O-71-24.i; ORDINANCE NO. 0 -71 -24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 (SUBDIVISIONS) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD Published in pamphlet form by the President and Board Trustees of the Village of this 6th day of July of Deerfield 1971. i ORDINANCE NO. 0 -71 -24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 (SUBDIVISIONS) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village of Deerfield, pursuant to proper notice, has held a public hearing upon the subject of certain amendments to the Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield; and WHEREAS, the said Plan Commission has recommended that the corporate authorities amend said Municipal Code as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1963, as ONE: amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking Chapter 9 in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following: CHAPTER 9 - SUBDIVISI015 Article I.,Subdivision and Platting of Land Article II. Subdivision Improvements 9.101 Definitions.) Lot - A portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended for Transfer of ownership or for building development. Cul -de -sac - A street having one open end and being permanently term- inated y a vehicle turnaround. Cross-walkway - A strip of land dedicated to public use, which is reserved across a block to provide pedestrian access to adjacent areas. Alley - A strip of land, not less than twenty feet in width and not more than forty feet, along the side of or in the rear of properties, intended to provide access to these properties. Street Ri ht- of� -Wa - The shortest distance between lines of lots e311nea ing the uTlic street. Building line - A line within a lot or other parcel of land, so desig na a on a plat of the proposed subdivision, between which, and the adjacent boundary of the street upon which the lots abut, the erection of a structure or portion thereof is to be prohibited. Easement - An easement is a right or privilege in the owner of one parcel of land or in the general public to use the land of another for a special purpose, which right or privilege may be created by grant, prescription or necessary implication. - Subdivision - A change or rearrangement in boundaries or division Ines, w e her for immediate or future use, of 3a"er tracts of sur- veyed lands no part of which contains or forms a lot of record, or changes that result in the formation of more than six lots. Re- subdivision - A change or rearrangement in the boundaries or ivision roes of a lot or lots of record, forming not more than six lots which meet all requirements of the ordinances and provided that no public street is sought or required by the Village for construction or dedication. Street - A street is an area devoted to public use which serves or is in en ed to serve as a vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting lands or to other streets. Streets may further be classified as follows; Major Streets - Streets of considerable continuity which serve, or are intended to serve, as major traffic arteries interconnecting the Village with surrounding communities. Secondary Streets - Streets which serve or are intended to serve to _7 -V- interconnect various sections of the Village. Minor Streets - All other streets. Lot of record - A parcel of land which is a numbered lot created and delineated in a duly recorded plat of subdivision, or a parcel of land which has been.conveyed by the identical description by deed of record prior to June 2, 1924, or which at the time of the last division or separation from a larger tract by conveyance of record met the then existing area and frontage requirements as established by ordinance then in force in the Village and which after such separation and Chapter 9 - Subdilisions Page 2. division left remaining of such original parcel an area equal to the then minimum area requirements of the ordinance then in force. Official Ville e Plan.- The official plan of the Village shall be construed o include the definition in Article V of Chapter 10 of this Code. Final Plat - A plat of the tentatively approved layout of a subdivi- sioT n containing all signatures of certification necessary to the re- cording of same in the office of the County Clerk as, provided in subsequent sections of this Code, the Zoning Ordinance and similar regulatory documents. Preliminary Plats - A plat provided to the Plan Commission and /or Village oar for the purpoDe of discussing a proposed subdivision .or resubdivision, said plat meeting the requirements of subsequent sections of this Code. 9.102 Jurisdiction.) a. Whenever any subdivision or resubdivision of land shall hereafter be laid out within the incorporated limits of the Village, or within contiguous territory and not more than 1 -1/2 miles beyond the incorporated boundary of the Village, the subdivider thereof or his agent shall submit both a preliminary and a final subdivision plat to the Village for the recommendation of the Plan Commission and shall not be effective until approved by the Board of Trustees. Said plans, proposed improvements, and all procedures relating thereto shall in all respects be in full compliance with the regulations hereinafter contained in this ordinance. All lands offered to the Village for use as streets, highways, alleys, parks and other public use, shall be referred to the Plan Commission for review and recommendation before being accepted by the President and Board of Trustees. b. Subdivision of land lying outside of the Village and within 1 -1/2 miles of the Village limits presented for approval in accordance with the requirements of this article. c. No land shall, after the adoption of these regulations be sub- divided or filed for record, nor any street laid out, nor any improvements made to the land, until the plan or plans of the sub- division or street dedications shall have been certified to and approved by action of the Board of Trustees. This approval must be in writing and placed on the original tracing of the final plats as provided for in this article. d. No improvements, such as sidewalks, water supply, storm water drainage, sewerage facilities, gas service, electric service or lighting, or grading, paving or surfacing of streets, shall hereafter be made within any such subdivision by any owner or owners or his or their agent or by any public service corporation at the request of such owner or owners or his or their agent until the plans for the subdivision and also the general plans for improvements thereto have been formally recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the Board of Trustees. 9.103 Design Standards.) a. Streets - The subdivision of land, or the dedication of land for public streets, highways, alleys or other public use should give due "Ohapter 9 - Subdilisions consideration to the Official Plan of the Village. Page 3. b. Parks - Each subdivision plat shall designate such areas as may be needed for such school sites, ark sites, or other public lands in conformance with the &fficial Pan of the Village. Lands so designated can not be used for any other purpose for one year following the approval of the plat; if such land is not acquired by purchase or condemnation by the appropriate board or commission within one year after approval it may be used in any manner consistent with the ordinances applicable thereto. c. Minimum Standards for Streets and Easements - All rights -of -way shall conform to the following minimum dimensions: Major streets 100 feet Secondary streets 80 feet Minor streets 60 feet Cul -de -sacs 60 feet Crosswalkways 10 feet Utility easements 10 feet Alleys 20 feet to 40 feet Clear visibility, measured along the center line of the street, shall be provided for at least 300 feet on all primary streets, 200 feet on all other streets. It must be evidenced that all street intersections and confluences encourage safe traffic flow. The maximum length cul -de -sac shall be 300 feet measured along the center line from the intersection at origin through center line of circle to end of right -of -way. Each cul -de -sac shall have a terminus of nearly circular shape with a minimum diameter of 100 feet. The minimum length cul -de -sac shall be 50 feet. It shall be unlawful to use any street names which will duplicate, or be confused with, the names of existing streets. Existing street names must be projected wherever possible. All street names must be approved by the Board of Trustees. d. Block Standards - The maximum length of blocks shall be 1320 feet. All blocks over 660 feet will ordinarily require crosswalkways at the approximate centers. The use of additional access to schools, parks, or other similar destinations will be specified by the Plan Commiss- ion and the Board of Trustees. Blocks intended for commercial and industrial use must be designated as such and the plans must show adequate off - street areas to provide for parking, loading docks and such other facilities that may be required to accommodate motor vehicles. e. Lot Standards - The minimum lot dimensions for residential development shall be 75 feet at the established building line, and not less than 110 feet in minimum depth and containing not less than 9000 square feet in area, where permitted under the provisions of the Toning tbrdinance . Wherever in this article there is reference to, or requirement for a minimum area or maximum width or depth, any part of such lot that is subject to an easement to a drainage district for egress or ingress in connection with the maintenance or improvement of a ditch or Cha'pt'er 9 - Subdilisions I Page 4. waterway for surface water drainage shall not be considered in com- puting such area, width or depth, and the requirement of this ordinance for area, width and depth shall be computed without counting the area subject to such easement. Corner lots, for residential use, shall have sufficient width to per- mit appropriate setbacks from, and orientation to both streets. All lots shall abut on an improved street. Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street lines. Lots other than corner lots shall not have frontage on more than one street. f. Natural features. In the subdividing of any land within the Village or within 1 -1/2 miles of the corporate limits, due regard shall be shown for all natural features, such as tree growth, water Gources, historic spots or similar conditions which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the proposed development. 9.104 Procedure and requirements.) a. Prefiling Conference - Any owner of land which is within the corporate limits of the Village, or within 1 -1/2 miles of such limits in unincorporated land, wishing to divide the same into building lots for the purpose of sale, or assessment, or both, or wishing to dedicate streets, alleys or other lands for public use, shall, through the office of the Village Manager, arrange for a meeting with the Plan Commission for the purpose of preliminary discussions prior to formal application for subdivision or resubdivision. b. Preliminary Plat - Four copies of the preliminary plat must be - aresented at the public meeting to the Plan Commission. The prelimi- nary plat must be accompanied by the following: 1. Affidavit of Notification of property owners and others suggested by the Plan Commission within 250 feet of boundaries of the property to be subdivided. Such notification must be made not less than 15 nor more than 30 days prior to date plat is submitted to the Plan Commission at a public meeting. 2. Check list showing compliance to plat design requirements. 3. Check list showing compliance to zoning ordinance. c. Approval of Preliminary Plat - The Plan Commission may request the Village Engineer to make recommendations regarding streets and public improvements. The Plan Commission will review the preliminary plat and make written recommendations to the Village Board usually within 60 days from date plat submitted at public meeting. In all cases where variations from provisions of and standards of this Chapter or the Zoning Ordinance are requested by the owners and recommended by the Plan Commission, the Plan Commission shall specify such variations with particularity in its written recommendations to the Village Board. The Village Board may accept, reject or refer preliminary plat back to the Plan Commission for further study. d. Final Plat (Linen) - Following approval of the preliminary plat by the Village Board, the final plat must be accompanied by the following: ­Chapter 9 - Subdi{isions Page 5. 1. Check list showing compliance to plat design requirements and standards. 2. Written statements signed by owners and subdivider accepting all variations, covenants, agreements or other conditions upon which the preliminary plat was approved. e. Approval of Final Plat - The Plan Commission will present the final plat to the Village Board together with the Plan Commission's final written recommendations. f. Filing - The final plat must be recorded with the County Clerk within twelve months of Village Board approval of the preliminary plat and within three months after Village Board approval of final plat. The Village Board may allow extensions for development of land by sections or planned unit developments provided that the preliminary plat is for a large area and the final plat applies to a portion thereof. g. Exceptions - In the case of resubdivisions the Plan Commission may omit Village Board approval of the preliminary plat and submit only a final plat for Village Board approval. This is to be done as an expedient but only with the concurrence of the applicant. h. The Plan Commission or the Board of Trustees may require such changes or revisions as are deemed necessary in the interest and needs of the community. Subsequent approval will be required of the engineering proposals, pertaining to the water supply, storm drainage, sewerage and sewage disposal, gas and electric service, street lighting, fire hydrants, grading, gradients, and roadway widths, and the surfacing of streets by the Village Engineer and the State Officials, where concerned, prior to the approval of the final plat by the Village Board. Approval of the preliminary plat by the Board of Trustees shall be effective for a maximum period of twelve months, unless upon applica- tion of the developer the Board of Trustees grants an extension. If the final plat has not been recorded within this time limit the preliminary plat must again be submitted for approval. Provided that where the preliminary plan is for a large subdivision to be developed in units, not all at one time, and such plan for developing in units has been approved by the Board of Trustees, the final plat may be for one or more such units, and said tentative approval of the preliminary plat covering the entire subdivision shall remain effective for a period of five years after such approval. Thereafter, said approval may be revoked by resolution of the Board of Trustees. 9.105 Plat Specifications.) a. Preliminary Plats - Tracing paper 24 x 36 inches or larger containing the following: 1. Name of subdivision 2. Location by twp., section, town, range or by other legal description 3. Name of owners 4. Names & addresses of developers and designer who made the plat required Information Subdivision Resubdiv sion x x x x x x Chapter 9 - Subdilisions Page 6. Re uired Information Subdivision Resubdivision 5. Scale 1 inch to 100 feet shown graphically x 6. Date x x 7. Northpoint x x 8. Total area in acres x 9. Boundary of plat, based on accurate traverse with angular & lineal dimensions x x 10. Within plat and adjoining plats,the exact location, width, and name of all streets and alleys x x 11. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & width of permanent easements x x 12. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & width of railroad and utility R.O.W.s x x 13. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & area of public parks within 500 feet x x 14. Within plat and adjoining plats, the exact location & area of other public open spaces x x 15. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & area of permanent buildings & structures x x 16. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of section lines x 17. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of corporate lines x 18. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of township lines x 19. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of county lines x 20. Within plat, the exact location & extent of boundaries of school districts, park districts & other taxing bodies x 21. Within the tract, the exact location, indicating pipe size, grades and manholes of: a. existing sewerage lines x b. existing water lines x c. existing culverts x d. other existing underground facilities x 22. Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided or. subdivided land showing ownership where - possible x x .--'•Chapter 9 - Subditisions ' Page 7. Required Informatit�rn Subdivision Resubcision 23. Existir,,g zoning of proposed sub- division & adjacent tracts in zoned areas x 24. Contours at two -foot intervals except where contours demand one -foot intervals x 25. All lots with: a. numbers x x b. lines x x c. accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths x x d. building setback lines & dimensions x x e. accurate dimensions of area in square feet x x 26. Approval by signature of the Plan Commission x x 27. Location map, drawn at a scale of not less than one inch equals 1000 feet, showing boundary lines of adjoining un- subdivided or subdivided land within an area bounded by nearest thoroughfare or other natural boundaries, but not less than one -half mile beyond the subdivision boundaries in subdivisions located beyond the city limits, identifying type of use of surround- ing land and showing alignments of existing streets x 28. Locations of water course, marshes & other significant features x 29. Construction details as deemed necessary by Village Engineer. Refer to Village Code for details x b. Final Plats (linen) - 24 x 36 inches or larger containing the following: 1. Name of subdivision x x 2. Location by twp., section, town, range, or by other legal description x 3. Name of owners x x 4. Names & addresses of developers and designer who made the plat x x 5. Scale 1 inch to 100 feet shown graphically x x 6. Date x x 7. Northpoint x x 8. Total area in acres x 9. Boundary of plat, based on accurate traverse with angular and lineal dimensions x 10. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location, & width of permanent easements x x 11. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location, & width of railroad & utility R.O.W.s x x r . Chapter 9 - Subdivisions Page 8. Reauired Information Subdivision — ResuUTivision 12. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of section lines x 13. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of corporate lines x 14. