O-70-14ORDINANCE NO. 0 -70- 14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE:PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That Article II of Chapter 18 of the Municipal ONE: Code of the Village of Deerfield of 1963, as amended, be and the same is further amended by deleting said article in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "ARTICLE II - GARBAGE AND REFUSE 18.201 Definitions.) The following terms , as used in this Article, shall be construed as indicated below: A. Garbage shall mean all animal and vegetable waste and all putrescible matter. B. Refuse shall mean all combustible trash, including but not limited to paper, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood, excelsior, tree branches, roots, stumps and brush, suitable for deposit in a container as hereinafter specified; and non - combustible trash, including but not limited to metals, tin cans, glass, bottles, crockery, shoes, articles of clothing, ashes, cinders and other mineral and similar waste products suitable for deposit in a refuse container. Refuse shall not include combustible and non - combustible trash unsuitable for deposit in a refuse container as hereinafter specified and garden waste as hereinafter specified. C. Garden waste shall mean all leaves, yard trimmings, grass, dirt, sod and tree or flower stalks and similar materials suitable for deposit in garden waste containers as hereinafter specified. D. Miscellaneous waste shall mean all waste materials of a size which render them unsuitable for deposit in a refuse or garden waste container as hereinafter specified, including but not limited to furniture, concrete, lumber, bricks. "18.202 Residential Waste.) It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of every residence and dwelling unit in the Village to provide, and at all times, to maintain in good order and repair, a container for garbage and refuse and to provide separate containers for garden waste. Only garbage and refuse shall be deposited in the containers provided for the same and only garden waste shall be deposited in the containers provided for such waste. "18.203 Residential Container Specifications.) The containers for garbage and refuse, as required in Section 18.202, shall be of a durable metal or plastic material, shall be watertight, and shall be equipped with .a tight- fitting cover and with handles suitable for lifting by one man. No such container shall have a capacity of less than ten gallons nor more than thirty -two gallons. The containers for garden waste shall consist of disposable paper or plastic bags of one or two layers thickness but having a minimum wet strength of 100 pounds. Only containers complying with these specifications for garbage and refuse and for garden waste respec- tively may be utilized. "18.204 Residential Container Location.) All containers for garbage and refuse shall be kept in the rear of residential premises or in the garage where such garage is located at the front of a residence; all garden waste containers shall be securely closed and placed for collection in the parkway adjacent to the curb not earlier than sundown of the day preceding the day scheduled-.for garden waste collection from such residence. All miscellaneous waste as herein defined shall be placed for collection adjacent to the garbage and ''`refuse containers in neat and orderly bundles or stacks and shall be so placed, wrapped or secured in such a manner as not to be blown or scattered by the wind. "18.205 Commercial and Industrial Waste.) It shall be the duty of the owner, operator or manager of every commercial or industrial establishment in the Village to provide suitable con- tainers for the collection and deposit of garbage and refuse, and to set aside and provide a suitable area for the collection and deposit of garden and miscellaneous waste originating from such establish- ment and the placement of such garbage and refuse containers. Containers for garbage and refuse shall be watertight, equipped with tight- fitting covers and so designed as to prevent waste deposited therein from being blown or scattered about the premises. All areas set aside for collection and deposit of garden and miscellaneous waste shall be so located as not to be unsightly in appearance and offensive in odor and shall be so maintained as to prevent waste substances from scattering and becoming wind - blown. It shall be the further duty of such persons to provide for the collection and removal of such waste with such frequency as is necessary to avoid health hazards or unreasonable accumulations of waste materials. It-shall be the duty of every such person to provide for the collection and removal of all garbage, refuse, garden waste and miscellaneous waste originating from such reatdenz *6a-1 premises-by a duly licensed scavenger. 1118.206 No garbage, refuse, garden or miscellaneous waste nor any container therefor shall be located or deposited or disposed of except as provided in this Municipal Code. "18.207 Penalty.) Any person, firm or corporation. violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined.not to exceed five hundred dollars for each offense." SECTION That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to THREE: publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided bylaw. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0 ) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this 20th day of April.... A.D. 1970 APPROVED this 20th day of April A.D. 1970 V LLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK