surrounding property values. Please refer to the attached report from LaSalle Group, Inc. «‡»fi –” ¿‹fi–†› The anticipated number of patrons presented in the Special Use presentation package was questioned by the commission. The number of 1,400 on a daily basis with 375 during peak hours is correct. Mr. Jeffery Ryckaert, AICP August 22, 2013 Page 2 of 4 fi«‰ …»·•“»fi•»› ¿‰‰»›› ¿†… fi–‹–‰–· Fresh Thyme will receive deliveries six days a week through a combination of over-the-road semi-trailer trucks and smaller local delivery trucks. As outlined in KLOA’s traffic report dated July 26, 2013 and previously submitted, delivery access will be off of Waukegan Road at the signalized intersection proceeding east along the northern rear access drive then south at the corner of the existing receiving dock. The larger tractor trailers will back-up into the existing sunken truck well with smaller trucks utilizing the asphalt area adjacent to the compactor. There is 24’-0” of clear width between the corner of the freezer projection to the curb line which is adequate room for truck maneuverability and two-way traffic as shown in the attached truck exhibit. Additionally, there is a sufficient turning radius for the semi-trucks to navigate the corner of the building but will restrict the overall width temporarily to one-lane while the driver makes the turn. The sound level generated by an idling tractor trailer truck is 72 dBA at 25’-0” and a low speed truck (10 – 25 mph) is 75 dBA at 25’-0”; this level falls between normal speech and a busy office. Refer to compactor section in the documents and the attached Marathon compactor information for a listing of common sound levels. Fresh Thyme is committed to instructing their drivers who may arrive before delivery hours to park in the center’s front parking lot to prevent unwanted disturbances to the neighbors. The table below indicates the proposed delivery schedule: Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 18 Wheel Trucks No Deliveries Produce Grocery Produce Meat Produce Grocery Monterey Grocery Produce Meat Produce Grocery Small Trucks No Deliveries Bread Bread Bread Ice Cream Paper Supply Milk Bread Bread Bread Beer Bread Bread Bread Milk TBD Bread Bread Bread Beer TBD Milk Bread Bread Bread Paper Supply Bread Bread Bread Ice Cream TBD ‡·–§»» —¿fi•†„ We have reviewed the commission’s suggestion to locate the employee parking at the rear of the center and do not feel this is a viable solution. For one, the home owners have conveyed concerns over employees parking at the rear of the center based on past experiences with noise being the biggest factor. With employees starting to arrive roughly an hour before the store opens, there will be numerous opportunities to hear car radios, car alarms and idle chatter. Additionally, KLOA’s parking assessment indicates the center’s non-December parking demand of 257 spaces; this is well below the 327 available. Also, ITE parking rates include factors for employees. At this time, we feel the best solution is to maintain the allocated employee parking to the farthest westward spaces as indicated on the site plan. Mr. Jeffery Ryckaert, AICP August 22, 2013 Page 3 of 4 –«fi› –” –»fi¿‹•–† The proposed store hours are 7:00am to 10:00pm daily. While these represent the public’s access to store, some employees will arrive an estimated hour earlier to prepare for the day and some employees will stay a few hours later cleaning up and readying the store for the next day’s business. ˛––” ‹– »fl«•‡»†‹ ›‰fi»»†•†„ All new rooftop air conditioning and condenser units will be screened with a screening detail that matches the existing roof top unit screens. The following images represent the existing screens and reflect what the new screens would look like. •„«fi» ¤•›‹•†„ ˛––”‹– ˝‰fi»»†•†„ Mr. Jeffery Ryckaert, AICP August 22, 2013 Page 4 of 4 –‡¿‰‹–fi As presented by Fresh Thyme, the facility will utilize a new compactor system. Fresh Thyme has engaged Marathon Equipment as their vendor to provide their RJ-250 self-contained model. This is a state of the art system with rubber