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of township lines x 15. Within plat & adjoining plats, the exact location & extent of county lines x 16. Within plat the exact location and extent of boundaries of school districts, park districts & other taxing bodies x 17. Within the tract, the exact location, indicating pipe size, grades & manholes of: a. existing sewerage lines x x b. existing water lines x x c. existing culverts x x d. other existing underground facilities x x 18. True angles & distances to the nearest established street lines or monuments (not less than 3 ) x x'=. 19. All areas with: a. radii x x b. internal angles x x c. points and curvatures x x d. tangent bearings x x e. lengths x x 20. All lots with: a. numbers x x b. lines x x c. accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths ?, x d. building setback lines and dimensions x x 21. Protective covenants approved by Plan Commission & Village Board x x 22. Certification by registered surveyor that: a. all lots comply, on plan, with minimum area requirements & other applicable requirements of this Code and Zoning Ordinance x x b. monuments & markers shown exist as located x x c. all dimension & geodetic details are correct x x 23. Notarized certification by owner(s) or by mortgage holder of record of: a. adoption of plat x x b. dedication of streets x x c. dedication of other public areas x x Chapter 9 - Subdivisions Page 9. Required Information Subdivision ResubTITIsion 24. Certifications showing that all taxes, county & village, & special assess - menn('-,s due on the property to be sub- divided have been paid in full x x 25. Proper form for approval of President & Board of Trustees for signature x x 26. Approval by signature of Village, County & State Officials concerned with specifications of utility installations x x 27. Approval by signature of the Plan Commission x x 28. Layout of streets showing street names (not duplicating the name of any street heretofore used in the city & its environs unless such street is an extension of or in line with an already named street, in which event that name shall be used) & showing proposed through streets extended to boundaries of subdivision x 29• Construction details as deemed necessary by Village Engineer. refer to Village Code for details x x 9.106 Agreements.) The final plat to be filed of record shall be accompanied by the following: Plans and specifications for such improvements previously approved by the Village Engineer, clearly describing the same. Agreement executed by the owner and-the subdivider wherein they agree to make and install the improvements provided for in this chapter, in accordance with the plans and specifications accompanying the approval. Bond in the amount of the estimate of the Village Engineer of the cost of the installation of such improvements conditional upon the completion of such improvements and payment of the cost thereof with- in two years of the approval of the final plat. Provided that the Village Manager may approve such bonds issued by a corporate surety listed as approved by the Board of Trustees, and-filed with the Vill- age Clerk, or by a corporate surety having an A -plus policy holder rating and AAAA financial rating according to the most recent edition of Best's Insurance Reports.' An additional bond in an amount equal to 10% of the estimated cost of such improvements, conditioned upon the repair or replacement of any such improvements or portions thereof arising out of any defect in the material or workmanship furnished in connection with such improve- ments latent in character and not discernible at the time of the final approval of such improvements and conditioned upon the repair of any damage to such improvements occurring by reason of the settling of the ground, base or foundation thereof, for a period of one year after the final completion of such improvements for approval thereof. In the event that such owner and subdivider shall submit evidence of the existence of the binding agreement with a responsible contractor Chapter 9 - Subdivisions Page 10. agreeing to accept all bonds which may be issued under any local improvement proceedings for the installation of such improvements or a bona fide and subsisting bid by a responsible person for the purchase by cash of such local improvement bonds at par value or more, then the requirements of the three preceding paragraphs may be waived. 9.107 Deposit or Escrow in Lieu of Bond.) A plat of subdivision may be approved upon filing with the Village Manager satisfactory evidence of the execution of a trust agreement or escrow agreement providing that an amount equal to 110% of the estimate of the Village Engineer of the cost of the construction and installation of such improvements has been deposited in a trust or escrow fund, that the proceeds are to be used for the construction and installation of such improvements and that the Village Manager may authorize the payment of such funds upon the satisfactory completion of all or portions of said improvements and providing that an amount equal to 10% of the estimated cost of such improvements shall be held by or on behalf of the Village for a period of one year after the final completion and approval of such improvements as a guarantee against any defect in the material or workmanship furnished in connection with such improve- ments latent in character and not discernible at the time of the final approval of such improvements and to guarantee against any damage to such improvements by reason of the settling of the ground, base or foundation thereof. No subdivision shall be approved unless there has been filed a bond or bonds as described in Section 9.106 or evidence of an escrow or trust agreement in accordance with the provisions of this section. SUBDIVISION SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 9. 108 Approval of land improvements.) No subdivision of land shall be approved without receiving a statement signed by the Village Engineer certifying that the improvements described in the subdivider's plans and specifications, together with agreements, meet the minimum requirements of all ordinances of the Village and that they comply with the following: Streets. A public street or streets will be provided to afford convenient access to all property within the subdivision. No private street or thoroughfare will be permitted. The proposed street shall extend existing adjoining streets unless the extension would not be practical. or other means of access Alleys. Alleys /shall be provided at the rear of all lots or tracts intended for business, commercial, or industrial use, and multiple family use, but shall not be provided in residential blocks. Water Mains. Water mains shall be provided to adequately service all lots or tracts and to easily afford the extension of the Village water system to other adjacent properties. Sanitary Sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be provided to adequately service all lots or tracts and to easily afford the extension of the Village sanitary sewer system to other adjacent properties. At no time shall storm drainage be diverted into these sanitary sewers. Storm Sewers. Storm sewers shall be provided to adequately service all lots or tracts and to easily afford the extension of the Village storm sewer system to other adjacent properties. At no time shall sanitary wastes be discharged into the storm sewers. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided in front of all properties unless in the opinion of the Village Board said sidewalks would be of detriment to the properties in question. Curb and Gutter. Concrete curb and gutter will be required along the outside edges of all street pavements. 9.•109 Public Utilities.) All utility lines for telephone and electrical service shall hereafter be placed underground throughout a subdivided area in compliance with applicable orders, rules and regu- lations of the Illinois Commerce Commission now or hereafter effective, and the owner or subdivider of any property to be served from such underground installations shall be responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations, now and hereafter effective and filed with said Commission pursuant to the Illinois Public Utilities Act, of any public utility whose services will be required with respect to the provision of such underground facilities. All such utility lines shall be placed within easements or dedicated public ways in a manner which will not conflict with other underground service facilities. Further, all transformer boxes shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public. Subdivision Specifications p Page 2. 9.110 Landscaping of Parkways.) All parkways within the dedicated street area or other public use areas shall be graded, covered with at least four (4) inches of top soil and seeded by the subdivider in a manner approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. Median strips in streets shall be treated as parkways unless paved. Trees shall be planted within the parkway of all public streets. The trees shall have a trunk diameter, measured 12 inches above the ground, of not less than two and one -half (22) inches (balled and burlapped) and shall be spaced not more than fifty feet apart. However, existing trees (if of a species approved by the Superintendent of Public Works) located within the parkway may be computed in satisfying this require- ment. The trees shall be restricted to thornless honey locusts, red maples, sugar maples, hackberries, lindens, green or white ash, oaks, sycamores, and /or any other trees approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. Elms, box elder, willow, poplar, and similar fast -grow- ing brittle wood species are prohibited. The subdivider shall submit a planting plan to the Superintendent of Public Works for his approval before any trees are planted. 9.111 Fees.) When any plat is submitted to the Village for approv- al there shall be paid a fee in accordance with the following schedule: Recording fees shall be paid in accordance with the schedule of the Recorder's Office of Lake or Cook County, plus 50% for service. Reviewing Fee. At the time the final improvement construction plans are submitted to the Village for approval, a fee amounting to 2% of the estimated value of the improvements, as computed by the Building Commissioner, shall be paid by the subdivider. _ Inspection Fee. During the course of construction at such times as the Village Manager deems necessary, the subdivider will pay the actual cost of inspection up to and including the date of billing. This fee shall be determined by the actual cost to the Village for inspectors, engineers, and other necessary parties to insure satisfac- tory work; and the cost shall be based upon a reasonable charge for the services rendered. 9.112 Variations and Exceptions.) The Plan Commission may recommend variations from these requirements in specific cases which in its opinion do not affect the general plan or spirit of the ordi- nance. Such recommendations shall be communicated to the Board of Trustees in writing with the reasons therefor. The Board of Trustees may approve recommended variations from these requirements in specific cases which in its opinion do not affect the general plan or the spirit of the ordinance. Subdivision Filing Fee One [More acre or less ......... than one acre but ..............................$ less than five acres ............ 10.00 25.00 More More than five but less than ten but less than ten acres ................. than twenty acres ............... 50.00 100000 More than twenty acres .. ............................... 150.00 Recording fees shall be paid in accordance with the schedule of the Recorder's Office of Lake or Cook County, plus 50% for service. Reviewing Fee. At the time the final improvement construction plans are submitted to the Village for approval, a fee amounting to 2% of the estimated value of the improvements, as computed by the Building Commissioner, shall be paid by the subdivider. _ Inspection Fee. During the course of construction at such times as the Village Manager deems necessary, the subdivider will pay the actual cost of inspection up to and including the date of billing. This fee shall be determined by the actual cost to the Village for inspectors, engineers, and other necessary parties to insure satisfac- tory work; and the cost shall be based upon a reasonable charge for the services rendered. 9.112 Variations and Exceptions.) The Plan Commission may recommend variations from these requirements in specific cases which in its opinion do not affect the general plan or spirit of the ordi- nance. Such recommendations shall be communicated to the Board of Trustees in writing with the reasons therefor. The Board of Trustees may approve recommended variations from these requirements in specific cases which in its opinion do not affect the general plan or the spirit of the ordinance. Subdivision Specifications Page 3. 9.113 Occupancy Permit.) No occupancy permit shall be granted for the use of any structure within a subdivision approved for platting until required utility facilities have been installed and made ready to service the property, and that roadways providing access to the subject lot or lots have been constructed or that are in the course of construction. 9.114 Approval Recording.) No plat of any subdivision shall be entitled to record in the County Recorder's office or have any validity until it shall have been approved in the manner prescribed by law. 9.115 Filing Plats.) All of such plats of subdivisions, after the same have been submitted and approved shall be filed and kept among the records of the Village. 9.116 Penalty.) Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each violation thereof. ARTICLE II. SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS 9.201 Approval of plat of new subdivisions.) No plat of a new sub- division within the Village shall be approved unless, together with all other requirements imposed by ordinance, the following are complied with: 1. Streets. A public street or streets will be provided to afford convenient access to all property within the subdivision. No private street or thoroughfare will be permitted. The proposed street shall extend existing adjoining streets unless the extension would not be practical. 2. Alleys. Alleys or other means of access shall be provided to the rear of all lots or tracts intended for business, commercial, industrial or multiple family use, but shall not be provided in residential blocks. 3. Water Mains. Water mains shall be provided to adequately serv- ice all lots or tracts and to easily afford the extension of the Village water system to other adjacent properties. 4. Sanitary Sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be provided to adequately service all lots or tracts and to easily afford the extension of the Village sanitary sewer system to other adjacent properties. At no time shall storm drainage be diverted into these sanitary sewers. 5• Storm Sewers. Storm sewers shall be provided to adequately service all lots or tracts and to easily afford the extension of the Village storm system to other adjacent properties. At no time shall sanitary wastes be discharged into the storm sewers. 6. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided in front of all proper- ties unless in the opinion of the Village Board said sidewalks would be of detriment to the properties in question. 7. Curb and Gutter. Concrete curb and gutter will be required along the outside edges of all street pavements. Subdivision Specifications Page 4. 8. Street Signs. Street signs shall be installed at all intersec- tions in accordance with the standards and requirements established by the Director of Public Works. 9. Driveway Approaches. Driveway approaches shall be installed for all properties in accordance with the standards and requirements hereinafter specified. 10. Street Lights. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Director of Public Works. 11. Headwalls. Headwalls shall be required where a storm sewer discharges into a drainage ditch. 9.202 Standards of Design.) Any street, sidewalk, water, sewer or other improvement hereinafter referred to,installed in any public street, alley, other public place within the Village must comply with the following specifications: 1. Streets: A. Design of Streets. The maximum allowable grade for streets shall be ten percent. The minimum allowable grade for streets shall be four - tenths of one percent. The minimum allowable radius at an intersection shall be twenty feet. 1. Major streets shall have a right -of -way of 100 feet, a pavement width of 37 feet back -to -back of curbs, and a pavement of 8 inch Portland Cement concrete with integral curb added on each side. 2. Secondary streets shall have a right -of -way of 80 feet, a pave- ment width of 35 feet, back -to -back of curbs, and a pavement of 6 inch Portland Cement with integral curb added on each side. 3. Minor streets shall have a right -of -way of 60 feet, a pavement width of 28 feet, back -to -back of curbs, and a pavement of 6 inch Portland Cement with integral curb added on each side. B. Grading and Subgrade Preparation 1. Scope. The work covered by this section of the specifications consists in furnishing all labor, equipment, supplies and materials, and in performing all operations in connection with the excavations, construction of embankments, including borrow and grading pertaining thereto for streets, and the preparation of subgrade, as required, complete, in strict accordance with this section of the specifications and the applicable drawings. 2. Excavation. Excavation of every description and of whatever substances encountered within the limits of the project shall be per- formed to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings, except as otherwise permitted by the Engineer, all excavated areas shall be excavated in such a manner as will afford adequate drainage. All suitable material removed from the excavations shall be used, insofar as practicable, in the formation of embankments, backfilling, and for such other purposes as directed by the Engineer. Where material Subdivision Spectications Page 5. encountered within the limits of the work is considered unsuitable and any surplus of excavated material which is not required for embank- ments shall be disposed of by the contractor. 3. Embankment. This work shall consist of the construction of embankments by depositing, placing and compacting materials of acceptable quality above the natural ground or other surface in accordance with the lines, grades and cross - sections shown on the plans, and as required by the Engineer. Before any embankment is placed all clearing, tree removal, sod and topsoil over the entire area shall be performed as directed by the Engineer. Clearing shall consist of the removal and disposal of all obstruc- tions such as foundations, walls, fences, buildings, rubbish, etc., to a depth of at least twelve inches below subgrade elevation. Sod within the area shall be removed to a depth of six inches. Trees except those designated to be saved and all stumps shall be removed to a depth of at least eighteen inches below the subgrade elevation. All trees designated to be saved shall be protected care- fully during clearing and subsequent construction operations. Topsoil shall be excavated and stockpiled as directed by the Engineer. Each layer of the embankment material not to exceed eight inches in loose depth shall be disked sufficiently to break down oversized clods, thoroughly mix the different materials, secure a uniform moisture content and insure uniform density and proper compaction. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted by roller or vibratory equipment suitable for the type of embankment material. 4. Borrow or Excess Excavation. In the event sufficient suitable filling material is not obtained within the limits of this contract to provide all the embankment required, the contractor shall furnish such additional filling material borrow to complete the designated embankment. All borrow shall be of the same type of soil as the embankment material and shall be approved by the Engineer before being placed. 5. Subgrade. The bottom of the excavation for the pavement or top of the fill shall be known as the pavement subgrade and shall conform to the lines, grade and cross - sections shown on the plans. All soft and yielding material and other portions of the subgrade which will not compact readily when rolled or tamped shall be removed as directed and replaced with suitable material placed and compacted as specified herein. The subgrade shall have uniform density and be compacted at or slightly above the optimum moisture content. In the absence of Subdivision Specifications Page 6. standard testing, a reasonable evaluation of moisture content may be made by squeezing a ball of damp soil in the hand. If the ball is so dry that it crumbles easily, additional water should be mixed into the soil. If it is so wet that free water comes to the surface when kneaded, the subgrade should be permitted to air out before final rolling. The subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted with suitable equipment. All sewer trenches and structure excavations shall be backfilled to natural or finished grade as soon as conditions permit. All backfill shall be compacted with mechanical tampers in layers of not over six inches loose material. Vibratory compactors that are small enough to operate within the limited area are very satisfactory. The subgrade shall be finished in least one day's progress in advance all times. Concrete shall not be placed upon or other subgrade, the stability of Engineer, unsuitable for the placemi an acceptable condition for at of the pavement construction at a soft, spongy or frozen subgrade which is, in the opinion of the Dnt of concrete. The subgrade shall be in a moist condition at the time the concrete is :placed. It shall be thoroughly wetted a sufficient time in advance of the placing of the concrete to insure that there will be no puddles or pockets of mud when the concrete is placed but shall not be allowed to dry out before the concrete is placed. Immediately prior to placing the concrete, the subgrade shall be tested for conformity with the cross - section shown on the plans by means of an approved template riding on the side forms. If necessary, material shall be removed or added, as required, to bring all portions of the subgrade to the correct elevation. It shall then be thoroughly compacted and again tested with the template. Concrete shall not be placed on any portion of the subgrade which has not been tested for correct - elevation. The subgrade should also be cleared of any loose material which may have fallen upon it. 6. Protection of Subgrade. The finished subgrade shall be main- tained in a smooth and compacted condition until the concrete has been placed. The mixer, ready -mix trucks, or other equipment shall not operate between the forms in the paving lane unless conditions of the job will not permit operation from the shoulder or outside the lane. Mixer or ready -mix trucks shall not be permitted to operate from previously paved lanes until the pavement is at least seven days old or a flex- ural strength of 550 psi is attained with AASHO Standard Method T 23 and T 97. If it is necessary to operate trucks between the forms and they cause rutting or displacement of the subgrade material, either lighter trucks shall be used or suitable runways shall be provided. The contractor shall re -roll or hand -tamp the subgrade to correct any ruts or other objectionable irregularities which may have been caused by the trucking of materials. Subdivision Specifications Page 7. A berm shall be graded between the curb and sidewalk, or property line.where there are no existing sidewalks, in a neat, workmanlike manner. All excess concrete and debris shall be removed from the excavation behind the curb line before backfilling. C. Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb 1. Scope. The work covered by this paragraph of the specifications consists in furnishing all labor, equipment and materials and in per- forming all operations in connection with the construction of air - entrained Portland cement concrete pavement with integral curb for city streets in strict accordance with this paragraph of the specifi- cations and the applicable drawings. D. Materials 1. Concrete. Concrete shall be composed of Portland cement, aggregates and water. Air entrainment shall be provided by the use of air - entraining Portland cement Type 1A, 1SA, 11A or 111A or the addition of an air - entraining agent to Type 1, 1S9 11 or 111 Portland cement. These materials shall be furnished only from sources of supply approved by the Engineer before shipments are started. The basis of approval of such sources shall be the ability to produce materials of the quality and in the quantity required. 2. Portland Cement. Cement of the type specified shall conform to requirements of the current ASTM Specifications for Portland Cement Type 1, 11 or 111 (Designation C -150) for Air - Entraining Portland Cement Type 1A, 11A or 111A (Designation C -175) or for Portland Slag Cement Type 1S or 1SA (Designation C -205). Type 1, Up 1S or 1SA shall be supplied unless Type 11 or 11A (Moderate Heat of Hydration) or Type 111 or 111A (High - Early- Strength) are specified. Cement which for any reason has become partially set or which contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected. Either packaged or bulk cement may be used. 3. Air - Entraining Agent. Air - entraining admixtures shall conform to the requirements of the current ASTM Specifications for Air - Entraining Admixtures for Concrete (Designation C -260). 4• Aggregates. All fine and coarse aggregates for concrete shall meet the standard requirements for aggregates for concrete pavement of the State Highway Department where the work is to be done. The aggregate (both fine and coarse) shall be so handled that its moisture content and graduation is reasonably uniform and does not change appreciably from batch or hour to hour. No aggregates shall be used which have become mixed, while in stor- age with foreign material. Frozen aggregates or aggregates containing frozen lumps shall be thawed before use. 5. Water. Water used in mixing, or curing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acids, salt alkali or organic materials or other substances harmful to concrete. Water from public supplies or which is suitable for drinking is always satisfactory. Subdivision Specifications ' Page 8. 6. Reinforcing Steel. Reinforcing steel if specified shall con- form to the latest ASTM Specifications as follows: Type Bars and rods Steel wire fabric ASTM Designation A -15 or A -16 A -185 Tie bars which are to be bent after one end is encased in concrete shall be structural grade. 7. Joints. 8. Expansion Joints. Expansion joints shall be non - extruding pre- formed joint fillers of one of the following types: Redwood, Cypress or Cedar boards or premolded fiber, and shall conform to ASTM Desig- nation D544 and AASHO Designations M -33, M -58 and M -59 Standard Specifications. 9• Joint Sealing Compound. Sealing material for filling all types of pavement joints shall comply with AASHO Standard Specifications (Designation M -89 or M -18). 10. Premolded Joint Material. Premolded parting strips when called for on the plans, shall be 3/16 inch thick or more and of the width shown on the plans. They shall consist of strips which have been formed from layers of felt or shredded felt, cane, wood, or other suitable fibers securely bound together and uniformly impregnated with a suitable binder. They shall be of such character that they will not be permanently deformed by ordinary handling during hot weather or become hard and brittle in cold weather. 11. Metal Supports. Metal chairs used to support tiebars or reinforcing bars shall be channel shaped pressed out of sheet steel of not less than twelve gauge (U.S. Std. metal, and conforming to details shown on plans. 12. Expansion Tubes. Metal dowel caps or tubes shall be manufac.*= tured from thirty -two gauge sheet metal, shall be indented to pro- vide a limiting stop for the dowel bar, and shall provide unobstruct- ed expansion space of not less than one inch to permit movement of the dowel bar. They shall be of proper size to fit the specified bars tightly and the closed end shall be watertight. 13. Materials for Curing Concrete. Burlap shall at time of .using be in good condition, free from holes, dirt, clay or any other substance which would have a deleterious effect upon concrete. Burlap shall be of such quality that it will absorb water readily when dipped or sprayed and shall weigh not less than seven ounces per square yard when clean and dry. Waterproof paper for curing concrete shall conform to the current ASTM or AASHO Specifications for Waterproof Paper for Curing Concrete (C -171 and M -139, respectively). Subdivision Specifications Membrane curing compounds form to -the requirements for for Liquid Membrane - Forming M -148). Page 9. shall be the white - pigmented type and con - the current AASHO Standard Specifications Compounds for Curing Concrete (Designation 14. White Polyethylene Sheeting. White polyethylene sheeting shall consist of a single sheet having a thickness of not less than four mills (.004 "). Moisture retention shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Specifications -- Designation C156 except that Air - Entraining Portland Cement shall be used in the mortar. The material shall be tested for tensile strength and elongation as prescribed in the current ASTM Specifications Designation D -882 Method A. E. Mixing and Placing. 1. Batching. Measurement and batching of cement, fine and coarse aggregates shall be by weight on scales accurate to within one -half of one percent. One sack of cement shall be considered to weigh 94 lbs. net. Bulk cement and cement from fractional sacks shall be weighed. 2. Proportioning Concrete. Proportions of cement, water and aggregates shall conform to the standard proportions for pavement con- crete of the State Highway Department in the locality where the work is to be done except to comply with these specifications. All concrete shall be air - entrained and the volume of air in the freshly mixed concrete shall be based on the following table. The entrained air shall be obtained either by using air - entraining cement or an air - entraining admixture. For a method of measuring air content see Paragraph E9. Maximum Size of Air Content, Coarse Aggregate (in.) Per Cent by Volume 129 2 & 22 5 1 3/4 6 1 3/8 & 2 72 1 The minimum cement content shall be not less than 6.0 sacks (94 lbs. per sack) per cu. yd. of concrete. The maximum size aggregate shall not exceed one - fourth of the slab thickness. The maximum water content shall not exceed 5.50 gal. per sack of cement, including the surface water on the aggregate. 3. Consistency. The slump of the concrete shall be from 1 to 3 in., as determined by the Engineer. If this amount of water produces con- crete having a slump of more than 3 in., the water shall be reduced until the slump is not more than 3 in. nor less than 1 in. If the slump is less than 1 in., the amount of water shall be increased until the slump is not less than 1 in. nor more than 3 in., increasing the cement at the same time so that the amount of water per sack of cement does not exceed that amount specified. The consistency shall be measured as described in the current ASTM Standard Method of Slump Test for consistency of Portland Cement Concrete (Designation C -143), or the method of test for tall penetration for Portland Cement concrete ASTM Designation 360. Subdivision Specifications 4. Workability. Concrete shall that it can be worked into corners joints, dowels, and tiebars by the excessive spading, segregation or laitance on the surface. Page 10. be at all times of such consistency and angles of the forms and around construction methods used without undue accumulation of water or 5. Job Mixed Concrete. Job mixed concrete shall be mixed in a drum mixer which shall conform to the concrete paving mixer standards of the Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of the Associated General Contractors of America. The mixer shall be capable of combining the aggregates, cement and water into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass within the specified time, and of discharging the material without segregation. The entire contents of the drum shall be discharged before recharging. The volume of the mixed materials per batch shall not exceed the man- ufacturer's guaranteed capacity (110 per cent of rated capacity) of the mixer. 6. Time of Mixing. The mixing of each batch shall continue for not less than one minute after all materials, excepting water, are in the mixer. All mixing water shall be introduced in the drum before one - fourth of the mixing time has elapsed. The mixer shall rotate at the rate recommended by its manufacturer. The mixer shall be provided with a batch timing device which shall be subject to inspection and adjustment by the Engineer at any time. 7. Ready -Mixed Concrete. Ready -mixed concrete shall be mixed and transported in accordance with the current ASTM Specifications for Ready -Mixed Concrete (Designation C -94). Any concrete which is not plastic and workable when it reaches the subgrade shall be rejected. When construction conditions are such that it is absolutely necessary for trucks hauling concrete to operate on the grade between forms they shall not back over previously deposited concrete. 8. Remixing. Concrete or mortar that has stiffened but not set may be used after remixing if it is plastic enough to be compacted in the forms. Water must not be added at time of remixing. 9. Measuring Air Content. The air content of freshly mixed air - entrained concrete shall be checked at least twice daily. Concrete with air contents above or below the amount specified in Paragraph E2 shall be corrected by adjustments in the mix design or quantities of air - entraining admisture being used. The air content shall be measured in accordance with ASTM Tentative Method of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method (Designation C -231) or ASTM Method of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method (Designa- tion C -173). F. Forms. Forms shall be made of metal and shall have a depth equal to or greater than the prescribed edge thickness of the pave- ment slab, except when curb form is added after machine finishing. They shall have a base width of not less than eight inches for all Subdivision Specifications forms eight inches or more inches in height shall have The minimum length of each Each section of form shall Page 11. in height. All side forms less than eight a base width of not less than six inches. section of form used shall be ten feet. be straight, free from bends or warps. The maximum deviation of the top surface of any section shall not exceed one - eighth inch, or the inside face not more than one - fourth inch from a straight line. The method of connection between sections shall be such that the joint thus formed shall be free from movement in any direction. Forms shall be of such cross - section and strength and so secured as to resist the pressure of the concrete when placed, and the impact and vibration of any equipment which they support, without springing or settlement. Each ten foot length of form shall have at least three form braces and pin sockets which shall be spaced at intervals of not more than five feet, having the end brace and socket not more than six inches from the end of the form. Approved flexible forms shall be used for construction where the radius is 150 feet or less. 1. Setting Forms. The subgrade under the forms and cut to grade so that the form when set will be for its entire length at the specified elevation. joined neatly and in such a manner that the joints or movement in any direction. Forms shall be set, for at least one day's construction ahead of the a concrete. The supply of forms shall be sufficient remaining in place for at least twelve hours after been placed. All forms shall be cleaned and oiled used. shall be compacted uniformly supported Forms shall be are free from play as herein specified, -Itual placing of the to permit their the concrete has each time they are 2. Grade and Alignment. The alignment and grade elevations of the forms shall be checked by the contractor's engineer and the necessary corrections made by the contractor immediately before placing the concrete. When any form has been disturbed or any subgrade thereunder has become unstable, the form shall be reset and rechecked. 3. Placing Concrete. The concrete shall be mixed in quantities required for immediate use and shall be deposited on the subgrade to the required depth and width of the construction lane in successive batches and in a continuous operation without the use of intermediate forms or bulkheads. The concrete shall be placed as uniformly as possible in order to minimize the amount of additional spreading necessary. While being placed, the concrete shall be spaded or vibrated and compacted with suitable tools so that'the formation of voids or honeycomb pockets is prevented. The concrete shall be especially well spaded or vibrated and temped against the forms and along all joints. Care shall be taken in the distribution of the concrete to deposit a sufficient volume along the outside form lines so that the curb section can be consolidated and finished simultan- eously with the slab. No concrete shall be placed around manholes or other structures until they have been brought to the required grade and alignment. - Subdivision Specifications Page 12. 4. Cold Weather Concreting. Except by specific written authoriza- tion concreting shall cease when the descending air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat falls below 400 F. It shall not be resumed until the ascending air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat rises to 350 F. H. Consolidating and Finishing. 