O-70-18ORDINANCE NO. 0 -70 -18 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1970 -1971 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That effective May 1, 1970, and until ONE: April 30, 1971, the compensation of the officers and employees of the Village of Deerfield shall be as set forth in the Personnel Schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION That the Village Manager may employ persons to TWO: serve in any employment positions provided for in the attached Schedule, which, upon the effective date of this Ordinance are unfilled provided that the compen- sation of such new employees shall not exceed the amount provided for in said attached Schedule for the respective positions for which such persons are employed. In the event of the severance of employment of any-employee named in the attached Schedule during the effective period of this Ordinance, the Village Manager is-authorized to employ a replace- ment therefor, provided that such new employee shall not receive comp- ensation in a amount exceeding that provided for the replaced employee. From time to time during the effective'period of this Ordinance the Village Manager may employ such parttime employees, as may be necessary to properly conduct the affairs and operations of the Village, at hourly wage rates from $1.75 to $4.75, provided that in no event shall the total compensation of all employees of a designated department exceed the total amount appropriated in the annual Appropriation Ordinance to pay the compensation of employees of such department. SECTION All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict THREE: herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION That this Ordinance shall be in full force and FOUR: effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. AYES: FOUR (4) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE (1) PASSED this 4th day of May A.D. , 1970 APPROVED this 4th day of May A.D. , 1970 ATTEST: VILLAGE PRESIDENT VILLAGE CLERK PERSONNEL SCHED ULE GENERAL VILLAGE OFFICES Position Title Employee _197a-71 SalarZ Remarks Village Manager Norris W. Stilphen Assistant Manager- Planner Administrative Assistant Marjorie Emery Clerk Anne Smalley Receptionist- Secretary 'Patricia Haroski FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance Director A. M. Cleven Clerk- Accounting Machine Machine Operator Patricia Rogge Part Time and Overtime f $24,000.00 13,000-00 8,957-00 2$865.00 5,904.00 $14,400.00 6,075.00 100.00 15 ho ur week 1A Buildir;g 314 Gen era] POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Position Title Employee 1970 -71 Salary Chief of Police Vacancy $15,000.00 Lieutenant George Hall 15, 000.00 Lieutenant Thomas Rogge 15, 000.00 Lieutenant Robert Charles 15, 000.00 Sergeant Jeffrey McDermott 13,000-00 Sergeant Larry Tousignant 1.3, 000.00 Sergeant Robert Davenport 1.3, 000.00 Sergeant Donald Tiffany 13, 000.00 Patrolman Robert Hamilton 11, 800.00 Patrolman William Butler 11, 800.00 Patrolman Larry Kick 11P800.00 Patrolman Gordon Cooper 11, 800.00 Patrolman Royce Lacy 10, 692.00 Patrolman Thomas Hill 10, 692.00 Patrolman James Kinnee 10, 692.00 Patrolman Martin Quilty 10, 692.00 ti Patrolman William Dunn 10,104.00 Patrolman David Ebert 10,104.00 Patrolman James Roche 10,104.00 Patrolman David T urnbaugh 101#104.00 Patrolman John Bruce 9o504-00 Patrolman George Hoffman 9,504.00 Patrolman William Behnke 9,504.00 Patrolman Gary Stryker 9,,504-00 Patrolman Thomas Potter 9,504.00 Patrolman Vacancy 6,916.00 Communications Melvin Mullins 8,586.00 Communications Mabel Harraman 7,823.00 Communications Lois Kemp 7,441.00 Communications David Moon 7, o63, oo Secretary Gloria DeBartolo 7, 6.32.00 Temporary, Vacation, Crossing Guards 32, 000.00 Earned Education Benefits 2, 000.00 $341, 685. o0 (Effective May 1, 1970, no overtime will be paid to Commandin,c; OF!Ficerr, ) PERSONNEL SCHED ULE VILLAGE HALL Position Title Employee 1970-71 Salary Custodian Joseph Venturi $7, 6.32.00 i 110 i PERSONNEL SCH_ED ULE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Position Title Employee 19701 Sal Remarks Building Commissioner Charles J. Smalley Inspector Secretary- Recpt. Engineering Aid Plumbing Inspector 3 Jake Repholz Patricia Haroski Vacancy Vacancy 13,750-00 9,350.00 1,96s.00 3,000.00 --2,-Q00. 0C $31,o6s.00 1/4 Building 314 General PERSONNEL SCHED ULE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Position Title Employee 1270 -71 ;Salary Chief Operator Operator Trainee Trainee Supervisory Roland Charlier Joh Kaeding Joseph Roehr Vacancy Edm and Klasinski Overtime - All Personnel 11,064.00 8, 208.00 6,300.00 6,300-00 4,000.00 6jg08.00 37 780 00 , WATER DEPARTMENT N •----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -�! ---- Foreman Albert Bernardi 11, 2,56.00 Water Mechanic Maintenance Man Meter Reader SupL-rvisory Account Billing Draftsman Part Time and C Henry Englund 8, 772.00 Vacancy 7,200.00 Benjamin Bones 7,440.00 Edmund Klasinski 4,000.00 Bertha McGath 8, 208.00 Vacancy 3,000.00 avertime 000.00 49, 876.00 PERSONNEL SCHED ULE SEWER DEPART114ENT Position Title Em to ee 1970 -71 Salary Foreman Larry Alexander 9,156.00 Maintenance Man � Supervisory Account Billing Kenneth Swieton Edmund Klasinski Grace Clark Laborer -Truck Driver Jack Lund Laborer -Truck Driver Mace Rummell Laborer -Truck Driver William Kozanecki Part Time and Overtime Y + l� 7,440.00 4,000-00 7,632.00 7, 056, o0 t 6,000.00 �10 N , a2L00 48, 916.00 7,632.00 PERSONNEL SCHEU UEE STREET AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT Position Title Employee 1270- 11 Salary Public Works Director Edmund Klasinski 4,000.00 Mechanic Ronald Kozanecki 8,244.00 Assistant Mechanic George Turman 8,160.00 Foreman Charles Schier 10,126.00 Truck Driver Russell Redmond 8,904.00 Maintenance Man Vacancy _ 7,200.00 N _ � 46, 6.34.00 Part Time, Overtime, Summer Help 15,000.00 i