gaskets to contain odors and a container designed to prevent liquid seepage. Additionally, an optional ozone odor neutralizer system will be included to further eliminate smells. Operation of the compactor will be limited from 8:00am to 8:00pm daily and will only be activated by a store manager to prevent misuse and reduction of product shrink. The noise generated by the compactor averages 73 dBA at a distance 5’-0” from the unit’s motor. This level falls between normal speech and a busy office. Decibel levels fall over distance. A scientific calculation can be generated to determine the dissipation of a noise level over a set distance. Using the provided data of 73 dBA at 5’-0” it can be calculated that at 100’-0” away from the source the decibel level would be 47. Please refer to the attached Marathon equipment literature. Fresh Thyme is committed to having the compactor units picked-up, replaced and sanitized once a week. Additionally, we have reviewed the compactor’s accessibility for the waste management vendor and they see no issues with available approach to remove and reload the container. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Please don’t hesitate to let us know of any additional information you may need. Sincerely, api(+) Michael Northcutt Design Services + Studio Director + Associate c: Tracy Lindsey, Fresh Thyme farmers Market David Bernier, Fresh Thyme Farmers Market John Gross, Newcastle Properties, LLC Drew Trammell, Mid America Asset Management File LandscapeScreeningDetailsAlldeadanddecliningtreematerialswillberemovedfromnorthberm,excludingthetreesthatareremaining,asdescribedinthelandscapedrawing.Treesremaininghavebeenselectedduetotheirgoodhealthandmediumtolargecanopiesthatarecurrentlyscreeningtheproperty.Allremainingtreeswillundergoatreepruningatthetimeoftreeremovalstoeliminateanydeadwoodandhazardousbranches.Evergreentrees(DouglasFirandNorwaySpruce)werechosenfortheirdensecanopystructure,abilitytotolerateconditionsfoundinthislocation,andgrowthrate.ExampleofusingDouglasFirasalandscapescreen.evergreenscreen PseudotsugamenziesiiCommonname:DouglasFirHeight:40-Spread:20-GrowRate:Color:EvergreenSun/waterrequirements:FullsuntopartshadeanddrytomediumwaterLandscapeuse:Generallandscape,Evergreenfoliageaddswinterinteresttolandscape.Screeninguseforborderingproperties PiceaabiesCommonname:NorwaySpruceHeight:50-Spread:25-GrowRate:10-Color:EvergreenSun/waterrequirements:FullsuntopartshadeanddrytomediumwaterLandscapeuse:Generallandscape,Evergreenfoliageaddswinterinteresttolandscape.Screeninguseforborderingproperties PlantSelectionDouglasFirandNorwaySprucewillprovideproperscreeningandtoleratesun/partshadeconditionsthatarefoundinthislocation.NorwaySprucewillbeplantedintheareaalongthebermthatismostopen,asnotedontheplan,sincethesegrowfasterthanDouglasFir.Bothtypesofevergreenshavesimilaroverallsizeandshapeandtoleranceofconditions.DouglasFir----NorwaySpruce PlantMaintenanceUponinstallationoftrees,properwateringtechniqueswillbeimplementedtoensuresuccessfulestablishment.DouglasFirandNorwaySprucewillbemonitoredforcommonpestsanddiseases;properpestanddiseasemanagementpracticeswillbeimplementedonanasneededbasis.Upon5yearsofgrowth,allevergreenswillbepruned,asnecessary,fromfenceanddrivelane,ifbranchesareencroaching.Upon10,15,andyearsbeyond,anybranchesencroachingondrivelaneand/orfencewillbeprunedawayandanydeadwoodfoundinlowersectionsoftreewillbeproperlypruned.Crownraisingofbottomsectionofevergreensmaybenecessarytokeepbranchesoffoffenceanddrivelane.Anyevergreensthatarebeingcrowdedorshadedoutduetoplantcompetitionwithinconfinedspacewillberemovedtoallowpropergrowthofsurroundingtrees. TreestoRemainBoxelder,goodcondition.Currentlyprovidingascreentoneigh-boringpropertyduetolargecanopy.TurkishFilbert,goodcondition.Currentlyprovidingascreentoneighboringpropertyduetomediumcanopy. TreestoRemain(2)Boxelder,goodconditions.Currentlyprovidingascreentoneigh-boringpropertyduetomediumcanopy.Mulberry,goodcondition.Currentlyprovidingascreentoneighboringpropertyduetomediumcanopy. TreestoRemainBoxelder,goodcondition.Currentlyprovidingascreentoneighboringpropertyduetolargecanopy.Honeylocust,goodcondition.Currentlyprovidingascreentoneighboringpropertyduetolargecanopy. fi«‰¤‚••‹˝‰¿·»ªªºøŁ — ˛ ¸ ˝ ˛º˝ ˝»·”–†‹¿•†»… –‡¿‰‹–fi› fi»¿‹ ”–fi '¿›‹» '•‹‚ ‚•„‚ ·•fl«•… ‰–†‹»†‹ ˇ'• ·»¿†r ¿† «·· …––fi ›»¿· '•‹‚ —˝»¿· §‰–† •”» ¨‹»†…»fir §‰·•‰ –†‹fi–· ˝§›‹»‡ ˝•„†¿‹«fi» ˝»fi•»› ¿fifi¿†‹§ ˝ — ˛ ˝ –fi ‡–fi» •†”–fi‡¿‹•–† –fi ‹– –fi…»fi ‰¿·· ŁŒŁØ –fi “•›•‹ «› ¿‹ '''‡¿fi¿‹‚–†»fl«•‡»†‹‰–‡ ¿· · › ˝ ‚– • †„ »† ‹ »fi› ¿ • fi• »› ¿ fi „» ˛ »› ‹¿«fi ¿†‹› ¿”» ‹» fi• ¿› † · • „‚‹ • ‹‰ ‚»† › ¿ fi „» ˝ «» fi‡ ¿fi »‹ › – – … — fi– ‰»› ›– fi › ‚»‡ » —¿fi ›æ˛ »› – fi‹› – ›• ‹ ¿ · ›æ †›‹ • ‹«‹ • – †› ¿ fi „» – ‹ »· ›æ –‹ »· › ˛º˝ ˝»·”–†‹¿•†»… –‡¿‰‹–fi› '•‹‚ º ‹– «•‰ ˙¿fi… ¿¿‰•‹§ –†‹¿•†»fi ˝»·”–†‹¿•†»… –‡¿‰‹–fi› '•‹‚ º˝»·”–†‹¿•†»… –‡¿‰‹–fi› '•‹‚ º ‚§¿fi¿‹‚–†›‹‚»—fi»”»fifi»…‚–•‰» –‡¿fi» ¿ ¿fi¿‹‚–† ˛º '•‹‚ ¿†§ –‹‚»fi ›»·”‰–†‹¿•†»… ‰–‡¿‰‹–fi –† ‹‚» ‡¿fi»‹ –‡–†»†‹› ¿fi» ›»·»‰‹»… ”–fi ·–†„»“•‹§ ¿†… ‡•†•‡«‡ 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on Both Stationary and Self-Contained Compactors Sonozaire Odor Neutralizers generate ozone from the oxy- gen in the air. Ozone is the same mildly refreshing sub- stance present after a heavy thunderstorm. It indicates that the odors and germs in the area have been destroyed (oxidized). Injecting ozone directly into the location of the odors destroys them immediately and continuously. De- struction of odor results is a clean-smelling area that does not harbor and protect bacteria—ending complaints and assuring customer satisfaction. The Sonozaire models cost only pennies per day for opera- tion and require only periodic cleaning. The Sonozaire models are 100% adjustable to match the odor levels of the garbage. Not only do all models remove odors, but they also prevent fermentation and retard bacterial growth and slime production. The Sonozaires’ newest model 105A (indoor) is designed for small garbage compactor/containers or standard refuse containers, for the control of odors. It works extremely well in waste rooms for apartments. Sonozaire Features: ¤Destroys Odor Molecules Electronically & Prevents Pest Attracting Odors ¤Uses No Chemicals ¤Installs in Minutes ¤Plugs into 115V Outlet (220V, 50Hz Optional) ¤Low Operating Cost ¤Simple Dial Operation to Match Odor Level ¤Quick Connection & Disconnection from Compactor/Container ¤Provides Cooling to Compactor/ Container ¤Free Technical Support CB&I Howe-Baker Sonozaire Division 3102 E Fifth St, Tyler, TX 75701 w(800) 323-2115 wfax (903) 581-6178 wEmail: sonozaire@cbi.com wWebsite: www.sonozaire.com Optional Items: ¤PVC Flex Hose ¤Alum. Flanges ¤Alum. Y Fittings ¤PVC Elbows ¤SS Hose Clamps ¤Weatherproofing ¤Wall Mounting Kit ¤24 Hour Timers (Programmable) ¤Ozone Sensors Sonozaire Odor Neutralizers are industrial ozone generators and are to be utilized in uninhabited areas or in volumes limited by OSHA regulations. Ozone level controls are available. Garbage Room (cu feet) 200 to 1800 405 to 3,240 3,240 to 12,150 12,150 to 20,250 approx volume (cu meters) 6 to 50 11 to 92 92 to 344 344 to 574 Electrical Power (watts) 40 70 125 260 Blower Air Volume @ 0” SP @ 60hz (cfm) 16 60 60 100 @ 50hz (cu m hr) 13 86 86 141 Equipment is designed for 115 volt, 50/60 hz, 1 ph (Optional 220-240 volt, 50/60 hz, 1 ph) AC only Cabinet Dimensions (LxHxD inches)12.4 x 10.7 x 6.5 22 x 20 x 7.5 24 x 27 x 14 36 x 27x 14 (LxHxD cm) 31.5 x 27.2 x 16.5 56 x 51 x 19 61 x 69 x 36 91 x 69 x 36 Weight (lbs) 9 32 58 85 (kg) 4 14.5 26.3 38.6 115A 330 A 630 A Compactor/Container (cu yards) 0 to 4 4 to 8 8 to 30 30 to 50 approx volume (cu meters) 0 to 3 3 to 6 6 to 23 23 to 38 Sonozaire Models Equipment Specifications Applications 105A Exhaust to Outdoors SONOZAIRE MODEL 105A All Sonozaire Models can be provided with an optional ozone sensorthat automatically controls the ozonelevelto a maximum of 0.1 ppm (OSHA workingenvironment level.) S o n o z a ire S ON O Z A IR E 1 0 5 A SONOZAIRE MODEL 105A Compactor Container Chute from UpperFloors ODOR CONTROL IN A GARBAGE OR WASTE COLLECTION ROOM Model 630A shown with weather-proof cover over controls, flexible hose, Y outlet, flanges, and hose clamps.