1. General. The pavement shall be struck off and consolidated with a mechanical finishing machine or by hand - finishing methods. When a mechanical finishing machine is used, the concrete shall be struck off at such a height that after consolidation and final finish- ing it shall be at the exact elevation as shown on the plans. A depth of at least two inches of concrete shall be carried in front of the strike -off screed for the full width of the slab, whenever the screed is being used to strike off the pavement. The finishing machine shall be provided with a screed which will consolidate the concrete by pressure. The concrete shall, through the use of this machine, be brought to a true and even surface, free from rock pockets, with the fewest possible number of sages of the machine. The edge of the screeds along the curb line may be notched out to allow for sufficient concrete to form the integral curb. Hand - finishing tools shall be kept available for use in case the finishing machine breaks down. When hand - finishing is used, the pavement shall be struck off and consolidated by a vibrating screed to the exact elevation as shown on the plans. When the forward motion of the vibrating screed is stopped the vibrator shall be shut off, it shall not be allowed to idle on the concrete. 2. Longitudinal Floating. After the concrete has been struck off and consolidated it shall be further smoothed by means of a longitudi- nal float. If a mechanical longitudinal float is not used a longitud- inal hand float shall be operated from foot bridges spanning the pave- ment and shall be worked with a wiping motion, parallel to the pave- ment centerline, and passing from one side of the pavement to the other. Movement ahead along the centerline of the pavement shall be in successive advances of not more than one half of the length of the float. The float shall be not less than twelve feet in length and six inches in width and shall be properly stiffened and provided with handles at each end. 3. Scraping. After the passage of the longitudinal float, the pavement shall be scraped with a straightedge 10 feet long, equipped with a handle to permit it to be operated from the edge of the pave- ment. The straightedge shall be operated so that any excess water and laitance are removed from the surface of the pavement. 4. Straightedging. After the longitudinal floating and scraping have been completed and any excess water removed, but while the con- crete is still plastic, the slab surface shall be tested for smooth- ness with a ten foot straightedge swumg from handles three feet longer than one -half the width of the slab. The straightedge shall be placed on the surface parallel to the centerline of the pavement ..Subdivision Specifications ' Page 13. and at not more than five -foot intervals transversely. After each test the straightedge shall be moved forward one -half its length and the operation repeated. When irregularities are discovered they shall be corrected by adding or removing concrete. All disturbed places shall be floated with a wooden float not less than three feet long and not less than six inches wide, and again straightedged. The pavement surface shall have no depression in which water will stand. The use of the long- handled wood floats shall be confined to a minimum. They may be used behind the longitudinal float to correct surface unevenness not taken care of by the longitudinal float, but shall not be used to float the entire surface of the pavement in lieu of or supplementing the use of the longitudinal float. 5. Edging. Before the final finishing is completed and before the concrete has taken its initial set, the edges of the slab and curb shall be carefully finished with an edger of the radius shown on the plans. 6. Final Surface Finish. A burlap drag shall be used as the final finishing method. The drag shall be at least three feet in width and long enough to cover the entire pavement width. It shall be kept clean and saturated while in use. It shall be laid on the surface of the pavement and dragged forward in the direction in which the pavement is being laid. The curb shall have the same final finish as the pavement. The final surface of the concrete pavement and curb shall have a uniform gritty texture free from excessive harshness and true to the grades in the final finishing procedure as required to produce the desired final surface texture. 2. Integral Curb. Integral curbs shall be required along the edges of all street pave- ment as indicated on the plans, except at such locations as the engineer may direct. Depressed curbs shall be provided at all drive- way entrances and at such other locations as designated by the engineer. The integral curb shall be constructed immediately following the finishing operation. Special care shall be taken so that the curb construction does not lag the pavement construction and form a "cold joint ". Steel curb forms shall be required to form the backs of all curbs except where street returns of small radius or other special sections make the use of steel forms impractical. In placing concrete curb, sufficient spading shall be done to secure adequate bond with the paving slab and eliminate all voids in the curb. Curbs shall be formed to the cross - section as shown on the drawings with a mule or templates supported on the side forms and a wood float not less than four feet in length. ..Subdivision Specifications Page 14. The finished surface of the curb and gutter shall be checked with the use of the ten feet straightedge and corrected if necessary. While the concrete is still plastic the drainage at the gutter should be- checked by pouring water at the gutter summit and observing its flow to the inlet. In order to prevent damage to the concrete surface water should be poured onto a piece of burlap or curing paper. J. Curing. Concrete shall be cured by protecting it against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, and from rain, flowing water, and mechanical injury for a period of not less than five days from the beginning of the curing operation. Moist curing, waterproof paper, white polyethy- lene sheeting, liquid membrane compound or a combination thereof may be used for curing. Immediately after finishing operations have been completed, the entire surface of the newly laid concrete shall be covered by the curing medium which is applicable to local conditions and approved by the engineer. The edge of concrete slabs exposed by the removal of forms shall be protected immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment equal to the method selected for curing the slab surface and to prevent injury to pavement edges. The use of a covering material which contains or becomes contaminat- ed with sugar in any form, tannic acid, or any other substance con- sidered detrimental to Portland cement will not be permitted. The initial curing medium shall be effective and shall be applied so as to prevent checking, cracking, and the appearance of dry spots in the surface of the concrete. The contractor shall have the equipment needed for adequate curing at hand and ready to install before actual concrete placement begins. In all cases in which the curing medium requires the use of water, the curing shall have prior right to all water supply. Failure to provide sufficient cover material of the type selected, failure to maintain saturation for the entire curing period in the moist - curing methods, lack of water to adequately care for both curing and other requirements, or other failures to comply with curing requirements shall be cause for immediate suspension of concreting operations. 1. Moist Curing. Moist curing shall be accomplished by covering of burlap, cotton mats or other approved fabric mat, used singly or in combination. Curing mats shall be thoroughly wet when applied and kept continu- ously wet and in intimate contact with the pavement surface for the duration of the moist curing period. Other fabric mats shall conform in design and shall provide a curing medium at least equal to cotton mats. Cotton mats, other fabric mats, and burlap strips shall be furnished in the widths or lengths, after shrinkage, required to cover the entire width and edges of the pavement lane, mats or burlap shall be lapped at joints between adjacent sheets to prevent drying of this location. Moist curing when used as initial curing shall be continued for not less than twenty -four hours. 2. Waterproof Paper Curing. The surface of the concrete shall be wetted with a fine spray of water and then covered with the waterproof Subdivision Specifications ' Page 15. paper. The paper shall be in pieces large enough to cover the entire width and edges of the slab and shall be lapped not less than twelve inches. Paper shall be adequately weighted to prevent displacement or billowing due to wind. Paper folded down over the side of the pave- ment edges shall be secured by a continuous bank of earth. Tears or holes appearing in the paper during the curing period shall be immediately repaired. 3. White Polyethylene Sheeting. White polyethylene sheeting shall meet the specifications under Paragraph D13 and the following provisions of this paragraph. 4. Liquid Membrane Curing Compound. Pigmented liquid membrane curing compound shall meet the specifications under Paragraph D13. The curing compound must be applied to cover the surface completely and uniformly at a rate which will achieve the performance requirement specified in AASHO Specifications M -148. This method of curing shall be applied immediately behind the final finishing operation or after the initial curing when a combination of methods are used. Failure to provide complete and uniform coverage at the required rate will be cause for discontinuance of this method of- curing and the substitution of one of the other approved methods. The compound shall be kept agitated to prevent the pigment from settling. Special care shall be taken to apply the curing compound to the pavement edges immediately after the forms have been removed. K. Joints. Longitudinal and transverse joints shall be constructed as shown on the plans. Longitudinal joints are those points parallel to the lane of con- struction. They may be either intermediate center joints or the construction joints between construction lanes. Transverse joints shall be contraction joints or construction joints. Construction joints are put in transversely wherever con- struction operations require them. Expansion joints may be either longitudinal or transverse. They are used only where specifically shown on the plans. The edges of the pavement and those joints where such edging is shown on the plans shall be founded with an edger having a radius of not larger than 1/8 inch. Traverse joints except keyed and tied con- struction joints shall be continuous across the entire paved area including the curb. 1. Transverse Joints. Transverse joints shall be contraction, expansion or construction joints. Contraction and expansion joints shall be placed as indicated on the plans and construction joints wherever construction may require them. They shall make a right angle with the centerline of the pavement and surface of the subgrade. 2. Transverse Expansion Joints. Expansion joints, where shown on the plans shall conform to the specification in Paragraph D8. They shall extend the entire width of the pavement and from the subgrade Subdivision Specifications I Page 16. to one inch below the surface of the pavement. They shall be of the dimensions and spacing as shown on the plans. The filler shall be held accurately in place during the placing and finishing of the con - crete by a bulkhead, a metal channel cap or other approved method. Under no circumstances shall any concrete be left above the expan- sion material or across the joint at any point. Any concrete spanning the ends of the joint next to the forms shall be carefully cut away after the forms are removed. Before the pavement is opened to traffic the groove above the filler shall be cleaned and sealed with specified joint sealing material covered under Paragraph D9. 3. Transverse Contraction Joints. Transverse contraction joints shall be of the sawed, formed dummy groove or premolded strip type. 4. Transverse Sawed Contraction Joints. When transverse contrac- tion joints are to be formed by sawing, care must be taken to saw the grooves soon after placing to prevent the formation of cracks due to contraction of the slab. All transverse joints shall be sawed at least 1/4 of the slab depth. Any procedure for sawing joints that results in premature and uncontrolled cracking shall be revised immediately by adjusting the time interval between the placing of the concrete and the cutting of the joints. 5. Transverse Formed Dummy Groove Joints. Transverse dummy groove joints shall be formed by a groove or cleft in the top of the slab of the dimensions shown on the plans. The groove made in the plastic concrete by a suitable tooling device, shall extend vertically downward 1/4 of the slab depth from the surface and shall be true to line. 6. Transverse Premolded Strip Joints. Transverse premolded strip shall be of the proper dimensions as shown on the plans. The premold- ed filler is placed in a vertical groove formed to receive it. The top of the filler should be flush with the pavement surface. 7. Transverse Construction Joints. Transverse construction joints of the type shown on the plans shall be placed wherever the placing of concrete is suspended for more than thirty minutes. A butt type joint with dowels shall be used if the joint occurs at the location of a contraction joint. Keyed joints with tiebars are used if the joint occurs at any other location. 8. Dowels. If joints are to be equipped with dowels they shall be of the dimension and at the spacing and location indicated on the plans. They shall be firmly supported in place, accurately aligned parallel to the pavement grade and the centerline of the pavement by means of a dowel support which will remain in the pavement and will insure that the dowels are not displaced during construction. One - half of each dowel shall be painted and greased and in expansion joints one end shall be equipped with a tight fitting sleeve of the dimensions shown on the plans conforming to Paragraph D12. Subdivision Specifications Page 17. 9. Longitudinal Joints. Longitudinal joints shall be placed as shown on the plans. They shall be of the sawed, dummy groove pre - molded strip, or the keyed construction type. Joints between con- struction lanes shall be the keyed construction type. 10. Longitudinal Center Joint. Longitudinal center joints shall be of the sawed, formed dummy groove or premolded strip type. 11. Sawed Longitudinal Center Joints. Sawed longitudinal center joints shall be sawed grooves made with a concrete saw after the concrete has hardened. The saw cut shall be at least 1/4 of the slab depth. The joint may be sawed at any time prior to the time the pave- ment is open to traffic. These joints are otherwise formed in the same manner as the transverse sawed joints - Paragraph K4. 12. Longitudinal Formed Dummy Groove Joints. Longitudinal dummy groove joints are formed in the same manner described for Transverse Formed Dummy Groove Joints, Paragraph K5. 13. Longitudinal Premolded Strip Joint. Longitudinal premolded strip joints are formed in the same manner described for Transverse Premolded Strip Joints, Paragraph K6. 14. Longitudinal Construction Joints. Longitudinal construction joints (i.e., joints between construction lanes) shall be of the dimensions shown on the plans. The key shall be constructed by placing a deformed metal plate against the form when the first lane adjacent to the joint is placed. This metal plate shall be removed with the form. When placing the second slab, care must be taken that no concrete is left to overhang the lip formed in the first slab by the edging tool. 15. Tiebars. Tiebars or tiebolts when shown on the plans shall be of deformed steel and of the dimensions and at the spacing specified. Tiebars shall be firmly supported by subgrade chairs or so installed as not to be displaced during construction operations. 16. Joint Sealer. After the curing period all sawed and dummy groove joints in the pavement shall be cleaned and sealed with mater- ial meeting the requirements of Paragraph D9. All foreign material, joint sawing residue, dirt and curing membrane shall be removed. Joints shall be slightly under- filled (about 1/4 inch) to prevent extrusion of sealer. Any excess material should be removed from the pavement surface as soon after sealing as possible. 17. Integral Curb Joints. In the construction of transverse joints of concrete integral curb pavement, special care must be taken to see that all transverse points extend continuously through the pavement and curb. L. Structures. All manholes, catch basins, or structures of a permanent nature encountered in the areas to be paved shall be raised or lowered as the case may be, to the surface of the new pavement and the necessary expansion material as specified in Par. D8 placed around each structure for the full depth of the slab and of the thickness shown on the plans. Subdivision Specifications Page 18. M. Cold Weather Protection. When concrete is being placed in cold weather and temperature may be expected to drop below 35 °F. a supply of straw, hay, insulated curing blankets or other suitable material shall be provided along the line of the work. Membrane cured pave- ment shall be protected with waterproof paper if straw is to be placed soon after the pour to prevent straw from embedding in surface. At any time when the air temperature may be expected to reach the freez- ing point during the day or night, the material so provided shall be spread over the concrete to a sufficient depth to prevent freezing of the concrete. Concrete shall be protected from freezing temperatures until it is at least five days old. Concrete injured by frost action shall be removed and replaced at the contractor's expense. N. Protection and Opening to Traffic. The contractor shall pro- tect the pavement against all damage prior to final acceptance of the work by the owner. Traffic shall be excluded from the pavement by erecting and maintaining barricades and signs until the concrete is at least seven days old, or for a longer period if so directed by the engineer.- The pavement shall not be used at any time within this period for transporting of operating equipment. As a construction expedient, the subgrade planer, concrete finishing machine, and similar equipment may be permitted to ride upon the edges of pre- viously constructed slabs provided the concrete is more than seventy - two hours old, and the equipment has rubber -tired wheels to run on the finished slab. Further provided that two coats of boiled linseed oil mixture be applied to concrete pavement constructed after September 15th which would be opened to traffic prior to the following April 15th to minimize spalling from salt action. 0. Optional Construction Equipment. 1. Slip -form Paver. In lieu of the construction methods described in the preceding section of the specifications, the contractor may use a slip -form paver. When the slip -form paver is used, all reference in the preceding sections of this specification referring to forms shall be deleted. Slip -form pavers shall be equipped with vibratory and tamping bar assemblies which are effective over the full width of the pavement. The paver shall also have a metal float with a bullnozed front end for the full width of the pavement, excluding curbs, which will extrude the concrete under pressure. Behind the float shall be a rubber belt, mechanically operated and with a lateral movement of 4 to 8 inches. The curb shall be formed by extrusion plates or mules mounted at the rear of the machine. The requirement for longitudinal floating (Par. H2) shall be deleted. 2. Subgrade. The subgrade shall be brought to the proper grade and cross - section by means of a properly designated and operated machine. The subgrade shall comply with applicable sections of this specification. If any traffic is allowed to use the prepared sub- grade, some device, satisfactory to the engineer, shall be provided Subdivision Speclications ' Page 19. for checking and correcting the subgrade immediately ahead of placing the concrete. The subgrade work, especially the path on which the tracks of the paver ride, must be done carefully and accurately as its degree of precision greatly affects the resulting smoothness of the pavement surface. 3. Placing. Concrete shall be uniform slump and adequately supp- lied in front of the paver. The rate of progress shall be controlled so that the forward movement of the paver will be as nearly continuous as practicable. If it is necessary to stop the forward movement of the paver the vibrator and tamping elements shall also be stopped immediately. Care must be taken to see that a sufficient supply of concrete passes around the float and the belt along the form line to form the integral curb where shown on the plans. 4. Final Finishing and Testing. Final finishing operations shall conform to the applicable sections of this specification. Strength and testing requirements to be in accordance with Section 408 of the Standard Specifications. 5. Driveway Approaches - Other than Residential or Dwelling. Driveway approaches other than residential or dwelling use shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete at least six inches in thick- ness. Concrete driveway approaches shall be in compliance with the methods and materials required in the preceding paragraphs of this section. Residential and Dwelling. Driveway approaches for residential or dwelling use shall be constructed in a manner and of a material equal at least to that existing for the paving in the public street adjacent thereto. If a concrete pavement exists for the paving in the public street, the owner may, upon written request, install a base of water bound macadam at least six inches thick and a black top surface of two inches, or may be constructed of Portland cement concrete in accordance with methods and materials required in Section 623, Stand- ard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Division of Highways, State of Illinois, adopted January 2, 1971, as revised. Sidewalk Space. Where a driveway is constructed across the sidewalk space, it shall conform to the sidewalk grade as established by the Village. Where a driveway of any kind of material is constructed across an existing sidewalk, said sidewalk shall be removed and replaced with Portland Cement Concrete for the full width of the driveway and for a distance of at least the width of said sidewalk, or a width as established by the Board of Trustees, and to a minimum thickness of six inches. Macadam, Gravel, Cinder and Other. Macadam, gravel, cinder and other types of driveway approaches permitted herein shall be not less than six inches thick, compacted depth. Concrete Street. Where paving in the public street is of concrete, and a concrete driveway approach is constructed, a one inch bituminous premoulded expansion joint with load transmission unit shall be Subdivision Specifications Page 20. placed approximately three feet from the edge of the said concrete paving and normal to the center line of the driveway, in accordance with sketches illustrating such construction on file with the Village Engineer. Spacing of Driveway Approaches. Where two or more adjoining driveways are provided for the same property, a safety island measur- ing not less than ten feet at the outer or street edge, shall be provided between driveways. Not more than two such driveways shall be allowed to any one street for each one hundred feet of continuous frontage thereof. Curb Line. The width of the driveway opening at the curb line shall not exceed the width of the driveway at the inner or property edge plus twenty feet, not be less than the width of the driveway at the inner or property edge of the sidewalk plus ten feet. In no instance shall the radius be less than three feet at curb corners, and this only when the driveway is flared; or more than ten feet when the driveway edge is at right angles to the street line. The center line of all driveways must be approximately at right angles to the curb line of the pavement in the public street for a distance of at least ten feet from said curb line. Grade. All driveways shall be so graded between the gutter and the sidewalk that it will not be necessary to change the established grade of either and will not elevate or depress any portion of either. No part of said driveway shall extend beyond the curb line in such a manner as to change the grade of said gutter or obstruct the free flow of water in said gutter. Where elevations or depressions are necessary in the parkway strip between the curb and walk, said park- way shall be graded on both sides of the driveway to a distance sufficient to create a gradual ascent or descent. At no time shall the gradient exceed one foot vertical to ten feet horizontal. Curb and Gutter. Combined curb and gutter and separate curbing shall be entirely removed for the full width of the driveway opening at the curb line. If an existing joint in said curb is within five feet of the end of the driveway opening, the existing curbing, etc., shall be removed to said joint, otherwise said combined curb and gutter or separate curbing shall be cut, making a neat edge at right angles to the edge of the pavement and vertical. Integral curbing, which is that type placed with the "V" pavement and moulded as an integral part of it, must be removed for the full depth from the top of the curb to the bottom of the pavement. The edge shall be cut as above described. No combined curb and gutter, straight curb or integral curb shall be removed within five feet of a public cross walk. Ditches. Where driveway approaches cross open ditches in the park- way, culverts shall be installed. Said culverts shall be of such size and shall be constructed of such material as determined by the Dept. of Public Works, depending on the conditions existing. In no instance shall the size of the opening be less than that obtained by a twelve inch diameter pipe. The length of culvert shall be determined by the following method: For ditch depth of two feet or less the culvert Subdivision Specifications Page 21. shall extend not less than five feet beyond both edges of the driveway where it crosses the ditch. For each additional foot depth of ditch, add two feet to the above figures, except that no culvert shall be less than twenty feet long, and except that where headwalls are constructed at the ends of the culvert the length shall be as determined by the Department of Public V,, orks . Meter Pits. Where existing meter pits are in the area of the pro_ posed driveway, the existing cast iron top shall be removed and turned in to the Water Department and the additional cost thereof shall be paid by the contractor or owner. Catch Basins, All driveway approaches constructed or reconstructed over, across or upon any public street or public parkway in the Vill- age shall be kept and maintained in accordance with the provisions hereof by the person so constructing, reconstructing or using the same as adjunct or apljurtena.nce to lands or proderites immediately adjacent thereto. 9.205 Sidewalks -) Sidewalks shall be of Portland Cement Concrete. Sidewalks shall be five feet wide, located one foot outside the property line, 9.206 Specifications for Sidewalks.) Sidewalks shall be constructed as specified in the American Public Works Association (A .P.W .A . ) Specifications for concrete sidewalks C1 - -54. The term "engineer" in these specifications shall mean "engineer for the Village ". Specifications for Concrete Sidewalks A .P.W A.. Cl-54 I. SCOPE: Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with these specifications and in conformity to the lines and grades shown on the plans. II. MATERIALS: 1- Cement: The type of cement to be used shall be as specified by the engineer, and shall conform to the ASTM Specifications for Air Entraining Portland Cement Designation C -175 (Type 1- -•A) or Type 111-A for use when high early strength is required. 2.. Admixtures: Air entraining admixtures which are added to concrete mixtures shall conform to the ASTM Specifications for Air Entraining Admixtures for concrete Aggregates: Designation C-33• 3. Aggregates: Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to the ASTM Specifications for Concrete Ag=gregates: Designation C -33• 4- Sub -base Material: Durable material such as, crushed stone, bank run gravel, blast furnace slag or steam boiler cinders shall be used in the pre)arations for sub -base as may be required by the engineer. Subdivision Specifications Page 22, 5. Water: The water used in mixing concrete shall be clean, free from acid, alkali, vegetable, or other organic matter. 6. Joint Filler: The joint filler shall be of a non - extruding joint material conforming to the ASTM Specifications for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers-for Concrete (Non - extruding and Resilient Types), Designation D-544, III. MEASURING: 1. Method: The method of measuring the materials for the concrete or mortar, including water, shall be one which will insure separate and uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times. 2 Proportions: The concrete shall be mixed in the proportions which, when the proaer amount of water is added, will produce a mini- mum compressive strength of eighteen hundred pounds per square inch after seven days and a minimum compressive strength of three thousand pounds per square inch after twenty- -eight days when curOd under field conditions.. 3. Admixtures: Air Entraining Admixtures shall not be added to concrete mixtures in the field without the approval of the engineer., If such approval is granted, the admixture shall conform to Section 11 -- and shall be added in the amount and in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer so that the air content of the concrete shall not be less than three nor more than six percent, IV. MIXING: 1. Method: All concrete shall be mixed in a stationary batch mixer or truck mixer unless manual mixing is authorized by the en=; ine er. . (a) If a stationary batch mixer is used the mixer drum shall be of adequate size to accommodate the maximum batch and shall conform to the Concrete Mixer Standards adopted by the Mixer 14anufacturers Bureau of the Associated General Contractors of America. The mixer drum shall be rotated at the rate specified by its manufacturer. When a stationary batch mixer is used for complete mixing, the minimum mixing time for mixers of one cubic yard capacity or less shall be one minute; for larger capacities of mixtures the mixing time shall be increased at the rate of one - quarter minute for each additional cubic yard or fraction thereof. The mixing time shall begin when the correct proportions of cement and aggregates are placed in the mixer.. A portion of the water shall be placed in the mixer in advance of the cement and aggregates. The full amount of water required to produce a mix of the consistency herein specified, shall be added to the cement and aggregates before one quarter of the mixing time has elapsed. The size of the batch shall not exceed the maximum rated capacity as specified by the manu- facturer of the mixer. The drum shall be completely emptied before receiving material for the succeeding batch, Subdivision.Specifications Page 23 (b) Truck mixers if used, shall be of the revolving drum type. When a truck mixer is used for mixing the concrete, the drum shall be rotated at mixing speed for not less than fifty nor more than one - hundred revolutions after all of the ingredients of each batch are - placed in the drum. When a truck mixer is used for the complete mix- ing of the concrete, the mixing operation shall begin within thirty minutes after the cement has been intermingled with the aggregates. The size of the batch shall not exceed the manufacturer's rated capa- city as shown on a metal rating plate which shall be attached in a prominent place on the truck mixer. The drum shall be completely emptied before receiving material for the succeeding batch. (c) The mixing time at stationary batch mixers may be reduced to the minimum required (about thirty seconds) to intermingle the in- gredients when truck mixtures are used to deliver the mix to the site of the work. When this practice is followed each batch shall be thoroughly mixed in the truck mixer by rotating the drum at mixing speed for not less than fifty nor more than one hundred revolutions. (d) If manual mixing is authorized by the engineer, the cement and aggregates shall be mixed dry on a water tight platform until the mixture is of uniform color. The full amount of water required shall then be added and the mixing continued until the mass is of the con- sistency herein specified. 2. Consistency: The aggregates, cement and water shall be thoroughly mixed in accordance with these specifications to produce a homogenous mass which can be deposited in the forms without separa- tion. The consistency of the mix shall be such that the slump shall not exceed three inches. 3. Delivery; Concrete shall be delivered to the site of the work with a satisfactory degree of uniformity at the consistency specified and shall be hauled in a water tight container in which segregation will not take place and from which the concrete can be discharged freely. (a) Concrete shall be delivered to the site of the work and discharged from the hauling container within a period of ninety minutes after the introduction of the mixing water to the dry materi- als unless otherwise specified by the engineer. (b) Slump tests of individual samples taken at approximately the one - quarter and three - quarters points of the load during discharge shall not differ by more than two inches. 4. Retemperingr The retempering of mortar or concrete which has partially hardened with or without additional materials or water, is prohibited. Subdivision Specifications Page 24 V. FOUNDATION: 1. Sub - grade: The finished sub -grade shall have a transverse slope of not more than one -half inch per foot and shall be prepared as follows: (a) All soft and spongy places shall be removed and all depressions filled with suitable material which shall be thoroughly compacted in layers not exceeding six inches in thickness. (b) When the concrete sidewalk is to be constructed over an old path composed of gravel or cinders, the old path shall be entirely loosened, the material spread for the full width of the sub -grade and thoroughly compacted. (c) All fills shall be made in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. The use of muck, quicksand, soft clay, spongy or perishable material is prohibited. The top of all fills shall extend beyond the walk on each side for at least one-foot, and the sides shall have a slope of at least one or one and one -half to one. 2. Drainage: Suitable drainage systems shall be installed and connected with sewers or other drains as indicated on the plans. 3. Sub -base: A sub -base may be required by the engineer, if, in his opinion, the soil in the sub -grade will swell or shrink with changes in its moisture content to such an extent that the concrete may be damaged. If a sub -base is required, it shall consist of material as hereinbefore specified, and shall be spread to a depth of at least four inches, and thoroughly compacted. When a sub -base is spread on fills, the side slope of the sub -base shall be the same as the side slope of the fill. While compacting the sub -base the material shall be thoroughly wet, and shall be wet when the concrete is deposited but shall show no pools of water. VI`.. DIMENSIONS: 1. Size of slabs: The slabs shall have an area of not more than one hundred square feet. Length of slab shall be equal to the width. 2. Thickness of Walk: Minimum thickness shall be four inches. At driveway openings to dwellings, the minimum thickness of the walk shall not be less than six inches. The minimum thickness of driveway openings to alleys and commercial and industrial establishments shall be not less than eight inches. VII. FOEMS: 1. Materials: Forms shall be free from warp and of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape. All wood forms shall be thoroughly wetted and metal forms oiled or coated with soft soap or whitewash before depositing any material against them. All mortar and dirt shall be removed from the forms that have been previously used. Subdivision Specifications Page 25 2. Setting: The forms shall be well staked or otherwise held to the established lines and grades and their upper edges shall conform to the established grade of the walk and shall be so aligned as to provide a transverse slope toward the curb of one - quarter inch per foot unless otherwise directed by the engineer. VIII. JOINTS: 1. Contraction Joints: Contraction joints shall be constructed at right angles to the center line of the sidewalk; the grooves shall extend to one - fourth the depth of the sidewalk. They shall not be less than one - eighth inch or more than one - fourth inch in width and shall be edged with an edging tool having a one - fourth inch radius. No slab shall be longer than the width of the sidewalk nor less than four feet unless otherwise directed by the Village Engineer. IX. DEPOSITING CONCRETE: 1. Continuous Pouring: After mixing, the concrete shall be handled rapidly and the successive batches deposited in a continuous operation until individual sections are completed. Under no circum- stances shall concrete that has partly hardened be used. The forms shall be filled and the concrete brought to the established grade. 2. Cold Weather Pouring: Concrete shall not be deposited when it appears likely that the air temperature may fall below 40 degrees F. during the pouring or within the following 24 hours unless preparations are made and precautions taken to prevent any damage to the concrete resulting from the low temperature. When placing concrete in cold weather, the contractor shall plan and prosecute his work in a manner which will assure satisfactory results. Any concrete damaged by freezing shall be removed and replaced by the contractor at his own expense. Concrete when deposited in the forms shall have a temperature of not less than 55 degrees F. nor more than 100 degrees F. The concrete shall be maintained at not less than the minimum temperature of 55 degrees F. for at least seventy -two hours after placing, or longer if necessary, until the concrete has thoroughly hardened. Concrete shall not be deposited on a frozen foundation. X. FINISHING: 1. Method: After the concrete has been brought to the established grade by means of a strike - board, it shall be worked with a steel trowel or wood float to give it a smooth, medium rough, or rough surface, as directed by the engineer. In no case shall dry cement or a mixture of dry cement and sand be sprinkled on the surface to absorb moisture or to hasten hardening. The type of finished surface re- quired by the engineer shall be prepared as follows: (a) Smooth Surface: The surface of the concrete shall be troweled with a steel trowel to a smooth, even surface free from depressions or irregularities of any kind. Excessive working of the surface with the trowel shall be avoided. Subdivision Specifications Page 26 (b) Medium Rough Surface: The surface shall be floated with a wooden float only, producing an even gritty finish. On wide sidewalks the finishing may be done with two applications of a canvas belt, not less than six inches wide, and two feet longer than the width of the sidewalk. For the first application, the belt shall be drawn across the surface with vigorous strokes at least twelve inches long, and moved ahead very slightly with each stroke. The second application shall be given immediately after the water glaze or sheen disappears. The stroke of the belt shall be not more than four inches, but the longitudinal motion shall be greater than during the first application. (c) Rough Surface: The surface shall be floated with a wooden float leveling all sags and producing an even surface. After being floated in this manner the roughening shall be done by slapping the surface of the concrete with the face of the float. The float shall be raised vertically from the concrete after each stroke. 2. Edges: Unless protected by metal, the surface edges of all slabs shall be rounded to a radius of one -half inch. The edges of all slabs which act as curbing shall be rounded to a radius of one and one -half inch. 3. Name Stamp: The contractor shall mark in the walk at each end of every one hundred and fifty feet of walk or fraction thereof, either by stamping or by inlaying an approved metal plate, his name and year in which the walk is constructed. The stamped letters shall be one inch high and one - fourth inch deep. If a metal plate is used, the top of the plate shall be flush with the top of the walk. XI. CURING AND PROTECTION: 1. Method: As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage, the finished surface shall be sprinkled with water or covered with sand or earth and, in either case, kept wet for at least three days. When authorized by the engineer, a chemical curing agent may be used, provided it is applied in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. When high early strength cement is used, the minimum curing period shall be reduced to forty -eight hours. The freshly finished surface shall be protected from hot sun and drying winds until it can be sprinkled or covered as above specified. The concrete surface must not be damaged or pitted by rain. The contractor shall provide and use, when necessary, sufficient tarpau- lins to completely cover all sections that have been placed within the preceding twelve hours. The contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect the finished surface. Any section damag- ed from traffic or other causes occurring prior to its official accep- tance, shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his own ex- pense in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. The covering shall be removed and disposed of by the contractor and the sidewalk back - filled to a minimum of one foot on each side before the work is officially accepted by the engineer. XII. TESTING: 1. The engineer may at his discretion, require the contractor to submit representative samples of the materials he proposes to use Subdivision Specifications Page 27. prior to delivery of the materials to the site of the work, and may, during the progress of construction, take samples and make tests to assure that the work is being performed in accordance with these specifications. The contractor shall co- operate in the making of such tests to the extent of allowing free access to the work, for the selection of samples. 2. All tests and samples shall be paid for by the contractor. 9.207 Alleys.) Where required, alleys shall be provided with a right of way of twenty feet and a paved surface of sixteen feet. This pavement shall be the equivalent of eight inches of gravel or crushed stone and shall be held in place by metal or treated wood curbs. 9.208 Pipeline Trench Construction.) The general conditions are a part of this specification and the Contractor is to consult them for instructions pertaining to the work under this heading. Work Included: The work to be done under this specification shall inc u e e furnishing of all implements, machinery, equipment, materials, and labor necessary to excavate and backfill trenches for water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, force mains, and appurt- enances, and to restore original ground surfaces. Excavation: The trench shall be excavated so that the elevation of the inis ed line will be at the depth and grade shown on the plans with allowance for bedding as hereinafter specified. Unless otherwise indicated, all water mains and force mains shall be laid so that the minimum cover over the top of the pipe will be 5 feet. The width of the trench at the top of the pipe shall not be greater than 2.2 feet for 4 -inch through 12 -inch pipe, 3 feet for 14 -inch through 18 -inch pipe, 32 feet for 20 -inch through 24 -inch pipe, 4 ft. for 27 -inch and 30 -inch pipe and one and one -third times the outside diameter of the pipe for sizes greater than 30 inches. In the event that the Contractor varies or requests to vary from these limitations the Engineer will determine the construction procedure and materials which will be required of the Contractor to prevent overstressing the pipe. Where firm foundation is not encountered at the bottom of the excavation, due to soft, spongy or other unsuitable soil, the Con- tractor shall remove all such unstable material and replace as required under BEDDING OF PIPE. All excavated material not needed on the work shall be disposed of by the Contractor at locations outside the limits of the improvement unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not dispose of surplus excavated material on corporate or private property without first securing written permission from the Owner or Agent of the property. The Contractor shall do all pumping and bailing, well pointing, build all drains, and do all other work necessary to keep the trench- es clear of water. No claim for an amount of money in excess of the contract price for the work will be considered or allowed because of the character of Subdivision Specifications Page 28. the ground in which any trench or other excavation is made and /or when special foundation material is required. The Contractor shall assume the risk of meeting water, quicksand, hard pan, boulders, clay, rubbish, unforeseen obstacles, pavements, etc. Sidewalks shall not be obstructed and the Contractor shall make provision, where necessary, for the free passage of pedestrians. Hydrants shall not be buried, and shall at all times be maintained fully accessible to fire department personnel. Sheeting and Bracing: The Contractor shall furnish and put in place such braces, sheeting, etc., as may be necessary for the protec- tion of the workmen, the work, the public safety, and adjacent struc- tures, pipes, conduits or other improvements. Sheeting and bracing may be removed after the backfilling has -been completed or filled to an elevation to prevent caving of the sides of the excavation. All voids and holes left by the sheeting after being removed shall be carefully filled with fine sand and thoroughly com- pacted by special tools or puddling. The contract price shall be understood to include the cost for all sheeting and bracing that may be necessary to insure safe perform- ance of the work until the backfilling is complete. Underground Utilities: The information presented on the plans showing the approxima a location of private and /or public underground utility lines is of an approximate nature only and is included for the information of the Contractor. Information was obtained from available existing records and the Engineers shall not be held- - responsible for underground utilities whose location does not corre- spond with the information on the plans. Prior to starting construc- tion, the Contractor shall request all public or private agencies,to establish the field location of their underground utilities. The Contractor shall make such exploration as is necessary to determine the exact location of all underground utilities, and shall exercise sufficient care during the progress of work in the area to prevent damage to the utilities. Whenever, in the progress of the work, it becomes necessary to relocate any underground gas mains, telephone conduit or electrical lines, it shall be the responsibility of the utility company involved to make such relocation. It is the Contractor's responsibility to properly notify each utility agency in sufficient time so as to avoid interference with the progress of the work. Where it is necessary for the Contractor to relocate water or other pipes or conduits in direct conflict with the proposed pipe (exclu- sive of culverts) for which no public utility is responsible, in order for the work to proceed, and such relocation is not called for on the plans, the Contractor shall be allowed an extra, the amount of which shall be negotiated before the work is commenced. All existing underground utility pipes, conduits or cables shall be carefully supported and protected until the new pipeline is laid and M� Subdivision Specifications Page 29. the backfilling finished, or until the proper utility agency removes or changes them. Any damage done to such existing pipes, conduits or cables shall be immediately repaired or the damaged parts replaced by the Contractor. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to noti- fy each and all persons, firms or corporations using or.responsible for any private or public underground utility pipes, conduits, cables and related structures, of the time or times he shall be working in the area of their facilities. Bedding of Pipe: The Contractor shall bed the lower quadrant of the pipe on a layer of gravel or crushed stone. Gravel or crushed stone shall pass a 3/4 inch sieve, and shall have a minimum thickness of 4 inches under the pipe barrel and 2 inches under bells, and shall be carefully placed and compacted around the pipe to provide uniform support to the bottom quadrant. If, in the excavation of the trench, the excavation has been made deeper than necessary, bedding material as specified above shall be used to fill the trench to the required grade. Backfilling: After the pipe is laid the Contractor shall immed- iately re-fill the trench, except that in trenches for pipe requiring pressure testing, pipe joints shall remain exposed until completion of pressure testing. Backfill around the sides to the top of the pipe shall be carefully deposited and thoroughly compacted by hand tamping in 6 -inch layers (loose measure). Backfill shall then be carefully placed to a level of 12 inches over the top of pipe. Only selected material which is free of large stones, clods, roots, etc., shall be used for this purpose. After the pipe has been covered as described above, the remaining depth of the trench shall be back - filled and compacted using excavated material unless such material is determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable. Unsuitable excavated material shall be removed from the area by the Contractor and dis- posed of as stated under EXCAVATION, and shall be replaced with suitable backfill material. No additional compensation will be allow- ed for such removal and replacement of unsuitable material. All backfill material shall be deposited in the trench in a manner such as not to damage the pipe or disturb its grade or alignment. The surface of the backfill shall be left smooth, sufficiently crowned to allow for settlement. Any trenches in which settlement occurs during the period of con- struction and within one year of the date of acceptance of the project shall be brought back up to the surrounding grade, and the surfaces restored as required under the appropriate sections of this specification. Special Backfill: Wherever the excavation is in streets, parking areas, driveways, or other paved areas, the trench shall be back - filled from the bottom to within 12 inches of the surface with gravel, crushed stone, or other approved granular backfill material, jetted for compaction. All surplus excavated material shall be removed from the area and disposed of by the Contractor, as stated under EXCAVA- TION. Subdivision Specifications Page 30. The top 12 inches of the trenches in streets, parking areas, drive- ways, or other paved areas shall be filled with approved road gravel or crushed stone as a temporary pavement, and shall be maintained level with adjoining pavement surfaces until the original type of pavement (or equal) is replaced. Removal of Existing Pavement Surfaces: The Contractor shall remove an lspose or all existing pavement surface materials as necessary to complete the pipeline trench construction. All existing Portland Cement concrete street and driveway pavements, including surfaces, bases and stabilized sub - bases, curbs and gutters, and sidewalks shall be removed to a width of not less than one foot on undisturbed ground on each side of the trench excavation. A saw cut to a minimum depth of 12 inches shall be made with a concrete sawing machine to provide a straight line joint between the existing pavement, curb and gutter or sidewalk which will remain and the portion to be removed and replaced. All debris from this work shall be removed from the area and disposed of as stated under EXCAVATION. No pieces of broken pavement, curb and gutter or sidewalk shall be deposited and buried in the backfilling of the trench excavation. Replacement of Pavement Surfaces: The Contractor shall reconstruct all street and-driveway pavements including surfaces, bases and stabilized sub - bases, curbs, and gutters, and sidewalks as required for the complete replacement of existing pavement surfaces which were removed for pipeline trench construction or which were damaged or destroyed by the Contractor's operations outside of the limits of the trench excavation. This work shall not be started until the trenches have been properly backfilled and thoroughly compacted as stated under SPECIAL BACKFILL, and all manholes, valve vaults, inlets, service boxes and other similar structures and appurtenances have been set to the established ground surface grade. The work shall be constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of and the most recent amendments to the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction ", adopted August 1, 19689 by the State of Illinois, Division of Highways. Where the original surface was gravel, crushed stone, or cinder materials, the temporary pavement as required under SPECIAL BACKFILL shall be reshaped to proper grade and condition equal to or better than the original surface in accordance with Section 307 of the State Specifications. Replacement of all other pavement surfaces shall be in accordance, with the following paragraphs. Grade, cross - section and thickness shall match the existing adjoining pavement, except that thickness shall not be less than specified hereinafter. The temporary gravel pavement as required under SPECIAL BACKFILL shall be prepared as a base or sub -base for the new pavement in accordance with Section 307 of the State Specifications. Brick pavements shall be replaced with a minimum of 6 inches of Portland Cement concrete surface pavement. Subdivision Specifications Page 31. Portland Cement concrete base or surface pavement shall be re- placed with a minimum of 6 inches of Portland Cement concrete. The concrete pavement shall have steel reinforcing bars equal in size and spacing to the reinforcement of the original pavement; the minimum size steel reinforcing shall be 6 -inch by 6 -inch #6 welded wire fabric. This work shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 304 or 408 of the State Specifications inso- far as they apply. Bituminous aggregate mixture base or surface pavement shall be replaced with a minimum thickness of 6 inches of bituminous aggregate mixture and shall be constructed in accordance with State Special Specification Form LR -311. High -type bituminous surface pavement shall be replaced with a minimum thickness of 3 inches of Class 1 bituminous concrete consist- ing of a 12 inch binder course and a 12 inch surface course, con- structed in accordance with the requirements of Section 406 of the State Specifications. Low -type bituminous surface pavement (consisting of applications of asphalt '_and aggregate) shall be replaced with a minimum thickness of 2 inches of Class B bituminous concrete constructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 405 of the State Specifications, or with a Class A -3 Bituminous Surface Treatment constructed in accord- ance with the requirements of Section 403 of the State Specifications. Portland Cement concrete curbs and gutters shall be constructed to match the original type, thickness, grade and cross - section, and shall have a prepared sub -base of not less than 4 inches of compacted sand or fine gravel. This work shall be completed in accordance with the requirements of Section 616 of the State Specifications. Portland Cement concrete sidewalks and crosswalks shall have a minimum thickness of 4 inches and shall be constructed on a prepared sub -base of not less than 2 inches of compacted sand or fine gravel if required by the Engineer. This work shall be completed in accord- ance with the requirements of Section 624 of the State Specifications. Restoration of Lawns and Parkwa s: The Contractor shall restore all existing—grass lawns and par ay areas which are removed or damaged during the construction work. Areas to be reseeded shall be provided with a prepared topsoil of not less than 4 inches of black dirt raked smooth and level without any stones or debris. Prior to seeding, standard commercial grade fertilizer shall be applied and raked uniformly into the topsoil at a rate of 10 pounds per 1000 square feet. Grass seed shall be planted only during the months of March through May and August through October. Grass seed mixtures shall be proportioned by weight and consist of 60 percent Kentucky Bluegrass, 25 percent Perennial tyegrass, 10 percent Redtop or Creeping Red Fescue, and 5 percent White Dutch Clover. Seeding shall be applied at a uniform rate of not less than 20 pounds per 1000 sq. feet. Areas which require protection from erosion shall be mulched with straw or burlap, or may be sodded at the Contractor's option. The Contractor shall provide subsequent reseeding until a satisfac- tory growth of grass is produced. Subdivision Specifications Page 32. Protection of Trees and Shrubs: Every effort shall be made by the Con rac or when working near rees and shrubs to preserve same from harm. No trees or shrubs shall be removed unless so indicated on the plans or as authorized in the field by the Engineer. The Con- tractor shall be responsible for.damage to or loss of any tree or shrub not specifically designated to be removed. Wherever trees which are not permitted to be removed interfere with normal excavation procedures, the following shall govern. No machine excavation shall.be made within a distance of three trunk diameters or 12 inches (whichever is greater) of any tree, and no roots over two inches in diameter shall be cut unless, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is impossible to complete the work without cut- ting. Excavation closer than three trunk diameters or 12 inches (whichever is greater) from any tree shall be made by hand, and the tree shall be tunneled where necessary as determined by the Engineer. Damage to tree limbs shall be held to a minimum. Shrubs and tree limbs shall be tied back whever necessary to prevent their loss or damage. Wherever damage by construction equipment to limbs and branches is unavoidable, they shall be pruned before starting work and sealed in accordance with best forestry practice. Wherever necessary, the Contractor shall wired in place to protect tree trunks from machinery, tractors or trucks. Protective as soon as practical after the work in the pleted. In removing spoil banks from arow be required as necessary to prevent damage construction machinery. provide plank wrappers being damaged by trench planking shall be removed vicinity has been com- Zd trees, hand work will to the trunks by Small trees (less than 4 inches in diameter) and shrubs which are removed or severely damaged during construction shall be replaced in kind and size by the Contractor. Trees larger than 1 inch in diameter shall be furnished balled and burlapped. The Contractor shall have the option of removing and replanting existing small trees and shrubs in the construction zone in lieu of replacement with new stock. All plantings shall be thoroughly watered at the time of planting and thereafter as required. All trees and shrubs planted or replanted by the Contractor which do not survive in good condition for a period of 18 months after the time of planting, shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor. Damages at the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) per inch of trunk diameter shall be charged against the Contractor for unauthorized removal or destruction of any tree 4 inches in diameter or larger. No penalty will apply for removal of trees where removal is indicated on the plans or authorized by the Engineer. Basis of Payment (Special Backfill and Surface Restoration): When the work is being done on a lump sum basis, the cost of all special backfill and surface restoration work as required by the foregoing specifications shall be included in the Contractor's lump sum bid, and no separate payment will be allowed for these items. Subdivision Specifications Page 33. When the work is being done on a unit price basis (either under a unit price bid or as additions or deductions to a lump sum bid) the quantities for payment for special backfill and surface restoration shall be determined in accordance with the following methods of measurement unless otherwise stated in the Proposal. Special backfill quantities shall be computed on the basis of the cross - sectional area of the trench from invert to ground surface, less the cross - sectional area of the pipe, but payment will not be allowed outside of backslopes of three inches per foot from the maximum trench width at the top of the pipe, as specified under EXCAVATION. Quantities for surface restoration shall be computed from the actual width at the top of the trench, up to a maximum width defined by backslopes of 3 inches per vertical foot from the maximum trench width at the top of the pipe, as specified under EXCAVATION, (plus 2 feet in the case of Portland Cement concrete street and driveway pavements, curbs and gutters, and sidewalks). No payment will be allowed for removal and replacement in excess of the above maximum width. Work in Highway Rights -of -Way: Attention is called to construction work in the rights -of -way of Township, County, State and Federal highways where required by the locations shown on the plans. All such construction work shall con- form in all respects with the requirements of the controlling authority. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to execute all necessary highway permit forms, provide and pay for any bond requirements, and to execute and comply with any required Traffic Control Authorization Requests. The Contractor shall also notify the highway authority involved of the proposed work schedule in highway rights -of -way. Restoration of Drainage: As soon as possible after backfilling; the trench, the contractor shall perform all ditching, grading and sh.a.p- ing necessary to restore the original drainage in the area of work. Culverts removed during the course of the work shall be reinstalled as soon as practicable. Culverts damaged by the Contractor shall be repaired to a condition equal to the original pipe or be replaced with new culvert pipe of the same size, length and material. Lines and Grades: The Engineer will provide the Contractor with initial ine and grade as stated under SURVEYS on page 1 -3 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to transfer the line and grade to the bottom of the ditch. Three batter boards, a top line and grade pole shall be used for this purpose. No other method of transfer shall be used unless approved by the Engineer in writing. The Contractor must test the pitch or grade of the top line and will be held responsible for the correct flow in sewers. An accurate line level shall be used to test the downward grade of the pipe in the direction of flow. No claim for extra work will be allowed for alleged inaccuracy of grade and /or line stakes. Subdivision Specifications Page 34. 9.209 Water Mains.) Water mains of not less than six inches shall be provided along the frontage of all lots in such a manner as to adequately serve all lots and tracts with a connection to the Village water system. Fire hydrants of the Traverse City or equal type with auxiliary valves will be provided in accordance with recommendations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and at all dead ends, but in no case shall the spacing of said fire hydrants be greater than 400 feet. Right hand closing valves shall be provided in such locations as to allow the shutting down of not more than 1000 lineal feet of pipe. Valve vaults will be provided for all valves except fire hydrant auxiliary valves and will be of the type specified in the State of Illinois Standard 1526 R. Type "A ". Further provided that the installation and material for the construction of Water Mains shall comply with the following: Work Re uired: Water mains including fittings, hydrants, valves, vaTv—evauits or boxes, services and other appurtenances, and includ- ing connections to other mains, all as shown by the plans, shall be constructed, disinfected and tested under this section. All excavation,-backfilling, restoration of surfaces, and all related work shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of PIPELINE TRENCH CONSTRUCTION. Ductile Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings: Ductile cast iron pipe shall meet the requirements of ANSI Stand- ard A21.51 (latest revision) for ductile cast iron pipe. Ductile cast iron pipe shall be Thickness Class 1 for pipe sizes 14 -inch through 24 -inch and Thickness Class 2 for all other sizes unless otherwise designated on the plans. All cast iron pipe shall be cement lined in accordance with requirements of ANSI Standard A21.4 (latest revision) for Cement - Mortar Lining. Fittings shall meet the requirements of ANSI Standard A21.10 (latest revision) for Cast Iron Fittings. Push -type joints shall meet the requirements of ANSI Standard A21.11 (latest revision) for Rubber Gasket Joints and shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedure. Anchorage: Fittings and all other parts of the water main system sha. e adequately anchored to resist all thrust forces which may develop. In general, thrust forces will be resisted by poured con- crete backing placed between the fitting or pipe and suitable . undisturbed earth. Where conditions prevent the use of backing, tie - rods of an approved type shall be used. Backing and ties shall be placed in a manner such as to permit access to all joints. Water Services: The Contractor shall provide and install corpora- tion stops, curb stops, curb boxes and water service lines at loca- tions determined by the Engineer at the time of construction. Water service lines shall terminate at the property line as shown on the Subdivision Specifications Page 35. plans, and shall be laid at a depth of five feet below grade unless otherwise indicated on the plans. Service lines shall be Type "K" soft temper seamless copper tubing conforming to U.S.Government Specification WWT -799. Size of service lines shall be as shown on the plans or stated in the proposal. Service lines beneath concrete or bituminous pavement surfaces shall be installed by augering or jetting, as open cutting of pavement surfaces will not be permitted. Corporation stops shall be equal to Mueller Company, H -15010 with gasket and eighth bend coupling, unless otherwise indicated on the plans. Curb stops shall be equal to Mueller Company, H -15150 (Minn- eapolis pattern) with H -10300 extension type curb box, unless otherwise indicated on the plans. Sewer Crossings: Whenever water mains must cross house sewers, storm d rains or sanitary sewers, the water main shall be laid at an elevation such that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 in. above the top of the drain or sewer wherever possible. This vertical separation shall be maintained for that portion of the water main located within ten feet horizontally of any sewer or drain crossed, said ten feet to be measured as the normal distance from the water main to the drain or sewer. Where conditions exist that prevent this minimum vertical separa- tion from being maintained, or where it is necessary for the water main to pass under a sewer or drain, it will be necessary to center a length of water main pipe on the sewer to be crossed so that the joints will be equidistant from the sewer and as remote therefrom as possible. Where a water main must cross under a sewer, a vertical separation of at least 18 inches between the bottom of the sewer and the top of the water main shall be maintained, along with adequate means to support the sewer lines to prevent their settling and breaking. Valves, Vaults and Boxes: Gate valves shall be iron body, double disc, bronze mounted valves and shall meet the requirements of AWWA Standard C500 (latest revision) for Gate Valves. Gate valves shall have non - rising stems with 0 -ring stuffing box. Gate valves 14 in. or larger in size shall be furnished with a by -pass gate valve and necessary fittings. By -pass valve shall be sized in accordance with AWWA recommendations. Valves in the ground shall be installed in valve vaults or shall - be provided with valve boxes as required by the plans. Valve boxes shall have bases sized for the valves with which they will be mated", and shall have sections extending to the level of the finished grade. Box covers shall have the word "water" cast in the upper surface. Valve vaults shall be constructed in accordance with the Valve Vault Detail. Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants shall match in all respects the by ran s generally installed in the Owner's water system and con- sidered standard by the Owner. Each hydrant shall be an approved Subdivision Specifications Page 36. manufacture and shall have at least a 54 inch main valve opening,two 2J inch hose nozzles and a 42 inch pumper nozzle and shall be of break flange construction unless otherwise shown on the plans. All nozzle threads shall be National Standard unless otherwise required. Each hydrant shall be furnished and installed with a 6 inch connecting pipe and a 6 inch auxiliary gate valve. Hydrant and valve joints shall be of the same type used for the water main to which they are connected. Auxiliary valves shall be furnished with valve boxes and covers. Box covers shall have the word "water" cast in the upper surface. All hydrants shall be fitted with 0 -ring packing and a National Standard operating nut. Each hydrant shall be set vertically on a concrete block having sufficient area and thickness to support it. The bottom casting of the hydrant shall be securely blocked with dry masonry and the barrel shall be braced in a manner such as to hold it plumb. The Contractor shall place at least 1/4 yard of washed, crushed stone or gravel in an excavation around the bottom of the hydrant to provide space_ for drainage. When backfilling, the earth shall be well tamped in 6 in. layers around the barrel of the hydrant and the valve box. Care shall be taken to ascertain that both the hydrant and the valve box remain plumb and undisturbed. The hydrant shall be set so that the lowest hose connection is not less than 18 inches nor more than 24 inches above finished grade. Testing: All water main pipe, fittings, joints, valves and hyd- ran s s all be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 125 p.s.i.g. after installation but before the joints have been covered. That: portion of the water main to be tested shall be filled with water, all air shall be expelled and the above test pressure shall be applied by use of a pump connected to a tap in the pipe. The above pressure shall hold without loss and without further application of pressure for a period of at least 10 minutes. In the event of loss of pressure the Contractor shall locate all leaks and do all of the work necessary to stop them. After the test at the pressure of 125 p.s.i.g. has been completed and the given conditions have been met the water main shall be tested at the Owner's pressure for 24 hours and the maximum allowable leak- age as determined by meter shall be 20 gallons per mile of water main per inch of pipe diameter per 24 hours. The water main will not be accepted until-the leakage is less than the allowable stated above. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to furnish all material and labor to complete the testing. The Contractor shall satisfy him- self that the tests can be successfully completed prior to requesting the Engineer's presence for the official tests. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of time that official tests will be made. Depending on traffic conditions, public hazard, or other reasons, the Engineer may direct when tests of completed sections of mains shall be made, and may order such tests to be made in relatively short sections. Subdivision Specifications Page 37. Disinfection: After the new work has been completed, pressure tested an ound to be satisfactory, the Contractor shall furnish the equipment and the materials necessary to properly disinfect the sys- tem in accordance with the applicable portion of the most recent "Procedure for Disinfecting Watermains" as approved by the American Water Works Association. This "Procedure" generally provides that the disinfecting solution contain not less than 50 parts per millions of available chlorine and that it shall remain on contact with the new work for a period of not less than 24 hours and that after the solution has been retained for the required length of time, the chlorine residual at the extremities of the new work and at other representative points shall be not less than 25 parts per million. The "Procedure" also provides for the method of applying the disinfecting agent, flushing, testing, etc. After the system has been disinfected and then flushed so as to be free of chlorine, the Contractor using proper sampling bottles, shall collect water samples from the new system. These samples shall be shipped to a State approved laboratory for bacteriological analysis. In Illinois satisfactory samples must be obtained on two consecutive days. The Owner will not accept the new work until notification has been received from the laboratory that the samples examined showed that the water from the new work was at least equal in bacteriological quality to that of the water served the public from the existing water supply system if the new work is in connection with an existing system, or in the case of a new system, that the new work was free of contamination at the time the samples were collected. 9.210 Sanitary Sewers.) Sanitary sewers of not less than 8 inches in diameter and minimum four foot lengths shall be provided along the frontage of all lots in such a manner as to adequately serve all lots and tracts with a connection to the system. Sanitary sewers are to be designed on the basis of a flow of 1100 gallons per day per lot served and an infiltration of ten gallons per day per foot. In no case should infiltration exceed 500 gallons per day per mile of sewer per inch of diameter. The sewers will be designed in such E. way as to insure a minimum velocity of flow of two feet per second and a maximum velocity of flow of eight feet per second. Pipe wi 11 be laid with the bell end upstream and will be provided with Poly- vinyl chloride type No. 1 or flexible Polyester resin joints type No. 3. Supporting strengths of clay pipe shall be those shown in the Clay Pipe Engineering Manual and shall not be exceeded. Man- holes will be provided at all changes in direction or pipe size and in no case farther than 300 feet apart. Manholes will be of the type specified in the State of Illinois Standard 1527 -S, Type "A": Drop manholes will be required where invert elevations differ by more than two feet, six inches and will be of the type "D" Village of Deerfield Standards. Sanitary sewers will be located in the parkway, on the south or east side of the street. Materials and construction methods shall meet the specifications of the following: Subdivision Specifications Page 38.; SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION Work required: Sanitary sewers, ces as shown on the plans shall be section. Excavation, backfilling, related work shall be completed in PIPELINE TIIENCH CONSTRUCTION. including manholes and appurtenan" constructed and tested under this restoration of surfaces, and all accordance with the provisions of Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe: Vitrified clay sewer pipe, fittings and specials shall meet the requirements of ASTM Designation C200 (latest revision) for Extra Strength Clay Pipe. Joints: Joints for vitrified clay sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation C425 (latest revision) for Compress- ion Joints for Vitrified Clay Bell and Spigot Pipe Using Materials Having Resilient Properties. The Manufacturer's recommended installation and jointing procedures shall be strictly adhered to. Care shall be exercised to prevent damage to the ends of the pipe and the joints during handling and placing. All jointing surfaces shall be carefully cleaned before joints are made, and care shall be taken to insure proper positioning and full seating of the joint. A jack or winch will be required to properly bring the pipes together if necessary in the judgment of the Engineer. Sewers installed in a sand box shall be held in place by a winch or other suitable method approved by the Engineer, to prevent displacement resulting from pulling of the box. Manholes: Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, manholes shall be cons ructed of Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections meet- ing the requirements of ASTM Designation C478 (latest revision). Sections shall be joined using either flexible watertight rubber gaskets or preformed bituminous plastic gaskets as specified under JOINTS. Precast tops shall be concentric cone unless otherwise indi- cated. Flat slab tops will be permitted only for manholes whose depth is insufficient to allow cone sections to be used. Not more than eight inches of grade ring will be permitted unless more is specifically called for on the plans or by the Engineer in the field. Precast manhole bottoms shall be carefully bedded on a 2 inch compact- ed sand cushion. Spaces around and under all pipes entering at the bottom of manholes shall be filled with concrete from the outside. Manhole frames and solid covers shall be of the type shown on the manhole detail. All frames and covers shall be furnished with machined contact surfaces. Bolted and gasketed covers shall be pro- vided where specifically designated. Manholes over 3 feet deep shall be provided with cast iron steps in accordance with the manhole detail. Manhole Inverts: All sewer pipe shall be laid through manholes so as to provi Uea smooth and uniform invert. The contractor may provide pre - manufactured inverts or cut the top half out of the pipe after installation. All cutting on the job Subdivision Specifications Page 39. shall be done with a power driven saw. Sawing of pipe shall be done prior to completing the manhole to afford proper ventilation for the workmen. Where wye or tee connections are required in a manhole, the con- tractor shall provide fittings or butt -joint to the through pipe. If a butt joint is utilized, the spigot end of the lateral pipe shall be saw cut at an angle to provide a close proximity of inverts being joined. After the invert of the manhole is poured, the wall of the main sewer shall be broken out by hand methods to fit the opening of the lateral sewer and form a smooth transition. At manholes where the main sewer turns, the contractor shall pro- vide long radius bends or elbows as required to carry the sewer through the manhole. The contractor may provide pre -cut or job -cut sections as outlined above. Building Service Connections: The Contractor shall provide and ins =a 6 Inch branch fittings, riser pipes, and building service lines to the property line. Building service lines shall terminate at a distance from the sewer as indicated on the plans, and at an invert elevation of not less than 22 feet below the basement floor level of the building to be served, unless otherwise directed. Building service connections shall conform in materials and workman- ship with the specifications for the other sewers in this project, and with the Building Service Detail. The Contractor shall keep a record on forms available from the Engineer of all branch fittings, riser pipes and building service lines by measurement to the nearest downstream manhole. Such records shall be delivered to the Engineer on completion of the work. The end of each service line shall be marked by one of the following two procedures. Where curbs or sidewalks are available, the Contractor shall notch the top of curb or back side of the walk directly oppo- site the end of the sewer service. Where curbs or walks are not available he shall furnish and place an 18 inch long hardwood stake flush with the ground surface, on the property line directly opposite the end of the service line. The Contractor shall include in his total bid price the cost of providing the number of branch fittings and the footage of riser pipe and service lines shown on the plans. The length of riser pipe shall be taken as the vertical distance from the centerline of the sewer at the branch fitting to the termination of the riser pipe. The length of a service line shall be taken as the horizontal distance from the centerline of the sewer at the branch fitting to the termination of the service line. TV Inspection of All New Sewers Required: The Village Engineer of the Village of Deerfield is directed, prior to final approval of any newly installed sewer system and /or reconstructed sewer, to require that any and all contractors cause to be made an inspection, under the Village Engineer's supervision and direction, by closed- circuit television of the entire sewer system Subdivision Specifications Page 40. installed, showing thereby that the sewer system has been constructed in accordance with the Municipal Code and accepted sound engineering basis and that the sewer system is free of any and all accumulations of foreign substance and nature and that the passage and flow of sewage and storm water is free and clear, and that there are no structural defects. If, in the discretion of the Village Engineer, the sewers are large enough for a visual inspection to be made, in lieu of an inspection by closed- circuit television, such a visual inspection shall be made and a report of such inspection submitted to the Village. Upon completion of such inspection and upon receipt of a written report of such inspection, together with such photographs as may have been taken, and, if satisfied that such sewer is free and clear of all foreign substance, and free of any engineering defects, the Village Engineer is authorized to approve same as a final inspection, placing in safekeeping all inspection records and photographs for future reference by the Village. The cost of such television inspection and /or inspection reports shall be entirely paid for by the Contractor or developer of such land and /or sewer system, and said inspection report, together with such photographs as may have been taken, shall remain the property of the Village. 9.211 Storm Sewers.) Storm sewers of not less than 10 inches diameter shall be provided along the frontage of all lots in such a manner as to adequately serve all lots or tracts with a connection to the system. Storm flows are to be computed on the basis of one of the following formulae: 1. Q - Air, where Q is total quantity of flow in cubic feet per second A is the area to be drained, in acres I is the coefficient of runoff, and R is the rate of rainfall, assumed 2 -3/4 in. per hour. 2. Q - MRc 4 IS/M, where Q is total quantity of flow in cubic feet per second M is the drainage area in acres R is the rate of rainfall, assumed 2 -3/4 in. per hour C is the coefficient of runoff S is the slope of the ground in feet per 1000 feet- The coefficients, unless varied by the Village Engineer, shall be I equals 0.40 and C equals 0.30. The sewers will be designed in such a way as to insure a minimum velocity of flow of 3 feet per second and a maximum velocity of flow of 10 feet per second. Storm sewers shall be constructed in accordance with and the materials used shall be in compliance with the methods and materials required in Section. 68, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, pub- lished by the Division of Highways, State of Illinois. Manholes will be provided at all changes in directions or pipe size and in no case further than 300 feet apart and will be of the type specified in the State of Illinois Standard 1527 -S, Type "A ". Drop manholes will be t Subdivision Specifications required where invert elevations differ inches and will be of the type specified field Standards. Inlets will be located apart and will be of the type specified Standard 1683 -R, Type "A ". Storm sewers parkway opposite the sanitary sewer. Page 41. by more than two feet six Type "D ", Village of Deer - not more than 500 feet in the State of Illinois will be located in the Rear Yard Drains. A drainage system shall be provided along the rear lot line of all lots in such manner as to adequately serve all lots or tracts and the rear areas of lots other than roof'areas, shall be drained thereto, provided that such drainage system shall include as a minimum storm water inlets located at least every 300 feet along said rear lot lines, which inlets shall be drained by pipe connected to the storm sewer required herein to be provided along the frontage of all lots. Also prior to final acceptance of said improvements, the sub- divider shall make or cause to be made a grading survey of each lot setting forth thereon the actual grades (U.S.G.S.), and said survey shall further contain the certification of a Registered Professional Engineer or a Registered Land Surveyor that the actual grades of the lot are in accordance with the grading plans theretofore filed and approved by the Village Engineer. The subdivider shall submit two copies of said grading survey, one of which shall be attached to the certificate of occupancy issued to the owner or purchaser of any structure erected on any of said lots. HEADWALLS. Headwalls where required shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications established from time to time by the Board of Trustees, and on file in the Village Hall. 9 -212 Storm Sewer Construction). The General Conditions are part of this specification and the Contractor is to consult them for instructions pertaining to the work under this heading. Work Required: Storm sewers, including manholes and appurtenances as sFown on the plans shall be constructed under this section. Ex- cavation, backfilling, restoration of surfaces, and all related work shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of PIPELINE TRENCH CONSTRUCTION. Reinforced Concrete Pipes Reinforced concrete pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM Designation C76 (latest revision) for Rein- forced Concrete Culvert, Storm,DPain, and Sewer Pipe. Pipe shall be Class III pipe: unless otherwise designated on the plans. Fitt- ings and specials shall match the adjoining pipe in all respects. Elliptical Concrete*Pi es Elliptical concrete pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM Designation C507 (latest revision) for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. Pipe shall be Class HE -III horizontal elliptical pipe unless other- wise designated on the plans. Fittings and specials shall match the adjoining pipe in all respects. Extra strength clay pipe ASTM c200 as revised and C261 as revised. _1 1 Subdivision Specifications Page 42. Joints: Joints for concrete sewer pipe and reinforced concrete pipe storm sewers shall be constructed in accordance with one of the following. The Contractor shall select the type of joint to be used. Rubber Gasket Joints shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Designation C443-7a-test revision) for Joints for Circular Con- crete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Flexible Watertight Rubber Gaskets. Preformed Bituminous Plastic Gasket Joints shall consist of a homogeneous blend of refined hydrocarbon resins and plasticizing compounds reinforced with inert mineral filler, equal to RAM-NEK as manufactured by K. T. Snyder Company, Inc., olf Houston, Texas. Bituminous Mastic and Oakum Joints shall be of the cold- applied type, consisting of oa an a omogeneous blend of bitumen, inert filler and suitable solvent of such consistency that it can be applied to the joints with a trowel when the air tempera- ture is between 20 degrees F. and 100 degrees F. The manufacturer's recommended installation and jointing pro- cedures shall be strictly adhered to. Care shall be exercised to prevent damage to the ends of the pipe and the joints during handling and placing. All jointing surfaces shall be carefully cleaned before joints are made, and care shall be taken to insure proper positioning and full seating of the joint. A jack or winch will be required to properly bring the pipes together if necessary in the judgment of the Engineer. Manholes Catch Basins and Inlets: Unless otherwise indicated on7the plans, manholesp ca c asi.ns and inlets shall be construct- ed of Precast reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections meeting the requirements of ASTM Designation C478 (latest revision). Sections shall be joined using either flexible watertight rubber gaskets or preformed bituminous plastic gaskets as specified under JOINTS. Precast tops shall be concentric cone unless otherwise indicated. Flat slab tops will be permitted only for structures whose depth is insufficient to allow cone sections to be used. Not more than eight inches of grade ring will be permitted unless more is spe- cifically called for on the plans or by the Engineer in the field. Precast bottoms shall be carefully bedded on a 2 -inch compacted sand cushion. Spaces around and under all pipes entering at the bottom of structures shall be filled with concrete from the out- side. Frames and covers shall be of the types shown on the plans. All circular frames and covers.shall be furnished with machined contact surfaces. Manholes and catch basins over 3 feet deep shall be provided with cast iron steps. 9 -213 Variance in standards.) Where strict compliance with the foregoing standards would cause unnecessary hardship if strict- ly adhered to, or where because of topographical or other condi- tions peculiar to the site or surrounding conditions would cause such hardship, the Board of Trustees may authorize a departure from the foregoing standards. Any variation so approved shall be stated in writing. Subdivision Specifications Page 43 Where the property on both sides of any street is zoned for a minimum size of twenty thousand square feet or more for single family residence purposes for each lot or site, the street shall be con- structed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the President and Board of Trustees, even though these differ from the foregoing requirements. 9 -214 Procedure for approval of public improvements). The steps and procedures hereinafter set forth are hereby adopted as the procedures to be followed for the approval of a public improve- ment. Tentative Plat and Plan. At the time that the tentative plat of subdivision is submitted, the subdivider will also submit a tenta- tive plan of public improvements in two copies drawn on 24 inch by 36 inch paper or cloth and including at least the following: (1) Plat of Survey showing areas considered, (2) plat showing existing features, (3) a general subdivision layout, and (4) a general improvements layout. The village engineer shall review these preliminary plans and submit them along with his recommenda- tions of the plan commission and village engineer, approve or dis- approve the tentative plat of public improvements. One copy will be returned to the subdivider and one copy retained for the village files. 2. Final Plans: Within six months of the approval of the tenta- tive plan of public improvements, the subdivider may submit final plans for the public improvements in duplicate. These plans will be prepared on 24 inch by 36 inch paper or cloth and shall contain at least the following information in the following order: 1. A Title Page, the form for which is to be furnished by the village. 2. A plat of subdivision. 3. General layout drawings of the proposed streets. 4. General layout drawings of the proposed water system. 5• General layout drawings of the proposed sanitary sewers. 6. General layout drawings of the proposed storm sewers. 7. Plans and profiles of streets and sewers, scale not less than one inch equals fifty feet. 8. Details of streets, structures, etc. The village engineer shall review these final plans and submit them along with his recommendations to the village board for approv- al or disapproval. After approval, the village board shall return both copies of the plan of public improvements to the village engin- eer who will file one copy in the village files and return the other copy to the subdivider for his information. 3. "As Built" Plans: After completion of all public improvements and prior to final acceptance of said improvements, the subdivider shall make or cause to be made a map showing the actual location of all valves, manholes, stubs, sewer and water mains, and such other facilities as the village engineer shall require. This map shall be in black ink on tracing cloth and shall bear the signature and seal of a Registered Professional Engineer or a Registered band Surveyor. The presentation of this map shall be a condition of final acceptance. i f Subdivision Specifications Page 44. 9.215 FEES 1. Reviewing Fees The following fees will be charged. At the time that the final plans are submitted to the village for approval, a fee amounting to three percent of the estimated value of the im- provements will be paid by the subdivider to cover the costs of checking and review. 2. Acreage Fees. At the time of the approval and before the beginning of construction of improvements, acreage fees amounting to fifty dollars per acre, or portion thereof, for water and fifty dollars per acre, or portion thereof, for storm sewer and fifty dollars, or portion thereof, for sanitary sewer will be paid by the subdivider to cover the costs of additions and enlargements to the existing systems of the village necessitated by the new subdivision. The fee paid for filing the subdivision may be credited against this fee. 3. Inspection Fees. During the course of construction at such times as the village manager deems necessary, the subdivider will pay the actual cost of inspection up to and including the date of billing. This fee shall be determined as to the actual cost to the village of inspectors, engineers, and other necessary parties to insure satisfactory work; and the cost shall be based upon a reasonable charge for the services rendered, to be determined by agreement between the developer and the village. SECTION That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in TWO: conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish THREE: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: SIX (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this 6th day of July A.D. 1971. APPROVED this 6th day of July A. D. 1971. VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: 70 VILLAGE CLERK i SECTION That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in TWO: conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to publish THREE: this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. AYES: SIX (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: NONE (0) PASSED this 6th day of July A.D. 1971. APPROVED this 6th day of July A. D. 1971. VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: 70 VILLAGE CLERK